Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 6, 3 August - 7 August 1915, Part 8

First World War, 1914–18
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wat Inchashions by tr. Cnd. Corch e Commanding Column. Ref. Sheet KURIIA DEAE 720000. RESERSE COLE -Augast. 1915. 1. The Column consisting of the 4th Australian brigade, 29t Indian Bde, N Co. RE.) Baltery, Ind. Mt. Arty will march out by the Northern end of the A2+c defences on the evening of the the instent. 2. The Read of the Coluna will parr the starting point, Ne5 Supply. Depot at the foot of Resedve Givey, at P.M.. in the following order. H Australian Brignde Headquarters of the Columa 29. Ondian Brigade less 14 Sephs. Ne R.E. Bg Iade M Arty. 44 Sitchs. the objective of the coluara is the occupation point 205 (Square 93W) and ridges on both order the santes to be followed by the columanare as From Northern end of defences by the beach road as far as the ent of the A947L DeRE from the hills, there turning up the AGHyL Deac as far as its cooreer roak at fork at Spren 92450 and Rtes point to follow the branch leading from the EAST, for about 800 yeods until the long spur which meets the track at point 9221 is met tb At this point (9221) the 1/5 and 2/10 Curkha Rifles will leave the column, their instructions are given in para(d). (c) From point 9221 the main column will proceed by the spur in 9209 over the ASMA DERC and onto the ABD ELRAAMAN caik, which it will strike approxinately at point 93 06. It will assamble on the spur to attack pout 305 do me caluma consisting of y5 & 3/10GR under Lt Col. SOTTON will prceedup the long shur leading past CHACHIk Ponsa and KOAT KETAACDE to attack and occupy a polnt to be referred to in future as point A, which is about 600 yards S.W. of point 305. Special instructions have been issued to the commander of this column. Measurer for security of march. (as troops of other formations will be operating EASTNTAD from the present outposts and as far NRTH as the ent of the Agr7h AERE from the Killy so that i march point will be conducted behind their line.
93 In addition troops of the 13th Division wil be operating against the memg in the vicinity of the BAMARNCLIK BAIR and towards the RAINik DCRE so that the first part of the werch up the AGN/L Dele up to its EASTERN BRANCH will be protection b the portion that remains, viz ab one mile between the fork of the AGAYL DERC and the ABD EL RAAMAN BAiR. will remain to be prequetted by the leading battalion of the corung. (c) the best e for the prequets would apper to be rrall 9209, knoll in 92) 8 contain 100) and knoll on spur in 9325-8 10 obriate delay to the Columa while the above une, is being taken up the leading battalion, which l occu it, will as a preliminary measure hold the ridge Jou9275 to9205 and the next Ibattalion in the column will mave off the bottom of the savine in support of it. A) When the leading battalion moves off to occupy the piaguet line the supportung battation will occupy the ridge and the column will then move on. on arrival on the As0 EL RAnMAn Or the 4 Austalian Biade will farnish a pequet on the spue about t In ABDEL. 50 of the 4 Austalian Brigade with arrange to mark the rante from the point where it leaves the watercaurce of the AGHYL DeAC to where it strikes the AsD EL RANMAN BARR by connecting files every 50 gards. the right plank of te trasks who will be peequething to the NoRTh of the N7L DERE, belodging to another formation willrest on. It is of the ntmost importance that one left flank peequet should be in touch with them and that close touch be kept along the line up to the sad ExRnonBAIR the piequet line with be madeas strong as possible, without delay. When the head of the columon reached the oer slopes of the ofthe 0 a or she It will halt until a report has been received from the line, of scouts who will examine the Yur. Instructions for the attack will be isst a the a0 to aaran thself.
n when the whole, position, inctuding point a, has been captured it will be entrenched as follows. a continuous - line of French will be dug from about the R in ABOCLRAHMAN t up the spee and round point 305 (exclusive) by the 4t Australian Brigade; from point 305 (inclusive) arong the ridge through point a to point 81A4 by the Endian Brigade; the line will be carried on from here by When the column is halted while the leading troops are dealing with a tactical situation, all troops other than those engaged will lie down. special orders regarting oganigation Eqnipment, Smaking &rights, replinishment of water, foar, + amnugition, and the pasword wil be issued by Borgades to their own units. the general bearing of the write from the point where it laves the AGHYL DERE to the point of assemble on the ABD ELRAANM BAIR is distance 78 degrees and the is yards.
arn e Pom Army Form C. 2121. No. of Message— MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. CE Caeo Reed. at This message is on a/c of: Office of Origin & Service Instructions. 501 DeX Service At SENSATEOT FIMMI OMCOTT B int T0 Midton Bde 20 tamd SGN in reply to Number. 83 FMon AAA WYIO position guit hostil new Two acroplane ty tocater are thould which column lef or W. 9 note at 93 AAA One 1 and near 971 top at South of 80.P.3 othe the ulls at mas 80 erne offelr being te lat a are AAA today ly day shell de AH sknnwt time AAA seed Bon Dursy FONNEA 629 IW Place Time The above may be forwarded as now corrected a Somreo Alean of rear atoned to ppern t WOAN Consor his line should be crased if not required
Ar Form. Army Form C. 2121. AND SIGNALS. No. of Message. WEESRSES Now CaaRe - - red a This message in on a/c of. Thce AChinh Sirice Hicon Sent. Date service From SJOMTMMTTTFIMMHINE OMIOT 3 te dnst T0 4 imme 0 Ltest to Hine Da a Jon Sende, Dint AAA y cote of Herewith gooress whch the auy fup edistribed imnot roops the plaase enpine that this the which 4 taptife the out disclise would Entiin int ks plan not t r ago WLHDW Place Time The above may be forwarded as now corrected. 27 Structhwartet Sienaure of AAesor or verion avippryed p iclerpn in Mis name. Com This line should be crased it not required.
405 SCK 20 Army Form C. 2121. A Form. Na of Message MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. Morte Charge Rood at This message ts on alc of: Tn C Sect Service frow BOMNETSOTI FIMARENP OMIVTY Audt. Inf. Bde. SeAttGHinr MTAMON LteGBTA AAa Forth 6o O AMod COTSCE Pime Mnonfs Eit this CAtteS VIS CArtER Wch by the gay isio on Mans 10 2. taken into action. Fron NLAM. (EED W.GDEMITHAT, Lt. Col. n O.C In comletion of abov action please & orey sr f cr 17 ) abt thenry 2e 645 X FCOM Place Time The above may be forwarded as now corrected arrnned iamn o r a on w c t. 10. This line should be erased if not required. 0 S. B. Ltd WE WISSH-50,000. 9/16 Forms Cm/1o.

Draft Instructions by Br. Genl Cox C.B. C.S.I.
Commanding Column. 
Ref. Sheet  KURIJA DERE 1/20000. RESERVE GULLY. 
—  August.1915. 

1.  The Column consisting of the 4th Australian
brigade, 29th Indian Bde, No.     Co.     R.E.,
N    Battery,   Indn.  Mtn.  Arty will march out
by the Northern end of the ANZAC defenses on
the evening of the       th instant. 

2.  The Head of the Column will pass the starting point,
No 5 Supply Depot at the foot of RESERVE
GULLY, at      P.M., in the following order.
4th Australian Brigade
Headquarters of the Column
29th Indian Brigade less 14th Sikhs.
No.         Co,         R.E.
No.         Bg,.  Indn Mtn. Arty.
14th Sikhs.

3.  The objective of the column is the occupation
of point 305 (square 93W) and ridges on
both sides of it

4. The routes to be followed by the column are 
(a) From Northern end of defences by the
beach road as far as the exit of the AGHYL DERE
from the hills, there turning up the AGHYL
DERE as far as its EASTERN FORK at


fork at square 92 x 3-6 and from that
point to follow the branch leading from the
EAST, for about 800 yards until the long
spur which meets the track at point
92 Z1 is met

(b) At this point (92 Z1) the 1/5 and 
2/10 Gurkha Rifles will leave the column, their
instructions are given in para (d).

(c) From point 92 Z1 the main column
will proceed by the spur in 92 U9 over
the ASMA DERE and onto the ABD EL RAHMAN
BAIR, which it will strike approximately
at point 93 Q6. It will assemble
on the spur to attack point 305

(d) The column consisting of 1/5 & 2/10 G.R.
under Lt. Col. SUTTON will proceed up
the long spur leading past CHAMCHIK
and occupy a point to be referred to in
future as point Q, which is about
600 yards S.W. of point 305.
Special instructions have been issued 
to the commander of this column.

5. Measures for security of march.
(a) Troops of other formations will be operating
EASTWARD from the present outposts and as
far NORTH as the exit of the AGHYL DERE
from the hills, so that the march
point will be conducted behind their line.


In addition troops of the 13th Division
will be operating against the enemy in
the vicinity of the DAMAKJELIK BAIR
and towards the KAIAJIK DERE so that the
first part of the march up the AGHYL DERE
up to its EASTERN BRANCH will be protected.
(b) The portion that remains, viz ab one mile
between the fork of the AGHYL DERE and the
ABD EL RAHMAN BAIR will remain to
be piquetted by the leading battalion of 
the column.
(c) The best line for the picquets would appear
to be knoll in 9209, knoll in 92
8 (contour 100) and knoll on spur in
93L 5-8.
(d) To obviate delay to the Column while
the above line is being taken up,
the leading battalion, which will occup
it, will as a preliminary measure
hold the ridge from 92T5 to 92U5
and the next battalion in the
column will move off the bottom of the
ravine in support of it.
(e) When the leading battalion moves off to
occupy the picquet line the supporting
battalion will occupy the ridge and
the column will then move on. 
On arrival on the ABD EL RAHMAN BAIR
the 4' Australian Brigade will furnish a

picquet on the spur about the E
(f) The 4" Australian Brigade will arrange
to mark the route from the point
where it leaves the watercourse of
the AGHYL DERE to where it strikes
connecting files every 50 yards.
(g) The right flank of the troops who will
be picquetting to the NORTH of the AGHYL
DERE, belonging to another formation
will rest on . .
It is of the utmost importance that
our left flank picquet should be
in touch with them and that close
touch be kept along the line up to
(h) The picquet line will be made as strong
as possible without delay.
6. When the head of the column reaches
the lower slopes of the ABD EL
RAHMAN spur it will halt until
a report has been received from the
line of scouts who will examine the
Instructions for the attack will be
issued on the ABD EL RAHMAN
BAIR itself.


7. When the whole position, including
point Q, has been captured it
will be entrenched as follows —
a continuous line of trench will be
dug from about the R in ABD EL RAHMAN
to up the spur and round point
305 (exclusive) by the 4' Australian
Brigade; from point 305 (inclusive)
along the ridge through point Q
to point 81 A4 by the Indian
Brigade; the line will be carried
on from here by . .
8. When the column is halted while
the leading troops are dealing with
a tactical situation, all troops
other than those engaged will lie
9. Special orders regarding organization,
equipment, smoking & lights,
replenishment of water, food, &
ammunition, and the password
will be issued by Brigades to
their own units.
10. The general bearing of the route
from the point where it leaves the
AGHYL DERE to the point of
assemble on the ABD EL RAHMAN



BAIR is 78 degrees and the 
distance is            yards.


Recd. at


TO    Brig Gen Cox
Comdg 29th Indian Bde
Sender's Number   NZG 890
Day of Month     6

Two new hostile gun positions
are located by aeroplane
which our left column should
note AAA One is at 93 W.9
near top of 971 and
the other at 80.P.3 South of
German officers marquees at 80
K.3 AAA The latter are being
shelled by us all day today
AAA please acknowledge AAA 13th
Division & CRA informed
BM 619
From N Z A Div
(z) WG Braithwaite Lt Col



5 Copies
TO    4 Aust Inf Bde
Day of Month     6
In reply to Number                     AAA

Herewith 6 copies of an
address which the Army Corps
Command wishes distributed to
the Troops.
Please ensure that this address
the capture of which by the
enemy would disclose our
plans, is not taken into

From NZA Div
(z) WG Braithwaite LtCol
On completion of the above action
please destroy by fire.
Lt Col [[?}]



TO    4 Austr. Inf. Bde. 
Day of Month     6
In reply to Number                     AAA

Herewith 6 copies of an address which the
Army Corps Commander wishes distributed to the
Please ensure that this address the capture
of which by the enemy would disclose our plans
is not taken into action.

(Sgd) W.G. Braithwaite. Lt. Col.
O. C. } 13, 14, 15, 16
On completion of the above action please destroy
by fire.
JP McGlinn 
Lieut. Col.
Brigade Major
4th Infantry Bde.

6 8 15



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