Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 6, 3 August - 7 August 1915, Part 7

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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Ar Form Army Form C. 2121. No. of Message¬ MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. Nerndhe Charge Recd it- This message is on ale of: Orngr ohsal Sendhe laanashern Sene¬ Date -Bervkee. Ae From IPosecherok tectent on e1 53 ro Btla rorgk e ernshr. Rashrite In reply to Number. Dr 205 AAA B2 RbA attakart Be ord mutometitt arn Aoh -204 "Klry raittvvat 144 - Place Time The above may be forwarded as nou corrccted. Frshere iettensiSt grme anheneStoer Ster Stie ie Semt Crnsr This Hne should be erased if not required
Vor verm fondnsh Iens lerm d ch MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No of Monege omos Stamm Sent orsentout saard Tarnss lirFam 1 Lamm 11 From Oharven ie soleoh serros instruchone - Remarå Handedinat TTinsr ie Hnschr Ir gürh Tanspr. Hanschr a h Shess Rast u 94 I 44 ou Nad o nom FLAOE ETDAE 125 Tile hne mkend br annd i a0t remshrd wse a sco Pade-SA4 S R L61-FormSCAZE ees e ot hat tak
r Gh
Gurr xo. erraer SapiRze... prisuis medle vnnl iga r 50. De Brisede fres part oftbe om! Aesmalting Colue, which comprises also the 29ch (Indimn) Nrigade, Enginsers ani Homstain Artillery.- Other formations 11 eperst. LACNIRD ef cur Mo. 1 2 si 3 outpeta and I ARO efthe Aund nons in zuuares7.m.m. te skA nigt nurch om å e Fur AnG ZäIn spar, tobe follerei by L X3 (sur 3zv.) cni the riteete of e. Pon?. Beai ef coluen DaSES STATLIG PCLFI Ne. 5 STZuI DEPOT - masszu CUIYat 2.35 p.m. on August (th. OTTR CY KAHS Celuen ef ruute in follewing erder Battalien, Mth Battalieg Brigade M.C. ami sic Baitalien, 15th Estalizn. Irr Finf dern Prtax! son unk, thøves Norr! along NEACH Rokp te the valley ef the AmiL Dan, thance LASHILI as pez instrustions hereunder. G.A party of Special Cuides vill lead the sara througheut. The Staff Captain -with one N.C.O. sai 3sen stailed by ibe 13h Battalion, vill aocompeng this party adi sen () emel dirsstien end resitie o) deeiis the pesitioss rhere det .se from the beai of the columm as explaim
-2 - 7. The Colmam will procced intaot te the point in the valley ef the ACHC. D-x? where the truck ereszes the line betreen auares 7.Sani 7.4. A this peist the 13h and 1itx Batalieas vill be dstachei te caxry out the dutiec of left fank ani eutpest pretsctiom. 8.ouComanderr-LtClLLVD Troops; l3th and Mth Battalioas. Outpest line; KxxL 100 near 7.0.9 (exclasive) to 100 botwcon 92.p. and 92.u. t. spur nuning from p.P.9 teB in ASL a golles kef this onipozt L T.O.9 ve. d.C. Outroevill reereonsible fer getting teuch with ihs troeps ef the 13th Britien Division she vill pralong this cutpest line to the UEST. Ihe right flask ef the outpest line will be AEXL BARLN In srun as far as and inelnding the ground overlecking the valley ef the nagx xux purz The outpest line eill be at once entrenched, and estiess proviied 2OU:MISDC iste the valley of the ACEE D. Er. Io ere that he ae ef the sein caluma may not be delayed ihe outpost troeps will proceed as alle ihe l3th rKIMIn vill march from the peint named in parn. 7 abve, OAST ILY along the valley leading tethe gpur oa chich peimt 2 (is hlad) isman psalizimaky measxre sake soei this sgar as far as 22.w.2. Ihelk arch by reute, and will nove to HáaR ef, i.e. to he soufñ of this spur inte a pesitiom to be decided by O.C. cutposte - ne as te act in eppert of 13th Battaliom. As soon as this preliminarg line has been nade serke rodkarn grmte Eote Sod grndter
10. As scon as the abeve measures have been taken, the mein calume will costinue the advonce upthe valley of the ACEIL Dans ae far as the confluenee of the tvo brunches, se nomed, at the line 9.x. and 92.y. From this peint the advanee vill be ca e gemeral sagnetie oospassbeariag ef 79. the ob setive being the scomi A in RETS Anracop.Dering tbe latter phase effe advance t besi of the colume vill be covered by es Avaneed Coard ef one company to be detailed by C.O. 15th Bettalion. The Aivenced Cuari will march in coluna ef route st a distance of 100 yaris from the main body, and will thros out a line ef sooutz te procsed rapidly to the MLLEL RANUEE LAIR Ppux, ani to seai back infernation as to the sitwatiom tbers, to heai ef sain bety. 12. ILAX PICI I. Vhes the heat ef the salgen raches the L RAMXXX BAIR spur, C.O. 15th Battalion will detail Comgan apieguet ef! PIOGeed LORTDTARDS doen the spur te vieimity of K in KnpL. The duties of this piequst are; (a) to obtain tosch with the right flæsk of tbe outpests 6) to maintein communicatiom sithtbe main bedy. (c) te watch the countrg to the cast, and norfh. 13 Kayputale he marr. inga sekond embeet neav, 2L StN II EUZC EUR ur by frerring PaIT: a conecting file, every 50 yaris. The langth of this section e is dbout 1000 yards, requiring 40 men. ELY. Oa resching the place ef assmly, the remainder ef the Erigade will fera coluen ef compenies to the right, faeing SoUfK i.e. wp the spur; 15th Battalion te ocra ef 13th Battalion; Indiem Brigade te noorn ef Australias Briese. 13. Orters for the esssult ef knoll 305 will be isaci at plaee of Assambly. 16. Vhes the pesition has been taken, the sction to be held bythoe
.. this Brigade vill estend fre X in BULS, tLSLL 23 (exslasive), a length ef sbeut 1100 yaris. Thie etien will be forinedvith fr, srrert ani communioatiom tresches. The LXFI flank of the section will cut consunisations to the XXX PxCHT Dank of the outpest line. ACIIIOI. Ihe first pesition of the Brigade kæmnition 17. Bezerve will be in the VKLKX just sOUTK of 7.w.7 Later pesition will be netified tosil concerned. 18. LPOPTS. Daring tbe sivance te haai ei 15tA Laitzlien; after cccupation ef pesition te vieinity of 93.4.9. e e Lieut. Colonel. gade Major, etn (yeeralins) Inf. Brigade. - Fisli Va conr ze. 2 hSnaas O.. Sizn - 13h Battalion 7-14th 1ith 9. 16t) Supply Depet -2 bulande.
Thintpurrtrd 4th Infantry Brig 6.2.1 éa C.0. 'it) Battalion. 1. Vhen your Battalion leaves the main coluan at the point shere the track crosses the line between squares 92.S. and 90 plpdøds 22.k.. yom will detach ome platecm (preferubly the rearwes. platoon of your Battalion) to remain with the main colunn t to carry out the following instructions.- Segtar. SMhtrflv te) Puah ferard mapiely in advanee of the main eolumn and ite advanced guard, to the CONLLUENCR of the AGHU, DERE STREUIS. o S Advance up the SOUTHERE branch of the ACHLL DER Sto the vioinity of 92.y.4; and thers take up and ee ETKICK a position so as te block the valley and neighbouring high ground to anyenemy meving dovn this valley from the direction of t fare frun annoying the march of the colwan. AkSg. Mlite (c) Post a cmall picquet at the confluence of the streams to provent following troops, convoys ete. from taking thewrong road, to our cbjective. To hile tctes Above platoon may be withdraen and rejoin your Battalion at daylight on August 7th, if the situation, in your G opinion, justifies it. L Lfo5. Repeated to Staff Captain, and C.o's 13th, 15th and 16th Battalionm. Ba obrntvnaste 1755 6gs Brigadier-Ceneral. Commanding eth (Australian) Infantry Erigade.
FlngUUFIE 4th Infantry Brigade. 6.5.15. 6.0. ovpogsINL VE) r 1. Later infonmation indicates that any counter attack on us must come by the roads from BIYUK KSAFAPTA-305, one of which goes up the ASDIE RAILAM BAIR SPUR. Such an" atack would strike the extreme PlClf ef your picquet line. You should therefore arrange nata substantial portion of veureupporting Battalion, soy one-half, should be looated within easy reach of the E end of yeur line - s esto be in a position to render copport te it rapidly. I am also detaching one platoen of the latM nattalion era special task, nd forwari cories ef insireetiese to it for your information. Rpeatei ta Staff Captein, and C.O'e 14th 13c and 15t Battalions. Lben Jr Gutnnnnd coutp Cl Ang) Frigadier-General Commanding eth (Australian Wdishrg Ech. Stett terhe Infantry Brigade. o t Llandne bug it6 Løa Men 154 Wishe ver t Sk Bre Sih S7iPglee Tonite Dietat Arr l r

"A Form   Army Form C 2121.
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.   No. of Message ......
Prefix..........Code..............m  Words   Charge   This message is on a/c of:  Recd. at....m
Office Origin & Service Instructions.    Sent     .........Service.        Date   34
                                                              At.........m                                      From.............
                                                               By.......    (Signature of "Franking Officer")   By...
TO    Br Gen Monash.
*Sender's Number      Day of Month     In reply to Number      AAA
    NZ G891                             6
Please see attached &
retain for your information
W Braithwaite Lt Col
The above may be forwarded as now corrected    (Z)
JM    Censor    Signature of Addressor or person authorized to telegraph in his name.
*This line should be erased if not required


"C" Form (Original      Army Form C. 2123
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.   No. of Message.....
Prefix Sm Code ML  Words 91    Received   Sent, or sent out   Office Stamp.
Charge to collect                  From  NZ            At ...... m                     28
                                                   By Coutts  By
Handed in at   NZ         Office 12 55 m     Received   1312 m.
*Sender's Number    Day of Month    In reply to Number    AAA
NZ G894                          6th

Please correct appendix A second
phase AAA Bottom of page
last two paragraphs will
read 7th August these batteries
continue to fire till 0400
one round every five minutes
and then a quick rate
from 0400 to 0430 then
stop AAA. They will be
ready at 0430 to open fire
on battleship hill AAA E
other objectives may be given
by the Senior nz Artillery

officer at Anzac  AAA  Please
ackge receipt and report that
all copies have been corrected.
FROM  NZ. & A Division
PLACE & TIME   1250
*This line should be erased if not required.
W.2384-583  30,000 Pads - 8/14  8.B. Ltd.- Forms C.2123.



Hand drawn map. See original document.








Commanding Fourth (Australian) Infantry Brigade.



August 6th, 1915.

1.  INFORMATION. The Brigade forms part of the NORTHERN
Assaulting Column, which comprises also the 29th (Indian)
Brigade, Engineers and Mountain Artillery. - Other formations
will operate EASTWARD of our No. 1, 2 and 3 outposts, and
NORTHWARD of the AGHYL DERE in squares 92.m.n.
2.  INTENTIONS. To make a night march and advance to the ABDEL
RAHMAN BAIR spur, to be followed by the occupation of 
KNOLL 305 (square 93.w.) and the ridges to the NORTH and
SOUTH of same.
3.  STARTING POINT. Head of column passes STARTING POINT -
No. 5 SUPPLY DEPOT - RESERVE GULLY at 9.35 p.m. on
August 6th.
4.  ORDER OF MARCH. Column of route in following order:- 13th
Battalion, 14th Battalion, Brigade H.Q. and signals, 15th 
Battalion, 16th Batalion.
5.  ROUTE. WEST down RESERVE Gully to BEACH ROAD, thence NORTH
along BEACH ROAD to the valley of the AGHYL DERE, thence
EASTERLY, as per instructions hereunder.
6.  GUIDES. A party of Special Guides will lead the march
throughout. The Staff Captain - with one N.C.O. and 3 men
detailed by the 13th Battalion, will accompany this party add
(a). check the general direction and position by pace and
(b) decide the positions where detachments are to be made
from the head of the column as explained hereunder. -


-2 -
7. The Column will proceed intact to the point in the valley

of the AGHYL DERE where the track crosses the line between

squares 92.s and 92.x. At this point the 13th and 14th

Batalions will be detached to carry out the duties of left

flank and outpost protection.
8.  OUTPOSTS.  Commander:- LT. Col. L. H. TILNEY, V.D.
Troops: 13th and 14th Battalions.
Outpost line: KNOLL 100 near 92.0.9 (exclusive) to
                          KNOLL 100 between 92.p. and 92.u. to
                          spur running from 92.p.9. to B in ABDEL
                          at 93.l.9.
The LEFT flank of this outpost line will be KNOLL 92.0.9
exclusive. O.C. Outposts will be responsible for getting touch
with the troops of the 13th British Division who will prolong
this outpost line to the WEST.
The right flank of the outpost line will be ABDEL RAHMAN
BAIR SPUR as far as and including the ground overlooking the
valley of the DAOUK JULAK DERE.
The outpost line will be at once entrenched, and
communications provided SOUTHWARDS into the valley of the
9.  PRELIMINARY MEASURES. In order that the advance of the main
column may not be delayed the outpost troops will proceed as
The 13th BATTALION will march from the point named in

para. 7 above, NORTHEASTERLY along the valley leading

to the spur on which point 92 (in black) is marked and will as

a preliminary measure make good this spur as far as


The 14th BATTALION will march by same route, and will 

move to REAR of, i.e. to be SOUTH of this spur into a
position to be decided by O.C. outposts - so as to act
in support of 13th Battalion.

As soon as this preliminary line has been made good,

the outposts will move NORTH to their final positions.



10. As soon as the above measures have been taken, the main

column will continue the advances up the valley of the AGHYL

DERE as far as the confluences of the two branches, no named, 

at the line 92.x. and 92.y. From this point the advance 

will be on a general magnetic compass bearing of 78°, the

objective being the second A in RAHMAN.

11. ADVANCED GUARD. During the latter phase of the advance the 

head of the column will be covered by an Advanced Guard of

one company to be detailed by C.O. 15th Battalion. The

Advanced Guard will march in column of route at a distance

of 100 yards from the main body, and will throw out a line

of scouts to proceed rapidly to the ABDEL RAHMAN BAIR spur,

and to send back information as to the situation there, to

head of main body.

12. FLANK PICQUET. When the head of the column reaches the

ABDEL RAHMAN BAIR spur, C.O. 15th Battalion will detail

a picquet of 1 platoon Company to proceed NORTHWARDS down the spur

to vicinity of E in ABDEL.  The duties of this picquet are:

(a) to obtain touch with the right flank of the outposts

(b) to maintain communication within the main body,

(c) to watch the country to the east, and north.

13. MARKING ROUTE C.O. 15th Battalion will arrange to mark the

route of the march from from the confluence of the two ABDEL Second E in DERE near 
(92-Z-1) 92.Z.1 DERE streams, to the ABDEL RAHMAN BAIR spur, by dropping
a connecting file ^in pairs every 50 yards. The length of this section

is about 1000 ∧(1000) yards, requiring 40 men.

14. ASSEMBLY. On reaching the place of assembly, the remainder

of the Brigade will form column of companies to the right, '

facing SOUTH i.e. up the spur; 16th Battalion to SOUTH of 

15th Battalion; Indian Bridge to SOUTH of Australian Brigade.

15. Orders for the assault of knoll 305 will be issued at place

of assembly.

16. When the position has been taken, the section to be held by the 


- 4 - 

this Brigade will extend from B in BAHRAIN to KNOLL 305

(exclusive), a length of about 1100 yards. This section will

be fortified with fire, support and communication trenches.

The LEFT flank of the section will cut communications to the RIGH
RIGHT flank of the outpost line.

17. AMMUNITION.  The first position of the Brigade Ammunition

Reserve will be in the VALLEY just SOUTH of 92.u.9. Later 

position will be notified to all concerned.

18. REPORTS. During the advance to head of 15th Battalion; after 

occupation of position to vicinity of 93.q.9.

JP McGlinn

Lieut. Colonel.

Brigade Major,

4th (Australian) Inf. Brigade


Issued at: 11a.m.

Copy No. 1 - Field War Diary

                  2) - 4th Brigade Staff



                  5 - O.C. Signals

                  6 - 13th Battalion

                  7 - 14th        "

                  8 - 15th         "

                  9 - 16th        "

                 10 - Supply Depot

                 11 - Field Ambulance.  


4th Infantry Brig


C.0. 14th Battalion.
1. When your Battalion leaves the main column at the point
where the track crosses the line between squares 92.S. and
90.x., you will detach one platoon (preferably the rearmost
platoon of your Battalion) to remain with the main column
to carry out the following instructions:-

(a) Push forward rapidly in advance of the main column

 and its advanced guard, to the CONFLUENCE of the 


(b) Advance up the SOUTHERN branch of the AGHYL DERE 

to the vicinity of 92.y.4; and there take up and

ENTRENCH a position so as to block the valley and

neighbouring high ground to anyenemy moving down 

this valley from the direction of the farm from

annoying the march of the column.

(c) Post a small picquet at the confluence of the

streams to prevent following troops, convoys etc.

from taking the wrong road. to our objective.

Above platoon may be withdrawn and rejoin your Battalion

at daylight on August 7th, if the situation, in your

opinion, justifies it.

Repeated to Staff Captain, and C.O's 13th, 15th and 16th


John Monash


Commanding 4th (Australian)

Infantry Brigade.


14th R Rankine Maj

Staff Captain D R Eastwood Capt

OC 13th Bn LC Tilney

"      15th H Carruthers

"      16th H Pope Lt. Col.

"      Bde Sgs J McGlinn Col*]

[*To note & detach


JP McG Lt Coln 


1755 6 8 15*]


4th Infantry Brigade.


1. Later information indicates that any counter attack on
us must come by the roads from BIYUK ANAFARTA-305, one
of which goes up the ABDEL RAHMAN BAIR SPUR. Such an
atack would strike the extreme RIGHT of your picquet line.
You should therefore arrange thata substantial portion of
your supporting Battalion, say one-half, should be located
within easy reach of the E end of your line - so as to be
in a position to render support to it rapidly.
2. I am also detaching one platoon of the l4th Battalion
for a special task, nd forward copies of instructions to
it for your information.
3. Repeated to Staff Captain, and C.O's 14th, 15th and 16th
John Monash


Commanding 4th (Australian

Infantry Brigade.


[*OC Outposts    ∧Lesley Lt Col Tilvey V.D.

Staff Captn. D R Eastwood Capt

O.C 14th Bn  R Rankine Maj

    "   15th  "    J H Cannan MG

    "   16th  "    H Pope Lt Col

    "   Bde. Sigs  JP McGlinn Lt 

To note & Detach Copy

JP McG Lt Col

Bn 1755   6  8/15*]

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