Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 6, 3 August - 7 August 1915, Part 4

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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Fraft (Ers anitt re. orxn.:zx onpx.x.. BNIGADIER-ODERG I momASK VD Infantry Brigade. Camanding Feurth (australien soodese RESERVE CULY. Aueue 6 .125. NTERETCE NAP. KURIIA DE RE ':20000, onangt. Ie Brionde fmepar oftheomem Asssalting Celuæn, chich compriesalse the 23h Undims) Drienke, Engineers and Mommtain Artillery.- other formstias vill operste LASTVARD of ourX.. 1, 2 and 3 ocpesaand NOFTETinO ofthe Acnn nøms in aurs2.-n. 2. Lurkrlon, Ie make e nicht march and advanee te the ASDEL BADKN BAIR spur, te be followed by the occupatica of 303 (auere 93.v.) and the ridges to the NORTH and sovrmez- SrARTDNe PODx, Need of celues pee-. SLARTDEe POLFP- Ne. 3 SUTTEI DEPOT - PESERu euIYe. 233..- anenet Gtå. unov wanch Celumme ef reute is follewing erderr- 134 Bettalien, 14ih Bettalion, Brieade K.d. and siomals 13tn Bettalien, iötn Batalien. 3. POUIE. VEST doND RESERDE GULLY tO BEACK POAD, tHeRe- NORTE dleng REACH ROAD te the valley of the ACHD. DERK, thenee LASTEBEI, aeper iacerustions hereumder. 6. gues A party of seiar Guides vill lend themarch threughent. Ihr Staff Captain - vith oN..O..d3 deteiled by the 13tn Bettelien, villpan thi vil. a). check the comeral directios and pesitioa by pae a m o) deeide the positione chere detachments are tobm frum the head of the celme as expleined hereunder.-
4 7. The Celme will procced istact to the peist is the valley efthe Achn nrncher the tnek ereeethe linb sere P..and 2.x N this peint the 13h and 14th Beteliene vill be oteched tecr out the ontilt nak ssd odresh protection. 4. snrosrs,c--derrDt, Ool,L. B. ZTEE7 VD freepe, 13th and th Bettelie Grralzr oar op. Jve rmning om2.r.m Ihe lun non efthie odpee linee vultenou P.O." eslner.O.G. Ontpestevill beropeaeDle sottinstoh vith the trope ef the 132A Britis Divisiee che vill prelong erel Ie non aom efthe oepee liee villbe DE MNON BuIn Spnae faree ond ineledins the or-..n..i valey eilke bonx zud zum. Ie otpese line vill be etoee ostrosche od oomniestiens pnvided Sourmappsiate ihe valleg ofhe sonn no. TAsUEs, De erder thet the advonee ofthe i ulg pelyklkim vill sac frthe peist md is nl iee vlly le and will tath oeare ombler) epplmieyrh...... Fr Ihe lich BKrfSLIOK will sarch by --vill srete mxnet i.e.tehe sorxefthie oerint. reuehed bo. odre... enchnteli. . zrinmdneg lie meedeea ned scd dor trnternd e. mrste tt znd entien.
..... cele cill osstimme the axvvlley ofthe Aoxx uneefereeh..- p.2 d2y. Yre tnie peine ine vulf7 .Z nrin ethe yts atalledb, de. Senttali.e w efieegareom-....l... et.xedrpidy t. h. EDE MDOULAn E aat.oadte isfomnstien se te the sitnsties ther t. oee th meed of the oal racheih IDE NDOS BAIR opur C.O. 13th Bettalies will eteil Fee eedronrminpso the esiov .g3. onties of this piecoter, . ...... oi. uud to. in Bettalien vilerme Seeond E rotofteo Asöns 82 mr BREN BAIR oa by drypins .. t .. rnnine ine piar-ly.te inder esteznmenio--..... Zeeing surzi.k-.16natli iDr nne. . order bin en ofkell sivillteila efzemmly. ox.pstie.h........m)
AU" 2 thie Drienhe vill extend fre B is BUMN, t EKOLL 203 el e fertinedvith nire, mppert and cm-mmiestion treaches. Ihe nxr nx efthe eetiom vill out commmiestione te the xxn ner om. ne nre poatie osine i 17. erl u peatieilli 14 Ermå pandne ine arane te mf 'yt. Rettaling efe: oithnsde Mam. e mer ett (anemalien), inf. Tnnse. l.//m Cony No. 1- Fiele wes Diar 2)- eth Brionde staff .o.c. . 1ch Bettaliee 1een 8- 1364 ot et nloree.
2 Senn Me. oornArox onen x.3. 8 BRIGADIED-OETRU J. MONASR VD Commanding Fourth (Australian) Infantry Brigade. ---o990000 susnn omll. Maud h 195. EEIERTCE KAF, K U n I 2 A D2 n X 1.20000. NIIODOTTON, Ihe Briende forse part ef the NoRTHIBY Aseaulting Columa, chich compriees also the 29th (Indian) Brisnde, Engineers and Mounteis Artillery. Other formstions vill operete EASTWARO Or OUR No. 1, 2 and 3 eutpesta and NORTHAmD efthe ACKLL. DERE in quares 2.m.n. 2. D7EvIoK. To make a nicht march and advanoe to the ASDEL RARDN BAIn spur,te be follewed by the cccupation ef KMOLL 305 (auer 93.w.) and the ridgeete the NOXxK and soUrK of -m. 3. Sranmerp Deoflme poeSie ro SUTELI DEROT - NESERu GuLI St 233 p.M. om Amauc ch. 4. OMER OYMARCH Celuan ef reste im follesing erder:- 13th Bettelien, 1dtn Bettalien, Brionde E4. and siømi 'sth Bettelien, Mötn Battzlien ROUTE. VEST dovN RESERVS GULLY te REACK ROAD thenee NORTK alons 5. BricK noAp te the velley efthe MKL. DEM, thenee LASEEEL esper instructioss hoder. 6. GUnnæs.A pery ef speeiel Guidesvill.leed the march throuchert. Ihe saff Captein -with one N.C.O. and.3 men detailed by the 13th Bettelien,-villythipa ll te) eheek ine gememil direstiem end peritien by rae. and sompese! 6) decide the pesitionsohere detachments are to be made from the heed of the colume as erpleined hereunder.- 7. The Colvas will proeced inteet te the peist is the valley of the AOKn DEnchere tne rkrthli oad 2.r. M thi. pein the IIch and Ieth Battelien./11.Et.
-2 tstached to verry out the duties of left flask and outpoct pptestjer 60 R. prrogje--er1d, Sal,. L. E. rungn 33. zr Ish aad enettli outyes Line, Duzz 10or2.0.) mi o Dr md2.nmine frre 2.r.94.3 19 ODE S. 531.2 .. .w relintthvEE. Ihe xor nex ofthe ostyes lie Cll b. SDEL BAROv BAIR efikemunx zust uur. L noet u trelJägetalis FONTPLASEE I aland the valleg leadinetethe . Sumag.. ihPettlil i InnBattli at un..... ath.d.riim il d 14. ADVENOED GUAED, Darinethei
38 to be d ctailed by C.0. 136A Battalion. Ihe Lwaneed oardvillh eftoorar.frekm..1h of coutete proceed repidy to the ASDEL RADSN BAIR sper ondto sad back infenstiee a.te the situstioe there, t dfneib 4. vox rouet voeone ofthe ol. auz nms Ban our d.0. 3hpettelie wul otnie Dieaust eftoprdroxmimos veiniy ernaonp ze ossse ofthiepiur hthi o....-i. Li A IORR 12 MIRID ROULE C.0. ISh Dettalies vill arrase tonanthe reeste ofthemarch fre the ---2 in nom axp... tothe omr nmes naz out by dryplesois fue ii ianeradde rire nutI, os seeching the pleee ofse-, he ef the Brigede vill fereol- of c-mpeniee t the richt, feeing soUfk i.. oo the opar; l6ch Bettelies to sOUr ef sxn Battalien: Indies Briende te sourx of aacralien Briende. 1. ordere tertke oemut esnunp.i efsesmly. t6 voe the pe-ftes be xtietb hald by enllerxm1 um inrlho.0y.iiill -- rennifiee wiet fir. aypert and.-- In fiar oftke nor nek.ftk.erel . I fire pesstioe ofthe Drioadei r.oltitvuux e ourref p.. a.
.6. 14. REORTS. During the advenee to head of 19th Bettalion; after occupation ef positien to vieinity of 93.d.9. Dri roo gderst. Beleml. Brigade Majer, sy (mernlian( Inf. Briende. lscued at t' a.m. Copy No. 1- Field Ver Diary. . 3 - o.c. Siomala 6 - 1364 Bevnlies - 14th Bettalion - 15th Bettalion . 16th Bettalies 10- cwpply Depot. 1 - Fiend ambulanee. pr hwrer 4 7. AZAR Gng 5 Tan dentsfanreitienash. J disenssien aitk Tragen Glesher z güedis ssanstnt daan Kingd. Parne uh- C)) Jhat aneg leritte adrck frern Rortinaite Mud Trust Gru br Ste krushs Taad. Ryuk Aorajanta-3os ie hell Stute Ir fregeet ((Lai) on lower Part of Absch Rahsnai Bair It bich I1hänck be eet 5 hrährr Ols Fotth suud it sütfort halt.: the Sub- portug faua og fans Arsbabslil, and a Soll Laher 15 Harr 4 Strong Suftort, Jan Ir Battz; haah Sos fiegtet de. Frwards E aud ofhie line (2) Lehere Se Clasnn basses Ihe farl otte Hühl Dere Jhaut Hag Rlatein Ate detached z Htaken Ahr a hedckion Eonanduig Thr Eud op tor ats lagine bshere it forend fhr ore ut ude) Ja ae 5 Hock ik 55 aagg Snoneg usko nright hrove Goun it duräet Hom büe, Jetawstän, 9 Rinnarg our Traach 9294 Dresh it did be a Saitabla Sch Shei, esould of Grusde Rutianch e Eenil lagin urit at Babur Sheir urit rright be tte Sutgerteing, bal. n Sutdorts. Jhen nigkt alse fürnich a. Snall gart at Tr fark of dahyt Desa f5 Breuint aug of F: Bär or g trine gomn Goung ber Ihr ug Lübruuds- Hasn sän, dan, 12 Ia Sithattie) dene et Landad Pact night, vi tsühe est taud Länght Jn Hidze 6 Corne Grüht as Ir vrehr og Stis I hictte gom ha fursicte alt
Sutzat e aubsat, mehndlieg biefent eke wa Obdil on sfur t Thi klatoon Adar fürt of Rahyt. Hlare ons Ha 2 bavahtus- Shis Hädung 2 Corahtale tattahigen ht ott 30 Genrehte 2 A5R esarft Hev acbar e

Draft (final corrected)





Commanding Fourth (Australian) Infantry Brigade.


August 6, 1915.


  1. INFORMATION. The Brigade forms part of the NORTHERN
     Assaulting Column, which comprises also the 29th (Indian)
     Brigade, Engineers and Mountain Artillery.- Other formations
     will operate EASTWARD of our No. 1, 2 and 3 outposts, and
     NORTHWARD OF THE AGHYL DERE in square 92.m.n.
  2. INTENTION.  To make a night march and advance to the ABDEL
    RAHMAN BAIR spur, to be followed by the occupation of
    KNOLL 305 (square 93.w.) and the ridges to the NORTH and
    SOUTH of same.
  3. STARTING POINT. Head of column passes STARTING POINT -
    No 5 SUPPLY DEPOT - RESERVE GULLY at 9.35 p.m. on
    August 6th.
  4. ORDER OF MARCH. Column of route in following order:- 13th
    Battalion, 14th Battalion, Brigade H.Q. and signals, 15th
    Battalion, 16th Battalion.
  5. ROUTE. WEST down RESERVE GULLY to BEACH ROAD, thence NORTH along BEACH ROAD to the valley of the AGHYL DERE, thence EASTERLY, as per instructions hereunder.
  6. GUIDES.  A party of Special Guides will lead the march
    throughout. The Staff Captain - with one N.C.O. and 3 men
    detailed by the 13th Battalion, will accompany this party and

    (a). check the general direction and position by pace and

    (b) decide the positions where detachments are to be made
     from the head of the column as explained hereunder.-


7. The column will proceed intact to the point in the valley
    of the AGHYL DERE where the track crosses the line between
    squares 92.s and 92.x. At this point the 13th and 14th
    Batalions will be detached to carry out the duties of left
    flank and outpost protection.

8. OUTPOSTS. Commander:- Lt. Col. L.E. TILNEY. V.D.
Troops: 13th and 14th Battalions.

Outpost line: KNOLL 100 near 92.0.9 (exclusive) to
 KNOLL 100 between 92.p. and 92.u to
 spur running from 92.p.9. to B in ABDEL
[*l? x*] at 93.l.9.

The LEFT flank of this outpost will be KNOLL 92.0.9
 exclusive. O.C. Outposts will be responsible for getting touch
 with the troops of the 13th British Division who will prolong
 this outpost line to the WEST.

The right flank of the outpost line will be ABDEL RAHMAN
BAIR SPUR as far as and including the ground overlooking the
 valley of the DAOUK JULAK DERE.

The outpost line will be at once entrenched, and
communications provided SOUTHWARDS into the valley of the
9. PRELIMINARY MEASURES. In order that the advance of the main

column may not be delayed the outpost troops will proceed as
The 13th Battalion will march from the point named in
 para. 7 above, NORTHEASTERLY along the valley leading
 to the spur on which point 92 (in black) is marked ^ and will as
 a preliminary measure, make good this spur as far as

The 14th Battalion will march by same route, and will
 move to REAR of, i.e. to be SOUTH of this spur into a
 position to be decided by O.C. outposts - so as to set
 in support of 13th Battalion.

As soon as this preliminary line has been made good,
 the outposts will move NORTH to their final positions.


10. As soon as the above measures have been taken, the main
 column will continue the advance up the valley of the AGHYL
DERE as far as the confluence of the two branches, so named,

at the line 92.x. and 92.y.  From this point the advance
 will be on a general magnetic compass bearing of 78 , the
 objective being the mound A in RAHMAN.

11. ADVANCED GUARD. During the latter phase of the advance the
 head of the column will be covered by an Advanced Guard of
 one company to be detailed by C.O. 15th Battalion. The
 Advanced Guard will march in column of route at a distance
 of 100 yards from the main body, and will throw out a line
 of scouts to proceed rapidly to the ABDEL RAHMAN BAIR spur,
 and to send back information as to the situation there, to
 head of main body.

12. FLANK PICQUET. When the head of the column reaches the
 ABDEL RAHMAN BAIR spur, C. O. 15th Battalion will detail
 a picquet of 1 platoon Company to proceed NORTHWARDS down the spur to vicinity of E in ABDEL. The duties of this picquet are:

(a) to obtain touch with the right flank of the outposts

(b) to maintain communication within the main body.

(c) to watch the country to the east, and north

13. MARKING ROUTE. C.O. 15th Battalion will arrange to mark the
 route of the march, from the confluence of the two AGHYL Second E in DERE near
DERE-streams, 92.2.1, to the ABDEL RAHMAN BAIR spur, by dropping a connecting file ^in pairs every 50 yards. The length of this section is about 21000 yards, requiring 40 men.

14.ASSEMBLY. On reaching the place of assembly, the remainder
 of the Brigade will form column of companies to the right,
 facing SOUTH i.e. up the spur; 16th Battalion to SOUTH of 
15th Battalion; Indian Brigade to SOUTH of Australian

15. Orders for the assault of knoll 305 will be issued at place
 of Assembly.

16. When the position has been taken, the section to be held by t


this Brigade will extend from R in RAHMAN, from KNOLL 305
 (exclusive), a length of about 1100 yards. This section will
 be fortified with fire, support and communication trenches.
The LEFT flank of the section will cut communications to the RIG
RIGHT flank of the outpost line.

17. AMMUNITION. The first position of the Brigade Ammunition
 Reserve will be in the VALLEY just SOUTH of 92.u.9. Later
 position will be notified to all concerned.

18. REPORTS. During the advance to head of 15th Battalion; after
 occupation of position to vicinity of 93.q.9.

JM McGlinn  Lieut. Colonel. 
Brigade Major,
4th (Australian) Inf. Brigade.

Issued at: 11 a.m.

[*TA Brigadier*]
Copy No.1 - Field War Diary
                2)- 4th Brigade Staff



                 5 - O.C. Signals

                 6 - 13th Battalion

                 7 - 14th       "

                 8 - 15th       "

                 9 - 16th       "

                10 - Supply Depot

                11 - Field Ambulance



Copy No. 3

O P E R A T I O N  O R D E R No. 5.




Commanding Fourth (Australian) Infantry Brigade.


August 6th, 1915

REFERENCE MAP:  K U R I J A D E R E    D E R E 1:20000.

  1.  INFORMATION.  The Brigade forms part of the NORTHERN Assulting
    Column, which comprises also the 29th (Indian) Brigade, Engineers
    and Mountain Artillery.  Other formations will operate EASTWARD
    OF OUR No. 1, 2 and 3 outposts, and NORTHWARD of the AGHYL DERE
    in squares 92.m.n.
  2. INTENTION. To make a night march and advance to the ABDEL RAHMAN
    BAIR spur, to be followed by the occupation of KNOLL 305 (square
    93.w.) and the ridges to the NORTH and SOUTH of same.
  3. STARTING POINT. Head of column passes STARTING POINT - No. 5
    SUPPLY DEPOT - RESERVE GULLY at 9.25 p.m. on August 6th.
  4. ORDER OF MARCH. Column of route in following order:- 13th
    Battalion, 14th Battalion, Brigade H.Q. and signals, 15th 
    Battalion, 16th Battalion.
    BEACH ROAD to the valley of the AGHYL DERE, thence EASTERLY,
    as per instructions hereunder.
  6. GUIDES. A party of Special Guides will lead the march throughout.
    The Staff Captain - with one N.C.O. and 3 men detailed by the
    13th Battalion, - will accompany this party, and will:-

    (a)  check the general direction and position by pace and

    (b)  decide the positions where detachments are to be made
    from the head of the column as explained hereunder.-

  7. The Column will proceed intact to the point in the valley of the
    AGHYL DERE where the track crosses the line between squares 92.s.
    and 92.x.  At this point the 13th and 14th Battalions will be detac



    detached to carry out the duties of left flank and outpost

  8. OUTPOSTS.Commander: Lt. Col. L. E. TILNEY, V.D.
    Troops:  13th and 14th Battalions.
    Outpost Line:  KNOLL 100 near 92.0.9 (exclusive) to KNOLL

                                100 between 92.p. and 92.u. to spur running
                                from 92.p.9 to B in ABDEL at 93.L.9.
    The LEFT flank of this outpost line will be KNOLL 92.9.0.
    exclusive.  O.C. outposts will be responsible for getting touch with
    the troops of the 13th British Division who will prolong this outpo
    post line to the WEST.
    The RIGHT flank of the outpost line will be ABDEL RAHMAN BAIR

    SPUR as far as and including the ground overlooking the valley

    of the DAQUK JULAK, DERE.

    [*The outpost line will be 

    at once entrenched, and communications 

    provided SOUTHWARDS into 

    the valley of the AGHYL DERE.*]  

  9. PRELIMINARY MEASURES.  In order that the advance of the main
    column may not be delayed the outpost troops will proceed as
    The 13th Battalion will march from the point named in para.7
    above, NORTH-EASTERLY along the valley leading to the spur
    on which point 92 (in black) is marked, and will, as a 
    preliminary measure, make good this spur as far as 92.u.6.
    The 14th Battalion will mark by same route, and will move 
    to xxxx of, i.e. to the SOUTH of this spur into a position
    to be decided by O.C. outposts - so as to act in support
    of 13th Battalion.
    As soon as this preliminary line has been made good,
    the outposts will moveNORTH to their final positions.
  10. As soon as the above measures have been taken, the main
    column will continue to advance up the valley of the AGHYL
    DERE as far as the confluence of the two branches, so named,
    at the line 92.x. and 92.y.  From this point the advance will
    be on a general magnetic compass bearing of 78°, the objective
    being the second A in RAHMAN.
  11. ADVANCED GUARD.  During the latter phase of the advance the
    head of the column will be covered by an Advanced Guard of


    - 3 -

    one company to be d etailed by O.C. 15th Battalion.  The
    Advanced Guard will march in column of route at a distance
    of 100 yards from the main body, and will throw out a line
    of scouts to proceed rapidly to the ABDEL RAHMAN BAIR spur,
    and to send back information as to the situation there, to
    head of main body.

  12. BLANK PICQUET.  When the head of the column reaches the 
    ABDEL RAHMAN BAIR spur, C.O. 15th Battalion will detail a
    picquet of one company to proceed NORTHWARDS down the spur
    to vicinity of E in ABDEL.  The duties of this picquet are:
    (a)  to obtain touch with the right flank of the outposts,
    (b)  to maintain communication with the main body,
    (c)  to watch the country to the EAST and NORTH.
  13. MARKING ROUTE.  O.C. 15th Battalion will arrange to mark the
    route of the march, from the second E in DERE near 92.s.1.,
    to the ABDEL RAHMAN BAIR spur, by dropping a connecting file
    in pairs every 50 yards.  The length of this section is about
    1000 yards, requiring 40 men.
  14. ASSEMBLY.  On reaching the place of assembly, the remainder
    of the Brigade will form column of companies to the right,
    facing SOUTH, i.e. up the spur; 16th Battalion to SOUTH of
    15th Battalion; Indian Brigade to SOUTH of Australian Brigade.
  15. Orders for the assault of KNOLL 305 will be issued at place
    of assembly.
  16. When the position has been taken, the section to be held by
    this Brigade will extend from R in RAHMAN, to KNOLL 3005
    (exclusive), a length of about 1100 yards.  This section will
    be fortified with fire, support and communication trenches.
    The LEFT flank of this section will cut communications to the 
    RIGHT flank of the outpost line.
  17. AMMUNITION.  The first position of the Brigade Ammunition
    Reserve will be in the VALLEY just SOUTH of 92.u.9.  Later
    position will be notified to all concerned.


    - 4 -

  18.  REPORTS.  During the advance to head of 15th Battalion; after
    occupation of position to vicinity of 93.q.9.          58


    JM McGlinn Lieut. Colonel. 
    Brigade Major,
    4th (Australian( Inf. Brigade.

Issued at 11 a.m.


Copy No. 1 -  Field War Diary.


                  3)- 4th Brigade Staff.


                   5 -  O.C Signals.

                   6 -  13th Battalion

                   7 -  14th Battalion

                   8 -  15th Battalion

                   9 -  16th Battalion

                  10 -  Supply Depot.

                  11 -  Field Ambulance.

                  12 - O.C. Bde Amm Reserve



ANZAC Aug 6th                62

My dear General Monash,

In discussion with Major Newton & guides this morning
two things came up.

(1).  That any counter attack from Northward on us

must come by the xxx road Byuk Anafarta - 305 

& to will strike 7th picquet (1 Co 7.) on lower part of

Abdel Rahman Bair - It will I think be well

to warn O.C.s both and of outpost battn & supporting

battn of this probability, and to tell

latter to have & strong support, say 1/2 Battn; near

this picquet ie. towards E end of his line.

(2)_When the column passes the fork of the Aghyl 

Dere I want 1/2 a platoon to be detatched & to take

up a position commanding the end of the main

ravine (where it joins the one we use) so as to block

it to any enemy who might move down it away

from Gen. Johnston, & annoy our march_ 92.y.4.

or near it wld be a suitable spot?  They would

of course entrench & could rejoin unit at Dawn_

Their unit might be the supporting battn to the

outposts?  They might also furnish a small post

at the fork of Aghyl Dere to prevent any of

7th Bde or of mine from going by the wrong


I am sorry to say 1/2 the Sikhs (14th) were not

landed last night, & will not land tonight

in time to come with us.

In view of this I wish you to furnish all


outposts & supports, including picquet

at "e" in Abdel on spur & the platoon

near fork of Aghyl Dere from the 2

battalions - thus having 2 complete

battalions left for attack on 305.

Yours truly

Lt C Cox


Please acknowledge receipt.

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