Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 6, 3 August - 7 August 1915, Part 12

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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Or Form (Original). Army Form O. 2123. MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No. of Message Received Sent, or sentout Office Stamp. ProfE Code Words? you From 2 s d. HaSer Charges to collect 10 20 Service Instructions. 2r Handed in at Office MRCCONON T fen Duc Sender's Number DATSMONN LroST TO NANSS aaa will you whethe authong 62 whene Cpture Gune the by Your comn under corning also have yon an either gu me all prisone FROM PLACESTIME D.C in The Mndbe CadHNICAE (24832). M.R.Ca, Lid. Ws. Wesssher What Ms. TomUEM.
Seniice Kisl Handed in at the Sentero Hinber hear have 9A Mrs ROM ACE TIME M. JeTcS RediecR Uistern Ly Pon ON MESIORS HDSANNS No. of Message Office Stamp. Sent, or sent out Worde Cole Collected Paid out Returned 17.18 M. red here at Office at XX AAA TMoNN Turkrof M in bee found Our gt you Were t a affired to the face of in ene Tetvery are to be por Demew ae our are to be set
10. F Aan Ary Forn C. DISS. MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No of Mossago Lr Lom Charges to Pay. Office Stamp. 2 " d. Helden /915 Serres Rittcton I 20a Handedin at General Monast Australa JDondorsHinber Day of Monst WTOGBU aaa as indls that yth Gloster the Reg now Geveral holding part 131h AsC Johncons line the decided heave has Dirsio to thace and it there South 6h now the Fnncs General in CHAILAK JOERE Earleys brigade who send wh convenie for Battn aaa and 40 38th Boe Reman i recerve month at CHAILAE DERE 381 Bde Batter and e will 61n RRoyal Kanes viz places under General Coxs be ordye who FROM PLACESTIME Cesse) M.R.Ca, Lid. WL.WISSSIIST 50.000 Pads-1/1s. Ferms/ O.2123. 10. J a. Arny For O. MIS. 0 MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No. of Message Charges to Par. [OReo Stamp. "d Guder 191 54 Handedinat san t t O Monash3 ene EnORn SHSISSNN TIOSGESNENSS aaa tonight to conduct Gid this plattn up the AGHYLOE Wattn now is aaa This bunaked at mouth of CHALLAL DERE aaa addressed General box. Repeated Generals. 8th Ae Monagh Baldwin Bde) Cay by (39th and FROM 13 DIr PEAOEAMIA 1090 (2403D). M.R.Co.LAd. WE. WASSSIISTL 50.000 Pads-D1S. Forms/ O.2123.
MO Pow Dbsiat Army Form C. 2123. MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No of Messago I Charges to Pay. ORCOStaMP. < a do Se Afeiden 185 4 Handedin at ORC Yen monath Dar T0 20 Boe Sender's Number Das of Month In reply to Number aaa wige The Yoe wishes you tto under Croops close the Your the Slope a dery well up Iwald the the enemy dusin preliminan of the Combat Ient position so as the to Crest Ldd Seach as Ien as the soon tembroy moring a o fire The Assault should be wish sut theirto lond san for sctn Detailedo det redge An63 FROM nza Div PLACEATIME 1835 (493D) MR.Co, Lid. WS. WAGSSIIGTE 50,000 Pads-11S. Forme/ C.2123.
M Jo C A JSN MESSAGES AND SIGNALL No. of Messase t Charges to Pay. 9D Office Stamp. 109 2 0. O 48 Ba ORace RROCONOA 20/1th Aust Ode EeSSRENNN DATANSNT TWWOST WNSNSS aaa Geveral Sir Alexader God 10, V to thank peasks all the force under Dane His ter fine hoit performance of night and Sast today an for the Gallant was in which the have yought dad a be finds Well effort demanded them pirl tomae moning but Dea Yoddey is confident that boop whos have fought the as pid Hurn past the 214 hout will not e satisied till her have gaied thefinal obyetet the operationar the te FROM PLACEATIME Aussen M.R.Co. Lid. WI.WISSSIST 50,000 Pads- U1S. Forma C. 2123. 18 Fo D An FoM SMRR MESSACES AND SIGNALS. No. o Missse- Charges to Pay. [ORee StamS. X5 95 to SeeeRaan Pittesbor RRCCONO Denders Missber DATAHON TWESWNSNSN aaa overlook the Lardsnlls an Cut prens lne X Communications and febreat Adc FROM 1900 PLACEATIME (24832) M.R. Co,Lid. WL WASSSIST 50,000 Pads-D1S. Forms C.2123.
0 L CMCR MESSAGES AND SIGNALS Na of Message Worte] ChaRS ane. SMeNOAENMSENEHAME This message to on a/c of. Deroie 55 SCAMENSOTITTMTTT ORAVTYIPP Geveral Hnast SMAGTRANE A Lrerttot aaa 190 6- Dr Royal dands are placed at disposal for trmorrow aaa Send fuide tonignt 500 Pote et mout CHAILAR DARI conduct 12 fom by dac AGHTL pla ERE By you Flecter for night de Drs tto 2 7 Ms. Idean BaCO 1901 Time The above may be forwarded as now corrected a Gl Aptain co <emeee d te eer o me o t c t "This line should be crased if not required. a S. B.LEA WI WIEISSO00. o/ Forms Onno 210 AASONSN MESSAARS AND SICHALS MAN MIMRS TCMAIKe Cad C This minare & on at or:2 r e te enteg aene. of Gener af Monal SANSRSNE m pondeo a 7.815 AAA 1901 Ct Br. Rogatllane are placed at Yourldposa Nor temerron AAA (Hease Send AvideTonTo.O.O.O. 38t Bdd at mooth of CHAILAK DeRe to gendect the Bn from 113 BVoc to the place in the ACAIL Dere 3de& red by 17e0 for the man Goft 28 Brten The Bearer Sapper Scpeel will act as guide the Br will require to arrive here not lape than 1245 AM tomorrow; of better to gome here tougls and bivonax. &be reatz to move out at 445Am morning E yton to A.O.C. IdinSt BACO Bdte Myor 21S et ans The above may be forwarded as now corrected123- Na- Cedo o t . This line should be crased H not required. A C.O. M P MpBIW. MIL ROM OMMIO.
# Sores Hittrcton Handedin at T0 AORA Please ne with would Gndd Morn FROM PLACEATIME (2493) M.R. Co.,Ltd. WE. Wa MO Pom Dusleat Kiny Fon O.R MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No of Message Charges to Pay. ORcoBiems. d Burden 36 1/8 O instration de Day of Month BIOSGWNSNNS aaa ask if major Overtot Millar Nitholas is still him and s0 if he Ct be availal troop tr omoro ndan te 31 D0 Pads- DIS. FormsO
Or Form (Duplicate). Army Form C. 2123. MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No of Message 14 Charges to Pay. Office Stamp. " do Ar 662 Handedinat ORC D. Rocorror14 tnte Moast Daust Pd omag - DaT d Morth C Lrop to MumbOr aaa et confident that afte lodar Hlarting compana rest And fresh your will beyafe tively determiped effort to Lake a key p + the Comorow momi aad in Posite selecting it na or ast had the riginalB and inmind hope You ask will our excellent comm to ing let officer te from m khow 2 that all expect the Eeconsle tutes brigave to live up the the traditions ouginal FROM General Godley PLACESTIME 20550 (24938) M.R. Co. LAd. Wi. WASSS16TS 50,000 Pads-D1S. Forms/ O,2123.

"C" Form (Original).       Army Form C. 2123.
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.       No. of Message..........

Prefix  JM  Code DH  Words 54 Received
From AJM
By G Helden
Sent, or sent out
Office stamp.

        £    s.    d.
Charges to collect
Service Instructions.      

Handed in at ZBK    Office..........m.  Received 1657m.
TO  Brig Gen. Monash

* Sender's Number Day of Month In reply to Number AAA

Will you kindly let me 
know whether you have authorized 
the capture of 2 machine 
guns by the light horse 
under your command this morning
also have you captured any 
other guns and will you 
let me know how many 
BM 635
FROM  WM Churchill
PLACE & TIME  Captn For GOC Indian Bde
*This line should be erased if not required.
(24932).  M.R.Co.,Ltd.  Wt.W9668/1672.  50,000 Pads-1/15.  Forms/C.2123.


Army Form C.2123.
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.       No. of Message

Prefix......Code......Words Sent, or sent out

at 17.18 .M.
Office Stamp.
  Delivery      Means
Charges for Delivery
Paid out
Service Instructions.      

Handed in at the.........................Office at.........................M.  Received here at............M.
 TO  4th Bde

* Sender's Number. Day of Month. In reply to Number. AAA

Fifteen Cases Turkish S  A.A.
have been found in gully
on right of our position
A.A.A. Were you aware of 
BM 636
not previously heard of
should he xxxx the send
to Bde H.Q.
FROM  16th B
TIME  1700
All Porterage, Redirection, or other charges collected on delivery are to be bought to accouat by me ans of Stamps affixed to the face of the
form, and the particulars of such charges and of amounts paid out are to be set forth in writing above, in the spaces headed "Delivery" and
"Charges for Delivery".
*This line should be erased if not required.


"C" Form (Duplicate).   Army Form C. 2123.

MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.          No. of Message

SM FD Bn 153 133 GHelden Charges to Pay.
£       s.      d.
Office Stamp.
Service Instructions.

Handed in at........Office 1820 m.  Received 1848 m.
TO  General Monash.

Sender's Number
G 261
Day of Month
In reply to Number AAA

As it is understood that 
the 7th Gloster Regt is
now holding part of General 
Johnsons line the GOC 13th
Division has decided to leave 
it there and to place
the 6th South Lancs now 
in CHAILAK DERE in General
Cayleys brigade who is to 
send for it when convenient
aaa HQ and 2 Battn 
38th Bde Remain in reserve 
at mouth of CHAILAK DERE 
and one battn 38th Bde
viz the 6th Royal Lancs will 
be placed under General Coxs
orders who is to send

(24932).  M.R.Co.,Ltd.  Wt. W9668/1672.  50,000 Pads-1/15.  Forms/C.2123.

"C" Form (Duplicate).                   Army Form C. 2123.
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.        No. of Message

G Helden
Charges to Pay.
£         s.      d.
Office Stamp.

Service Instructions.    

Handed in at.................Office...............m.  Received 1848m.
TO  Genl Monash (2) Bde

a guide tonight to conduct
this battn up the AGHYL DERE
aaa This battn is now
bivouaced at mouth of of
CHAILA DERE aaa.  Addressed
General Cox. Repeated Generals
Monash Baldwin (38th Bde)
and Cayley (39th Bde)

FROM  13 Div
PLACE & TIME  1820
(24932).  M.R.Co.,Ltd.  Wt. W9668/1672.  50,000 Pads-1/15.  Forms/C.2123.


"C"Form (Duplicate).                    Army Form C.2123.
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.          No. of Message

G Helden
Charges to Pay.
£      s.     d.

Office Stamp.

Service Instructions.

Handed in at.....................Office................m.  Received 1859 m.
TO  Bdr Gen Monash
Aust Bde

Sender's Number
Day of Month
In reply to Number

The GOC wishes you to
close the troops under your
orders well up the slopes
towards the enemy during the
preliminary bombardment of the
position so as to be
ready to reach the crest
as soon as the gun
fire stops tomorrow morning AAA
The assault should be carried
out with loud cheering AAA
Detailed orders follow acknowledge
BM 639
PLACE & TIME  1835
(24932).  M.R.Co.,Ltd.  Wt. W9668/1672.  50,000 Pads-1/15.  Forms/C.2123.



"C" Form (Duplicate).   Army Form C.2123.

MESSAGES AND SIGNALS          No. of Message

BM GB 109 QC  [[GH?]] Charges to Pay.
£      s.      d.
Office Stamp.
Service Instructions.    

Handed in at NZ        Office........m.  Received...........m.
TO  4th Aust Inf Bde

Sender's Number
ADC 74
Day of Month
In reply to Number AAA

General Sir Alexander Godley wishes
to thank all ranks of
the force under His command
for their fine performance of
last night and today and
for the gallant way in
which they have fought AAA
A final effort will be
demanded of them early tomorrow
morning but Gen Godley is
confident that troops who have
fought as they did during
the past 24 hours will
not be satisfied till they
have gained the final objective
of the operations viz the
hill from which we can

(24932).  M.R.Co.,Ltd.  Wt.W9668/1672.  50,000 Pads-1/15.  Forms/C.2123.

"C" Form (Duplicate).                   Army Form C. 2123.
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.         No. of Message

  Charges to Pay.
£        s.      d.

Office Stamp.

Service Instructions.    

Handed in at............................Office..................m.  Received........m.

Sender's Number Day of Month In reply to Number AAA

overlook the Dardanelles and
cut the enemys line of
communications and retreat

FROM Adc 1900
(24932).  M.R.Co.,Ltd.  Wt. W9668/1672.  50,000 Pads-1/15.  Forms/C.2123.


"A" Form.                    Army Form C. 2121.
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS         No. of Message


Office of Origin and Service Instructions.
Words    Charge

This message is on a/c of:
(Signature of "Franking Officer.")
Recd. at......m.

From 55

TO  General Monash

* Sender's Number
Day of Month
In reply to Number AAA

6th Bn Royal Lancs are placed at
your disposal for tomorrow.  AAA
Please send a guide tonight
to G.O.C. 38th Bde at mouth
of CHAILAK DERE to conduct
the Bn from its bivouac
to the place in the AGHYL
DERE selected by you for
the night.
Indian Divn
advised finalised
BM 640
From  G.O.C. Indian Bde
Time  1901
The above may be forwarded as now corrected.
(Z)  [[GWepeys?]] Captain
Signature of Addressor or person authorised to telegraph in his name
* This line should be erased if not required.
8350  S. B Ltd.  Wt  W4843/541-50,000.  9/14.  Forms  C2121/10.

"A" Form.                          Army Form C. 2121.
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.      No. of Message


Office of Origin and Service Instructions.
Words    Charge
This message is on a/c of :

(Signature of "Franking Officer."
Recd. at.......m.
From  56

TO  General Monash

* Sender's Number
Day of Month
In reply to Number AAA

6th Bn Royal Lancs are placed at
your disposal for tomorrow AAA. Please
send guide tonight to G.O.C. 38th
Bde at mouth of CHAILAK DERE
to conduct the Bn from its Bivouac
to the place in the AGAIL DERE
selected by you for the night

G.O.C. 38th Bde
The Bearer Sapper Schell will act as
guide.  The Bn will require to arrive here
not later than 1-45 AM tomorrow; or better
to come here tonight and bivouac & be
ready to move out at 1-45 AM tomorrow
From G.O.C. Indian Bde
Time  1901
JPMcGlinn LtC
Bde Major
4th Aus In
The above may be forwarded as now corrected.
(Z)  [[?]]
Signature of Addressor or person authorised to telegraph in his name
*This line should be erased if not required.
8350  S. B. Ltd.  Wt. W4843/541-50,000.  9/14.  Forms C2121/10.


"C" Form (Duplicate).                 Army Form C. 2123.
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.       No. of Message

SM HK 30 ZBK GHelden Charges to Pay.
£      s.      d.
Office Stamp.
Service Instructions.    

Handed in at ZBK  Office.................m.  Received 2100 m.
TO  4th Australian Bde

Sender's Number
Day of Month
In reply to Number

Please ask Major Overton if
the Millar Nicholas is still
with him and if so
would he be available to
guide troops to morro tomorrow
Overton not here
FROM  Indian Bde
(24932). M.R.Co.,Ltd.  Wt. W9668/1672.  50,000 Pads-1/15.  Forms/C.2123.


"C" Form (Duplicate).                       Army Form C. 2123.
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.         No. of Message

SM [[?]] Bn 85 [[Helden?]] Charges to Pay.
£       s.      d.
Office Stamp.
Service Instructions.

Handed in at.....................Office.............m.  Received 2114 m.
TO Genl Monash
Cmdg 4th Aust Bde

Sender's Number
Day of Month
In reply to Number

I feel confident that after
todays rest and starting comparatively
fresh your brigade will
make a determined effort to
capture the key of the
position tomorrow morning AAA In
selecting it for this task
I had the original brig
in mind and I hope you
will ask your excellent commanding
officers to let the
men know from me that
we all expect the reconstituted
brigade to live up
to the traditions of the
FROM  General Godley
(24932).  M.R.Co.,Ltd.  Wt. W9668/1672.  50,000 Pads-1/15.  Forms/C.2123.

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