Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 6, 3 August - 7 August 1915, Part 1

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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o .S. Ja) a eksmn in aenl nilie ililen Divizional Keadquerters Anzao Cove, 3rd Aug. 1915. From; Ovneral etaff .... £ -. Livision. Te: t It is notioed in the sooounts of the Cansdian ettecks at Y.res, that on many occalions bemb throwers were shot, and as e result parties advanoing were left without bombe. The same ocourred during the ettack on Turkish Des, air Works en the night of Zlet July/lst August. flease take ste,s to warn all ranks that special care should be taken to take bombs on from wounded and dead bemb threwers, who under the provisien of Organisation Orders recently issued should be recegnisable by the twe haversecke which each has been ordered to wear. (Sad) w.J. Breithwaite Lieut.-delon.l, al teff .... 4 A. Diviion
ove nat ro O192,93)In.n.Op on beW Lia, beteen + 91, 92.93,9.7.S.40 oking North Mnddl ae 88 Sagtes: Damakjelik B i 58 ssa 3 124 Hont 2oo -l VERTS Zoo - ip (ngeasdg natwal seale Teie Jn.
Im LENLAED NDD ASIRSIES DIUSOE. 7.Z....86. Divisional Headquarterg annee Cove, sth Augus, 195. summinrmakeur EHIEIR AEDIRESO DETECIONS. 1. OETEREL. (). Syoon of Supply. After 6th instest all wmits will leok to the Brigade Supply and Transport Officers of the Brisade to which they ere atteched fer retioee, weter and transport, Ihe sermal oses im he field vill be ued viz.-Brisnde vous and REYILLING FOLETS. Weter and suppliec vill be breucht to R.V. er whes the tastieal sitmetios permite further to R.F. cs peck animals, chere they will be nonded over to mmite fer men hendling to the trosche Brignde R.V. ond R.F.swill be fired by G.C.C. Brisades whe will essare thet all mmit cuaxtermesters ere st the R.V. te insereet Supply officere as to their require-ta, and to teke over ester and netione asty ere broucht uo from the rar 6). Divieiemel order No, 10. pere, 3. vaite leavine No. 3 Sestien om night 5th and 6th to dræ ratiose fer coscmmptics os the 6th im their no bivouees. (e). Divisienal freope which ere remeining near the beech and ere unettached to formatioae will costimue to dres rations from the beach es hitherte. (). Iren Petiond, Mest ond biccuite one day, groceriee two 2. SEZLIES. days for conomptios os the 7th and Och will be års os the nerning of 5th. O). Pstioas fer conomption on 9h and fellowing daye will be ner throuch the Brigade Supply offieer. dren im The ammal (e). Indien Petione, A Field Depet for Indien Beioae vill be esteblisned in Rung GULLY under Supply Offieer 29th (Indian) Brigade Infantry. In addition to this Brigade all Indias Troops attached to the Divisios will be supplied from this Depet. 6a). Patiens, ome sallom pex mem, 3. nxn 6). Cene. owing te the chestage ef receptachs the milk cans and other weter veesels im posmeesioa of the follesing vill be disperect ot es fellese.- Ie Zealend Infentry Brigade will hend over half their tine t. o.C. Field Depot so. , ca ofternoos 5th taking the other half with them, shich cheuld be handed over te o.C. Field Depot Ne. 4 on afterneom 6th. de hend ever all cane to O.C. eth Australien Infontry Brig Field Depet .e. ) afternoon 6tE. Ie Zeeland Mounted Ripes Brigade hend over all cane to O.C. Field Depot RUsSLLLVB 7Or afternoos 6th. sealed vessels containing water must be punotured in the corners at the top of the veesel and in cuch a manner as to pereit the tim to be readily repaired for future use.
wimnson - 2 . will be allotted and handed ever to Brigade Transport Officers. as follows:- ade Sigpal erz. Fator Section Kules 4th Austr. Inf. Boe N.Z. Inf. Bo.. 105 N.Z.M.R.Bd.. Otage M.R. 1 33 Neeri Contst. at 5 P.M. 6/8A95. xuux GutY. Exx muleewill be provided for supplies and hended over later under arrangemente to be made by O.C. Divisional Train. Fifteen donkeys are placed at the disposal of the O.C. No. 3 Section of Defence from to-day. JEssoM. L ol. ACKG. No-tealand a Austr. Divisiom.
Recd) vom Grrt Service instruchons Handed at the FROM PLACE TIME genernee Rede partculars of such eey Wrl Distance -4183 MESSAGES AND SICNALS, Nor ot Mesaage Ofice Stamg. Sent, or sent out Erc h ( I. Nrrs ie ko tetced 5 Tad ou Returned eived here a Ottce a Aad op ste ecied on denvery sceto be bought to sccous! pald omt are ie be set tette he vrtine S samonnte Ihte Nne should be erased not requed
SECKET iS190 137 Br At Rr 55 B Rr NEW ZEALAND AND AUSTRALIAN DIVISION. .. Divisional Headquarters Anzac Cove, 4th Aug. 1915. To:- Brig.-General J. Monash Commanding 4th Aust. Infantry Bde. MEMORANDUM. In order to avoid the possibly fatal delay which may ensue in the event of casualties among leaders of Battalions and higher formations, Brigadiers will arrange to select successors to their Regimental and Battalion Commanders in the event of the latter becoming casualties, and will inform their Staff Offioers CONFIDENTIALLY of their selections. It is to be clearly understood that these selections are not necessarily to be based on seniority, but that the most suitable men to take over in an emergency are so selected. Should you become a casualty, the command of your Brigade will be taken over by Lieut.-Colonel onk 7 Ard Aaiae Please acknowledge receipt. 5 b Brasterarte Lieut.-Colonel General Staff N.Z. & A. Division. Mager Herviing Maps Baie Haps Garter Tragd Haigolin
e se MEW ZSALAND AND AUSTRALLAN DIVISION. Divisional Headquarters, Anzac Cove, 4th Aug. 1915 12 4242 Lätes egg e Toc- Barae All Brigades and Divisional Units, N.Z. & A. Division. MEEORAUDU" The following is to be substituted for para. 3 (h) of Divisional Order No. 10 dated 3rd August:- (h) Headquarters and 4 guns 21st (Kohat) Mountain Battery will concentrate in NULE GULLY during the night 4/5th August. Nove to be completed by 3 a.m. 5th August. 26th (Jacob's) Kountain Battery (less one Section remaining on WALKER's TOP) will concentrate in NULE GULLY during the night 5/6th August. Move to be completed by 3 a.m. 6th August. (Sgd) W.G.Braithwaite, Lieut.Col. General Staff, N.Z. & A. Division.
2 Anmor Fox oreaaluarium onunne I Ryyoogs ir umdö. Beadquarters Anzae, 4.8.1915. munnd Dur reO.... 'All ranke vill veer vhite ernlets 6" vide fired e teech are aove the olbe-- and e white petch about 8 "szuare fired on the beck of the Fighn shoulder er tetwcen the choulter bletes. This will bewers im 'additios to any distinguiching merka selected by. va(Delem. In conseetion with the obeve the follewing insrustiese heve bees reeeived fros Divisiomel Meaczuerters E The chite petch will be were ca the Right shoulder Solede co es to be x from behind and not in fromt. Bedges will be fired oe ee LATM es pessible, pecik eally ce the ares, mnd overy preccution tekos to prevent "the en- fres neing nes weering them, Ins Briendier direste that anulete and petchee are to be prepared sé esoe sady for affixing to sacket, dut Are net te be effined pending further instrustione. 6. d. Isih. ma. ASrän Pa Lieut. Celomal Brigade Majer dtn Anstr. Ini. $. 9.S. ietn. Bu. Kadlahactt f CO. O.C. 1Sth. BEA -7 o.c. isth. BN. A33h To 6.d. Bde. Siga. 9 Sler e staff officers. todetet a o flease note and detach copy. AatMMadd ndl. Brigadekfabor. ath..Aust. Inf. Brigade. 4th. Augusy/ 1e15. A3
NEW ZEALAND AND AUSTRALIAN DIVISICN. Divisichal Headquarters, 486 Auzao Cove, 4th August 1915. N2 28 OIRuLIR uGRuBUN SUPLY WATER AMD TRANSPCRT INSTRUCTICNS. 1. GENERAL, (a) System of Sun ly. After 6th instant all unist will lock to the Su ly and Transport Cfficers of the Brugade Brigade to which they are attached for rations water and transre (y leere The normal system of sup ly in the field will port. ( Delskes kor bo- be used viz. Brigade RENDEZ VCUS and REFILLING PCINTS. detale -. Dpt Ogad) Water and supplies will be brought to R.V. or when the tectical situatien permits further to R.P. on pack animals, where they will Le handed cver to Cyllas wür uniys for man handling to the Trenches. augeg Cl- Brigade R.V. and R.Ps will be fixed by G.C.C. Brigades who will ensure that all unit quartermasters o l are at the R.V. to instruct Supply Offioers as to their requirements, and to take cver water and ratichs as Legnie uted hi- they are brought up from the rear påde om ()Divisichal Cd1 Units leaving No 3 Secticn on night 5th and Retn jotest; 6th te draw rations fer censumption en the 6th in h tae dyet jlefo their new bivcuaes. Divizignal Troeps which are remaining near the Beach and are unattached to formations will cctinue to (c) draw ratiens frem the Beach as hitherto. tjantietog Irch Rations. Meat and biscuits che day, groo¬ 7 ur (75. SUPILEES, eries two days for consumptien en the 7th and 8th will (a) be drawn en the merning of 5th. 2h.3 Ratichs for censum ticn en 9th and fellowing days will be drawn in the usual manner thruugh the Bri¬ (t) gade Sup ly Officer. A field Depot fer Indian Raticns Indian Raticns. (c) will Se established in MULE GULLY under Sup ly Cfficer 29th (Indian) Brigade Infantry. In additich to this Brigade all Indian Trocps attached to the Divisicn will be supplied frem this Depct. (a) Ratichs. Cne gallon per man. 3. MATER. Cwing to the shortage of receptacles the Cans. miik cans and cther vessels in possession of the follow- ing will be dispesed of as follows Ge New Zealand Infantry Brigade will hand cver half their Uins to C.C. Field De ot No 3 cn afternoem 5th taking the sther half with them, which should be handed 3 Stopdlorte crer to C.C. Field Depot No 4 en afternoen 6th. 4th Australian Infantry Brigade hand over all cans else to C.C. Field Depet No 5 afternoen 6th. Zealadd Meunted Rifles Brigade. hand over all cans s. te C.C. Field Depot XRUS-ELES TCP afternoen 6th. .. dy
AUS 2. i. Sealed ves els containing water must be punctured in the oerners at the top of the vessers-and in such a manner future as te permit the tin to be readily repaired for 2 19 suse. 4. TRANSPCRT, will be allotted and hande cver to Brigade Trans ert Cfficers as follows: bpelrlas ite watef. S.A.A. Biigade sigual sunlig de Sestigh. Nules Mules Cylle: üte gte M 89. ap Ath Aust. Inf. Bde. 109. N.Z. Inf. Bde. N.Z.M.R.Bde. 53. 2. Ctago M.R.Regt. Macri Contgt. at 5 p.m. 6/8/1915. MULE GULLY. Extra mules will be provided for sup lies and handed cver later under arrangements to be made by C.C. Divisichal Train. Fifteen denkeys are placed at the disposal of the C.C. No. 3 Seotion of Defenoe frem to-day. (Sg0) J: 3:. EssoM. Lieut Golehel. AOMG. New Zealand and Australian Divisicn. e) ..i7 ollge

Divisional Headquarters,
Anzac Cove, 3rd Aug. 1915.
From: General Staff
N.Z.& A. Division.
It is noticed in the accounts of the Canadian
attacks at Ypres, that on many occasions bomb throwers
were shot, and as a result parties advancing were left
without bombs.
The same occurred during the attack on Turkish
Despair Works on the night of 31st July/1st August.
Please take steps to warn all ranks that special 
care should be taken to take bombs on from wounded and
dead bomb throwers, who under the provision of 
Organisation Orders recently issued should be
recognisable by the two haversacks which each has been 
ordered to wear.
(Sgd) W.G.Braithwaite
[*Copies to Bns*]
General Staff,
N.Z. & A. Division


Diagram- see original document 


Divisional Headquarters,
Anzac Cove, 4th August, 1915.
1. GENERAL.  (a).  System of Supply.
After 6th instant all units will look to the Brigade
Supply and Transport Officers of the Brigade to which they
are attached for rations, water and transport.
The normal system in the field will be used viz.- Brigade
Water and supplies will be brought to R.V. or when the
tactical situation permits further to R.P. on pack animals,
where they will be handed over to units for man handling to
the trenches.
Brigade R.V. and R.P.s will be fixed by G.C.C. Brigades
who will ensure that all unit quartermasters are at the R.V.
to instruct Supply Officers as to their requirements, and to
take over water and rations asthey are brought up from the rear.
(b). Divisional Order No. 10. para. 3.
Units leaving No.3 Section on night 5th and 6th to draw
rations for consumption on the 6th in their new bivouacs.
(c). Divisional Troops which are remaining near the beach and
are unattached to formations will continue to draw rations
from the beach as hitherto.
2. SUPPLIES.  (a). Iron Rations. Meat and biscuits one day, groceries two
days for consumption on the 7th and 8th will be drawn on the
morning of 5th.
(b). Rations for consumption on 9th and following days will be 
drawn in the usual manner through the Brigade Supply Officer.
(c). Indian Rations. A Field Depot for Indian Rations will be
established in MULE GULLY under Supply Officer 29th (Indian)
Brigade Infantry. In addition to this Brigade all Indian 
Troops attached to the Division will be supplied from this
3. WATER.  (a). Rations. One gallon per man.
(b). Cans. Owing to the shortage of receptacle s the milk cans
and other water vessels in possession of the following will
be disposed of as follows:-
New Zealand Infantry Brigade will hand over half their tins
to O.C. Field Depot No. 3 on afternoon 5th taking the other 
half with them, which should be handed over to O.C. Field
Depot No. 4 on afternoon 6th.
4th Australian Infantry Brigade hand over all cans to O.C.
Field Depot No. 5 afternoon 6th.
New Zealand Mounted Rifles Brigade hand over all cans to O.C.
Field Depot RUSSELL'S TOP afternoon 6th.
Sealed vessels containing water must be punctured in the
corners at the top of the vessel and in such a manner as to 
permit the tin to be readily repaired for future use.


4. TRANSPORT. will be allotted and handed over to Brigade Transport
Officers as follows:-
                                       Brigade Signal                  S.A.A. Water
                                                 Mules                                 Mules
4th Austr. Inf. Bde                    2                                         89
N.Z. Inf. Bde.                               2                                         109
N.Z.M.R.Bde.       )
Otago M.R. Bde .)                      2                                          53
Maori Contgt.      )
at 5 p.m. 6/8/1915. MULE GULLY.
Extra mules will be provided for supplies and handed
over later under arrangements to be made by O.C. Divisional
Fifteen donkeys are placed at the disposal of the O.C.
No. 3 Section of Defence from to-day.
(Sgd). J.J.ESSON. Lt. Col.
AQMG. NewZealand & Austr. Division.


C. 2123.
C. Form (Original).     MESSAGES AND SIGNALS   No. of Message 
Recd from NZA
Prefix SM  Code GM  Words
Charges for Delivery
Paid out
Sent, or sent out
At       .M
at      .M.
Office Stamp.
4/8/15 Bq
Service Instructions.
Handed in at the     Office at     M.  Received here at 3/30M.
TO  4th Aus I Bde
*Sender's Number.   Day of Month.     In reply to Number.     AAA
NZG 850                      4th                         Confide B.10. 
Certainly AAA the
Names of the officers in our
NZG 836 was inserted inserted
under the mis apprehension
that the one you name
was away
TIME  1725.
All Porterage, Redirection, or other charges collected on delivery are to be bought to accouat by me ans of Stamps affixed to the face of the
form, and the particulars of such charges and of amounts paid out are to be set forth in writing above, in the space headed "Delivery" and
"Charges for Delivery".
*This line should be erased if not required.


Divisional Headquarters,
Anzac Cove, 4th Aug. 1915.
To:- Brig.-General J. Monash,
Commanding 4th Aust. Infantry Bde.
In order to avoid the possibly fatal delay which
may ensue in the event of casualties among leaders of
Battalions and higher formations, Brigadiers will arrange
to select successors to their Regimental and Battalion
Commanders in the event of the latter becoming casualties,
and will inform their Staff Officers CONFIDENTIALLY of their
It is to be clearly understood that these selections
are not necessarily to be based on seniority, but that the
most suitable men to take over in an emergency are so 
[*Look over*]
Should you become a casualty, the command of your
Brigade will be taken over by Lieut-Colonel xxxxxx Pope
Please acknowledge receipt.
NZG 850
WG Braithwaite
General Staff,
N.Z. & A. Division.
13th Bn Major Herring
14th Bn Major Dare
15th Bn Major Carter
16th Bn Major Margolin



Divisional Headquarters,
Anzac Cove, 4th Aug. _1915_
Recd 1330 Lieut Colonel
All Brigades and Divisional Units,
N.Z. &  A. Division.
The following is to be substituted for para. 3 (h)
of Divisional Order No. 10 dated 3rd August :-
(h) Headquarters and 4 guns 21st (Kohat) Mountain
Battery will concentrate in MULE GULLY during the night
4/5th August. Move to be completed by 3 a.m. 5th August.
26th (Jacob's) Mountain Battery (less one Section
remaining on WALKER'S TOP) will concentrate in MULE GULLY 
during the night 5/6th August. Move to be completed by
3 a.m. 6th August.
(Sgd) W.G.Braithwaite, Lieut.Col.
General Staff,
N.Z. & A. Division



Anzac, 4.8.1915.
To O.C.
"All ranks will wear white armlets 6" wide fixed on
"each arm above the elbow- and a white patch about 8"
"square fixed on the back of the right shoulder or
"between the shoulder blades. This will be worn in
"addition to any distinguishing marks  selected by
"Commanders of Columns.
In connection with the above the following 
instructions have been received from Divisional Headquarters,
"The white patch will be worn on the Right Shoulder
"blade so as to be seen from behind and not in front.
"Badges will be fixed on as LATE as possible, especllyally
"on the arms, and every precaution taken to prevent
"the enemy from seeing men wearing them.
The Brigadier directs that armlets and
patches are to be prepared at once ready for affixing to jacket,
but are not to be affixed pending further instructions.
Lieut. Colonel
Brigade Major,
4th Austr. Inf. Bde.
O.C. 13th. BN. LE Tilney LtCol
O.C. 14th. BN ChasMMDare Mjr for C.O.
O.C. 15th BN J H Cannan Lt
O.C. 16th. BN. H Pope Lt. Col
O.C. Bde. Sigs. JF McGlinn Lt
Staff Officers JR Eastwood Capt.
Bde Q.M.S PGBowditch
Please note and detach copy.
JP McGlinn Lt.-Col.
Brigade Major, 4th. Aust. Inf. Brigade.
4th. August. 1915.


NZQ 486
Divisional Headquarters,
Anzac Cove, 4th August 1915.
1.  GENERAL. (a)  System of Supply.
After 6th instant all unist will look to the
Brigade Supply and Transport Officers of the Brugade
to which they are attached for rations water and transpoport.
[*Capt Cleeve
(Lt Webster has been
detailed as Tpt Ofcr)*]
The normal system of supply in the field will 
be used viz. Brigade RENDEZ VOUS and REFILLING POINTS.
[*Capt Cleeve will
accompany Column
on march & will
Enquire where his
points are
He xx Water from No 2 op
Rations for time being from
No 4 Field Depot mule gully*]
Water and supplies will be brought to R.V.
or when the tactical situation permits further to R.P. 
on pack animals, where they will be handed over to 
uniys for man handling to the Trenches.
Brigade R.V and R.Ps will be fixed by G.C.C.
Brigades who will ensure that all unit quartermasters
are at the R.V. to instruct Supply Officers as to their
requirements, and to take over water and rations as
they are brought up from the rear
(b)  Divisional Order No 1O para 3.
Units leaving No 3 Section on night 5th and
6th to draw rations for consumption on the 6th in
their new bivouacs.
[*Inform Major Young
& give copy*]
(c)  Divisional Troops which are remaining near the
Beach and are unattached to formations will cotinue to
draw rations from the Beach as hitherto.
2.  SUPPLIES. (a)  Iron Rations. Meat and biscuits one day, groceries 
two days for consumption on the 7th and 8th will
be drawn on the morning of 5th.
[*In hand*]
(b)  Rations for consumption on 9th and following
days will be drawn in the usual manner thruugh the Brigade
Supply Officer.
(c)  Indian Rations.  A field Depot for Indian Rations
will be established in MULE GULLY under Supply Officer
29th (Indian) Brigade Infantry.  In addition to this
Brigade all Indian Troops attached to the Division will
be supplied from this Depot.
3.  WATER.  (a)  Rations.  One gallon per man.
(b)  Cans. Owing to the shortage of receptacles the 
milk cans and other water vessels in possession of the following
will be disposed of as follows :-
New Zealand Infantry Brigade will hand over half
their tins to C.C. Field Depot No 3 on afternoon 5th
taking the other half with them, which should be handed
over to C.C. Field Depot No 4 on afternoon 6th.
4th Australian Infantry Brigade hand over all cans 
to C.C. Field Depot No 5 afternoon 6th.
New Zealand Mounted Rifles Brigade. hand over all cans
to C.C. Field Depot XX RUSSELLS TOP afternoon 6th.
[* Copy No 1
     "          " 2 
     "          " 3  Staff Captn
     "          " 4 OC 13th
     "          " 5     "
     "          " 6     "
     "          " 7     "
     "          " 8  OC Bde Sigs


Sealed vessels containing water must be punctured in the
corners at the top of the vessels and in such a manner
as to permit the tin to be readily repaired for future
4.  TRANSPORT.  will be allotted and hande over to Brigade Transport
Officers as follows :-
[*to Webster who
is working under
Capt Cleeve*]
                                       Brigade Signal       S.A.A.      Water.
                                        Mules                                 Mules
4th Aust. Inf. Bde               2 }   when to be             X 89.
N.Z Inf. Bde.                         2. }   taken over                109.
N.Z.M.R.Bde.       )
Otago M.R.Regt. )                2.                                         53.
Maori Contgt.      )
at 5 p.m. 6/8/1915.  MULE GULLY.
Extra mules will be provided for supplies and
handed over later under arrangements to be made by C.C.
Divisional Train.
Fifteen donkeys are placed at the disposal of
the C.C. No. 3 Section of Defence from to-day.
(Sgd) J. J. ESSON  Lieut-Colonel.
AQMG.  New Zealand and Australian Division.

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