Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 6, 12 July - 3 August 1915, Part 11

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
Awaiting approval
Accession number:

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and covered communications construsted towarde the Aghyl Dere Valley. 9. The guide party will then post itself st the head of the 15th Battalion, and lead the remainder of the Brigade to the western slopes of Abdel Bahman Bair spur, head of column halting elese to ridge line, in the vieinity of 93.d.3. The C.0. 15th Bataliom will post scouts te line the forward slepes of the ridge overlocking the Daouk Jlak Dere, for awiith of frentage suffieient to cover the assambly, atthis peint, of the remainder of the coluan. 10. Vhes the head of the coluen has reached the place of assembly, the 16th Battalion will diengage to the right. and fern up paralel te à the right of 15th Battalion. The whole will face te the right (i.e. S.S.E.) and lie down. Iwe Battalions of the 29th (Indian) Brigade wieh march in rear of löth Battalion, will similarly fora up te the right of the 16th Battalion, i.e. on the uphill side.- 11. The Quide party will d Staff Captains of the auana 29th (Indian) Brigade, wi ally selected N.C.O's and 4 men te be detailed by I3ch Battalion.- 12. Beperts, during the advance, to head of 15th Batalion.
Sinlesieanligannd sanen 3c, Soliet DIYELCEAL CUDER KO. 19 zne cov. Reference sheet KUnlIA Draz Jrd Auguet 1915. Axp Area xap 1: 10.000. The contests of pare 3 of thie Noworandua ore to be trested as cecret and are to be communicated oaly to the extest thet is necescary to encure the effieiest carrying ot A re-distribution of Troope in the Division vill be carried ost as stated is pera 3. All noves are tobe carried ont as quietly and ceeretly as possible snd every preccution is to be takea to provest the enemy fres die¬ eevering either frea his Obeervation Feete er frosthe dir, the re-distribetion of our Yorces. Ihe ordere iseued with regerd te hestile sereplanes are to strietly obeerved. noe Ihe Nattalies N.I. Infastry Brigede now in nzE cUllY will neve te e bivouse is MONASN cULLY seleeted by the c.o.C. so. ) seetios :te be LuIlâtLY CLEAS ef Reet Gully by/ 10 p.a. Jrd August. Ihe lie (Australien) Licht Noree Bricade will relieve tmit s of the N.1. lsfantry Brigade noc in GUIEN's POST and rors's KILL on the 4th and 5th Augwet: relief to be esplete by 7.30 p.-. 3th August. 2 Companies, 4Oth Infantry Brigede cill be aveilable for the lnnes Refonees os the nicht tth/Sth Auewet. Ihe lst (Australisa) Divieies takes ore COUAIEEY'S ROST ) by the evening of the 5th Anguet. Deteiled arresgenente to be made by C.o.C. Jrd Section direet with the c.o.C. 2nd (Australien) Lnfastry Brigede. 14) Ihe N.I. Infestry Brigade vill geve to Mirr VaL
2 a a ea 38..0 a i. eg". . 38: aa: t 1 4a. ae i äan (2) (Square 80.K. 3) during the sight 5th/6th Angust vie RISY GULLY, RESERVE CULLY, and COKZUNICATION TREECM. Ihe heed of the Brigede vill set ereee KULE GULLY till after 10 p.m. (vide pare 3. f and 3). no esmyuycrprynt (c) Ihe Jré Licht Horse Brigade vill take over AUESELL's TOP on the 5th August : te be complete by 7 p.m. Ihe folleving arrivals are netified so that the nececcary preparatiose may be made : Bicht 4th/5th Angust. alion (less 2 Ceys.).4Oth Infastry Brigade -WALKrn's Ibes. Sth selch (Piencer) Battalies wudje zor. piahd Sihlich Aurusl 1 Company Divisional Engincers.13th Divisien -NUSSELL's TOP Ihe N.1. Nousted Rifles Brigade, the Ctage Vounted Rifles Regiment, and the Faeri Contingest will be concestrated on the 5th August in aad behind Noc.1. 2, und 3 Poste under orders issued by Frigadier-Ceneral A.N.Nussell : this meve is not to commence before dark : all troeps to be clear of the Communicstios Trench betueen NULE cULLY and MAPPY VillzY from 1o p.m. till the ccapletion of the nov of the N.Z. Iafanery Friende (pare 3. 4). rivisional Iroops ete. Ihe ath (Australies) Lafastry Brigede will meve to the wpper pertion of RESEaVs CULLI: the lecer pertion being clear by 10 p.m. Sth/6th Angust to meke room for the 29th (Indien) Infastry Frigade. In) Therdéth (Jacch'.) Koustein Battery vill conecatrate is eullf dueing the micht 5tN/oth Aegutt. Nove tob Cet no Sdutolete by ). Sil auguet. I Seetiom 2let (Kohe!) i Neustein Bettery sili be abtached to the 26th Keuntein Battery and will jein it on the elpad Sch/oth Auguet.
3. ) (t) 22 30 Enoluzzes. Ko. 2 Compaay N.I. Engincere will sove out of nZzz GULLY es the 3rd Auguet being estirely clear of i y 10 p 1ill bveuse et a plaee tobcleed by the c.o.c. No. 3 section. Nes. 1 and 2 Companies, N.1. Engineers will meve to HAPFY VAlLEY on the night 5th/6th August : ccmplete by 3 s.m. 6th August and to be made under the ordere of the c.O.C. N.1. Iafsatry Brigade (pars 3.4). AmntLasc s. Ihe N.I. Neunted Rifles and lst Licht Norse Field hobulance vill, oa arrival, be leeated in VALkrs's RInez cULLY: and the 3rd Light Neree Field Ambulance in ava cULlY. Nachine Gum Sections will, where detached, rejeim their reepective Cnits in time to meve with them under errange- weste to be made by Brigadiers and c.O.C. Scetione of Defenee. Drigades and Divisional Unite, on leaving theis present biveuse arcas, vill errange te leave all their equipsest and baggage surplus to the regulation seale, under charge of a suitable guard, light duty men being preferably detailed for thie duty. The arcas celccted for the collectios end stering of the cbeve ccuipecst ete. are as fellese :- In gully where the precest let licht Neree Brieeh. e.rvof Porz's is nov pested. Iall sh virm: N.1. Meunted Rifles bde. - Om ntsszLl's ror. Jrd Light Horse Brigade In gully chere Roserve of ..£. Infantry Eriguie coUzr's is alaye bivonacked. 4th Aust. Infastry Brigade - At head of RESXAVE OULLY.
) 7. (4) Engincer beits -tlbaden Nerth of Pipcor': PLAfEAU. Ne. 2 Coepany Lc Pors's EILL. rage V..Reg.. se. 2 Peet. rCtinge .IPee. ll a thi E STTaeee. sevee z Fermatione and Daite of (or atteched t) i tt.rrr fireetere ft invill bremder14hAnw Wio Brauttivaili ieln demeral steff, LlaA.Mirizien. Lach såundar ai lise si' Hland. Ssn 2. Ig Piv. Frein seeores A.b.M.5. o.c.signale A.N.C.(.o. e.0.C.) let L.M.Bee Adwis.Stf 3rd L.M.nd. -eral staff L.W..Ade M.2. Iafantry nde 13ta Tvieie ath Aust.Inf.n 29th Indien lnf.Bde Aray Cerpe. C.R.A.
ua Au p Lörptia puso Sopy No. 8 unsums omkass 10. 7 Beferenee Soret; XURIN nERR nzecov. xp aree Nxp 1.10,000. 3rd August 1915 Ihe centente of para 3 of thie Memorandum are to be treated as et and are to be commmmicsted oaly te the ertent that is neeeceery to ensure the effisient carrying ost of the erders thereis costsined. ope im the Divisios will carried o es steted in pere 3. vee ere to be cerried out es quietly and eeeretly ae pessible and ovexy preocutiom is te be takon to prevent theo from dis vering either from his observation pesteer from the air, the s -distribution ef our Forees. Theo erdereined vith raardtehecile serplanil osrd. sfpefenes. 3. (e). Ihe Bettalien N.I. Infamery Briende ne in Bkar eulr ill bivome unxx celeeted by the c.o.C. No. 3 Sectiom ....) Zar Gully " m. Drd Angust. o). Ihe is (uerals oo HerBrivil rli the N.X. astry. esov in QULNN'S FOST ON4 FOFE'S NIL. on the eth and elief to be completed by 7.30 p.m. 5th Angust. 4 4oth Infastry Brigade vill be evailable fort befencec om tha night 4/5th Angust (eb. The lst (Austral visiom takes ores COURIKres rosr bythe evening of the 5th stailed errangemente to be made by c.O.c. Jrd Sectios direet with the G.O.C. 2nd (Australias) Nantry brisede. (4). Ihe N.X. Lnfantry Brien P. t. BAPPI VLLEY (Square 80.M.3) during the night 5t gust vis REST CULLY. RESERVE GULLY and coon C. The head of th Brigate will not cerese efter 10 p.m. Wvide pare 3. f. ond x.. ) æussenles ror o the 5th Augu tobec-mpleto by fulloe errivale are otified o the de peeeseary prepanstiesesey ., IBettalies .2t Briende -UXER'S ezvle Ciemser) Bettalien - BUSDLLSTur. viene tähchM I Capany Diviclomal Eneinefe Ix biviedes - RUSSZLL:s ror 12 Ine N.L. Koumred Binle. Brigade, the Cag. Komted Bin. Begiment, and the Maeri Cestimgent will be conccstrated os the 5th August in and behind Nes. 1, 2, and 3 reste under erders iscued by Brigadier-Ceneral A. . Dueseli; thie move is not t. commen.e befere derk, roepe to be clcer of the. Commmmiestion Trench betweoa Poad HAPFI VxLEx from 10 p.m.till the ccmpletion ef the move of the N.Z. Infantry Drigede (pare 3.4). vaal Irr e. Ihe sth Guern e en ee ill mrtth portiom of RESERVE CULLY, the lewer pertiom being elcar by 10 P.m. Sth/6th August to make room for the 29th (Indian)
43 (h). Neadzuerters and 4 gwas 2ist Cehat) Moustein Battery will concestrate in munx cuntr daring the night 4/5th August. Move 3 a.m. 5th August.- ...compledby A 26 Jacob out of Rs ill er oeref it by 10 p.m. the 6.0.6.N..3 .. Norrr ccmplete by che d.O.C. lst Licht Her- Field apie s xupex outty: loeated BESERæ GULY. nels. as sched, rejim their ens e.o.e. setier eeving their present teereall theiz equipmant atiom meale, undef. an being preferably. s where the pre.r ie no pestod. xxXER S EIDOE. uuy of PLvccres LATEAU. pof sanx. a. ve tete omer vmeie amr: phis Leole pes. 1, vhe complote, slose by Brisediers. is inee dled thet aus . sithwil asmitmenite. me) Lieut. Colomel nepal Div. ver A.D.M.S.-. r A.D.C. (fer c.O.C.) od. sions om, saff lst L.No Ceneral Staff Jra L.K.B4 i 2an Andiam Inf. Bd.. h Aimy Corpe St 18
43 ZEZEA 7infanry Brignde. Ine 26th (L.d..) Nousteip Bettery vill coneentrate im MuX e.N.v.t.vec-mplot. 263 t/ GULLY during the mi ae ce s.) im Bettery w 3 eth August will seim it om the 2 be ettsched toch eill vout of Rs eleaxof it by 10 p.m. vthe.0..N..3 rr is Nrrr! tebec-mplete by erders ef che d.o.c.m.1 Riflesand lst Licht Her- Field ppex cuty. leeated in WALKER' sonlanee in me sched, rejim their miereend s.0... os leeving their preent ies leeveall. theiz equipment polstiom meale, under. being oreferably. s n r iepestod. vvurnyes kuom. M etY. of PLuccres u pof a u anx. Au .... meieee nd unit.t.b.oplt. a shins. I oseby. a mo. ttaeh visio, tiose ..... ti, hccmplete, .e. ertere by Brigediers. ..chet omplied un Lieut. Colomel xexls 38. piy. A.D.M.S.-. beeerde A.D.C. (fer c.O.C.) os. wional. aom. saff ls L.NB4 Ceneral Staff Jra L.K.34 Divisios t i Indiam Inf. Bd.. . ie nimy corps Eti 7.
Dena Wednsdlon 0 derolohs 6 o
4 SIGNAL ORGANISATION FOR COMBINED OPERATIONS. ALTERATIONS AND ADDITIONS. (3) A more complete Hist of naval call signs than that contained in "Alterations and Additions" No. 1 is appended. LIST OF WTCALL STGN "Queen Elizabeth " Mosquito" 317. A0. "Agamemnon "Renard 327. B0. "Basilisk" "Lord Nelson BR. 337. " Rattlesnake" 4 Vengeance CA. 347 "Triumph Bulldog OB. Wolvemne " Prince of Wales CC 367 "Beagle "Albion CD. "Goliath " Harpy OF. 387. Pincher "Swiftsure 39 OG. "Cornwallis "Grampus CH. 40T. "Canopus Grasshopper CN. 417. Implacallle Scourge OR. "London Foxhound 437. CV. "Queen" "Savage Cw. 447. " Prince George " Racoon" 457. CZ. Majestic "Scorpion 467 DD. "Infexible "Usk 66T. FW. Welland " Euryalus HR. 70T 4 Bacchante "Jed HZ. " Phaeton 4 Wear 81T. JY. Dartmouth " Ribble KN. " Dublin"l "Colne 937. KP. Talbot "Kennet 957 LG. "Doris Chelmer LW. 96T. "Minerva" "Ark Royal LY. N80. "Sapphire NK. Tenedos Aerodrome Amethyst N.M. N7. Manica Harrier PF. "Adamant" PR. 4 Blenhenn PZ. Special Service Ships. Hussar HKN Special Service Ship No. 12. Qw. HKO Special Service Ship No. 13. HKP Special Service Ship No. 14. Special Call Signs. FK. Vice Admiral commanding Submarines. E.M. Squadron. 8It AE2 U32 (2nd in command E.M. U28 OF. Squadron. (R.A.C. Ist Squadron U33 B8 U29 DS. R.A.C. 2nd Squadrou DT. R.A.C. 3rd Squadron U34 B10 S.N.O. Mudros TS. Bll U30 lst Squadron EJ. U85 Ell 2nd Squadron DK. U56 El4 3rd Squadron DL. Ath Sqtadron DM. 6th Squadron DN. Repair Ship Hospital Ship. Depot Ship. YGK "Rehance MNB "Soudan' YJG "Fauvette" ICall sign of "Dublin" was shown as KFin frst Hist of alterations owing to a misprint.

and covered communications constructed towards the Aghyl
Dere Valley.

9. The guide party will then post itself at the head of the
15th Battalion, and lead the remainder of the Brigade to
the western slopes of Abdel Rahman Bair spur, head of column
halting close to ridge line, in the vicinity of 93.q.3.
The C.O. 15th Battalion will post scouts to line the forward
slopes of the ridge overlooking the Daouk Julak Dere, for
a width of frontage sufficient to cover the assembly, at this
point, of the remainder of the column.

10. When the head of the column has reached the place of
assembly, the 16th Battalion will disengage to the right,
and form up parallel to & the right of 15th Battalion. The
whole will face to the right (i.e. S.S.E.) and lie down.
Two Battalions of the 29th (Indian) Brigade which march in rear
of 16th Battalion, will similarly form up to the right of
the 16th Battalion, i.e. on the uphill side.-
11. The Guide party will consist of the Staff Captains of the
29th (Indian) Brigade, ^& 4th (Australian) Bde. with two specially selected N.C.O's
and 4 men to be detailed by I3th Battalion.-
12. Reports, during the advance, to head of 15th Battalion.


Copy No. 8 
G.O.C's Copy   
DIVISIONAL ORDER NO. 10                                                                                  Reference sheet    KURIJA DERE              
AND  Area Map 1: 10,000.
3rd August 1915.
1. The content of para 3 of this Memorandum are to be treated
as secret and are only to be communicated only to the
extent that is necessary to ensure the efficient carrying

out of the orders therein contained.
2. A re-distribution of Troops in the Division will be
carried out as stated in para 3. All moves are to be
carried out as quietly and secretly as possible and every
precaution is to be taken to prevent the enemy from discovering
either from his Observation Posts or from the 
air, the re-distribution of our Forces. The orders
issued with regard to hostile aeroplanes are to
strictly observed.

3. (a) The Battalion N.Z. Infantry Brigade now in REST GULLY will
move to a bivouac in MONASH GULLY selected by the G.O.C.
NO. 3 Section : to be ENTIRELY CLEAR of Rest Gully by
10 p.m. 3rd August.

(b) The 1st (Australian) Light Horse Brigade will relieve
Units of the N.Z. lnfantry Brigade now in QUINN'S POST
and POPE'S HILL on the 4th and 5th August: relief to be
completed by 7.30 p.m. 5th August.
2 Companies, 40th Infantry Brigade will be available for
the lnner Defences on the night 4th/5th August.
(c) The 1st (Australian) Division takes over COURTNEY'S POST

by the evening of the 5th August. Detailed arrangements
to be made by G.O.C. 3rd Section direct with the G.O.C.
2nd (Australian) Infantry Brigade.

(d)) The N.Z. Infantry Brigade will move to HAPPY VALLEY


3 (d)

(Square 80.M.5) during the night 5th/6th August via

head of the Brigade will not cross MULE GULLY till after
10 p.m. (vide para 3. f and j).
(e) The 3rd Light Horse Brigade will take over RUSSELL'S TOP
 on the 5th August : to be complete by 7 p.m.
The following arrivals are notified so that the necessary
preparations may be made :

Night 4th/5th August.
1 Battalion (less 2 Coys.), 40th Infantry Brigade -WALKERS RIDGE
8th Welsh (Pioneer) Battalion                         - RUSSELL'S TOP.
Night 5th/6th August
1 Company Divisional Engineers, 13th Division -RUSSELL'S TOP
(f) The N.Z. Mounted Rifles Brigade, the Otago Mounted Rifles
Regiment, and the Maori Contingent will be concentrated on
the 5th August in and behind Nos.1, 2, and 3 Posts under
orders issued by Brigadier-General A.H.Russell : this move
is not to commence before dark : all troops to be clear
of the Communication Trench between MULE GULLY and HAPPY
VALLEY from 10 p.m. till the completion of the move of the
N.Z. Infantry Brigade (para 3. d).
Divisional Troops etc

(g) The 4th (Australian) Infantry Brigade will move to the
upper portion of RESERVE CULLY: the lower portion being
clear by 10 p.m. 5th/6th August to make room for the 29th
(Indian) Infantry Brigade.

(h) The 26th (Jacob's.) Mountain Battery will concentrate in
in MULE GULLY during the night 5th/6th August. Move to be
complete by 3 a.m. 6th August. 1 Section 21st (Kohat)
Mountain Battery will be attached to the 26th Mountain
 Battery and will join it on the night 5th/6th August.

[*Cancelled NZG842

4 8
[ 15*]
 (h) Headquarters and 4 guns 21st (Kohat) Mountain
Battery will concentrate in MULE GULLY during
the night 4/5th August. Move to be completed by
3 a.m. 5th August. 26th (Jacob's) Mountain Battery
(less one Section remaining on Walker's Top) will
concentrate in MULE GULLY during the night 5/6th
August. Move to be completed by 3 a.m. 6th August.



3. (j) ENGINEERS. No. 2 Company N.Z. Engineers will move out
of REST GULLY on the 3rd August being entirely clear of
it by 10 p.m. It will bivouac at a place to be selected
by the G.O.C. No. 3 section.
Nos. 1 and 2 Companies, N.Z. Engineers will move to
HAPPY VALLEY on the night 5th/6th August : move to be
complete by 3 a.m. 6th August and to be made under the
orders of the G.O.C. N.Z. Infantry Brigade (para 3.d)
(k) AMBULANCES. The N.Z. Mounted Rifles and 1st Light Horse
Field Ambulance will, on arrival, be located in WALKER'S
RIDGE GULLY: and the 3rd Light Horse Field Ambulance in
Machine Gun Sections will, where detached, rejoin their
respective Units in time to move with them under arrangements
 to be made by Brigadiers and G.O.C. Sections of Defence.

Brigades and Divisional Units, on leaving their present
bivouac areas, will arrange to leave all their equipment
and baggage surplus to the regulation scale, under charge
of a suitable guard, light duty men being preferably
detailed for this duty.
The areas selected for the collection and storing of the
above equipment etc. are as follows :-
1st Light Horse Brigade      - In gully where the present
                                                    Reserve of POPE'S is now posted.
N.Z. Mounted Rifles Bde.    - In gully South of WALKER'S RIDGE
3rd Light Horse Brigade     - On RUSSELL'S TOP
N.Z. Infantry Brigade           - In gully where Reserve of
                                                     COURTNEY'S is always bivouacked.
4th Aust. Infantry Brigade  - At head of RESERVE GULLY.


(4)                                                                                               (9)


(Cont.)  Engineer Units       - No. 1 Company North PLUGGE"S  

                                                    No. 2 Company Lower slopes of 
                                                    POPE'S HILL.
              Otago M.R. Regt.   - No. 2 Post.
              Maori Contingent  - No. 1 Post.

All formations and Units will be complete as regards
Arms, Equipment, Clothing, Ammunition, Tools and Rations

by 9 a.m. 4th August.
7. All moves by Formations and Units of (or attached to)
the N.Z. & A. Division, mentioned in para 3 will, when

complete, be notified as such to Divisional Headquarters

by Brigadiers.

Certificates that para 6 of this Order has been complied

with will be rendered by 12 noon 4th August.
WG Braithwaite

Lieut. Colonel,

General Staff

N.Z. & A. Division.

Copies as under 12 noon

Copy No. To                             By Hand

1 War Diary                                  11 Div. Train
2 Records                                     12 A.D.M.S. 
3 O.C. Signals                              13 A.D.C. (for G.O.C.)
4 Ist L.H. Bde                              14 Admin. Staff
5 3rd L.H.Bde                              15 General Staff
6 N.Z.M.R.Bde                             16      "            "
7 N.Z.Infantry Bde                     17 13th Division
8 4th Aust. Inf. Bde                   18 29th Indian Inf.Bde

9 C.R.E.                                          19 Army Corps

10 C.R.A.                                        20


Copy No. 8 
3rd August 1915.                                                                 
Reference sheet:    KURIJA DERE. 
AND Area Map 1: 10,000. 
1. The contents of para 3 of this Memorandum are to be treated
as secret and are to be communicated only to the extent that is
necessary to ensure the efficient carrying out of the orders
therein contained.
2. A re-distribution of Troops in the Division will be carried out
as stated is para 3. All moves are to be carried out as quietly
and secretly as possible and every precaution is to be taken to
prevent the enemy from discovering either from his observation
posts or from the air, the re-distribution of our Forces. Theo
orders issued with regard to hostile aeroplanes are to be strictly
3. (a) The Battalion N.Z. Infantry Brigade now in REST GULLY will move
to a bivouac in MONASH GULLY selected by the G.O.C. NO. 3 Section
to be ENTIRELY CLEAR of Rest Gully by 10 p.m. 3rd August.
(b) The 1st (Australian) Light Horse Brigade will relieve Units of
the N.Z. lnfantry Brigade now in QUINN'S POST and POPE'S HILL
on the 4th and 5th August: relief to be completed by 7.30 p.m.
5th August. 2 Companies, 40th Infantry Brigade will be
available for the lnner Defences on the night 4th/5th August.

(c) The 1st (Australian) Division takes over COURTNEY'S POST by the
evening of the 5th August. Detailed arrangements to be made
by G.O.C. 3rd Section direct with the G.O.C. 2nd (Australian)
Infantry Brigade.
(d). The N.Z. Infantry Brigade will move to HAPPY VALLEY (Square
80.M.5) during the night 5th/6th August via REST GULLY,
Brigade will not cross MULE GULLY till after 10 p.m. (vide
para 3. f and j).
(e). The 3rd Light Horse Brigade will take over RUSSELL'S TOP on
the 5th August_ to be complete by 7 p.m. The following
arrivals are notified so that the necessary preparations may
be made :

Night 4th/5th August.
1 Battalion (less 2 Coys.), 4Oth Infantry Brigade -WALKERS RIDGE

8th Welsh (Pioneer) Battalion                         - RUSSELL'S TOP.
Night 5TH/6TH August.
1 Company Divisional Engineers, 13th Division -RUSSELL'S TOP
(f) The N.Z. Mounted Rifles Brigade, the Otago Mounted Rifles
Regiment, and the Maori Contingent will be concentrated on the
5th August in and behind Nos.1, 2, and 3 Posts under orders
issued by Brigadier-General A. H. Russell: this move is not
to commence before dark: all troops to be clear of the
Communication Trench between MULE GULLY and HAPPY VALLEY from
10 p.m. till the completion of the move of the N.Z. Infantry
Brigade (para 3. d).
Divisional Troops etc.

(g) The 4th (Australian) Infantry Brigade will move to the upper
portion of RESERVE CULLY: the lower portion being clear by 10
p.m. 5th/6th August to make room for the 29th (Indian)


(h) Headquarters and 4 guns 21st (Kohat) Mountain Battery will
concentrate in MULE GULLY during the night 4/5th August. Move
to be completed by 3 a.m. 5th August. 

26th (Jacob's) Mountain Battery (less one Section remaining on
WALKER'S TOP) will concentrate in MULE GULLY during the night
5/6th August. Move to be completed by 3 a.m. 6th August.
(j) ENGINEERS. No. 2 Company N.Z. Engineers will move out of Rest
Gully on the 3rd August being entirely clear of it by 10 p.m.
It will bivouac at a place to be selected by the G.O.C. No. 3
Nos. 1 and 2 Companies, N.Z. Engineers will move to HAPPY
VALLEY on the night 5th/6th August: move to be complete by 3 a.m.
6th August and to be made under the orders of the G.O.C. N.Z.
Infantry Brigade (para 3.d)
(k) AMBULANCES. The N.Z. Mounted Rifles and 1st Light Horse Field
Ambulance will, on arrival, be located in WALKER'S RIDGE GULLY:
and the 3rd Light Horse Field Ambulance in RESERVE GULLY.

Machine Gun Sections will, where detached, rejoin their
respective Units in time to move with them under 

arrangements to be made by Brigadiers and G.O.C.
Sections of Defence.

Brigades and Divisional Units, on leaving their present
bivouac areas, will arrange to leave all their equipment
and baggage surplus to the regulation scale, under
charge of a suitable guard, light duty men being preferably
detailed for this duty.
The areas selected for the collection and storing of the
above equipment etc. are as follows :-
1st Light Horse Brigade      - In gully where the present
                                                     Reserve of POPE'S is now posted.

N.Z. Mounted Rifles Bde.    - In gully South of WALKER'S RIDGE.

3rd Light Horse Brigade     - On RUSSELL'S TOP.
[*N.Z. Infantry Brigade           - In gully where Reserve of
 COURTNEY'S is always 

4th Aust. Infantry Brigade  - At head of RESERVE GULLY.
Engineer Units                       - No.1 Company - north of                                                                            PLUGGE'S PLATEAU.
                                                    - No.2 Company - Lower Slopes of
                                                       POPE'S HILL.
Otago M.R. Regt.                      - No. 2 Post.
Maori Contingent - No. 1 Post.

All Formations and Units to be complete as regards Arms,
Equipment, Clothing, Ammunition, Tools and Rations by
9a.m. 4th August.

7. All moves by Formations and Units of (or attached to)
the N.Z. & A. Division, mentioned in para 3 will, when

complete, be notified as such to Divisional Headquarters

by Brigadiers. 

Certificates that para 6 of this Order has been complied with will be rendered by 12 noon 4th August.
(Sgd.) WG Braithwaite

Lieut. Colonel

General Staff

N.Z. & A. Division.

Copies as under 12 noon

Copy No. To                             By Hand

1 War Diary                                  11 Div. Train
2 Records                                     12 A.D.M.S. 
3 O.C. Signals                              13 A.D.C. (for G.O.C.)
4 Ist L.H. Bde                              14 Admin. Staff
5 3rd L.H.Bde                              15 General Staff
6 N.Z.M.R.Bde                             16      "            "
7 N.Z.Infantry Bde                     17 13th Division
8 4th Aust. Inf. Bde                   18 29th Indian Inf. Bde

9 C.R.E.                                         19 Army Corps

10 C.R.A.                                       20



Infantry Brigade.

(h). The 26th (Jacob's) Mountain Battery will concentrate in MULE

GULLY during the night 5th/6th August. Move to be complete by

3 a.m. 6th August. 1 Section 21st (Kohat) Mountain Battery will be attached to the 26th Mountain Battery and will join it on the

night 5th/6th August.

[*[[JC NZ called 842 NZC?]]*]

(j) ENGINEERS. No. 2 Company N.Z. Engineers will move out of Rest
Gully on the 3rd August being entirely clear of it by 10 p.m.
It will bivouac at a place to be selected by the G.O.C. No. 3
Nos. 1 and 2 Companies, N.Z. Engineers will move to HAPPY
VALLEY on the night 5th/6th August: move to be complete by 3 a.m.
6th August and to be made under the orders of the G.O.C. N.Z.
Infantry Brigade (para 3.d)

(k) AMBULANCES. The N.Z. Mounted Rifles and 1st Light Horse Field
Ambulance will, on arrival, be located in WALKER'S RIDGE GULLY:
and the 3rd Light Horse Field Ambulance in RESERVE GULLY.


Brigades and Divisional Units, on leaving their present
bivouac areas, will arrange to leave all their equipment
and baggage surplus to the regulation scale, under
charge of a suitable guard, light duty men being preferably
detailed for this duty.
The areas selected for the collection and storing of the
above equipment etc. are as follows :-
1st Light Horse Brigade      - In gully where the present
                                                     Reserve of POPE'S is now posted.

N.Z. Mounted Rifles Bde.    - In gully South of WALKER'S RIDGE.

3rd Light Horse Brigade     - On RUSSELL'S TOP.
[*N.Z. Infantry Brigade           - In gully where Reserve of
 COURTNEY'S is always 

4th Aust. Infantry Brigade  - At head of RESERVE GULLY.
Engineer Units                       - No.1 Company - north of                                                                                  PLUGGE'S PLATEAU.
                                                    - No.2 Company - Lower Slopes of
                                                       POPE'S HILL.
Otago M.R. Regt.                      - No. 2 Post.
Maori Contingent - No. 1 Post.

All Formations and Units to be complete as regards Arms,
Equipment, Clothing, Ammunition, Tools and Rations by
9a.m. 4th August.

7. All moves by Formations and Units of (or attached to)
the N.Z. & A. Division, mentioned in para 3 will, when

complete, be notified as such to Divisional Headquarters

by Brigadiers. 

Certificates that para 6 of this Order has been complied with will be rendered by 12 noon 4th August.
(Sgd.) WG Braithwaite

Lieut. Colonel

General Staff

N.Z. & A. Division.

Copies as under 12 noon

Copy No. To                             By Hand

1 War Diary                                  11 Div. Train
2 Records                                     12 A.D.M.S. 
3 O.C. Signals                              13 A.D.C. (for G.O.C.)
4 Ist L.H. Bde                              14 Admin. Staff
5 3rd L.H.Bde                              15 General Staff
6 N.Z.M.R.Bde                             16      "            "
7 N.Z.Infantry Bde                     17 13th Division
8 4th Aust. Inf. Bde                   18 29th Indian Inf. Bde

9 C.R.E.                                         19 Army Corps

10 C.R.A.                                       20




















A more complete List of naval call signs than that contained in "Alterations and Additions" No. 1 is appended.

AO. "Queen Elizabeth"                      31T. "Mosquito"
BQ. "Agamemnon"                            32T. "Renard"

BR. "Lord Nelson"                               33T. "Basilisk"

CA. "Vengeance"                                 34T. "Rattlesnake"
CB. "Triumph"                                      35T. "Bulldog"

CC. "Prince of Wales"                         36T. "Wolverine"

CD. "Albion"                                          37T. "Beagle"

CF. "Goliath"                                         38T. "Harpy"
CG. "Swiftsure"                                     39T. "Pincher"

CH. "Cornwallis"                                  40T. "Grampus"

CM. "Canopus"                                    41T. "Grasshopper"
CR. "Implacable"                                 42T. "Scourge"

CV. "London"                                        43T. "Foxhound"

CW. "Queen"                                        44T. "Savage"

CZ. "Prince George"                           45T. "Racoon"
DD. "Majestic"                                     46T. "Scorpion"
FW. "Inflexible"                                    66T. "Usk"

HR. "Euryalus"                                     70T. "Welland"

HZ. "Bacchante"                                 78T. "Jed"

JY. "Phaeton"                                       81T. "Wear"                               KN."Dartmouth"                                  82T. "Ribble"
KP. "Dublin"+                                        93T. "Colne"   

LG. "Talbot"                                           95T. "Kennet"                             

LW. "Doris"                                            96T. "Chelmer" 
LY. "Minerva"                                       N80. "Ark Royal"     
NK. "Sapphire"                                    N27. Tenedos Aerodrome
NM. "Amethyst"                                  W7. "Manica"

PF. "Harrier"
PR. "Adamant"

PZ. "Blenheim"                            Special Service Ships
QW. "Hussar"                              HKN Special Service Ship No. 12.
                                                       HKO Special Service Ship No. 13.
                                                       HKP Special Service Ship No. 14.
Special Call Signs.
FK. Vice Admiral commanding         Submarines
                        E.M. Squadron.                  81U       AE2
           (2nd in command E.M.                U32       B6
OF.     (                       Squadron.               U28       B7    
           (R.A.C. Ist Squadron                      U33       B8
DS.     R.A.C. 2nd Squadron                    U29       B9
DT.      R.A.C. 3rd Squadron                     U34      B10
TS.       S.N.O. Mudros                                U30      B11
EJ.       1st Squadron                                  U85      E11
DK.      2nd Squadron                               U96      E14
DL.      3rd Squadron
DM.     4th Squadron
DN.      6th Squadron

Repair Ship                 Hospital Ship.                 Depot Ship.
YGK "Reliance"             MNB "Soudan"                 YJG "Fauvette"

+Call sign of "Dublin" was shown as KF in first list of alterations owing to a misprint.

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