Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 6, 12 July - 3 August 1915, Part 10

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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Divisions and Brigades to G.H.Q., must, to avoid
duplication of casualty reports, invariably be repeated 
to all superior commanders.
4.  Reports of heavy casualties rendered under these
instructions are intended only to expedite the arrival of
reinforcements for the units concerned:  the numbers given
will not be regarded as official and will not be published.
These reports should invariably be prefaced by the words
"Estimated casualties", "additional" or "total" as the case
may be, and estimates should be given in round numbers
showing officers and other ranks separately.  No distinction
should be made between killed, wounded and missing.
5.  The return of estimated casualties referred to
above is quite distinct from the official return of
casualties which will be rendered as usual in accordance
with the instructions already in force,  Although during
heavy fighting circumstances will inevitably lead to some
delay in rendering an accurate and complete report of all
casualties, every endeavour should be made to verify all
casualties as early as possible and to include them in the
official returns and rolls.

E.M. Woodward
Deputy Adjutant-General.
General Headquarters,
1st August, 1915.


      4th.  Aust.Inf. Bde.  




The date of promotion of Brig. Gen. Russel is contained in
Div. order No 115 of 29/3/15, quoting the London Gazette
of 6/3/15, & is given as 16/10/14. — .X.

The order of seniority is therefore:-

Maclaurin    Aug 15                    
McCay                "                             
McLagan           "                              
Johnston      Sep.  1                        
Monash             "   15                         
Ryrie                   "   19                 
Russell           Oct  16                     
Hughes             "    17                      
Chauvel         Dec 10

See A.I.F. orders
List No 10 published in
 Div. order 831. of 16/11/15:-
This publishes in para 2 the order - in
Council, of Sep 1/15 giving the promotions
as published in Gazette of Sep. 3,
& repeated the adjoining dates.-
.X.  Div. order No 115
799 London Gazette.
The following extracts from the London Gazette are published:- 
War office 6th March 1915
Attached to H.Q. units
Brigade Commander - Colonel A.H. Russell, N.Z. Forces, & to be
temporary Brigadier General . Dated 16th Oct. 1914 . -


Australia Day Leaf
per Mrs Barrett
Aug 2/15


Notes on operations
towards Koja Chemen Tepe (971')

From bivouac to Aghyl Dere at Walden point   3400x  =    1.9M
From Aghyl Dere at Walden point to Summit
by my route                                                                 4700x   =    2.7  
Total March                                                                  8100x    =    4.6M 

From pt. B on Aghyl Dere Valley to summit, rise is 912 ft in 3500x
i.e. Average grade of 1 in 11½
Distance along Ridge from Pope's Hill to Summit  =  4000x

Length of Brigade, in columns of Route:- say 3400 of all ranks  =  850 sections of
fours  =  4250 ft  =  (say) 1500 yards.


(Copy of Notes by Brig-Genl. Cox)
Recd & copied 3/8/15)
General Plan

To march in one Column as far as the mouth of the Aghyl Dere, to detach two Battalions
of Gurkhas there, to proceed up the Aghyl Dere keeping to the eastern branch of it from the fork, and
making their own way to the objective 971:-  The main column to march up the beach road as far as
the line 92-L-Q where it will be possible to turn sharp right and move on a single bearing as far
as the lower part of the Abdel Rahman Bair, thus also avoiding most of the rough ground with the exception 
of the crossing of the Asma Dere.-
Picqueting.  Opposition seems certain at the Aghyl Dere and at the foot of the low slopes just beyond it;
It is proposed therefore that at this stage of the march the column should be led by a battalion of the 4th
Aust. Bde, whose special duty it will be to clear the Damakjelik Bair, and to picquet it, & the low 
hills as far as the Kaiajik Dere. - The battalion will dig itself in.  Further picquets may be found necessary
on the far side of the Asma Dere, and the lower slope of Abdel Rahman Bair
Constitution of Columns. As the two Gurkha Battalions it is proposed to detail to proceed by the Aghyl Dere have 
a shorter distance to go than the main column, it seems best that they should march in rear of the column 
& detach themselves at the mouth of the Aghyl Dere. - As noted above, an Australian Battalion 
will lead, & the remainder of the 4th Aust. Bde will follow, at all events as far as the lower part 
of the Abdel Rahman Bair spur;  the 14th Sikhs & an Indian Battalion bringing up the rear to that point.- 
Formation it is suggested that the leading Battalion of the Brigade, whichever it happens to be at any
period of the march, should be in a suitable formation for rapid deployment viz:- 3 parallel
columns of one Company each at deploying interval, followed by a Company & M Guns in colums of
route, all columns being connected by connecting files, at touching distance & intervals, & directed
from the front of the centre column (See next page). - The remainder of the column to follow in
ordinary columns of route with guns & engineers near the rear.  Bombers & wire cutters to be
well to the front of each Company. - When serious opposition is met with, it may be necessary
for the column to halt, when everyone should lie down, except the troops dealing with the
situation in front.

Leading Battalion                                  Main Columns


Operation order
Draft only -
(prepared for Conference with G.O.C 29th (Indian) Bde)
N.B. Formal portions not yet drafted

1.  The Fourth (Aust.) Infantry Brigade will march in the following order,  in column
of route, head of column passing the starting point (No 5 supply depôt)
at   ?   p.m   on   ?   x  viz:   13th Battalion
                                                  14th     do
                                                  Brigade H.Q & signals
                                                  15th Battalion
                                                  16th Battalion

2.  Route:-  West down Reserve Gully to the Beach Road, thence north along the
Beach Road to No 3 outpost. - The head of the column will halt when
abreast of No 3 outpost.
3.  The Brigade will there assume the following formation:-
Each Battalion will form into two columns of Fours, at an interval of 25 yards
between inner flanks of columns; i.e. two companies in each column.
Battalion Headquarters, with M.G. Section, Signallers & Pioneers will march ∧in fours in the
interval between the two rear companies:- A line of connecting files at 2
paces interval will connect the two leading sections of fours of each Battalion,
and scouts will march in extended order at 2 paces interval on the outer flanks
of the leading sections of fours. - Distance between Battalions 20 yards, with Connecting files at 2 paces distance
Brigade Headquarters ∧& Signals will march between the leading Companies of the 15th Battalion.
4.  The left hand column will be the column of direction throughout the advance. The
guides party will march at the head of ∧in front of the leading section of fours of the left hand
Column. - The right hand column will conform to the movements of the left hand
column as to direction & pace & will carefully preserve the prescribed interval. - 
5.  If during the advance it becomes necessary for the leading Battalion (for the time being) to
deploy for the attack, the deployment will be outwards i.e. the left hand leading Company
will deploy to the left; the right hand leading Company will deploy to the right.
The O.C. Battalion will decide whether both or only one ∧of the leading Companyies will deploy, & whether
a whole or a portion only ∧of one or both of the leading Companies or either of them will deploy.
6.  When the ∧above formation has been assumed, the advance will continue north along the
beach road till the head of the column is abreast of Walden Pt. - The 13th Battalion will
then advance rapidly and make good the ridge Damakjelik Bair ∧towards the sea and the ridge to
the east of it overlooking the Kaiajik Dere, as far east as the Knoll just 100 just
west of 92.0.9 inclusive.  This line will be picquetted, and at once entrenched,
and communication trenches cut towards the valley of the Aghyl Dere.


7.  The guide party will then post itself at the head of the 14th Battalion & will lead
the Brigade North until the line 92.l.q. is reached.  Here the column will turn
to the right, & will march on a magnetic bearing due East towards e in
Abdel Rahman Bair. -
8.  When the head of the column reaches the irregular Knoll 100 at the intersection of
squares 92.o.p.t.u, the 14th Battalion will disengage to the left, & will advance
rapidly to make good the northern slopes of the ridge extending from the before named
Knoll 100 (inclusive) through Knoll 100 between 92.p.8 & 92.u.2, through
Knoll 140 in 93.l and b in Abdel, as far as the ground overlooking the
Daouk Julak Dere to the east of the latter point.-  This line will be
picquetted, and at once entrenched, & covered communications constructed by the
towards the Aghyl Dere Valley.
9.  The guide party will∧ then post itself at the head of the 15th Battalion, & lead
the remainder of the Brigade to the Western slopes of Abdel Rahman Bair ∧spur above head
of Column ∧halting close to ridge line, in the vicinity of 93.q.3.  The C.O. 15th
Battalion will send out a line of post scouts to line the ridge forward slopes of the
ridge overlooking the Daouk Julak Dere, for a width of frontage sufficient to
cover the assembly, at this point, of the remainder of the column.
10.  When the ∧head of the column has reached the place of assembly, the 16th Battalion will
disengage to the right, & form up parallel to & the right of 15th Battalion.  The whole
will face to the right, (i.e. S.S.E) & lie down. - Two Battalions of the 29th
(Indian) Brigade) which march in rear of 16th Battalion, will ∧similarly form up to the
right of the 16th Battalion, i.e. on the uphill side.-
11.  The Guide party will consist of the Staff Captains of the 29th (Indian) Bde, and the
4th (Australian) Bde, with two specially selected N.C.O's & 4 men to be detailed
by 13th Bn.-
12.  Reports, during the advance, to head of 15th Battalion.


O P E R A T I O N   O R D E R.
(prepared for conference with G.O.C. 29th (Indian)Bde.)
N.B. Formal portions not yet drafted.

1. The Fourth (Australian) Infantry Bridge will march in the 
following order, in column of route, head of column passing the 
starting point (No. 5 Supply Depot) at     p.m.  on
viz.-               13th Battalion
                       14th Battalion
                       Brigade H.Q. and Signals
                       15th Battalion
                       16th Battalion

2.   ROUTE. West down Reserve Gully to the Beach Road, thence
north along the Beach Road to No. 3 Outpost.  The head of the
column will halt when abre∧ast of No. 3 Outpost.

Superceded. - written across section 3*):

3.  The Brigade will ∧there assume the following formation:-
Each battalion will form into two columns of fours,
at an interval of 15 50 yards between inner flanks of
columns; i.e. two companies in each column.  Battalion
Headquarters, with M.G. Section, Signallers and Pioneers
will march in fours in he interval between the two rear
companies.  A line of connecting files at 2 paces interval
will connect the two leading sections of fours of each
Batalion, and scouts will mark in extended order at
2 paces interval on the outer flanks of the leading 
sections of fours.  Distance between Battalions 20 yards,
with connecting files at 2 paces distance.  Brigade Headquarters
and Signals will march between the leading
companies of the 15th Battalion.
4.  The left hand column will be the leading column of direabon direction
throughout the advance.  The guide party will march in front
of the leading section of fours of the left hand column.
The right hand column will conform to the movements of the 
left hand column as to direction and pace, and will carefully
preserve the prescribed interval.-

5.  If during the advan


5.  If during the advance it becomes necessary for the 
leading Battalion (for the time being) to deploy for
the attack, this deployment will be outwards, i.e. the
left hand leading company will deploy to the left; the
right hand leading company will deploy to the right.  The
O.C. Battalion will decide wheher both or only one of 
the leading companies will deploy, and whether a whole
or a portion only of one or both of the leading companies
will deploy.

6.  When the above formation has been assumed, the  advance
will continue north along the beach road till the head
of the column is abrest of Walden Pt.  The 13th Battalion
will then advance rapidly and make good the ridge Damakjelik
Bair towards the sea and the ridge to the east of it
overlooking the Kaia jik Dere, as far east of the knoll
100 just west of 92.0.9 inclusive.  This line will be
picqueted, and at once entrenched, and communication
trenches cut towards the valley of Aghyl Dere.

7.  The guide party will then post itself at the head of
the 14th Batalion and will lead the Brigade north until
the line 92.1.q. is reached.  Here the column will turn
to the right, and will march on a magnetic bearing due
EAST towards e in Abdel Rahman Bair.

8.  When the head of the column reaches the irregular knoll
100 at the intersection of square 92.o.p.t.u., the 14th
Battalion will disengage to the left and will advance
rapidly to make good the northern slopes of the ridge
extending from the beforenamed knoll 100 (inclusive)
through knoll 100 between 92.p.8 & 92.u.2, through
knoll 140 in 93.1 and b in Abdel, as far as the ground 
overlooking the Daouk Julak Dere to the east of the latter
point.  This line will be picquetted and at once entrenched,

(*Advise bearing*)

(*SC to check by Compass*) 



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