Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 6, 12 July - 3 August 1915, Part 9

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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B 30/15 87 Report on terraced vivonaces. he terracing of the Gullies is now nearing completion and Apavailable space adapted to the accomodation of tropps. It should be noted that this work has not produced such extended accomodation in these areas as might have been anticipated, owing to the steepners of the shopes, involving much waste space for the reception of the spiil from the coxcavations estimate the capacity of the valleys as PE. St. Gully 4,000 men (including bathr. N.2. Duf. Bde ESERVE 5000 men (including 4 Gully A.I. Brignds 2 small gullices N. of N. point of AW.2A E lrvse. 400 men are in direct view None of these) terraces of the evemy heither is any earthwark noticeable fiom the evering's positions. terraces & dug- outs (have been made in Some cases on the llower portions of the Southern slopes where they wre buidden from views of the enemy. feet of the average terraces measure from 8/ to wide, (and accomdation has been estigated &27 iches per man in cases (where terraces are wider Irr accomodation has been estempted proportionately. ill cases trops will be, very chosely bnfowaged and neavy casnalties may be exepected phould the terrncees be subjected to shell ffire
88 satuno spaces will be very. liited but small areas have been left No accomodation has been wade for shres except in REST Gullys. the attached brough diagrat, shows approximately th distribution of troops. those slopes marked in red can be swept by indirect shell fire, and any troops using these would be warned not to expose themselves to vew especially in the case of the 2 small gullies), where trops should be made to approach and leave by the saps only. It is most important that these trops should not expose themselves on the Souther shopes of the gullies, as even a small body of enen will draw heavy astillery fire.
RovGH SKETCH trops X 4 showing Gullies distribution terraced 86 ANEAC 43 BEACH 6
WAIIOMTTL Headquarters, N. 2. 4 A. Mvision, Jn Divisional order Nc. 401 of July sath. 1sisthe date, from which the grant to me of the temporary rank of Brigadier-General eperates, is siven as July oth.. It is noted however, that in the London Gazette of July sth., (as reproduced in the London daily press of July 10th.) the date is given as September 15th. 1914. I should be glad of a ruling as to the date to be acted upon, Reserve Cully, Anzac Beach, L-SHE-SONL. Callipoli peninsula, Commanding 4th. Australian Infantry Brigade, Soth. July, 1815.
42a0 199 HEADOUARTERS. NEW ZEALAND AND AUSTRALIAN DIVISION. Anzac Cove, 31st July, 1915. General Officer Commanding, 4th Australlan Infantry Brisade. The General Officer Commanding directs me to inform you that the dates mentioned in the London Gazette are no doubt those on which Officers assumed conmand of their Brigades, and are therefore presunably correct. The date given in Routine Orders, namely, 9th July, was the date on which these appointments were notified to Divisional Headquarters as having appeared in the London Cazette. colontruch Major, Acting Assistant Adjutant-General, New Zealand & Australian Division.
A 1 430. MAE DIVISIONAL ROUXINE ORDIRS. SS By Major-General Sir A.J.Godley, K.C.M.G. C.B Commanding New Zealand and Australian Division. Headquarters, Anzac Cove, 31st July, 1915. OENERAL ELAEL. The following names will be inserted in the new 1:20,000 rp of the Gallipoli Paninsula. T HISSARLIK POINT SXI at Square 14.8.5. TDE TOTTS BATTERY 14.856. K.6 30.4.2. AiAGHRNN TTPHAHAM AGA 38.8.4. 57.n.1-5 TESKY KEUI The bay in which KILLA ISKELR is MIITL SAAN written, square 58. The bay in which ODUN ISKELR is JAK BASHY LIMAN written, square 7 The bay in squares 116 and 165. 103 WSUVLA BAY The whole mountain range in SARY BAER squares 80, 81, 93. The groups of trees marked S.W. OLIVE GROVE of GABA TEPE, square 56.m. to 47 c. For the sake of uniformity the following names will be aubstituted for those on the 1:20,000 Map. WSIDD-EL-BARR will centinue to be known as SEDD-EL-BARR. KELLES BURNU. FLLIAS BURNU (8q.13) ao 40 SEDD-EL-BAHR BAY. ERTOGHRUL BAY (Sq.13)de do AK BASHI DERE. VALOVA DERE (Sa.84. do HAUSLAR DERE (! 31) do do TAMEAL DERE. KOYA DERE. TKURIYA DERE (ss.69) de NIBRUNESI POINT. TRUCHUK KMTKLI (sq. 103) de do FBITUK KEIIKLI (sa.116) SUVLA POINT. do do RTEIIER BAY. JATA LIYAN (Sa.153) do (ssd) W.G. Braithwaite, Lieut.-Colonel General Staff N.2.8 A. Division.
Ar Form Army Form C. 2121. 110. Of MCCARE MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. CG cate aon Reed. at J NA OceA OMNHSENEEHAMMN DAE Sent. Service. SECRET From T0 18 No 34 4 Sections 20f 4 Aust Sut Bole CRA, CRE Wicny toNne SAMonE SenterGKnt aaa 31 N2G 793 1s caries Austratian Division the on attach an out SAA ANIA RoST tonight. work North of TI Turkish will begin this preparation for ti Artillery it self will begin afternoon and the attack before the moon rises. shortly ben the no active co operation will be mad 22 x A Devision but as soon as the Australian attach commences every opportunity will be taken him to to draw me anemys gire and hold his positions by means of fire activn and ackidge by wereor bombing ada 158 MrH S Place 2 1700 The above may be forwarded as now corrected. 111inll May SISMIIEAI ASHEPIOT SEROMMISMY SMRYMNMIMENVE Com This line should be erased if not required.
C Tom Boblon L FoSN MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. Na of Mosage acosm Charges to Pay. 61 SArteKMn 115o. Handed in at. aa fela STANONN REONGWNDNNN SMACSSSNNN aaa 17 31 Hralian on t2 71 12 ted saines 4 For 142 t Til Last. C.ASS Man ta sieds Turts. Mather Turauralty Axdressed Ap al 90/1114 Gupalian Aycat FRoM PLAOKETIME 270 80,000 Pad814. S B.Ltd-Forma 112
13 3n Noh 35 omnngh t CMAAN AverRAuN MMFIPL EC 1-AUC1915
A Hoadquartore, A.1879 ADirn CorD3. 1. Attention is drawn to the importance, shon fighting is in progross, of submitting at the oarliest possible monont, by telegram to D.A.G., G.H.Q., estimatos of hoavy casualtios (anything over 109 in a battelion) that ocour mong the units engaged, in order that oarly ctops may be taken to order up reinforemments for the units =ffooted.) In cortain circum- stanoos it may bo inpossible without unduo dolay to obtain ay estinate of the actual lossoo sufforod by a unit or units although it may be lnorn that such units have boon hoavily ongagod. In such cases the names of any units thich havo boon heavily ongagod and which may be oxpocted to have suffored Dovoroly should be roportod at onco, the usual ostimate of their casualtios as diroctod above boing forwardod subsoquently as soon as possible. 2. Staffs of Corps, Divisions and Brigades should take such stops as are nocossary to onsuro that such roports are obtained and forwardod as soon as possible after the casualties hevo occurrod, and it may at times bo advicable, 1f such a course is practicable, for a steff officer of the fornation concorned to obtain the information roquirod by a porconal visit. Such roports may bo made by staffs of Brigadoe, 5. Divisions and Corps diroct to D.A.G., G.H.G., according to the instructions issuod by Corps and Divisional Cormandore, but any information sent in by Divisions

(? 30/7/15)
Report on Terraced Bivouacs.
This terracing of the gullies is now nearing completion
and all available space adapted to the accomodation
of troops. It should be noted that this work has
not produced such extended accomodation in these
areas as might have been anticipated, owing to the
general steepness of the slopes, involving much waste
space for the reception of the spoil from the evacuations.
I estimate the capacity of the valleys as
REST  Gully               4,000 men (including 1 batn.
                                                           N Z. Inf. Bde)
RESERVE Gully        5000 men (including 4th
                                                                        A.I. Brigade)
2 small gullies N. of N. point of ANZAC Cove 400 men.
None of these terraces are in direct view of the
enemy, neither is any earthwork noticeable from
the enemy's positions.
Terraces & dug- outs have been made in some cases
on the lower portions of the Southern slopes where they
are hidden from view of the enemy.
II The average terraces measure from 8  to 10 feet 
wide, and accomodation has been estimated  at 27
inches per man :  in cases where terraces are wider
accommodation has been estimated proportionately. In 
all cases troops will be, very closely bivouaced, and 

heavy casualties may be expected should the terraces
be subjected to shell fire.


Latrine spaces will be very limited, but small areas
have been left.  No accomodation has been made
for stores except in REST Gully.
The attached rough diagram, shows approximately
the distribution of troops.
Those slopes marked in red can be swept by
indirect shell fire, and any troops using these
should be warned not to expose themselves to view
especially in the case of the 2 small gullies, where
troops should be made to approach and leave only
by the saps only. It is most important that these
troops should not expose themselves on the Southern
slopes of the gullies, as even a small body of
men will draw heavy artillery fire.


ROUGH SKETCH showing distribution of

troops in Gullies terraced


[COMMENT See original document image of sketch could not be transcribed]


N ← 

← 4000 →                                    ← 3000 →

RESERVE GULLY                   REST GULLY

← 1000  →                                   ← 1000 →

Shewn in red                        Shewn in Red


                                  ←  100 →

                                Shewn in Red
      ←   300  →
     Shewn in Red

                                      ANZAC BEACH


N. Z. & A. Division,
In Divisional order No. 401 of July 24th.
1915the date, from which the grant to me of the temporary rank of
Brigadier-General operates, is given as July 9th.. It is noted
however, that in the London Gazette of July 9th., (as reproduced
in the London daily press of July 10th.) the date is given as
September 15th. 1914. I should be glad of a ruling as to the
date to be acted upon,

Reserve Gully, Anzac Beach,
Gallipoli Peninsula,
30th. July, 1915.
John Monash -Brig. -Genl.

Commanding 4th. Australian Infantry Brigade. 


[*NZAA 199*]
Anzac Cove, 31st July, 1915.

General Officer Commanding,
4th Australian Infantry Brigade.

The General Officer Commanding directs me to
inform you that the dates mentioned in the London Gazette
are no doubt those on which Officers assumed command of
their Brigades, and are therefore presumably correct.
The date given in Routine Orders, namely, 9th
July, was the date on which these appointments were notified
to Divisional Headquarters as having appeared in the London
C[[?V Lentrich]]
Acting Assistant Adjutant-General,
New Zealand & Australian Division.



Major-General Sir A.J. Godley, K.C.M.G., C.B.,
Commanding New Zealand and Australian Division.
Anzac Cove,
31st July, 1915.


MAP. The following names will be inserted in the new 1:20,000
map of the Gallipoli Peninsula.
√ESKI HIISSARLIK POINT   at Square 14.U ^K.5.
√DE TOTT'S BATTERY          "          "      14.U.6 K.6.
√MAGHRAM                           "          "      30.h.2
√IBRAHAM AGA                    "          "      38.g.4
√ESKI KEUI                             "         "       57.n.1-5

√KILIA LIMAN            The bay in which KILLA ISKELE is 
                                       written, square 58.
√AK BASHI LIMAN    The bay in which ODUN ISKELE is
                                       written, square 72.
√SUVLA BAY               The bay in squares 116 and 105. 103
√SARI BAIR                 The whole mountain range in
                                        squares 80, 81, 93.
√OLIVE GROVE           The groups of trees marked S.W. 
                                        of GABA TEPE, square 56.m. to 47 c.

For the sake of uniformity the following names will be
substituted for those on the 1:20,000 Map.
√SIDD-EL-BAHR           will continue to be known as 

√ILIAS BURNU. (Sq.13)         do                do                      HELLES BURNU.
√ERTOGHRUL BAY (Sq.13)  do                do                      SEDD-EL-BAHR BAY.

√YALOVA DERE (Sq.84)      do                 do                      AK BASHI DERE.
√HAUSLAR DERE (Sq. 40 31) do             do                      JAMBAZ DERE.
√KURIJA DERE (Sq.69)        do                 do                      KOJA DERE.

√KUCHUK KEMIKLI (sq. 103) do              do                      NIBRUNESI POINT.

√BIYUK KEMIKLI (Sq.116)       do               do                      SUVLA POINT.
√AJA LIMAN (Sq.153)             do                 do                      EJELMER BAY.
(sgd) W.G. Braithwaite,
General Staff,
N.Z & A. Division.

[*All entered J.M 4/8/15*]


"A" Form                                                   Army Form C.2121.

MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.                 No. of Message.....

Prefix.....Code.........m. Words Charge

This message is on a/c of:



(Signature of "Franking Officer)

Recd. at.....m.

Date 31/7/15 

From .

By 54

Office of Origin & Service Instructions






TO     No 3 + 4 Sections

          4 Aust Inf Bde

          CRA, CRE

*Sender's Number

NZG 793

Day of Month


In reply to number



The 1st Australian Division carries 

out an attack on  a

Turkish work North of TASMANIA POST tonight.

Artillery preparation for this will begin this 
afternoon and the attack itself will begin
shortly before the moon rises.
No active co-operation will be made by the 
NZ&A Division but as soon as the Australian
attack commences every opportunity will be taken
to draw the enemy's fire and hold him to 
his positions by means of fire actions and
bombing aaa.  
ackdge by wire 

[*BM 581 

31 / 7         
          / 15*]

From         NZ&A Div

Time          1700  

The above may be forwarded as now corrected



 MW [??]] Major 


Signature of addressor or person authorized to telegraph in his name.  

*This line should be erased if not required


"C" Form (Duplicate)                Army Form C. 2123

MESSAGES AND SIGNALS     No. of Message....

SM  [[?BF]M  N?A


Charge to Pay

£  s. d.


Office Stamp




Service Instructions 

Handed in at  NZ&A  Office..... m. Received 11/40am.

TO     4th Aus Inf Bde

*Sender's Number

NZG 801

Day of Month


In reply to number



First Australian division.
reports that the Third
infantry brigade. exploded
[[?five]] mines under Turks Trenches
in front of Tasmanian post.
at 2226. AAA Our men
have occupied Turks. trenches
AAA Situation favourable. Addressed
both sections & 4th Australian
PLACE & TIME 23.30

W.2384--583.  30,000pads--8/14.  S.B.Ltd.--Forms/C2123





13th Bn

14th  "
15th  " 

16th  "
To see return 


JP McGlinn



1-AUG 1915




N Z &A Divn Corps.
1. Attention is drawn to the importance, when fighting
is in progress, of submitting at the earliest possible moment,
by telegram to D.A.G., G.H.Q., estimates of heavy casualties
(anything over 100 in a battalion) that occur among the units
engaged, in order that early steps may be taken to order up
reinforcements for the units affected. In certain circumstances 

it may be impossible without undue delay to obtain
any estimate of the actual losses suffered by a unit or units
although it may be known that such units have been heavily

engaged. In such cases the names of any units which have
been heavily engaged and which may be expected to have suffered
severely should be reported at once, the usual estimate of
their casualties as directed above being forwarded subsequently
as soon as possible.
2. Staffs of Corps, Divisions and Brigades should take
such steps as are necessary to ensure that such reports are

obtained and forwarded as soon as possible after the casualties
have occurred, and it may at times be advisable, if such a
course is practicable, for a staff officer of the formation
concerned to obtain the information required by a personal
3. Such reports may be made by staffs of Brigades,
Divisions and Corps direct to D.A.G., G.H.G., according

to the instructions issued by Corps and Divisional
Commanders, but any information sent in by


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