Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 6, 12 July - 3 August 1915, Part 7

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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Army Form C. 2123. MESSACES AND SICNALS of Mess C. FOF (Original). Office Stamp. Sent, or sent out 16 Words 45 Recd c S. D. ColleseA Ken shouth 53, 100 0n Distance Returned Service instructions. TaM Received here a Oce a 6. 25 p. Handed in at the Baigapote 4th T0 IA TCPWY TO NMmbE. AAA Senty PHnber Day of Month 26th 24720 tomorre morning Sta to d AAA8 ain et p4th affor make Dease 3m 444 $448 9e53 Loar both estion repeatd Addressed R. a 124 fust B FROM N PLACE 182 cied on delivery are to be bought to account by me and of Stamps affired to the face of 1 Rettuntoe, A Cn Ce Cole An culars of such charges and of amounts paid oul are to be set forth in writing above, in the spaces headed Delwvery; and Tinges Wi Ate tine should be crased i not required
A0. LYFORKaTLON. CERERA It is reperted on geod authority on July 20th that The men there threaten a serioue striks brexe ent at ESS.N. Several regiments have arrived. to destroy the works. Four acroplance are reported as having arrived in TURKEY via PELDEAL. Some Turke in nondescript elething and white Turbans Those are probably UEEid belonging to were soen near H. 12. the party of journalists, divine and notables who have come from CONETAYTINOTLE to the FLNINULs to yses for themselves, It is stated that after the death of the German Military Attache a plot was dincovered to Kill German officers. Turkish officers of the 2nd, 37d and 5th Cerps were involved. Between May 14th and the date of the German Military Attaches deatMcGerman Officers were Klled in COUSTANTLNOFLE, 8 in the CAUGASUS and some in the BARDANKLLES. SOEWI 22,000 tons of ceal arrived at COUSTANTINOFIE in N.D.L. steamer during the weak of July 22nd. Instances of goods consigned to neutral countries being seized by Turks in transit continue to accumulate. Two trucks of turpentine, consigned to ROUMMIIs to an agent named RATSELP, also quantities of chlorie acid, resin, etc., all consigned to neutral destinations, have been sent to COYSEANELLOFI The French report that the Messageries Maritimes S.S. SEdney has landed 40 cases of camphor, sulphur in barreis, Those goods and 68 bomes of chamieal gas at BRLEAGATGH. were consigned to agents of the Turkish Government. H-6s. ist. a.D. 22th Jnly. 1915.
memie an wte to me evqseoon e e e l m a ill oale s is a s e auenm mor & i ant a o i wre en mll now was wt to a Cmoranwamn oin re ne grt t
Headquarters N.L. & A. Division, With reference to General Rou- instant, directing the wearing tine order 374 237d. of helmets or slouch hats, I would report that in- quiry at the Divisional Ordnance Depot has elicited the information that neither hats nor helmets are at present available. I should be glad to be inform- ed as to the probable date on which it is expected tne helmets or hats will be available for issue. Reserve Gully, Brig.-Genl. Lonowes Anzac Beach, Commanding 4th. Aust. Inf. Brigade Gallipoli Penin. 27thN July, 1915. 5 JAOCRAR Wat v JI 28 1915 N2 A So MaM Oe H.O 4th A.1 B The inability to obtain either slouch hats or helmets has been brought to the notice of A.C. s. no reply has, yet been received Ha 287.10 Oreason CiCe A.anx
17 t p 16 Esqr 4
54 A 7 Rade
Ttle Brgat Lir Collong is calualy repert for . 4. to 28th July So Hlled D Returned as upit from Ald wond. wounded 99 Res W. il lent bo Hap Sstal We 0 2
24 Reserve Gully N.L. SA. Div 28/7/15 Replying to N.2.G. 751. The typing Bomb Carrer finally adopted for this Brigade consists of a pack to be carried in the centre of the back, From which depend two Can was hose tubes, one passing under each dompit & the forward end of same being hung by a hook upon the brace of the web equipment. Sithertube, on being un hooked permits the bombs to flow out as required. Each carries holds 22 largetype jamtin Combs. The Kit has been tested at the Comb Lactory with all types of bombs made there Every effort is being made to expedite manufacture of these carriess, but at present this is being delayed through difficulties in obtaining Scrap canwas hose, needles & twine, but ordnance is making every effort to supply demands - frll particulars of which have been furnished to Ordnance officer Obntionad B Ge Councy 4th ui Ing. Bd
Aotielery Bigande Ammuiitin Reserve 4t J. 174 $000 rifles & 100rs - 520, 000 160,000 16 M. Guns & 10,000-- 680,000 -680 born. 1 box - 20 & 8 & 7t 680 x20x 8x -441 0. f. 12412 x 12 1.c. if 6ft hrigh - 74 5 10ft & 10ft. & 6 ft high M. 23/1/15
Coty Rec fe My Cas 29/7/15 Hag Anst & New L. Army Coops the following having appeoed in the London Gagette of July 9 will not be publiched in Gineral Rontin Orders. Memorandan Follownly officer to be temporary Brigadin. Generals whicte Commanding Brigades! Cohonal H M M Lanin. Cust Ink Lorce (Siner Kelled in actirn Colnel th Hon Jo MCay And in B. Col. EE. Smclan MasLagen Dd 38 Work R. Aug 15/ Maj in (tampbol) F E Johnston R. Steg R. (Sept1 Col. Jmonash Aunt Lup Frm (Sept. 15) Col. GideL. Lyoie Aurt Sup Fia (Sept 19) Col. G. L Haghes (Oct 17 Col. HG Clanvel Corly (Dec 10) Signd S. H Pollen Maj 20t July 15th AMS MEF 7.01C Anst D For your information J G M Clonaghy Capt. for Daa & Al 23-9. 13 Arn& as.

Army Form C. 2123.
C. Form (Original).   MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.   No. of Message

from NZ

By Coutts
Prefix SM  Code F. E.  Words 45.
Office Stamp
Handed in at the N.Z  Office at  6.25 pM.  Received here at 6.35 a.M.
TO 4th. Brigade.
*Sender's Number
N.Z G 729
Day of Month.
Stand to arms tomorrow morning
27th at four am AAA
Please make every effort to
draw fire AAA [[?]] BM 532 AAA
Addressed both sections repeated 4th
Aust Inf. Bde and C.R.A.
O/C Bde Sig Of
Staff Offcrs
Bde [[OMS?]]
O/C 13th Bn
O/C 14th  "
O/C 15th  "
O/C 16th  "
JP McGlinn
26 JUL 1915  



I N F O R M A T I O N.
It is reported on good authority on July 20th that
a serious strike broke out at ESSEN.  The men there threaten
to destroy the works.  Several regiments have arrived.
Four aeroplanes are reported as having arrived in
Some Turks in "nondescript clothing and white turbans"
were seen near H.12  These are probably ULEMA belonging to
the party of journalists, divine and notables who have come from
CONSTANTINOPLE to the PENINSULA to "see for themselves".
It is stated that after the death of the German
Military Attache a plot was discovered to kill German officers.
Turkish officers of the 2nd, 3rd and 5th Corps were involved.
Between May 14th and the date of the German Military
Attache's death4 German Officers were killed in CONSTANTINOPLE,
8 in the CAUCASUS and some in the DARDANELLES.
22,000 tons of coal arrived at CONSTANTINOPLE in
H.D.L. steamer during the week of July 22nd.
Instances of goods consigned to neutral countries
being seized by Turks in transit continue to accumulate.
Two trucks of turpentine, consigned to ROUMANIA to an agent
named DATSEPP, also quantities of chloric acid, resin, etc.,
all consigned to neutral destinations, have been sent to
The French report that the Messageries Maritimes
S.S. SYdney has landed 40 cases of camphor, sulphur in barrels,
and 88 bombs of chemical gas at DEDEAGATCH.  These goods
were consigned to agents of the Turkish Government.
H-Qs. 1st A.D.
27th July, 1915.


I N F O R M A T I O N.
GENERAL.  As a result of reconnaiscance made on the 26th
instant by French aeroplanes, a new Turkish aerodrome was
discovered about due East of HAGARA LIWAN, viz: at Square 207.K.
The aerodrome was attacked with bombs, the petrol
store set on fire and considerable dama e done.  The fire
was still burning satisfactorily late last night.
TROOPS.  Some 4000 irregular and untrained troops, composed of
Circassians, Kurds and Lazs, all equipped with old rifles have
arrived in the Kuleli Burgas - Chorin district.
N.B.   (The Laz are a tribe who live on the South Eastern shores
of the Black Sea, their headquarters being the coast town of
SUPPLIES.  It is reported by the Greek General Staff that of
a number of wagons of ammunition held in Roumania, about one
third have recently passed through Bulgaria to Turkey.
PRISONERS.  Anzac report that a Turkish prisoner taken on
the 20th instant stated that the Turkish Heir-Apparent, Yussuf-
eszod-Din, visited the position opposite Anzac about a week ago.

H-Qs. 1st A.D.
28th July. 1915.


N.Z. & A. Division,
With reference to General Routine 
order 374 23rd. instant, directing the wearing 
of helmets or slouch hats, I would report that inquiry
at the Divisional Ordnance Depot has elicited
the information that neither hats nor helmets are
at present available.
I should be glad to be informed
as to the probable date on which it is expected
the helmets or hats will be available for issue.
Reserve Gully,
Anzac Beach,
Gallipoli Penin.
27th. July, 1915.
John Monash  Brig.-Genl.
Commanding 4th. Aust. Inf. Brigade
July 28 1915
4th Infantry Brigade
N.Z.Q 304
4th A.I B
The inability to obtain either slouch hats or
helmets has been brought to the notice of A.C.
Hqrs. no reply has yet been received
28.7.15 J Vessor Lt Col A.Q MG


July sick to Hospit
1  -   5
2  -  7
3  -  4
4     2
5  -  3
6      1
7      7
8      3
        2     lost on sxxx of xxx no
10    4       xxxxx available
11     2
12    2
13    3
14    4
15     9
16  - 14
17  -   5
18  -   7
19  -   9
20  -  4
21  -   7     Sick to Hospital
22  -  4
23  -  4
24  -  6
25  -  9
        - 9
27  -  22
28  -  24
Guy Luther Capt
In/v 15 [[Halt?]]


To 4th A.I. Bgde
16th Battalion


To the Brigadier
Following is casualty report for 16th Batt
for 1st July to 28th July
Killed 2                                                       2
Returned as unfit from old wounds  6
Wounded                                                 23
Sick Sent to Hospital                             99

Total                                                           130

Roy [[?]][[Grear]]
M.O. 16th Batt.


Reserve Gully
N.Z. & A. Div
Replying to N.Z.G 751 :-
The type of Bomb Carrier finally adopted for
this Brigade consists of a pack to be carried in
the centre of the back, from which depend two h Canvas
hose tubes, one passing under each armpit & the 
forward end of same being hung by a hook upon the
brace of the web equipment.  Either tube, on being unhooked
permits the bombs to flow out as required. Each
Carrier holds 22 large type jam tin bombs.  The kit has
been tested at the bomb factory with all types of bombs
made there.
Every effort is being made to expedite manufacture
of these carriers, but at present this is being delayed
through difficulties in obtaining scrap canvas hose,
needles & twine, but ordnance is making every
effort to supply demands - full particulars of
which have been furnished to Ordnance officer.

John Monash
Brig. Gen.
Comdg. 4th (Aust) Inf. Bde.


Artillery Brigade Ammunition Reserve
4th Inf. Bgde

4000 rifles   x 130 rds  =   520,000
16 M. Guns x 10,000 "   =   160,000
=  680 boxes

1 box = 20" x 8" & 7"

680 x 20 x 8 x  

________________  = 441 c.f.
     12 x 12 x 12

i.e. if 6 ft high = 74 '
= 10 ft x 10 ft x 6 ft high



Recd per Major Cass
Hd Qrs
Aust & New Zd Army Corps
The following having appeared in the London Gazette of July 9th
will not be published in General Routine Orders:-
Following officers to be temporary Brigadier- Generals while
Commanding Brigades;-
Colonel H M McLaurin.          Aust Imp Force (since killed in action)
Colonel the Hon JW McCay Aust    "       "
Br Col. E.G. Sinclair MacLagan DSO  York R.
(Aug 15)
Major (tem L Col) F E Johnston N Staff R. (Sept 1)
Col. J. Monash     Aust Imp Force (Sept 15)
Col. G. de L Ryrie  Aust Imp Forces (Sept 19)
Col. G F Hughes       "       "       "   (Oct 17)
Col. H.G. Chauvel C.M.G. "   "   "  (Dec 10)

Signed S.H Pollen Major
A M S  M.E.F.
20th July 15
1st Aust. Div.
For your information
J G McConaghy Capt
for DAA & Q.M.G.
A & N Z a.c.




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