Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 6, 12 July - 3 August 1915, Part 6

First World War, 1914–18
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A Form Army Form C. 2121. MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No. of Message OM Norte CMerRE Prefr Code— Recd. a216 8 m This message is on a/c of: ORCeASANSM SSA Sent. Dac224-7-15. sete. From SITNATFT-FMMLMI ONRIT T0 Infantry Brigade. 4ta/. Australlan SSKE AAA ------ HLiLe L0s. JFmnTYLourtN. prbceed in destroyer Please detail four officers to Thep should be at pier at tomorrow to reconnoitye anA 1100 and take the ir own lunch. (stened) N.z.A. Divission. 1205. Officers have been the following To besnoted that the Brigadier for this reconnaisance. selected p) Dare, 14th, Battalion) Major C. M. Margolin’ iptn. Battaljon. Major E. l Edmonds 13th. Battalion. Major J. N. McSharry Ipth. Battalion. Captn.T. in charge fr Najor Dape, who The party WIl De will acranfe re assendly etc. Hobee Crated Ddupe Ho Gertoo From . Coo mnt Place 0MASOR Am/INE BEIDARE. ACOKKRAN IMPERIAL FORCR. Time The cone may be sorvarded to noa correded 3 24DU1315 Signature of Addresser Of Person Auihorned to IelEGPAPRIN hIS NAME. Comr This line should be crased if not required
1ce1 ded 1 BC In Por Annt AEN Kean Distance MES. Army Form C. 2123. SAND SICNALS. No. of Message Sent, or sept out Office Stamp aid ou Returned Received eat ere at 16 AAA iko atteck a af of Stames aftired to lace of the led Delivery and O me an
C. Form. (Ortginal) Recd from Service instructions Handed in at the FRO 11 Terrces COOl Paid out her charges colleced on delivery are to be bought to acco A are to be set to ch charges and of amounts hts the should be crased I not required Army Form C. 2123. No. of Message ent, or sent out Office Stamp. Returned Received here at AAA
T PO tay row C.2 No. of MCsARE MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. C CRe Reed. at This message is on a/c of: 1451 Ohce A Gn A SME MN SenE. Date Service 122/21 From DSY. JAENFMTAN OMNI 70 Mn dustralian infantry Bry StetSRNE Tlect to Knte S ANnt AAA TWERLYTOUrh Internation from South begins Turks attserbd horther& angie about 1sce yesterday our front trenches that Mrection were shelled under cover boabardpont sna) force Tufns dashed for our saphpads two offour machine ouns opered Hire susrivors retifed to dead Turks 16ft in front of our treyches more doed probably out of ent as (our shranngl was exfective our capualties officers 28 men wounded whole affair lasted so minutes Regtment anggged way N. Stafforgs of 1sth. Division Corse was act on Hire by shells) sirected of batterne? In rear. k Fnin fe otseat esteent M WE. SRIDADE. JAN WMFOE FON 24 J1915 Place N. LM PPISON 1250 Time The cove may be servarted as now correced SAMALENANORLMMIAESDMATNENILL Cono This line should be crased if not required
Lientlo Majors Capts. dient Cll. Majors Captis 20/15 Ligt of Officers above rank of Captain 132 Buttalion 18 Battalion Lieutlat Filney Cannan Majort Carter Herring snowden. Durrant. 29.43 1t Richardtor ill 310 Hut Cannan Edmonds Mesharrit. Captns A Sumpson Moran &ill 7 & Brache sampson Nerton-Russell Will Lorsyth ill t Good. Hill t & Kellick Horne. W.3 & Salier Legge Hopkins ill. Locke H Battalion 14Tattation Lieut Col Pope W. Adams ill ill Mansbridge Mapers & W3515 Baker Kankine Margolin & Stule ill 155 Dare 40 ill Knight Cuptis Cooper Chabnel Clarke Kamming Henry 45 wounds &ill & Wilton Huthon ill Blythe Boyle & ill yo Groom Langsford. W.3 Coombes Young. Honmafor
Anzac 25 115 Dear Monash many congratulations on your rank. I am ordered off 4959p tomorrow morning to make a second Division out of the 3 new brjades Yours sincerely Bheger
Army Forr C. 2123. MESSACES AND SICNALS. No. of Message O. EOtA, COIKNA Office Stame. Sent, or sent out Recd. Word man 2/2 from Nn Collected te Dn F. ensan Distance Returned 25713 Seriice MstOS addresses 1e a 1430 Recaned nee a 16 Handed in at the 4 Rust Dof Be 70 SealeSNE D27 In Tepty 1O NumbET. AMON AAA ny4 715 25 The situation being apparentl norase all possible meaks of alarking the drawfing his enemy + wll b d tonightt gaa Troops will resund to army at 0830 for half an stand ir hour had Henemy brenches ap to be pufficieatly mained to offer a paying get onif signs of concntrarion are evigent aptillery. fere will be scalled for by or. sections FROM Di nga PLACE 1420 MCCEAS ACM CE Cd O Ct Mt S H SASII MPSONSN eivew me term, and the ins of such Charges and of amounts paid our are to be set tort Cherses to This NaL Should be crased UPO.
. PON Army Form C. 2121. 10. of MecakE MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. Rn AN care -Reed. at 1439 M. This message is on a/c of Sattt OMSSSAM MM Copy Date 25-7-15 5n Service. From COPY. CAMAEA FITIN ORIV Ath. Australian Inlantry Brigadg. 20 Sinttty-Dirstic D AMont 224 Neb.G. 725/ TwentyFiFEn The situation being apparently (hornal all pessible means of) alamming the eneny and drawing his fire will be resumed tonight AAA Trdops will stand to aras at 6330 for half an hour AAA If enexy trenches appear to be sufficiently manned to offer & paying target of if signs of a concentration are bvident artillery fire will be called for by 0. 6.) Sections. 132 ft He per 14th Phansh Reseid 52 46 00 0. Battalion; por information, suidance, and action. ROCOSSArY Lt--Col. prigads Nasgr Ath. Aust. Inf. Bde FOM He 4 & do Moso Ot Bdelip M Place 1420 St Time The chore may be sorvanded as now corrested to note 1s1 SeARFEO MAYL MA. T. SSSRE W ACFRASK IF MMII Comr his line should be crased if not required 25:7:15
267/15 ear General will you fix up. Mr Smith You have wet him before, I know grs sincerely Hloningheat Cept V2 die C 4 aust Iif. Bdle n C.P. Swith
AU5 LNEOKKAZLON. TROOPS. It is reported from ROUMANIA on July 23rd that 4 divisions from the PENINSULA have left for THRAGE to be reorganized; other Civiziens ANTINOPTE arm to reinforce the army in the have been sent from the CONs PENINSULA in their place. The 14th and 15th Divisions of the Vth Corps are reported under date July 22nd to have left SCUTARI for the PENINSULA. Various conflicting reports as to the fortunes of the PBRESLAD have recensly been received. t was reported on the 2lst, however, that she was torpedoed at Another ship the GHAIROTI VALANt was also torpeace, and ERELLL. a third ship struer a mins in the BLACK SEA. The 9th Army Corps report that they have located the position of the 30th Turich Rygs. as being opposite the extreme left section of the Cth Coryz. TRLGLELTON OF TURTISE DIYISIONAL ORLER No. 19. (F-om Csservation Fost of the 12th Divisionl. T0 O.C. of 11tn neg:. 3rd July, 1915. 1. The Mir: ion will relieve the 12th Division on their front. 2. The 12tn Regt. will hand over the left wing sone to the 16 0.C. 12th Regt. 12th Division will explain to O.C. 10th all Regt. regarding the 2cne. O.C. 10th Regt. must walk pound all the trenclas and TN0 get inormation from the commonders whom they are relieving. battalions of the regiment will be placed in front line. A third battalion in KEAIVEZ DERE. The GiL., will be stationed in DUMal as reserve. The relieving units of the 12th Division will retire as re. 50 Bs ALL BEY TCHIFLIK. One infantry battalion of 12th Division and one bettalion of 54th Regt. will be stationed as reserve in the rear of right wing zone. 40 The Engineer battalions stationed at right and left sones of 12th Division will remain in the same position until further orders. 5. 11th and 12th Regts. will camp on the eastern slopes of The regiments will KIREEUIDLY DERE and remain there overnight. appoint two sentries from sux o'clock for the Observation Post of 12tn Kegt. The 10th Regt. will be realy for action on 3rd July at 9 per. 60 The zone vill be commanded by O.C. of 12th. If in course of movements br ought about during the relief of 8. the Regts. a necessity should arise to exchange fire with the enamy the O.C. 12th will make the necessary arrangements. The orders concerning Divisional Right Wing Zone will be issued to-morros. 10. Two engineer corps, signallers, medicals, will be appointed from each reginent, for telephone station in the rear of ALY REY TGHLELIK, to get information or orders from H-9 Division. 11. 1 mysel shall be in observation post of 12th Division. (sed) Colonel DUELAL. O.C. of 4th Division. He9s. lst L.D. 26th Jnly 1310.

”A” Form.     Army Form C. 2121.
COPY.        MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.    No. of Message
Prefix     Code    m.
Office of Origin & Service Instructions.
Words    Charge
At       m.
This message is on a/c of:
(Signature "Franking Officer")
Recd. at 1216 am.
Date 24-7-15.
By   45
TO 4th. Australian Infantry Brigade.
*  Sender's Number.   Day of Month.     In reply to Number.    AAA
N.Z.G. 708.                     Twentyfourth.     --------
Please detail four officers to proceed in destroyer
tomorrow to reconnoitre AAA They should be at pier at
1100 and take their own lunch.
(Signed.) N.Z.A. Division.
To be noted that the following officers have been
selected by the Brigadier for this reconnaisance.
CMMD    Major C.M. Dare, 14th. Battalion.
Major E.L. Margolin 16th. Battalion.
J.N.E. Major J.N. Edmonds 13th. Battalion.
Captn. T.P. McSharry 15th. Battalion.
The party will be in charge of Major Dare, who
will arrange re assembly etc.
To be noted & returned
From     Noted LE Tilney 13thBn
Place     H Pope
Time       Lt Col
J H Cannan LtCol
15 Bn
JP McGlinn Lieut. Colonel
The above may be forwarded as now corrected.
(Z) 24 JUL 1915
Signature of Addressor or person authorized to telegraph in his name.
* This line should be erased if not required.


5 Copies
Army Form C. 2123.
C. Form (Original).    MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.     No of Message
from NZ
Prefix SM Code 2/20p Words 103
Charges for Delivery
Paid out
Sent, or sent out
At               .M
at               .M.
Office Stamp.
Service Instructions.
Handed in at the  NZ   Office at 1420 M.   Received here at 1431 M.
TO 4 Aust Inf. Bde
*Sender’s Number.   Day of Month.   In reply to Number.   AAA
Information from south begins Turks attacked
northern angle about 1500 yesterday our
front trenches that direction were shelled
under cover bombardment small force
Turks dashed for our sapheads two of
our machine guns opened fire survivors
retired 40 dead turks left in front of
our trenches more dead probably out of
sight as our shrapnel was effective our
casualties 2 officers 28 men wounded
whole affair lasted 20 minutes xxxxxx
regt engaged was N. Staffords
of 13 div gorse was set on fire
All Porterage, Redirection, or other charges collected on delivery are to be bought to accouat by me ans of Stamps affixed to the face of the
form, and the particulars of such charges and of amounts paid out are to be set forth in writing above, in the spaces headed "Delivery" and
"Charges for Delivery".
* This line should be erased if not required.


Army Form C. 2123.
C. Form (Original).    MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.     No. of Message
Prefix   Code   Words
Charges for Delivery
Paid out
Sent, or sent out
At                  .M
at                  .M.
Office Stamp.
Service Instructions
Handed in at the     Office at        M.    Received here at      M.
TO 2
*Sender’s Number.     Day of Month.     In reply to Number.     AAA
by shells directed on batteries
in rear
PLACE 1420
All Porterage, Redirection, or other charges collected on delivery are to be bought to accouat by me ans of Stamps affixed to the face of the
form, and the particulars of such charges and of amounts paid out are to be set forth in writing above, in the spaces headed "Delivery" and
"Charges for Delivery".
* This line should be erased if not required.


“A” Form.      Army Form C. 2121.
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.       No. of Message
Prefix    Code     m.
Office of Origin & Service Instructions.
Words    Charge
At          m.
This message is on a/c of:
(Signature "Franking Officer")
Recd. at 1431 m.
Date 24/7/1
By 48
TO 4th Australian Infantry Brigade.
*  Sender’s Number.     Day of Month.    In reply to Number.     AAA
Information from South begins Turks attacked northern
angle about 1500 yesterday our front trenches that
direction were shelled under cover bombardment small
force Turks dashed for our sapheads two of our machine
guns opened fire survivors retired 40 dead Turks left
in front of our trenches more dead probably out of
sight as our shrapnel was effective our casualties s 2  [*2*]
officers 28 men wounded whole affair lasted 20 minutes
Regiment engaged was N. Staffords of 13th. Division
gorse was set on fire by shells directed on batteries
in rear.
Staff Officers
J.R.E Capt
JRE Capt
JP McGlinn
Lieut. Colonel,
24 JUL 1915
Place  N.Z.A. Division
Time 1430.
The above may be forwarded as now corrected.   
Signature of Addressor or person authorized to telegraph in his name.
*This line should be erased if not required


List of Officers above rank of Captain

  13thBattalion   15th Battalion
Lieut Col Tilney         √ Lieut Col Cannan   √
Majors Herring      √   Majors Carter     √
  Durrant   ill 28/6/15   Snowden  √
  *  Hunt    ill 20/5/15   *  Richardson W. 27/4/15
  Edmonds   √   Cannan    √
Capts Simpson  ill 4/6/15 Captns. McSharry  √
  * Brache  * ill 4/5/15   Moran   √   
  Norton-Russell √   Sampson  √  
  Forsyth     W   Hill   √
  *  Kellick  * ill 4/5/15   Good.       ill 2/5/15
  *  Salier    * W. 1/5/15   Horne.   √
  14th Battalion   16th Battalion
Lieut Col   Lieut Col  
  Adams       ill 20/7/15   Pope H.    √
Majors   Majors  
  Rankine   √   Mansbridge  ill   21/6/15
  *  Steele    ill  11/5/15   *  Baker   * W.  5/5/15
  Dare     √   Margolin    √
Captns Cooper  √ Captns Knight     ill 30/6/15
  Clarke   √   Chabrel    √
  Henry   √   Hemming  √
  Hutton  √   *  Wilton  * ill 12/6/15 old wounds
  Boyle   √   Bythe    ill
  Groom  √   Langsford *  ill 7/6/15
  Coombes  W. 2/5/15    
  Young. HonMajor.    



Dear Monash
Many congratulations on
your rank.
I am ordered off to Egypt
tomorrow morning to make
a Second Division out of the
3 new brigades
Yours sincerely
JG Legge 


Army Form C. 2123.
C. Form (Original).   MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.   No. of Message
from NZ
Prefix SM  Code 2/30p  Words 77
Charges for Delivery
Paid out
Sent, or sent out
At        M.
at        .M.
Office Stamp.
25 7 15
Service Instructions.
3 addresses
Handed in at the NZ Office at 1430 M. Received here at 1439 M.
TO 4 Aust Inf Bde
*  Sender's Number       Day of Month.   In reply to Number.    AAA
NZG715                              25                          ---
The situation being apparently normal
all possible means of alarming the
enemy & drawing his fire will be
resumed tonight AAA Troops will
stand to arms at 0330 for half an
hour AAA If enemy trenches appear
to be sufficiently manned to offer a
paying target or if signs of a
concentration are evident artillery
fire will be called for by O.C.
FROM    NZ & A Div.
PLACE   1420
All Porterage, Redirection, or other charges collected on delivery are to be bought to accouat by me ans of Stamps affixed to the face of the
form, and the particulars of such charges and of amounts paid out are to be set forth in writing above, in the spaces headed "Delivery" and
"Charges for Delivery".
* This line should be erased if not required.


“A” Form.             Army Form C. 2121.
Prefix.       Code.      m.
Office of Origin & Service Instructions.
Words  Charge
At          m.
This message is on a/c of:
Copy   Service.
(Signature of "Franking Officer")
Recd. at 1439 m.
Date 25-7-15
From 50
TO 4th. Australian Infantry Brigade.
Sender's Number.    Day of Month.     In reply to Number.    AAA
N.Z.G. 715                     Twentyfifth.
The situation being apparently normal all possible
means of alarming the enemy and drawing his fire
will be resumed tonight AAA Troops will stand to
arms at 0330 for half an hour AAA If enemy trenches
appear to be sufficiently manned to offer a paying
target of if signs of a concentration are evident
artillery fire will be called for by O. C. Sections.
Received {  13th Lt Col [Signature]
{ 14th R Rankine Mjr
{ 15th J H Cannan LtC
{16th [Signature]
For information, guidance, and
necessary action.
JPMcG Lt.-Col.
Brigade Major 4th. Aust. Inf. Bde
From N.Z. & A. Division.  O.C Bde Sigs JPM
Place 1420.
Time                                    & Staff Officers { JRE
                                             to note pls         { WHR
                                                                          { GC
The above may be forwarded as now corrected.
Signature of Addressor or person authorized to telegraph in his name.
* This line should be erased if not required


Dear General,
Will you fix up.
Mr Smith. You have
met him before, I know.
Yrs sincerely
RE Coningham Capt
NZA Div.
4 Aust. Inf. Bde.
Mr C.P. Smith  Cy.


TROOPS. It is reported from ROUMANIA on July 23rd that 4 divisions from
the PENINSULA have left for THRACE to be reorganized; other divisions
have been sent from the CONSTANTINOPLE army to reinforce the army in the
PENINSULA in their place.
The 14th and 15th Divisions of the Vth Corps are reported under date
July 22nd to have left SCUTARI for the PENINSULA.
Various conflicting reports as to the fortunes of the "BRESLAU"
have recently been received.
It was reported on the 2lst, however, that she was torpedoed at
EREZLI. Another ship the "GHAIROTI VALAN" was also torpedoed, and
a third ship struck a mine in the BLACK SEA.
The 8th Army Corps report that they have located the position of
the 30th Turkish Regt. as being opposite the extreme left section of
the 8th Corps.
(From Observation Post of the 12th Division).
3rd July, 1915.   To O.C. of 11th Regt.
1. The Division will relieve the 12th Division on their front.
2. The 12th Regt. will hand over the left wing zone to the 10th
Regt. O.C. 12th Regt. 12th division will explain to O.C. 10th all
regarding the zone. O.C. 10th Regt. must walk round all the trenches and
get information from the commanders whom they are relieving. Two
battalions of the regiment will be placed in front line. A third
battalion in KERIVEZ DERE. The 4th, will be stationed in DUMAZ as
3. The relieving units of the 12th Division will retire as far
as ALI BEY TCHIFLIK. One infantry battalion of 12th Division and
one battalion of 34th Regt. will be stationed as reserve in the rear
of right wing zone.
4. The Engineer battalions stationed at right and left zones
of 12th Division will remain in the same position until further orders.
5. 11th and 12th Regts. will camp on the eastern slopes of
KIREMIDLY DERE and remain there overnight. The regiments will
appoint two sentries from sux o'clock for the Observation Post of
12th Regt.
6. The 10th Regt. will be ready for action on 3rd July at 9 p.m.
7. The zone will be commanded by O.C. of 12th.
8. If in course of movements brought about during the relief of
the Regts. a necessity should arise to exchange fire with the enemy
the O.C. 12th will make the necessary arrangements.
9. The orders concerning Divisional Right Wing Zone will be
issued to-morrow.
10. Two engineer corps, signallers, medicals, will be appointed
from each regiment, for telephone station in the rear of ALY BEY
TCHIELIK, to get information or orders from H-Q Division.
11. I myself shall be in observation post of 12th Division.
(sgd) Colonel DJELAL.
O.C. of 4th Division.
H-Qs. lst A.D.
26th July 1915.


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