Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 6, 12 July - 3 August 1915, Part 12

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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Fleet Sweepers. French Ships. "Jauréguiberry YXV General call sign for deet IM "Charlemagne sweepers AJ "Henri IV BXZ General call for H.M. ships GY "St Louis' from Heet sweepers "Hythe YOR "Gazelle YOS "Folkestone YOT Russian Ship. "Newmarket" YOU BPR "Askold' "Clacton YOY "Lynn Yow "Reindeer NSD Shore Stations. "Whichr Abbey Beach VWX ("Enryalus YHO Base station Right danking station supply & Ammunition Ships Left Beach 2 ("Queen YAI (Baron Ardrossan "Carrigan Head' Base station YAF "Swanley W5 YGX Right danking station Wo Lett The following additions are to be made in manuscript to the aircraft table:- Fire is falling north FN Fire is falling south FE Fire is falling enst FV Fire is falling west Correction to Alteration, etc, No. 1: proceeded by single For. Al signals in following tables et seg. preceded by single Rencl. Al signals in following tables . et seg. Printing Section Med. Exped. Foroe. GHO
a 442 Po
AU" NEW ZEALAND AND AUSTRALIAN DIVISION Divisional Headquarters, 2i5 Sje ANZAC COVE, 3rd August 1915. All Brigades and Divisional Units N.Z. 4A. Division. Reference Divisional Order No, 10 datod 3rd August 1915 : The attached "Organization Orders for Troops in Anzae" are forwarded for issue with your orders based on Divisional Order No. 10 and NOT BERO. Reference para 7 ef the abeve quoted Divisional Order : The Certificate called for will be rendered by 12 noon 5th August instead of es stated. Reference "Organization Orders for Troops in Anzac'! (a) Page 1 "TOOLS" The following XXL carry tools as laid down for Troops NOT employed in an ettacking Column i.e. one pick and one shovel per 4 men lst Light Horse Brigade 3rd Light Horse Brigade 11) Page 1, re DISTIUISELU BADCES. The white patch will be worn on the Right Shoulder blade so as to be seen from behind and not in front. Badges will be fixed on as LATE as possible especially on the arns, and every precaution taken to prevent the enemy from seeing men wearing them. (Sød) V. G. Braithweite Lieut. Colonel Goneral Staff, NZ.4A. Divioion.
Dnnss . NIGHT OPERAT- 100S. sunon sumns son zom zuuors 1d ihldd. The following orders are published, so that troops may make provision now for the various steps required. 1. Tho dress for oporations will bo:¬ PEAl loss groat coats, coats and packs. Rospirators pT F.C. EOUL will bo oarriod. EULITIOM - 200 rounds por man carriod on person. Machine guns - 3500 rounds por gunin bolt boxes. Mo rogimental or brigado rosorvo will accompany tho troops, but will bo sont forward lator as roquirod from tho rosorvos which havo boon formod. Trained tomb throuers will bo includod in oach company. Thoso mon will carry only 50 rounds of ammunition but will oach bo provided with an additional havorsack to carry 8 bombs. SAIDBACK. At least ono por man. Toots. Tho light entronching tool will bo carriod, and in adaltion picks and shovols in the proportion of one pick and ono shovel to oach 8 mon - curriod on porson. (Ono pick and one shovol por 4 mon not omployod in an attacking column). Wiro cuttors will bo carriod. Othor articlos of oquipmont at the discrotion of Commandors in chargo of spocial oporat¬ ions. ALL RED AND YELLOW SEMAPHORE VLAGS - signalling or spocial issuo in possossion of units aro to bo takon. One cach por Officor and H.C.O. up to tho numbor in possossion, aftor doducting signalling roquiromonts. Thoso Rod and Yollow flags aro to bo wavod rapidly when it is dosired to show tho position of our troops to the Havy, our own artillory, or to our infantry. WATER BOTTLES - fillod, and to bo vory sparingly usod. IROH RATIOHS. Host and biscuits or cquivalont: ono day. Grocorios 2 days. Indian ranks. Goor or sugar in placo of grocorios. All ranks will woar whito armlots é” wide fixod on oach arn abovo the olbow – and a whito patch about 8" squaro fixod on tho back of tho riant shouldor or botwoon tho shoulder blados. This will bo worn in addition to any dis¬ tinguishing marks soloctod by Commandors of Columns. No antmals will bo availablo for carriage of any oquip. mont. Caplo and othor tochnical oquipmont usually carriod in carts or wupons is to bo carriod on barrows or by hand. 2. Tho pass word for night opcrations will bo publishod in Opcration Ordors. Any one not anaworing with tho countorsign at onco: and anyono without the distinguishing armlots and patch ordorod in Para I will bo troated as an onomy. Tho following rofors to night oporations involving a night warch provious to assault:- Riflos aro not to bo loadod. Magazinos will not charged boforo moving off, and aro only to bo ohargod by bo order of en officor. tho diroct Bayonots will bo fixod. ii. All movomont is to bo as silont as possiblo: iii. Guidos and loadors of columns are romindod that a paco of moro than a milo an hour cannot bo attainod in broken country with a column of moro than 500 mon.
2 To talking is to bo pormittod from tho hour of iv. falling in till daylight' nocossary ordors aro to bo passod in low tonos. No snoking or lights aro to be pormittod from tho hour of falling in, till daylight. No mossongor is to bo sont from front to roaf vi. un is moving, a s non moving paco than tho colun at a fastor aro apt to cause panic. Unless thoroforo tho rapidly bach nattor is urgont tho mossongor should bo droppod to avait tho arrival of tho porson the mossago is moant for. Sinilarly no ovacuation of woundod to tho roax during darknoss is to tako placo till the colunns havo passod by. No man not a strotchor boaror is to fall out on tho oxcuso of assisting wounded to the roar unless his sorvicos havo been domandod by a modical officer. In tho evont of tho onomy's fire boing oponod vii. whilo troops aro moving on tho objoctive, troops aro to nove on, advanced partios or spocial groups boing dotailed onomy piqucts or snipors with tho bayonot for attachin if thoso aro close to tho lino of march. If tho fire is offoctivo, as from machino gun firo trainod on a point, troops will talo cover while stops aro organizod to doal with it. Whon, howovor, the objoctivo is closo, troops will pross on to its capturo at all costs, romemboring that sovoral othor colunns aro aiming at tho samo objoct- ivo and that tho attack of ono aids all. Eloctric torchos, used only bycffioors and viii. by tho ordor of tho sonior commandor on the spot, vill ba¬ usoful to flash backwards and show position of front linos from tino to timo to thoso in roar. (Thoso aro only for uso onco touch with tho onony has boon gainod and tho advanco of tho troops can no longor bo concoalod). Whon considoring tho distribution of troops ix. in thoir commands, loaders aro warnod that soon rathor than lato onony piquets will bo mot with. Each column should thoroforo bo hoadod by a party roady to doal with- out any hositation with an onomy party whon mot with using tho bayonot and following up quickly on tho hools of the onony if ho withdraws up tho diroction of tho march In aooordanoo vith Para 1, packs, coats, and othor DISPOSAL O Bu larticlos of oquipnont have to bo loft bohind. This applios to all units, as whothor employod activoly or passivoly to bogin with, all may bo requirod to assuno tho offonsive at short notico. Thoso articlos will be collectod boforo falling in and loft in chargo of a party of 1 officor por brigado 1 sonior N.0.0. por battalion 2 non por company and a similar proportion for othor units. This oquipnont with all surplus kit, will bo loft:- In tho caso of now arrivals - in tho arca allotod to tho units, undor brigado arrangomonts In tho caso of Anzac units - as may bo soloctod undor Divisional arrangomonts. Casualtios occuring in tho brigado arca botwoon dark 4. DIsyosz4 0 of tho night on which movonont commoncos and tho march of SId troops will bo doalt with undor arrangemonts which aro boing mado for all troops by Australian Division in thoir aroa, and Now Zoaland & Aust. Division in thoirs. Kono but urgont casos will bo ovacuatod until daylight. Tho aftornoon boforo oporations commonco an oxtra 5. Narl. supply of vator will bo providod for troops dotailod for oporations boyond tho Anzac position. Wator bottlos aro to bo fillod from this. As much as possiblo of any balanco from this oxtra issuo should bo consumod boforo starting.
CIT OF REST. AuRuvonljd. Dngrnn- U. Alisoh. -3 - G. All ranks aro to bo warnod to bo sparing in thoir uso of wator, food, and onmunition. In sono casos thoro is no possibility of wator boing sont up to tho troops for at loast 18 hours aftor thoir novomont commonços, nor of food boing availablo for 48 hours. Any food or water thrown away cannotthoroforo bo roplacod. As rogards ommunition, ovory offort will bo mado to bring up rosorvos immodiatoly in tho roar of troops, but nono the loss wild firing is to bo chockod at onco and no iring pormittod oxcopt on paying targots - or by pickod shots spocially dotailod to doal with individual onomy. All ranks are also to bo warnod that tho first night of the opprations will bo slooploss and the noxt probably slocploss also. They should thorpfere during tho night and day pro¬ coding tho oporatiom rout rathor than move about unnocoss¬ arily. 8. All now arrivals aro romindod that no labour oxpondod ping is wastod and that whon thoy occupy a position on dig thoy are to dig, not till they havo complotod a littlo broastwork, but till a doop rocossod firo tronch has boon mado. Thon thoy aro to continuo till support and commun¬ ication tronchos aro comploto and givo full protoction against shrapnol and small arm firo. And as tho only tools availablo will bo thoso carriod by tho mon, thoso are on no account to bo thrown away bocauso of thoir woight or inconvonionco. Tho troops omployod aro armod with riflos firing two Marks of ammunition, Mark VI and Mark VII. Tho maxin built for tho Lerk VI cannot tako Hark VII unmunition - and this is boing logislatod for as far as possiblo by omploying guns now at Anzac in placos whord only Mark VI ammunition is usod by tho troops. Lark VII ammunition can bo used in any Mark of .505 riflo but is likoly to jam in loading, and a difforont sighting is nocossary. Briofly - L.E. phort riflo or tho long riflo using Mark VII anmunition firos high up to 400 yards and aftor that low. A riflo sightod for Mark VII ammunition and using Mark VI anmunition firos low for tho first 400 yards and aftor that high. It is thoroforo dosirablo to avoid mixing up tho two Harks and to holp in this, boxos of Mark VII anmunition aro cloarly markod, and havo in addition two "V" shapod nicks on tho onds of tho lids of all boxos, so that tho boxos can bo distinguished by foel as woll as by sight. An additional safoguard is that all Mark VII ammunit. ion is packod in bandoliors for convonionco in distribut¬ ion, and not in paclots. ----------
AU EEZZLAND AND AUSTRAILAN DIVISION Divisional Headquarters, B ANZAC COVN, 3rd August 1915. All Brigades and Divisienal Units Lz. 4A. Tivisien. Reference Divisional Order No, 10 dstad 3rd August 1915 : The attached "Organization Orders for Troops in Anzae" are forwarded for issue with your orders based on Divisional Order No. 10 and NOT BEFORT. Referance para 7 2f che abeve qucted Divisional Order The Certificate called for will be rendered by 12 noen 5th August instead of es stated. Referenoe "Organization Orders for Troops in Anzac': 1e) Page 1 -TOOLS The following XXXL carry tools as laid down for Troope NoT employed in an ettacking Colunn i.e. one pick and one shovel per 4 men lst Light Horse Brigade 3rd Light Horse Brigade 1x) Page 1, re DISTLMUISEL BADTES. The white patch will be worn on the Right Shoulder blade so as to be seen from behind and not in front. Badges will be fixed on as LATß as possible especially on the arms, and every precaution taken to prevent the enemy from seeing men wearing them. (Sed) V.G. Braichwaite Lieut. Colenel General Staff, LZA.Division.
Er styisdemel meeeoware, oo. Ded Amanst. 195 i paits i ur ar et the sith te negsette Anirbers i enich ver- e Srd Light Hor- vill etaptain : s te the i crr ther ar re i.t. e a kopt ag od tebe ie-ed foreiddins offieere erdere ex oxy privete pepere that v. ontheiz persom. evieedto carry twe er three pebbles. It isthst epieoed under the tongue selieves the exmving of thirs oof cuiteeleeding all coluasvill be polioee is the Divisiomal ogerstios ordez. Lagg He lling ocuip est of their Brizate ond Begimestal Detsehmests is im werking erder mid thet their Detechæeste are prepered to vork the lpe im the event of their coble er telephone comnieetios bresking doen.
e. megs th ovost ef pricomeie being captured they should be under Imedistel isiomal Hoee- e.eert to the Assie thet cuerterepero visemers. Ihe mei Firing Line sheuld be mdmt! rty. t.neefi te the Assistest rv .s t. the edistaly te the å 81 vpamee stalled to set smer e axvenpepete t. erdere of the C.N.A tified is Divie mlesse mmder- mvieal oftie kal restiee . erl sa .£.... mv.
3. 6. Nad Lnkaldub kuu) öqaallhm D1V1S10N Divisional Headquarters A Aust Zrefbde Anzao Cove, 3rd Aug.1915. Olulug L dh bubk In anticipation of e forward movement the attention of Brigadiers and Officers Commanding Divisional Units is directed to the following. Where not already provided for, immediate steps must be taken to complete the same. LklNous JOhgA33h3. All leaders of oolumns, however small, should be in possession of a Luminous Compass, and, if necessary, they must be bowrowed from those who do not actually require them at the time. Leaders of columns should he acquainted with the magnetio bearing of the general line of their advance. Brigadiers will render to Divisional Headquarters a return showing the number of Luminous Compasses evailable in their respeotive Brigades, by Wednesday evening, eth inst. GRåhigs The lst Light Horse Brigade willtake over the 50 Crackers which were allotted to No. 3 Section, and the 3d Light Horse Brigade those allotted to No. 4 Section, and they will use them during the attack. FIRM STICKS AND'T Wha Llu3N198 Fire sticks for lighting bombs can be obtained from Captain Parry Okeden, the Ammunition. Supply Officer, and should be drawn at the rate of three for each bomb thrower. Each bomb carrier will also carry an additional reserve of 20. A supply of tinder lighters for lighting the fuses of bombs CNLy has been obtained, and oan be drawn on applioation to the Divisional Ordnanoe Officer at the following rate:- lst Light Horse Bde N.Z.Mounted Rifles Bde 38. 3rd Light Horse Bde 25. N.Z.Infantry Bde 20. 4th Aust. Inf.Bde 20. They are to be issued to and carried by bomb throwers only. BOMBS. Great care is to be taken to ensuré that all bombs are xxto be kept dry and in good order. galvvs yhruns Jurs, sto Very striot orders are to be issued forbidding Offioers and others from carrying orders or any private papers that would oonvey information to the enemy, on their person. HlgoT UNUHnd All ranks are strongly advised to carry two or three pebbles. It is found that one pebble placed under the tongue relieves the oraving of thirst. GUIDES The names of guides leading all columns will be published in the Divisional Operation Order. Lamr SIGNALLING. Brigadiers will ensure that the lamp signalling equipment of their Brigade and Regimental Detachments is fended sam od beo ors tokegrnsg or erens
10. 11. Rdors to work the lamps in the event of their oable or 6 telephone communication breaking down. PRISONERS. In the event of prisoners being oaptured, they should be immediatoly disarmed and handed over with their arms, under escort to the Assistant Provost Marshal at Divisional (Report Centre) The latter will ensure that he maintains a sufficient guard ready to receive prisoners. The esoort conducting prisoners back from the Firing Line should be as small as possible compatible with security. Prisoners should be colleoted in batohes of convenient size before being sent back to the Assistant Provost xxx Marshal at Divisional Headquarters (Report Centre) Esoorts, having handed over their prisoners to the Assistant Provost Marshal, will return immediately to the Firing Line. Dald Dh Ansbalulun Ruskale (1) In each Brigade an Officer in charge of the Brigade Ammunition Reserve will be appointedt)At least 20 men per Brigade should be detailed to act under his immediate orders. His duties will be to forward the ammunition from the Brigade Ammunition Centre to the Regimental Reserves by means of runners. The ammunition will be carried from the Advance Depots to the various Brigade Centres on mules under the orders of the C.R.A. The exact positions of Advanoed Depots will be notified in Divisional Orders. L6 The O.C. Divisional Train will allot mules as under:- 2 to each machine gun. 1 to each Battalion for the Medical Officer. 2 to each Brigade for the Brigade Signal Section (Sgd) W.G. Braithwaite, It-Col. General Staff N.Z. & A. Div.
sonnummlm. Getzo pounksuorr I Iuyn Jmsius. o axzac, 3rd. August, 1915 mo, rut e De estieipatie of an carly offeasive, Cemanding Officere vill ley the mest energetie messurea to complete the ccuipment and coaselidstion of their Commends respects, ready fer ntet very chert aetien, fresidnlcht on noue Ith. ren effer icheinem Seetions, miners, besch parties ete. C.O's ertien, o.g. M. e Drigade offiee st. once ca these detschments rejein. ntal ond peremal property, in eneeseof that requirde to be.takom with the mmit, is te be fully marked and labelled, and placed im a cendition reedy.te be repidly pecked up and m stecked. im a depot in a predetermined pesitiom withim oech Dettalies bivonse sree, elese.te the road, in charge of s mll depot persosmel, coasisting mainly of light duty men, not execeding 20 men, all vnder s theroughly relizbie N.C.0. Majer Young, Guartenmastex 14th Battalien, ill be in command of the Brigede Bivonee, after the Brigade moves, and vill be in cherge of the, depote and depet pers a. I artiDpt. furmicedby löth Bettelimm ther will ri enmitios remeins ag. et the depet, and vill thes rejeim the bettelien. Lient. M. Nredemald l3ch Bettalien, will be in cher meition Reeerve, - comprising both S.A.A. and s Drignde A Each Bettalios will det. -i cerperal and 8 mes to reportate. seumitiom framsport from Brigade. Lieut. Nsedemald te for Deservet. Begimestal Depets. These details will report at once fer instruetioas; they w 1 merch mith Brigade. H.4. The distribution.ofmition withim Battaliess will be erranged regimentally, by runners. Duch Bettalies vill erm, fræs O.C. Divisiomal Train, nules for M.G. Sectioas, and one mule fer medieal offieer. hy luminoue ceppacee in pecee.sie of any individl mu placed at the dispe- of these efficere in the Battalion mest iskely to be o-played fer lesding the Bstaliem, er pertions. ofit, by night. Fire dieks and tinder lichterevill the Steff Captain and iconed pro.rate to bem throwers and cerriers. Ne eopiee of erdera er paperelikeltofvlutth 2. enomy are to be carried inte setiom. -Lmmp and flag signalling equipment to be overhauled and ready 16. fer use in eece the cable er telephone breaks down. i1. All available wire eutters willlbe carried into action. 12. Battalien bivouses must be left in s theroughly clean and -nitary condition. Grg Hei Strg tie Bushetsen, sanmn. - 3 Zile rlonde Meje a orstl eth (aust.) Inf. Brigade. 3- . .Y. (se. ige. geronde tg S.oc

French Ships.                                         Fleet Sweepers.
JM "Jauréguiberry"                         YXV      General call sign for fleet
AJ "Charlemagne"                                             sweepers
QV “Henri IV"                                     BXZ      General call for H.M. ships
GY “St. Louis"                                                       from fleet sweepers
                                                              YCR     "Hythe"
                                                              YCS      "Gazelle"
                                                              YCT      "Folkestone"
Russian Ship.                                    YCU      "Newmarket"
BPR     "Askold"                                 YCV      "Clacton"
                                                              YCW    "Lynn"
Shore  Stations.                               MSD     "Reindeer"
Beach VWX  ("Euryalus")                YHC      "Whitby Abbey"
Base station                     W1
Right flanking station   W2
Left           "             "          W3           Supply & Ammunition Ships
Beach Z ("Queen")                            YAI        "Baron Ardrossan"
Base station                   W4              YAF      "Carrigan Head"
Right flanking station W5               YGX      "Swanley"
Left          "              "        W6

The following additions are to be made in manuscript to the aircraft table :—
FN     Fire is falling north
FS      Fire is falling south
FE      Fire is falling east
FW    Fire is falling west

Correction to Alteration, etc , No. 1 :—
For.      All signals in following tables .  .  .  proceeded by single .  .  .  et seq.
Read.  All signals in following tables    .   . preceded by single   .  .  .  et seq.

Printing Section
Med. Exped. Force.


No. 3 Section
4th Aust Inf Bde
4.48 PM         


N.Z.G.No.  834 
Divisional Headquarters,
ANZAC COVE, 3rd August 1915.
All Brigades and Divisional Units
N.Z & A. Division.

Reference Divisional Order No. 10 dated 3rd August 1915  :
1.  The attached "Organization Orders for Troops in Anzac" 
are forwarded for issue with your orders based on
Divisional Order No. 10 and NOT BEFORE  .
2.  Reference para 7 of the above quoted Divisional Order  :
The Certificate called for will be rendered by 12 noon
5th August instead of as stated.
3.   Reference "Organization Orders for Troops in Anzac"  : 
(a)  Page 1  "TOOLS"
The following WILL carry tools as laid down for
Troops NOT employed in an attacking Column i.e. one
pick and one shovel per 4 men.
1st Light Horse Brigade
3rd Light Horse Brigade
The white patch will be worn on the Right Shoulder
blade so as to be seen from behind and not in front.
Badges will be fixed on as LATE as possible especially
on the arms, and every precaution taken to prevent the
enemy from seeing men wearing them.

(Sgd) W. G. Braithwaite     Lieut. Colonel
General staff,   
N.Z. & A. Division.


The following orders are published, so that troops may
make provision now for the various steps required.
1.   The dress for operations will be :-
F.S. EQUIPMENT less great coats, coats and packs. Respirators 
will be carried.
AMMUNITION - 200 rounds per man carried on person.
Machine guns - 3500 rounds per gun in bolt boxes.
No regimental or brigade reserve will accompany the troops,
but will be sent forward later as required from the reserves
which have been formed.
Trained bomb throwers will be included in each company.
These men will carry only 50 rounds of ammunition but will
each be provided with an additional haversack to carry 8
SANDBAGS.    At least one per man.
TOOLS.   The light entrenching tool will be carried, and in
addition picks and shovels in the proportion of one pick and
one shovel to each 8 men - carried on person.  (One pick and
one shovel per 4 men not employed in an attacking column).
Wire cutters will be carried.  Other articles of equipment
at the discretion of Commanders in charge of special operations.
ALL RED AND YELLOW SEMAPHORE FLAGS - signalling or special
issue in possession of units are to be taken. One each per
Officer and N.C.O. up to the number in possession, after 
deducting signalling requirements.
Those Red and Yellow flags are to be waved rapidly when
it is desired to show the position of our troops to the Navy,
our own artillery, or to our infantry.
WATER BOTTLES - filled, and to be very sparingly used.
IRON RATIONS.  Meat and biscuits or equivalent :  one day.
Groceries 2 days.
Indian ranks.  Goor or sugar in place of groceries.
All ranks will wear white armlets 6" wide fixed on each
arm above the elbow - and a white patch about 8" square
fixed on the back of the right shoulder or between the 
shoulder blades. This will be worn in addition to any 
distinguishing marks selected by Commanders of Columns.
No animals will be available for carriage of any equipment.
Cable and other technical equipment usually carried in
carts or wagons is to be carried on barrows or by hand. 
2.  The pass word for night operations will be published in
Operation Orders.
Any one not answering with the countersign at once : and
anyone without the distinguishing armlets and patch ordered
in Para 1 will be treated as an enemy.
The following refers to night operations involving a
night march previous to assault :-
i.     Rifles are not to be loaded. Magazines will not
be charged before moving off, and are only to be charged by
the direct order of an officer.
ii.     Bayonets will be fixed.
iii.    All movement is to be as silent as possible: 
Guides and leaders of columns are reminded that a pace 
more than a mile an hour cannot be attained in broken
country with a column of more than 500 men.


iv.    No talking is to be permitted from the hour of 
falling in till daylight;  necessary orders are to be passed 
low tones.
v.     No smoking or lights are to be permitted from
the hour of falling in, till daylight.
vi.    No messenger is to be sent from front to rear
at a faster pace than the column is moving, as men moving
rapidly back are apt to cause panic.  Unless therefore the
matter is urgent the messenger should be dropped to await
the arrival of the person the message is meant for.
Similarly no evacuation of wounded to the rear
during darkness is to take place till the columns have
passed by.  No man not a stretcher bearer is to fall out
on the excuse of assisting wounded to the rear unless his
services have been demanded by a medical officer.
vii.   In the event of the enemy's fire being opened
while troops are moving on the objective, troops are to 
move on, advanced parties or special groups being detailed
for attacking enemy piquets or snipers with the bayonet
if those are close to the line of march.
If the fire is effective, as from machine gun
fire trained on a point, troops will take cover while
steps are organized to deal with it.
When, however, the objective is close, troops
will press on to its capture at all costs, remembering
that several other columns are aiming at the same objective
and that the attack of one aids all.
viii.   Electric torches, used only by officers and 
by the order of the senior commander on the spot, will be
useful to flash backwards and show position of front lines
from time to time to those in rear.  (Those are only for
use once touch with the enemy has been gained and the 
advance of the troops can no longer be concealed).
ix.   When considering the distribution of troops
in their commands, loaders are warned that soon rather
than late enemy piquets will be met with.  Each column
should therefore be headed by a party ready to deal without
any hesitation with an enemy party when met with
using the bayonet and following up quickly on the heels
of the enemy if he withdraws up the direction of the march
3.   In accordance with Para, 1 pack, coats, and other
articles of equipment have to be left behind. This applies
to all units, as whether employed actively or passively
to begin with, all may be required to assume the offensive
a short notice.
These articles will be collected before falling in
and left in charge of a party of
1 officer per brigade
1 senior N.C.O. per battalion
2 men per company
and a similar proportion for other units.
This equipment with all surplus kit, will be left:–
In the case of new arrivals - in the area alloted
to the units, under brigade arrangements
In the case of Anzac units - as may be selected
under Divisional arrangements.
4.  Casualties occuring the brigade area between dark
of the night on which movement commences and the march of
troops will be dealt with under arrangements which are
being made for all troops by Australian Division in their
area, and New Zealand & Aust. Division in theirs.  None
but urgent cases will be evacuated until daylight.
5.  The afternoon before operations commence an extra
supply of water will be provided for troops detailed for
operations beyond the Anzac position. Water bottles are
to be filled from this. As much as possible of any balance
from this extra issue should be consumed before starting.


- 3 -
6.  All ranks are to be warned to be sparing in their use
of water, food, and ammunition. In some cases there is no
possibility of water being sent up to the troops for at
least 18 hours after their movement commences, nor of food
being available for 48 hours. Any food or water thrown
away therefore cannot be replaced.
As regards ammunition, every effort will be made to
bring up reserves immediately in the rear of the troops, but
none the less wild firing is to be checked at once and no
firing permitted except on paying targets - or by picked
shots especially detailed to deal with individual enemy.
All ranks are also to be warned that the first night
of the operations will be sleepless and the next probably
sleepless also.
They should therefore during the night and day  proceeding
the operation rest rather than move about unnecessarily.
8.  All new arrivals are reminded that no labour expended
on digging is wasted and that when they occupy a position
they are to dig, not till they have completed a little
breastwork, but till a deep recessed fire trench has been
made. Then they are to continue till support and communication
trenches are complete and give full protection
against shrapnel and small arm fire. And as the only tools
available will be those carried by the men, these are on
no account to be thrown away because of their weight or
9.  The troops employed are armed with rifles firing two
Marks of ammunition, Mark VI and Mark VII.
The maxim built for the Mark VI cannot take Mark VII
ammunition - and this is being legislated for as far as
possible by employing guns now at Anzac in places where
only Mark VI ammunition is being used by the troops.
Mark VII ammunition can be used in any Mark of .303
rifle but is likely to jam in loading, and a different
sighting is necessary.  Briefly - L.E. short rifle or the
long rifle using Mark VII ammunition fires high up to 400
yards and after that low.  A rifle sighted for Mark VII
ammunition and using Mark VI ammunition fires low for the
first 400 yards and after that high.
It is therefore desirable to avoid mixing up the two
Marks and to help in this, boxes of Mark VII ammunition
are clearly marked, and have in addition two "V" shaped
nicks on the ends of the lids of all boxes, so that the
boxes can be distinguished by feel as well as by sight.
An additional safeguard is that all the Mark VII ammunition
is packed in bandoliers for convenience in distribution,
and not in packets.


Divisional Headquarters,
ANZAC COVE, 3rd August 1915.
N.Z.G.No. 834

All Brigades and Divisional Units
N.Z. & A. Division.

Reference Divisional Order No. 10 dated 3rd August 1915 :
1. The attached "organizational Orders for Troops in Anzac"
are forwarded for issue with your orders based on
Divisional Order No. 10 and NOT BEFORE .
2. Reference para 7 of the above quoted Divisional Order :
The Certificate called for will be rendered by 12 noon
5th August instead of as stated.
3. Reference "Organization Orders for troops in Anzac" :
(a) Page 1 "TOOLS"
The following WILL carry tools as laid down for
Troops NOT employed in an attacking Column i.e. one
pick and one shovel per 4 men
1st Light Horse Brigade
3rd Light Horse Brigade 
The white patch will be worn on the Right Shoulder
blade so as to be seen from behind and not in front.
Badges will be fixed on as LATE as possible especially
on the arms, and every precaution taken to prevent the
enemy from seeing men wearing them.

(Sgd) W.G.Braithwaite Lieut. Colonel
General Staff,
N.Z. & A. Division




Divisional Headquartrs
Anzac Cove, 3rd August, 1915


In anticipation of a forward movement the attention of
Brigadiers and Officers Commanding Divisional Units is
directed to the following.
Where not already provided for, immediate steps must be
taken to complete same.
All leaders of columns, however small, should be in
possession of a Luminous compass, and, if necessary, they must
be borrowed from those who do not actually require them at the
time. Leaders of columns should be acquainted with the magnetic
bearing of the general line of their advance.
Brigadiers will render to the Divisional Headquarters a return
showing the number of luminous compasses available in their respective
Brigades, by Wednesday evening, 4th instant.
The 1st Light Horse Brigade will take over the 50 Crackers
which were allotted to No. 3 Section, and the 3rd Light Horse
Brigade those allotted to the No.4 Section, and they will use 
them during the attack.
Fire sticks for lighting bombs can be obtained from Captain
Parry Okeden, the Ammunition Supply Officer, and should be
drawn at the rate of three for each bomb thrower.
Each bomb carrier will also carry an additional reserve up
to 20.
A supply of tinder lighters for lighting the fuses of bombs
ONLY has been obtained, and can be drawn on application to the
Divisional Ordnance Officer at the following rate:-
1st Light Horse Bde.             25
N.Z. Mounted Rifles Bde.    20
3rd Light Horse Bde.            25
N.Z. Infantry Bde.                  20 
4th Austr. Inf. Bde.                20
They are to be issued to and carried by bomb throwers only.
Great care is to be taken to ensure that all bombs are
to be kept dry and in good order.
Very strict orders are to be issued forbidding Officers
and others from carrying orders or any private papers that
would convey information to the enemy, on their person.
All ranks are strongly advised to carry two or three pebbles.
It is found that one pebble placed under the tongue relieves
the craving of thirst.
The names of guides leading all columns will be published
in the Divisional Operation Order.
Brigadiers will ensure that lamp signalling equipment of
their Brigade and Regimental Detachments is in working order and
that their Detachments are prepared to work the lamps in the event
of their cable or telephone communication breaking down.


In the event of prisoners being captured, they should be
immediately disarmed and handed over with their arms, under
escort to the Assistant Provost Marshall at Divisional Headquarters
(Report Centre). The latter will ensure that he
maintains a sufficient guard ready to receive prisoners. The
escort conducting prisoners back from the Firing Line should be
as small as possible compatible with security.
Prisoners should be collected in batches of convenient
size before sent back being sent back to the Assistant Provost 
Marshall at Divisional Headquarters (Report Centre).
Escorts, having handed over their prisoners to the
Assistant Provost Marshall, will return immediately to the 
Firing Line.
(1).In each Brigade an Officer in charge of the Brigade
Ammunition reserve will be appointed.
(2).At least 20 men per brigade should be detailed to act under
his immediate orders.
His duties will be to forward the ammunition from the
Brigade Ammunition Centre to the Regimental Reserves by means
of runners.
The ammunition will be carried from the Advance Depots to
the various Brigade Centres on mules under the orders of the C.R.A
The exact positionsof Advanced Depots will be notified in Divisional
11. MULES.
The O.C. Divisional train will allot mules as under:-
2 to each Machine Gun.
1 to each Battalion for Medical Officer.
2 to each Brigade for the Brigade Signal Section.

(Sgd). W.G. Braithwaite,
Lt. Col.
General Staff,
N.Z. & A. Div.


Divisional Headquarters
Anzac Cove, 3rd August.1915.

4 Aust Inf Bde

In anticipation of a forward movement the attention 
of Brigadiers and Officers Commanding Divisional Units 
is directed to the following.
Where not already provided for, immediate steps 
[*?*] must be taken to complete the same.
All leaders of columns, however small, should be in
possession of a Luminous Compass, and, if necessary, 
they must be borrowed from those who do not actually 
require them at the time.  Leaders of columns should be 
acquainted with the magnetic bearing of the general 
line of their advance.
Brigadiers will render to the Divisional Headquarters 
a return showing the numgber of Luminous Compasses 
available in their respective Brigades, by Wednesday 
evening, 4th inst.
The 1st Light Horse Brigade willtake over the 50 
Crackers which were allotted to No.  3 Section, and the 3rd
Light Horse Brigade those allotted to No.  4 Section, and
they will use them during the attack.
Fire sticks for lighting bombs can be obtained from 
Captain Parry Okeden, the Ammunition Supply Officer, and 
should be drawn at the rate of three for each bomb thrower.
Each bomb thrower carrier will also carry an additional 
reserve of 20.
[*Staff Capt
A supply of tinder lighters for lighting the fuses 
of bombs ONLY has been obtained, and can be drawn 
on application to the Divisional Ordnance Officer at the 
following rate:-
1st Light Horse Bde.             25
N.Z. Mounted Rifles Bde.    20.
3rd Light Horse Bde.            25.
N.Z. Infantry Bde.                  20. 
4th Aust. Inf. Bde.                 20.
They are to be issued to and carried by bomb throwers only.
Great care is to be taken to ensure that all bombs are
[*x?*] kept to be kept dry and in good order.
Very strict orders are to be issued forbidding 
Officers and others from carrying orders or any private
papers that would convey information to the enemy, on
their person.
All ranks are strongly advised to carry two or three
pebbles. It is found that one pebble placed under the
tongue relieves the craving of thirst.
The names of guides leading all columns will be
published in the Divisional Operation Order.
Brigadiers will ensure that lamp signalling 
equipment of their Brigade and Regimental Detachments is 
in working order and that theuir Detachments are prepared


to work the lamps in the event of their cable or 
telephone communication breaking down.
In the event of prisoners being captured, they should 
be immediately disarmed and handed over with their arms, 
under escort to the Assistant Provost Marshal at Divisional 
Hdqrs (Report Centre). The latter will ensure that he maintains 
a sufficient guard ready to receive prisoners. The escort 
conducting prisoners back from the Firing Line should be
as small as possible compatible with security.
Prisoners should be delivered in batches of convenient
size before being sent back to the Assistant Provost xxx
Marshal at Divisional Headquarters (Report Centre).
Escorts, having handed over their prisoners to the
Assistant Provost Marshal, will return immediately to the 
Firing Line.
(1) In each Brigade an Officer in charge of the Brigade
Ammunition reserve will be appointed(2)At least 20 men 
per brigade should be detailed to act under his
immediate orders.
His duties will be to forward the ammunition from
the Brigade Ammunition Centre to the Regimental Reserves 
by means of runners.
The ammunition will be carried from the Advance Depots 
to the various Brigade Centres on mules under the orders 
of the C.R.A.
The exact positions of Advanced Depots will be 
notified in Divisional orders.
11. MULES.
The O.C. Divisional Train will allot mules as under:-
2 to each machine gun.
1 to each Battalion for Medical Officer.
2 to each Brigade for the Brigade Signal Section

(Sgd). W.G. Braithwaite,
General Staff,
N.Z. & A. Div.


[*Copy No 1*]
3rd August, 1915
O.C. _____________________

1. In anticipation of an early offensive, Commanding Officers
will employ the most energetic measures to complete the equipment
and consolidation of their Commands in all respects, ready for
movement at very short notice, from midnight on August 5th.
2. Every effort is being made to return to Units all detached
parties, e.g. M.G. Sections, miners, beach parties etc.  C.O's
will advise Brigade Office at once as these detachment s re join.
3. Regimental and personal property, in excess of that required
to be taken with the unit, is to be fully marked and labelled,
and placed in a condition ready to be rapidly packed up and a
stacked in a depot in a predetermined position within each
Battalion bivouac area, close to the road, in charge of a small
depot personnel, consisting mainly of light duty men, not
exceeding 20 men, all under a thoroughly reliable N.C.O.  Major
Young, Quartermaster 14th Battalion, will be in command of
the Brigade Bivouac, after the Brigade moves, and will be in
charge of these depots and depot personnel.
4. The guard over Ammunition Depot, furnished by 16th Battalion,
will remain on duty there, so long as any ammunition remains
at the depot, and will then rejoin the battalion.
5. Lieut. H. Macdonald, 13th Battalion, will be in charge of
Brigade Ammunition Reserve, - comprising both S.A.A. and bombs -
Each Battalion will detail 1 corporal and 8 men to report to
Lieut. Macdonald to form Ammunition Transport from Brigade
Reserve to Regimental Depots. These details will report at once
for instructions; they will march with Brigade H.Q. The
distribution of ammunition within Battalions will be arranged
regimentally, by runners.
6. Each Battalion will draw, from O.C. Divisional Train, 4
mules for M.G. Sections, and one mule for medical officer.
7. Any luminous compasses in possession of any individual must be
placed at the disposal of those officers in the Battalion most
likely to be employed for leading the Battalion, or portions
it, by night.
8.  Fire sticks and tinder lighters will be drawn by the
Staff Captain and issued pro rata to bomb throwers and carriers.
9. No copies of orders, or papers likely to be of value to the
enemy are to be carried into action.
10. Lamp and flag signalling equipment to be overhauled and ready
for use in case the cable or telephone breaks down.
11. All available wire cutters will be carried into action.
12. Battalion bivouacs must be left in a thoroughly clean and
sanitary condition.

JP McGlinn
Lieut. Colonel.
Brigade Major.
4th (Aust.) Inf. Brigade.

Copy No 2 Staff Capt
   "        "    3 File
  "        "      4 OC 13th Bn
  "        "      5   "    14th.
  "        "      6   "    15th.
  "        "      7    "  16th.
  "        "      8  O.C. Bde Sigs
JPMcG 1900


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