Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 6, 12 July - 3 August 1915, Part 3

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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O Pow CUSlCNS LM TANSM MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. Na of Mossage— OAEOWPE OHice Stamp 56 St T 12i 8925 Ehigt 182 Su Httctor S OAO BII E RAt 390 rot monstth Ie sonders Nom DATOM LTONGWONSNNN AAA 18t B m 26 wishes to see all Fre 300 Diy Aa AHE4C Bregateers St 400 tomorrow taae Love at Bm Dcte th Section Mon 2315 gooem WILH RMPAL S AALlL-ForDIIL
TO RON CASSCNR TA FONS SINR MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No. of Message— H Office Stamp. Charges to Pay. " d n2 B9 pub REFIES MMMMN I2aa ond a a MMASA H.L th Brigite t TTCSFISNSMS DETSINONR Sender's Number AAA 18th W2958 1 Jul. dated 849 Reference n tarry thromes may Pard Boub wish to t the stung ritles not. who do Those to A2 S0 their to tean them are Carry the Regtt. Amn with Afes Leknowleofe Bry reserve AAH FROM N294 Di PLAOHATINE Dg00 W.AS. D,O00 Pads 8A. S.B.Ltd.—Ferms C. 2122.
July 19/15 Confirnse at D.. HC. ys doult git beny soon wrohen we lent expect it Gas borly mare hav Respogte on poron. Sentri actuvally west it, at night. If A. Cop appover hegusts to be woon & carried. Respivations ont make shift Every max to have a peluet, and a respirator in Reserve, Le. in Post Reseives. Arrange gas alarg - once of trase a dpy, Everyboding fans it on Sep about the sprayers - & supply of myptive. Irain men in us ppraiers I Empers serimonys on all men. 20 Hey Howrtyen C aphetl shyl 10 to 11t - with steep descent Cholera Bomlf Carrying – gfaheat + make on own carries of £ Conside advances fe wugh country by night? stall cote 5 Should they stop to fie? 6 Griides Sir night opoation Use of Compays ? Qratifig Cmpar offigs ? Supply of Comparse? Frain Connecting Files - specially select men Methol of isine fum Franches – gitting of steps - bridges make men phtve. Secrets not to be discursed Notify guantity of Pick & shove in our custody, & shortags 10 11. Fewhish rifle go to Nelgem. 12. Silences & Telescopie sighty are coming t Enxgland, I few only. Burgmit
SBOLAL AY CORPS ORDER. nn ArZAC COUE, 19th July, 1915. He have recontly recoived informition that at a Council of War hald anong tho Turkish loadors, it has boen docidod to sond another 100,000 non to the Peninsula and to rake a final tronondous attack upon the British troops horo. Mhothor such an attack is likoly to bo dolivored hostly upon us or upon Capo Hollos wo cannot say, but as we are the woakor forco it is quito possible thoy may think they can drive us out of our tronchos, if thoy can only cono in largo onough. mimbors. I an quite cortain there is not an Australian or a Now Zealandor who belioves this, or who will for one nonont allow thor to do so in whatover mimbors thoy night coro. In fact, from my daily visits to the tronchos, 1 Inow woll that you are all only longing for tho Turks to colo ad attack us, so as to givo you yot another chance of showing thow what Australian and How Zoaland soldiors can do. Our tronches aro strong and our shooting is good, so wo know go can wait any attack with poffoot confidonco. Tho only thing wo havo to romonbor is to bo fully proparod for it in ovory way, and to be Tully datorninod to dostroy overy Turk who appoars in Front of our trirches: accurato and rapid firo in the first instance, and if ho over gots up to the tronchos, thon tho bayonot. To havo to renombor that wo may now be facod with tho brutal contrivances of the Gornan in the way of asphyxiating gasoc. Holnots aro boing sorvod out to all ranls which givo conploto irnninity fror this, and instructions have boon given to all as to the oxact procod- uro to Do adoptod in tho ovent of the onory's attack boing procoded by asphyxicting Cas. If those orders are followed, you nood havo no Foar whetover of the gas, tho vory use of which will moro than over dotornino you to wipo out an onory who can sink to such dastardly dovicos. user Endwood D0
28 1and A i SECRET Div. H2. 1915 20. July NAWEO623 SECR Bde et unst S. Following mesace had been received from B.4.9. vequis Wtallon Efapry cor.anmore reports that arrival of ammum ion from BERMANYi confirmed and that great affort to expet us from this EmsA to be made on 23(564+) national fele -day. this intormation may be given out to Battalion and Regiment at Copnnanders out is the kept SECRE bn them for the present. Meanwhite for 22th 23t Jyly all Arm Carpy gun Drisional Fanguel uness specially ordered, will be gspended? and arrongancutrate to be made to mubstitute, as far as possible, park tramspost for 47 men the sarriage of water and inppries in Bugade and lesser 32 mscharge officers and men should be kept as fresh as possible between now and the above menrioned dates. every effort is to be made to render all posts impregnable Please acknowledge teccipt. Wty. Braithwate Lttol. ESlatt DSDDi NOTED Westa monr of B2 6a/36 et 1 R. Kangne Masn 1 [eo opapen th 415. et &pope Wec 1. fax 97 MEM
2 12/15 Conference of C.D, Adp & sty ntations puper n attack ammunity I. Decret notice &e attack July 23 keep men wylther.I allow leave sparingly vary 1 pull things wgethe. maps No men ith Setions pratfr 2. Gas attack Certanity to some Respiratofs of Helmets Helmets ifare & carly - Resporfon in Co Br. Resenve Gas alaxng Syrenges - Agiind 3 gals Impress sercousness on all rauths 3 Future offensive Advance in small colrons Ntircaction Quslified Compan ppeca - Supply of Compasses Fright friding Conneding files Pick I shovels. Shalfening of Hagants L. General Coutine hom prpeise of oithoity by pai . C00 Lnigh at ought Shave 3 times week Had Canguage Makings on Tackets S Screts - not infursch C. Tuskish riple collected T. Bomb Carlying 8. Imbros Hattagon - & leading at night 9. Condition of Riples 10. Pesents fo A.M.C.- 1000
TEYLEAAMA AIALAMNSION Divisional Headquarters, N.2.Ce -623. Anzac Cove, 21st July, 1915. In continuation of Meme. N.2.G. 524 dated 12th July, 1915 on the subject of dealing with gas attack. Should the enemy release the gas from cylinders, the same procedure will be followed as in dealing with guns projecting shelle containing gas, namely, bringing cur gun fire to bear on the etght of the cylinders as quickly as possible. site It may happen, however, that the cylinders are employed close 2. to our trenches or they cannot safely be reached by our guns. In this case they will be within reach of our bomb mortars or hand grenades. All ranks will therefore be warned that if a gas attack is begun from close range, they are to make every effort to locate the places in which the cylinders are being used, and smother it with bombs, at the same time giving botice to the Garland, 3.7c and Japanese mortar bumb squads, and to the nearest artillery observer. A well aimed Lotbiniere bemb will probably be as effective as anything in upeetting the enemy’s gas apparatus, and so liberating the gas in the enemy’s own trenches. in addition to the method of giving warning of the appreach 30 of gas referred to in N.2.8. 524 para. 3, the use of a gong made of an empty shell case in each post is suggested. (Sed) W.G. Braithwaite, Lt-Col. General Staff. N.2. & A. Division.
JOOCMO 2. Seere7 Oeone N9 -by- Rec'd Nafer-General Sir A.J. Godley E.C.F.O. 2050 Lemnandins Nen Zealand and Australian Biriaien. 2/7/15 ANEAC COTS, Callipel. 210t July 1925. Infernation has been received that a Turkish attact in force may be expected on the 23rd July - the Turkish Constitution Day : but that it may be delivered earlier. Section and Brigade Commanders will take the following steps: (a) Regimental, Post and Brigade Reserves of Amunition to be conpleted i pouch amnunition to be made up to at least 200 rounds per rifle (3,500 per machine gun). (o) Bombs and Grenades to be brought up to the following minimum numbers: Japanese Bombe 40 per sun. Garland Bombs 500 3.7t. Dombo 120 Hand grenades No. 3 Section 800 No. 4 800 in viey of the fact that there may be difficuty in sending up bombs to Posts during a seneral attecr, Section Commanders will increase the Post Reserves of Bombs up to probable maxinum requirements. lothiniere bombs to be kept expectally for use against sas cylinders - 4 per Post in Nc. 3 Section, and S On RUSSOIs Rop In No. 4 Section. Arrangements for lighting bombs vill be completed- bomb sticks vill be 11t just before the moen sets (vide Pars 4): an emple propertion of bombs vill be kept up in the fire trenches within easy reach of the bomb threwers. Waterials for oil and tow flares and ahip' & flares 101
sona sea All be dram sutticient to Lisht the Brents on poaed to attact for three hours. Reter Madlights and acctylene Hlares vill be kept ready for instant avo. anti A1l axxEYee arrangements are to be perfested. 10) all fatigues not considered abselately essential are to be kecked off from 4 pix. on the 22nd inst. the C.l. Mvisional Hgnal Company vill ase that tolephenie comunication between Section Feadquarters and Pests and between Section Readquarters and Divisional Readquarters are in good erter and the wires as far as persible protested from the enery's Tire. He vill aise arrange for and test lateral comunieation along fire and suppert trenence 411 treeps vill stand to aras 10 minutes before the meen oots on the night 22/23 and 23/24 for half an Mne, and AFaIs at 3 A.A. A IReIY MoUT FOF AHACE will be be the neen gees dorn. the Tettoring eppresinate tiaings of wees aot and darlieht are sives Ment of 22/22 2212 23/24 2/23 Neen sots 11.11 p.s. 1.54 pa. 0.27 a.n. 0.54 a. Mrlion - Meht Monst ts Mstlgniah Assals about J.30 a.m. Freeeente for Fird ASeHT EFA SA SOr MaMHankEL E.T.L. TAINOT AN FIEH, Vatio bouth of Cals Toge, Terset, searching wiley 224 0 ts 8 and slopes to Past of 1t.—Thess reasels Vill arrire Mnla Fren tre to three hours of Fecsirias Ferning, and or mere destregcre assistins by fire as far as persible. MELL. The sae verasis, an slaties throughout the night of 22/237d and 2 W24th - ready to open fire an first sisn of attees and destreyer Illmin- ating risnt Hent.

"C" Form (Duplicate).        Army Form C. 2123.
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.      No. of Message

SM    11-10 p   36                                                            


E Stephen
Charges to Pay.
£.  s.  d.  
Office Stamp.
BQ      28
Service Instructions.
Handed in at RIW Office 2310 m.   Received 2320 m.

TO  Col Monash 4th Bde
Sender's Number.     Day of Month. 18th     In reply to Number     A A A 
BM 206                          18th                                      _______ 

The GOC wishes to see all
Brigadiers at Div Hq ANZAC
Cove at 1100 tomorrow aaa
Ackge       BM 463

FROM   4th Section 2315


“C" Form (Duplicate).                 Army Form C. 2123.
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.      No. of Message

S.M.     9.5A   
Charges to Pay.
£     s.     d.
Office Stamp.
18/7/15   Bq
Service Instructions.
Handed in at N.  Z.     Office 9.5A  m.     Received  9 12 am.   
TO                4th Brigade
Sender's Number    Day of Month 18th   In reply to Number      A A A                             
N Z g 581                     18th                               ______

Reference n z g 349 dated 1 July
Para 3 Bomb throwers may carry
slung rifles if they wish to
do so  AAA Those who do not
carry them are to leave their
rifles with the Regtl. Ammn
reserve.   AAA                Acknowledge BM 454

FROM              NZ & A Div
PLACE & TIME        0900


July 19/15
Conference at Div. H.Q
1. Gas. No doubt of it - very soon; & when we least expect it
Every man have Respirator on person. -  Sentries actually wear it, at night.
If A. Corps approves - helmets to be worn & carried.  Respirators only a make shift.
Every man to have a Helmet. and a Respirator in Reserve.
i.e. in Post Reserves.

Arrange gas alarms. - once or twice a day; everybody pass it on
See about the sprayers - & supply of mixture.
Train men in use of sprayers.
Impress seriousness on all men.

2. Heavy Howitzers - spherical shells 10" to 11" - with steep descent.

3. Cholera.
4. Bomb carrying - go ahead & make our own carriers.   XX

5. Consider advances over rough country by night. - ? small columns 
Should they stop to fire ?
6. Guides for night operations
Use of Compass ? Qualified Compass Officers ? Supply of Compasses ?
Train Connecting files - specially select men.
7. Method of issuing from Trenches - cutting of steps - bridges.
8. Make men shave.
9. Secrets not to be discussed.
10. Notify quantity of Picks & Shovels in our custody, & shortage.
11. Turkish rifles go to Belgium.
12. Silencers & Telescopic sights are coming from England, a few only.
[[Bmq met?]]


ANZAC COVE, 19th July, 1915.
We have recently received information that at a Council of War
held among the Turkish leaders, it has been decided to send another
100,000 men to the Peninsula and to make a final tremendous attack
upon the British troops here.  Whether such an attack is likely to
be delivered mostly upon us or upon Cape Helles we cannot say, but as
we are the weaker force it is quite possible they may think they can
drive us out of our trenches, if they can only come in large enough
numbers.  I am quite certain there is not an Australian or a New
Zealander who believes this, or who will for one moment allow them to
do so in whatever numbers they might come.  In fact, from my daily
visits to the trenches, I know well that you are all only longing for
the Turks to come and attack us, so as to give you yet another chance
of showing them what Australian and New Zealand soldiers can do.
Our trenches are strong and our shooting is good, so we know
we can wait any attack with perfect confidence. The only thing we
have to remember is to be fully prepared for it in every way, and to
be fully determined to destroy every Turk who appears in front of our
trenches:  accurate and rapid fire in the first instance, and if he
ever gets up to the trenches, then the bayonet.

We have to remember that we may now be faced with the brutal
contrivances of the German in the way of asphyxiating gases.  Helmets
are being served out to all ranks which give complete immunity from
this, and instructions have been given to all as to the exact procedure
to be adopted in the event of the enemy's attack being preceded
by asphyxiating gas.  If these orders are followed, you need have no
fear whatever of the gas, the very use of which will more than ever
determine you to wipe out an enemy who can sink to such dastardly


Lt Col



                                     N. Z and A. Div.
SECRET                                                                Div. H.Q.
No. N.Z.G. 623                                                      20. July. 1915
To  4th Aust Inf Bde

  1. Following message has been received from
    G. H. Q. begins "Italian Embassy CONSTANTINOPLE
    reports that arrival of ammunition from
    GERMANY is confirmed and that great
    effort to expel us from this PENINSULA
    is to be made on 23rd  JULY, national

     This information may be given out to
     Battalion and Regimental Commanders
     but is to be kept SECRET by them for
     the present.
2. Meanwhile - for 22nd & 23rd July, all
    Army Corps and Divisional Fatigues 
    unless specially ordered, will be
     suspended; and arrangements are
     to be made to substitute, as far
     as possible, pack transport for

     men in the carriage of water and 
     supplies in Brigade and lesser
     unit charge.
3.  Officers and men should be kept
     as fresh as possible between
     now and the above
     mentioned dates.

4. Every effort is to be made to
    render all posts impregnable

Please acknowledge receipt.


W.G. Braithwaite LtCol
G. Staff.
N.Z. & A. Div.
McSharry Major    O.C.    13th Bn
R. Rankine Major     "     14th     "
JHCannan LtCol       "     15th     "
H. Pope Lt Col           "     16th      "

[*Ref Ga 362*]
Recd 1920
Ackd Bm 470
JPMcG Lt Col


 N.o                Alexandrie, le 20 Juillet 1915
                       (P.O.B. 72)
à A. Mayer & Co

MAISON DE CONFECTION pour Hommes, Dames et d'Enfants

3 Flanels  a 24  pp  72



Conference of C.O's, Adjts & Staff.

Various papers in attack
1. Secret notice re attack July 23 - Ammunition √
Keep men together. √
Allow leave sparingly - very √
pull things together. √
map, No men
2. Gas attack.   Serious nature √
Certainty to come √
Respirators Helmets √
Helmets issue & carry - Respirators in Co or Bn Reserves √
Gas alarms√
Syringes - liquid 3 gals -. √
Impress seriousness on all ranks. √
3  Future offensive   Advances in small columns.
No fire action
Qualified Compass Officers - Supply of Compasses  
Night guiding
Connecting files
Picks & Shovels
Sharpening of Bayonets  √
 4. General Routine - Non-exercise of authority by Officers & N.C.Os
Quiet at night
Shave 3 times week
Bad language
Markings on Jackets   √
5. Secrets - not discussed √
6. Turkish rifles collected.
7. Bomb carrying √
8. Imbros Battalion - & leading at night √
9. Condition of Rifles √
10. Presents for A.M.C.- √


N.Z.G. 623.   Divisional Headquarters,                                                          Anzac Cove, 21st July, 1915.

In continuation of Memo. N.Z.G. 524 dated 12th July, 1915
on the subject of dealing with gas attack.

1.  Should the enemy release the gas from cylinders, the same
     procedure will be followed as in dealing with guns projecting
     shells containing gas, namely, bringing our gun fire to bear
     on the sight site of the cylinders as quickly as possible.
2.  It may happen, however, that the cylinders are employed close
     to our trenches or they cannot safely be reached by our guns.
     In this case they will be within reach of our bomb mortars
     or hand grenades.
     All ranks will therefore be warned that if a gas attack
     is begun from close range, they are to make every effort to
     locate the places in which the cylinders are being used, and
     smother it with bombs, at the same time giving notice to the
     Garland, 3.7" and Japanese mortar bomb squads, and to the
     nearest artillery observer.
     A well aimed Lotbiniere bomb will probably be as effective
     as anything in upsetting the enemy's gas apparatus, and so 
     liberating the gas in the enemy's own trenches.

3.  In addition to the method of giving warning of the approach
     of gas referred to in N.Z.G. 524 para. 3, the use of a gong
     made of an empty shell case in each post is suggested.

(Sgd) W.G. Braithwaite, Lt-Col.
General Staff,
N.Z. & A. Division.



Copy No. 7
Major- General Sir A.J. Godley K.C.M.G.
[*Rec'd 2050 21/7/15*]
Commanding New Zealand and Australian Division.
ANZAC COVE, Gallipoli.
21st July 1915.
INFORMATION    Information has been received that a Turkish attack
in force may be expected on the 23rd July - the Turkish
Constitution Day : but that it may be delivered earlier.
2.  Section and Brigade Commanders will take the
following steps  :   
(a)  Regimental, Post and Brigade Reserves of Ammunition
to be completed :  pouch ammunition to be made up to
at least 200 rounds per rifle (3,500 per machine gun).
(b)  Bombs and Grenades to be brought up to the following
minimum numbers :-
Japanese Bombs  40 per gun.
Garland Bombs  50   "       "
3.7" Bombs  120   "       "
Hand grenades         
No. 3 Section  800
No. 4       "    800
In view of the fact that there may be difficulty
in sending up bombs to Posts during a general attack,
Section Commanders will increase the Post Reserves
of Bombs up to probable maximum requirements.
Lotbiniere bombs to be kept especially for use
against gas cylinders - 4 per Post in No. 3 Section,
and 8 on Russell's Top in No. 4 Section.
Arrangements for lighting bombs will be completed - 
bomb sticks will be lit just before the moon sets
(vide Para 4) : an ample proportion of bombs will be
kept up in the fire trenches within easy reach of the 
bomb throwers.
(c) Materials for oil and tow flares and ship's flares


will be drawn sufficient to light the fronts exposed
to attack for three hours. Motor headlights
and acetylene flares will be kept ready for instant
(d) All xxxxx^anti-gas arrangements are to be perfected.
(e) All fatigues not considered absolutely essential
are to be knocked off from 4 p.m. on the 22nd inst.
COMMUNICATIONS  The O.C. Divisional Signal Company will see that
telephonic communication between Section Headquarters and
Posts and between Section Headquarters and Divisional
Headquarters are in good order and the wires as far as
possible protected from the enemy's fire. He will also
arrange for and test lateral communication along fire and
support trenches.
Standing to
arms.  All troops will stand to arms 10 minutes before
the moon sets on the night 22/23 and 23/24 for half an
hour, and again at 3 a.m.  A likely hour for attack
will be as the moon goes down.
The following approximate timings of moon set and
daylight are given :-
Night of           21/22               22/23                   23/24                  24/25  
Moon sets       11.13 p.m.       11.54 p.m.             0.25 a.m.          0.54 a.m.
Daylight  -  Light enough to distinguish objects
about 3.30 a.m.
NAVAL SUPPORT   Arrangements for Naval support are as follows :-
Right Flank. Day.  R.M.S. TALBOT and HUMBER. Station
South of Gaba Tepe. Target. Searching valley 224 C to S
and slopes to East of it. These vessels will arrive
within from two to three hours of receiving warning, one
or more destroyers assisting by fire as far as possible.
Night.   The same vessels, on station
throughout the night 22/23rd and 23/24th - ready to
open fire on first sign of attack and destroyer illuminating 
right flank.

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