Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 6, 12 July - 3 August 1915, Part 1

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
Awaiting approval
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Se an mul jsljulas Dljlalhs Divisionel neadquarters, s N2G504 12t4 July, 1915. From:- Ceneral staff N.4. m Australian Division. To AVluct Zud Bela CRET lk Tre The following combined, demonstration will be carried out tonignt by New Zealand and Australian Divizion, wit4 co-operation by tue Australian Divislon as indloated below. The left flank destroyer will shell tae BaBY 700 NEK from 7.43 to 8.13 p.m. At 9.15 p.m, . bomb atteck will be delivered from No. Z Section, and lMd's and CNLY's Posts. The Garland bomb throwers will be used at suitable points along the line at the same time. At 9.45 ..m. there will be a sdort burst of rifle fire along tue front of Nos 3 and 4 Sections. At 10 p.m. one blue light will be burnt at intervals along the front of Nos 3 and 4 Seetions followed by the exnibition of pole targets and dummies. If tais las succeeded in filling the trenoles with tue enemy, intimation will be sent by Section headquarters to tue field batteries mentioned below. At 10.10 p.m. tae Offioer Commanding mountain Artillery Brigade will errange to fire Star 3dell and engage Hostile mao¬ine gun en lacements in the direction of HaB! 700 and the Dedobladd, and will teen continde to send up the Star Sdell over JSTUNL's COLdY and LONESONN PINE at intervals during the night te onable No. z seetion to marrass tae enemy re,airing the damage done tais morning there. At 10.15 p.m., but only if required to do so, Paillip's and Caddy's batteries will engage the OS.BCARD and the ALA respectively; Sykes' bettery will engage tae eneny's trencnes in front of ULN, and symon's battery will fire into Lm VX. Not more tdan 20 rounds (shrapnel) is to be fired by anyone of tuese batteries. Wrl braitiuart Lieut.-Colonel, General Staff N.A. M .. Division. Giened at- 16000 Rros 3 wh Jecleoed CAt 2 tt Aunt Zrr Bile E
.. 7 NE EEALLDD LDD EDIRELZAN DIUZEZON . Aldne 588 Divisional Headquarters ANahe cova, iath Juiy 1915 2. 124 7o: To: llM Wo5: In amplification of previous memoranda on the subject of dealing with gas attack, the provision of respirators, sprayers, etc,, notably Divisional Memorandun No. 300 dated 20th June, Force Order No. 20 dated 26th June, and the printed "Instructions for Defence against Asphyxiating Gas issued by General Headquarters on the 9th June, the following notes are issued for guidance: Gas attack, as experienced up to date in Europe, may ) take two forms - das released frem retorts e which is the method refarred to in G.H.4. Instructions datei 9th June. Gas released fros shells fired from mortars or li. gune. This is the form of attack which reports lead us to believe is the mere likely. 12) tur uotien if the enemy ampleys gas against us ie to be considered under the heads :- (2) (a) HOW TO DEAL WITH THE ENEMY. (b) HOW TO DEAL WITK THE CAS. As regarda (a). How 7O DEAL WI THE FNSMY, G.R.9. 53) Instructions stace that the employment in effence is only, effective when it results in panio emongst the defenders and the instructions given, if followed, remove the reason for panic. But, in addition to resisting panic, other measures are desirable. In Paragraph 8 of the "Instructions for Defence against Asphyxiating Gas", the steps recommended are perhaps more suited to mesting gas reloased from retorts than gas thrown into our trenches by shells. In such a case, firing is of course not needed. Also, situated as we are, to charge the enemy might he playing into his hands. The general principle of defensive action by infantry in the trenches is, therefore, to kesp under cover as far as possible, and do nothing to prevent the enemy from launching his attack beyond making all preparations to. meet it with fire and bayonet. At the same time, the nearest platoon or trosp commander will close the men away from the vleinity of the released gas, but not so far that the ground in front of the trench effected cannot be covered by fire from their nes position. The unavoidable stir which accempanies such preparetions may well be interpreted by the ensmy as panic and lead so his assault: ing and taking his punishment. The fact of gas being used will be passed up and down the trenches at once by all ranks. To do this, the werd' "gas" -, called out witheut panic, and only loud enough te reach the next two or three men - will be used. Instant riratora issue of helmets or re will be made, notice will
a) a) 12) F? re be given to Section, Divizional, and Army Corpe Head- er quarters, and stepe taken at once to verie the report. ore e This only refers to men in the trenches. The gas, being heavy, will tend to sink inte hellows and gullies. As soon as the report reaches the troops in these places (tes hollows er gullies), they are to move to higher ground. A very little climb will suffice as the gas cloud is not likely to be so large as te de mere than line the bottom of a gully. But troops detailed as local reserves, erafor any duty requiring their movement in fo ermed bedies, are to have special orders as to falling in on an alarn of gas, in localities a little way up hill. Individual freedem of movement on their part cannot be pernitted because thay may, at any time, be required for counter. attack and must not, therefore, be allowed to disperse. n all oases where the euppert trenches are higher than the firestrenches, thess are to be ready for occu¬ pation if the firs tranches beceme untanable. s? So much for defence. If the gae arrivee in the shape of the gas cloud, releases from the enemy'e trenches, heavy fire and bombing will assist in dispersing it. the nea. .. of. If, however, it arraves in shells, the attacks must be more or less local, and the gun or mertar throwing the shells, and the shells themselves, will be vulnerable to artillery fire. fir ritzeore .. The most. important step to be taken in such a case. after spreading the newe, is to ascersain the direction from which the shell has been fired and promptly inform the nearest artillery Officer, the nearest Artillezg Ghaerving Officer, and the Commander of the Section. tcou The Artillery units first informed will at onoe search and sweep the suspected srea for the enemg mostar firing bombe. As soon as orders have reached the Howitzers and these have opened fire, other natures of guns will cease fire and await further opportunities. tar?. These opportunities will be given by the massing of the enemy in his trenches and in the areas generally occupied by his reserves, preparatory, to the assaule with the intention of which he opened his gas attack. His reserve positions and approaches to the fire trenches are to be freely shelled, but the fire trenches are to be left slone, unless offering reelly fine, human targets, so as not to deter the front lines of infantr from exposing themselves. These will be dealt withb hand bombs, or by Garland and Japaneso bombe until they come out to face our fire. To HOW. TO DEAL WITH I, GAS. Gas cannot be localizei if released from retorts. Besause of this, it is the sest dangerous, as it is the most difficuly method to empley. Gas released from shells which burst outside the trenches probably will be in insuffieient quantity to climb the parapets, and will usually roll back on the enomy. Gas frou shells which acsually burst in the tronch can be localized by means of wet blankets stretched acress the trench in which hhe gas is. 2.
(3) The blankets may with advantage be wetted with the solution mentioned below. A hole should then be made through the blanket and achemioal solutien sprayed in. Gas Whus isolated, or gas which has gathered in low lying trenches, can be dealt with in bulk by spraying it with a solution ehmmmichls Alternative. Sodium Hyposulphate lbs 6. Sodium Carbonate One handful. Glycerine Oz. Water Gals dissolved and well mixed. Sufficient of the above chemicals for immediate requirements are to be kept in regimental charge. further stock is to be maintained in Section Supply Depots. The Sectional Supply Officer will maintain sufficient supply to meet all requirements, indenting on the Senior Supply fficer for the same. (5) STRAYERS Sprayers have been issued to Brigades, units, etc. at the following rate:- Fach Battery Total N.Z.N.R. Brigade Each L.H.Brigade 12 Each Infantry Bn. Each Field Amb. The Spraying Machines are to be kept constantky fillad and ready for use, and the liquid sprayed into the adtana cloud of gas as soon as it is within reach. At least 25 N.C.O.'s and men per unit are to be practised in the use of sprayers. After spraying the screens and blankets, the sprayers may be used to dispol the gas cloud, as it is believed that the chemical spray will do this. In all trenches, screens or blankets should be ready to fix up and alternative positions decided upon without delay. (6) CAS HEL Pootection against gas is best afforded by gas helnet protectors, a supply of which has already been issued te each Section of the Defence, namely 4200 to No. 3 Scction and 800 to No. 4 Section. A further supply is expected shortly. These helmets are considered to give better protection than respirators, but as there are not enough as yet to issue to each man; they must be supplemented by respirators. These helmets require to be reimpregnated after mere than 3 hours exposure to chlorine gas. The G.O.C. directs that all fire trenches in Posts be primarily supplied with helmets, packed in tins, placed in recesses cut into the rear face of the trench, and a aup cloth hung over the face of each recess, in precisely the same way as the respiraters are now being stored. In order to prevent confusion and congestion on the alarm "gas", Officers commanding Sections will encure the not more than 6 helmets are placed in any one in.
) Abeve all things it ie essential that men should be carefully taught to use the helmet protector. Thie givee complete pretection egainst chlorine. Immediate stope are to be teken te instruet all Officers and men in their use. 17) NIIS TO NEDICAL OYPIOTES IREATINd XNN AFFECID BY cAR. Oxygen inhalation, the inhalation of alcohol, hypo¬ dermic injectica of atropine 1/100 grain, the exhibition of expectorents and eardiac tonice, artificial respiratios. Medical Officers will at once teach their regimental stretcher bearers the methods of giving artificial respiration. It is sometimes found useful for the man to lie on the stretcher and keep his head low. Removal as soon as possible from the gascous area. (8) CARE OF ANIMALS All animals, whether standing in or working up and down gullies, should be at once moved up to a higher position so as to get above the gas cloud as soon as possible. (9) RESERVES The same remark applies to troops in reserve. --- ----------------- W.G. Braithwaite Lieut. Col. (Sed.) Ceneral Staff, N.Z. &A. Division.
armt soru t sueer st fornn tuuphester MESSAGES ANDNSIGNALS. No of Nomaage Omoe Stamp Chargesto Pay. 75 a 75 BR e Manschri 13 Om in Recehved Omce THmschif De Trnsrr Hanschr Hers nrch aas lct Hren 2 a . 70. to el Bure ederdar ch o Zcxauated a A -5 Herren 20t a.1 1k-Famss sRom ono
Teer Fem iinshernift Tins kand an MESSAGES AND SIGN. No of Niossage. Oftce Stamip. 80 uf 1374 Ternser lmrnhreicherf Toe m Redtved Handedin at Er s010f5t Tns isnsfh Fernsprier fansche AaA French autt Bruttat Attachlet algeee at t 3o tn arilønfdined rfat ota Akt Bartue Trench hane Shat KERE E At K W6To0 Repottg fur HUKTI Sach to hape rearhad Kre 300 Jks u akvdee Fung Lrench Haustkaot Hrgtt Act Zunta wre L. Mer Kärsnktirs Abone 6e FROM KPraCT E TIME /wase ses. 20.000 Pode dl4 S. B.Lad-FormeC -Or Fornn Olupdeste! dnns semm 5ud Ansskors Aup suomhls Teie Tonsher Sansft Charges to Pay. 2 Terder Icirschrift Remahred Handedin at Ternsprte Hanschr mser. Snker Tees nanshr aaA Tiean 7 e W re ter Botketen abtout 100 4 Ao E- 10 ent Dn zrt Mrabt Ladd FROM Hr PLAOE & TIME 45 ws ces. s0,000 Pad. 814. S. B. Led-FonmaCziza
ononnn Uyupueater MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No of Nossage. ofce Stamp. Tonnrpre 2. 1105. 7 61 Teerder Innhrandens Irmm Recehved Handedin at- Frnsps te Hansche Frger se aA a FRON PLACEL TLME se sooe Pade dA4. S. B. Led-Forma CZu
Tbos. Cook & son (Egppt) Kimiteo. Shipomng de Forwarding Dert. Alekauooln paid tffielig s OPFICE- No 11343 Hd Bares Gas Receiged fom the sum o La Chle Ar or Shaf y being 114" Plongathe Dtelbon 3 ptia15 Por Cbos. Cook dSon UEGUDD EtO. Btalten süpreuee forwakowio
23 169 N2A. Bür Srror to Raung Eptt, Sregusteret uirkk thrr eble Comfaanies thire, Ihr ondicatod word PoURAIB, Jneaninng Torettte Horstsalien Infanttg Brigade), urtk musttuctons That all cablegramd Soadksesael, fom bonøtvalin od Zngland, ohonlt be deinaraksta torllendtvalean dntemedrte Bare, fod franssmisaron foy host to tong Beanet trelttost ffraa, tol delevang to altrasses Dt zwvei Franspeses Hhat reverat cables nerevet me Legogtty fod meinbedag Strie førmatta, addsesset av abvre, Lavebeam sepeited fo t Cabde statom at Tenedodg ant sasteanttorshe- at Throt ptatsm atmaanare og tha dnåaa- eugog T aldreso melacatan, anah aables have bada- delaned aeveval veada kocmaet f. Varso atutvnad av Regeam untet clamnad day adksose llandder ittra alane risematanens dåsehontk lalein st gufansh if Ihr Cabte patatanak tannds- esnkt be adersitg h Iunmnost erpaditemmanttaveitetle, Ihat alt aables ve. eanet to Ihan, beahneng ta hdickte POURRIB ac h tendlet fo.Jhe Tonett, Audtoahen dnfanteg ltripade, ate ANce Tvlantnomit. Ce Co bedgble

Divisional headquarters,
12th July, 1915.
From:- General Staff,
N.Z. & Australian Division. 
4th Aust Inf Bde
[*12/7 15*]
The following combined, ^fire demonstration will be carried out
tonight by New Zealand and Australian Division, with co-operation
by the Australian Division as indicated below.

The left flank destroyer will shell the BABY 700 NEK from 
7.45 to 8.15 p.m.
At 9.15 p.m; a bomb attack will be delivered from No. 2
Section, and QUINN’S and COURTNEY’S Posts. The Garland bomb
throwers will be used at suitable points along the line at the
same time.

At 9.45 p.m. there will be a short burst of rifle fire
along the front of Nos 3 and 4 Sections.

At 10 p.m. one blue light will be burnt at intervals along
[*12/7/15*] the front of Nos 3 and 4 Sections followed by the exhibition of
pole targets and dummies. If this has succeeded in filling the
trenches with the enemy, intimation will be sent by Section
Headquarters to the field batteries mentioned below.

At 10.10 p.m. the Officer Commanding Mountain Artillery
Brigade will arrange to fire Star Shell and engage hostile
machine gun emplacements in the direction of BABY 700 and the 
CHESSBOARD, and will then continue to send up the Star Shell over
JOHNSTONE'S JOLLY and LONESOME PINE at intervals during the night 
to enable No. 2 section to harass the enemy repairing the damage
done this morning there. 

At 10.15 p.m., but only if required to do so, Phillip's 
and Caddy's batteries will engage the CHESSBOARD and the NEK
respectively; Sykes' battery will engage the enemy's trenches
in front of QUINN'S, and Symon's battery will fire into LEGGE
VALLEY.  Not more than 20 rounds (shrapnel) is to be fired by
anyone of these batteries.
WG Braithwaite
General Staff
N.Z.& A. Division.
Issued at 1600 to
Nos 3 & 4 Sections
4th Aust Inf Bde




.N.Z.G.No. 524
Divisional Headquarters
ANZAC COVE, 12 July 1915


In amplification of previous memoranda on the subject
of dealing with gas attack, the provision of respirators,
sprayers, etc., notably Divisional Memorandum No. 300 dated
28th June, Force Order No. 20 dated 26th June, and the
printed "Instructions for Defence against Asphyxiating Gas" 
issued by General Headquarters on the 9th June, the following
notes are issued for guidance:-

(1)  Gas attack, as experienced up to date in Europe, may 
take two forms

i.  Gas released from retorts - which is the method
referred to in G.H.Q.  Instructions dated 9 June.

ii.  Gas released from shells fired from mortars or
guns.   This is the form of attack which reports
lead us to believe is the more likely.


(2)  Our action if the enemy employs gas against us is to
be considered under the heads :-


(3)  As regards (a), HOW TO DEAL WITH THE ENEMY, G.H.Q.
Instructions state that the employment of offence is only
effective when it results in panic amongst the defenders -
and the instructions given, if followed, remove the reason
for panic.
But, in addition to resisting panic, other measures
are desirable.  In Paragraph 8 of the "Instructions for
Defence against Asphyxiating Gas", the steps recommended
are perhaps more suited to meeting gas released from
retorts than gas thrown into our trenches by shells.  In
such a case, firing is of course not needed.  Also, situated
as we are, to charge the enemy might be playing into his
The general principle of defensive action by infantry
in the trenches is, therefore, to keep under cover as far
as possible, and do nothing to prevent the enemy from
launching his attack beyond making all preparations to
meet it with fire and bayonet.  At the same time, the
nearest platoon or troop commander will close the men away
from the vicinity of the released gas, but not so far that
the ground in front of the trench affected cannot be
covered by fire from their new position.  The unavoidable
stir which accompanies such preparations may well be
interpreted by the enemy as panic and lead to his assaulting
and taking his punishment.
The fact of gas being used will be passed up and down
the trenches at once by all ranks.  To do this, the word
"gas" - called out without panic, and only loud enough to
reach the next two or three men - will be used.  Instant
issue of helmets or respirators will be made, notice will



be given to Section, Divisional and Army Corps Headquarters,

and steps taken at once to verify the report.

This only refers to men in the trenches.  The gas,
being heavy, will tend to sink into hollows and gullies.
As soon as the report reaches the troops in these places
(i.e. hollows or gullies), they are to move to higher
ground.  A very little climb will suffice as the gas cloud
is not likely to be so large as to do more than line the
bottom of a gully.  But troops detailed as local reserves,
or for any duty requiring their movement in formed bodies,
are to have special orders as to falling in on an alarm of
gas, in localities a little way up hill.  Individual
freedom of movement on their part cannot be permitted, 
because they may, at any time, be required for counter-
attack and must not, therefore, be allowed to disperse.

In all cases where the support trenches are higher
than the fire trenches, these are to be ready for occupation
if the fire trenches become untenable.

So much for defence.

If the gas arrives in the shape of the gas cloud,
released from the enemy's trenches, heavy fire and bombing
will assist in dispersing it.

If, however, it arrives in shells, the attacks must
be more or less local, and the gun or mortar throwing the
shells, and the shells themselves, will be vulnerable to
artillery fire.

The most important step to be taken in such a case,

after spreading the news, is to ascertain the direction

from which the shell has been fired and promptly inform the
nearest artillery Officer, the nearest Artillery Observing
Officer, and the Commander of the Section.

The Artillery units first informed will at once

search and sweep the suspected area for the enemy mortar
firing bombs.  As soon as orders have reached the Howitzers,
and these have opened fire, other natures of guns will cease
fire and await further opportunities.

These opportunities will be given by the massing of

the enemy in his trenches and in the areas generally 

occupied by his reserves, preparatory to the assault with

the intention of which he opened his gas attack.

(4)  His reserve positions and approaches to the fire

trenches are to be freely shelled, but the fire trenches

are to be left alone, unless offering really fine human

targets, so as not to deter the front lines of infantry

from exposing themselves.  These will be dealt with by

hand bombs, or by Garland and Japanese bombs until they
come out to face our fire.


Gas cannot be localized if released from retorts.

Because of this, it is the most dangerous, as it is the

most difficult method to employ.  Gas released from shells

which burst outside the trenches probably will be in

insufficient quantity to climb the parapets, and will

usually roll back on the enemy.  Gas from shells which

actually burst in the trench can be localized by means of 

wet blankets stretched across the trench in which the gas is.



The blankets may with advantage be wetted with the solution
mentioned below.  A hole should then be made through the
blanket and a chemical solution sprayed in.  Gas thus
isolated, or gas which has gathered in low lying trenches,
can be dealt with in bulk by spraying it with a solution:

CHEMICALS                                                     Alternative.

      Sodium Hyposulphate   1lbs     6.                 6.

      Sodium Carbonate           "          1/2             One handful.

      Glycerine                            Oz.       2                   "

      Water                                   Gals    3                  3
dissolved and well mixed.

Sufficient of the above chemicals for immediate
requirements are to be kept in regimental charge.  A
further stock is to be maintained in Section Supply Depots.
The Sectional Supply Officer will maintain sufficient supply
to meet all requirements, indenting on the Senior Supply
Officer for the same.
Sprayers have been issued to Brigades, units, etc. at
the following rate :-
Each Battery                    1              Total       4
N.Z.M.R. Brigade                                "           7
Each L.H.Brigade            6                 "         12

Each Infantry Bn.            2                 "         16

Each Field Amb.              2                 "          4
The Spraying Machines are to be kept constantly filled
and ready for use, and the liquid sprayed into the advancing
cloud of gas as soon as it is within reach.
At least 25 N.C.O.'s and men per unit are to be
practised in the use of sprayers.  After spraying the
screens and blankets, the sprayers may be used to dispel
the gas cloud, as it is believed that the chemical spray
will do this. In all trenches, screens or blankets
should be ready to fix up and alternative positions decided
upon without delay.
Protection against gas is best afforded by gas helmet
protectors, a supply of which has already been issued to
each Section of the Defence, namely 4200 to No. 3 Section
and 800 to No. 4 Section.  A further supply is expected
These helmets are considered to give better protection
than respirators, but as there are not enough as yet to
issue to each man; they must be supplemented by respirators.
These helmets require to be reimpregnated after more than
3 hours exposure to chlorine gas.
The G.O.C. directs that all fire trenches in Posts be
primarily supplied with helmets, packed in tins, placed
in recesses cut into the rear face of the trench, and a

damp cloth hung over the face of each recess, in precisely
the same way as the respirators are now being stored.
In order to prevent confusion and congestion on the
alarm "gas", Officers commanding Sections will ensure that
not more than 6 helmets are placed in any one tin. 


Above all things it is essential that men should be
carefully taught to use the helmet protector. This gives
complete protection against chlorine.  Immediate steps
are to be taken to instruct all Officers and men in their
Oxygen inhalation, the inhalation of alcohol, hypodermic
injection of atropine 1/100 grain, the exhibition
of expectorants and cardiac tonics, artificial respiration.
Medical Officers will at once teach their regimental
stretcher bearers the methods of giving artificial
It is sometimes found useful for the man to lie on the
stretcher and keep his head low.
Removal as soon as possible from the gaseous area.
All animals, whether standing in or working up and
down gullies, should be at once moved up to a higher
position so as to get above the gas cloud as soon as
The same remark applies to troops in reserve.
(Sgd.) W.G. Braithwaite Lieut. Col.
General Staff,
N.Z. & A. Division.


"C" Form (Duplicate).
Army Form C/2123
No. of Message

CM 2/15     93

Charges to Pay.
£  s.  d.  

Office Stamp




Handed in at  NZ  Office 14:15 m. Received 14:26 m.

To 4th Aust Inf Bde

Sender Number 

Day of Month 
In reply to Number


Although owing to bombing it
was not possible to hold all
the trenches captured yesterday
in southern sphere yet the
days guns showed a considerable
advance in the line AAA The

French easily repulsed several
counter attacks made during
the night & still hold
the positions captured by
them yesterday. AAA Rough
gain 150 to 200 yds
AAA Prisoners accounted
for 180.



W.2384-583  30,000 Pads-8/14. S.B. Ltd.-Forms/C.2123.



"C" Form (Duplicate).
Army Form C/2123
No. of Message



Charges to Pay. 1070 F


Office Stamp



Service Instructions.
Handed in at   Office   m.  Received

TO 4th Aust

Sender's Number 

Day of Month 
In reply to Number

French and British right

attacked again at 16.30 today

AAA Unconfirmed reports State

that parties of French have


HUNTER WESTON reports our

troops said to have reached

line 300 yds in advance

of trench gained last night

AAA Turks are retiring to

trenches about 600 yards

W.2384-583  30,000 Pads-8/14. S.B. Ltd.-Forms/C.2123.



"C" Form (Duplicate).
Army Form C/2123
No. of Message



Charges to Pay. 

£  s. d.

Office Stamp



Service Instructions.
Handed in at   Office   m.  Received   m.

TO 4th Aust

Sender's Number 

Day of Month 
In reply to Number

in rear and beyond AAA

We are now consolidating

a line about 100 yds

north of trench gained

last night


W.2384-583  30,000 Pads-8/14. S.B. Ltd.-Forms/C.2123.


"C" Form (Duplicate).
Army Form C/2123
No. of Message
SM GHan 64


Charges to Pay.
£  s.  d.

Office Stamp 
BQ 14.7.15


Handed in at NZ

Office 7.40pm.

Received 7.53pm.

TO 4th A.I Bde

Sender's Number 

Day of Month
In reply to Number


Information gained from Turkish

Officer Captured southern zone AAA

His Company has already been

supplied two cases Gas bombs

to Mechanically propelled also

with pumps for spraying liquid

fuel to be ignited by sun

glasses AAA all troops are 

to be warned & measures

already ordered enforced in

case of necessity AAA


W.2384-583  30,000 Pads-8/14. S.B. Ltd.-Forms/C.2123


Thos. Cook & Son (Egypt) Limited.

Shipping & Forwarding Dept.
No. 11343


DATE 14 July 1915

Received from HW Davies Esq

the sum of One pound stg

being Deposit on a/c of chgs on 

1 pkge to Mrs Monash Melbourne


For Thos. Cook & Son (Egypt) Ltd.,

[[?]] CA Holland





N.Z & A Div.


Prior to leaving Egypt, I registered with the cable

Companies there, the indicator word FOURAIB, [meaning

Fourth Australian Infantry Brigade], with instructions

that all cablegrams so addressed, from Australia or

England, should be delivered to the Australian Intermediate

Base for transmission by post to my Branch Field Post

Office, for delivery to addressee.

It now transpires that several cables received in 

Egypt, for members of this formation, addressed as above,

have been repeated to the cable station at Tenedos, and 

as the authorities at that station are unaware of the meaning
of the address indicator, such cables have been

delayed several weeks in transit to various stations in

the Aegean until claimed by addressee.

Under the above circumstances I should esteem it

a favor if the Cable station at Tenidos could be advised, in

the most expeditious manner available, that all cables received
by them, bearing the indicator FOURAIB are intended
for the Fourth Australian Infantry Brigade, at


John Monash


C.O. 4th Aust. Inf. Bde.





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