Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 6, 10 June - 12 July 1915, Part 10

First World War, 1914–18
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O Fonn SRoRa om PLACE /TIME AN Porterage Sat se! T a Tertgr te MESSACES AND SICNALS. No. of Message¬ jent, of sent out Ofüce Stampr Reurnge ce ere at The Mne:
8.Form. Tginal). Testarnt 20 No, of Message. MESSAGES AND SIGNALS Otüce Stamp. Sent, or sent out Colected Paid omt Returned ede AAA ans o' Siam e!
2. Form. (Orginab) Rec tom sersther Handed PLACE An Porterage, Redtrectles torm, and the paruculass of Chages lo Dehwery Tene 30 10. ot Message ES AND SIGNALS Otüce Stamp Sent, or sent out eced Relgrned Received here at unber Aaa he cethe „Delvery" and MESSAC
C. Form. (Originall. Recd¬ Pretie fom Means Distance Særvsdce Inatructi Handed at the TO Teanshrit FROM PLACE TI AM Porterage, Redtrechten, of o teulars o su Tllnge ie Dawer stesrellsllorslee MESSAGES AND SIGNALS, ver and of amosni: hie Nne sho Army Form C. 2123. ot Messag Otüice Stamp. or sent out ued Received here at AaA ccoust by me ans of Siamos stir uing above, the spaces d" not requred Telte
FORCE ORDER. Special. By SIR IAN HAMILTON, G.CB, DSO, A.D.C. Commanding Mediterranean Expedionary Force. General Headquarters, 29t4 June, 1915. The General Officer Commanding feelssure that he voices the sentiments of every soldier serving with this army when he congratulates the incomparable 29th Division upon yesterdays splen did attack, carried out, as it was, in amanner more than upholding the best traditions of the distinguished Regiments of which it is composed. The 29th suffered cruel losses at the frst landing. Since then they have never been made up to strength and they have remained under fre every hour of the night and day for two months on end. Opposed to them were fresh troops, holding Hne upon line of entrenchments Hanked by redoubts and machine guns. But when, yesterday, the 29th Division were called upon to advance they dashed forward as eagerly as if this were only their baptism of fre. Through the entanglements they swept northwards clearing our left of the enemy for a full thousand yards. Haavily connter-attacked at night they killed or captured everv Turk who had penetrated their incomplete defences, and to-day stand possessed of every yard they had so hardly gained. Therefore it is that Sir lan Hamitton is confdent he carries with him all fanks of his force when he congratulates Generals Hunter-Weston and de Lisle. the Staff, and each Oficer, NCO, and man in this Division, whose sustained efforts have added fresh lustre to British arms all the world over. W. P. BRAITHWAITE, Major-General, Chief of General Staff, Mediterranean Expeditionary Force
H. 9. 4th. Australiam Inf. Bde. ze-e-1s. M. H. 0. N. 2. A. Division, (1) Vide scworandue of ssth. instant (N.z.c. soo): with regard to the dstribution of Respirators,it appears to ee thet they would norwally bo used only in the case where a Umit is in occu¬ pation of a defisite frontage of Defonce trenche, and that therefore the stock of respirators should be a permanont appenage of that locality end not of the Umit shich happens The distribu- to be in occupation of it for the tise being. tion cannot prudently take place chile a Umit is in'Reserve or resting. If this vies be oorrect a report as to the sethod of rapie distribution proposed can hardly be giuon until Ue exact local oonditions are known. The sost that can be pre-arranged is that if e unit be sent to occupy or reinforce any partioular post or line of treaches it would take with it in bulk by oospamies its proportion of respirators for distribution lecally when the occasion ariees. The question of instruotion in handling end fixing of ) respirators will of oourse, in the seantise, receive due consideration. Ga sehn ash lonel commanding eth. Inf. soe. A. I. F.
-1.e6. xxamination of Prisonese captured on nicht of so/soth. June. N. Bejhos Andriassion, seot. Odr. probationary for officer, Armenian L/opl. Mulaleb Mustapha. Cpl. omsan Mustapha. Pvte. Ali Ali - Russios subjoot fros Batue. and e others - all privates, making a tetal of six wounded i 7 unwcumded prisoners. All belong to the sad. er Erd. Battaliess of the isth. Begiment facing No. t ccction excopt two sos cho are soverely wounded a belong to the ieth. a leth. Reste. The isth. Regt, was formerly in the sth. Division à noe beloage to the leth. (oosposite) Divn. The remainder of the sth. Diva. isth. 4 i7th. Reste.) is at Helles, They stato that erders were issued for the sad. à zra. Battalions of the isth. Regt. to attecx tho tresches of re. seotion opposite to Mxx. No. 1 Bettalion was to be in cupport. The isth. Bettalion has only beon here a short tise. Ne other Battal iens were to sako a move. The end. Bettalion left the treaches, folleved by i oeny the Srd., they wero set by e hoevy fire and tursed becx. The remaindex of the srd. Battalion refucca to sove. Their lesses were heatk, betwoca 1co a soo beins killed. the ricesers state that e mine was to be bloes up last night, t this attsck was te folles issodiately after. Apparostly twe furkich sinee were flred last night oppesite the ist. Anstralian Diva., but die ne hara, beyond blowing in twe of their shafe of their mines. ESsED FASHA, scoerdiagly to one san , XXVER FASñA. acoording to enother, visitod the leth. Diva. yesterday, possibly beth. The Oommanding offleer of the isth. was, wounded cose caye age a another sam has noe takon his plaoe. They havo no Cermen officers Asmunition a food are plostiful, a the troepe in good spirits None of thes havo bees cagaged in mining, a havo ne knowledge of the intestios to uso gas though one san considered it was pessible, a anether statod he hed beca told that se usee it. se far as they know mo reinferoemonts wost south from here yesterday; there is no cavalry on the Nerth flank, only gendarserie. They knos little about the actual pesition of their artillory Apparestly the dend, esth. s7th. Vènd. S7th. 4 1ß6th. Regts. eppesing Anzco as coll as isth. Ihe ir distribution appexrs to be as folless:- leth. A 7and. 10.000 in In Roserve leth. a s7th. os their left.) Firing line) (ech.?). - t7th. next lssth. All stato that it is a fact that son are told off to fire os whe retreat. An attack by Aßzio was ompoctod yosterday. The Armenian cays there is a littlo sickness now, but that there is e teation paid to sanitatioa; it is foared cholera say ocour a the furke hsvo made little preparation to meet it. Mest of the nem have been innooulated, howovor. Another priconer statos that there were a certain number of cersan officers with cach battery, a s Cersans whe fired each gun. Ho also save inforsation as to the site of e mine opposite the Nek a caid that many of the furks thoro would oose in if the could. This prisoner stated there was sose cavalryjon the North flomz There are a number of Kurds a Arabs in the furkish Foroo (7and.) Total forces v. Anzae estimatod at so/st,coo. Kamil Bey oommands isth. Division. ESSAD PAsHA connands Army. As regards dispositions, in cach Battalion, s oospanies hold the front line (one section Firing Line, s in support por Cospany) ons tetal frontage of loo setres. In each Regt, two Battal ons are held in reserve (at the back of the hillis the oaso of the isth. Rest. Ueually Battalione are kept in the trenches for 7 days; companies are as hours in the Firiag Line and es hours in support.
our bombe inflict the greatest terror on the Turks, s it is a fact that our smipers have established complete superiority over rurkish enipers. stringent orders havo been issued against standing in front of loopholes, one perisoope is issued to cach troach of so sen. soouts go out at night to repert what sooe on in cur trosches, but smipers do not ondeavour te get isto cur lines. Nen are now being specially trained as bomb throwers, viz. about lo per oospany, cech sam carrying is bombe, vp te last night the furkich sismal fer etteck was tee unne reckets. Evening food is partakos at s p. m. b5 the rurke, This is the best time to atteck as they loevo tho arss & equip- nest is the trosches, å eet out of one big dish. The zrd. Battelion (ieth.) chich shoule relieve the znd. today is the werst trained à ite discipline is bed. At the anmistico KlAMIL sXY cm-e droscod as a sergt.. 4 many staff offloore as nod crose workers. vater is rether soarce i is breught up by sules to troschos, The son de'nt get much as officers a others help theselves to 4 on ite say up. The foed is good a sos's spirits pood. As regards Machine Guns, there is one Battery of s Machine Guns ettsched to the isth. Regt/. of thoso one gun is out of ection leeving s guns is/vorriag erder. In the attack last night, there care two companies in front line distributed as folless; i section fres oach Was in the flring line tresches oppesite oure at the Nek; s soetions fros cach were in cupport troscace. on the order to ettack theso latter e ccctions erowced iste the Firing Line trenches, a s ocmpemiee toex their places is the cupport trenches. The supperting Regisest noved up inte the oessunioation tremches in readiness to get iste the Firing Line, directly the leading Regisent got out. powod sumos. Guly Monash Guy NE A Molphassen GADE MAIO Am. NF. C JGAOE, W e AUSTAALAN MPERIAL FORCE -3 JUL1915 aett he T15RRN:
suns sus sugs ndles. Arny forpe bendeuurtere, 3Oth, June, 1e1s. Last night, the Turks wero ovidontly much upset in their minde aftor the action of the 2nd Light Horse Brigade and the örd Austral- ian Infantry Brigade on the afternoon beforo. They ovidently antioipated we might be making a big attack from our right, or it may be that they were trying to take us in by making vs supposo they themsolves wore going to attack our right heavily bofore they brought in an attack against our loft. In any case, about 9-10, they oommenood a very hoavy rifle and machine gun attack from their trenchos opposite our right front. This continued for about a couple of hours, during ohich thoy must have ex¬ non hion without drawing any response pendod an enormous amount of amn from us at all. Thon their real attack hogan on our loft and loft front against the New Zealand and Australian Division. After a hoavy bombardmont and riflo attack, the Turks advancod out of their trenches against tho õrd Light Horse Brigade. Eine Turks actually got into our tronchos whore they wers immediatoly bayonotted. A large forco then advanced and tried to work round our loft flank, ovidently being quito unaware of an excellent socret sap, which had been thrown out by Goneral Russell, and which completoly guards our left flank. The Turks oamo up against this with fixed bayonets, and were at once met with a heavy fire, loeing about 250 mon. Finding they could make no headway, they rotired to thoir tronches complotoly beaton. About the same time, they advanced to attack. Pope's Hill, which was held by Colonel Rowoll and the lst Light Horso Erigade. Hore, too, they wero at once boaten back loaving somo twonty dead in front of our trenches. Another party of Turks triod to break down a gully botwoen the Now Zealand right and Pope's Hill, when two troops of Light Horso wont out to mect and disporse them. The Turks, who had propares their advance by a heavy artillery bombardment, evidently meant and hoped to push thoir attack home, as it is said that Envor Pasha was with thom, and told them ty must drive us out, while the troops ongagod in the attack consiste os throo now battalions who have just been brought up against us. The General Offioer Commanding wishos to convoy his thanks and congratulations to tho troops for their oxcellont work on this oooasion. Gksste Lieut-Oolonel, for Brig-Coneral, Gonoral Staff Australian and Now Zealand Army Corps.
Austalas Dead Alma Mater and the War. H. B. ALLEN Reprinted fromm "The Speculunn." July. 1915, For Melbourne Medical Students Sochety. Austral Print, 528530 Elzabech St. Melb.

Army Form C. 2123

C. Form (Original)      

 MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.       No. of Message....
Prefix    SM  Code   610 p
Sent, or sent out At      6.20 p.M                  Office Stamp.   28 - 6 - 15 (17)
By  JW
Handed in at the  NZ  Office at
TO  4th   Aust  Inf  Bde
Sender's Number     NZG 504
Day of Month     28
As it is likely that counter
attacks will be delivered on
the trenches gained by the
Eighth Army Corps in the South
the enemy in front of us
is to be held by fear
of an attack following on
todays operations AAA  with
this object sections are to
burn flares of any colour
at two selected points in


Army Form C. 2123.
C. Form.  (Original).        MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.
Office Stamp. (18)
TO   O
their line at 8.40 pm.
Fixed bayonets will then be
shown along the trenches and
stir simulated at 8 45 pm
Indian Mountain Bde will fire
star shell over ECHELON
TRENCHES Lonely Pine. Mule
Valley Chess board Baby
700 AAA on this by


Army Form C. 2123.
C. Form.  (Original).              MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.
Office Stamp. (19)
TO        (3)
means of Commands Signals
whistles & raising of dummies
and increased stir the
attention of the enemy will be
attracted If this fails
a few shots may fired.
If successful lights are
again to be burned at
11.30 pm and the same
proceedure followed but
the Indian Mountain Art
Bde will not fire more 



Army Form C 2123.
C. Form. (Original)        MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.
Office Stamp  (20)
TO    (4)
Star Shell Ackge
Done Bm314
OC Inlying Piquet
(16th Bn)
To note return
JP McGlinn Lieut Colonel
28 JUN 1915  18.35

Notes H Pope
PLACE   1810



Commanding Mediterranean Expedionary Force.
General Headquarters,
29th June, 1915.

The General Officer Commanding feels sure that he voices the sentiments of
every soldier serving with this army when he congratulates the incomparable 29th
Division upon yesterday's splendid attack, carried out, as it was, in a manner more
than upholding the best traditions of the distinguished Regiments of which it is
The 29th suffered cruel losses at the first landing. Since then they have
never been made up to strength and they have remained under fire every hour of
the night and day for two months on end. Opposed to them were fresh troops,
holding line upon line of entrenchments flanked by redoubts and machine guns.
But when, yesterday, the 29th Division were called upon to advance they
dashed forward as eagerly as if this were only their baptism of fire. Through the
entanglements they swept northwards clearing our left of the enemy for a full
thousand yards. Heavily counter-attacked at night they killed or captured every
Turk who had penetrated their incomplete defences, and to-day stand possessed of
every yard they had so hardly gained.
Therefore it is that Sir lan Hamilton is confident he carries with him all
ranks of his force when he congratulates Generals Hunter-Weston and de Lisle,
the Staff, and each Officer, N.C.O, and man in this Division, whose sustained
efforts have added fresh lustre to British arms all the world over.

Chief of General Staff,
Mediterranean Expeditionary Force.


H. Q. 4th. Australian Inf. Bde.

H. Q.
N. Z. A. Division,
(1) Vide memorandum of 28th. instant (N.Z.G. 300): With regard to
the distribution of Respirators, it appears to me that they
would normally be used only in the case where a Unit is in occupation
of a definite frontage of Defence trenches, and that
therefore the Stock of respirators should be a permanent
appenage of that locality and not of the Unit which happens
to be in occupation of it for the time being. The distribution
cannot prudently take place while a Unit is in "Reserve"
or "resting".

If this view be correct a a report as to the method of
rapid distribution proposed can hardly be given until the
exact local conditions are known.

The most that can be pre-arranged is that if a unit be
sent to occupy or reinforce any particular post or line of
trenches it would take with it in bulk by companies its
proportion of respirators for distribution locally when
the occasion arises.

(2) The question of instruction in handling and fixing of
respirators will of course, in the meantime, receive due

(Sgd) John Monash
Commanding 4th. Inf. Bde.
A. I. F.




J. 46.
Examination of Prisoners captured on night of 29/30th. June.
M. Bojhos Andriassion, Sect. Cdr. probationary for officer, Armenian
L/Cpl. Mulaleb Mustapha.
Cpl. Osman Mustapha.
Pvte. Ali Ali - Russian subject from Batum.
and 9 others - all privates, making a total of six wounded & 7
unwounded prisoners.

All belong to the 2nd. or 3rd. Battalions of the 18th. Regiment
facing No. 4 section except the two men who are severely wounded &
belong to the 16th. & 19th. Regts. The 18th. Regt. was formerly
in the 6th. Division & now belongs to the 19th. ( composite) Divn.
The remainder of the 6th. Divn. ( 16th. & 17th. Regts.) is at
Helles. They state that orders were issued for the 2nd. & 3rd.
Battalions of the 18th. Regt. to attack the trenches of No.4
Section opposite to NEK. No. 1 Battalion was to be in support. The
18th. Battalion has only been here a short time. No other Battalions
were to make a move.
The 2nd. Battalion left the trenches, followed by 1 Company of
the 3rd., they were met by a heavy fire and turned back. The
remainder of the 3rd. Battalion refused to move. Their losses
were heavy, between 100 & 200 being killed.
The prisoners state that a mine was to be blown up last night,
& this attack was to follow immediately after.  Apparently two
Turkish mines were fired last night opposite the 1st. Australian
Divn., but did no harm, beyond blowing in two of their shafts of
their mines.
ESSED PASHA, according to one man , ENVER PASHA, according to
another , visited the 19th. Divn. yesterday, possibly both.
The Commanding Officer of the 18th. wasw wounded some days ago
& another man has now taken his place. They have no German officers
Ammunition & food are plentiful, & the troops in good spirits
None of them have been engaged in mining , & have no knowledge
of their intention to use gas though one man considered it was
possible, & another stated he had been told that we used it.
So far as they know no reinforcements went South from here
yesterday; there is no cavalry on the North flank , only
They know little about the actual position of their artillery
Apparently the 42nd. 45th. 27th. 72nd. 57th. & 125th. Regts.
are opposing Anzac as well as the 18th.
Their distribution appears to be as follows:-
RIGHT.       14th. & 72nd.                       ) 10,000 in        ) In Reserve
CENTRE.  18th. & 27th. on their left.  ) Firing line   ) (64th.?).
LEFT.         57th. next 125th.

All state that it is a fact that men are told off to fire on all
who retreat. An attack by ANZAC was expected yesterday. The
Armenian says there is little sickness now,  but that there is
little attention paid to sanitation; it is feared cholera may occur
& the Turks have made little preparation to meet it. Most of the
men have been innoculated, however.
Another prisoner stated there were a certain number of
German Officers with each battery, & 2 Germans who fired each gun.
He also gave information as to the site of a mine opposite the Nek
& said that many of the Turks there would come in if they could.
This prisoner stated there was some cavalryy on the North flankz.
There are a number of Kurds & Arabs in the Turkish Force (72nd.)
Total forces v. Anzac estimated at 30/35,000. Kamil Bey commands
19th. Division.  ESSAD PASHA commands Army.
As regards dispositions, in each Battalion, 2 companies hold the
front line (One Section Firing Line, 2 in support per Company) on a
total frontage of 100 metres. In each Regt. two battalions are
held in reserve (at the back of the hill/in the case of the 18th.
Usually Battalions are kept in the trenches for 7 days; companies
are 48 hours in the Firing Line and 48 hours in support.


Our bombs inflict the greatest terror on the Turks, & it is a
fact that our snipers have established complete superiority over
Turkish snipers. Stringent orders have been issued against
standing in front of loopholes,
One periscope is issued to each trench of 80 men. Scouts go out
at night to report what goes on in our trenches, but snipers do not
endeavour to get into our lines.
Men are now being specially trained as bomb throwers, viz. about
10 per company, each man carrying 15 bombs.
Up to last night the Turkish signal for attack was two white
Evening food is partaken at 5 p. m. by the Turks.
This is the best time to attack as they leave their arms & equipment
in the trenches, & eat out of one big dish.
The 3rd. Battalion (18th.) which should relieve the 2nd. today
is the worst trained & its discipline is bad.
At the armistice KlAMIL BEY came dressed as a Sergt., & many
staff officers as Red Cross workers.
Water is rather scarce & is brought up by mules to trenches.
The men do'nt get much as officers & others help themselves to it
on its way up. The food is good & men's spirits good.
As regards Machine Guns, there is one Battery of 3 Machine Guns
attached to the 18th. Regts.; of these one gun is out of action
leaving 2 guns in working order.
In the attack last night, there were two companies in front line
distributed as follows;
1 Section from each was in the firing line trenches opposite
ours at the Nek; 2 sections from each were in support trenches.
On the order to attack these latter 4 sections crowded into the
Firing Line trenches, & 2 companies took their places in the
support trenches.
The supporting Regiment moved up into the communication trenches
in readiness to get into the Firing Line, directly the leading
Regiment got out.

JP McGlinn Lieut. Colonel
-3 JUL 1915




Army Corps Headquarters,
30th, June, 1915.

Last night, the Turks were evidently much upset in their minds
after the action of the 2nd Light Horse Brigade and the 3rd Australian
Infantry Brigade on the afternoon before.

They evidently anticipated we might be making a big attack from
our right, or it may be that they were trying to take us in by making us
suppose they themselves were going to attack our right heavily before
they brought in an attack against our left.

In any case, about 9-10, they commenced a very heavy rifle and
machine gun attack from their trenches opposite our right front. This
continued for about a couple of hours, during which they must have expended
an enormous amount of ammunition without drawing any response
from us at all.

Then their real attack began on our left and left front against
the New Zealand and Australian Division. After a heavy bombardment
and rifle attack, the Turks advanced out of their trenches against the
3rd Light Horse Brigade. Nine Turks actually got into our trenches
where they were immediately bayonetted. A large force then advanced
and tried to work round our left flank, evidently being quite unaware
of an excellent secret sap, which had been thrown out by General Russell,
and which completely guards our left flank. The Turks came up against
this with fixed bayonets, and were at once met with a heavy fire,
losing about 250 men. Finding they could make no headway, they retired
to their trenches completely beaten.

About the same time, they advanced to attack. Pope's Hill, which
was held by Colonel Rowell and the 1st Light Horse Brigade.  Here, too,
they were at once beaten back leaving some twenty dead in front of our
trenches. Another party of Turks tried to break down a gully between
the New Zealand right and Pope's Hill, when two troops of Light Horse
went out to meet and disperse them.

The Turks, who had prepares their advance by a heavy artillery
bombardment, evidently meant and hoped to push their attack home, as it
is said that Envor Pasha was with them, and told them they must drive
us out, while the troops engaged in the attack consisted of three new
battalions who have just been brought up against us.

The General Officer Commanding wishes to convey his thanks and
congratulations to the troops for their excellent work on this occasion.

A Skeen Lieut-Colonel,
for Brig-General,
General Staff
Australian and New Zealand Army Corps.



Australia's Dead.
Alma Mater and the War.


Reprinted from "The Speculum." July. 1915,
For Melbourne Medical Students'

Austral Print, 528-530 Elizabeth St., Melb.

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