Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 6, 10 June - 12 July 1915, Part 9

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
Awaiting approval
Accession number:

Page 1 / 10

18 Reserve Gully 25/6/15 My dear General News Travels so slowly here that it was not until I saw the Army Coops order last night, that I knew you had landed here. - Fermit me to compratulate you very warmnly on your promotion & appointment. - & also to thank you for your present of the cigars, which are by in more welcome here & now than at ordinaty times. The Fouoth Brigade have had a hot time, & are now, cadly reduced in numbers & efficiency. We have lost 99 Officers (only a few of whom will be able to return) about 350 N.C.O., & over 2300 other ranks So that thes are only about 1300 of us left who have had systematic War Fraining. The reinforcements are good material, & the newly appointed leaders show promise, but the opportunities fo training are very meagre here. Eltho we are very happy with the New Tealanders, we have been, so tae as the Pt Anstralian Divsion is concerned, mere ontcads, so that it is my hope that you will introduce a policy which will not peonitently ignar the back that we, alo, ale an Anstralian Uit, entitled to our shall of consideration- trusting to see you soon & with kind regards Sincerel your JohnMonash May. Sent. Legge CH.G. H.P. 1s Mrist. Dr.
19 June 26/15 W.2&A. Dw Submitted that representations may be made to the proper authority to ensure a more efficient portal service to & From Alexandera. - Numerous cases can be cited where letter have taken from 4 to 7 weeks to pass from Alexandern to Elmgac & vice versa, causing, in many cases, great incon¬ venience & anxiety to the personnel. Mrached is evidence of a particular instance. The writer of the letter (one of our wounded) sent to the Branch Field Fost office instructions as to the disposal of his letter from home. This litter was posted on May 19 (see postmark) & was duly censored; but was not received at Anzae until June 26, the taking 38 days in Fransit. - In the meantim this man's letters were sent to the base, & the man himself sent to England, so that he will probably never receive his letters. This is by no means an isolated instance. As ordinaty inward mails take only from 5 to 8 days to come from Alexandrra, thee seems no valid reason why other letter properly addressed should take from 28 to 38 days. Many complaints are constantly being received of the mordinate time taken to secure a reply from Eggpt even on matters of urgent official importance. Jobnkronash Cc. C0. 4th (Ht Iny. Hole
20 Reserve Fully June 27/15 H.R.N.ESA. Dw In the event of the project to form a Company of Miness being carried tnother, I desire to bring under notice the qualifications of the undermentioned N.C.O. for a commission in such Company:- Sergemt R.N. Wells Fronee Sergeant of 13th Battalion A.U.F. - is a fully qualifil Mining & Metallurpicnl Enginer (Adclaide Univessity) with 15 years underground ex ploence in mining management, surweying &c&c. Sgt. Hells has been signally efficient & successful as tronee Lergeant, & is deserving of specill recognition fo the work he has already done in this Campayne Ahnkionash e CO. 4th Anstnf. Hle
22 Confidential H.Q.A.L. & H. Div. 28/6/15 Recommended that: Major EE. Tilney to command the 13th Battalion I. A.1.F during the temporary absence, t wounded, of Sr Col. Burnage, - & to be granted the temporary rank of th Colonel while so acting. 2. Major T. Adams to command the 14th Batt -ation A.I.F. - during the temporary absence, sick, of Ct Col. R.E. Contney, & to be granted the temporary tank of H. Colonel while so acting Above appointments & promotions, to date from date of approval, & in the order given above SohnMonash loe C.O.S Hukdif Hole
WLand A Br. 28th Jone 1915 L Res 1652 4 - Amr Mr Bde 2 Following telegram received (a) Tum 8th. Anny Cups. a/- 7330 this day. all wenches up to J. 13 Captured and onr hoops established on knoll north East of it. Line from these mus down mittak towards H.12 which is also in our Lands. Frm G.H.D. af-1340 this day Up to this things have gone even better than hopes situation as below. L1 8 510 412 12 41 8715 AAIN LINE 2 M. Wes Braithwaite AHCo Amanad about o0
AUSTRALIAN IMPERIAL FORGE FOURTH INFANTRY SRIGADE. Agenda List for Col. Mor £7 Syt. Davis 13th B Purchases in Alexandera, as per page 2 1. 2. Send lables, as per page 3 July 18 3. Despatch to Anntanen per Thomas Cast on the box of was trophies, which you are taking & prepay treight to &. Bring buck Catest English new papers prrcmrable in Alexandin C.9.1 Weekly Tomes. Lnelon Prench The sphe 5. Fost & register roll of paper as addrewsed to Welbonone, aso litter to Mrs Monash July 18 DhnMonash Ct
2 AUSTRALIAN IMPERIAL FURGE FOURTH INFANTRY BRIGADE. Condl Monash Purchases for Co affer 1. Two packets of Gillette Razes Blades (I dozen in a packet. 0 O.2 sticks Colgate I having toap. 6 C Tribes of Enthymd Cold Cream. 3 Very thin summer cinglets, best & quality, with short rleaves, large sye - open wel material preferred 15 1-5 2lbs of Ordinary Washing Loda. 5. 200 Egyphian Cigarettey 8 15-0 frod gualit St. Dnin J. 212-6 P Cables Wll. S7 Cables as pi page 3 610 London 211½/ Blade Sul 40 19- 4 Foaf Shal. 10 Esteette 60 drughts Herewith 4 2 boxd sa treight Etemot 36 14 Paper 390- 18½½ 4/ paid 408
AUSTRALIANIMPERIAL FURGE FOURTH INFANTRY BRIGADE. Cabln to be sent. From the Earteon Setenai following to go as Week- aind Cables Telepragh Company, Alexandra. Pat & castration in Ho donbt hd perwood & to anband is th hand they will have to be cansured. em nand 30/6/15 NENT GEHERAL FOR VIETSRIA LONEON Thishi PLEASE INFSKM ROSENHAIN ALL WELL HRYE SENT HIM THREE CAELES MANY LETTEKS MSHAEH 116 1821 a Gow NC THN NPNASH MELROURNE thirtieth EVCRYBODY WELL HAVE WRITTEH PPE LOvC BENTIN AND CAPLED FHVE TIIHES MONASH 4112 14 Totl 6/13
O Fom Oena recty Ret from Wear Distance SeFIKE MASMAENSN Handed in at the 70 Sealy o Minbyy Oper twn N FROM PLACE TIME All Porterage, Redirectien, or other a, and the particulars of such charges as Charses for Delvery MESSACES AND SICNALS. Sent, or sent out Nors g CoSCI Collected Paid out Returned M.E Office at CTIOT es collecied on delivery are to be bon mounts paid out are to be set forth Thts lne should be en CteSa 120 12 ne ans of Stamps affired to the face of in. i4 the spaces headed Delivery and
C. Form. (Origina. Pretix from Service instr Handed in a All Porterage, Redire and the partic B i Vene an Meace is collecied o such Charges and of amounts This MESSAGES AND SIGNALS Paid on L D N. A Meeee Office Stamp. oon ou Returned Received here AAA hle elace of the Delivery and

Reserve Gully
My dear General.
News travels so slowly here that it was not until
I saw the Army Corps order last night, that I knew you
had landed here. — Permit me to congratulate you
very warmly on your promotion & appointment; — & also
to thank you for your present of the cigars, which are
even more welcome here &now than at ordinary times. –
The Fourth Brigade have had a hot time, & are now,
sadly reduced in numbers & efficiency. We have 
lost 99 officers (only a few of whom will be able to
return) about 350 N.C.O., & over 2300 other ranks,
so that there are only about 1300 of us left who have had
systematic War Training. The reinforcements are good
material, & the newly appointed leaders show promise, but
the opportunities for training are very meagre here. –
Altho' we are very happy with the New Zealanders, we have
been, so far as the 1st Australian Division is concerned, mere outcasts, so that it is my hope that you will introduce
a policy which will not persistently ignore the fact that
we, also, are an Australian Unit, entitled to our
share of consideration —
Trusting to see you soon & with Kind regards
Yours sincerely
Major Genl. Legge CM.G.
H.Q. 1st Aust. Div.


June 26/15
N.Z & A. Div.
Submitted that representations may be made to the
proper authority to ensure a more efficient postal service to &from Alexandria. – Numerous cases can be cited where lettershave taken from 4 to 7 weeks to pass from Alexandria toAnzac & vice versa, causing, in many cases, great inconvenience& anxiety to the personnel.
Attached is evidence of a particular instance. The writer of the
letter (one of our wounded ) sent to the Branch Field Post office
instructions as to the disposal of his letters from home. This letter was posted on May 19 (see post mark) & was duly censored ;but was not received at Anzac until June 26 , thus taking38 days in transit. – In the meantime this man's letterswere sent to the base, & the man himself sent to England, so that he will probably never receive his letters.
This is by no means an isolated instance. As ordinary
inward mails take only from 5 to 8 days to come from
Alexandria, there seems no valid reason why other letters
properly addressed should take from 28 to 38 days. –
Many complaints are constantly being received of the
inordinate time taken to secure a reply from Egypt
even on matters of urgent official importance.
C.O. 4th(Aust) Inf. Bde


Reserve Gully.
June 27/15
H.Q ; N.Z & A. Div.
In the event of the prospect to form a 
Company of Miners being carried further, I desire
to bring under notice  the qualifications of the
undermentioned N.C.O. for a commission in such
Company : —
Sergeant R.N. Wells Pioneer Sergeant of 13th
Battalion A.I.F. __ is a fully qualified
Mining & Metallurgical Engineer ( Adelaide
University ) with 15 year's underground experience
in mining management, surveying
&c &c.
Sgt. Wells has been signally efficient & 
successful as Pioneer Sergeant, & is deserving
of special recognition for the work he has
already done in this Campaign
C.O. 4th Aust. Inf. Bde.


H.Q. N.Z. & A. Div.  28/6/15
Recommended that : __
1. Major L.E. Tilney V.D to command the 13th Battalion
A.I.F. , – during the temporary absence, invali
wounded, of Lt Col. Burnage, — & to be 
granted the temporary rank of Lt Colonel while
so acting. —
2. Major J. Adams to command the 14th Battalion
A.I.F. – during the temporary absence,
sick, of Lt Col. R.E. Courtney, – & to be
granted the temporary rank of Lt. Colonel
while so acting.
Above appointments & promotions, to date from date
of approval, & in the order given above
C.O. 4th Aust Inf. Bde.


NZ and A Div.

To  28th JUNE 1915

4th Aust Inf Bde  Rcd / 652

28/6 15
Following telegram received.
(a) "From 8th Army Corps. at 1330 this day.
All trenches up to J.13 Captured and our troops

established on Knoll north East of it. Line from these

runs down nullah towards H.12 which is also in

our hands."
From G.H.Q. at 1340 this day
Up to this things have gone even better than hoped
situation as below.


Hand drawn map. See original document.

WG Braithwaite LtCol 

N.Z.A. Div.

[*JM. a distance of about 1000 yds*]


Agenda List for Col. Monash
Sgt. Davis 13th Bn
1.   Purchases in Alexandria, as per page 2
2.   Send Cables, as per page 3

      July 10
3.   Despatch to Australia per Thomas Cook &Son
     the box of War Trophies, which you

      are taking — prepay freight &c
4.   Bring back latest English newspapers procurable
      in Alexandria e.g :- Weekly Times.
                                          London Punch.

                                          The Sphere.
5.   Post & register roll of papers as addressed to
      Melbourne, also letter to Mrs Monash

      July 10




Purchases for Colonel Monash

                                                                            approx. cost

                                                                               ₤      s      d
1.    Two packets of Gillette Razor Blades.    0  - 10 -  0
       ( 1 dozen in a packet)
  .    2 sticks Colgate's shaving soap.                       2 -  0
3.    6 Tubes of Euthymol Cold Cream.                  4  - 6
4.    3 Very thin summer singlets, best      
           quality, with short sleeves, large
            size — open web material preferred.    1  -  5 -  0
5.     2 lbs of ordinary Washing Soda.                       1  - 0

6.     200 Egyptian Cigarettes,                                  10 - 0

         good quality.                                           _____________
                                                                               ₤ 2  -  12  - 6

          Cables as per page 3 say                                   6 - 10 
                                                                                ₤ 2   - 19  - 4
           Herewith ₤ 4.

[*Sgt. Davies a/s.
Cables Melb.      57 ½
              London  21 ½  
Blade Gillette    40
Soap Shave.        10
Cigarettes           60
Singlets               72
Freight                 97½ (of box of  shells)
Euthymol           36
Papers                14
                        ————   = ₤ 4
                             408½  - 390 = 18½p = 4/- paid*]





Cables to be sent.

Following to go as Week– End Cables, from the  Eastern Extension

Telegraph Company, Alexandria. Rate to  Australia is

 4¼d per word, & to England is 1¼d per word. – No doubt

they will have to be censored.







18@ 1¼ = 1s - 10½d   MONASH 30/6/15






14 @ 4¼ = 4-11½


                    s   d

Total Cost 6/10


Recd. KAW  Prefix  SM Code  11-55   Words 26  
B Q B (13)     28.6.15
Handed in at the N Z  Office at 11 M 55  Received here at 12.00 M.


TO 4 Aust Inf Bde

*Sender's Number.  nzg298   
Day of month  | 28

operations referred to in my

nzg 296 commence at 1300


(Done Bm 311 JMcG1205)  
OC Inlying Piquet

To note


28 JUN 191215

H Pope Lt Col        

Coy 16th Bn. AIF.       

JM-    28 6. 15     1225          28 JUN 1915    1200

FROM   NZ And A Division

TIME     11.55



Recd. jGo  by initial Prefix  jm Code  BD   Words 33 S
t 1435 .M.

B Q 16   27th  15       

Handed in at the N Z  Office at 2.20P M  Received here at 2 - 2 M.


TO 4 Aust InfBde

*Sender's Number.       nzg 3A2      Day of Month 28th

Australian Division reports that

Turks are massing behind

Lonesome Pine AAA Both

Divisions informed AAA Repeated

to 4th Aust Inf Bde. &


OC Inlying Piquet (16th Bn)

For information notation return

JP McGlinn Lt col
1440 28 JUN 1915

Noted                             JPMcGlinn  

H Pope Lt Col    

Coy 16th Bn. AIF.           


FROM     28 6. 15     NZA Division

PLACE      1510              1415

TIME        1454


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