Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 6, 10 June - 12 July 1915, Part 13

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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IALEEALAEL AUSIRALLMBIIISION Divisional Feadquarters, 39 Ansae Cove, 444 July, 1915. Frease General Baff, Nev Lealand and Australian Divisien. to "4. Aust Nof Bde. tomm. Please refer to nenerandun C.R.A. No. 1 of 9th Way, 1915, attached hereto. S.N.c. has informed flanking destreyers that they are only to take action on Signals coning from Cenerals Brdweed or Cunliffe Oven or Najor Vagstaff, thus applying to destreyers the precedure which was formerly used with the larger ships. 2. in eaces where the urgency is extrene Commanders of Brisades or Larger fernations are authorised to finish their messages asking direct for fire of Naval guns on new or particular targets with the word Vagstaff. The message sent vill invariably be repeated at ence to Annyrt Mrmat K Aray Corpe Readquartere. New DaH oriag to his iselated situation, O.C. &cs 2 and ] outpests is also authorised during the night to ask direct for the fire of Naval guns or for searchlight in eases of urgency, and to finish the nessage with the werd Vagstaff It should be inpressed on all whe are authorised to communicate direct with the Navy in urgency, that fire is only to be thus asked for on a definite and threatening target, or on a target presenting considerable pessibilities of inflleting heavy less on the enemy; and in every case the general tactical situation, as far as this is knewn, is to be taken into consideration when deciding to send a message without reference to Divisional or Arny Cerps Readquarters. 3. Mecsages are invariably to be tranmitted through one of the Hanking Stations, v er., ut, and not by simnallins
from other peints which may distract the ship's attention from a flanking station where peasibly other inpertant messag are vaiting to get through. We Braithwaite: Move-eoroned. General Staff, N.L. 4 A. Mvision.
A0. General Officer Commanding, Now Realand and Australian Dvision. Pernarded lay your infernation. 9th Way, 1917. Kenerandun C.A.A. Nc.1 The fellowing instructions regarding Faval fire suppert are repessed for Fuldence of all eeneernedy they will be regubllad in divisions. (1) Requests for fire of Naval guns on now or particular targets vill be made only by Commandere of Brigates or larger fermations. Except in eases of extrene urgency these requests should be passed through Divisions and the Army Gorps. In all cases they vill be addressed to the Plasnhiy. (2) the duty of Flank observation officers is to epet and sentrel the Hire of ships on tarsets where fire ts epenets in this dnty they vill comnunicate direct with firing ships through Flank Bignal Stations. These officers vill be in teuch with Infantry Brigadiers in the frent Line, and Miil Asdist then in Femintating thatr Fegunate for Hares Hire suppert, but vill not thenselves ask for fire on tey targets. (1) it must be understeed that Naval guns cannot fire on enenys oues close to our line. 14 is toe dangerous, because all fire from chips ts by compass, as the may is not accurate. The suns on shere are respensible for vatshing and firing on hestile suys of trenehes near our linesj the Naval gune take eutside senes enly, (Ea) c. ownlifse oven. Bris. General.
C. Form. (Original). Recd PAeKK from Senice Mist Handed in at 70 leans Distance Co0e n Ky FOR MESSACES AND SIGNALS No. of Message Oncestong Sent, or sent our Returne of M. Received here at mber. AAA tie Stamps affired in the spaces headed M lace of the Delvery and
Handed Senters &out Army Form C. 2123. No. of Message Office Stamp. nt, or sent out Returned Received here a AAA FROM PLACE All Ports term, and th RI rother of such chi 1 e
4 Charchel se ta 4 Mmonon whtt iota SMISIS
The following has been received from the 8th Army Corps and is forwarded for information: Enemy opened heavy bombardment about 0415 as what appears to have been preliminary attack on our left and demonstration along the remainder of the front. This bombardment was con- tinued at intervals until 0700. Every attempt of the infantry to advance has however been driven back and considerable loss inflicted. Hie principal efforts apppar to have been at the Junction of the R.N.D. with the French where the Turks advanced out of their trenches but were driven back with heavy loss. Another attack against the right of the 29th Division came under machine gun and rifle fire from both the 42nd and 29th Divisions and was practically wiped out. On the 29th Division left several attacks have been made but each one has been met with rifle and machine gun fire and driven back with considerable 10ss. From thes disjointed nature of these attacks it appears that the enemy has been having difficulty in getting the infantry forward. WVc and Wr beaches have been continuously shelled aince O400 from the Astare phope by tne 6 Inch sun, four 4. 70, a battery of 6 inch peritses and a Riopd vattery. This is the heaviest bembardnent to which these beaches have yet been subjected. 1e00 4. ads. ( co for Brig.-General Staff. Army Corps Headquarters, 5th July, 1915. 1155.
AFTA 7972 7722- TTL COLSS HESGSRSEPOE 1OL pEYEc-epersy eeit HE89NVE ir Aust Mr Bell ansJooeS 1 pesareaf POpeRen to A spees pesepes pese hef pee & persess of e JPOp POMISS S Aee Ie Te pre EC OOO IEOE V I S TO FS LOLASEG A SnG .M. Pescpes psae pees congynonagh speyyeg Pef Fe p pe p G I Regs tpe TinE Toua ALow gpey Gajogeg psete of ppeee seeses i sbbes ArPp LTITe ang Breyyne E LTLe ong Gryaen psex Aigy conagespys Teif eesensy spesens poe peen mage paf esoy one pre peenne Drareyone ang ase Disefyesy agbeg o on gpe SdPF DYArsion Augel Bsepye E Sg Llye LThe Inow pogy gpe &g sng SdFF Wope S e p of te SFDArao cse ORf of SPOTE PLenopes PAf AeLe GEYLen psex Aigy pesah joas JacgTOnol Pe BHD ATPF PPe ELeney ApeLe Spe LEx sgasnce TuirTegeg He Drynebey eoE obbbL go peae peen sg gpe to Egasvee pee poneaL pee GETA pre Sg COBaGespye yoes Prsneg sg TgeLasye Anery OlOO- EAEEA sggenbg of tpe TisngEl grenk ppe Lemgingen of ppe LLon Lpre pompszgwing ase con- po psae peen DreyywynsEl sesoy on orh jeig ong gemonagsgon Evewn obeneg pesal powpsroweng spong of72 &s apag sbbesza eug Te LOLASEGeg IOL IBIoEsgo: Tve LoTTOR pe peen Lecseg LLo tpe Gy VEL CoDs
O Pow Onslons AYRNONA MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. Na of Message Charges to Pay. Ofice Stamp. 28 Dog Aute Htoon st pan 913 o aant 9 t Aust SMSACSNNPTN DASCNON AAA N pen de 2 e map other 4 444 n O mon 2 PLAOKATIE WM noPad arL. A B.LA.-Form . 212.
TO. Fom Doton T POON MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. I wa df Nowase GaoW PaT. J ORCS SANN D21 S 258 6 MNHSMSN a Handed in at. a t 1th t SeneS MIE DASAMONR LWAGWSNANNS 225 N3 22 frt yex theda I am sender gun hestill meps olewing batterfe which AHLAC and this map A84 ergage them C.X from was receive 8 is ped A824 4 between infantry facitifate cooperation and artillery AHH Pease acknowledg Am 362 recapp of FRon 615 Wa E MOPAd SL. ABLld-ForCMI O. FON DoSS A ASR MESSAGES AND SIGNALS/Va of Nowase 5 Chargeris Pay. OMcSne J 313 Ena 30 SurtesHtMon 721 1 01 Aus1 BL STANOTN p SSMRRT SNONGWNANSE AAA ett n9 193 ten intligence aummary has to be submitht daily (to HGArrac]AAA This will inclode information obtained durin precidiot 24 houks from reconnaiy prishep or ber soufces I which may beupefe pom an intellcence pont of viels aaa, units (tere therefore requepted to send fin tny forottien which may ancist in frown ccomporttion dpostions of Tuliph units on our fron wheneer possible add conceyned Pleases in Mst Dwn MCAAMY W Do Pad 81. A RLed-FormCLI


Divisional Headquarters,
Anzac Cove, 4th July, 1915.

From:-  General Staff,
New Zealand and Australian Division.
To:-  4th Aust Inf Bde

Please refer to memorandum C.R.A. No. 1 of 9th May,
1915, attached hereto.
S.N.O. has informed flanking destroyers that they
are only to take action on Signals coming from Generals
Birdwood or Cunliffe Owen or Major Wagstaff, thus applying to
destroyers the procedure which was formerly used with the
larger ships.
2.  In cases where the urgency is extreme Commanders of
Brigades or larger formations are authorised to finish their
messages asking direct for fire of Naval guns on new or
particular targets with the word "Wagstaff". The message
sent will invariably be repeated at once to ArmyCorps
Divisional Headquarters. Army Corps Headquarters.  thru'  Div HQ.
Owing to his isolated situation, O.C. Nos 2 and 3
outposts is also authorised during the night to ask direct
for the fire of Naval guns or for searchlight in cases of
urgency, and to finish the message with the word "Wagstaff".
It should be impressed on all who are authorised
to communicate direct with the Navy in urgency, that fire is
only to be thus asked for on a definite and threatening
target, or on a target presenting considerable possibilities
of inflicting heavy loss on the enemy; and in every case the
general tactical situation, as far as this is known, is to
be taken into consideration when deciding to send a message
without reference to Divisional or Army Corps Headquarters.
3.  Messages are invariably to be transmitted through one
of the Flanking Stations, W5 or W6, and not by signalling


from other points which may distract the ship's attention
from a flanking station where possibly other important messages
are waiting to get through.
W G Braithwaite:    Lieut.-Colonel,
General Staff,
N.Z. & A. Division.


General Officer Commanding,
New Zealand and Australian Division.

Forwarded for your information.
9th May, 1915.
Memorandum C.R.A. No. 1

The following instructions regarding Naval fire support are
repeated for guidance of all concerned; they will be republished
in divisions.-
(1) Requests for fire of Naval guns on new or particular targets will
be made only by Commanders of Brigades or larger formations. Except
in cases of extreme urgency these requests should be passed through
Divisions and the Army Corps. In all cases they will be addressed
to the flagship.
(2) The duty of flank observation officers is to spot and control the
fire of ships on targets where fire is opened; in this duty they will
communicate direct with firing ships through Flank Signal Stations.
These officers will be in touch with Infantry Brigadiers in the front
line, and will assist them in formulating their requests for Naval
fire support, but will not themselves ask for fire on new targets.
(3) It must be understood that Naval guns cannot fire on enemy's
guns close to our line. It is too dangerous, because all fire from
ships is by compass, as the map is not accurate. The guns on shore
are responsible for watching and firing on hostile guns or trenches
near our lines; the Naval guns take outside zones only.
(Sgd)  C. Cunliffe Owen,
Brig. General.



Words 28
Sent, or sent out At 1600 .M.
Returned at 6 .M.

TO  4th Aust Bde
* Sender's Number ngg 400
Day of Month 4

Please note that the left
flank Signal Station W6 (w6)
has been moved to no 2
outpost about one mile
ACKg     --------------- >Done Bm

FROM   N Z A Div
PLACE  1750


Recd. from   qtw By  ECM
Prefix  JM    Code 9Dpm    Words 60
Handed in at the NZ  Office at 9-20pm M.  Received here at 9-56pm 
TO  4th Aust Inf Bde.
 Sender's Number.
NZ S 404
Day of Month. 4th

The explosion seen in the South
this morning appears to have been
caused by a Turkish Shell striking
a Depot of shells behind the
French lines. No one was injured
AAA  This afternoon a Turkish
submarine Torpedoed a nearly
empty French transport AAA
6 lives were lost.
FROM     NZ A Divn
PLACE    2 10


13th Bn JG Marks Lt
14th  "   Chas MM Dare  Mjr
15th  "  J H Cannan
16th  " H Pope Lt Col
For notation & return
pls  J P McGlinn
-5 JUL 1915


The following has been received from the 8th Army Corps
and is forwarded for information:-
Enemy opened heavy bombardment about 0415 as what appears
to have been preliminary attack on our left and demonstration
along the remainder of the front. This bombardment was continued
at intervals until 0700. Every attempt of the infantry
to advance has however been driven back and considerable loss
inflicted. His principal efforts appear to have been at the
junction of the R.N.D. with the French where the Turks advanced
out of their trenches but were driven back with heavy loss.
Another attack against the right of the 29th Division came
under machine gun and rifle fire from both the 42nd and 29th
Divisions and was practically wiped out. On the 29th Division
left several attacks have been made but each one has been met
with rifle and machine gun fire and driven back with considerable
loss. From thes disjointed nature of these attacks it appears
that the enemy has been having difficulty in getting the infantry
forward. "V" and "W" beaches have been continuously shelled
since 0400 from the ASIATIC shore by one 6 inch gun, four 4.7's,
a battery of 6 inch howitzer and a field battery. This is the
heaviest bombardment to which these beaches have yet been
(Sgd) A. Skeen, Lt-Col,
for Brig.-General Staff.

Army Corps Headquarters,
5th July, 1915.   1155.


4th Aust Inf Bde

3 copies


SM 7.15 28 (DHq ES)
Office Stamp.
Handed in at  NZ   Office 1915 m.   Received 1920 m.
TO  4th Aust Inf Bde
Sender's Number NZLG5
Day of Month 6
In reply to Number BM362

Only one map per Bde sent
AAA Two to sections AAA other
addresses were OSC Sections
FROM   G S O 3 1920


SM 4.15p  4  (DHq ES)
BQ (6) 6.7.15

Handed in at     Office 1615 m.    Received 1622 m.
TO  NZ 4th Aus Inf. Bde
Sender's Number NZ IG2
Day of Month Sixth

I am sending you today

maps showing hostile guns
and ANZAC batteries which
engage them AAA This map
was received from C.RA.
ANZAC & will it is hoped
facilitate cooperation between infantry
and artillery AAA Please acknowledge
receipt of maps
BM 362
FROM   NZA Divn   1615

SM 5-15   81  DHq  ES
BQ (7) 6-7-15
Handed in at  NZ   Office 1715 m.  Received 1722 m.
TO  4 Aust Inf Bde
Sender's Number NZ Jg3
Day of Month 6th

An intelligence summary has to be
submitted daily to HQ ANZAC AAA
This will include information obtained
during preceding 24 hours from reconnaissance
prisoners or other sources which may
be useful from an intelligence
point of view aaa Units are
therefore requested to send in
Any information which may assist
in making known composition &
the positions of Turkish units on
our front whenever possible aaa
Please inform all concerned
PLACE & TIME   1715


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