Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 4, 2 May - 4 May 1915, Part 6

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
Accession number:

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HWLEALADAA RISRMLIV DMSONS operation order no 10 by Major General, Sir A)T.B.dley K9 MG. C.R Commanding N.Z & A. Disision. SEACH 6 3rd May 1915 Copy W85 The position held by this Division is REDISTRISU divided into Sections of Defence as under -rior J SECTION From LEFT of 1s Australian Infantry Bhe (Bric. Gen. H. B Walker) inclusive to R16H] of N.E. Infantry exclusive. Commander. Brig Gen. CN. Trotman RMIL) Third Daval Brigade (less1. Bn) Troope 1 Section 26th Battery Mountain Artillery Field Company N.Z. Engineers (less 1 Section 4th Australian Infantry Bde. No E. SECHON. From LEFT of above Section (inclusive) to the sea about FISHERMANS HUT. Commander. Colonel. F.E. Johnston Commanding N.E. Suf. Bde Troops. 2 Sections 18 prs F. Artillery Section s6th Mountain Battery Section Ildloy. N.E. Engineers New Iraland Infantry Brigade. RESERYE SECTION On Pluggis Platess & Beach conmpander Brig Gen. B. Merper RMI] Third Daval Bryado less 1 Batt Trodps. 1 Section 18prs (2nd Battery 1 Section 26th Battery Mountain tam WISIRISUNen/ N.ISECTION (Bris-Sen. C. N. Frotman 158 1 Dection 26 - Mountain Battery (224 N6 JOFARTILLEE No. 2 SECTION (Colonel. F.E. Johnston) section 18prs (22463/ 2nd Battery 1Section 18pro (237 Wx) 1s Battery 1 Section 26th Mountain Battery (22462 RESERVE SECHON (Brig. Gen. D. Mercer, 1 section 18 pro (224 R1.)2nd Battery 1 Section 26th Monutain Battery (224 H.I.) IN GENERAL RESERTE under immediate orders of G.O.C. Dixm 2 Sections N.Z. Howitzer Battery (squares 224 G.3 and 5) 1 Section 18 pro. 1st Battay (22463) pm. as under:- Ioued No 6 Copy Naval Bde No 1 Copy Filed in Ber, Cen. Trohas N07 F. ABde No.2 No 8 21s Aust. Div. CRe. No.3 N. 2 Inf. Bde. ANZAC N9 No4 No 5 4th. Aust Iuf Bde We Bractmontet TA
15 O Form (Duplicate). Army Form C. 2123. MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No. of Message CAARESWE MCeStANS. Ant 31543 Sertee MiA m. Received MMSSSSN 19/ 40 aust In te SiterT Bine D ST AAA 27 9 1 to 406 the division wrstes Hhe congualate ranks of the 24 on the fine popemn which the actieved last night putup and the gallant light which the aenyst grat odds aod tuskish prisoners admit their losses tre very lare and there is no doubt that blows He ae infickd a sive 5 upon the eremy SSwith stading s prelieo saick fatime and hee ps in their prsent it and and main position rea there is no immdiate and the of either support or ret bil in confidend thad theBse FRON PLACE & TME Duvicate Army Form C. 2123. No. of Message MESSAGES AND SIG MCCSEAN. MalGESWOPS MReccE Handed WAA Sae A AAA exfort to made ec 2 salquard fargue and overcome their defences seckon of fresend their loye 2 FRON D Pace & Tie
Yourth Aud. Iny Bde 15/15 NY. G 12 Cutt The G.O.C. of the division wishes to consolate ranks of the Bde on the fine performance which they achuved last night and the yaltant fight which they put up against great odds AAA Turkish prisoners admit their losses were very gt large and there is no donbt that the Ade inflicted a severe blow upon the enemy AAA The G.O.C. relies on the Bde notwithstanding takque and heavy losses to stick is out and maintain their present position &70 there is no immediate prospect of either support or relief, and the G.O.C is confident that the Rde with make a special effort to overcome their fatigne and eafeguard their present section of defences NZ and A Diviswin 5.10 pe
Sorn. COnna Red Profx from2D anuu 87: Distance. Derr Hane at the T0 Eent Dm FRON PhAUE TIME CSFSISA DSSEIT.L.—CM 1SS. CH. Form A S OL Army Form O2123 AND SIGNALS. o. of Message ORESBA Sent, or sent out At Collected. I.) By aid out./. Returned Received here at rit
fou fom ta MIESSAEES AND SIONALS. T8e8 t0 PaY. On C. 223 ssage No. of Me SlanS orE
27 Serrce Handed in at the T0 Dentt oDumr yo FROM PhAUN TIME Miltrn S Day of Honch. Cn FArAADAL Army Form O2123 Nor of Mossage WALS. Office Stamp Sent, or sent out 46: ted. By Paid out.J. Returned Received here at 6.1½ LareW Den AAA Dere she
FRO RAA m. Recei AAA C. 2123 tamp. umber tobe
one Divicete Receivec Army Form C. 2123. Message re stam AAA
CForm. Oriz Dms Service Instructions. Handed in at the 20 Denter 1 12 dr se me FROM PhAUE TIME Porterage, Redireot the particulars of such charges and o D.StERL-CI Prefix AACM Distance. MESSA C out. no at C.M. FormASSI Army Form O2123 No. of Message GNALS. Office Stamp Sent, or sent out mmitle 46 By mnn 12 Returned. 12 Received here AA Pitty Bitrion
Serite MtEctons Handed in at NLAIY NGO landed PLACE & TTME D.A. m 220 6: Fom Ouicato Army Form C. 2123. No. of Message. MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. OCeSlanS. 1RESWOP. 4 Mr 30 to Received SCC wl Brig AAA hird no 46 herreinfoicements lust kann lare join you tonight and OXE NTA Im

                        NEW ZEALAND and AUSTRALIAN DIVISION      8
Operation Order No 6 by.
Major General Sir A.J. Godley K.C.MG C.B
             Commanding N.Z + A. Division.
NZG123                            BEACH                                (159)
                     Copy No 5                         3rd May 1915 
REDISTRIBU-         The position held by this Division is 
-TION                   divided into Sections of Defence as under
                              No 1. SECTION
                              From LEFT of 1st Australian Infantry Bde
                              (Brig. Gen. H.B. Walker) inclusive to RIGHT
                              of N.Z. Infantry exclusive.
                              Commander. Brig. Gen. C N. Trotman RMLI.
                              Troops  Third Naval Brigade (less 1. Bn)
                                              1 Section 26th Battery Mountain Artillery
                                              Field Company N.Z. Engineers (less 1 Section)
                                              4th Australian Infantry Bde.
                             No 2. SECTION. 
                                   From LEFT of above Section (inclusive)
                                   to the sea about FISHERMAN'S HUT.
                             Commander. Colonel F.E. Johnston
                                                        Commanding N.Z. Inf. Bde.
                             Troops.        2 Sections 18 prs F. Artillery
                                                    1 Section 26th Mountain Battery
                                                    1 Section Fld. Coy. N.Z. Engineers
                                                    New Zealand Infantry Brigade. 
                          RESERVE SECTION on Plugge's Plateau & Beach
                             Commander Brig. Gen. D. Mercer RMLI                              11
                               Troops. Third Naval Brigade less 1 Batt
                                               1 Section 18 prs (2nd Battery)
                                               1 Section 26th Battery Mountain Artillery

DISTRIBUTION   No 1 SECTION (Brig-Gen. C.N. Trotman) (158)
OF ARTILLERY             1 Section 26th Mountain Battery (224 M6)
                               No 2 SECTION (Colonel. F.E. Johnston)
                                     1 Section 18 prs (224 G3) 2nd Battery
                                     1 Section 18 prs (237 W4) 1st Battery
                                     1 Section 26th Mountain Battery (224 C2)
                               RESERVE SECTION (Brig. Gen. D. Mercer)
                                  1 Section 18 prs(224 H.1.) 2nd. Battery
                                  1 Section 26th Mountain Battery (224 H.1.)
                               IN GENERAL RESERVE (Brig Gen under
                                                          immediate orders of G.O.C. Divn
                                          2 Sections N.Z Howitzer Battery
                                          (Squares 224 G. 3 and 5)
                                          1 Section 18 prs 1st Battery(224 G3)
Issued at  pm. as under: —
No 1      Copy Filed                            No 6 Copy Naval   Bde
No 2    "      F.A Bde                           No 7    "     Bdr,  Gen. Trotman
No 3    "      CRG.                                 No 8    "      1st.Aust. Div.
No 4    "      N.Z Inf. Bde.                   No 9    "       ANZAC
No 5     "     4th Aust Inf Bde

                                                             WG Braithwaite Lt Col


"C" Form (Duplicate).               Army Form C.2123. 
MESSAGES  AND  SIGNALS.        No. of Message 
QW.              Charges to pay 
SG                       £   s.   d.                                   Office Stamp. 
                                                                                148                                                         Handed in at ..........................Office......................m.        Received 5 19/   m. 
TO                  4th  Aust Inf  Bde    
Sender's Number.      Day of Month.     In reply to     
N Z G 12                             3rd                                    __                                     AAA 
 The  G.O.C  the  division  wishes  to 
congratulate  ranks  of  the  Bde  on the  fine 
performance  which  they  achieved  last  night 
and  the  gallant  fight  which  they  put  up 
against  great odds aaa  Turkish 
prisoners admit  their  losses  were  very 
large  and  there  is  no  doubt  that 
the  Bde inflicted  a  severe  blow 
upon  the  enemy  aaa  The  G.OC 
xxxxxx relies on  the  Bde  notwithstanding 
fatigue  and  heavy  losses  to  stick 
it  out  and  maintain  their  present 
position  aaa  There  is  no  immediate  prospect 
of  either  support  or  relief  and  the GOC 
is  confident  that  the  Bde  will 
"C" Form (Duplicate).              Army Form C.  2123. 
MESSAGES  AND  SIGNALS.    No. of Message 
                         Charges to pay                                  Office Stamp. 
                               £    s.  d.                                                   147 
Handed in at ..........................Office......................m.        Received 5 19/   m. 
Sender's Number.      Day of Month.     In reply to      AAA 
make  a  special  effort  to 
overcome  their  fatigue  and  safeguard 
their  present  section  of  defences 
Copied & promulgated 
FROM                 N Z A Div   5.10 pm 


Fourth Aust. Inf Bde 
N Z. G 12         3/5/15    146 
The G.O.C. of the division wishes to consolate 
ranks of the Bde on the fine performance 
which they achieved last night and the gallant 
fight which they put up against great odds 
AAA Turkish prisoners admit their losses were 
very great large and there is no doubt that 
the Bde inflicted a severe blow upon the 
enemy AAA The G.O.C. relies on the Bde notwithstanding 
fatigue and heavy losses to stick it out and 
maintain their present position AAA There is no 
immediate prospect of either support or relief 
and the G.O.C is confident that  the Bde will 
make a special effort to overcome their fatigue 
and safeguard their present section of defences 
N. Z and A Division 
 5.10 pm


C.M. Form A 39(b). 
 Army Form C 2123.                                                    
Form.  (Original.) MESSAGES  AND  SIGNALS.  No. of Message 
Recd.    from  QD       Office Stamp 
By RM                          149 
  Handed in at the                       Office at       M.                    
 TO         4th    BDE  H    Q
*Sender's Number.       Day of Month 
                                             third                    AAA 
Col.  Cannon  reports  that  snipers 
have  just  got  his xxx 
machine  gun  officer  Corporal  &  Sargent 
&  he  is  now  without  
FROM     Col Cannon 
TIME        5-15PM 
All porterage, Redirection and other charges collected on delivery are to be bought to account by means of Stamps affixed to the face of the form, and 
the particulars of such charges and of amounts paid out are to be set forth in writing above, in the spaces headed "Delivery" and "Charges to Delivery" 
*This line should be erased if not required. 


 "C"  Form (Duplicate).            Army Form C. 2123.            
MESSAGES  AND  SIGNALS.    No. of Message  
SM          QW       
                               Charges to pay                                   Office Stamp 
                                   £    s.  d.                                               10.15 pm 
  Handed in at........................Office.............m.                 Received 6.15 pm 
TO               4th  AUST  INF  BDE  HQ 
Sender's    Day of month    In reply 
Number                                   to Number        
ZE   8                     3rd                  X 5 xxx       AAA                 
Supply  detonator  and  fuzes 
Sent  O.C  NZ Engineers 
your  Brigade  this  afternoon 
FROM                      ADJT C R  E 
PLACE & TIME       NZ & A Div              ANZAC. COVE  


3 - 5 - 15 

                                                                                                                                                         C.M. Form A 39 (b). 
                                                                                                                                        Army Form C 2123
Form. (Original.)                          MESSAGES   AND   SIGNALS.                      No. of Message.........                                                                                                                                             
Recd. from QD 
By [[Initial?]]
Prefix               Code             Words Sent, or sent out 
At                 M. 
at            M.        
Office Stamp. 


Charges for Delivery. 

Paid out 
Service instructions
Handed in at the                     Office at            M. Received here at    6.12 P  M.
TO  B D E   H Q
* Sender's Number Day of Month.
In reply to Number. 
Col Cannon reports that he 
has sent a party out to 
look for the snipers & 
would like to know if  
you could give him men 
in place of those shot 
by the snipers
 Col Cannon

All Porterage, Redirection, or other charges collected on delivery are to be brought to account by means of Stamps affixed to the face of the form, and 
the particulars of such charges and of amounts paid out are to be set forth in writing above, in the spaces headed "Delivery" and "Charges for Delivery"  
*This line should be erased if not required. 
D.362/7.14 —C.7220.



"C"  Form (Duplicate).                   Army Form C. 2123. 
MESSAGES  AND  SIGNALS.        No. of Message  
SM                               Charges to Pay.     Office Stamp. 
QW                              ₤     s.    d.                 3/5/15  
Service Instructions.                                        
Handed in at                      Office                  .m.   Received 6/57 pm 
TO     4th Aust Inf Bde  
Sender's Number.              Day of month.          In reply to Number. 
QB 20                                     Third                                       __                        AAA 
Please render return daily by  
4 pm showing the approximate number 
of unopened boxes of S.A.A. 
including those with units in 
regimental reserve in brigade reserve 
and in brigade supply depot. 
Capt Cleeve 
For necessary action ps 
2pm [[??]] 
4  5/ 15 
FROM                   NZ & A Div 


"C"  Form (Duplicate).                   Army Form C. 2123. 
MESSAGES  AND  SIGNALS.        No. of Message 
SM.                QW               Charges to Pay.     Office Stamp. 
                                                  ₤     s.    d.               
                        NW                   7.20pm                          (152) 
Service Instructions.            3/5/15                            
Handed in at                   Office              .m.   Received   7 16pm. 
Sender's Number.                 Day of month.          In reply to Number. 
NZG 129                                      Third                                     ——                  AAA 
1/2 Battalion AUCKLAND Inf and 
Section maxims have been  
ordered to report to you 
at once. 
FROM                   NZ A Div    HQ 
PLACE & TIME    BEACH 7.14 pm


3/5       C.M. Form A 89 (b). 
Army Form C 2123.  
C Form.   (Original.)  MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.  No. of Message 
Redd             Prefix        Code             Words               Sent, or sent out     Office Stamp. 
from                 Means                          Collected                   At            .M.          (153) 
                          Delivery                       Charges for Delivery.     
By Initial       Distance                      Paid out                    By                        3/5/15 
 Service Instructions.                                                               Returned  
                                                                                                       at              .M  
Handed in at the        Office at       M.          Received here at 7.42PM. 
TO                       FOURTH   BDE    HQ 
* Sender's Number.      Day of Month.     In reply to Number.       
CP 16                                          third                                                    AAA 
Artillery are dropping short on  
our left flank  I will 
advise distance short in a 
FROM      Capt Quinn 
PLACE         7.35 PM 
All Porterage, Redirection, or other charges collected on delivery are to be brought to account by means of Stamps affixed to the face of the form, and 
the particulars of such charges and of amounts paid out are to be set forth in writing above, in the spaces headed "Delivery" and "Charges for Delivery" 

*This line should be erased if not required. 
D.362/7.14 —C.7220.


C"  Form (Duplicate).                   Army Form C. 2123. 
MESSAGES  AND  SIGNALS.        No. of Message  
XX                       QW       Charges to Pay.     Office Stamp. 
                             Nw             ₤     s.    d.               3 5 15 
Service Instructions.                                              (154) 
Handed in at                       Office           .m.         Received 8.30pm. 
TO    4th Austln Brigade 
Sender's Number.       Day of Month.    In Reply to Number  
 NZA 169                              Third                     _____                         AAA                                     
2 NCOs and 46 men reinforcements   
for 15th Battln have just 
landed and join you tonight 
PLACE & TIME      8.20 pm

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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