Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 4, 2 May - 4 May 1915, Part 4

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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Code Prefix Charges to collect Senice Mattctons Handed in at -- Or Form (Original). Army Form C. 2123. No. of Message. MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. MCESIAMS Sent, or sent out eived Word From C 24 By 2m m. Received Otace cust AAA your RAC 150 Arequed
Cl FormA SC Army Form O2128. A13. No of Message. Office Stamp ame, may be made at in writing and addressed uiries or complaint. 2 Charges to pry Received here at Tumber. AAA
28 Turks are on tas run- but reingorent wanel c t gully at once Every man to head 350am 1 18 5 wrd
mR mov mea RECSNE Sent OrCMCON OMeGSANE e o romt 3/5/15 1 M Charges to collect SeFICE MMSEION PD Handed in at Office. TENERAL LROTNAN 29 1 Mon AAA NYGTOL take will over Command yy the Sect Highy Befare from commanded 219 Aoe the Colonel Johnton to 1st Australian Bde Cmmanded by General Whlk AAH The oregingl line by Colonell Monash 4th held Austeglian Brigade must be at ince re-established and Ansolidated trocalitiess won during any and the night should be included and Petrengthenes AAA 268,000 Rds A have been Respatched and are now nearing FrOM PlAcE & TME Or Form (Origina Army Form C. 2123. MESSAGES AND SIGNALS No. of Message MCCSISN Received SCMION Pitle cale Mort Aanter SA 2t SeNIICE MSMENON OCe ARecena MaeSIS 29 106 Day Of Month. TA Peh tO MiMmSE. FSiSAAME AAA Wlonget s. Headgedrters JAAA bod Ample Suppties will her sent Masery an throughout the day AAA your Secsion are leald Secure with Plaggo batn supported Canterbury Br not 244 your Cebt INF Bc on ton your Gen Walkerf Bdi AAA. and tapport given right by artillery both naval you Miilitary A44 Our juns and nocked out one of just have the macking tuns enemy the Range now and hove good execution done and Fron RACE & TME
Chaiges to calld led in a s MeAN ORCCSE 221 row PLACK & TM
A0. L FoNS SMR O. Tom Bislanch MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. Na of Message Office Stamp Charges to Pay. 15 LutS HIN 130 Oco c 40 Handed in at. 30 REGCSSN TEONGWNANE SETFEENNN AAA the Lorce at hoto out on is untenable out men about 50 and cet 34 thert tion wark sitt
Or Form (Duplicate). Army Form C. 2123. MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No. of Message CAIRESWES MeeSAM. 2 8 d. Mr 3/5/153 Senice MaMctorS Handed in at. Oface o Received & 4) Ao. Notman General 131 AAA NE9 709 tir2 endong my am A.AF Colonel CHAYTOR to assist repor in the You for today Georganisapon Your lection end the defence all You ffive possible information and assistance FROM NE A DIV PLACE & TME PEACH F. 45 A17 Or Form (Duplicate) Army Form C. 2123. MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No. of Message- MEESIAN CAIRESWPS OW M 3 Sewice MAMENONS Handed in at. Otre econsS General 20F MAN sers More Miett tHte AAA NMIII M company wish. the Fratian being sent infantry brigage between that Valley sweep ad wronel monshs Brigade aad shring at 4t Brigade aad please warn nine AM gaa all not kak me being few ago carried observation purposes for FRON BFHCH PLACE & TMME 85 a
3.5:15 9. S0 am Bake Wes require inmunications to be opened me want amnunition sandbags, & strekher bearers, cannot get water co 16 with water spere Exant who are calsing Lo casnaltees revensed have onr mes first line ost of their hemhes 13TH BATTALION
Senice Hetcton Handed in at T0 M N2 re FRON PLACR & TME Mor Form (Duplicate) Army Form C. 2123. MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No. of Message CAISESTES MceSians Mr Oace m. Received T IROTMAN Alest toHE AAA all frr the sech ron i ne e opin NLXHDH DSen
Handed in: Or Form (Duplicate) Army Form C. 2123. No of Message. SIGNALS. MESSAGES AN MCeSISM CAIREWES n. Received AAA int BLACE & a ll

"C" Form (Original).         Army Form C. 2123.  
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.       No. of Message. 
Prefix       Code      Words
Charges to collect    £ s. d
Service Instructions       
From QW 
Sent, or sent out 
At     m. 
Office Stamp 
Handed in at       Office        m.   Received 3/27 am. 

TO 1st Aust Inf Bde  
* Senders number. Day of Month. In Reply to Number.  
XXXXX 7Z200 3rd   AAA
Capt Dalby is placed at your 
disposal as artillery observation  
officer for engagement  of knoll 22A 
D5 by Howitzer battery at daylight 
aaa He is already with you I
understand /

FROM PLACE & TIME  CRA Div HQ 3 :15 am
* This line should be erased if not required 


3rd 5:37am
C.M Form A 89(b) 
Army Form C. 2123.
C Form (Duplicate.)      MESSAGES AND SIGNALS    No. of Message. 
Inquiries respecting this Message or application for repetition of the same, may be made at 
the Delivering Office; but any complaint as to its delay, &c., should be made in writing and addressed 
to the officer in charge.  In either case this form must accompany such inquiries or complaint.
Service Instructions                         Charges to pay}  £  s.  d.
Office Stamp 
Handed in at     Office at     M.  Received here at      M. 
TO 4th Brigade 
* Sender's Number      Day of Month      In reply to Number   AAA
Turks started shrapnel on my 
left on head of gully 
Men left trenches in panic 
coming into gully which was 
already overcrowded with Marines.  The 
whole lot now returning open 
fire from ships and guns 
on Turks same as last 
nights bombardment     Pope 
FROM  H Pope 
TIME  5:30am
D 362/7.14._C.7220


Turks are on the run-
but reinforcements wanted -
Every man to he
Every man to head of gully at once
H Pope 
Lt Col 
Cmdr 16th Bn.


Code      Words
Charges to collect    £      s.      d.
From QW 
Sent, or sent out 
At     m. 
Office Stamp 
Handed in at          Office        m.  Received 8.25 am. 
To GENERAL TROTMAN            129 
* Sender's Number      Day of Month      In reply to Number   AAA
NZG 106                           Third                           ------
You will take over command 
 of the Section of the 
 Defence from the Right of 
 the N.Z. INF BDE Commanded 
 by Colonel Johnston to the 
 left of the 1st Austalian 
 Inf Bde Commanded by General  
Walker AAA  The original line 
held by Colonel Monash 4th  
Australian Brigade must be at 
once re-stablished and Consolidated 
 and any localities won during 
the night should be included 
and strengthened AAA 268,000 
Rds S A A have been 
despatched and are now nearing 
* This line should be erased if not required 
"C" Form (Original).    Army Form C. 2123. 
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.       No. of Message. 
Prefix      Code      Words
Charges to collect      £       s.       d.
Service Instructions 
Sent, or sent out 
At    m. 
Office Stamp 
Handed in at      Office      m.  Received     m. 
To  2/ NZG 106 
* Sender's Number      Day of Month      In reply to Number   AAA 
Monash's headquarters AAA 
Ample supplies of food 
and water will be sent 
up throughout the day AAA 
The flanks of your Section are 
Secure with Otago Battn supported 
by Canterbury BN of NZ  
INF BDE on your left AAA 
Gen Walker's Bde on your  
right. AAA. And support given 
you by artillery both naval 
and military AAA. Our guns 
have just knocked out one of 
the enemy machine guns 
and have now the Range 
and done good execution 

* This line should be erased if not required


"C" Form (Original).       Army Form C. 2123. 
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.       No. of Message. 
Prefix     Code     Words 
Charges to Collect   £  s.  d 
Service Instructions. 
Sent, or sent out 
At       m. 
Office Stamp 
Handed in at         Office          m.  Received        m. 
To  3/ NZG106 
* Sender's Number      Day of Month      In reply to Number   AAA 
Among Turks massing on  
224 D 5 but have now 
been dispersed —— 
FROM                    NZ & A  Div 
PLACE & TIME |   8.15AM
* This line should be erased if not required


"C" Form (Duplicate).                   Army Form C. 2123.
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.              No. of Message
Service Instructions                          
Charges to pay   £   s.  d.         
Office Stamp 
Handed in at            Office at        M.  Received 8.40 Am. 
TO 4th Bde 
Sender's Number      Day of Month      In reply to Number   AAA
Cannot hold on longer the 
position is untenable only four 
officers and about 50 men 
in the trenches Britishers  
position now being entrenched 
is very exposed and does 
not assist us.  Reply urgent 


3 5 15 
"C" Form (Duplicate).                   Army Form C. 2123.
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.              No. of Message
Service Instructions                          
Charges to pay  
£     s.    d.           
Office Stamp 
Handed in at        Office at         m.  Received 8:47 am. 
TO    General Trotman        131 
* Sender's Number      Day of Month      In reply to Number   AAA
NZG 109                            Third
I am sending my AAG
Colonel CHAYTOR up to 
report to you to assist 
you for  today in the  
reorganisation of your Section 
of the defence and to 
give you all possible  
information and assistance

FROM |   NZ & A Div 
PLACE & TIME |   BEACH    8.45AM 
3 5 15 
"C" Form (Duplicate).                   Army Form C. 2123.
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.              No. of Message
Service Instructions    
Charges to pay    £  s.  d. 
Office Stamp  
Handed in at         Office        m.  Received 9.3 am. 
* Sender's Number      Day of Month      In reply to Number   AAA
NZG 111                               Third 

One Company of first Australian 
Infantry Brigade is being sent 
to sweep Valley between that 
Brigade and Colonel Monash's  
4th Brigade aaa  Starting at  
nine AM aaa please warn  
all concerned aaa a 
few semaphore flags are being 
carried for observation purposes.

FROM                  NZ & A DIV  
PLACE & TIME   BEACH 8.55 am 


3        3.5.15
9. 30 am
4th A.I. Brigade       133
We require
communications to be opened
up as we want ammunition,
stretcher bearers, sandbags, &
water  xxx   I cannot get 
communication with CO 16th 
on account of snipers, 
who are causing a lot of  
de casualties.
 Our men have reoccupied 
most of their first line 
of trenches.



"C" Form (Duplicate).                   Army Form C. 2123.
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.              No. of Message
Service Instructions                          
Charges to pay     £   s.   d.       
Office Stamp 
Handed in at        Office at      m.  Received 10:14 am 
N 72 
* Sender's Number      Day of Month      In reply to Number   AAA
NZG 114                               Third

please let all troops in 
in your section of the  
defence know that wounded 
prisoners of last night state 
that their losses were very 
heavy and that they were 
made to fight by their 
officers drawing swords and 
revolvers upon them 
PLACE & TIME   10.5 am 


3 5 15 
"C" Form (Duplicate).                   Army Form C. 2123.
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.              No. of Message
Service Instructions                          
Charges to pay      £   s.   d.        
Office Stamp 
Handed in at      Office          m.  Received       m. 
            R M BDE 
            4th BDe 
* Sender's Number      Day of Month      In reply to Number   AAA
RA149                               Third                              ___

I am withdrawing your 
three Marine machine guns 
from my trenches and sending 
them as soon as possible
PLACE & TIME   10.7 am

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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