Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 4, 2 May - 4 May 1915, Part 3

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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OM.A Col. Pope Have reached 20 Ridge send Stretther Deaiers & A.M.C, men up stope Also imaminition, yetter & sand bags- Badly nit by smipers on opposite side of Lobley Geddes & about 59 men sent up to clear. Please send up to help him at dawn not e te contact with B3th on our left but trying to find them 1050 Batet natIagraV 6ok Pope o 105 send supplies of Ammination &waalong Creek. I will have a man ported there to guide Land Dags required on my Right flank in prolongation of the 13th treaches. Important that hill at om rear be cleared at Dawn line bry to get telephone, i to me as I will be unable at mone in Daylight Ppd
delate From 13 Bte I4 a I Bde the 13th Battalio is i touch with the right of the 3N. New Zealanders (Olago Battatun) We have a firing line sand a supporting lime digging in rapidly since about 10.15 prm, shgdali an the OC otage Battalion states that the troops sent to captine Turkish trenches have failed. the ridge we are entreching runs in a South Easterly direction pg (approxinately]. We are now going, to report to C.O. Imatimant Capt. 11.30 pr Abt 1 2.5.13
duscuscuerccuceceucynece cncuernecumuneqeagccnngenon M CAM CMI No. Of MessasE MESSAOES AND SIONAIS C. FOT OONNA Office Stamp. Sent, or sent out Words. Cole Pretix Recd. Binces from i. Collete Means 18 Paid out Distance Returned SEIIISE MSSISINONS. 3-190 Received here at Ottice at Handed in at the O 78 Bch 4 70 AAA TTESS WMe 184t o Non FSenterS Me Snocken wousle Mayor yu Smper Wne 0t Dignaller Smfer Soahin A5 known no Big naling Offic. TROM PLACE TIME 3-12P1 All Perterage, Redirection, or other charges collected on delivery are to be bought to account by me ans of Str NesScO, DANCN. MS orm, and the particulars of such charges and of amounts, paid out are to be set forth in wrhing above, in the Ths Tne Should be crased it not required. Charges for Delivery,
mn Or Form (Duplicate). Army Form C. 2123. No. of Message MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. MCESIANS CAIRESWPS 3/5/15 164 MIORE iRecoed 0 am Thee Handed in at. th Austlor Bde AAA 3 Tope no sandvags 1000 being are tool entrnching to head your up Sent quarter H PlACk & TME B am 12
Army Form O. 2121. MrForm No. of Message MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. Nords Charge PM OM Roed at This message is on a/c of: Office of Orisin and Service Instructions Date ad Servic 4t From Pitsnd, Fritt On. 20 BDE 2 HO LEGBR ONAMon EdeTHAnn aaa tird CC sif now exceping wike are acat the treaches on occupying the Battallin this sixteenth by gine the neclie AAA noe yards 220 at 300 SN and enfiladin sweeping are heve £ that so trnches heade nere keep o to like wwould X AAA down to sone de mornce soae hold to and work Catigue £ i care readine in wshest an From AUINH APT Place AM Ro 1250 The above may be forwarded as now corrected. Conor OnrdLIMOMMMRNWUMOWISDLN This line should be oraeed if not recuired. AAT MRCALAd WEWIANB DO HiL ForOII
13th Bathelin 15 12. 40 a 5 4th A. I Brigade? 75 onr left flank is weakly neld the slags Battalin reports heavy loaser and state that they are out of tch you ther left; also they have not made good progress with their digging the 13th has about 40 camalties that I know of the ridge we are on is evidently the geen ridge that overlooke the Brigude Head Auonters to the North East of Captai Forsyther trenches, but cannot say for Lentain in this light. No 4 Coy 15th Brr is with no, but we require support on our lift our truaes on our t right make good the gully between us and the as far as we can hell now. Imatormant Captan Atn SS 30 a a from 13th Br. 70 4th A1. Bd our position) is eritical on one left Clago Battalin having failed to connest with their man body; and we are not in on possession of hugh ground our left Naval Dryision (streegth intugr) have remforced us. went support at dawn from Ships to keep Hown phrapnel fire. or chekher hearers have no and any ingently reguired D Caps ahed Aman Adjt 13th Br
5413 Or Form Duplicate Army Form C. 2123. No. of Message MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. OACE SAM 4 CalkeS10 P2Y OW E.8 25 Nrv SeNCE MAMMIOES 2 1eam fed a Handed in at. Tap the 45I LorAt CHI AAA WSS r responsitly. hor win you thnight the compltion thorough operations for. Connection 109 from the reft nenther Your rightof Erags, Battler pledse give order posipon daa Orago BN to immediately th is where itself in dir Bdes has aaa te veen ordered to Pespblish Conrection, with ext of Stago for and to assist it in making and Communicat supporting 2na for the ore Strenckers two Beplns of Maunet purpose Fron PLACK & THIE O. Form Duplicate Army Form C. 2123. No. of Message. MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. MCeSIAN CISSSTOPS Sewice Materon (19 M Recene Handed in at. AiAt tH Dn A Mn St A AAA treinforce bying tn Are make Supporting You trenckes Communication 1ans and Be hldons tor Your a reserve tor det as Big poeral aca You notman who commendy these io you being henior itlion &long under me Your but will deceive Comman Mir orders direct from daa He will. Dir wo glad ve only nowever figgs on ast him you may make Biltns shoald no and FRON Plick & TME)
Or Form (Duplicate) Army Form C. 2123. MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No. of Message MAIRESTOEN MceSians. BaeSWNA A T AAA you will arrive independently on arrival then onners. give saga ease repon, as possible what as ground to the Tount sistance your have gaine. fout4 orons huring the pe r night FROM Dor PLACE & TM 35 am Beach
Code 6 ESSAGES a Army Form C. 2123. No. of Message MEESISN CMtON m. Received AAA ons 40
3s4 O.M. Form A. 80. ArForm Army Form O 2121. No. of Mcssage. MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. C More 1 Reod atM Thismessage is on a/c of: Oteo of Origin and Service Instructions Datle frmnten Ga Clpode p f From 4.7 2 am st p0 p/20 21 commenimmmmmmmon B7mm Signature of Franking Officer Dannay 15th Mn ormercadtn kient Coloul T0 Br Rn L & Ledding OC CATtN SSAN S AAA Brngd MeBadia K is places at 3 Disposal 9 4C.C Bango X nce eckpy a supposing five bhind the front whicher It being prejuared by the Troie in ptn. Mis Pattelin Camo Will be astributed A CoCovel as unformd as posssibler a lnt portage epprosimately ooyards a t commencing from your prr Fok. The supporiig line wel at ened extrench & ye time pri dig. Conmunicati Prenches With the front line main es will be frequently tras The ersed, I inspiced tols are antae the will tie up pisti supporting under cover, as close as possbld to foling From Achin Coninated wett if alon is beig tasten by the other Br R. 41t Time n The above par be Torreanted as now corfected] 5pcatin he mm Cenenr. ] Sirnature of Aa Menot of pereon anthorized to tolecraph 1o plo name. Rl COR This line should be crased 11 not pequired t By

Col Pope
Have reached
Ridge. Send
Stretcher Bearers &
A.M.C. men up slope.
Also Ammunition, Water & Sand Bags-
Badly hit by snipers
on opposite side of ridge Valley. 
Geddes & about 50 men
sent up to clear. Please
send up to help him
at dawn.  not ye.  No contact
with 13th on our left but trying
to find them  
10.50 pm 
Col Pope 
Send supplies of Ammunition 
& water 
along Creek. I will have a 
man posted there to guide 
Sand Bags required on 
my Right flank in prolongation 
of the 13th trenches. 
Important that hill at our 
rear to be cleared at Dawn 
Try to get telephoneline up 
to me as I will be unable 
to move in Daylight, Baker


From 13 Bn A I F  
To 4th A I Bde 
The 13th Battalion is in 
touch with the might of the [*113*] 
New Zealanders (Otago Battalion) 
We have a firing line and 
a supporting line digging in 
rapidly since about 10.15pm. 
The 16th Battalion is on a 
[*delete*] ridge to our right, separated from 
rest by the gully we advanced up. 
The O.C. Otago Battalion states 
that the troops sent to capture 
Turkish trenches have failed. 
The ridge we are entrenching 
runs in a South Easterly direction 
We are now going to report progress to C.O. 16th. 
JMA Durrant Capt 
Adjt 13th Bn 


Army Form C. 2123. 
C. Form. (Original).   MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.                                  No. of Message ...........

By [[CP]]
Prefix................................  Code...................... Words.................... Sent, or sent out 
At.................... .M 
at....................... .M  
Office Stamp. 
2 May 15
Delivery Means.................... 
Charges for 
Paid out........... 
Service Instructions.
Handed in at the                         Office at              M.                                 Received here at 3-19PM.
TO 4 Bde H Q    
*Sender's Number Day of Month. In reply to Number.


Sniper just wounded Major Snowden 
& signaller both in the 
leg. AAA.  Position of sniper  
not known
Signalling Officer        
All Porterage, Redirection, or other charges collected on delivery are to be bought to accouat by me ans of Stamps affixed to the face of the 
form, and the particulars of such charges and amounts paid out are to be set forth in writing above, in the spaces headed "Delivery" and 
"Charges for Delivery". 
*This line should be erased if not required.

"C" Form (Duplicate).           Army Form C. 2123 
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.                         No. of Message........

                                                                           [*SM*]            [*QW Nw*] Charges to Pay. 
£          s.         d. 
Office Stamps 
Service Instructions                                                                                                                
Handed in at ....................................................................................... Office...........................................................................m. Received  12-50am.
TO O.C. 
4th Austln Bde
Sender's Number 
Day of Month. 
In reply to Number 


1000 sandbags and some 
entrenching tools are being 
sent up to your head- 
C R E 

"A" Form.                                       Army Form C. 2121.

MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.              No. of Message ..............



Words. Charge. 


This message is on a/c of: 
(Signature of "Franking Officer.")
Recd. at___________m. 
Date _______________ 
From ______________ 
By ______116_________
TO  (   4th 



Sender's Number

CP 12

Day of Month


In reply to Number


Turks are now creeping up
and  occupying the trenches vacated
by the sixteenth Battallion this
morning AAA the machine guns
220 SW at 800 yards
are enfilading and sweeping my
trenches so that  I have
to keep my  men heads
down AAA I would like
some marines to do some
fatigue work and to hold
in readiness in case I
am rushed      
From   CAPT QUINN    
Time   12-50 AM    
The above may be forwarded as now corrected. (Z)
Signature of Addressor or person authorised to telegraph in his name

*This line should be erased if not required. 
(24473). M.R.Co.,Ltd. Wt W4843/541. 50,000. 9/14. Forms C2121/10. 


From 13th Battalion 12.40am 
To 4th A. I. Brigade [ 3 5/75] 3.5.15 
Our left flank is weakly held. 
The Otago Battalion reports heavy  
losses and state that they are 
out of touch on their left; also 
they have not made good 
progress with their digging. 
The 13th has bad about 40  
casualties that I know of. 
The ridge we are on is 
evidently the green ridge that 
overlooks the Brigade Head Quarters 
to the North East of Captain 
Forsythes trenches, but cannot 
say for certain xx in this light. 
No. 4 Coy 15th Bn is with us, but 
and we require support on our 
Our trenches on our lef right make 
good the gully between us and the 
16th as far as we can tell now. 
JMA Durrant Captain 
Adjutant 13th Bn. 
[*1 55am 3-5-14*] 
From 13th Bn 
To 4th A.I. Bde 
Our position is critical on  
our left, Otago Battalion having 
failed to connect with their main 
body, and we are not in  
possession of high ground on  
our left. 
Naval Division (strength 
unknown) have reinforced us. 
Want support at dawn from 
ships to keep down shrapnel 
Our stretcher bearers have not 
reached us and are urgently required 
JMA Durrant Capt 
Adjt 13th Bn


"C" Form (Duplicate).                 Army Form C. 2123. 
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.       No. of Message

                                                                           [*SM*]            [*QW Nw*] Charges to Pay. 
£          s.         d. 
Office Stamps 
2 10a.m.
Service Instructions                                                                                                                
Handed in at ....................................................................................... Office...........................................................................m. Received  2am.
TO O.C. 
4th AUST Inf Bde
Sender's Number 
Day of Month. 
In reply to Number 


You will be responsible for 
the completion of tonights 
operations for the thorough 
connection of the line of 
trenches from the left of 
Otago Battln to right of your 
position aaa Please give orders 
to Otago Bn to immediately 
dig itself in where it is 
aaa The NZ Inf Bdes has 
been ordered to establish 
connection with left of Otago 
Bn and to assist it in making 
of supporting and communication 
trenches aaa For the same 
purpose two Battlns of marines 

"C" Form (Duplicate).                 Army Form C. 2123. 
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.       No. of Message

  Charges to Pay. 
£          s.         d. 
Office Stamps 
Service Instructions                                                                                                                
Handed in at ......................................................2................................. Office.....................................................m. Received ........................
Sender's Number 
Day of Month. 
In reply to Number


are being sent to reinforce 
you to make supporting 
and communicating trenches 
for your Battalions and 
to act as a reserve for 
you aaa Brig General 
Trotman who commands these 
Battalions being Senior to you 
will not come under your 
command but will receive 
his orders direct from 
Div H.q. aaa He will  
however be only too glad 
to act on any suggestions 
you may make to him 
and if his Battlns should

                                                     "C" Form (Duplicate).                         Army Form C. 2123. 
                                                      MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.              No. of Message .........

  Charges to Pay. 
£          s.         d. 
Office Stamps 
Service Instructions                                                                                                                
Handed in at ..................................................................................... Office...........................................................................m. Received ............m.
TO 3
Sender's Number 
Day of Month. 
In reply to Number


arrive independently you will 
give them orders on arrival 
aaa Please report as 
soon as possible what 
distance of ground [.] to the  
front You have gained 
to the front during the 
Div Hq 
Beach 1.35am

                                                           "C" Form (Original).                      Army Form C. 2123. 
                                                          MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.         No. of Message ...........

Prefix ........SM................. Code..........................Words..................... Received 
Sent, or sent out 
At ........................m. 
To ......................... 
By ............................
Office Stamp. 
                                                                    £     s.      d 
Charges to collect
Service Instructions.
Handed in at .........................................................Office .............................m.  Received .................1.53am
*Sender's Number 
Day of Month. 
In reply to Number. AAA
Please send guides to Gen 
Walkers Hdqrs and down 
your gully respectively to 
meet the Marine Battalions 
Coming to act as reserve 
to you and guide them into 
the places where they are 

*This line should be erased if not required.


3/5/15                                                   C.M. Form A. 39. 
"A" Form.                                             Army Form C. 121. 
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.            No. of Message … 

Prefix ........ Code .........m. Words   I    Charge. This message is on a/c of: 
(Signature of "Franking Officer"}
Recd. at ................m 
Date ...................... 
From ....................... 
3/5/15   122
Copy to Lt Col [[?]] 13 Bn               Sent 
At       3.30 am 
To    3/1/15 
To Lieut Colonel Pope Cannan Commanding 15th Bn
OC Leading Bn RM L I
Sender's Number 
Date of Month In reply to Number  AAA
The Battalion R in L I is placed at 
your the Disposal of Lt Col Pope Cannan is at 
once occupy a Supporting Line behind  
the front trenches now being prepared 
by the Troops in position. This Battalion 
will be distributed by Colonel Pope Cannan 
as uniformly as possible for a length 
of frontage of approximately 400 yards  
commencing from your present right left 
flank. The supporting line will at 
once entrench & if in time permits dig 
Communication trenches with the front line. 
The main trenches will be frequently trav- 
ersed. If insufficient tools are available the 
supports xxxxxxx  will take up a position 
under cover as close as possible to 
firing line.
From Action coordinated with the above 
is being taken by the other Bn RM L1 
placed at Col. Cannan's disposal.
The above may be forwarded as now corrected.  
 J P McGlinn Lt Col 
Bde Major  
4th Inf Bn 
                                                              Censor. Signature of Addressor or person authorized to telegraph in his name

 210/9.13. - C.9258                        *This line should be erased if not required.

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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