Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 4, 2 May - 4 May 1915, Part 2

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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Pretix 60 8 prvice mst Handed in Sender Hu Distance Code 25.00 MSStats RrD SANNS 96 Sent, or sent out Word Conected aid out Returned 4Mm Received here Boti A2 1Cl but Knche own our Eo neaded ace of ie CIY and ollecied on s and of am
SIDistance Service instructions Handed in at the mystone hoin n Rece And OAA weat Fle Collectes Paid out 30t Hes own NE Miltne DSlN 75 Cottee Stan a A O Returned eceived here a 20 C 424 shills ir ag i ashlley sace 8 r an0 20or This line
Ar Form. X Army Form C. 2121. MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No. of Messag PCR Code / Word] Chare This message in on a/c of: Reed. at The ACnt Sirice Micton Date Service N00 3 SEnsFE OF FIASinE OMACOTT/ By- N.L. and A Dursion operation order 105h Ma Goaley Kungit Senders Nuffb Inreply to Numbe tof NE&A/Dwto AAA BERCH. 2/5/15 intation the operations ordeed in DW. operation order No4 of 30 april will be carned out this evening and the instructions therein contained will nold good with the following exceptions DISTEISUTIN. 1) The 1s/ Aust Di. will 207 move. t accordingly the R18HT of 4th Aushahan Bde will xS7 move as it must maintain connection, with the left of the 1t Aust Dunsion. (of the Bngadier 4th Aust. Inf. Bde will make arrangements to ensure that his LEFT will rest on RICHT Y N2 MHBde on completion of the attack Te a exact time for the advpnce to Hott commence with by notified t teleption Place later. The Armg be Corvented as n Corated I Conor STTTETIHHIM N MINMITIE DIAIN DIIL Ar Form. Army Form C. 2121. No. of Message MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. CA Reed. at This message in on a/c of Tee A ChanH Sirie Hibcton Soric From continued TAANSNN SAADnt AAA StSASN 13) continued at the hom named for the advance to commence, the fire from the shipss will continue into will be directer on the line 224 F.3 $3729 and 287 09. Bnoy to the nopr of commencing the advance the ships fire will be aprected on the line 224/D 2 to 8 Aly Barthn ate tft Irned at 2.15 pe CHA. N.2. Int Bde. 4th Aurt Int BA Navat Bde J.C. Signals. aust D Place The above may be sorwarded as now corrected. LonFttn M MIS M SI I MSL
Nece SeFtSE MSSSES Handed in at the 70 Sene FRON A Pnce Pet Redirecne Mean Distance Wo Ke MS Office Stamp. M AAO CoRe colecet 15 Paid out Returned 2dm ceived here Office at AA4 hellgg foreet wk wer non reneting thr 1 Pats Oui This line sh NACe SndC c o in MA.En
Recd. at This message in on a/c of: Tee A On ESirice Miion s Date Service From By Esientture of Frantins Onicer HS T0 th Bde dust nt 4 toiest totn Day of Month. SinteFDin AAA NEG96 Two. with orders the to reference all operation guns or tonights Military both and will Naval live 294 D243 the fire on imediatel to the and the paralfelogiam last of ISPM it from M to At 7-15 P.M. the Infanthy advance will will then commence and ire Juns $3 372 on the line 224 3705 teare acknowled 1 imn 2ol Rr H M Blach. TI 4-O pm The above may be setwarded as now corrected. We Braiteatid /ot Sienature of AblTesOT OF PeRSON AUIRORREdWICKPPEPN In hiS NSME. Como This line should be crased if not required.
Handed in at CneGRiber 2 PACE & TMH aaaan PM DMSMSTS 5 Army Form C. 2123. MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No. of Message. Charges to Pay. MCESIANS. Office Receed HeDPD H LICtY WHSe AAMont AAA ea brain chsug 1800 g4 inform 245 Artillery 0 Kep Actio XIH 248E 34
Army Form O. 2121. ArForm No. of Message— MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. Charge Hore PrORT Codo Reed at -m. This message is on a/c of: TAE A CNANENEENE MISSEE Dato 715 0 Service prom 2/2/1 By- Rittttnd -Finttint Cs ti Bor 20 14 O.C TtGBRSA SMAMON EndgGHe ana rom observation affernoon late his try tho CL 4 to the 0r 60000 abont officrs H.0 ^ Enemy anyon on with re ae her a m bent Mo going be to ard neen per have him Wounded from am t hus t the ne taken been Yaim n te Amar No 44 t0 too in fre Syping Canahage Tom recu any tin D.C Vedy From Ousports PIace 7 p.m Time The above maybe forverded as now corrected. Comr OrrACO AMAM OUANNNHIISNLL This line should be crased if not required. CAATSL M.RCa,LEd. WE.WISASSA. 50,000. aiL Fors OILUI.
o Rewne tre Handed in a Sant 1 Cun FROM PLACE TIN D Original) Day Wice at C.M. Ferm Ass C Army Form O2123. No. of Message. OeS Bt int, or sent out Received here at
Sheall Trancfore move from right to life of our posiion (at a distance of abovt 1000 Gards) and unload ammanition. (apporence) they come down the road, and unload under coves of the hill (this movimine is continuous) and there are also some men straggling along the road, and also aboue half. a dozen mounted dfficers who appear to te dinding the monments fir ot 2 May 1815
ce Prefir Charges to collect SeWice MAMMEtor Handed in at. stl Mr PLACE & TME mmarn - Or Form (Original Army Form C. 2123. No. of Message MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. MEESIAS Sent, or sent out Received Wore From D 2/5/13 D. Recerved Ore Monask TAteAt DIE AAA cong nps the a ne an X This Tie Wbe CAI ACA

(Original).             MESSAGES  AND  SIGNALS            No. 
Recd. from CP        Prefix SM      Code ..  Words  ..        Office stamp 2nd /15  
By DM   
                                                                                           Received here at 1-4pm 
TO   4     Bde    H. Q 
Sender's number     Day of Month      in reply to number              AAA 
CP2                                  Second               

Four  shells  have  burst  in 
rear  of  our  own  trenches 
                                            Attend to by  
                                           [[Col?]] Eastwood
FROM  Cptn Quinn 
TIME     1 PM


from  CP   Office Stamp  2nd/  
By PM  
Received here at 1:20 pm 
To     4  Bde   H. Q    
Sender's Number      Day of Month      In reply  to number      AAA 
CP3                                   Second               
We suspect that four shells 
mentioned in last message  are 
from our own artillery 
Attended to 
FROM   Cptn Quinn 
TIME      1-15 PM 


 "A" Form.       Army Form C. 2121  
 MESSAGES  AND  SIGNALS          No. of Message

TO       N.Z and A Division 
Operation Order No 5 by 
Major Gen Sir A.J Godley   KCMG  CB 
 Army  NZ & A Division 
(1)                                                                            BEACH.  2/5/15 
Intention.    The  operations  ordered  in  DIV. operation  
Order  No4  of 30th April  will  be  carried  out 
this  evening;  and  the  Instructions  therein
contained  will  hold  good  with  the  following
DISTRIBUTION. (a) The 1st. Aust Div: will NOT move.
(b)  Accordingly the RIGHT of 4th Australian
Bde will NOT move as it must maintain
connection with the left of the 1st. Aust
(c)  The Brigadier 4th. Aust. Inf. Bde will
make arrangements to ensure that his
LEFT will rest on RIGHT of NZ Inf Bde
on completion of the attack 
HOUR  The a exact time for the advance to
commence will be notified by telephone
The above may be forwarded as now corrected       (Z)

 "A" Form.         Army Form C.2121 
 MESSAGES  AND  SIGNALS.           No. of Message 
(3)      continued.
At the hour named for the advance to commence,
the fire from the ships will continue,
but will be directed on the line  224 F.3
— 237  Z9 and 237 U9.
Prior to the hour of commencing the advance
the ships' fire will be directed on the line
224 D 2 to 8 
Issued at 2.15pm to         W.G.Braithwaite Lt/cl 
G.R.A.                                                             GS 
N.Z. Inf Bde 
4th. Aust Inf Bde 
Naval Bde 
O.C. Signals. 
1st. Aust Div  


from   CP    ( 2)    2n/15              
By   PM                
Received here at 2.22 pm. 
TO    4 Bde H. Q 
Sender's Number.    Day of Month.         
CP 4                              Second                    AAA 
Our Naval guns are shelling 
the Turks on Captain Forsyth's 
left flank and the Turks 
are reported returning with their 
guns from the position we 
reported they were entrenching this 
morning in message CP1 
FROM         Cptn Cosser 
PLACE         15th. Bn 
TIME            2.15 PM


TO     H.Q. 
4th. Aust Inf Bde

Sender's Number.  Day of Month. 
NZG 96                           Two                AAA 

With reference to the orders 
for tonight's operations all guns 
both Naval and Military will 
fire on the line 224 D 2 to 8 
and the parallelogram immediately to the East of 
it from 7 PM to 7-15 PM. 
At 7-15P.M. the Infantry advance will 
commence and guns will then fire 
on the line 224 F 3  -  237 Z9  -  237 U9 
Please acknowledge 
From   NZ & A Div HQ  
Place   Beach.                                               
Time    4.0pm.                                       
 WG Braithwaite Lt Col    
Signature of Addressor or person authorised to telegraph in his name.                                                                             


1 - 5 - 15
"C" Form (Duplicate).             Army Form C. 2123
MESSAGES  AND  SIGNALS       No. of Message                                  
ADR                Office Stamp.
JSA.                       2/5                         
Received 5.35pm. 
Enemy Enemies pack train crossing 
Valley 1000 yds away inform artillery 

No action.  Report too vague 

FROM       O.C.D. Coy   FOURTEENTH  
PLACE & TIME          BN


2.2.15       "A: Form.                  Army Form C. 2121.
MESSAGES  AND  SIGNALS     No. of Message
Date 7.15
From 2/2/15 
TO      O.C   14th. Bn       
From observation late this afternoon 
it appears that this spot 
about 1000x  to the front 
is enemy H.Q.  Officers  were 
observed with red on uniforms 
There are 4 tents & a mud hut 
and messengers appear to be going 
to and from them.  Wounded have 
been taken to the hut.  I tried 
to get a compass bearing but the 
sniping fire is too warm to do 
anything.  Some sandbags are needed   
Passed to 4th Bde  [[?P...... ]]     7.5 pm 
From    O.C.D. Coy                                     
Place    Outposts           
Time     7p.m. 


C.M.  Form A 39 (b).
Army Form C 2123 
C Form. (Original)     MESSAGES  AND  SIGNALS       No. of Message 
BY L H        7 - 35 pm     Office Stamp    2/15 
Service Instructions  2nd  2-5-15
TO   B D E     Q     2 

Day of Month.
    Second                             AAA
Gun troops within 30 feet of  
Saps several casulities  
have occurred 
FROM     16 BN 
TIME        7-35 Pm 


2 - 5 
Mule Transport moves from     
right to left of our positions 
(at a distance of about 1000 
yards) and unload ammunition - 
(apparently) they come down the 
road, and unload under cover 
of the hill (this movement is 
continuous) and there are also  
some men straggling along the  
road, and also about half a 
dozen mounted officers who 
appear to be directing the  
J. Cranford McCankie 
Sgt. Major 
"A" Company 
14th Bn 
2nd May. 1915


 2 - 5
"C" Form (Original                     Army Form C.2123.
MESSAGES  AND  SIGNALS   No. of Message.......
Received                          Office Stamp
From     Q W                       2/5/15
By           LJ 
Service Instructions.  8-35 pm 
Received  8/33pm 
TO    Col Monash     

 Sender's Number.    Day of theMonth.
 NZG 97                              Second             AAA
Well done the army Corps 
commander and I have every 
confidence that you will stick  
to what you have gained 
aaa  Dig dig dig. 
FROM                  Div HQ Beach 
PLACE & TIME   8.28  

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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