Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 4, 1 May - 3 May 1915, Part 9

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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HA w. 24. 00 ten fire on my position is as not trat it would be unese to move to te rly Co. Burnagh until it is subewd mas illes is here concurs in this riew. in relieve an 13th cay should be placed for rest in some d qter tea t 2 400 2
25 11 - O.M. Form A.88. Army Form C. 2121. ArForm No of Message MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. DLL II. Clo / NOrS Ce e Thismessage is on a/c of: Caro of Oyt and tors borr Dat Dent cmmeni mm muDervice At mmt n Dromndhem mun T0 cmum ommummmm Ored Fantg Oe) BS cumummmm H + A2 T0 C 59 aAA 41 but tompliest with object te tlannest He ti to Mas an fat tse n e are which a spet arutter send tle te E H05IX I Place 429 Time < The alove may be Servented as now corrected manmmooman pommmammmmmummmmmmmmn Brnature of Addressor or person authorned to tolegraph in Dis numo. Censor This line should be crased I not required. TRANNCOS
vr Form Army Form C. 2121. MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. 10. of MnaC Wort] CAAITE coe Recd. at This message in on a/c of: Mce AS S SNIES MAIE Sent. Date convice From F SMIAFE OTIFIAMINE OMCOTT/B N.2. Inf Bde Aust Inf. Bde Naval Bde. Arest to Hiner Sit ST Day of Month. AAA 2nd NEGS officers commanding in Tiring sine again attention to importance of defence work of every directed description. Systematic + organised working parties under officers working for definite house will be arranged in every unit and detachments all men not employed in siving tim should work daily or nightly. The work should be directed diefly to improving trenches and Communications both laterally) and to supports advances to better positions can be made by sapping. Engineers of DIV. will render every assistance in diving advice & superintendence when required. applitation for Engineer stores & assistance of all kinds should be made to O.C. NE Enqinters at respective Bde H.Q.) It is -noticeable that superiority of fire all along the line besongs to the enemy. Tthis in day in part to his sharp shorting tackes One ortwe suipers appear to be cat in the wrish in front of tranches and short at any thing ap pearing From Place Time The atove may be forvanted as now correced Lonor. SeANittan A KAnMLESDAINN MHM Dr Forn Army Form C. MaI. MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No. of Message. Charte mIWord Reed. at This message in on a/c of: Te A Cn H Srits Miin Sorvice MorH JCANFIMINORAN SM AMont TIest to N SettSNIN AAA The only way to counter this isto a dopt similas tack is ourselves pharpshorles) Owing to the conditions and put out our own under which Frenches were originally dug maay of them are badlysited and have little piip of five end it not sapport other trenches by fire In these cases sapp pushedout in the frm of /a I make the best mpans of adjancins to better positions. Some fire treaches are so dref that five cannt be delivered out of them this hasbeen forad to be a gret draged in Drance.] If an adranc 15 to be made in the open inh a view to digging in, a proportion of the men should cany sandbags po as togain cover more quicfely. all 2ADH Place Time C The Arore may be forvended as now correted. Shawthn Sua p o c nnone w ion i to Conr
To Fom Ouicato MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. CAISESWES Handed in 4th Au24 one sectir ren n ar ing eit tition to the riled iu A cannot FRON 7 Bam Place & TME Army Form C. 2123. No. of Message JACE SSN. 15/15 receved AAA will toyou hion operation 2-5- Ar Form. Army Form C. 2121 MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. 20. of Mea CMTE Callnla Recd at I1 4 This message in on a/c of: Mee d Chnt Sirice Cton Date 2 5 16 Service Fon Dn Ni STEIEATEFI- FTMTIEE OMCOTT/ BY- 1B 4h Aust Mt Bde 82 Aiest to Niner AMonth AAA Second 1O84 a worping party sum leare detanl to cgar the area Kugad yir your Bugade of annuunitis ofcypiedin eguipen wafer tius etc and loop cenfrar wocablies. they coued him, of mry dear also thould animals and clear the apea generally Dn H Paco Beach Time. 10 am The above may be forwarded as now corrected. Wl Brarthwate C TAMUEAMMEANNKNMMHONCSBKEPENNMMN Com
Handed in at L41 Form (Duplicate) Army Form C. 2123. No. of Message MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. MMCESIAN. CAAIRESWES 2/0/15 m. Received -m. ORce an AAA the the rerive ra have in lire oiters this 220224 D 29 for

H.Q.  4th.  Inf.  Bde    77 
The fire on my postion
is so hot that it would be
unwise to move to the relief
of Col. Burrage until it
is subdued.
Major Ellis is here & he
concurs in this view — 
When its we relieve the
13th they should be
placed for rest in some
position quieter than this 
H Pope 
Lt. Col.


2 5 15 
"A" Form   Army Form C. 2121.
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.   No. of Message.............. 
Office of Origin and Service Instructions. 
Words. |  Charge. 
This message is on a/c of : 
(Signature of "Franking Officer.") 
Recd. at.....................................m. 
Date................................................... 81 
TO  {    NZ + A DIV 
*Sender's Number.  Day of Month.  In reply to Number  | AAA 
BM89                         2/4 5/15              NZG82 
Order complied with but object 
can be best attained by 
Mountain Guns for which 
observation is easy and 
which are urgently needed. 
Please send Artillery Officer 
urgent to confer with me 
From  |   [[H Pope?]]  AUST INF BDE 
Place  |  
Time  |     9.29 
The above may be forwarded as now corrected.   (Z)   [[JPregle?]] 
 Censor. Signature of Addressor or person authorized to telegraph in his name. 
D 210/9.13. - C.9258.   
*This line should be erased if not required.


2 5 15 
"A" Form   Army Form C. 2121.
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.   No. of Message.............. 
Office of Origin and Service Instructions. 
Words. |  Charge. 
This message is on a/c of : 
(Signature of "Franking Officer.") 
Recd. at.....................................m. 
Date................................................... 79 
To { NZ Inf Bde 
      {  Aust Inf. Bde 
      { Naval Bde. 
*Sender's Number.   Day of Month     In reply to Number   AAA 
 NZG81                                 2nd              - 
attention officers Commanding in Firing Line again 
directed to importance of defence work of every 
description. Systematic & organised working parties 
under officers working for definite hours will be 
arranged in every unit and detachment. all men 
not employed in Firing Line should work daily 
or nightly. The work should be directed chiefly 
to improving trenches and Communications both 
laterally and to supports. Advances to better 
positions can be made by sapping. Engineers of 
DIV. will render every assistance in giving advice 
& superintendence when required. application for 
Engineer stores & assistance of all kinds should be made 
to O.C. N.Z. Engineers at respective Bde H.Q.  It is 
noticeable that superiority of fire all along the line 
belongs to the enemy. This is due in part to his sharp 
shooting tactics. One or two snipers appear to lie out in the bush 
in front of Trenches and shoot at anything appearing. 
The above may be forwarded as now corrected.   (Z)  
Censor.   Signature of Addressor or person authorized to telegraph in his name. 
"A" Form.                                           Army Form C. 2121. 
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.          No. of Message.............. 
Office of Origin and Service Instructions. 
Words. |  Charge. 
This message is on a/c of : 
(Signature of "Franking Officer.") 
Recd. at.....................................m. 
 To {  
*Sender's Number.  |  Day of Month  |   In reply to Number  | AAA 
The only way to counter this is to adopt similar tactics ourselves 
and put out our own sharpshooters. Owing to the conditions 
under which Trenches were originally dug many of them are 
badly sited and have little field of fire and do not support other trenches by 
fire. In these cases saps pushed out in the form of a T make 
the best means of advancing to better positions. Some fire trenches 
are so deep that fire cannot be delivered out of them : this has been 
found to be a great danger in France. If an advance is to be 
made in the open with a view to digging in, a proportion of 
the men should carry sandbags, so as to gain cover 
more quickly. 
Out to all 

From   NZ  A DIV  HQ. 
Time   9-43 
The above may be forwarded as now corrected.  |  (Z)  
Censor.  Signature of Addressor or person authorized to telegraph in his name. 


2 - 5 - 14 
"C" Form (Duplicate)                             Army Form C. 2123. 
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.                 No. of Message.............. 
9.57 a 
K J 
Charges to Pay.. 
£                 s.             d. 
Office Stamp. 
Service Instructions  
Handed in at ..............................Office........................m. Received [[?]]...........m.  
To  4th Aust  Bde 
Sender's Number.   Day of Month   In reply to Number   AAA 
NZG82                        Second                                                 
one section mountain guns will be 
sent you at once and the 
officer ordered to report to you 
this is in addition to the section 
already detailed for your operation 
tonight but which cannot be 
From   N Z G  Div. 9.50 am 
Place & Time  
2 - 5 - 15 
"A" Form.                                           Army Form C. 2121. 
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.           No. of Message.............. 
Office of Origin and Service Instructions. 
Words. |  Charge. 
This message is on a/c of : 
(Signature of "Franking Officer.") 
Recd. at   11  45 am. 
Date  2  5  14 
From  DW  Orderly 
By [[I Rig ??]]
To 4th Aust Inf Bde      82 
Sender's Number.    Day of Month    In reply to Number   AAA 
NZG  84                          Second            
Please detail a working party from 
your brigade to clear the area 
occupied by your Brigade of ammunition 
tools equipment water tins etc and 
collect in central localities. They 
should also burn or bury dead 
animals and clear the area 
From   Div HQ 
Place   Beach 
Time   10 am 
The above may be forwarded as now corrected.     
( Z) WG Braithwaite Lt Col 
Signature of Addressor or person authorized to telegraph in his name.


"C" Form (Duplicate)                      Army Form C. 2123.
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.           No. of Message.............. 
B W 
Charges to Pay.. 
£                 s.             d. 
Office Stamp. 
Service Instructions  
Handed in at ..............................Office........................m. Received [[?]]...........m.  
To   4th Aust Inf Bde 
Sender's Number.    Day of Month     In reply to Number   AAA 
NZG 85                         Second                                                    
Pending the arrival of the 
mountain guns I have moved  
the Howitzers to open fire 
over square 2.24D4. 5.7.8 this 
will I hope ease the pressure 
on you. 
From  Div HQ T 10 20 
Place & Time  

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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