Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 4, 1 May - 3 May 1915, Part 8

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
Accession number:

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Steat Charges to collect Seriice Mnions Handed in at 16 PLACE & TMI Or Form (Original. Army Form C. 2123. No. of Message. MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. OhCe SIAM Sent, or sent out Receped Words Frow no sd May TI T6 m. Received. Otace 501 T NE 10 AAA it i AN 10 am IX MICL
--- C.M Form A. 80. ArForm Army Form C. 2121. MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. B AMen - Prebt Cod Worte Ae Thismewnge i on a of Rertl abmmummmitte Uince of Origis and Service Instructions ma 500 C. Dats o m Atemonmmman M. 19 cm 20 m NEINENENENMM/ SMAturT Of M PTaMHInG OMEOPY B 70 Dr Br SutGNAE SANnt WCSGWM 2:5:5 AAA -My being feu 2t basy would eee eucon p 53 yedord fo MARTH E05 tere been several he casually came more abcaly white i Prow [ Col. Pope Place Gss cant 5 Time ESoom The above may be forwarded as now corrected D - oononmennmm o Conor.eraed hoear or rerm inhored to berrast to M nr PEON COLS This line should be crased i not required.
No 5. so this morning 100 men can accrose the meadow inna oroad, and goe on son where mule tramport were, and moved quickly one of sight betend hill, they were moving from night to life 400 yards half right from our position on sandy patch -half- way up side of ridge. at dawn we observed 30 men trying to get on sandy patch to get in obligin fire on us- we spened heavy fire on them and they disappened down the saily at the double - there are however a few still in this Ae e position Re har 2/5/13
214 5 715/18 750 P. M. 4 Ingide sten Cnte to Thes to a routh Sfitch m position thes morning The o sapping and connecting up has flen Fronghont the carrded on right night. Continual stream Copudeties wounded from Snping tis morne atain very trying 2h Phiical Mer on them. periseped on account I would like pont so much scrub wld here got over to to left duing thany tn r. la 28
O.M. Form Ar Form Army Form C 2121. MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No. of Message PleM AteMIE Au Reod atM This message is on a/c of: Office of Origin and Service Instructions c Dervice communi E Cmmmmmt From 20000 " mmu 8nature of a Franting OMcorM)/ By T0 4th Ban ade SGAiMon WEGtH SMKGMME AAA p standi an an out directed saewing dere sally immeril me 23 halee complete fre p seot to FrON Place Time sam The atone may te sorverted as nw carrented]I imm Sonature of Addrewor or person authorized to tolerraph in hls name. Censor. This line should be crased if not required. MANIOM
Or Form (Duplicate) eras Fom C. 2123 MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No. of Message. Carkes to PaY. OReJAM BC 275 Setiite Mistons RisbesBia C D Ran P. 390 O.K Foubteenth St Canrtnan D Af Mont Wolest to Riner AAA About 400 ene marsed in Talley 900 yd right front but a not moving FRoN O.6. PLACE & TIME
Or Form (Duplicate) Army Form C. 2123 MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No. of Message. CAIRESWES MCESIAN i 43 Semcct Aton Handed in at Otce 10 20 Fourtrenth B SeulettRinte DT0 Miett t Ct AAA To Lesny Owing little fire advance sapping with was made furthes is out the East night Six th but tye field not to improved AAA As many pericepes needed AAA as possible are About doen &send bags are Everytling is needed p44 morement HAA only guiel that SH MCCAUKIE AEH reported by FRON O 6 8. Am D loy PLACE & TME
MA FOrM Army Form O. 2121. MESSAGES AND SIGNALS No of Message - Norse Charge PreRr Oode Roed. at m. MESAONENMSENEHME This message is on ale of: Sen Date Service no 174 SCnATMOMI-FLIHITOMCOT £ t6 StSESN SMAitont LteNGtNEN aAA The Brig a repat Dars his previon in ad asto why in vien of conversation 160 man are of yesterday now fin time ibad your pist of such beng mained by Arstreha only t for From Pace FOURTH 1312 Tone The abbie May be Corarded a Now Crrected 2 Ca Aated RtenN o MAt WMEENHNSNAS This line should be erased i not required. 860 M.A Co. LEd WE. WOLISI-IO,OO 6/d. Forms CalzipO.
C. For Din Recd. from Senrice Mstcions Handed in at the 10 TIM An Parter term, and -Charses for Cosirery Pretix Nean Vistame M CONACNR SICNALS of Message NESSAC Office Stamp. Sent, or sent out Collected 2/5/14 a1d out Returned Received here at 2M. Office a Bi SS AAA and pos civation t Nood ards Dis You towar 9 trenches no 4 them ies collecied on delivery are to be be such charges and of amounts paid out are to be This line should bee
Form (Duplicate) Army Form C. 2123. No. of Message. MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. MCe SIAM Charkes to Pay. w 145 m Recevedg289 Orce Arst Bde AAA can frenches which direct on it mand 21f it t a 2 46 mgrim nd w the me arpshooters pro which commands the gully as eadc ac possible in am bringing He thes Maxins ino it before e in FRON Dio

                       "C" Form (Original).                              Army Form C. 2123. 
                  MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.                    No. of Message .......... 
Prefix [*SM*] Code.. Words. |Received |Sent, or sent out |Office Stamp. 
                                                             | From AW  |                              | 2nd May 
Charges to collect    £.    s.    d    |  By Mn        | At ........................... m.  |        
                                                                          | To ..................................  |     61  
          Service Instructions.                                | By .................................   | 
———————————————————————————————————————Handed in at............................ Office............................m. Received.....3.14 am. 
 TO ..............4th AUST INF BDE 
 *   Sender's Number   |   Day of Month  |   In reply to Number.      |      A A A 
      NZGA16                |       2nd May    |                    ~                  | 
Wellington Batt machine guns  
fired few rounds at enemy  
advancing against You AAA 
Were any results observed AAA 
If successful these guns will 
assist you in future attacks 
by enemy 


3.57 am

FROM                  | D H Q 
PLACE & TIME   | NZ&A DIV ANZAC Cove   3.10am 
*This line should be erased if not required 


                                        "A" Form.                                 C.M. Form A.39. 
                              MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.            Army Form C. 2121 
                                                                                                                    No. of Message ........... 
Prefix............Code.........m. | Words. | Charge. | This message is on a/c of : |Recd. at ....m. 
Office of Origin and       |        Sent                  |            2-5-15                      | Date ... 
Service Instructions.     |  At ........m                                                                      | From ... 
                                     | To .......                                                              | By .....  
                                     | By .........               |(Signature of "Franking Officer.")                      68 
TO   {  4th Brigade  
*  Sender's Number  |  Day of Month    |   In reply to Number. |        A A A 
                                  |      2.5.15.           |                                    
My present position is being
 badly sniped It would appear
 as though a dozen or  
more men must be firing 
from the same direction as 
yesterday i.e. from NORTH EAST 
There have been several casualties 
already we cannot move while  
its continuing 
From  L' Col. Pope| ____________________|inspected this [* map*] 
Place  Rest Camp__||_____________________& opted to [[?]] *]  
Time  5.50 am   ||_____________________| [[LPowis?]] 2/5/15 
The above may be forwarded as now corrected.|   (Z)      
............................Signature of Addressor or person authorized to telegraph in his name. 
                 *  This line should be erased if not required.


At 2.30 this morning 100 men  
came across the meadow in rear  (10) 
of road, and got on road 
where mule transport were, and 
moved quickly out of sight 
behind hill, they were moving  
from right to left
400 yards half right from our 
position on sandy patch half 
way up side of ridge.  at dawn  
we observed 30 men trying to get 
on sandy patch to get in oblique 
fire on us - we opened heavy 
fire on them and they disappeared 
down the valley at the double. there 
are however a few still in this  
J Cranford M Cartier 
Sgt Major 





7.50 a.m. 
To 4th Brigade Head Quarters 
This is a rough Sketch  
of my position this morning The 
sapping and connecting up has been 
carried on right throughout the 
Casualties  Continual stream of 
wounded from sniping this 
Men The physical strain very trying 
on them.  
I would like periscopes. on account of 
so much scrub in front. 
Many Turks have got over to the left during 
the night
H Quinn
Capt                                      28 


     "A" Form.                                                      C.M. Form A.39.                                 MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.                      Army Form C. 2121. 
                                                                                                  No. of Message ........... 
Prefix............Code.........m. | Words. | Charge. | This message is on a/c of : |Recd. at ....m. 
Office of Origin and       |        Sent                  |                                               | Date ... 
Service Instructions.      |  At ........m                                                                     | From ... 
                                     | To .......                                                              | By .....  
                                     | By .........                | (Signature of "Franking Officer.")                        69 
TO   {  4th Brigade  
*  Sender's Number  |  Day of Month    |   In reply to Number. |        A A A 
                                     2nd May. 
I am standing by as 
directed but on any man 
showing himself here he is 
immediately sniped.  The valley here 
is completely commanded by hostile 
pos fire 
From L Col Pope  
Time        7. 5.     am    
The above may be forwarded as now corrected.|   (Z)           
                                     Censor.  |   
Signature of Addressor or person authorized to telegraph in his name. 
              *  This line should be erased if not required.


                                                           "C" Form (Duplicate).                              Army Form C. 2123. 
                                                         MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.                    No. of Message .......... 
                                                                             ADR |   Charges to Pay.      |   Office Stamp. 
                                                                            JGa |              £.    s.    d      |     (12) 
—————————————————————————————|                                 |    2/5 
          Service Instructions.                                                
Handed in at.................................................... Office............................m. Received.....8.25am. 
                        | ........................................................................................................................................................................... 
    TO               | ................................O. C. Fourteenth BN........................................................... 
 *   Sender's Number     |   Day of Month    |      In reply to Number.      |                      A A A 
About 400 enemy amassed in
valley 900 yds to right front
but are not moving 
FROM                |_______________O. C. D Coy._____________________________________________ 
PLACE & TIME |_______________________________________________________________________ 


                                                           "C" Form (Duplicate).                              Army Form C. 2123. 
                                                         MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.                    No. of Message .......... 
                                                                             ADR |   Charges to Pay.      |   Office Stamp. 
                                                                           Jou |              £.    s.    d      |    13 
—————————————————————————————|                                 |    2/5 
          Service Instructions.                                                
Handed in at.................................................. Office............................m. Received.....8. 1 am. 
                        | ........................................................................................................................................................................... 
    TO               | ..............................O. C. Fourteenth BN....................................................... 
 *   Sender's Number     |   Day of Month    |      In reply to Number.      |                      A A A 
Owing to heavy fire little 
advance was made with sapping
last night the furthest is out  
in six feet but the 
field of fire is not 
improved AAA As many xperiscopes 
as possible are needed AAA 
About a dozen (x)sand bags 
are needed AAA Everything is 
quiet AAA Only movement is 
that reported by SM MCCANKIE AAA 
FROM                |_______________O. C. D Coy. 8.am__________________________________ 
PLACE & TIME |_______________________________________________________________________ 
     [*1.  X issued (X) ?? ?? ?.?? 8.47 a 2-5-15*]


                                                                          "A" Form.                                     Army Form C. 2121.  
                                                      MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.                     No. of Message ........... 
Prefix...............................Code..............................m. | Words. | Charge. | This message is on a/c of : |Recd. at...............m. 
———————————————————   |             |               | .................................Service.   |Date............................ 
Office of Origin and Service Instructions.|          Sent           |                                           |From.......(14).... 
...........................................................................................  | At............................m. | ..........................................................    | By.............................. 
...........................................................................................  | To.................................. | (Signature of "Franking Officer.")
...........................................................................................  | By..................................
TO   O C 16th _____________|_______________|________________________|____________ 
        {____________________________|_______________|_______________________ |_____________ 
*   Sender's Number     |   Day of Month    |      In reply to Number.      |                      A A A 
The Brig desires a report 
                              has previous [?] and 
as to why in view of conversation 
of yesterday #60 marines are 
now in your first line instead 
of such being manned by Australians 
            seen M 
Time         |_____________________|_____________________|______________________ 
The above may be forwarded as now corrected.|   (Z)           
............................................................  |........................................................................................................ 
                                     Censor.  |  Signature of Addressor or person authorized to telegraph in his name.

———————————————————————————————————————————————————— *  This line should be erased if not required. 
3662 M. & Co. Ltd.    Wt. W979/549—1000,000.  6/14.    Forms C2121/10


(15)                                                                                                                  Army Form C. 2123. 
"C" Form (Original).                    MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.                    No. of Message .........

from...Q D...2/5/14. 

Sent, or sent out 
At.......................... .M 
at.......................... .M

Office Stamp.





Delivery Means............ 
Charges for delivery Collected 
Paid out
Service instructions.     Ordinary
Handed in at the                                           Office at                         M.    Received here at [*8.53 a.*]M.


Fourth Australian Infantry Brigade  
*Sender's Number. 
Day of Month. 
In reply to Number. 


Seen from our observation post
about 1000 yards from my
left Turks are dragging a
gun across towards their trenches
AAA cannot yet touch them
      No action [*?Lock? ?Lt?*]  

All Porterage, Redirection, or other charges collected on delivery are to be bought to account by me ans of Stamps affixed to the face of the form. and the particulars of such charges and of amounts paid out are to be set forth in writing above, in the spaces headed "Delivery" and "Charges for Delivery".

*This line should be erased if not required.

                                                                              "C" Form (Duplicate).                                            Army Form C. 2123. 
                                                           MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.                        No. of Message........... 
                                                                                 QW      | Charges to Pay.  |  Office Stamp.                                                                                    [*initial*]      |               £.    s.     d.  |   2/5/15 
———————————————————————————————— |                                |    (16) 
       Service Instructions                                                                |                                |  
 Handed in at........................................................................................................... Office...................... m. Received...........9.25 am. 
    TO           | ..........4th Aust Inf Bde .............................................................................................................................. 
                   | ................................................................................................................................................................................. 
    Sender's Number.    |        Day of Month.       |         In reply to Number.     |              AAA 
 NZG82                    |           2                        |                       ~                   |  
   Please direct your trenches which can 
at  all command it or fire upon it 
in any way to do all that is 
possible with rifle and maxim 
fire to keep down the fire of 
the enemy sharpshooters from the 
track which commands the gully as 
soon as possible in order 
to deter them from bringing 
maxims into it before this 
FROM                 | ......Div HQ.    Beach   9.11 am............................................................................................... 
PLACE & TIME  |            [*initials*] 

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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