Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 4, 1 May - 3 May 1915, Part 4

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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14 1 Army Form C. 2121 MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No. of Message PrCtE Code M/ Wordo] CharSE This Messase is on a/c Of:] Recd. atp m. CIice OMMISIn A SerVicE Instructions. eac Service. From A O.Praatin CMcer/By 00 13th 1 14th 8 4 to Ninse wtl Sth 8489 crgidint temporeily called away 48.2 Shate be in readiness at you H8 at one cm to attend confiree B06 49 when sent for FOBRISADEMASOR. 810 Te Wi The above may be torward w corteried AA Sen C E S S SM SCTISESA ITAMTR I tal, ewould be eeed or regued 1 Army Form C. 2121 No. of Message ND SICNALS. PICt This Message is on a/c of Reed at MeeAOIRNSSSESH Service. Date. 4 From (Signature of Frankin Officer)) By O. p. 16th 8. in reply to Number. of Moni AAA BMA9 First ahd awaya Brgnteer temporarity in readines at your 49 Please be to attend conference 30E at o PM. for sent When H.9. 5rom BRIONDE, MATOR Pace rm1140AM The above mey be forwarded as now corgecied. Fag hopl 12 Sienatures Addressbr or person antheried to telegraph iahis Mame. Censor. This Kige, should be crased it not cequred.
Operation Order No3. Copy No 1 Col. Monash Commanding fourth Int. Bd e Catip o1 1-115 Sheet 7 20r B249. 224.1.5. (1 Intormation othe 7tMn B will dring this doy take of the line at present being occupied of the Marine BG and will operate on ovr right the WL Mt. B to which haspeen odded one battation of the Naval Bde will operate onour leff 2. Intention to conform to a general odrance of the whole Army Corps for the purpose of ovevpying an advanced tine 05 FolloS:- bt Fn Kno 2240SN0 ia 85 Yor on diration and (6) From Knol 224 DS down SpUF gull turning 55y W. when the advance has been completed, it is intended that the left of the Fourth Bde will rest on the E Hopes of Knol 224 D5, being in toock with Hhe N.L. Int. B.E; while the right Will rest on the left of the 3rd int. De along the line 224.O.S.W at a paint DueE. of the present right l flank of the Fourth Be 2 13 Dospeition All troops of the Fourth Bds of present on the E slopes of the main valley and comprising, 14th Bz, 1607 Of 15th (Capt. Qvinn) and details of the 13th Br (under Capt Forsythe. These latter if not preriously releived will be all under the command of Liest-Col. R.E. Courtney ond will be designated the 14h Br Hrough -out this operation) COs of 13t and 15th BrS. will absort within their Brs. o men from other pottations still remaining within the Fronts which they now hold. The 16th Br will be the reserve pattation. The 14th Br. Will odvance (4) Lines of] Advance doe E,its movement conforming to the movement of the left of the 3rd Inf. BPe. The ground this gained is to be held by thes Br Asfarin 9 N.E. disection towards 224 DS as the strength of the Br will permit The 15th and 13th Brs. with the 15th Br leading will advonce aong the spir at present held generally in the direction of Knol 224D.S. adv- ancing at the outset along the spit on a norrOW f ASRe Ploteavata
point about 224 D. 7. 1s reached, the 13th Br Will prosong to the right and 24 pce in pri Eastelly direction, endeavovr ing to get touch with the teft of the 14th The role of the 16th, or 30 moch of itas has not been employed to reinforce the general advance, will be to Fill or to cover any gap which mo7 exist between the right of the 13th and the lett of the 14th when the advance has been completed. Machine guns Will remain at the disposal of Br. Commanders. 5. Time: The adrance will commence along the whole line at 5 p.M. All troops to be in position ready for the advance by 4 p.m. At that havr the reserve BB. will be mored bp to the foot of the spit now held 67 13r and 15th but cear of the trock. 1001 Br. tool Feserves will be carried Reserve forward by each vnit under BE arrange- ments. The position gained will be at once entrenched. There 1s only qverx Smoll BdE. to0l reserve. J. Ammonition):- That for the 14th Will Reserve be at the present position of reserves; on advanced reserve will be pished forward for the 8. Reperts 15th and 13th Brs as so0Nas practicable B0S H.G. willemain in the present position until the ground in front of the 15th and 13th Brs has been mode good. IF will then be pished forward to the position now held by these pattations Shnd W N. Col. losved at Brigade Major 2noOn Copy No 1 Fle 2 C.O.C.N.E & A. Dix-6yorderly 133 Br Dictated to " 4 14B Adjstan13 67 "5 15t 4 J. y Lockefient 16 16th
14 No. For Dovicete Army Form C. 2123. MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No. of Message. CAIRESWOESS OMCESAN. Aw 1-5-15 Senite Mintons Handed in at Office m Received 12- 19 from L H.C Bd and In TENWR AAA NEG 76 May Extract corps orders of froma St date berin " army be lerps commander wishes orders of inud ad men who are unimploed EMangemen should be used under rgial so prefare shilter for personnel and aninele wherever necessary Al FrON Siv H0 1 a PLACE & TMS ARLAC COVE 12-12Fm
-5-14 Saturday 1 May 19 mnemy advarlny in large number (eknche about 700) in our left plank - seem to he making toward declivity between ref on echren r flan Toot Pope tward i lorze - send amounct also ave, me Padramen reserve +themwsh
C. FONN (Giginal) Recd. Pretir from Service instrut Handed in at 4 ER 1A TIME T MSS. Means Listance Co0C MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. T0 of Wa Office Stamp. Gent, or sent out Vord conlected he Paid out Returned Received here a fice at AAA s attixed to aces headeoy 2 1 1 18
44 15/ 12:4 t r 50 tt pey bt Ou Itore tuat consencd Tors thave my ridge horth on trench the of to treas Extreme ant Left 200 are advancing treck about the Srench The enclosed occup confirned message and been o pus Party We hoe sarrsed reft man 5
Ho. A MA MESSACES AND SIGNALS. SCom rn Office Stamp. Sent, or sent out Recd. Pretir from A CllentS Mean lef May P2d OM 10 D Distance Returned Service instructions Received OMER Handed in at the DE OUR1 70 N5t Cot 224 DAyD10 Senteto Minber er Pun advancine sm range cont 19 FROM PLACE TIME Mrd OAAA M CM All Porterage, Redirection, orm, and the particulars of such charges and of amounts paid out are to be set forth in Cherees Mor Octrery This Ane should be crased i not required
C. Form. (Original). Reed. JoM from Sennce Mitr Mialed MAIS 70 Sealers Disber FROM PLAC) TIME All Perterage, Redirectl ad the particulars o Civen w De Means Distance Coll MESSHHS RWD SEHRS No. a meae TKe SANS Sent, or sent out Nord Collected Paid out Returned Received here AAA AANONK the Stamps aftixed to the face AACAND 2n8
Serice the Handed in a ender’s Nur Brenny to our 1 PLACE & THE) om For Cupcat Army Form C. 2123. MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No. of CAISESWOPS. MMCESIANS 80 113. D. Recares T.2P COURTWES 6O1 AAA moriing to be apear from our right poscho 43 A H Steele 15-14 C B The enemy nave 4 Mae sume at 400 p as from our trucs not a man can tl his head over t paspt do not alpear to be bressing hir ack on mrsfont at present, has Pserating mne on our right. 1.5.10 S me 2


"A" Form.   Army Form C. 2121
Prefix Code m. Words Charge This message is on a/c of: Recd. at m. 
Office of origin & Service Instructions. 
Sent.  Service. Date 1/5 
At m. 
To  From 
By (Signature of "Frankin Officer") By *23 
To } OC 13th, and 14th BNs. 
Sender's Number Day of Month In reply to Number AAA 
BM 89                               First 

Brigadier  temporarily called away AAA 
Please be in readiness at your HQ 
at one PM to attend conference BDE 
HQ when sent for
Time 11.40 A.M. 
The above may be forwarded as now corrected. (Z) 
Censor Signature of Addressor or person authorized to telegraph in his name. 
 * This fine print should be erased if not required.

"A" Form. Army Form C. 2121
Prefix Code m. Words Charge This message is on a/c of: Recd. at m. 
Office of origin & Service Instructions. 
Sent.  Service. Date 1/5 
At m. 
To  From 
By (Signature of "Frankin Officer") By *24 
To } OC 16th BN. 
Sender's Number        Day of Month      In reply to Number AAA 
BM 90                                  First 

Brigadier  temporarily called away AAA 
Please be in readiness at your HQ 
at one PM to attend conference BDE 
H.Q. when sent for
Time 11.40 A.M. 
The above may be forwarded as now corrected.  (Z) 
Censor Signature of Addressor or person authorized to telegraph in his name. 
 * This fine print should be erased if not required.


Operation Order No 3. Copy No1  1 
Col. Monash 
Commanding Fourth Inf. Bde       *28 
Ref. Map of Gallipoli 1-V-15 
Sheet 7 Bde H.Q. 224.1.5. 
                  —— " —— 
(1) Information :-  The 3rd Inf. Bde. will during this day 
take up the line at present being occupied 
by the Marine Bde. and will operate on  
our right. 
The N.Z. Inf. Bde. to which 
has been added one battalion of the  
Naval Bde. will operate on our left. 
2. Intention :- To conform to a general advance 
of the whole Army Corps for the purpose 
of occupying an advanced line as 
follows :- 
[*For Knoll 
224O,S,W in a SW 
D5 in a S W 
Dir Down 
Gully 224 O.S.W.*] 
                               G5 [[?]] [[?]] Down the Gully                      
(a) From Knoll 224 O,S,W 177  a S.W 
direction and, 
(b) From Knoll 224 D 5 down spur 
running S by W. 
When the advance has been 
completed, it is intended that the left of 
the Fourth Bde. will rest on the E slopes 
of Knoll 224 D 5, being in touch with 
the N.Z. Inf. Bde.; while the right 
will rest on the left of the 3rd Inf. 
Bde. along the line 224 O.S.W at 
a point Due E of the present right  

flank of the Fourth Bde.      *27 
(3) Distribution :- All troops of the Fourth Bde at 
present on the E slopes of the main valley 
and comprising, 14th Bn. 1 coy. of 15th 
Bn (Capt. Quinn) and details of the 
13th Bn (under Capt. Forsythe. These latter 
if not previously releived will be all under 
the command of Lieut-Col. R.E. Courtney 
and will be designated the 14th Bn through 
-out this operation). 
C.O's of 13th and 15th Bns
will absorb within their Bns. all men from 
other battalions still remaining within the 
fronts which they now hold. The 16th Bn
 will be the reserve battalion. 
(4) Lines of } :- The 14th Bn. will advance 
Advance     } due E, its movement conforming to 
the movement of the left of the 3rd Inf. 
Bde. The ground thus gained is to be 
held by this Bn. as far in a N.E. direction 
towards 224 D 5. as the strength of the 
 Bn will permit. 
The 15th and 13th Bns. with 
the 15th Bn leading will advance along 
the spur at present held generally in 
the direction of Knoll 224 D.5. advancing 
at the outset along the spur on 
a narrow front. As the plateau at a 


point about 224 D.7. is reached, the      
13th Bn. will prolong to the right and      *26 
face in an Easterly direction, endeavour- 
ing to get touch with lhe left of the 14th
The role of the 16th, or so 
much of it as has not been employed to 
reinforce the general advance, will be 
to fill or to cover any gap which may 
exist between the right of the 13th and  
the left of the 14th when the advance 
has been completed. 
Machine guns will remain 
at the disposal of Bn. Commanders. 
5. Time :- The advance will commence 
along the whole line at 5p.m. 
All troops to be in position 
ready for the advance by 4p.m. At 
that hour the reserve Bn will be moved 
up to the foot of the spur now held by 
 13th and 15th but clear of the track. 
6. Tool    } :- Bn. tool reserves will be carried 
Reserve } forward by each unit under Bn. arrange- 
ments. The position gained will be at 
once entrenched. There is only a very 
small Bde. tool reserve. 
7. Ammunition } :- That for the 14th will 
    Reserve           } be at the present position of 
reserves; an advanced reserve 
will be pushed forward for the  

15th and 13th Bns. as soon as practicable 
8. Reports :- Bde. H.Q. will remain in the 
present position until the ground 
in front of the 15th and 13th Bns
has been made good. It will then 
be pushed forward to the position 
now held by these battalions. 
Brigade Major 
Issued at 
12 noon 
Copy No 1 File 
 " " 2 G.O.C. N.Z & A. Div - by orderly 
 " " 3 13th Bn } 
 " " 4 14th " } Dictated to 
 " " 5 15th " } Adjutants by. 
 " " 6 16th " } W.J.M.Locke Lieut 



"C" Form (Duplicate) Army Form C. 2123
charges to Pay. Office Stamp. 
QW £ s. d. 1-5-15 
Service Instructions. 
Handed in at  Office  m. Received 12-19 pm. 
To H.Q. 4th Aust Inf Bde 
Sender's Number. Day of Month. In reply to Number. AAA 
     N Z G 74                  1 May                 — 
Extract from a corps orders of 
this date begins. The army 
Corps commander wishes orders to be 
issued that men who are unemployed 
should be used under Brigade arrangements 
to prepare shelters for personnel and 
animals wherever necessary — 
Attended to
From          HQ NZ & A Div 


Capt Quinn 
1 May 1915 
Enemy advancing in 
large numbers (estimation 
about 200) on our 
left flank - seem to 
be making towards 
declivity between 
our extreme left right flank 
& Col Pope toward the 
[[donga]] - send ammunition 
also give me 8 extra men 
reserve Lt signature 


C. Form (Original) MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No. of Message 
Recd.  Prefix Code Words 1-5-14 Sent, or sent out Office Stamp 
from 15th Btn At M. 
[*Charges for 
12.37 midday Means Telephone Collected 
By  1/5/15 
By MJ Distance Paid out Returned 
Service Instructions.  
at .M. 31 
Handed in at the  Office at M. Received here at M. 
TO Fourth Bde 
 * Sender's Number. Day of Month. In reply to Number. AAA 
Will you send up more 
sand bags urgent 
FROM 15th Btn 
PLACE 12.37 
All Porterage, Redirection, or other charges collected on delivery are to be bought to accouat by me ans of Stamps affixed to the face of the 
form, and the particulars of such charges and of amounts paid out are to be set forth in writing above, in the spaces headed "Delivery" and 
"Charges for Delivery". 
 * This line should be erased if not required. 


To 4 Brig HQrs 
From Capt Quinn 
TURKS have just commenced 
a trench on ridge north of my 
extreme Left and in rear of this 
trench about 200 are ∧now advancing to 
occupy this trench. The enclosed 
message has been confirmed 
We have advised party on our 
H Quinn 


1-5 14 
C. Form (Original) MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No. of Message 
Recd.  Prefix Code Words Sent, or sent out Office Stamp 
from  M. 
Delivery Means Telep Charges for Delivery Collected 
By  May 1/15 
By initial  Distance Paid out Returned 
Service Instructions.  
at .M. 34 
Handed in at the  Office at  M. Received here at [[p]]m. 
 * Sender's Number. Day of Month. In reply to Number. AAA 
Enemy seen advancing over crest 
on our left front range 
400 yards 
Transmitted to Major Steel 
through Col Courtney 
at 12.20 midday 
FROM Marine H Qrs 
All Porterage, Redirection, or other charges collected on delivery are to be bought to accouat by me ans of Stamps affixed to the face of the 
form, and the particulars of such charges and of amounts paid out are to be set forth in writing above, in the spaces headed "Delivery" and 
"Charges for Delivery". 
 * This line should be erased if not required. 


C. Form (Original) MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No. of  Message 
from Mar HQrs  
By [[MJ]] 
Prefix Code Words 
Delivery Means 1-5-14 
Charges for Delivery Collected  
Paid out 
Service Instructions 
Sent, or sent out  
At M 
at M  
Office Stamp 
Handed in at the  Office at  M. Received here at 1.4pm. 
Fourth Bde    [[initial?]] 
 * Sender's Number. Day of Month. In reply to Number. AAA 
Turks advancing from trendt trench 
to gully on our left 
FROM Marine H.Qrs 
PLACE 1.4 
All Porterage, Redirection, or other charges collected on delivery are to be bought to accouat by me ans of Stamps affixed to the face of the 
form, and the particulars of such charges and of amounts paid out are to be set forth in writing above, in the spaces headed "Delivery" and 
"Charges for Delivery". 
 * This line should be erased if not required.


"C" Form (Duplicate)                Army Form C. 2123
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.   No. of Message...... 
Service instructions 
Charges to Pay.  
    £ s. d.  
Office Stamp 
Handed in at              Office               m. Received 1-28 pm. 
To             COL. COURTNEY 
Sender's Number.     Day of Month.     In reply to Number.          AAA 
Enemy appear to be moving 
to our right front from 
our position 
1.30 PM 
PLACE & TIME    MAJ. Steele.


C.O.   1- 5- 14 
14th Battn       37 
The enemy have 4 machine 
guns at 400 yds from our 
trenches not a man can put 
his head over the parapet. They 
do not appear to be pressing 
their attack on our front at 
present, but [[?operating]] more 
on our right. 
1.5.15         [[?]] 
2.40am     Major 

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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