Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 4, 1 May - 3 May 1915, Part 3

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
Accession number:

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AFRom Aran A MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. Ar of MCCOATE More CR POLE a Reed. at This message is on ac of: SACEAOYNENSENEN MSSSANE Se0I Date service From SIMATMI. FIMLINE OMOT 2 Merce I Brig Yen 70 R Naval Brigate lod Platean Fese MINN. toreny to Homter SATOMNONN aAa 42. 6 68 May 8t Brigadic D. Merer General Condg P.N.DW with haval Buaie Ringl ane cnyand of following troops plareau in squarls 224 D. o Battery teld Battalion one Nelcon one Secuon Monarai artillery Artiller frm re aad Haff the pelson Battalion remporancy detached to report and the E.A. Aust will report to as a Reserve Infantry Brigade to ac for the adrance ordered in Du operation order No 4 of yesterday, and wisl remain at his disposal till further orders and Colonel Monam has been informed. aad abovendy Brg yn mercen reperte colone monar Mor Johnn, acknowlede receipt From Dw H.D. Pace RNLACCove Tme 10.15 am The above may be forwarded a on corrected We Sraitewente Itol Com. eotheun or pron o pones to Jegoy t N. N.NCC This line should be crased if not required t OOR M. A Co. LEd. WI. WODISI-IOMO BIL. Forms CO
up P0t A AASII MESSAGES AND /SIGNALS MONISPRE AnSerEN Reed. at This message is on ale of service oroeI SONLIFTNI.FIMHIE OMEO.YIB. Colnel /T. Monaon Condg 4. Aust) nt Ode SAAINoN SendetGEINSE MCCNGWMN aAA NY.O69 May the attacked copiesd of orders to o gen mercer is forwarded for your informanion and The vertion of 18 prs and the 2 mountau Guus now on top of the central (plygges pletean, (nin occupied in the helson Battatisn) and arsy the 2 Howitzers in Gulle 224 65 are also placed under your orders for this afternoons, operation saa (Telephoni Communication between you and them is being arranged ada, The force under your comndied will therefore be aas gon own Brieade and one fection 18 prs aaa. one sectifor Hourkes aad one eetion Mountain ms aba Half Cimpeny Pera Iginless pas Hay hesson Battation P.Nom (ase Pinwilt 1from ofpich Major From TMe The Abbie May be Jorwarded as Now Criecled 2 con./ <mared an a o w . . This line should be crased if not required. O M. A Co. LA WE WOBISI-IOMO O/1L Forms CII A C BAMCCNNE MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. Reed. at ThE Mesage is O acc of CAceAONNMNSNNNSTSSN 1810 Senia 1n (16 O PESSENANE RealerGTI SMAiMon aAa wnty he sayt tto assist Dri HS. ackunoled please 4t a receipt. of enctorn M DS C aa D Braithwentet The above m truteat tincan or nrm on tored wo icon 6 c - This line shon erased if not required. OR M. A Co. LAd WE. WIIDISI-IO,O AlL. Forms CNO.
3Fom LAy CowC.N No. of Message MESSAGES AND SIGNALS Wontof Chare Reed. at This message is on alc of: SAA OMNSEEA HC Sent Brorne 8 FiOM SIMATOF- FMNAHOF MA.YIPP L T0. Dir Reatt IHinthe STANEN LleGtM AAA of ofr w teo Marty Surpees sen Shit De you I Dest F.H.OS From F4 224 5 Place to 50. am Time The above may be forwarded as now corrected. 107 Co. Ctre o rea a roe n oned to wont to o This line should be crased if not required. 8000 S. B. 1td. WI. WisI—50,000. 2/1l. Forms CLIMLIO.
WALML t n 12 0 Army Farm O. 212 MESSAGES AND SICRLS. N0. of Mecage Wad Cawr This message is on a/e of Reod atM. Office of Origis and Service Instructions Date Dervice 19 P O B t beatt pud Dat Aananco Hostender SutKen Dur a Moath Lurt to thes ana NEGT 18t the followinge are the arrangements for Artillery pport for the oppation of 2 and A BIX May 13t 1915 paa under Col &C1. Johnstone ammand three 18 prs on Beath 237 WA Your poustain ques or wower top 4 ridge 2241 224 B7 two 18 prs hay way up cennal Plugges Statiannow taken out by Naval battalion in relief of Auckland battanigr a 9 a Mnde Pol MoNacSHS commanf wo Howitzers in gully deayby Marat boalion Two 18/Prs and 2 Mauntain guns on (top op central platian now occupied by Naval bastalion 4ad Telephone commiocation bewen Head Quartere of Bregades and there gun will be arranged (by the CRpf in cooppation with OCDix signal Coy From DWHA Place Time Th Ar ay to Mnnes AM Actoringlam lapt tod Naleun a rme ntend to rurnod to his ae hs t sould be ras a r 1 P6 My J CNR MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. BALICNNT Charge OENANdSEM Roed at 2i meceae t on ate of. poas. Servic SIAIMTMI-FITHIME OMOTY/B. Brig en merter SAANON RENGGEN WE B 721 May 1st AAA In cntinuation of my N2668 please nore that in addition to the one feea 18 prs gun and onl Section monntai guus detailed to be under Counel Monashs Command for todays operation, the other Penior of your 10fr Baltery which is /2 way up the will is pleced at the disposal of Clorel &e Tohnsop Codl the EH+ attack plane acknowlite tleapt On HD Anzai Cob. Toe 11. ai The above may be forwarded as now corrected. Wls Sathwents CouaomedAaO M A WC This line should be crased if not required. SM.A Co. LEd WE WOIDS-IOMO WiL Forms CMO.
2 Magnetic eace 4
amnn a manana gar 1 Ar Form. Kiny For C. N.I. MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No. of Message. Mone Charge Ste cae Reed. at This message is on a/c of: ORee NCENSSINIESMME Sen Date- Service From Sittttnd Finstins OReer 70 BIE Chastan MLI WINtN AAA 15 MH Ery posible 4.1 Your with repetitin actor to present b taken 4 that tae Place Ad Suarkes Time 20 The above may be forwarded as now corrected. DS Staf Captan Signature of Adlressor of Peron Muiharned W IePPSPN P MIS NAME. ConE This line should be crased if not required.
Ary Forn C. 213. No. of Message. MESSACES AND SICNALS. 3r Office Stamp. Sent, or sent out Cove 2 Conected tf 15 3Paid out Distance Returned Service instructions. here at7 Handed in at the 00 Monesh Col 70 225 AMont Sealeto the an successful 20 want you d cat FROM PLACE TIME All Porterage, Redirection, or other charges collecied on delivery are to be bought to a a, and the particulars of such charges and of amounts paid out are to be set forth ir ages for Delivery This line should be crased i not required oS4 c. in ihe
1 1 M No. of Message MESSAGES AND SIGNAL CANRE This Message is on ac of Reed at oae 1/3 Service. (Signature of Frankin Officer) COL ALLIOTT. NEA. AIV. reeggers Wi in reply to Number 224 first Dnly bonds throwt tast three night understand not succesful but no detailed report received a44 Further boards not required for tonigh FomFOURTH. INE BDE Place ghelot Time The above may be torwarded as 20. SSnAtT EAIASASSE MSE SSAAT MCTIESIWSIEFIASKIMHiSMME. te tne trond so cesd Fe C
t 1913 tng t Head tol Monash tate fut ten the paetne t Sith 4 to tatnebe Bearing u 1 frope my Exten ight advanced and ather TURXS refered my night infleaded ken oxdlept take casashies and are on the look oas foy pan Howered we now controle p fa field of fere at this point only apleding them partion tid ppning My Centre was trushed lsily Crongo thet were beakeno ings fairly quiet M Henphing in An [Eatinated 30 front nather kent m sfficull last them an 64 Camttee nil the nc te Reage 850 fo my nght sant te their Macrines Cun TURIC entenghing at thes pont 7.O
Belont Crs Kunn Cnteg nrthe Ta pont of this position about 300 25265 have and the snalle trench porallel rusinng Etmar 7.O.

                           "A" Form                                                                                                       Army Form C. 2121 
                                                     MESSAGES  AND  SIGNALS     No. of Message ____ 
Prefix_____________ Code_______________m.    Words     Charge   
Office of Origin and Service Instructions.                                  
This message is on a/c of:           
....... Service 
(Signature of "Franking Officer.") 
Recd. at        m. 
From        15 
TO   Brigadier Gen D. Mercer 
        Comdg 1st R Naval Brigade 
Sender's Number   Day of Month 
N.Z.G. 68                      May 1                      AAA 
Brigadier  General  D  Mercer  Comdg  1st 
Brigade  Naval  Brigade  R.N.  Div  will 
take  command  of  following  troops 
on  plateau  in  square  224 B. 
Nelson  Battalion  one  Battery  Field 
Artillery  one  Section  Mountain  Artillery 
aaa.  Half  the  Nelson  Battalion  will  be 
temporarily  detached to report  and  the 
OC  will  report  to  H.Q.  4th Aust 
Infantry  Brigade  to  act  as  a  Reserve 
for  the  Advance  ordered  in  Div  operation 
order  No 4  of  yesterday,  and  will 
remain  at  his  disposal  till  further 
orders. aaa.  Colonel  Monash  has 
been  informed. aaa  addressed 
Brig Gen  Mercer  repeated  Colonel  Monash 
LtCol  Johnson,  acknowledge  receipt 
From   Div H.Q. 
Place  ANZAC Cove 
Time   10.15am 
The above may be forwarded as now corrected. 
W G Braithwaite Lt Col 
Signature of Addressor or person authorised to telegraph in his name 
*This line should be erased if not required. 
3662 M. & Co. Ltd. Wt. W979/549-100,000 6/14. Forms C2121/10


                            "A"  Form                                                                                                  Army Form C. 2121. 
MESSAGES  AND  SIGNALS                                         No. of Message 
Prefix ____________ Code__________ m.  Words     Charge   
Office of Origin and Service Instructions.                             
This message is on a/c of: 
 ___________  Service   
(Signature of "Franking Officer")   
Recd. at _______m 
From     17 
At ____________ m       
To ______________                                                                                                                                                             By________________                                                                                                               
 TO      Colonel J. Monash. 
             Comdg 4th Aust. Inf Bde 
Sender's Number        Day of Month                        
N Z. G 69                                May 1                       AAA 
The  attached  copies  of  orders  to Bd Gen Mercer 
is  forwarded  for  your  information. aaa. 
The  Section  of  18 prs  and  the  2 Mountain 
Guns  now  on  top  of  the  central  (Plugge's) 
plateau,  (now  occupied  by  the  Nelson Battalion) 
and  also  the  2 Howitzers  in  Gully 224 
G5  are also  placed under  your  orders 
for  this  afternoons  operation aaa.  Telephonic 
communication  between  you  and  them 
is  being  arranged. aaa.  The force under 
your  command  will  therefore  be aaa 
your  own  Brigade aaa  one section 
18 prs aaa  one  section  Howitzers aaa 
one section  Mountain  Guns aaa. 
Half  Company  Field  Engineers aaa 
Half  Nelson  Battalion  (R.N Div) aaa 
A  Staff  Officer  (Major Pinwill)  from 
The above may be forwarded as now corrected.  (Z)   
                                                             Censor.  Signature of Addressor or person authorised to telegraph in his name 
*This line should be erased if not required 
3662 M. & Co. Ltd. Wt. W979/549-100,000 6/14. Forms C2121/10 
       "A" Form                                                                                                   Army Form C. 2121 
MESSAGES  AND  SIGNALS      No. Of message 
Prefix _______ Code ________ m.  Words     Charge   
Office of Origin and Service Instructions.                           
This message is on a/c of:                 
 (Signature of "Franking Officer.")   
Recd. at _______m 
Date _____________                                                                                                                                                       From_____________ 16 
At ____________m.                                  
TO  {                                           2                                                                             
Sender's Number              Day of Month       In reply to Number    
Div HQ  will  be  sent  to  assist  
you aaa  please  acknowledge 
(*2 enclosures*) 
From      Div HQ 
Place      Anzac Cove 
Time       10.30am 
The above may be forwarded as now corrected.  (Z)   
 W G Braithwaite Lt Col                                                                                   
 Signature of Addressor or person authorised to telegraph in his name 
*This line should be erased if not required.  CS 
3662 M. & Co. Ltd. Wt. W979/549-100,000 6/14. Forms C2121/10.


"A" Form                      Army Form C. 2121 
 MESSAGES  AND  SIGNALS    No. of Message  
Prefix __ Code __ m. Words Charge   
Office of Origin and Service Instructions.               
This message is on a/c of:   
1-5-14 Service. 
(Signature of "Franking Officer.")  
Recd. at __m 
From__ 13 
As __ m              
To __                                                                
 By__  (      
To G.O.C. 
4th Div 
Sender's Number  Day of Month    In reply to Number 
41                                 1.5.15                                                         AAA 
Many  of  our  men  have  
been  sniped  by  snipers 
to  the  N west  of  your 
From     O.C. Ch Bn. H.Q. 224. i . 5 
Time      10.50 am 
The above may be forwarded as now corrected.  (Z)   
Signature of Addressor or person authorised to telegraph in his name 
*This line should be erased if not required.   
3662 M. & Co. Ltd. Wt. W979/549-100,000 6/14. Forms C2121/10. 
*This line should be erased if not required. 
8350 S.B. Ltd. Wt. W4843/541-50,000 9/14. Forms C2121/10.


                                 "A" Form                                                 Army Form C. 2121 
  MESSAGES  AND  SIGNALS.                                                     No. of Message  
Prefix __ Code __ m. Words Charge   
Office of Origin and Service Instructions.               
This message is on a/c of:   
(Signature of "Franking Officer.")  
Recd. at __m. 
From__   19 
At __ m.             
To __                                                                    
TO     4th Aust. Inf. Bde 
Routine order 
Dated 26 4 15 
Sender's Number    Day of Month     Reply to Number 
*NZ G71                         1st                             ——                                 AAA                  - 
The  following  are  the  arrangements  for 
Artillery  support  for  the  operation  of  NZ 
and A Div  May 1st 1915 aaa  Under 
Col FGI. Johnston's  command  three  18 prs 
on  Beach 237 W 4  Four  Mountain  Guns  on 
top  of  ridge 224  C 2  Two  Howitzers  on  Beach 
224 B 7  Two  18 prs  half way  up  central 
(Plugge's) Plateau  now  taken  over  by Naval 
battalion  in  relief  of  Auckland  battalion aaa 
Under  Col Monashs  command  two Howitzers in 
gully 224 G 5 on top of central plateau was 
occupied by Naval battalion Two 18 Prs  and 
2 Mountain guns  on  top  of  central  plateau now  occupied 
by  Naval  battalion aaa  Telephone communication 
between Head Quarters  of Brigades  and  these guns  
will  be  arranged  by  the CRA  in  cooperation 
with  OC Div Signal Coy 
From      DIV H Q 
The above may be forwarded as now corrected.  (Z)   
R E Coningham Capt 
Signature of Addressor or person authorised to telegraph in his name 
*This line should be erased if not required.   
"A" Form Army Form C. 2121 
Prefix __ Code __ m. Words Charge   
Office of Origin and Service Instructions.               
This message is on a/c of:   
(Signature of "Franking Officer.")  
Recd. at __m. 
From__   14      
At __ m        
To __                                                                
TO     Brig Gen Mercer 
Sender's Number  Day of Month  In reply to Number 
*NZ G 72                      May 1st                                               AAA 
In continuation of my NZG68 please 
note that in addition to  to the Section 
18 prs guns and one Section 
mountain guns detailed to be under 
Colonel Monash's command for todays 
operations, the  other  section  of  your 
18 pr Battery which is 1/2 way up 
the hill is placed at the disposal 
of  Colonel  FG  Johnson  comder  the 
LEFT attack please  =acknowledge 
From    DIV H Q 
Place    Anzac Cove 
The above may be forwarded as now corrected.  (Z)   
W G Braithwaite Lt Col 
Signature of Addressor or person authorised to telegraph in his name 
*This line should be erased if not required. 
3682 M. & Co. Ltd. Wt. W979/549-100,000 6/14. Forms C2121/10


[[*Hand drawn  diagram showing terrain with Mansbridges Lookout on a hill in the background on the left ,  then a  hill in the foreground labelled 'scrub' on the left side and on the right side of the hill. On the upper slope towards the summit of this hill, it is labelled 'Rope' and 'Col Pope'. On the right of this hill in the background is another hill labelled Bald face.  In the valley between the scrub on the slope of the hill in the foreground and Bald face hill is labelled 'snipers'.  In the front of drawing of the terrain is an arrow pointing diagonally left labelled 'magnetic' ]] signed ??  2/5/15  *(18)*


                                     "A" Form 
                                                  Army Form C. 2121 
                                                  No. of Message  
                  MESSAGES  AND  SIGNALS. 
Prefix __ Code __ m. Words Charge   
Office of Origin and Service Instructions.              This message is on a/c of:  Recd. at __m 
Sent                                                                    Date__  
At __ m     __Service          
To __                                                                From__  *(20)*    
 By__  (Signature of "Franking Officer.")      By__ 
TO [[Chatham?]] Bltn 
Sender's Number.   Day of Month  
SC                                   1/5                        AAA 
Your  4.1.  AAA  Every  possible 
action  to  prevent  repetition  will 
be  taken. 
From     4th Aust Inf Bde 
Place     Hd Quarters 
Time       11.20 
Signature of Addressor or person authorized to telegraph in his name. 
 C H Jess  Staff Captain 


1-5-14                          Army Form C. 2123 
C. Form (Original)    MESSAGES  AND  SIGNALS.  No. of Messaage 
By DMP  
Prefix    Code   Words   
Means Telephone  
Charges for Delivery 
Paid Out  
Sent, or sent out   
At      M 
at       M. 
Office Stamp 
Service Instructions.  
Handed in at the                     Office at         M    Received here at 11.35 AM 
TO     Col Monash   FOURTH BDE 
Sender's Number          Day of Month    In reply to Number  
                                             May first                                                     AAA 
Were successful last  last  night  
if so  do you  want  
FROM      Col Elliott 
PLACE      11.32AM 
All Porterage, Redirections, or other charges collected on delivery are to be brought to account by means of Stamps affixed to the face of the 
form and the particulars of such charges and of amounts paid out are to be set forth in writing above, in the spaces headed "Delivery" and 
"Charges for Delivery" 
*This line should be erased if not required


"A" Form Army Form C. 2121 
Prefix __ Code __ m. Words Charge   
Office of Origin and Service Instructions.               
At    m. 
This message is on a/c of:   
______ Service     
(Signature of "Franking Officer.")    
Recd. at __m. 
Date__ 1/5 
By   33 
*Sender's Number    Day of Month   In reply to Number.   
BM88                            first                                                               AAA 
Only three bombs thrown last  
night understand not successful but 
no detailed report received AAA 
Further bombs not required for tonight 
Time 1250p 
J [[McGhelol??]] 
The above may be forwarded as now corrected (Z
Signature of Addressor or person authorized to telegraph in his name. 
*This line should be erased if not required.


1 May 1915  22 
Bg Head Qrs  Time 11.40/1230p 
Col Monash/   
I have just seen the machine Gun Turks It 
is magnetic Bearing Fwd 186 from my extreme  
right. They advanced this morning and  
when TURKS retired my right Enfiladed 
them. and TURKS left many casualties 
and are on the look out for my R flank 
However we now controle a fair field of fire 
at this point only. Enfilading their position 
my centre was rushed this morning 
but were beaten off easily enough 
Things fairly quiet now. 
Enemy estimated 30 Entrenching on 
my left front flank It is rather 
difficult to get at them 
Can I get another periscope 
Casualties nil this morning 
We Range 850x from my right flank to their 
machine Guns TURKS entrenching at this point   16 


continuing along crest running 
In front of this position about 300x 
TURKS have another smaller trench 
running parallel. X. 

Last edited by:
Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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Last updated: