Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 4, 1 May - 3 May 1915, Part 2

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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14 AMy Forn ChL P M A S No. of Message. ES & SIGNALS. MESSA rm. (Ore Office Stamp. Sent, or sent out Prefix Codo Re ton Means Collected. Paid out./ Distance. 1 Returned Service Instructions. Received here at Office at Handed in at the TO 10 - A.A.A. FROM PLACE TIME All Porterage, Redirection, or other oh the arttenlan of such charges and of a TIS SNRS
De Any 1/5/15 From Sagor Stal 63 & Iup. Boll 257 Bugadher About 4 Oc. thi morning the eney numbering your or five hundred made an attaco on an right sictin and advanced up to about 20039ds when our rifle fire and machine Iun prayed havee with them and they intriated demorabzed HAA During the retreat their casnaltie were also exceptionale heavy HHH. They were unable to return the fire and our casnalties were slight- only three woundes RAA The enemy later appeares to ralh and moved t our right, but themovements are now very half hearted. the empers now are more on ang not causing s mearly so much trouble We used a fair qurantily of camation at a good targ and with good effect 141 Se San rad 62
Ar Form. Army Form O. 2121. MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. Co. AMaare 1 Charge Office of Origin and Service Instructions This message is an a/e of: Rood at ten Date M Corvia f immuin From T0 immu By CEenature M Franking OMoer cm D D 05 T0 HE A DIV. LonorMt totton MTTGt AAA oor round 200 of ball amoun wit are required by the 4th te 12E b 1P.M tolday (Satyrday 1/5/15) This an required an enth in we as pol sible mrie by the 134 ged Johntonact 1th Sh Commantion - From NdC. H. G. Place TIme30a2 te on an te oeate a e 12 mn anen tin Ard Aun or renos on pered to carat 6. 160. ne This line should be crased if not required stas sat mppled by Oat 6. B l, AAnt, to Prteol A. A. in thart, to t to. ets bll a
Douih state of tren HBytat reporting mg May 70p ap o 1914 eft 41 13th. Batt other e other papts 64 147 Ve Total 4 oficn 250 en Wesoine et Holeten to W0.C. lept Leced 14 15
man 5-14 Mo Form Orgina Army Form C. 2123. MESSAGES AND SIGNALS No. of Message Recered Sent, OSEMION Mce SIAMS. s ta Rood Chaiges to coled SeMIICEMNMIN Handad Pat S M. Received 0 a No5 808 puerteng AAA 1114 of 7 May on teten 0 has Reaton number men that So in prgader puting yeur that settios and ending hi tie futher Sery ingth on reach HH The me pracks which refrects little edid on indinduals Cease At concerned must oprotce caset have come 1 0 which it is the lieves at yen have drin veral individuals rayon. and hav them uks FrON RACE & TME ARatPeAE Wiote Army Form No. of Messag ocO MCESIAN Prefr Code Charges to collect Sewice Hstciion RAN t anet tone Let to Ttie OAAN AAA Themdefves fature rapons Your issur rall hes cept under in Grcumspare cepnonal or drawn in I cares is r at they are drawn natly pr men A sund se individuals three or no days ame ron sronity to Repl p 12 FRON ANTA WH PLACE & TIE
Service in. Handed in at Cale No. Of Me SSACES AND SIGNALS. Cnce SAM Sent, or sent out Mected 1 Returned 29 301n ved pe Office at DI AAA Number. en be to liming em ef Eoemy Cas tou crinch FR TIME Stamps af int by me and age, Redirection, or other charges collecied on delivery are to be bon 1o the spaces headed Delivery and alars of such charges and of amounts paid out are to be set forth in wrning abo An Por Che lne should be crased I not required
mor Or Form (Duplicate) Army Form C. 2122. MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No. of Message. Charkes to Pay. OMCeSIANS. 4 Sewice Maero Handed in at aSa Office ot NONASH 70 A05& INE Box tocest tot AAA 17 May Ser 4 Halter recomnatyon blank A wday fie ridds neet Walker AAA Please Kep right Your sland lot M Taurins ormer Ad. Grs. noon today at FRON H8 A24 01 PLACE & THR IDam
C.M. Form A 88 C. 1 Army Form O2123. No. of Message MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. C Form. (Duplicate.) OtStaN Inquiries respecting this Message, or application for repetition of the same, may be made at the Delivering Office; but any complaint as to its delay, &c., should be made in writing and addressed to the officer in charge. In either case this form must accompany such inquiries or complaint. 9 £0d. Charges to pay Received here at Office at Handed in at the T0 Bol 46 L t A Dendero Humber Dy of Mont AAA know waw t pant ny M MR Te rgt in wit resenve present at Regal Manin he m 9 FROM M PLACE TIME Deser.L.—CrRO.
14 Mane AppoNmon (Address) 11 Date En reply to your N0. of (lato Colonel Monash, 4 Cifty Bede. Further information showl that there were about two battalions concentrated on the ridges to my right front. The wrote did not make the attact; but 500 men same within dese than 300 ads of our wenche The remainder hanging buct. on receiving a waty reception he seas party would not faxe it,he It now afhgars thatt there were two gt ta being made e manes wio by teir firs, pessed Kem (Signature Rank Ct. Dmnenan Time of Despach Force soed towards our position when we both dealt with than ws previously advised cat them up. Since the attack last night on the portion on our right, the enemy haws besn making the R.ML.1. position has man offective. At present they appear to be quiet. Gnonse H14E MATRION
wanaa00 Ar Form. MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. Words CNE care - 1 This message is on a/c of: Tce Af Chin ESire Hiion Sent. ervice AMAEAPIIN ORAN Smuith 10 arent LtEst to Nint Dy Son 11 be to Shoping Am for ir Arrange to bustation your regorn - Place D Time The above may be forwarded as now corrected Sr Ahn fn w ONO This line should be crased if not required. Reed. at Date- From AAA able to

31.4.15  1-5-14            

[[?]] Wt. W. 401-1924. 5 - 11.  10,000 Pads.  Wy. & S., LTD.  Sch. 19.             Army Form C 2123.
[?]rm (Original.)                           MESSAGES & SIGNALS.                                   No. of Message.........
from BM
Prefix                 Code               Words Sent, or sent out
At        .M.   By
at          .M.
Office Stamp.







Charges for 

Paid out


Service Instructions.      
Handed in at the              Office at           .M    Received here at 5.5A.M.
*Sender's Number
Day of month
In reply to Number A.A.A.
All is well the enemy
have retired
6.10 AM
1  5. 14    31/4/15

All Porterage, Redirection, or other charges collected on delivery are to be brought to account by mean of Stamps affixed to the face of the form, and
the particulars of such charges and of amounts paid out are to be set forth in writing above, in the space headed "Delivery" and "Charges for Delivery".
*This line should be erased if not required.



1/5/15 6.50 am

From / Major Steel

To / Brigadier 4th Inf Bde.  (63)

About 4.O.C. this morning

the enemy numbering four or

five hundred made an attack on

our right section and advanced

up to about 200 yds. When our

rifle fire and Machine Gun

played havoc with them and they

retreated demoralized AAA.

During the retreat their casualties

were also exceptionaly heavy AAA.

They were unable to return the fire and

our casualties were slight - only

three wounded AAA.

The enemy later appeared to rally

and moved to our right- but

their movements are now very half hearted.

The snipers now are more in

hand and are not causing

us nearly so much trouble. AAA. 

They used a fair quantity of 

ammunition at a good target and

with good effect AAA.

T Heron Steel



"A" Form.              Army Form C .2121.
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.          No. of Message 
Prefix  Code    m Words

This message is on a/c of: 


(Signature of "Franking Officer.")


Recd at .....m


From.... (2)


Office of Origin and Service Instructions


TO D A D    OS  
  NZ & A  DIV.  
*Sender's Number Day of month In reply to Number AAA

200,000 rounds of ball 

ammunition are required

by the 4th Inf. Bde by 1 p.m.

to-day (Saturday 1/5/15).  This

ammunition is required

urgently in view of a 

possible move by the


John Monash


Commanding 4th Inf Bde

From 4th Inf Bde
Place Bde H.Q.
Time  6.30a.m.
The above may be forwarded as not 
Signature of Addressor or person authorised to telegraph in his name.
*This line should be erased if not required.
Printed and supplied by Gale & Polden Ltd., Aldershot, in blocks of 50, 9d per block, to fit the "Handy Refill Case.

Fourth Brigade Reinforcements

State of men reporting to Brigade

night of 30th April 1st May 1915  (3)
                                                  [[10 No?]]

13th Batt       1 Officer     3041 other ranks  √

14th  "             1    "                  30   "        "         √

15th  "             1     "                  2    "         "        √

16th   "            1     "                  68   "       "         √

Total              4 Officers        130141 men

ACS Lorne 

O.C. Coy

LA Goldstein


Recd 7am




                 "C" Form (Original).                        Army Form C. 2123.  
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.                  No. of Message
Prefix JM Code  Words


From QW



Sent, or sent out

Office Stamp.

1st May 15


                                      £   s.   d.
Charges to collect

Handed in at....................  Office............................m. Received......... 7.10 am.
To 4th AUST BDE      

*Sender's Number.

NZG 61

Day of Month.

May One

In reply to Number.


G O.C has reason to believe 
that a number of men 
of your brigade are in 
the habit of quitting their 
Battalions and spending their 
time either in the Scrub or 
on the beach AAA This 
practise which reflects little 
Credit on the individuals 
concerned must cease AAA 
Cases have come to notice 
of G O C in which it is 
believed that men have drawn 
rations for several individuals 
and have used them for
*This line should be erased if not required.


"C" Form (Original).            Army Form C.2125
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.       No. of Message
Prefix....Code.......Words..... Received
From QW
By  NW
Sent, or sent out
Office Stamp.
                                £   s.  d.
Charges to collect
Service Instructions.  
Handed in at...........................................Office.............m.                  Received 7.10 am.
TO  2/NZG 61 
*Sender's Number. Day of Month. In reply to Number. AAA

themselves AAA. In future rations 
will not be issued to 
small parties or to 
individuals except under 
exceptional circumstances 
they are to be drawn by
Companies etc and care is to
be taken that they are drawn
only for men actually present
AAA.  The practise of issuing to
individuals three or more
days rations at a time
is prohibited
Replies to see
[[Supplies?]] Book
No 1 Date
1 5 14


1 5 14

*This line should be erased if not required.


C. Form. (Original).       MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.      No. of Me[[?]]
Rec'd from

Prefix    Code      Words

Sent, or sent out

at 9.30AM

Office Stamp








Charges for




Paid out


Service Instructions.  
Handed in at the           Office at         M.    Received here at               M.
TO FOURTH  BDE                   (7)
*Sender's Number.
Day of Month.
In reply to Number.
Report from firing line enemy
still advancing appear to be
attacking our left enemy lyning
in wait ridge on our left
centre still reinforcing aaa Enemy
are heavily shelling trenches on
my position. Co

9.15 am


All Porterage, Redirection, or other charges collected on delivery are to be brought to account by mean of Stamps affixed to the face of the 
form, and the particulars of such charges and of amounts paid out are to be set forth in writing above, in the space headed "Delivery" and 
"Charges for Delivery".
*This line should be erased if not required.
                   "C" Form (Duplicate).                                                Army form C. 2123.
JM                              MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.                                    No. of Message.........                                    
Charges to Pay.
£      s.      d.
Office Stamp.

Service Instructions.                      
Handed in at.....................................Office...........................m.           Received  9.34am
Sender's Name
NZ G66
Day of Month
1st May
In reply to Number.
Gen Walker will be reconnoitring
Gen Bridges left flank today
AAA Please meet Gen Walker
on your right flank at
Col McLaurins former Hd. Qrs
at 12 noon today. 
9.20 am
     1/5                                                                                                                             C.M. Form A 39 (b).
                                                                                                                                    Army Form  C 2123.
C. Form. (Duplicate.)                      MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.                  No. of Message                                                                                          
Inquiries respecting this Message, or application for repetition of the same, may be made at
the Delivering Office; but any complaint as to its delay, &c, should be made in writing and addressed
to the officer in charge.  In either case this form must accompany such inquiries or complaint.

Office Stamp.



Service Instructions.                                           Charges to       £  s.  d.                           pay
Handed in at the               Office         M.     Received here at               M.
TO                     BDE HQ  

*Sender's Number.


Day of Month.


In reply to Number.



Mjr Shand wants to know
if he is in his
right position AAA He is
at present in reserve with
the Royal Marines
9.50 AM




9.40. am


D 362/7.14-C.7220


[[?]] or

In reply to your No.     of (date)
Colonel Monash 4th Infty Bgde.
Further information shows that
there were about two battalions
concentrated on the ridges to
my right front.  The whole did
not make the attack; but
500 men came within less
than 200 yds of our trenches
The remainder hanging back.
On receiving a warm reception
the rear party would not face
it. The It now appears that
there were two separate attacks
being made by on the marines. Who
by their fire, pressed them
(Signature)   9.50AM 1/5/15 CMJ   Rank
Time of Despatch   Force

over towards our position
where we both dealt with
them & as previously advised
cut them up.  Since the
attack last night on the
R.M.L.I postion on our
right, the enemy have been
making the R.ML.I. position
their main objective.
At present they appear to be
T Heron Steel

                   "A" Form.                                            
                                                    MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.                                          [[?]]                           
Prefix........ Code.........m     Words Charge This message is on a/c of:
1-5-14 Service
(Signature of "Franking Officer")
Recd. at....m.
Office of Origin & Service Instructions         Sent.
Handed in at...................................Office................m. Received  9.34am
TO Lieut Small
Sender's Number.
SC 3
Day of Month.
In reply to Number.
Am hoping to be able
to arrange for you to
rejoin your battalion

From 4th Aust Inf Bde
Place Hd Qrs

Time   10.5 AM

The above may be forwarded as now corrected.


Signature of Addressor or person authorized to telegraph in his name.

*This line should be erased if not required.
Last edited by:
Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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Last updated: