Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 4, 1 May - 3 May 1915, Part 1
Copy of War Diary - (Locke)
May / 1915
Apl. 26
1015 Bde Staff & 400 of 14th left Seangchoon, landed on beach Anzac Cove Heavy Shrapnel fire
1035 Landed under heavy shrapnel fire
1435 Bgdr & S.C. moved out with representatives of 13th & 15th Bn & ½ 14 Bn up Gully.
1540 Q. Elizabeth shelling very heavily Mal Tepe & Kojadere- Two 18 pnrs put in position at S. end of Anzac cove- Bgde H.Q. takes up definite position at N. end
of Anzac Cove for the night - Div H.Q. established at approx. centre of Anzac Cove.
Apl 27
0900 Left beach with remainder of 14th Bn. turning into Shrapnel Valley we came under fairly
heavy fire.
0945 Halted by message from G.O.C.; Brigadier & S.C. went back to beach
1100 Went with report of our arrival to Col. McLaurin at top of Shrapnel Valley.
1140 Reached point 400x from head of Monash Valley with staff & 14th Bn. - Sniper very
bad, first 5 men of 14th Bn to go round corner were hit.
1200 Established Bgde H.Q. under hill afterwards known as Courtney's post.
1230 Tilney asked for reinforcements, 14th told to send 2 platoons.
1237 H.Q. in Signal Communication with 13th & 16th Bns at top of Gully.
1245 LtCol. Moore reported Otago Bn halted ¼ M. back
1250 Enemy bursting shrapnel over valley ½ mile from H.Q.
1255 Aeroplane over our H.Q. flying towards enemy's lines.
1305 Courtney replied only one section available.
1355 Moore told to send Coy. to report to Major Lamb, on right of Courtney's post
1357 Stand fast ordered
1433 Courtney's reinforcements started up hill to Major Carter.
1514 Telephone Communication established to 14 & 16 Bns.
1610 Rankine reports holding very well at Quinn's post.
1710 Hard pressed on hill to right of Courtneys
1718 Stretcher bearers called for all along line
1728 Shrapnel in Valley.
1740 Very hot on right front; men dropping all over place
1747 Lieut. S Kelsey & section Field Engineers arrived - sent on to Rankine
1845 Officer & sections Aust. Engineers sent on to Col. Pope
1847 Shelling shrapnel bad.
Message: - "I have absolutely no men to spare & have lost touch with Otago
Regt now part of Genl Walker's command AAA Can he not get Otago to
help to stalk these snipers, & having done this to join hands with Pope across
dangerous gully. I will cooperate as far as possible.
Our stretcher bearers are catching it hot. Turks kept up violent fire all night &
attempted an attack on Pope.
April 29
0300 Chatham Bn arrived & relieved troops on our right
1500 Pope reported an attack on his front
1700 All quiet
1800 N.Z. Howitzers good shooting at a Turk trench - left front of Quinn's.
April 30
1730 Marines reported an attack on their front
1800 Reinforcements called for
2000 Attacked started again & Marines called for reinforcements. Reported that their
front trenches lost
2030 Reinforcements - mostly 13th Bn - arrived.
15th. Bn - about 1 Co. - sent up to help Marines. Then a platoon of 14th which
walked into the trenches which R.M.L.I. had evidently vacated.
2200 Firing growing less.
May 1.
0700 Shrapnel bursting over valley ½ mile from H. Q. in S.W. direction
" 2
1400 Conference of C. O's at Bde H.Q.
1820 G.O.C. arrived, addresses 16th (& leaves 1845)
1835 16th Bn commences to move up gully.
1840 Message to Quinn's & Burrage :- Commence covering fire on crest & beyond of
wooded hill, while we are attacking, with rifles & M. Guns at 7.10 p.m. &
stop at 7.20 p.m.
1900 Naval & land guns bombarding hills.
1910 Quinn reports shells bursting 100x in rear of Turk's trenches.
Naval & land guns, M. Guns & rifles all going - splendid sight.
1918 13th Outpost report
1918 16th reepo reports now ascending hill.
1920 message to Quinn's to continue covering fire
1925 Runner to Quinn's; message to Burrage to cease covering fire
Otago arrived Bde H.Q.
1932 16th reported - Arrived 30' from top & several casualties
1937 Casualties coming by on stretchers & donkeys. Only ship's guns now
firing over hill. All rifle covering fire stopped. Willis reported 4 shells (p.t.o
burst on his position
1945 Pope reported doing well
1948 Hill assaulted (great cheering)
1950 Otago started from Bgd H.Q.
1952 Train of wounded men coming down
1953 Pope reports 15th firing too low & hitting 16th
2000 Pope reported 16th had top of gully & suggested 15th might go in.
2004 Brigadier replied "Sending Otago in on left, 15th would follow"
2010 Cheering from hilltop, also calls for AMC
Otago moving up very slowly
2015 Pope reported that he had first position on ridge
2030 Last of Otago just passing
2035 Wire from G.O.C
Naval Bn (Nelsons) (Major Primrose) started.
2045 Very heavy rifle fire on N & N.E ridge
2100 1st lull in firing
Eastwood at 15th H. Q. reported 16th in possession of ridge; 13th attacking
on left of 16th, Otago coming thro' on left of 15th. Latter ready to move
2108 Quinn reports : - left in touch with Baker's (16th) right. Dont know distance
traversed beyond ridge. Enemy in trenches on my front & left front firing very
erratically, & appear restless. Think they will move. Enemy attacked here, but
easily beaten off. My right is O.K.
2111 Quinn reports :- Believe 13th have made good.
2120 Heavy rifle fire resumed. Wounded coming down.
2145 Fire weakening. Urgent calls for Ammunition & water for M. Guns.
2200 B. Co 14th moved up to support Col. Pope.
2210 Fire brisking up again in N. & N.E. Ammunition Control appears good. Steele's Hill quiet.
2214 Pope reported O.K. Burrage not quite in final position & pushing on well, Pope
thinks casualties fairly heavy
2216 Eastwood from 15th reports Otago up. Tough proposition, but Cannan has
sent 1 company to help
2225 Fire heavy again
2230 Major Baker reports O.K. but not quite in touch with Burrage on his left
Asks for Ammunition, Sandbags, & doctors, as there are a good many
2240 Brigadier sent up Nelson supports to Cannan, guided up by Locke
2255 Very heavy firing opened. Capt Welch states clearing hospital full. doesn't think he can
do much for Baker before daylight. Instructed to do his best & try & get in touch
with Pope's H.Q.
2305 Lull in firing
2320 Eastwood reports Otago got into Turks trenches but were driven out. Cannan sent 1 Co
to retake & it is thought to have been successful
2317 Message from Div. H.Q. - 50 Reinfcts from transports left beach 2315 to help us
2325 Very heavy firing, Terrific din.
2345 G.O.C decided to send 3 Cos Canterbury for Knoll
2350 Major Edmund & party (3 off. 50 ors) arrived from Beach. Attached to 14th for night
2400 Firing practically ceased except for few sniper shots.
May 3
0003 Report from Moore, Otago, got touch with left of 13th & have good fire position
0015 Edmunds & Reinfcts sent forward to dig for Otago. 0018 Request from 16th for S. Bearers, as wounded were blocking roadway. Went to A.M.C. Stretchers all in use
0018 Went back to tell 16th to move wounded on to side of road in order to leave road clear
0040 Very heavy firing on N. Right of 16th are being heavily attacked. Reinfcts asked for.
0058 From Beach "Sending up 1000 Sandbags & entrenching tools
0110 Phoned Dobbin 1st Bn, he is sending us 30 men & stretchers to shift our wounded
0110 2 Bns of Marines coming up from Beach to our help
0114 Lull in firing
0140 Firing opened again & kept very heavy till 2 a.m.
0235 Line getting hard pressed 0315 Engineers reported for digging
0330 Portsmouth Bn reported. Bgd Genl Trotman arrived
0340 Eastwood reports Moore retiring from left of Knoll 224.D. S
0400 Terrific fire opened on Razor Ridge
0445 Chatham Bn following Portsmouth Bn, - Still filing past Bde H.Q.
0450 Daylight. Terrific firing. Reported Turks have retaken ridge.
0510 Chatham's blocked in valley. Enemy shells bursting annoy our men on Razor Ridge
0513 Asked for Aeroplane to locate this Battery
0517 Three of our shells burst right on top of our trenches
0530 Pope reports 16th retiring, & asks for shell fire as in last night's bombardment
0605 Message to Pope Send all Marines up Gully to assist in holding hill
0615 Fire very spasmodic
0745 Message recd "The situation here is that we hold the ridge in front of hill by 13th Bn and ."
(Message stopped – Signaller shot)
0825 Brgdr Genl Trotman now ordered to take over command of No 3 Section from right of N.Z Inf Bde
to left of 1st Aust. Bde.
0840 Col. Chaytor sent up to help reorganize the section
0840 Message from Baker "Cannot hold out longer, position is untenable, only 4 officers & 50 men in
trenches. Britishers position does not help us
0855 Co of 1st Aust Bde being sent up clear valley but. N.Z. Bde & Col. Pope
In view of the importance of securing Turkish prisoners, both military and
civilian, for the purposes of the Intelligence Staff, it is desirable that, whenever
possible, the surrender of such persons should be accepted.
Experience in other fields of the War against Turkey has shown that many
Turkish soldiers are serving under compulsion, and are anxious to give themselves
up at the first opportunity. From these men information of great military value
has often been obtained. Consequently, where such a course does not expose our
own men to any danger, facilities should be given for as many surrenders as
Turkish soldiers as a rule manifest their desire to surrender by holding their
rifles butt upwards and by waving clothes or rags of any colour. An actual white
flag should be regarded with the utmost suspicion as a Turkish soldier is unlikely
to possess anything of that colour.
The following phrases, to be shouted to those apparently desirious of giving
themselves up, will assist our officers and men to accept a BONA FIDE surrender
without exposing themselves to any unnecessary danger.
In no case should our troops leave their positions or cover for
the purpose of receiving prisoners of this type.
Surrender. Tesslim ol (singular) Tesslim Olunuz.
You will be well treated. Sizĕ Eyi Bakilajak.
Throw down your arms. Sillahlareneze Brak.
Throw down your rifles. Tufeyini Ashaya.
Throw down your sword Kelech ve revolver Ashaya Koi.
and revolver.
Hold up your hands. Elerinizi Yukari Koi.
Higher than that. Daha Yukari.
Advance slowly. Yawash Gel (in plural) Geliniz.
One by one. Bir Bir Halt Dour.
Attention Asker Hazer ol March Marsh.
Come over this way Bou Tarafa Ghel.
Walk to the left. Sola Yuru.
Walk to the right. Sagha Yuru.
Yes Evet
No Yok
Water Su
Bread Etmek
Mercy Mĕrhamet
Come here Buraya Shel
Lie down Yat
Printing Section
Med. Exped. Force.
for May/1915
- Personal Reconnaissance.
- Reconnaissance by Unit Commanders.
3. Executive orders to four Battalions.
4. Decide successive positions of
5. Inform Signals, Cable Waggon
and adjacent Units.
6. Inform Artillery, G.O.C. and
adjacent Units of plan
7. Decide disposal of Machine Guns.
8. Decide position of Brigade
Ammunition Reserve.
9. Decide position of Brigade Tool
10. Information to G.O.C
11. Information to adjacent Units.
12. Special Tasks for Brigade Staff.
O.H.M.S. Free
FIELD SERVICE LETTER CARD for Australian Imperial Force ONLY.
(1) Do not detach any portion of this letter card. It must be returned complete.
(2) No envelope is required. Fold the card at the perforations and slip
this end inside.
CARD No. 1. (Please see para. 4 of Instructions)
Name of person for whom you are enquiring
his R. No. his Rank and Unit
and the State in which he enlisted
Signature of enquirer
R. No. Rank Unit
Present whereabouts
This space may be used to communicate any other matter which
is dealt with by the Australian Imperial Force Intermediate Base.
R. No. Rank Unit
Present whereabouts
1.—On receipt of this letter card, with Card No. 4 correctly filled in, any letters,
papers, or other mail matter which may be awaiting you at the Base Post Office will
be immediately forwarded to you at the address stated thereon.
2.—Your relatives or friends may be enquiring for you. Fill in Card No. 2 on
the next page and I will at once be able to furnish them, on receipt of enquiry, with
correct and up to date information as to your welfare and whereabouts.
3.—If you are desirous of having a Cablegram despatched to your friends and
charged to your account, state clearly the message you wish to be sent, together with
the other particulars required, on Card No 3 on the next page, and it will be attended
to immediately on receipt. It is necessary to state in the text of the message the
date on which you have actually written the Cablegram, in order to lessen the chance
of regretable errors occurring. Unless it is otherwise stated, these cablegrams will
be sent at week-end rates, and they must bear your surname, not your Christian
name only. It is advisable to print the whole of the address, text and sender’s name
in block letters.
4.—If you desire to enquire for any relative or friend in the Australian Imperial
Force, fill in Card No. 1, and every endeavour will be made to acquaint you, without
delay, with his whereabouts, etc., etc. If you cannot supply the required particulars
in full, give as much information as possible.
5.—Each portion of this letter card will be dealt with by a different branch of
the Staff, and it is therefore necessary for you to correctly fill in that portion of
which you wish to avail yourself.
6.—-You will greatly facilitate matters by forwarding another of these letter cards
on discharge from Hospital or on transfer from one place to another.
7.—If you are not in possession of your pay book, make application to the Staff
Paymaster, through your Commanding Officer or the Officer in charge of your case,
and explain at the same time how and when you lost the original.
8—If you do not receive acknowledgement by return mall please despatch
another letter card.
9.—Please write very clearly.
V.C.M. SELLHEIM, Colonel,
Commanding Australian Imperial Force
Intermediate Base
CARD No. 2. (Please see para. 2 of Instructions) May /1915
Name (Surname first)
R. No. Rank Unit
Present whereabouts
If you are in Hospital or Convalescent Camp state nature of wound or sickness
and date of admission
If possible, state how long you expect to be in Hospital or Convalescent Camp
CARD No. 3. (Please see para. 3 of Instructions)
Please despatch the following cablegram and charge the cost of same to
my account.
Signature Date
R. No. Rank Unit
From (Surname)
CARD No. 4. (Please see para. 1 of Instructions)
To facilitate the despatch of your letters, &c., please fill in this portion.
R. No. Rank Unit
Present whereabouts.
(Immediately on the arrival of the letter card in this office this portion will be
detached and handed to the Officer i/c., Base Post Office. Your mail will then be
forwarded without delay.)
"C" Form( Original). Army Form C. 2123.
Prefix..SM Code Words Received Sent, or sent out Office Stamp.
£ s. d. From QW
Charges to collect By NW At m. 6
Service Instructions. To
Handed in at Office m. Received 732 am.
*Sender's Number. Day of Month. In reply to Number. AAA
NZG62 One
To para four of operation
Order number four add
Artillery support for your
Brigade in square 224 C2
7 30 AM
PLACE & TIME 7.20 am
∗This line should be erased if not required.
Circular Memorandum. Anzac Cove,
1. The Army Corps Commander wishes to point out that a lot of
unnecessary casualties are occurring simply because the necessity for
digging in is not yet fully realised. It is to be distinctly understood
that anyone not actually employed in the firing line is to dig,
dig, dig, and dig again, until we are impregnable everywhere.
2. Detachments which are not being used in the firing line
must also be employed in digging in in camp, or at work on roads, and
so on.
[*1-5th 14*]
2. At present, in many places the support for the firing line are
located on the sides of cliffs, at which they cannot render any support
to the firin line. In such cases, covered ways must be dug from the
cliff side on to the level leading to trenches for the supports, and
communication trenches must then be made from these support trenches
to those of the firing line.
3. When trenches are made deep enough to provide sufficient cover,
there is often no provision for rapid movement out of the trenches in
the shape of a step, or peg as foothold, and a peg or something of the
sort to grasp to help the men out of the trenches in case a counter
attack has to be delivered. This should be kept in mind when completing
both fire and support trenches.
4. Communication trenches, in particular, should have passing
places and should be wide enough to allow stretcher parties to move
along under cover.
Outward 1/5/15 "A" Form. Army Form C. 2121.
Prefix Code m. Words Charge This message is Recd. at m..
Office of Origin & on a/c of: Date
Service Instructions. (Signature of From 58
"Franking Officer") By
TO Captain Quinn
Rt Advanced Position
*Sender's Number Day of Month In reply to number AAA
SC 4 1/5
Would you arrange for the
Officer or senior nco of
Engineers to come to Bde Head
Quarters as early as possible
From 4th AIB
Place Hd Qrs
Time 5 10 AM
The above may now be forwarded as now corrected. (Z) CMJess
Censor. Signat horized to telegraph in his name
∗This line should be er
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