Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 3, 29 April - 30 April 1915, Part 9

  • Documents and letters
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Ar Form. Army Form C. 2121. MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. N0. of Mea Mor Cherge - Reed at This message is on a/c of: Thee A Cn ASirice Hiion Sent. Date Service 3014 From STERANTE NI ITSAHINE OMACT 20 cod canyon in reply to Number. D A Y aaa apoe st fird to retelf you £or Connunication. and ca five breach The riek at osia occup en have ebeen in them them nence Custey and betng to disreas legement of the Disian arn7 They then t able ofan would thes ant and tthei respectio They have uothise with packs them oscouse and o of being so long week inter are fire morie - F2m sid Place 4 45 4 b Time The above may be forwarded as now correded. 2 Comr SAAEALINONMNMMSDNAONREHNL This line should be crased if not required.
29Rank) (Onr or Appoiniment) (Address) No. In repty to your No. (Signaburt) Time of Deepatch (Ne Dato of (date) 40 3 Aprymont Force Rant
Form. Army Form C. 2121 No. of Message MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. More Charge This Message is on a/c of: Recd. at Office of origin & Service instructions. Date BOana Sent. From Dl (Signature of Frankin Officer/ By. T0 10 NI 72 ppor. Miesy toRM - AAA th 30 Quarine are best her it attacker o erdli le Ml as far 44 From with te Place Time The above may be forwarded as now correcied. Ceasor. Signature of addresset of person authorized to telegraph in his name. This fine should be crased if not required.
certe 30-413 N2A DSio operation Ode M 1FTh60.C. ArmyCorps intrads to occapy tomorrow nfanation a general hii in adcence of the present position (a) to reclude t0 D5, and thenee S. by W along the WE5t Bank of Cutly 224 054. 161 The 1Hust. Dis will advance its portion of the tron to th HESt Edge of the Cully meationed above wth its LEFT due EAS7 of th RI6HT of the position now occupied by the 4th Anst. lf BD. (22a 16) the NPAA Div with one Bn. NAUAL BD. attached intrntion will advance to the K 22nDs. jining up on the P164T wth Aust Dio and on the L8F occupying the spac 23741 R98 31 te wth Aust. 1uf 3d. wit advance at its R16A? D.strta moving Due LASt in close touch ni A the 22PT of t 1/ Aust Dis. its LEFT directed on 1N0lL 224DS (67th N2M Bd. will advance with its B164I directed or tholl 224 DS o the warse of will form a general Resen on the ptation 224B5 t. that R.A. will acrang for the Aot they to support Prt. Mery the advance as follows:- () 4t Arst. 1f. B D from pluteen 224 36 and 224/t 6 and 224 C2. (2)N2 1uf. B 34 from 22463 a 237W4 5. C half company N2. Enginears wtl he attached Enginae to each luf. BD LEMAANEL f M MMLT 6. The Advrance will commeace at 5 P.N. 1s May. 7. The Wav will assist sperations with five as folns Ca) 4th Ast hp Bd fom SW ap the Coully 2240.S.W. 6) N2Mf.BH. 67 five on KNOLLS 224D5 2372, 23805, and the area to WEST of same (C Or BITUK ANA FARIA, & ROTADERE 8. Reports t DIV.H.Q. BEACH, 22u65 WG. Braithwarte 1 Cohonel Gen- Staff NELADI The AVENEAND Bn. will be relieved NB. By a NAVAL Br. at Sa m. tomorrow, May 1st, and will report for orders to H.A. N2 Lif. BDr.

"A" Form.                                      Army Form C. 2121. 
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS      No. of Message .................. 
Prefix ...................... Code ....................m 
TO    Col Cannon 
Day of Month 30th April/15 
Do you  find  relief  for  
communication  and  our  fire  trench. 
The  men  at  present  occupying  
them  have  been  in  them  since  Sunday  
and  belong  to  different  Regiments  
of  the  A & NZ  Division. 
They  would  then  be  able  to  join  
their  respective  units  and  get  their  
packs. They  have  nothing  with  
them,  and  on  account  of  being  so  long  
under  fire  are  weak  and  

From Sgt Maj [[??]] 
18th Reg N Z R


To (Rank) 
(Unit or Appointment) 
'See original document for drawing'


"A" Form.                                  Army Form C. 2121 
MESSAGE AND SIGNALS.    No. of Message ............. 
Prefix ............... Code ...................m 
Words / Charge 
This Message is on a/c of: 
30 Service. 
Recd. at ............m.
From  54
Office of origin & Service Instructions. 
TO NZ & A Div 
Sender's Number BM78 
Day of Month 30th                        AAA 
Marines  are  being  heavily 
attacked.  I  am  cooperating 
as  far  as  possible 
From Fourth Bde  
Time 5pm 
Signature of Addressor Monash Col (Z)


Operation Order No
30th April 1915

  1. Information

The G.O.C. Army Corps intends to occupy tomorrow  
a general line in advance of the present position. 
(a) to include KNOLL 224D5, and thence S. by W. 
along the WEST bank of Gully 224 O.S.W. 
(b) The 1/Aust. Div. will advance its position of the line 
to the WEST Edge of the Gully mentioned above, with 
its LEFT due EAST of the RIGHT of the position 
now occupied by the 4th Aust. Inf. Bde. (224I6) 
2. Intuition 
The NZ & A Div with one Bn. NAVAL Bde attached 
will advance to the KNOLL 224D5. joining up 
on the RIGHT with 1/Aust Div and on the 
LEFT occupying the space 237 X1 RG 8, 7 
3. Distribution 
(a) The 4th Aust Inf Bde. will advance with its RIGHT  
moving Due EAST in close touch with 
(c) the LEFT of the 1/Aust Div. its LEFT 
directed on KNOLL 224D5. 
(b) The NZ Inf Bde. will advance with its RIGHT 
directed on KNOLL 224D5 
(c) The NAVAL Bn. will form a General Reserve 
on the plateau 224B5. 
4. Artillery 
The R.A. will arrange for the Artillery to support 
the advance as follows:- 
(1) 4th Aust. Inf. Bde from plateau 224B6 
and 224G6 and 224C2. 
(2) NZ Inf. Bde. from 224G3 & 237W4. 
5. Engineers 
G Half company N.Z. Engineers will be attached 
to each Inf. Bde. 
6. The Advance will commence at 5P.M. 1st May. 
7. The NAVY will assist operations with fire as follows:- 
(a.) 4th Aust. Inf. Bde. from SW up the Gully 
224 O,S,W. 
(b.) NZ Inf. Bde. by fire on KNOLLS 224D5 
237Z, 238Q5, and the area 
to WEST of same. 
8. Reports to Div. H.Q. BEACH, 224G5 
W.G. Braithwaite 
Lt. Colonel 
Gen. Staff 
N.B. The AUCKLAND Bn, will be relieved 
by a NAVAL Bn. at 8a.m. tomorrow, 
May 1st, and will report for orders to 
H.Q. NZ Inf. Bde.

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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