Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 3, 29 April - 30 April 1915, Part 8

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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Mpn 25 To Engadre, 4th Lif. Byde. Capt. Roxe with 2 mackine Cune your poe French fulle as s The R.N.LI inanned what help tey can; but from our teaches cannot see where the five is coming from we are ready to give them any accistance we have been reaviles pred at on but they have done damall It appears to me that te KE I have been drawn at & come under a haavy fire. I am unalle to rendes prote assistance to the R.M.C.1 who should be supported, from their rear if necessary To (Rank) (Name) Wuit or Appointment) (Address) Date of (date) In reply to your No lt the poesent moment all is well Me S myo 5/20 pem. (Signature) Appointment Pime of Deopatch Porco Rank KiS
-rorw wosonto wadm- MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No. of Moceage— Charges to Pay. Office Stamp 30 Aurtes HMMon Gent Cato Handed in at DAAON SNAOTSNENE 100 AA targe Lel con 9 our hitter OnON MD ToR FAORRTIE W.AD. MOP S. ABL-Fo
Ar Form. Army Form C. 212I B0L MRSSAORS AND SIONRIS. 10. Of MCCCARE Charge ProLE Collom./ Wonds Reod at Drm This message is on a/e of: Olce of Aywond borre batimore CI m Dat -cervice From 136 7. T0 mnm By/(Signature of Franking Officer.) Bam T0 DSAISSON RANSWINNE Sender OHanter AAA othe y 400 200 luen the Welley At ta o See 5 S2 that am. tat to unable Withstand RStron attact too reepaied ter pork his Ne1 3n7 20 ^ Dawat From CS. Place 224 15 Lime The atoes may be sonerded as Mers carrected Senature of Addrensor or potton anthoried to tolegrapp in po name. Cinsor. This line should be erased il not required. 58418-W. 4S. Ld -Wi. 1038-30,000- (E)-9/12
30 nt. Ao 16 ay o ty fropt 17 on fulaging pr trench o over to t mangandges beack 188 EMardoton 89 Signature 6.25 Date Frow Place Place Despatch p. M Receipt [N. m. 56 30 A prib 1912 61504 To Had Or the tte T Cpscricalty of fn tere t 4 in tetuted from tho night of ay posssionf ad Soany same. shey fare very they shooking accetate tt Cashaltie thid finte 4 C
Jr Form (Di licate) Army Form C. 2123. MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No. of Message CAIRESWOES MMe SlAMS. TH Aw 14 38/4/18 X a Receno /22/ Handed in at B0E AAA nZaB1O 20 your visual to In response about and officers request 4 tranks being the other 160 or first remainder reinforcements will asrive Leadquerters as about Your at They will tonight daa fr rationed until brakfist be tomorrow FRON Qquare 224 6307 2 PLACE & TIME
39 H.R. 40 Inf. Bse ciree you please let bearer (Serg. Sandstron) see are artilley officer atrached to Brigade - He has knowledge of the position of a machine quie about 250 yards from my pont which is doing us considerable Damage wll moral omatirial. It would be very desireble if this gun could be knoched out Hope uae 6.30 prs 304.15 3c 0 H.Q. 42 Df. Bde various Costill Machine quies and one work which apperelly is a gon empeace have been observed from my trenches. I cannot however locate them accuratiy odfuned on one map as is necessary pros to asking for artiller support, 2. Prlaps you could arrange an acral reconnansance or speace observation will a new to destroying these quns which are cansing great annoyence to my trencles and Doublless to other as wall Hope peol 6.35 po 30.4.195 MaO
eto Ln Fow Dn MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. 10. of MeCARE Co Charge This message to on a/o of: Bced Orsh and Barriee Instructions Reod atM. cmn + Da dervice At III 4 om (43 1 Do comn B BY (Signature of Franking Officer Cohonll in et 10 4BA ad RAMEESENNE PeSAISSONN SASSISNN AAA A from Cept fat Si Bt lett 11 Chathan Lenrs ekin Fam holding ont the of my teeth I din not in possesston of 2 any trenches st all and am not rying to prevent enting hhying on Every Occhpy Oik nench The the lif and are still ad onr difection faing he 471 pot holds all 1o ba3 that than what every ardiible Ca E 6 t a pe Chalhar see oattepted bt we pot 1a00 oh Dptn ime The ale may to soeg ted as cortD nt ne Cn f natre O SFEPE TFETMMIMONEA W WATNILN MMVE Pensor This line should be crased If not required. 18418-W. A S. Ld.- Wi. 1058-30,000- (E)-6.12
g Pow ON UAALS. 20. Af Maan Mons - This message to on aso of: Reod at M Office of Origin and Service Instructions sen Date MMIMIII Servio Crow natie o Frinking CM7/BY ELE MAS OR 20 Lenterotn J tropts to Weter aaa 2.C.22 therhath The Brigather tha reinforced tlank left 9 R.M. L. Infantry with 150 men HAS. Please on your position and report the fight HHH listle sor ten Alt weth mother tre at4 stw e FoM Place FOURTEENTH Time The above may be somcened as now corrated 2 Dare Sheak An Cotre of AoArtuor or peri on trted to Coarrart to N Mne This line should be crased if not required Prted and cupplled by Cuts A Polden Aid, Alderanat, to Macks of R, M. per Mack, to At the i Handy Radll Caune.
30/4 Headquarters; 4 onp B. 49 There is no pistol amnmution available in either of the Hun CK. Stores on the BBA Shmill C an n nedted 2615 to CC
A. FOMN My JRe SMNRN MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. 20 Ae n C Reed at. ituotn Thismessage is on a/c of Date Servic 3014 From 1B [Cd IOAM dy wale SMdtont LMytoRen AAA in and position me have leved Captain Graham top daa Senby now Yearly understoo that the ru on left our are 15th Baton's And the men are warnd inot fo that in directeo aas Mene regard Iut in NL Frigrt asnce to ridce 257 noted N and received ana The enemp madingains mont 22 en and prucet 3222 wich are ki bear on Caisfet but oney 2 weitirg eer Remst 12t sans dist L From PIaOO Time The above monbe forwerded as now corrected 2 Comor. ad aMor n A W MCMIANN This line should be erased I not required. AMm NRA.L WEWSSR MA, WIL F CIM 20 LAT PONSMN SAGES AND SIGNALS. No. of Messase— - Charge. Reed at on This message is on a/c of Date Sermi From E FOA EnlnTtt SMAMoN LenAt W MAMO AAA Wtllery Capt Noxe facling which with wos Kapnd and arranfing h pen steal Bet ftn Benploved bepeart fquested De DDy my in £ m t ade an atark hos (aen n n was Boes M Imathert an no Giverin Korsf M From PIaCO The Aove meyte Torerded at now Carreated I Conor. anr d mo von r t Won to This line should Wootrd AATM MR.Co.LAd. WAWISSISA MOO. Ni For

5-35pm   (34)
To Brigadier, 4th Inf. Bgde. 
Capt Rose with 2 machine 
guns & our fire Trench fully 
manned are giving the R.M.L.I 
what help they can, but 
from our trenches cannot 
see where the fire is 
coming from we are ready 
to give them any assistance 
We have been heavily fired 
on but they have done little 
It appears to me that the 
R.M L I have  been drawn out 
& came under a heavy fire. 
I am unable to render further 
assistance to the R.M.L.I  who 
should be supported from 
their rear if necessary.
To (Rank)                                                   (Name)  (33) 
(Unit or 
In reply to your No.           of (date)
At the present moment all 
is well.  
[[JHarold Steele?]]
(Signature)                                    Rank


Time of Dispatch         Force


"C" Form (Duplicate).   Army  
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No. of Message ............................

30 Charges to Pay. 
       £      s.     d.
Office Stamp 
Service Instructions 
Handed in at .............................  Office ................................ m.  Received......................................m.
Col Monash
*Sender's Number Day of Month In reply to Number AAA
A large body of enemy
can be seen retiring on
our right front in a 
easterly direction AAA They are
moving in file along the
hillside and would number several
hundred this heavy firing is
evidently to cover the retirement 
Passed to Marine Brigade 
JP McG Lt Col 

W.3864-5CS.      80,000 Pads____8/14.   S. . Ltd.__Forms/C.2123


"A" Form.                                                 Army Form C. 2121 
30/4  MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.      No. of Message

Prefix ..................     Code....................m. Words Charge This message is on a/c of : 
(Signature of "Franking Officer.")
Recd. at 0.20p.m. 
Date ............... 
From .......(36) 
By ....................
Office of Origin and Service Instructions.        Sent 
At ........................m. 
To ............................ 
By ...........................
TO             Colonel MOLASH
*Sender's Number 
Day of Month 
In reply to Number AAA
Sorry to bother you 
I have 200 men in the valley 
on your right under Capt 
Graham. He says that he 
is unable to withstand 
a strong attack. Would you 
kindly be prepared to support 
him if required. I have no 
supports or reserves.  [[Circular?]] [[about?]]
From                  O. C. Chatham                           Bn
Place                    224.i.5
TIME                        6.15. pm
The above may be forwarded as now corrected 
Signature of Addressor or person authorised to telegraph in his name. 

*This line should be erased if not required. 
58418-- W. & S. Ld. - Wt. 1058__30,000__ (E) __6/12.


16.Bn                (37) 
[*Can anyone locate position of Gun 
So that artillery may be directed on to it. 
If so send him to me.   [[H.G?]] 
M.G. to my right 
front is enfilading 
my trench & over to 
Mons Bridges beach 
E A Margolin 
Signature        6.25 
No.                          Date 
From                      To 
Place                      Place 
Despatch     h.   m.       M Receipt    h.    m.       M 
30 April 1915 
To Head Qrs 
The Practically the whole 
of my line is enfiladed 
from the right of my 
position And Sweeping 
same. They are very 
accurate in their shooting 
Casualties nil since 
2 pm 


"C" Form (Duplicate).   Army Form C. 2123. 
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.  No. of Message ............................

SM 30/4  QW  KJ Charges to Pay. 
       £      s.     d. 
Office Stamp 
Service Instructions 
Handed in at ...................Office ...........................m.  Received...5/32p m.
TO 4th BDE
*Sender's Number 
NZA B103
Day of Month 
In reply to Number 
In response to your visual 
request about 4 officers and 
100 other ranks being the 
remainder of your first xx 
xxx reinforcements will arrive 
at your headquarters at about 
9 pm tonight aaa They will 
be rationed until breakfast 
FROM DAAG Square 224 6.30p



H.Q. 4th Inf Bde 
Will you please let 
bearer (Serg. Sandstrom) see 
the Artillery officer attached to 
Brigade. He has knowledge 
of the position of a machine 
gun about 250 yards from 
my front which is doing 
us considerable damage both 
moral & material. 
It would be very desirable  
if this gun could be knocked  
H Pope  Lt Col
H.Q 4th Inf. Bde 
Various hostile Machine 
Guns and one [[work?]]  which 
apparently is a gun emplacement 
have been located observed 
from my trenches. I cannot 
however locate them accurately 
& definitely on the map as 
is necessary prior to asking 
for artillery support. 
2. Perhaps you could 
arrange an aerial 
reconnaissance - or special 
observation with a view 
to destroying these guns 
which are causing  
great annoyance to my  
trenches and doubtless to 
others as well.
H Pope   
Lt Col 


"A" Form.                                           Army Form C. 2121 
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.          No. of Message......

Prefix ..................     Code....................m. Words Charge This message is on a/c of : 
(Signature of "Franking Officer.")
Recd. at.m. 
Date ............... 
From ........(43) 
By ....................
Office of Origin and Service Instructions. 
At ........................m. 
To ............................ 
By ...........................
TO             Colonel Monash 
                   4th Bde HQ
*Sender's Number 
Day of Month 
In reply to Number AAA
Report from Capt Graham 
1) Chatham Bn left ruins.
I am holding on by the skin
of my teeth
2)I am not in possession of
any trenches at all and am 
past trying to prevent enemy
charging over.
3)The enemy occupy our trench
over the bluff and are still facing in our direction
4)The footholds are so bad that
I shall want every available
man to hold them.
5)Two of these charges have been 
From         attempted but the foothold is      
Place         rotten         
Time          7.30pm       
The above may be forwarded as now corrected 
Signature of Addressor or person authorised to telegraph in his name. 

*This line should be erased if not required. 
58418-- W. & S. Ld. - Wt. 1058__30,000__ (E) __6/12.


Army Form C. 2121. 
No. of Message ...........

Prefix ..................     Code....................m. Words Charge This message is on a/c of : 
............30 ....................Service. 
(Signature of "Franking Officer.")
Recd. at ......m. 
Date ............... 
From .....(45) 
By ....................
Office of Origin and Service Instructions. 
At ........................m. 
To ............................ 
By ...........................
TO {            MAJOR STEELE
*Sender's Number 
Day of Month 
In reply to Number AAA
The Brigadier has reinforced 
left flank of R.M.L .Infantry 
with 150 men AAA.  Please 
report on your position and 
the fight. AAA 
All well. Very little doing. 
machine guns in position 
From                       O.C.  
Place                       FOURTEENTH
The above may be forwarded as now corrected 
[[Chas MM Dare]] 
Signature of Addressor or person authorised to telegraph in his name.

* This line should be erased if not required. 
Printed and supplied by Gale & Polden Ltd., Aldershot, in blocks of 50, 9d. per block, to fit the "Handy Refill Case. 


4th Inf. Bde 
There is no pistol ammunition 
available in either of the  Ammun 
Stores on the BEACH. 
                                          N.C. [[Hamilton?]] 
OC NZ  RA Div Trans    Lt Col 


"A" Form         Army Form C2121 
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS           No of Message.....  
Prefix....... Code.......

Office of Origin and Service Instructions 
Words Charge  This message is on a/c of: 
....................... Service 
(Signature of "Franking Officer")
Recd at............. 
[[?]] Brigade
*Sender's Number Day of Month   AAA
I am in position and 
have relieved Captain Graham's Coy 
Marine Infantry aaa It is 
now clearly understood that the 
trenches on our left are 
the 15th Battn's and the 
men are warned not to  
fire in that direction aaa 
Memo in regard NZ Inf 
Brigade advancing to ridge  237 
R 7 noted and received 
aaa The enemy's machine guns  
on our right and direct 
front which are trying to 
break down our parapet but  
only wasting their ammunition are 
being dealt with by the 
Time ...........
The above may be forwarded as now corrected  
Signature of addressor or person authorised to telegraph in his name

                              *This line should be erased if not required. 
(24473). M.R.Co.,Ltd. Wt. W4843/541. 50,000. 9/14.   Forms C2121/10. 
"A" Form         Army Form C2121 
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS           No of Message.....  
Prefix....... Code.......

Prefix...Code ... m. Words.  Charge This message is on a/c of: 
....................... Service 
Signature of "Franking Officer" 
Re'd at............. 
Office of Origin and Service Instructions Sent 
At .................m. 
To ............... 
By .....................
Sender's Number 
Day of Month In reply to Number AAA
Artillery failing which Capt Rose 
with [[Mr?]] Rutland are arranging  
to deal with them. 
Sketch of position enclosed herewith 
as requested 
[[J Harold Steele?]] 
Since the above an attack has taken 
place on our right aaa 
Matters are now quieter 
[[J Harold Steele?]]  
Time ...........
The above may be forwarded as now corrected  
Signature of addressor or person authorised to telegraph in his name

         *This line should be deleted if not required. 
(24473). M.R.Co.,Ltd. Wt. W4843/541 50,000. 9/14. Form

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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