Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 3, 29 April - 30 April 1915, Part 7

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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30 April 1915 255 pead Cstes 20 Yrou lap tlny dret Dutko in a etgt. portandr well concealid to fere pef at them tlanks I Cannot a bomb very ayle wuit it had or two. It would prebaply shift men They appear to be taknelling to our blowing ap paton (with a vecw e position. the above message has jast beenr received from rent o Collend and confirme the Kluggingg or yenching OC t tor bast Dacine 6 the Tusts aw ant left are digging like fell towards ofex tocutes Freeman has got them wiell under obsedvation & recommends to cuft Pose that we get a macine gun up Gufers oos hal ficher some of tem already. they seem to be making a fewr prition or sxuing. tetater r up WITLIUBA LOSOEE 1HE V MIH
Army Form O. 2121. Ar Form. MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No. of Message— e o OT - Reod at Ts maccage is an ats of: Office of Origin and Service Instructions Oite Tent Dervice 30/4 now2 40 Rittutod, Frintry Cun By immmamimen DIV NE & I 20 Too thrept to Tumber SNM aaa Thirtieth D.M. 61 224 andin machine apn at N.G ip causing hear casualties firing into rear my D Col. Pope's position at texteme left MAA Et is a good artiller tanget INE From AUST Place 3:10 foom Time The Alee Mey be S AMA CAL A annte Crtrd Atno or mran a trnad to Eternte to Nonare This line should be crased if not required Stad and cppled by Onte A PAlen Ad, Alernet, W Malks OIR, M. PrMork, to AI the V.Bandy Rodis Case
26 Or Form (Duplicate). Army Forn C. MIs. No. of Message MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. Office Stamp. Charges to Pay. H 20/4/15. Sewice Matcto a Racane 45p Handed in a 4 AOF INF Boe AAA N3 Thirt TPEROS from Information MAIDOS from a GREEH ad to the south GABATEPE houset puined also abandant Water tere hours walk Water good that road n GABAHEPE from another, good and MAIDOS 1t0 quarter of Waker Spring the or further mour BAY to KILA road Fron A2 & A DIX PLACE & TMIS 3.20 fom BEACH 30 Ar Form. Army Forr C. MIAL. MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. 0. of Me Charge Reed. at This message in on a/c of: Office of Origin & Service instructions. Dne 25 (2I sonce Fron2 1er ESETEMTEF TIMTINE OMATT Juf Bdl 92 2/55 Aux 12 in reply to Number. Day of Month. AAA NEGSEPhirty SPEROS information GREEK from the SOUTH To from MAIDOS: the old house ruined there water GABA TEPE at good water half abunden also from walk GABATEPE on hours MAIDOS and road the to water spring another good the on of hour quarter further KILIA Road to BAY. FTOMHETH. DN Pace BEACH Time 3-30 pt The above may be forwarded as now corrected. t Mix Coner. ] Deure d Mca or Mn MHo MSNIHO MM This line should be crased if not required.
70 Ar Form. Army Form C. 2121. No. of Message MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. Words Charge PECCE Reed. at This message in on ac of: Office of Origin & Service instructions.) Sent. Date. am Service From Sitgnature of Franking Oficer - Int Bde Aust T0 25 WANtNn OM A MON AAA N2G. 30 Please organise and a frrange Systemalie valley arive of the immediately the two between Ad 2ro. NORTH of your 748 forks AA4 It is S9.224 I142 and there said that are still marum suipers in thes AAA The troops piece duty are NOT on this Employed but oply the rifle to use fire is bayonet and you will report Ad 2roy the time Divisional at which you it should take place propose and the whid it will start from place the direction in which it will and and aboait orders as to be mad U5 comine cenent. This is to br done by daylight not take over the otagotrenches AA4 Your Bde will FoM NTANIVHG Place Time 4-50pm The above may be forwarded as now corrected. 2 h Saea Aa o cr atd WACAMAAME Conor
Certe Handed in at CP 32 Th Cot Dear FON CE&. Ron Boloot Army. Form C. 2123 MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No. of Message. Charees to Pay. ORCESIAN 20 1 received i AAA 30 art Shelling nches D daa Kginge tomas I am sorry you are to your Unfortunate, heke 1 <t Ay
Vice N MSSIESRS ohe OtiCe StmS MMANON 2 Conleng Mas Selept 5/41 Paid out Distance Returned Office at Received 1500 AAA Ahmnes inplading left 22 18 of Stamps aftl MrInE abvie, 1o the Spaces headed Dettreiy and
50 aTenres e 50 help is noll needed here Mpham we can make no foomers noroom b stand to fre Apabaat As M 25 62
Rect 10 - Handed in at the 70 TSealetS MMSE the e can Means SE MoStE MW SAn amase OMICE SEAND. S ACON Cose Collected Sole Paid out Returned Received here at Office at aa PTWMSME 6ay Of MonIn surt entrending bil agh ston me ans of Stames affixed to the tace of the above, in the spaces headed Delivery and
A Form. Army Form C. 2121 MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No. of MeseAGE Orare Red a This message is on a/s of: Office of Origin and Service Instructions Doat cmmag [ 20 1 uWill 44 cu D0 mmmumin Ssenataore of Franting Oner/By WFM 20 Mo4 You CMH Day of Month In reply to Number SASHAE AAA teft If Caa Call tch tblegd can te uncheotably h Woops Nn ring n fore Aretin From 4 Place tratham uB Line 520 The aloce may be fonvented as ner crreated pttfont Sirnature of Addressor or person anihorised to toegraph in Misname. Cinsor. This line should be crased Hf not required. HSIIS-W. A S. Ld. -Wi. 1058-80,000- (E)-9.12.
7t Caps Iun the eneman enten on hill abovt 800 you san of En the handt 7f our tronatt ther atims to be a gin in position over the breass of the hill. This position could be stlted inthom danged to our own troops was are about 700 yas Nrt. of enemys posstion Coamn 2 M Bry 530 C 4

30 April 1915 
To Head Quarters
From Capt Quinn

Turks in a slight drop
well concealed, from fire front and 
flanks.  I cannot get at them 
very well, but if I had a bomb  
or two.  It would probably shift them
They appear to be tunnelling to our
position with a view of blowing up 
the position.
The above message has just been
received from Lieut Collin and
confirms the digging or Trenching
H Quinn 
To Capt Quinn
The Turks on our left are
digging like hell towards
our trenches.  Freeman
has got them well under
observation & recommends
to Capt Rose that we get
a machine gun up.
Snipers of ours have
picked some of them 
off already.  They seem
to be making a gun
position or something.
 L U Collin
Bombs sent  
up in answer 


”A” Form.                                                 Army Form C. 2121                                        
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.              No. of Message___ 
Prefix ……… Code ……….. m. 
Office of Origin and Service Instructions

Words  Charge 
To .................
By ................
This message is on a/c of :
(Signature of “Franking Officer.”)
Recd. at ................m. 
From.......................  22
TO N Z & A DIV  

*Sender’s Number Day of Month   In reply to Number  AAA 
B.M. 61                            Thirtieth                              ______ Enemy machine gun at 224
N.5 is causing heavy
casualties firing into rear
of Col. Pope's position at my 
extreme left AAA  It is a
good artillery target.
From           4th AUST INF Bde
Place           Bde H. Q. 
Time            3:10 pm 
The above may be forwarded as now corrected.         (Z) W.G.M. Locke Lt. 
…………………………………………………………………….      ...............................................................................
Censor      Signature of Addressor or person authorised to telegraph in his name. 
* This line should be erased if not required. 
Printed and supplied by Gale & Polden Ltd., 
Aldershot, in blocks of 50, 9d. per block, to fit the “Handy Refill Case. 


“C” Form (Duplicate).                        Army Form C. 2123.
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.              No. of Message ………… 
Service Instructions.                            Office Stamp
Charges to Pay.                                      30/4/15 
£. s. d.                                                         23 
Handed in at …………… Office…………….m. Received 3:53P  m.
TO        4th AUST INF BDE
Sender’s Number   Day of Month    In reply to Number                     A A A 
NZG38                        Thirty    _____
Information from SPEROS xxxx
a GREEK from MAIDOS  _____ xxxx 
To the South of the old
ruined houses at GABATEPE
there is Water also abundant
food Water Half hours Walk
from GABATEPE on the road 
to MAIDOS and another good 
Spring of Water quarter of 
hour further on the 
road to KILIA BAY ______
FROM                     NZ & A DIV  
PLACE & TIME      BEACH 3 . 20 pm

  30                    30
                          "A" Form.                     Army Form C. 2121. 
        MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.      No. of Message ...... 
Prefix ……. Code ……. m.
Office of Origin & Service instructions.
Words Charge
At ..............     m.
To ..............
By .............

This message in on a/c of:
30 ...............................................Service
(Signature of "Franking Officer")
Recd. at 5.50pm.
Date 30-4-15
From .............24
By ..................
TO {  4th Aust Inf Bde  NZg 3/55pm
       NZ INF BDE        PW.  6AM
Sender's Number.     Day of Month.   In reply to Number.    AAA 
NZG5B                           Thirty 
Information from SPEROS a GREEK 
from MAIDOS:— To the SOUTH 
of the old ruined house
at GABATEPE there is water 
also abundant good water half 
hours walk from GABATEPE on 
the road to MAIDOS and 
another good spring of water
quarter of hour further on the 
road to KILIA BAY.
From   NZ & A. DIV
Place   BEACH 
Time     3-30
The above may be forwarded as now corrected. 
[[C Sheune]]    Maj 
Signature of Addressor or person authorized to telegraph in his name.
*This line should be erased if not required.


                     "A" Form            Army Form C.2121.
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.        No. of Message ................
Prefix ……. Code ……. m.
Office of Origin & Service instructions. 
Words     Charge
At..............   m.
By .............

This message in on a/c of:
(Signature of "Franking Officer")

Recd. at .....................  m.
Date ..............................
From  ..........................
By ..................................
TO  { 4th Aust Inf Bde                                                                  26
Senders Number     Day of Month.      in reply to Number.    AAA 
NZG59                                 30 
Please organise and arrange a
systematic drive of the valley immediately
NORTH of your Hd Qrs between the two
forks Sq. 224 I 1&2 and C7&8 AAA  It is
said that there are still
snipers in this piece AAA  The troops
employed on this duty are NOT
to use rifle fire but only the
bayonet and you will report to
Divisional Hd Qrs the time at which you
propose it should take place and the 
place from which it will start
and the direction in which it will
be made and await orders as to it's
commencement.  This is to be done by daylight
AAA Your Bde. will not take over the Otago trenches 
Place ....................... 
Time 4.50pm
The above may be forwarded as now corrected.
(Z)      [[C Sheune ]] Maj
Signature of Addressor or person authorized to telegraph in his name.


              "C" Form (Duplicate).                              Army Form C. 2123
         MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.                    No. of Message .........
Sm 30/4  6/30 [[?]]
Service Instructions. 
Charges to Pay
£. s. d. 

Office Stamp
Handed in at           Office  m.                         Received  m.
TO                     NZ & A Div
Sender's Number     Day of Month.    In reply to Number.    AAA 
Bn62                                    30th   ___ 
The artillery are were shelling
Col Popes trenches
224 69 AAA Range
is now alright

4.35pm  121

Dear Monash
I am sorry you are so 
pleased that one of your unfortunate
battalion Comy's trenches shd be shelled!
FROM                     4th Aust Inf Bd Ary
PLACE & TIME       4.25pm 


                       MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. 
Recd From................ 
By DMCO     
Prefix ............ 
Code .............. 
Words ............ 
Delivery Means      Telephone           
Distance   .................... 
Charges for Delivery 
Paid out   
Sent, or sent out 
At ......................M 
Office stamp 
Handed in at the ..........Office at .......M. Received here at ..............M 
Sender's Number  Day of Month Thirteenth      In reply to Number.      AAA 
Turks Machine Gun infilading Marines  
from position 500 yds. left  
FROM   Lieut Collins 15th Batt 
TIME    4.55pm      P.M. 
All Porterage, Re-direction, or other charges collected on delivery are to be brought to accouat by me ans of Stamps affixed to the face of the form and the particulars of such charges and amounts paid out are to be set forth in writing above, in the space headed "Delivery" and "Charges for Delivery" 
*This line should be erased if not required.


30                                                 62
Senior Officer                             28
help is urgently needed
A Graham Capt

we can make no progress
& no room to stand to
A Graham  


                          MESSAGES AND SIGNALS
By ............................ 
Prefix ............ Code........... Words............
Means ...............        30/4
Distance .........

Charges for Delivery
Paid out 
Service Instructions

Sent, or sent out
At ................ ....M
at ...........................M 

Office Stamp.
Handed in at the ...............     Office at   .........  M.    Received here at .............    M.
TO         FOURTH Bde

*Sender's Number        Day of Month    In reply to Number.     AAA
The Turks are entrenching and  
reinforcing heavily to the right 
of this position
PLACE   Obs Stn 13th Btn
TIME                         5.5 
All Porterage, Redirection, or other charges collected on delivery are to be bought to accouat by means of Stamps affixed to the face of the
form, and the particulars of such charges and of amounts paid out are to be set forth in writing above, in the spaces headed "Delivery" and
"Charges for Delivery" 
* This line should be erased if not required.


”A” Form.                            
Army Form C. 2121 
No. of Message ............... 
Prefix ……… Code ……….. m. 
Office of Origin and Service Instructions

Words  Charge
At ...............m.
To ...............
By ...............
This message is on a/c of 
(Signature of "Franking Officer")
Read at 5.25pm 
Date................      30
By [W? Locke?]
TO   { Gen Monash
           4th Btt HQ 
Sender’s Number            Day of Month.        In reply to Number.           AAA 
The Marine left is still
Calling for help (aaa)
Shall be much obliged if 
you can reinforce immediately
I have no more troops
Bring more Ammunition

Place          Chatham  13th Rn Brigade
Time                                        5.20 pm 
The above may be forwarded as now corrected.          
Signature of Addressor or person authorised to telegraph in his name. 
* This line should be erased if not required. 
278418-W. & S. Ld - Wt. 1058- 30000-(E)-6/12  


30     31 
To Capt Quinn
The enemy are entrenching
on hill about 800 yds south of
the South end of our trenches.
There seems to be a gun in
position over the breast of
the hill. This position could
be shelled without danger
to our own troops who are
about 700 yds N.W. of enemy's
[[Col Dickinson?]] 
5.30 pm 
Seen by Brigadier

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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