Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 3, 29 April - 30 April 1915, Part 6

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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Mt Sey wt po threwn but tey hewe not gov into the trench As far as I can see I that there are about 20 Tushs Beef Hhe whole fiving line at it we can see then here easily a lot of them are just fiving up in the air. Hey are well dig in & dont seem much witoied by our fire Tere is a big tody of toop dligging in an the cresta till away on our right over a mile away. We are wonderin who they are No Caswaliher hive to far very little five coming over here tet loden tint tnt 30/4 Forward to Bugades M.
256 Army Form C. 2123. MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No. of Message MALSESWPS. OREG SAM oth 46 Handed in a Otrce 148F A082 boe 70 RSNON AAA SM 32 Parson Commanding Pt Bor M ben with confer ordered he adquarters as at Your re 9 marcation of as Dividon tine between you Brigade marine and 10.45 CH Anvond 34 pessinly for truthdrienal of FROM M 60E Mahams company PLACE & TInS 10 i replaced by an 14 / C
CH PONED TE.PON Army Form C 2121. 10 of Mecege MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. CTE e Reed atm Thismessage is on a/c of: Oce aA and Serr Instructions sae Sow Service mmtl 3014 44 20 o - 18onature of a franking OMaer7/ By- er 20 Persma M D Twattn WhttoM s AAA my dear General. - In expectation of t huother advance] I should like you to know that, at the moment of wrting, my Brigade is by no means an organized command, capible of coordinated action No Hattahon Commanded (except 14th) hps yetm than one half of his pso in his opn hands The lunts of the Hoigate on landing were seattred all over the whole line, in Wagments in many cases as smill ax 8010 men. These are gradually being located, & pieced together, but the process is painfully slow. One half Battalion (16th) has been in a very difficult posited since Monday & continuously dy attack,y requires relief, which I shall soon be able in give.– At the moment I suppose I could not count on more than 2000 riftes actually in proper touch with me. By tomorrow I hope to have the position bastly improved From Place hon Pine t The atove may be sorvnted as noo correated 301 15 11c mummmmn mome mmmmmen Censor. Trtre of MMcan or Fron aubied to bcorm to No nr This line should be crased if not required. MN OME 11.0
a OM Pon A.B. ME.PONN Army Form C. 2121. No. of Message. MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. Norte OATE - Recd At Thismessage is on a/c of: Office of Origin and Service Instructions man Son Date mDervice annooocoow Atermeem 10. FroMc EDummmn iummumm 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000vo (Signature of Franking Officer.7) F Ef T0 t M o SMFISNMNE SeOIMON WRGWM AAA 2p 91 NE dadvesses hor Lrt 24 to N 142 ast of it line F 22 E cobesa 27 2224 X1 2216 1 t 67 2. F2 oppe 50 G 216 E 1 0 + 7 1 2 6 Mex H2 poeate agampt an idetiful endony ac4 A 14,1616 1 12 Ment From M Str Place Time F D The above may be forwarited as now corrected. em 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 Censor. SMatireof HIeROTOFETON AMOIE to WlCrON IHIONANO 2010.10-O38 This line should be crased if not required.
-ma C.M. Form A. 89. Ar Form. Army Form C 2121. MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No. of Message Words Tllh nen sinen All n ne l Charge. Recd at Thismessage is on a/c of: Oregat Onion and bernce homaion. m mo SenY ate Derrice amuummmmummmn III. ncmmmum mm LON 000000000000000000000000000000000000000eroovoeevereere 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000o Been m n a. Signature of U.Franking Offcer.) To SMtSRAN DeyOMON MRSGWM AAA I o dear General expectat of a furth addy at is trm I should like you <tof or no pesss cm 1 O cappd of Corpag t rehtd l 114th has net mo < a dan Ha wbat the 1 Tet adt Et S in D in ot 26 w t ti Eente cd t a thy 4.7 T4 1 2 Na 5 1 saf 17 mt wha aptat & baly N7 n t n Hin Incomne I pare able to give. I could e at 20D6 F actath in ppt t wh wt m Aret 1 tr 12 I postion iasty tenfewist From Place hutmnest 9 Time 30/4/15 The above may be forwarded as now corrected. t munm Censor. SAMITEOSMEOTOTETON AWored t VleFrAT IHNANE 2110.10-OPS This line should be crased if not required.
<<aa<<aaa<< <a<ga <a<a ag <a a i a o is is a aa a a a.s is a C.M. Form A.89. Ar Form Army Form C. 2121. MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. 10. A MESRPS Chare F M All l Thismessage is on a/c of : Reed. Atmnmman M. Office of Origin and Service Instructions Sent Date mmmenn m Dervice anu CCmmmummI M anonnuoccooocoooocm Tom $000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 asoo BAUITEA FaMKI ORAN T0 SenroMte Dey OMOME treS to MiMS AAA Ccated Mt an Cstnerly Enfenay mati gun haff way beforeen 224 3 T.4.F - Place Time The above may be forwarited as now corrected. esoeooeoeooooeooooeoeoeooooeoeooeooooooeeooeoooaooooooeooeeooocococcoeco Cenaor SMTITE Of SAPeRor O PeroN a orned to Celerrart t O Nm. 2010.13-O38 This line should be crased if not required.
1348 II Bdi Antratian NE& AP D H8 th reference to a personal inguiry by aus. Mas have sinded a report that at 6. 32 am some shells felt near the trench in right centie of Ch. Bn. R.M. L.1 occapies by Aus. & R.Me. I hear that Capt. Everett (un made the same report About 7.30 another shell burst in the French killing one Eistralian Ponition of French 224.L.5. Cincasarsont asbl 10.50 am Can Ch Bn Rnxt 30 apr 15 H8 224 L. 3. C7 192 Ar Form. Army Form C. 212I MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No. of Message PrCh Cod MI Words CaaE T. Hnse to OA NCO. / Recd. at OMceNORNSSIMENMN Sent. semce Dale From (Sienature of Frankin Officer/ By N29 OH9 Seader’s Number Day of Monih. 1A PeT TO MIMSE. AAA With refrepce to a personel inquiry by Major Thitlep. AFA I have since receeived a report that at 630AM some shalls fell negar the trengh in the hight centie of the Ch B.A. RMEI occupsed by Australians and R.MI hear that Captain verett Aust made the same report About 7.30Ap another shell burst in the same French killen. one Positio of Trenco 224 1t Austratian 20/4/1 Fom Leuut Col Parsons Place R.M.J. 12 Time The above may be torwarded as now Correcied. CenSOT. Signatureol Addresser or person Antherined to CeleGTaph IAM T. I MA O. AM AMI AAAE
Handed in al FroN PLACE & TMI 0l EUT ma 30 Or Form (Duplicate). Army Form C. nEz MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No. of Message OMACAN CAISESTOPS. ✓W W Wm 15 t2 M. Received OtRcC M NAS.H. 1W Doc AUFI TCMME OA O Mnt AAA Dir ed 49 orders 40 ICK 1 am
CorC. 22 ArForm No. of Message. MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. RL LMAaleMMIO Cae Aand A 25. Pnjemcrage is on afe of: Office of Origin and Service Instruction Date an m Dervice. From Jonn n ony Brmag test Simeto AAA T rtedeery 0 Thospnet AUH ec in tollowing 224 H AAA 22 se AAA Can ftre Gun trench from meches witl report effect t Our only 50 own trenche are latter posetion yd foom F The Chre May te Servented a a coreted I DrForm MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. 20. of MeccaO PCLE MII. CO IMMII T/ NOr CRArT Reed. at. Thismessage is on a/e of: Oaco of tys and trrme horote Date indervice From- LETTAENRE OL TTTENE CMRSTTI BS to Burnage OA Jwrest w t AAA near but ot - Place EADDT Timo The abbve may be servarted as now corrected STTNF, SMMMNNNL 20 CS to the now to rgudl m i
C. ForM COrISinaY. 181 NOM Handed in at the 70 SetleTSMMSE ERI PLACE TIME AIl Carterse, N Charges fr Woa5 is of Lny FaN C. MR No. of Message MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. Office Stamp. Sent, or sent out Cole Collected ele Means- 30/4/1 Paid out Tistance Returned 1R eceived here at/2.4. Office at AAR expected aftired to the face of the me and ?. in the spaces headed Delivery and

Messengr inform wire
netting being order for  
Enqnrs at present 
waiting in position 
[[I Bragge]]
10-35 am 
30 4 /15 
thrown but they have not got  
into the trench 
As far as I can see I think 
there are about 20 Turks keeping  
the whole firing line at it.  We  
can see them here easily A  
lot of them are just firing up 
in the air.  They are well  
dug in & dont seem much  
worried by our fire  
There is a big body of troops  
digging in on the crest of a 
hill away on our right over  
a mile away.  We are wondering  
who they are. 
No Casualities here so far.  
very little fire coming over  
L.U.Collin Lieut 
Hugh Quinn Capt 
Forward to Brigade HQrs 


"C" Form (Duplicate).    Army Form C.  2123 
MESSAGES  AND  SIGNALS.  No. of Message 
(* SM QW NW*) 
Charges to Pay 
₤    s.  d. 
Office Stamp. 
30th Apr  
Handed in at              Office           m.       Received  10.48am. 
TO    4th  AUST  BDe          (1052*) 
Sender's     Day of      In reply 
Number.     Month.     to Number    
BM 35              30th                                     AAA 
Col Parsons Commanding Chatham 
Bn  R   M   L   I  has been 
ordered to confer with you 
at your headquarters as 
regards the demarcation of 
Dividing line between you 
and Marine Brigade 
(10.45 AM 
personally for 
withdrawal of 
Graham's company  
to be replaced by one 
of 14th Inf CHJ*) 
FROM                          R M BDE 
PLACE & TIME           10.35 am 


"A" Form.                                   C.M. Form A.39   
                                                     Army Form C. 2121 
MESSAGES  AND  SIGNALS.   No. of Message 
Prefix    Code   m. 
Words.   Charge. 
Office of Origin and Service Instructions  
This message is on a/c of: 
(Signature of "Franking Officer.") 
Recd. at    m. 
From     15 
At                m. 
TO   Personal 
        Major General 
        Sir J.A. Godley 
Sender's      Day of      In reply 
Number.      Month     to Number  
My dear General. - In expectation of a further  
advance I should like you to know that, at the 
moment of writing, my Brigade is by no means an 
organized command, capable of coordinated action. 
No Battalion Commander (except 14th) has got more 
than one half of his personnel in his own hands. 
The Units of the Brigade on landing were scattered all 
over the whole line, in fragments in many cases as 
small as 8 or 10 men.  These are gradually being 
located, & pieced together, but the process is painfully 
slow.  One half Battalion (16th) has been in a 
very difficult position since Monday & continuously  
under attack & badly requires relief, which I shall 
soon be able to give. − At the moment I suppose 
I could not count on more than 2000 rifles actually 
in proper touch with me. By tomorrow I hope to have this  
position vastly improved. 
Place     John Monash 
The above may now be forwarded as now corrected. 
30/4/15 11am 
Signature of Addressor or person authorized to telegraph in his name. 
D210/9.13. - C.9258.   * This line should be erased if not required. 


"A" Form.                                   C.M. Form A.39.   
                                                     Army Form C. 2121. 
MESSAGES  AND  SIGNALS.   No. of Message 
Prefix    Code   m. 
Words.   Charge. 
Office of Origin and Service Instructions.  
This message is on a/c of: 
(Signature of "Franking Officer.") 
Recd. at    m. 
At     m. 
TO    Fourth Infantry Brigade [[J. A. Godley??]] 
        Personal Operation Order No
Sender's      Day of      In reply 
Number     Month       to Number    

  1. N.Z. Infantry Brigade advanced today with

part of its line to Ridge 237 R.7 to 
237.X.1, to cover an 18 pr Battery At 
237.V.6,  & the bivouac of the Indian Brigade 
at 226. B.7 - 
2. Fourth Brigade will not alter its position  
(apart from local supporting forward) but 
care must be optimised that, from the left 
portion of our front, no rifle or machine gun 
fire is directed west of north, for fear of   
unaimed fire reaching the right flanks of above 
new N.Z. position - except at short ranges 
against an identified enemy target. - 
Issued to 13, 14, 15, 16 Bns 
From   J. P.McGlinn Lt Col 
Time    Brigade Major 
30/ 4/ 15 
The above may now be forwarded as now corrected. 
Signature of Addressor or person authorised to telegraph hi name. 
D210/9.13. - C.9258.   * This line should be erased if not required.


 "A" Form.                                     C.M. Form A. 39. 
                                                        Army Form C. 2121. 
MESSAGES  AND  SIGNALS.    No. of Message 
Prefix    Code   m. 
Words.   Charge. 
Office of Origin and service Instructions  
This message is on a/c of: 
(Signature of "Franking Officer.") 
Recd. at    m. 
At     m. 
Sender's      Day of      In reply 
Number     Month       Number    
[[My]] dear General.  In expectation of a further advance 
I should like you to know that, at the 
moment of writing, my Brigade is by no means an 
organized command, capable of co-ordinated action 
No Battalion Commander (except 14th) has got more 
than one half of personnel in his own hands 
The units of the Brigade on landing were scattered all 
over the whole line in fragments  in many cases as 
small as 8 or 10 men. These are gradually being 
located & pieced together but the process is painfully 
slow.  One half Battalion (16th) has been in a 
very difficult position since Monday & continuously 
under attack, & badly require relief, which I shall 
soon be able to give . - At the moment I suppose 
I could not count on more than 2000 rifles actually 
in proper touch with me. By tomorrow I hope to have this 
position vastly improved 
Place      John Monash 
Time      30/4/15 
The above may now be forwarded as now corrected. 
11 am 
Signature of Addressor or person authorised to telegraph his name. 
210/9.13 - c9258   * This line should be erased if not required.


"A" Form.                                      C.M. Form A. 39. 
                                                         Army Form C. 2121. MESSAGES  AND  SIGNALS.  No. of Message 
Prefix    Code   m. 
Words.   Charge. 
Office of Origin and Service Instructions  
This message is on a/c of: 
(Signature of "Franking Officer.") 
Recd. at    m. 
At     m. 
Sender's      Day of      In reply 
Number.      Month.     to Number    
?ave   definitely  located  an  enemy 
machine  gun  half  way  between  224 
J.4  &  J. 5 
The above may now be forwarded as now corrected. 
Signature of Addressor or person authorised to telegraph his name. 
D210/9.13 - C9258   * This line should be erased if not required.


H. Q IV Bde Australians NZ & A   DHQ  (*13) 
With reference to a personal inquiry by Aus. 
*CHJ* Artillery officer Major Phillips AFA) I have since recd a report that 
at 6.30 am some shells fell near the trench 
in right centre of Ch. Bn. R M L.I., occupies by 
Ausn & R M - I hear that Capt. Everett (Aus) 
made the same report.  About 7.30 am another 
shell burst in the trench killing one Australian 
Position of Trench 224.I.5 
C Mc N Parsons 
Lt Col 
Cmg Ch Bn RMLI 
10.50 am 
30th Apr 15 
HQ. 224 I.3 
Sent at 11.15 am  


"A" Form.                                     Army Form C. 2121. 
MESSAGES  AN D  SIGNALS.    No. of Message 
Prefix    Code   m. 
Words.   Charge. 
Office of Origin and Service Instructions  
This message is on a/c of: 
(Signature of "Franking Officer.") 
Recd. at    m. 
Date   (* 14) 
At     m. 
TO      NZ  &  A  D  H Q 
 Sender's      Day of      In reply 
 Number.     Month      to Number   
With reference to a personal inquiry by Major Phillips 
AFA I have since received a report that at 6.30 AM 
"some shells fell near the trench in the Right centre 
of the Ch Bn RMLI occupied by Australians 
and RM I hear that Captain Everett (Aust) 
made the same report About 7.30 AM another 
shell burst in the same trench killing one 
Australian  Position of trench 224 I.5 
From    Lieut Col Parsons 
Place    Ch  Bn  R.M.I 
The above may now be forwarded as now corrected. 
 (CHJens?*)            (Z
Signature of Addressor or person authorised to telegraph his name. 
* This line should be erased if not required.


"C" Form (Duplicate)                 Army Form C.  2123 
 MESSAGES  AND  SIGNALS.       No. of Message 
(* SM QW NW*) 
Charges to Pay 
₤    s.  d. 
Office Stamp. 
30th Apr 15 
Service Instructions 
Handed in at       Office     m. Received     11.19am. 
           4TH  AUST  INF  BDE 
Sender's      Day of      In reply 
Number.      Month.     to Number.    
Am detained at Div H Q 
for orders 
(11. 40 AM  
FROM     Lieut Locke 
PLACE & TIME    11.15 am


"A"  Form.                                 C.M. Form A.39 
                                                        Army Form C. 2121. 
MESSAGES  AND  SIGNALS.      No. of Message 
Prefix    Code   m. 
Words.   Charge. 
Office of Origin and Service Instructions. 
This message is on a/c of: 
  30/4/15           Service. 
(Signature of "Franking Officer.") 
Recd. at  11.38 am. 
Date   30/4 
From   [[?]] 
By   W [[?Kas]] 
At     m. 
TO   Col Burnage    (*18) 
Sender's      Day of      In reply 
Number.     Month.     to Number     
Can Artillery place shrapnel  
in following places AAA 
224 N. 5   AAA  224 
I   3   AAA   Can observe 
fire from machine gun trench 
will report effect AAA Our 
own trenches are only 50 
yds from latter position 
The above may now be forwarded as now corrected. (Z) 
"A"  Form.                                      C.M. Form A.39 
                                                        Army Form C. 2121. 
MESSAGES  AND  SIGNALS.        No. of Message 
Prefix    Code   m. 
Words.   Charge. 
Office of Origin and Service Instructions.  
This message is on a/c of: 
(Signature of "Franking Officer.") 
Recd. at       m. 
Date   (*17) 
At     m. 
TO      Col Burnage  
Sender's     Day of      In reply 
Number.     Month.     to Number     
                           (*2)                                   AAA                                        
but not near N 5 
Place       FADDY 
The above may now be forwarded as now corrected. 
Signature of Addressor or person authorised to telegraph his name. 
 D210/9.13 - C.9358             * This line should be erased if not required.


(*30)       Army Form C. 2123 
C. Form (Original).    
 MESSAGES  AND  SIGNALS.    No.  of Message 
Recd. from Chathams 
Prefix   Code   Words 
Means Telep. 
Charges for Delivery 
Paid out 
Sent, or sent out 
At    .M. 
at   .M. 
Office Stamp. 
Service Instructions. 
Handed in at the        Office at    M.  Received here at 12.42 PM. 
Sender's     Day of            In reply 
Number      Month.          to Number.   
      13             thirteenth                             AAA                                             
Will you please say  when 
a staff officer to show 
the position  of  flank  may 
be  expected 
PLACE      12.35 PM 
 All Porterage, Redirection, or other such charges collected on delivery are to be bought to account by me ans of Stamps affixed to the face of the 
form, and the particulars of such charges and of amounts paid out to be set forth in writing above, in the spaces headed "Delivery" and 
"Charges for Delivery" 
 * This line should be erased if not required.

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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