Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 3, 29 April - 30 April 1915, Part 5

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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AATTENSR TC Fom Orslors MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. Na of Mossage Office Stamp. CAANEWPM 30/4 Rurtes Httor m. Received Ocaco Manded in a LURTE TNONGWSTSNNN SATAINONE SANKGTSNENN 1aA Dea Braske In Thirkeent n in ng 415 Fnom 8 BTH PLAOTATIME 1i✓ HGRS WM MoOPadSIL. S.B.Lt.-FormUAn
sim 30 Major Ranhine Shiral ig & about soner wrate in hiret on extreme lext Thah sey interdaudling us is our position good one for that ae Jest 6.30 am E
Prefx Code. Charges to collect FTIICeMSIEOS Handed in a PLACE & TME Or Form (Original. Army Form C. 2124 MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No. of Message eied Sent, or sent out MceSIAN Words Rroa ORCC m Received WICASS AAA
ArForm. Army Form C. 2121. MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. H. OMonese Charge. POR Oado N0 Recdat Oeoof Orsnant borres hsmctions This message is on a/e of: Seat Date 23 Service From ISienaturO Franking Ooer7 20 four the Sag3 SonttioM Lerest toRnte OANN AAa 2 Tirty not be clephonemust uted ordenany when meesage will answer Nt equally purpose as der lime woastes gadie authoriz to speak only over line your will dit You that youself other satisfy any to desiring officer telephone like Thas good repson Menay sent Sacks this re morning should not have been Spoken from sipd PIace DIL Time 5 The Above Morbe Tomerded as now corrected woware DRS Coun. CCorto of AOlcanorsro on hored Colrrart W Nowne This line should be crased if not required. CAAS. M.R Co, Lid. WI.WISISSH. 50,000. 9/1. Forms CLlLIlO.
Seriice Hstcton Handed in at 4th T0 NY1G27 Froops lot eat shaw chuck FRO PLACE & TIME) Co Form Duplicate Army Form C. 2123. MESSAGES AND SIGNALS No. of Meceaoe Otrce brams. C 30th NY 4 e sn da Oace 916 b b0e $057 INF a AAA 38 Stakes enny from war sick tittle beatings AA4 to desir war as Pay soldier and everything H 9 A2A DI 15am
unrom0 Army Form C. 2121 No. of Message MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. 7 Morte PAAIRE Pretix ce This Message is on ac of: Reed at Olice a MSI A SAICSPSMCIONS Date Seme Sent. -IN From (Signature of Frankin Officer)) By. T0 D1 N2 H A Seader's Number Pr a Mon AAA the By7t Mirtelt n trenches rowarks the rght of fry section killed and had b I have (already ty hand trendles throw sercral ) wounded by eneoy AAA Enginees are ceasting our opertions sappry towards enemys French From Place RTH INE 60E 9.51a Time The above may be forwarded as now correcied. thonst Col. 1 Censor. Sienatured Addresset by berst drutheriied to telegraph inhis name. This fine should be erased if not required.
30 H.C. 40 2n6. Bdc. W Tere position werch I am scompying has been wield since 7.30 pm. on Sunday 25.4, 1915 that is to say the men holding it have been continuousg under pre for four and a half days- 2. at the outset it was necessary to prepare the position - the whole of ten earthworks have been. carried out by the men underfore. 3. Evre has been endured both from posst and rear teee whole time. It has been safer at most parts of the sine to be in the pre Trenches jasing pre from the pront Than Else where on the position subject to pre from the rear. 4. No complaint has reached me, officers and men are in good heart and spirik. 0 5. But it is evident to me and must be evident to any one who maties personal inspection of ay trenslies that the limt of hinman pengenial and mental endurance has very nearly been reacled. No maties how willing evenyone is to endure I am apaid that ree strain will shoully prove too severe to rsk holding suser an impoutant section of an defence with troops at An luet of yaur powers- 6. For cse receaves it is suggest that are question of relief at the earlest possible hour shoned be consideet 1op c oa 30. 4. 415
ND SIGNALS. 1. I HeS SSAC OTOISNAN Office Stamp. Setipen on Recd. Cole Pretix NON Si Mllected Means 307 Paid out Since Returne Sennce Te Handed in at the Sen AAA TIME A. M amps affired to the lace of in or other charges collected on delivery are to be bou An Perterage, Redire headed Delivery and particulars of such charges and of amounts paid out are to be set torai Charges for De This tne should be crased t no
3841 Or Form (Duplicate). Army Forn C. 22 MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No. of Message MCe SIAN CAISESIOSS 8.4 30th M 2e Senice Mtctons received t at Handed in at the t Doe T0 AAA 2y 67 KB37zI TWHEH d mem tne Bns hord they fromt all AAA you have Geve more are ny they will An avout on in sn tin hours FROM INE BOE PLACE & TMME
Treat Collin D Cyt. Quum hother ling teve in frant. We have not had a target. to fere at get in front. The Turhs are digging themselves in on our lefter are under cover from dur treach. I have a couple of good suipers watching ower the top fotting at them. I don't think we have bit any but they are seefing themselves well under cover know. you need not fear anything out here as we are waiching through the feriscope all the time & there in no sign of them how & then we fire t rolley just to let them know weare here. Tey want surprise us by any mecns. About 6 handgrenades have been to teapt Ounn 18/pn woks diggey o about one handred yours Fon (10) left pont. about $50or more & will wo be drayly interruded I have got as cousthat stocan of witlo five divected on them salts, we are knoweng ont sore cannot dildge Her. A machine fun myle do something thom he IKny he throving hand grenaded also ToHErs noted HEmnn lapt 248. I i aure hand 10300 to get as then

30         office stamp.  30/4 
received 3.25am 
Brache on beach with 150  
men thirteenth and fifteenth Bn 
Will join Bde in morning  
Major Snowden bringing remainder of  


Major Rashine 
Thirtieth x6 AHA 
MG & about 30 men unsafe in 
trench on extreme left front. 
Think they intend rushing us as 
our position good one for their MG 


Received From QW 
By initial 
Office stamp. 3 
Received 6-38 am 
TO HQ 4th Aust Inf Bde 
Sender's Number nzg55 
Day of Month 30th 
Please say if all the packs  
of the men of your Brigade  
have been collected yet & 
if not to request you to  
make immediate arrangements to
collect them 
From DHQ 
Place & Time 6:32 am 


  "A" Form        Army Form C.2121                                   
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS   No of Message..... 
This message is on a/c of: 
30 Service. 
From 44 
To   Sigs fourth        
Senders Number      Day of Month   
*-Sig 20                         thirty 
Telephone must not be used 
for when ordinary message will 
answer purpose equally as it 
wastes time Order authorized  brigadier 
only to speak over line 
You will use your discretion 
satisfy yourself that any other 
officer desiring to use telephone 
has good reason Message sent 
re sacks this morning should 
not have been spoken 

Bde.Sq Ofr 
From Sigs 
Place DIV
The abpove may be forwarded as now corrected. 
(z)HM. Edwards Capt RE 
Signature of Addressor or person authorised to telegraph his name 
*This line should be erased if not required 
24472 M.R.Co. Ltd. Wt W4843,541. 50,000 9/14 Forms C2121/10 


"C" Form (Duplicate) 
QW      30th  Ape 
TO 4th AUST INF BDE      9.26am 
NZ1937     30th 
Deserter from enemy states 
troops are sick of war 
lots of beatings little to 
eat want to desert AAA 
Their soldiers say let us 
chuck up everything and 
PLACE & TIME 9.1 am 


"A" Form 30  Army Form C. 2121 
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.    No. of Message 
Sender's Number     Day of Month       
BM75                           Thirtieth 
In the trenches towards the right of my section  
I have already had five (5) killed and 
several wounded by hand grenades thrown 
by enemy AAA Engineers are wasting our 
sapping operations towards enemy's trench 
From FOURTH INF BDE     9-55a 
J Monash Col 


H.Q 4th Inf. Bde . 
The position which I am
occupying has been held since
7.30 pm. on Sunday 25.4.1915
that is to say the men holding it 
have now been continuously under fire 
for four and a half days -
2. At the outset it was necessary
to prepare the position - the whole
of the earthworks have been
carried out by the men under fire.
3. Fire has been endured both from
front and rear the whole time.
It has been safer at most parts of
the line to be in the fire trenches
facing fire from the front than
elsewhere on the position subject
to fire from the rear.
4. No complaint has reached me &
officers and men are in good
heart and spirits.


5. But it is evident to me and
must be evident to anyone who
makes personal inspection of 
my trenches that the limit of
human physical and mental
endurance has very nearly been
reached. No matter how willing
everyone is to endure I am
afraid that the strain will
shortly prove too severe to 
risk holding such an
important section of the defence
with troops at the limit of
their powers -
6. For these reasons it is suggested
that the question of relief
at the earliest possible hour
should be considered.
H. Pope
Lt. Col
10.0 am


Means teleg. 30/15 
delivery Means  telep 
Sent, or sent out  
At 10/7 √M
by NW 
office stamp:  30 / 15 
Service Instructions. Priority 
 Received here at 10.20 M 
Date of month.  thirtieth
Our artillery fire too short
AAA shells are dropping on  
our trenches on the left 
Sent to DHQ 10/a
FROM 16th B.N. 
TIME   10. 2 A.M.


JM        Q W 
Office stamp. 30th ape  
Received 10.12 am 
Senders Number  Day of Month  In reply to Number. 
KB 373                       Thirtieth            BM67      
Except for a few odd men
from the 8th and 4th Bns
I believe you have all AAA
If there are any more
from the 8th Bn they will
be sent in about one hours time 


From Lieut. Collin
To Capt.Quinn     11

Nothing doing here in front.
We have not had a target
to fire at yet in front.
The Turks are digging themselves
in on our left & are under 
cover from our trench. I
have a couple of good 
snipers watching over the top
& potting at them. I don't think 
we have hit any but they are 
keeping themselves well under  
cover now.
You need not fear anything
out here as we are watching
through the periscope all the
time & there is no sign of them
Now & then we fire a volley
just to let them know we are
here. They won't surprise
us by any means. About 6
hand grenades have been

To Capt Quinn
Turks digging in about one
hundred yards to our 10
left front. about 50 or
more & will soon be 
strongly entrenched.
I have got a constant stream
of rifle fire directed on 
them & alto. we are knocking 
over some cannot dislodge 
them. A machine gun might
do something.
In firing line
also throwing hand grenades.

To H Qrs                             pms
noted H Quinn Capt 
It is very hard
to get at them   10.30 a m   P.T.O.

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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