Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 3, 29 April - 30 April 1915, Part 4

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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Handed in at SeNeSHSE cale hare peak FroM PLACK & TME) KIT 5 29-C o Form (Duplicate Army Form C. 2123. No. of Message MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. Office Stamp. CAPESTPS. D4 "d ver m. Received. Office NoNA5 A05I Boe 1 Wiens toRine OM Af Mont AAA Fardeners Lient wants het yur O.C B0E A
Mon, PSSN Rect Pretix from OFIIE StrteoMimber ii nersage in oteor ffall ERC An Po herecs Means Distance ha as 200 SSACES AN Collard Paid out Office a COA ned aovm his line should be ere ary Cor C. 212 SICNALS No. of Message ent, or a on Office Stamp. Returned in reply to Number. AAA eived ant ie fre Rees neased -Detnery. and
MALS. Norls Charre rerx Code This Message is on a/c of: Recd. a Office of origin & Service instructions 29 X Datc Service. - From. (Signature of Frankin Officer)) By. W2 A Dw 60 - Ia Tepty to Number AAA BM GO Kendly Di ast 0.C Aust 2nd Bde, direct 0C to to 13 detals releive Sill in and 13 Bns Sicton AAA Cannot complete that until Bde reorgancefor this of these. releeved Men are From 5 O PM 145 Place The above may be forwarded as now correcied. 127 Censor. SSnature SAddreSSOt OF PErSCNAuthCFied t EEEGTaph In Mis Bame. This fine should be crased if not required.
MMNN Amy FornC. 2123. MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No. of Message B CAAIRESDOES OHice Stan. AW Nw Seriice Mitcton a Recem £ Handed in al 4 $057 BDE T0 AAA NLGB Incertyde Night Tearch arrangements efore are a as is i stand in destroyer each Close bant ny ac 92 necessary AAA Searchligh deplroyer sees unles hears. suspicton rapper if an attack is achlat being the Searchligh made will not on he ruinet NE&A Feon H.8 DI7 RACE & TIMS BEACH TBM
29 O fom vinicato Ams Som F M No. of Message MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. Office Stamp CAISESWPS. H 14 Sewice Hitctons in Recenca 30p Handed in at H09 BrE 4th Asln 1NE AA CHee AAA 29t aft NLANE Kindly furnish hist o officers Casualties Hams of other ranks and numbers Regembartation daye readings. Gready asked uorder uncertayg of any BAA include ren not as £ FrON J.A.A.G. PLACE & TIME) H24 A prr Gottroots tm
51 From reports along th tuse and observations im here, there seems to be much actingg in enemings lines in front of the Right. ourposition. Reports from left of our line irdicate that suipers are getting down into the valley opposite our Right front have scort out and also watching from Frenches b cannot observe the suipt 725pn A
W. Por to romern MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. o. A MANEAPO Charge. Rood a This message is on a/c of. Once of Drisin and Service instructions Date Servic 254 From rn F FMaAtn CMIVET/P 11 EenGt SMdtont AMGWR AAa hosha in am - here cerist Ouse fire occasional in but mese hann aaa d de T his creven Peso gdid Krunn M2 with bestwat telephare are 0 present then 00 realing maching we Se end right Juns 16 and on Firecthart 21 Perkand or reporty 1t 1 sct with Te 1 sal Wutmt of Madi Mr Mss n oto The above merte forerded as now corrected 7 Conor Or dO OMMIN WINNLIALL This line should be crased Unot recuired. AMTM MR.Ca,LAd. WAWISMSA DOd NiL Form CIMII E af. Fo AAASONONRN MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. HO. CMANSSO- Charco. This message is on a/e y: (Reed at. Date Sormi From IMIRSRNE- FIASSES MATSTT/BS 44 EndnTttte SWAN CCAGtt AAA The so Ao san the i bea Weak eent down S te are Gufet on Yo Si Ner aar amnt Mavie Itent as Co Cueseef For ine sig Bly and Connest up an Wecher gug such Te out Mecherf As and the 200 fe will our aar Compley Ath dad onens revd to ND 6 ar Bergise received Shall report Der es ewed ase Dew D S1 82000 22 Fime The above may be forwarded as now corrected. [(2) Conor. Ord Comnornn Ma C MMIIAVL This line should be crased If not recuired. AMM MRCO,LAd. WAWIA MOd WiL Fors CIMII
(I Army Form O 2121. 2 Por MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. Ro. of Macere oMue Rood at This meseage is on aso of T S MN NMMM D sent or 26 5 from f 20 2 Cstute O . BAnKISS OMON. 7/AS By Fourth Enanry Brigade T0 speration order. No.2 5 MTTM WAWW Conerstt AAA hirheth N2 Infantry Brigade advances to day with part of it line to Ridge 237. R.Y. to 237.F.V, to cover an 18p Battery at 237.V.6, and the Livouse of the Iudian Brigs le at 224B.J. Fouth Brigade will not alter us 2. position (apart from Lodal sapping for. ward) but care must he exeried that from the lelt portion of our front rifle or machine gan fire is dir- no ected west it North for fear of unaied fire reaching the right flank + above new W.Z. position - except short ranges against an identified at onemy target Fosped to 13,14/15,10 B P.P. MEGtann t From Brigade Major Place Time The Albee Mey be SnAn AM MM 5 Slenature of Addresser or persan authoried to to legraph in Ma name. Tnor This line shoulld be erased if not required. to Aurrge, at in urt, w A1 M. Brts aott a saus a apries ty Outs a Collos Ma, Almn
30. POM Army Form C. 2121. No. of Message MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. Charae Case or Recd. at This message in on a:c of: Thce A Ctn HSIFIEE MASN Date Sent. Service From MFN.E. ACs Special Army Coops order. 30/15 cove ANLAC in reply to Number. Day of Month. Sie SRn AAA N2G SI 1 The Army Coops Buunander wishes to remark on the great improvgment in, Five Control during all ranks have now become the last 4 days. they realise that they only old soldiers, and came by returning his play the enemys their popition. fire, disclosing coud& wishes to convey the 2. The Army Corps of all banks in the army grateful thanks coops to the stretches Beavers and water carriers. They woork has been beyand praide and of the greatest value. 3 woops should be warned to be on watch for ingssages dropped from friendly aeroplanes. 1 to 13 mom forwarded for informatton & communication to all Paceranks. Spt for tcol Time ortan you staff The above may be forwarded as now corrected. NLA DW. Simuted Miton o rrun autrmes to ccr aMI. M.M Co
4 Aust Inf Ba Ar Form. Army Form C. 2121. MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. 10. of MSC - WordsI CASe - Prolx Reed. at This message in on a/c of: TeeACrn S Sinice Mion 50 Date 35 Sorvice From- STTATEFT FTIAIME OMECTT Copy No 5 N2dd 9 Da T0 Oppation Order 123 1915 Beach 30 April talest toMine DM A Mont Sente Ta AAA tr e rebiagos the alnbe su 29 R.7.JX1 as f cov a Bittery o15 pr gune which to be lsed in posion afout square 247 VC 2. The 29 Lan) of Buside of servae supall vf and go ae 5 224 Bar08. 3.4 Cupt Brisphe has been ordered to pass ovr imnectably about 300 carts offfronc anbn sion of it rube tlank. The prontace is par origued by mudores & An- orplian detail of bren Divisions. The musn and detads thrus religaed wll the be edd wre units Aust I (Bregade to you their by the pistn wortbout delay Ioutwe sete 4 Aust Rd. FA Bee,ept. Paust Dery Scyt. File. Diw Train - wy onothwaite Place GeneralSte N TiRe The above may be sorwarded as now corrected. 2) SOMEOIIANONAMANI WNATAMNML Censor This line should be crased if not required.

 29-4 -15 
 ’”C” Form (Duplicates).                     Army Form C. 2123 
 MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.                 No.. of Message ..... 
SM      QW                Charges to Pay                       Office Stamp. 
             NW                 £ s d.                                             50 
 Received …………………7pm …….m./7-2
            4th AUST INF BDE.   
Sender's Number   Day of Month.    In reply to Number.    AAA 
Please tap Lieut Gardiners   
wire he wants to  
speak to you  

               Done 7.3 pm 
From    O. C.     7  A   Bde 


29                                                                                       Army Form C. 2123. 
Form (Original).            MESSAGES AND SIGNALS              No. of Message... 
Recd. from.... 
Sent, or sent out 
By...... Returned 
Office Stamp 
Service Instructions. 
Handed in at the             Office at        M.          Received here at     M. 
Sender's Number     Day of Month    In reply to Number.    AAA 

We have just received a message  
from  capt   Margoland 
in the centre of our  
position that shrapnel shells are 
falling 300 yds in front 
of our trenches 
FROM       |     Pope      16th
PLACE      | 
TIME          |      7.30 
All Porterage, Redirection, or other charges collected on delivery are to be bought to account by means of Stamps affixed to the face of  the  form, and the particulars of  such charges and of amounts paid are to be set forth in writing above, in the spaces  headed “Delivery” and “Charges for Delivery “. 
                         *This line should be erased if not required.


Code....m.    Words   Charge 
Office of origin & Service Instructions. 
This Message is on a/c of:   
29 Service. 
(Signature of "Frankin Officer") 
Recd. at.....m. 
Date 29/4 
TO   NZ & A DIV          52 
Sender's Number        Day of Month      In reply to Number.     AAA 
BM40                              29th 
Kindly ask G.O.C Aust Div 
to direct OC 2nd Bde 
to releive details of 13th 
and 15th Bns still in 
that Section AAA Cannot complete  
reorganizing of this Bde until  
these men are relieved. 
From          O C 4th BDE 
Place          1 45 pm 
The above may be forwarded as now corrected.                                    (Z
Censor            Signature of Addressor or person authorized to telegraph in his name. 
*This line should be erased if not required.


"C" Form (Duplicate)           Army Form C. 2123. 
[*SM*]    MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.     No. of Message.... 
Service  Instructions 
Charges to Pay. 
£ s. d. 
8.30 pm 
Office Stamp 
Handed in at .........................Office.......m. Received 8.20 pm 
TO 4th AUS BDE    53 
Sender's Number.        Day of Month.           In reply to Number.   AAA 
NZG53                              Twentynine                 - 
Search - light arrangements 
are as before but a  
destroyer is to stand in 
Close on each bank 
and lie by to use 
Searchlight if necessary AAA 
Unless the destroyer sees 
or hears suspicious happenings. 
or if an attack is actually 
being made the Searchlight 
Will not be turned on 
FROM                   H Q NZ & A DIV 
PLACE & TIME    BEACH 7.33pm. 


"C" Form (Duplicate).               Army Form C. 2123. 
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS     No. of Message... 
SM   QW 
Charges to Pay. 
£  s.  d. 
Office Stamp 
Service Instructions. 
Handed in at .........................Office.......m. Received 8.30 pm 
Sender's Number.        Day of Month.           In reply to Number.     AAA 
NZA153                             29TH Apl  
Kindly furnish list of 
Names of officers casualties 
and numbers of other ranks 
to date from Disembarkation 
under Headings Already asked 
for AAA If uncertain of any 
do not include them 
[*Copied initial*] 
FROM                     J.A.A.G. 


HQ 16th    29    56 
From reports along the 
line and observations 
from here, there seems to  
be much activity in enemy's 
lines in front of the Right of 
our position. 
Reports from left of our line 
indicate that snipers are 
getting down into the valley 
opposite our Right front 
I have scout out and also 
watching from Trenches but  
cannot observe the snipers 
9.25 pm Initials


"A" Form.   Army Form C.2121 
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS            No. of Message........ 
Words   Charge. 
Office of Origin and Service Instructions. 
This message is on a/c of: 
(Signature of "Franking Officer") 
Recd. at......m. 
TO CO                                         45 
       14th Battn 
Sender's Number      Day of Month        In reply to Number.     AAA 
I am in position now 
Everything is alright here aaa 
Sudden bursts of fire occasionally 
are poured into us but 
these do no harm aaa 
The Artillery observer has his 
station here and is in communication  
with his headquarters by telephone 
aaa At present they are  
dealing with the enemy's machine 
guns on our right and 
direct front aaa Mjr Rutland 
has reported with his guns 
aaa Should the Artillery not 
be able to deal with 
enemy's machine guns Mjr Rutland 
is arranging a good position. 
The above may be forwarded as now corrected  (Z
Censor.        Signature of Addressor or person authorised to telegraph in his name 
This line should be erased if not required. 
(24473) M.R.Co., Ltd. Wt. W4843/541. 50,000. 9/14.  Forms C2121/10. 
"A" Form.      Army Form C. 2121 
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.    No. of message.... 
Office of Origin and Service Instructions. 
Words.  Charge. 
This message is on a/c of: 
(Signature of 'Franking Officer.") 
Recd. at.....m. 
TO            44 
Sender's Number    Day of Month    In reply to Number    AAA 
 to As so aaa The 
firing you hear is the 
enemy trying to break down 
our parapet but they are 
only wasting their ammunition aaa 
The CO Marine Infantry has 
arranged with me to dig 
through and connect up our 
trenches aaa I am Strengthening such 
trenches as are out of  
the fire Zone and will 
complete after dark aaa Your  
memo in regard to NZ 
Inf Brigade received aaa I 
shall report later this evening 
aaa        Signature  
From   30415 
Time 4.25pm 
The above may be forwarded as now corrected.   (Z
Censor.    Signature of Addressor or person authorised to telegraph in his name 
*This line should be erased if not required. 
(24473) M.R.Co.Ltd. Wt.W4843/541 50,00 9/14   Forms C2121/10. 


"A" Form.   Army Form C. 2121 
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS          No. of Message.... 
Prefix..... Code.....m. 
Office of Origin and Service Instructions 
(T)       B.M.   
Words    Charge 
This message is on a/c of: 
(Signature of "Franking Officer") 
Recd. at......m. 
From          41 
TO       Fourth Infantry Brigade 
            Operation Order No 2. 
Sender's Number.        Day of Month.            In reply to Number.        AAA 

  1. N.Z. Infantry Brigade advances today 
    with part of its line to Ridge 237. 
    R.7. to 237.X.1 to cover an 18pt 
    Battery at 237.V.6. and the bivouac by 
    the Indian Brigade at 224D7.
  2. Fourth Brigade will not alter its  
    position (apart from local sapping forward) 
    but care must be exercised 
    that, from the left portion of our front 
    no rifle or machine gun fire is directed 
    West of North. for fear of unaimed 
    fire reaching the right flank of 
    above new N.Z. position - except 
    at short ranges against an identified 
    enemy target 
    Issued to 13,14,15,16 Bns 
    (Sgd) J.P. McGlinn 
    Lt Col 
    Brigade Major 
    The above may be forwarded as now corrected.   (Z
    Censor   Signature or Addressor or person authorised to telegraph in his name. 
    This line should be erased if not required. 
    Printed and supplied by Gale & Polden Ltd., Aldershot, in blocks of 50, 9d. per block, to fit the "Handy Refill Case. 

"A" Form.   Army Form C. 2121 
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS        No. of Message... 
Office of Origin & Service Instructions 
Words   Charge 
This message in on a/c of: 
(Signature of "Franking Officer") 
Recd. at.......m. 
Date ...46 
                               A & N.Z. Army Corps  
TO                          Special Army Corps order. 
                               ANZAC Cove 30/4/15 
Sender's Number.     Day of Month.     In reply to Number.      AAA    
NZG 57

  1. The Army Corps Commander wishes to remark on 
    the great improvement in Fire Control during 
    the last 4 days. All ranks have now become 
    old soldiers, and they realise that they only 
    play the enemy's game by returning his 
    fire, disclosing their position.
  2. The Army Corps Comdr wishes to convey the 
    grateful thanks of all ranks in the Army 
    Corps to the Stretcher Bearers and water 
    carriers. They work has been beyond praise 
    and of the greatest value.
  3. Troops should be warned to be on watch  
    for messages dropped from friendly aeroplanes. 
                                   To 13th } 
                                        14     } Bns          
                                        15th } 
                                        16th } 
                                        7 ASC 
                                  30 4 15 
    From    Forwarded for information & communication to all 
    Place    ranks.      REConingham Capt for Lt Col 
     Time                                                                   Gen. Staff 
                                                                        NZA Div.

The above may be forwarded as now corrected.   (Z
Censor.    Signature of Addressor or person authorised to telegraph in his name 


4 Aust Inf Bde 
"A" Form.   Army Form C. 2121 
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.    No. of Message... 
Office of Origin & Service Instructions. 
Words  Charge 
This message in on a/c of: 
35th Service. 
(Signature of "Franking Officer") 
Recd. at.....m. 
TO                 N Z and A Division                                    Copy No 5 
                     Operations Order N0 3 
                                                 Beach   30 April 1915 
Sender's Number.        Day of Month.            In reply to Number.        AAA 
                                          30 April

  1. NZ Inf Brigade will occupy forthwith the ridge above square 237 
    R.7 - X L so as to cover a Battery of 18-pr Guns which 
    are to be placed in position about square 237 V 6.
  2. The 29th (Indian) Inf Brigade on arrival this afternoon 
    will join this division and go onto bivouac on square 
    224 B7 and 8.
  3. 4 thAust. Inf Brigade has been ordered to take over 
    immediately about 200 yards of front from its in extension 
    of its right flank. This frontage is now occupied 
    by Marines & Australian details of both Divisions. The 
    Marines and details thus released will then be told 
    by the O.C. 4th Aust Inf Brigade to join their own units 
    without delay.
  4. The move

Issued NZ Inf Bde; 4th Aust Inf Bde, F.A. Bde; CRE; 1st Aust 
Division; War Diary ; Staff; File. Div Train 
From                  WG Braithwaite Lieut Colonel 
Place                                    General Staff NZ & AI 
The above may be forwarded as now corrected.   (Z
Censor.    Signature of Addressor or person authorised to telegraph in his name 
*This line should be erased if not required.

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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