Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 3, 29 April - 30 April 1915, Part 2

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
Accession number:

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MESSACES AND SICNALS SFOM S CoOC Recd Prettr from Collected Means Paid out Distance Serice Mitons Office Handed in at the ISene FRON PLACE TIME Tre, and the Pantientin of Ench Charres and At Emonnts, Faid Ont are to be Set Certh In Mriak MISONE This line should be crased i not required. Charses for Deltvery MS SISS Office Stan or sent out curned A24 Sumb the face Samos M he speces headed Deltery and
X1 My 4 55 spa tie between fit Cuild Chattern D thy right You hand a pont we0 Ktt is rather which 7007 th too tig. M utin RMO. B. M. 55 2414/15 (2 CeeNRSN O.FOM, OIGNN Co0e Pretix Fom. A JANN 1 180 Lfoane Sentte Msttions OMEA Handed in at the 30 SAS MIVEI 85t a rons EM 58 Your macke sen es Ia F304 PLACE TIME Returned N.MECARE Office Stame and
E Low C. E L Forn No. of Menars MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. - Morte Rood at nan & MAO Office of Origin and Service Instructions ton Date service From ISTMAIANOTLFIAAETS OMOST FIETEENTH BN T0 WoYBR NEyANONN RealbtGRinte AAA 2339 fiving in position alave pesent under Command supports line and Mafor AAA This includes of support trenches fire and Dall section or your whether in Assemt ereserves AAA not to report with them and AAA Lelephone Brigade AQ your totall remaining me number me name and with off Commander 2nd INE B3DE Place 1.10 PY Time The above may be forwarded as now corrected. cam red ur or m t . This line should be crased II not required 8000 S.B. Ltd. WL. Wis 50,000. 9/1l. Forms OMTO.
Prefx Code. Charges to collect Senice Mstcton Handed in at 4 T0 F otoane N2GA 12 Turks Popes knows FROM RACS & TIME mac O Form COriginal Army Form C. 2123. MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No. of Message Otrce Stamp. SCM, OISEMON Receved Words From AW To. By Office a. Received/ aust Int 27½ tieay to Bie AAA 29 Colonel are advancing on Walker Bnstation and Genera Collope 1:28 cnfind 188 6 ans 129 wisto san Tourle mE Eo Dr owdere up 1.28 My 297 Kn L. Iuhm 56 Lope ingud eve me sent t0 riled in Tuppos PYou 1426 16t 9t allos 150 5 General Staff 55 on 258 The the Mand be brand yf C nots parte
1 2944 Or Form (Originall. Army Ferm C. 2123. No. of Message MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. OMCeStamS SeNY OTSENION Received Words Pa Lat From AW. & Charges to collect Sewice Mamtons M. Received !A. Office Handed in at Bde T0 cust in reply to Numt A Mon er N AAA 9 apl N2450 hat letters arranged have Ne PIER CROSS RED sent cumber and name the with are they ampport to which of them to be sent) marked on at intervals be taken. will on addresses 4o1 and distributed naval rating will board aga er to attendance at the be us etc take our lett each 48 1:356 FRoN Di PlACE & TIME Te Mald be Craed HAot Kenincd
26 Ar Form. Army Form C. 2121. MESSAGES AND SIGNALS! 10. Of MCAARE Pl Coleata Cae accd N29 Pa This message in on a/c of: Oce OIAANGSINEMME D3941 Sent cenvice Fron AB To 0 £146 STMATEO-FTMIME ORCOT BOE IOURNH INE T0 2 Dn AMont WieN to Nenter SenterGRinte AAA AB343 Col AANNAM you am sending the reserve to his section and my position AAH of do not know exact number BAA as soon as they can be withdrawn Lixe Lyncder am the from sending about 3 peatoons under capt OnORAN hope to withdaw from trenches remainder of your troops later in she day sand send Sorry to you AAB them t have so lon but kept them Am weak rather NE BD Place Time 34E2 The above may be sorwarded as now corrected (2) P Gayopep Sienalure of Addresser Of Person Eulhorined to IOlCGTAPh In hiS NAMC Censor This line should be crased if not required.
L r For Arng For C. VII. MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. . of Mecase PCR Code / Word] Care This message in on a/c of Reed. at Thee of then A Srice Mion Date Sorvice Frool TAner F TIAM MAT/S 32 ARNY CORPSORDER DA AMan TtetY HKSME AAA 29 april WL951 ANEAC Order duted 24 April is forwarded for information of all pankr. Begins a an i7 Lord KITCHENER Sends congeratulation to your Frovpr aun Lord K1rcoWiI has wired that a fresh division is ordered here from 197D at once and he wilhes congratulation to all the nross for their splendid acheevement and relys on them sticking it aa a 2 all rank are no doubt or the abit now against the cnemsanses. A new one has been repon led, namely that before a charge is made bughs are blown and much firing is done to attract our attention, the charge being then delivered in a different place and (3) Intelligence officer attached to the Army Corps reprt that prisoner believe many - Place Time The above may be serwarded as now correced CoMOT SMAHIANA MAMIDMNNNMML This line should be crased if not required. 29 415 Dr Form. Army Form C. 2121 MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. 10. of MeaaE ce ot Mor C This message in on a/c of: Reed. at Cee AOith Sirict Mttict -corvic From ISENUTETTFERMKINE OMCOTT/ BY- 2 3 TAiest to Nnte SenteGNint OM AMont AAA men would be depert were it not for a prevatent idea that we short men coming up to sunenda thes if tue is due to the enemys truls Against which we have to guard; but as it is desiratce to get prisoner, officer should be told that the partie of men obvinsly without arm should be ordered to halt handrey and then come forward one by one aca During this they should be covered and fire osened on me seightest appearance of Preachery a a a Order end S Copp Briendiess, CRa tent sld Row Cs ofS Batem of Batterie NESH nd in Place 910 M W Prmer Man The above may be forwarded as now corrected. 4/135 for Lt Cotmr 11 a At Concor. A Simued nan o n wned o e pet This line should be crased if not required are toly promin, to NESH Se Wps
Any Ly Form C. 2121) No. of Message— MESSAUES AND SIGNALS. M. I Words/ Charge This Hae S CMAAS./ Reck S OMeSIAEASIMESHM Oatc 2914 Service. Sen From 54 (Sisnature of Frankin OMicer/ By 60 Dw SeAteSK in reply to Number. Da o Ma2 AAA BM 63 29 Pope 100 with Have reinforced Sun Section and Riles Machine and reserve hane. Youred, Pope AAA Klpes haue noimal Front this reports on Eveny Switched Krohi watching between am fully KHA and Pope Otago BDE From Place 2.3 0 m Time The above may be forwarded as now correcied. M Ja P7 Signature of Addressor or person anthorized to telegraph in his name. Centor. This fine should be crased if not required. ae 1 T. MeseS O ONAEO.] Recd. St M SSAN MAn Date Service. 4 212 From (Sienature of Frankin Ottcery/ By. 16 AAA 7 BMCH That Walker Ten Please inform Observing 4 am Sending each Men parkes Separate will the Gully sip and Otagos Right Pope AAA Left Me Fore on Nhot Ctago Po/2 informed AAA These Men also tupt Dnt FrOM Place 211O Time The above may be forwarded as now correcied. Callil S h Stepoue O Addressor of Personanthoried i Eeegraph innts Name. CenDI . This fine should be erased if not required.
MESSACES AND SICATRCL Words Charge cote PICSN This Messase is on a/c of. Recd of Oller Oforigin & Service instructions 2414 Date Service. Sent. from (Signature of Frankin Officer) H0BS DIV C in reply to Number. Day of Month. AAA 5n 65 my sty trnal Everyt PM 2:26 be From Ble L27Oh The above may be torvarded as son Correcied. slysl lt Signalure of Addressor or person authorized to telegraph in his name. ECAD This fine should be crased if not required.
4 Ble major ter ware a aries g gin posstion of a lnscnine gfun / on u from to do gous f of you could anange for t i quart a feye roundes to pered cluie give at woued by adxantage Hop 2.20 pr 29715

C. Form.(Original). MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No. of Message
Recd.           RM 
from         Main      
By                 FH
Prefix   Code  Words  
Charges for Delivery    
Paid out 
Sent, or sent out                                                                    
At    .M. 
at     .M.       
Office Stamp  
Service Instructions.  
Handed in at the       Office at    M.  Received here at   M.  
TO                   FOURTH BDE                                                                          23 
*Sender's Number. Day of Month. In reply to Number. AAA 
      S.C. 27                         29th            
Many thanks for your message
re cap comforters                                                           
[*The Marines wearing Cap comforters taken for snipers CHJ*] 
FROM                 Marine Bde 
TIME                    11.55am 
All Porterage, Redirection, or other charges collected on delivery are to be bought to account by me ans of Stamps affixed to the face of the form, and the particulars of such charges and of amounts paid out are to be set forth in writing above, in the spaces headed "Delivery" and "Charges for Delivery". 
 *This line should be erased if not required.


To G.O.C. 4th Inf. Bde 
If you have a spare Bn,  
could you fit it in between  
your right & the Chatham Bn 
RMH - who have a front  
of 900+ - which is rather   
too long. 
13. th . R.M.Dde 
11.55am      29/4/15.          25 
Reply Bn 58 
12.15pm               PTO   
Army Form C. 
C. Form. (Original). MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No. of Message
Prefix    Code   Words  
Charges for 
Paid out  
Sent, or sent out 
At  .M. 
at   .M. 
Office Stamp. 
Service Instructions. 
Handed in at the        Office at        M.  Received here at    M. 
TO      FOURTH BDE                    24 
*Sender's Number. Day of Month. In reply to Number. AAA 
  BM 10                        Twentyninth    
Your BM58 re 15th Bn 
machine gunners remaining will be 
relieved at dusk 
FROM              ROYAL MARINES 
PLACE                     12.15P.M. 


“A" Form                                                   Army Form C. 2121. 
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.     29        No. of Message  
Prefix   Code     m. 
Words     Charge 
At    m. 
This message is on a/c of: 
(Signature of "Franking Officer.") 
Recd. at     m. 
From  25 
*Sender's Number    Day of Month     In reply to Number   AAA 
     KB 339 
Leave in present position firing 
line and supports under Command 
of a Major AAA  This includes 
all fire and support trenches 
whether in your section or 
not AAA   Assemble reserves 
and report with them to 
your Brigade HQ AAA   Telephone 
me total number remaining 
with me and name of 
From     2nd INF BDE 
Time     1.10 PM 
The above may be forwarded as now corrected.       
Signature of Addressor or person authorised to telegraph in his name.                                                                                       
 *This line should be erased if not required. 
8350    S. B. Ltd.   Wt. W4843/541__50,000.  9/14  Forms C2121/10. 


C. Form. (Original).                                        Army Form C. 2123. 
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.                         No. of Message
Prefix    Code   Words  
from   QW 
By        SJ 
          ₤     s.  d 
Charges for to collect
Sent, or sent out 
At  .m 
Office Stamp. 
Service Instructions. 
Handed in at                  Office            m.      Received 1/27    m. 
TO         4th Aust Inf Bde                                                     1   27½ 
* Sender's Number      Day of Month    In reply to Number        AAA 
  NZGA  12                                 29th                   _______ 
Turks are advancing on Colonel 
Popes Battalion  aaa  General Walker 
knows   _______  
[*Reptd position to Div HQ 2.3 pm     
    “      to Div Hqrs & 
let Walker know 
& Obs parties*] 
Col Pope injured 1.28 
"   Courtney units slow 14th to arrive 1.24 
1 Coy 15th   2 MGs  ordered up 1.28 
29 4/15 
R.M.L. Infty injured      1.36 
Pope injured we are sending 
100 rifles in support (15th Bn)   
J McG       1  47 pm  29 
16th rgd allow    1   50 
Pope            "    "     1. 58 
16th         "     "         2   5 
Infty  16th   "   "    no obs 
                              parties  2.6 
                               2/4 trench 
                               2 20   " 
FROM                          General Staff H Q 
 PLACE & TIME                     1.22pm 
 * This line should be erased if not required. 


C. Form. (Original).                               Army Form C. 2123. 
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.                No. of Message
Prefix    Code   Words  
from   QW 
By    SJ 
          ₤     s.  d 
Charges for to collect
Sent, or sent out 
At  .m 
Office Stamp. 
Service Instructions. 
Handed in at       Office           m.  Received         1.43pm. 
TO         4th Aust Inf Bde             
 * Sender's Number     Day of Month   In reply to Number             AAA 
  NZG 50                          29th Apl                 _______   
Navy have arranged that litters 
with the name and number 
of transport to which they are 
to be sent marked on them 
will be taken off at intervals 
and distributed to addresses on 
board  aaa    a naval rating will 
be in attendance at the pier to 
take over litters etc  _____ 
FROM                        Div H Q Beach     1.35pm 
* This line should be erased if not required. 


“A" Form                                                   Army Form C. 2121. 
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.                 No. of Message 
Prefix   Code     m. 
Words     Charge 
At    m. 
This message is on a/c of: 
(Signature of "Franking Officer.") 
Recd. at    2-29pm. 
Date 29-4-15 
From KB 
By  L/cp Gay R 
Office of Origin & Service Instructions 
TO        FOURTH INF BDE     27 
*Sender's Number  Day of Month   In reply to Number   AAA 
    KB 343 
Am sending you Col CANNAM 
and the reserve to his section 
of  his my position AAA   
do not know exact number AAA 
As soon as they can be withdrawn 
from the fire trenches am 
sending about 3 platoons under 
Capt MORAN - hope to withdraw 
from trenches remainder of your 
troops here later in the day and 
send them to you  AAA  sorry 
to have kept them so long but 
I am rather weak 
From               2nd INF BDE 
Time                    1-34 PM 
The above may be forwarded as now corrected.          
R V Gay L/cpl 
Signature of Addressor or person authorised to telegraph in his name. 
 * This line should be erased if not required.


"A" Form.                                                         Army Form C. 2121. 
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.                         No. of Message  
Prefix     Code   m. 
Words       Charge  
This message is on a/c of: 
(Signature of "Franking Officer.") 
Recd. at     m. 
By     32 
Office of Origin and Service Instructions. 
At   m. 
TO               ARMY CORPS ORDER                                       
Sender's Number     Day of Month     In reply to Number        AAA 
*  NZG 51                           29 April 
ANZAC Order dated 29th April is forwarded for 
information of all ranks.  Begins  aaa 
1) Lord KITCHENER sends congratulations to your
troops and Lord KITCHENER has wired that a 
fresh division is ordered here from EGYPT at 
once and he wishes congratulations to all the troops 
for their splendid achievement and relys on them 
sticking it  aaa 
2)  All ranks are no doubt on the alert now 
against the enemys ruses. A new one has been reported,  
namely that before a charge is made bugles 
are blown and much firing is done to attract 
our attention, the charge being then delivered 
in a different place  aaa 
3)  Intelligence officers attached to the Army 
Corps report that prisoners believe many 
The above may be forwarded as now corrected.     
Signature of Addressor person authorised to telegraph in his name. 
* This line should be erased if not required. 
29  4  1 5 
"A" Form.                                                              Army Form C. 2121. 
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.                              No. of Message  
Prefix     Code   m. 
Words       Charge  
This message is on a/c of: 
(Signature of "Franking Officer.") 
Recd. at     m. 
By   31 
Office of Origin and Service Instructions. 
At          m. 
TO               2 
Sender's Number    Day of Month     In reply to Number         AAA 

men would be desert were it not for a prevalent 
idea that we shoot men coming up to surrender. 
This if true is due to the enemy's tricks against 
which we have to guard; but as it is desirable 
to get prisoners, Officers should be told that the 
parties of men obviously without arms should 
be ordered to halt  hands up and then come 
forward one by one  aaa  During this they 
should be covered and fire opened on the 
slightest appearance of treachery  aaa   
Order ends 
*Staff affr 
Copies sent to Brigadiers CRa, CRd,ADMS 
o/c Battns o/c Batteries 
From    N& NZ NZ&A Div 
Time    2.10pm                
WB Pinner Major 
for Lt Colonel 
General Staff 
NZ & A Div 
The above may be forwarded as now corrected.      
Signature of Addressor or person authorised  to telegraph in his name. 
JP McGlinn Lt oc Bde Sgs 1/5/15 
Noted  HC 
* This line should be erased if not required. 
OC Bde Sgs 
7th ASC    To Copy   promulgate     
& return  pls        JMcG Lt/Col   30/04/15  Bde


Form.                                                                      y Form C. 2121. 
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.                              No. of Message  
Words       Charge  
This message is on a/c of: 
(Signature of "Frankin Officer.") 
Recd. at     m. 
Date 29/4 
Office of origin and Service Instructions. 
At   2.5 Pm. 
To   QW 
By   SJ 
TO               NZ & A Div     30                                
*Sender's Number      Day of Month     In reply to Number          AAA 
   BM 63                               29th                              _____ 
Have reinforced Pope with 100 
Rifles and Machine Gun Section 
and have formed a reserve 
of 200 rifles  AAA  Pope 
reports his front normal have 
switched Howitzers on to enemy 
AAA  am watching gully between 
Otago and Pope 
From            O C               4th BDE 
Time                                   2.5 PM                              29/4/15 
The above may be forwarded as now corrected.       
J McG   Gallipoli Pen  
Signature of Addressor or person authorised to telegraph in his name. 
                                     * This line should be erased if not required. 
This message is on a/c of: 
(Signature of "Frankin Officer.") 
Recd. at     m. 
Date 29/4 
Origin and Service Instructions. 
At   2 12 Pm. 
To   QW 
By   SJ 
TO               NZ & A Div     33                              
*Sender's Number      Day of Month    In reply to Number             AAA 
  BM 64                              29th                              _____ 
Please inform Gen Walker that 
I am sending 4 observing 
parties of 2 men each 
up the gully will separate 
the Right of Otago's and 
the Left of Pope  AAA 
Otago not to fire on 
these men  AAA  Pope informed 
From                   4th     Aust        Inf 
Time                    2.15 PM                   29/4/15 
The above may be forwarded as now corrected.                                        
JMcG Lt/Col Gallipoli  Pen      
Signature of Addressor or person authorised to telegraph in his name. 
 * This line should be erased if not required.


Prefix   Code   m. 
Words       Charge  
This message is on a/c of: 
(Signature of "Frankin Officer.") 
Recd. at     m. 
Date 29/4 
Office of origin and Service Instructions. 
Sent      m. 
TO               DIV HQRS                        34    
*Sender's Number      Day of Month     In reply to Number        AAA 
   BM 63                           29th                              _____         
Everything Normal along my 
line    2.26 PM 
Place      4th Inf Bde 
Time        2.27 PM 
The above may be forwarded as now corrected.                                
JMcG LtCol Gallipoli Pen   
Signature of Addressor or person authorised to telegraph in his name. 
29 4 15 
* This line should be erased if not required.


Bde major 
The bearer Pte Marriott can give the 
position of a machine gun on my 
front to the guns - if you could arrange 
for them to give a few rounds to this 
machine gun it would be an 
H Pope 
2.20 pm  / 2 27 
29  4  15

Last edited by:
Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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