Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 3, 29 April - 30 April 1915, Part 1

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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Senice Micton Handed in at S by FROM PLACR & TIME Or Form (Duplicate). May Form C. 212s. No. of Message MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. Otice Stam. Charges to Pay. AY ced Ohre AUST BDE Tnough NI & A DI WientoNinte D AAA BM 6 my sis night tishing forward wallh 26 carnot 14 reachd Gully sin of any 7 Pope Colonsl always as bas fe en het enfita bing theer we NE Bde 73
e Eis erd I have spober Brigod telephane who 1s yoing to pak a guars at pout of gueg as 25 ct t pro
oao ArForm Army Form C. 2121. Ho. Af Maccgo MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. A CE Rod This message is on a/c of: Oitice of Origin and Service Instructions 79-40 So oa 29 415 - dervice cmun t m Abemmen From cmemm T0 in im Bnmnmm/ SFnsAre N MIRTHRT MMOTIY/BY.L.Y-M.Y A 70 Fourth Brigade SAAMnt SntGNA WrerGttt AAA 29 B ceack spiping Party sent are not sufficiently bank of Gully on lefth advanted along guel to 64 exfective i pareding the fact that jast they seem tee bey by lightly fixes etc en pered fwither forward cooting eptering ofe lives to to ree Nf ae which applies receanpars in te eugl ground actess the Gully pop D.C From Place 35 am Time The attre may be sorvented as now corrected m streof horar or renn inmorned to iderar to no nore This line should be erased I not required. PEAAN COLE
2914 D0l4 P Allotmn who is entronching at head of Gully an you left rear possibly Olags troope Reply carly FonprH BdE 9.70 Dest. CFerm. Cupicate, MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. s of the Sans, Ns Inquiries respecting this Message, or application to the Delivering Office; but any complaint as to its df in writ to the oficer in charge.! In either case this I Sere Tittecn Handed in at the 20 £0007 Pept cxprenched 2th 24 FROM PLACE FTME II M AAA
To Brigadier AHA A message came through wanting to know haw many men not been relieved. I have men made f of a several 77 lattalions under my contist here who lave not been rebered. These as in addatine Mr Sheets numbers L. Berry 9-40 AM be Chpp ftean in above Ne Fet BM. 29/2/13
m A FORM. AAnny Farm C. 212 . OMa MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. Ca Nat a This message is on a/o of: Reod AtM. Office of Origin and Service Instructions son Date Dervie. At m. Fron T0 cumumm Exue dFrtn Oben 1B Mf Bd HG anstration T0 SutiKtn Mot tou t t aaa Nveny nine WL6 58 that sent Have. to message say 32pp. in there are about 40 men 02 left cente of your lie sill unrlived asa please relieve them as soon as you conveniently pn aar 172cys of and can Ia noto here 40 men of the 19 about will popar of four you at ice and tepped to vertully that pte retuve by 18 when they come Mayashang take t A 11/2An 294 15C - the Beach Place 50 a ts an The Arte my t toneree as m anated mm Conr.] Sicued Reltean a row ntond to rernt o be ae This line should be cad if o recuied
So Brigadier Twenty four men who were under Mr Keming on left yesterday report t me they are short of food and water Mr Heming not there now AAA. They have been there all the tirre AAA Sany 9.4FAM Dt My appcar to be an Anrtiation wnt in you Sestion, wnyo who should be reticend Nofat 945a 8 29.415
Serrce Handed in at the Senders Number All Porter Ere Mane 18 WFomEM MESSACES AND SICNALS 25. O Mernee Office Stamp. Sent, Osent out ollected Paid out Returned Received here al B1 aa I Tepty to Number. three. an t agi we to the lace of Deliver)
20 A PONOR No. of Message MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. WordJ Chae Roed at Thismessare is on ale of: ne 79 seron SEATWOOI. FMAHTS ORAOTY/B. X 4t Brigadiert but Bdg SerlbEGR SIASEN MWNGHNAN AAA F29 Pueuly month Monday m 12-30 Since Bn 263 less 4 Company) and half Fepting firstly been Comparly has caken Brigade sureguetly with Lnyrd Brigade MAAA second by. over above members) are now mixed Second with just and up not Brigades AAA I do now where Company and Company half of the AAA my are D thas haft Cy and taken on my been 1 undersand Cortiol and sent second right the is 75t 120 Brigade pansiion A44 From PaCO Time The Alvee Mey be oneerded as noW Carritted - caur <e<<e <<na or a a to wo . -This line should be erased H not required 188 S.B. Ltd WE Wserspi 50,000. 10/1l. Forms CM2IO. 2 0r AAY JORS MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No. of Messare a pander This message is on ale of: TSH OANS MMSAIASINAN Servia MATOT FMA HS OMINT 5 WWGtTE SnletGHie STYASoN AAA betiefe received Bde have and roof of frest rele members has now Secon Britade not AAA ourd Reserve n Sir N. 3. and J.C.C Di &C Alian apply 42 meguilis w all Bde for franded over 2 br you AA9 alse The are 13th 16 on seserd and fir piced members abso up second BrigadesAAA First and Underyary Command now under Ammedigl nlive my only ec command M that O and half MCoy CoC 615 Bn 5800 7ds cast of sunker furth meay se shove Time 1002m The above may be forwarded as now corrected. J aan conr aire a nn or c to con t. The hs sonld to rred t ast roand 188 S.B. Ltd. Wi. Wserssis 50,000. 10/1. Forms CILIO.
mananananaan Ag Ar Form. Army Form C. 2121. No. of Message— MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. Charge Hone Recd at This message is on a/c of: Oce A Ctn BSENEE MM Date. Sent. Service From IIATN FIAINORAN Batt to3 20 T0 - M AAA 2974 with ansage and try Pleas you are whon to commend Brigader under for as so as rrelieved be day the as promised tronble Jidge Genera yesterday by before 44 other all AAB Bring may Detrils you that Bte Dromptly find Mm Act on 4th Duft c 11 Dr TiMC H3OAR The above may be forwarded as now corrected. 12) Smre o Aaaos or rni nitance to ro a CenSOT This line should be crased if not required.

"C" Form (Duplicate).                                                      Army Form C.2123. 
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS                                            No. of Message 
JM      QW 
Charges to Pay. 
₤  s.  d. 
8.55 a.m 
Office Stamp. 

Service Instructions. 
Handed in at             Office            m. Received 
TO       4th AUST BDE 
             Through NZ & A DIV 
Sender’s Number         Day of Month       In reply to Number       AAA 
BM 72                                      29th                    BM 62 
The right of my Section 
is pushing forward by 
Sap. But cannot actually get 
in touch with 16th Btln 
until it has reached the 
head of the Gully AAA 
 If Colonel Pope in any 
difficulties I can always assist 
him by enfilade fire which 
I have been doing 
Col Pope is [[???]] 
Communicated to Col Pope 
From NZ INF Bde 
224 C 2      8.25am 


HQ. 4th Inf Bde           

as far as possible 
I have spoken Brigadier  
on telephone who is 
going to put a guard  
at front of gully as  
soon as he can get 
the personnel.  
HW Pope 
7.30 [[??]] 


"A Form"     Army Form C.2121. 
Prefix     Code   m. 
Words.   Charge, 
This message is on a/c of: 
29-4-15  Service. 
(Signature of "Franking Officer") 
Recd. at  842 am. 
Date 29-4-15 
By I M Iholoe  
to   Fourth Brigade    10 
 *Sender's Number   Day of Month.  In reply to number  AAA 
P1                                   29 
Party sent to check sniping  
on left bank of Gully are not sufficiently  
advanced along Gully to be effective in  
fact they seem to be parading the fact that  
they are there by lighting fires etc. 
They should be ordered further forward  
to check the shooting entering our lines 
 which also applies to the New  
Zealanders in the high ground across the 
 gully from me - 
H Pope  
Lt Col 
Time  8.35am 
The above may now be forwarded as now corrected. 
Signature of Addressor or person authorised to telegraph his name. 
D210/9.13. - C.9258.   * This line should be erased if not required 


COL. POPE     12 
Ascertain who is entrenching 
on at head of gully on your 
left rear. AAA possibly Otago troops. 
Reply early. 
9.7 am 
9.8 am 

C.M. Form A 39 
Army Form C 2121 
C Form. (Duplicate.)  MESSAGES AND SIGNALS   No. Of Message 
inquiries respecting this Message, or Application for repetition of the same, may be made at 
the Delivering Office; but any complaint as to its delay, &c., should be made in writing and addressed 
to the officer in charge. IN either case this form must accompany such enquiries or complaint.  
Office Stamp. 
Service instructions. 
Charges      ₤   s.  d. 
to Pay 
Handed in at  the          Office   at M.  Received here at  9.29 aM.
Sender's Number.   Day of Month.  In reply to Number.  AAA
Reply to who is  
entrenched in gully on our  
left AAA Turks AAA As  
our few troops are retiring  
rapidly from them success suggest 
 shelling French.   
FROM  Col. Pope 
TIME     9.30 am


To Brigadier                               (14) 
A message came through wanting to know
how many men === had not been relieved. I have  
77 men made up of === several  
battalions under my control here who have  
not been relieved. These are in addition  
to Mr Streets numbers. 
9.40 Am                                               Lt Perry 
Please see above 
NW Fenting 
B.M. 29/4/15


"A" FORM.                                                                               Army Form C. 2121
Prefix   Code   m. 
Words   Charge 
Office of Origin and Service Instructions 
This message is on a/c of: 
[[??]] Service. 
(Signature of "Franking Officer") 
Recd. at   m. 
By   15 
At    m. 
TO { HQ 4(Australian) Inf Bde 
Senders number  |   Day of month | In reply to Number |  
*NZG 58                    |    twenty nine    |                                       | AAA 
Have sent message to say that  
there are about 40 men of 3rd Bn.  in  
left centre of your line still unrelieved. aaa 
Please relieve them as soon as you conveniently  
can aaa       1½ coys of 15th Bn and  
about 40 men of the 13th Bn now here  
and will proceed to join you at once 
Replied to verbally that will  
relieve by 15th when they come 
Taken by Major Shaw 
11.12 AM 
29 4 15 C 
From NZ&AHQ                         J G Hughes 
Place Beach                                       15 GSO (1) 
Time  9.45am
The above may be forwarded as now corrected. 
Signature of Addressor or person authorised to telegraph his name. 
*This line should be erased if not required.


To Brigadier      
Twenty four men who were under
Mr Heming on left yesterday report to
me they are short of food and water AAA
Mr Heming not there now. AAA. They had
been there all the time AAA
       9. 45 AM                                                                   Lt Perry
OC    Ch/Bn II
This appears to be an
Australian unit in your
Section, inform who should  
be relieved. 
29. 4. 15                          Btn


Army Form C.2121 
C. Form. (Original).     MESSAGES AND SIGNALS   No. of Message
from 16th
By  TH 
Prefix   Code   Words 
Sent. or Sent out 
At     .M. 
at   .M. 
Office Stamp.  
TO   FOURTH BDE                            14
*Sender's Number.   Day On Month. IN Reply to Number.  AAA
Our left flank require three  
periscopes for trench work at  
once AAA Could any be  
procuredproq they would save many  
DW Hope  
order  section 57 
From 16th B N 
Time 10 .10 am   
10 15 
All Porterage, Redirection, or other charges collected on delivery are to be bought to account bey means of Stamps affixed to the face of 
form, and the particulars of such charges and of amounts paid out are to be set forth in writing above, in the space headed "Delivery" 
"Charges for Delivery" 
*This line should be erased if not required.


"A " Form                        Army Form C. 2121.
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.                          No. of Message 
Prefix    Code   m. 
Words  Charge
This message is on a/c of:
29  service 
(Signature of "Franking Officer.") 
Recd. at    m. 
Office of Origin and Service Instructions.  
At   m. 
TO Brigadier 4th Inf Bde     19

Senders Number      Day of Month    In Reply to Number
*DF 29                           Twenty-ninth              ---------                  A A A 
Since 12-30 a m Monday  
26th 15th Bn.  less C  
Company and half of A  
Company has been operating firstly  
with Third Brigade subsequently taken  
over by Second Brigade AAA 
Above members are now mixed  
up with first and second  
Brigades AAA I do not  
know where C Company and  
the half of A Company  
are AAA My B Coy and half D Coy has  
been taken out of my  
control and sent I understand  
to the right of  
Second Brigade position AAA The first  
The above may be forwarded as now corrected. 
Signature of Addressor or person authorised to telegraph his name. 
*This line should be erased if not required. 
158  S,B. Ltd. Wt. W5678/619-50,000. Forms C2121/10 
"A " Form                        Army Form C.
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.                          No. of Message 
Prefix    Code   m. 
Words  Charge 
This message is on a/c of:
29?    Service. 
(Signature of "Franking Officer.") 
Recd. at    m. 
Office of Origin and Service Instructions.  
At   m. 
TO     18

Senders Number      Day of Month    In Reply to Number
*                                  A A A 
Bde have I believe received  
relief of fresh troops and  
second Brigade has now members 
 in Reserve AAA Could not  
G.O.C. NZ and A Div  
apply to G.O.C. A'lian Div  
for red all 4th Bde members  
to be handed over to  
you AAA The are also 
 several 13th and 16 Bn  
members also mixed up with  
First and Second Brigades AAA 
Under my command  I now 
only have under my immediate  
command M G Sect half  
D Coy and Half A 
From C/G 15th Bn 
Place 3 800 yds East of sunken hulk near Sea shore 
Time 10.30am. 
The above may be forwarded as now corrected 
Signed  John Carman  Lt Col 
Signature of Addressor or person authorised to telegraph his name. 
*This line should be erased if not required. 
158  S,B. Ltd. Wt. W5678/619-50,000. Forms C2121/10 


"A " Form                        Army Form C. 2121.
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.                          No. of Message 
Prefix    Code   m. 
Words  Charge
This message is on a/c of:
(Signature of "Franking Officer.") 
Recd. at    m. 
Office of Origin and Service Instructions.  
At   m. 
TO Co 15th Battn    20

*Senders Number      Day of Month    In Reply to Number
S.C. 1                                  29/4                    D 7 29                     A A A
 Please try and arrange with 
 Brigadier under your whose command you are to 
be relieved as soon as  
possible, as promised the day  
before yesterday by General Bridges  
AAA.  Bring all other 4th  
Bde Details that you may  
find AAA.  Act Promptly    Monash
From  4th Aust Inf Bde 
Place  11 Qrs 
Time   11.30 AM 
The above may be forwarded as now corrected 
Signed CH Jess 
Signature of Addressor or person authorised to telegraph his name. 
*This line should be erased if not required.

Last edited by:
Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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