Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 3, 27 April - 29 April 1915, Part 9

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
Accession number:

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mn WFoR Army Form O. 2121 28415 , MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No. of Mossage Ward Ca lo This message is on a/c of: Office of Origis and Service instruction &41 Sont m Date Bore L mmum Map Shar uum Do mmumummmmmm B7 Co dFrt Ohe T0 Sude,Kn S S tow to sa 28 VEG46 N.EEA DIV. Order No2 BEREHAEFG6) 29th D C has manistained ipposition. 1. The A has effected a tanding suppoted by Freych DIV. was at S.end of Pehinsula, and in noof is now making good progress. Naval Div canding a (MARNEIBde, to support ofeations expected faty Lending arrival, Cox SBde April 44th foll? moves ordered by H.C. Counts I Mariul Ble to die undyr ordes of F.O.C. aust. Div. It is to be moved out on Landing to the positions hld by lit OWENS troops to MoNASH: relieve as much fthetiueheld by Col st right o G0e faust Liof consice o wts relieved by this movement all belonging to 4th pust 13e) will join Cot FWARS Deto the eft of the prsent position. Beach parties to eback pench OC 10 or Ide will dtel 1 t2 Dw NA DisIII r eo Apeteit Time 2 aton my is conernet a ht an tit 12 Wath Ant Os1 Bns 14 Comr.] Stie of Robeur a vom artennd to rernse a troe s be cd i a rod
caeao Oe AONS SMHEE MMM Dat Sorvice From 18 SEENRSSE 20 fBr GEN BIR IAN HAMILTON GCB EIC dated 28.4.15 SenttGRinter LATeAST OAAMont Shorty AAA NEGCO I rely for all officers and men to stand form and steadfast iy resist the attempt of the enemy to drivd us back from our present positioh (which has been to callantly won. The enemy is evidently trying is obtain a local success bifoe reinforcements can reach us) but the first portion of these will arriod tomorrow and br followed shortly by a Division from Egupt. It behoped us all French & Britisp, to stand last hold what we have gained) wear down the enerpy and prhap prepare for a decisios victory our comrade in FIANOERS have hap the sam experiences of fatigue after hard fought fights. be shall, I know smulate their pteadfastness and will FOM Place The Core ay be foraned at Nx comald.2 Conr] A An ANMMAC DIANNNI MIILL This line should be crased if not required. Ar Form. Any Forn Cy A3. MESSAGES AND SISNALS. No. of Mese Ple Cate aton cae Aa a This message in on a/c of: Thee A Crnn A Sintts Hitcon Sent. Sorvice Frow SCMIMEFTFTMIM, ORAT 4 T0 Wieay to Nine Sendere Number. SNAMon AAA - a repult which wil richier as to French added lawels confer fand Britist Arms. San Hamilton. Sined Hilylem D o/14 Syr Bde are Kibblene Capt 175/ To promegae Nat Gaf from e te ne e t e e ente t twisional Headgrfarters NI Place 550 Time The above may be forwarded as now corrected. artn Consor.I SemEAHUcaro NNMOIE JCCUNN
Ar Form. ary Pork C. Mi. MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. 20. of May C Recd at 7-20/ This message in on a/c of: Tee A ChinASirics Miioa Dace 5x 1 Sorvice from D owe SMTITOTTTMINE MCTT/O7 RE FECIAL PROCR 42 or GEN. SIR. IAN HAMILTON GCB EIC. dated, 28.4.15 Sentet, Dintte TFert to Hine , Day of Month. AAA NEGEO ]Dhirt I rely fr all officer and men to stand form and steadfast iy rsit the attempts of the enemy (to drivg us back from our present position, which has been so callantly won. The enemy is evidently trying to obtain a local success before reinforcements can reach us) but the first portion of these will arriod tomorrow and be followed shorly by a Division from Egypt. It behoved us all, French & Britisp, to stand fast hold what we have gained we ar down the enerpy and phaps prepare for a our comrade in FIANOERS decisi victory have had the same experiences of fatigue after hard fought fights. We shall, I know smulate their steadfastness and will From Place Time Ar Form. Army Form EM. MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No. of MnaRO Cale affa cane Reed. at This message in on a/c of. Tee AChant Sinte Mition Oate sowice From (A1) STMAEOT TTHIT MIAIY 2 torest toCnte SeNSNAN DA A Mont AAA a repult which will actiest added laurels (ad to French conter and Bpitish Arms. San Hamilton Sined) C 13t 15 45 V4 16h Slt Fare d 20 4 ar 11 towisional Headquart ers N.Y..A Place 50 Time The above may be forwarded as now corrected. B Marthwerte0 Sienature of AACTESETOTRERSONSUIhORRCd WOIEECTAPh In MiIS NAME. Con
CCLL C MY MORD This message is on a/c of Oe AOS SSSMESNS 2941 4 SMMTOT FTAMNE OMCT7/Py M 74/ grs 4h Aust Spif. Bd 3 AAA VISIR stalesaut casualty returns which have been residered by you units in your Bde. fust being complete are returned will you pleaseuendera complete stape tombrow marning ino a casualty return showing all asualties up to midnight of the 25th - 29t wsh's only the names & asuallies officers are requirer therstal numbers of men tieles, wounded or missug ate ben aboun in fagures ouly uinto willupsily he Aa. rcklo alsandred as per instrution enternes findieat service Regulation Pask II. rlegrames containing the stanes of orficers maetied ann by sent thy asxange From Place Time The arry may be forwanded as now corraed.5 1 cono. Iesne pee a This line should be grased if not required Ar Form ArMY FArN C. MI KESSAGES AND SIGNALS. 10. of Meanse Carte Reed. at This message is on a/e of OheI Mee SSEMIEEMM Date Servia From BIFAMITOTIFTMINE OMCOTT/BY 12 40 SnleS DI 12 Of MOAI. Wiee toRinee AAA ments mase with (Divisional Headquasters Units will notify the names of casualties of other ranks bux post& a mail beg well he made up at sivisional Heps for all tates & returns It should be woted that the only meanstly which casualties are notifier to the A.A.V. or Echelon & trough him to wer gealant are by returns renderes in accordance witl P.S.R. ast to/ states & casualty I ores reulared ow Hers are yor the infortunation of Me G.0.C apt are hat sent by him to the Base for new Bsalfas SS Paco Gillipoli Time The atove may be serverted as now corrected. W Comor.] Dnmne d uano ra aoms Wao This line should be crased if not requires
MISSAC MreeLtoton Handed in at 00 10 SeNACTONENNN atmtt Litt and bo RuonETNE WM MPadSr. S.B.Ll-FormMM TTSYWONANSE ta 7 4 in asa sites eighth action
Or Form (Original SIGNALS MESSAGES p Frce Sane Words From Charges to collect Senice Momctons Mn Received OCe Handed in at Avt 7 141 Ke H M WiADR AAA NE Generall Situation reaanding X follows AAA Tunkesk as enen Tenr Funferisst No is opposing 19k wa Westo and the 27th A44 7th 1 a Hacking SLeas from GALLIPof and have been presunably reinora 9th Ath AAA and al information indicates yere other enemy trods are No penen Sula A44 General on Hunfer Gesston advanced I without Jne 168A difegcully and o 78/2 ehot o FRoM PLACR & TIME Or Form (Original MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No. of Messa Received TeAL, OASCNION OMice Stamy Prof Code Words From Charges to collect Sewice Matcton BanSS o MReceN FSeer MiM WiesttoRinte AAA Ir was AA hoped his ontinaet advance would not on relieve pressure o deraplane reports AAA.) provement amnunition haps ta ront Hserasy Lt and landy en prace H8 FRoM NEA PLACH & TIME T T M te MAd A M
ton Fle Hand Send JiMaI. Coa FROM PLACE TIME All Porterage, Redirecties, or other charges colleced on and the particulars of such charges and of amount Charges for Delivery Thle Min MESSACES AND SICNAIS. Sent, or sent out Office Stamp. Collected Paid out o the lace of in Deltery and
upr Fom My manan 20. O MeraSE MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. Charge Words cote Fit This Message is on ac of: Recd at OMceOTNHS SINENSS 24/4 Date Some Sent. From (Signature of Frankin Officer) DI4 # 2x in reply to Number. Dat O MO AAA 39 $9.62 16th FN holdng Pope Col. request Section my NAM KEE 2S 60 OTH That be to get in inchuck LLFT. 7OES his with Auch CFH Kindly pass AAA atts 484 WALKE ty FOM Au Pace 540 Time t The above may be torwarded as now correged. Signature of Addressor or person authorized to telegraph inhis name. Censor. This fine should be erased if not required.

28.4.15     "A" FORM.         Army Form C. 2121. 
MESSAGES  AND  SIGNALS.   No. of Message  
Prefix   Code  m. 
Words  Charge 
This message on A/c of: 
(Signature of "Franking Officer") 
Recd. at 10.30 pm 
Date 28 4 15 
From Major Shaw 
By JMcGlinn 
Office of Origin & Service Instructions. 
At   m. 
TO                                                46 
Sender's  Number.     Day of Month     In reply to Number  
 *NZ G 46                         28 4/15             __                      AAA          
N.Z. & A      DIV. order No 2      BEACH (224 Gb)

1. The A.C has maintained its position.  29th DIV
supported by French DIV. has effected a landing 
at S. end of Peninsula, and at noon was 
making good progress.  Naval Div. is now 
landing a (MARINE) Bde, to support operations 
pending arrival Cox's Bde, expected early 
April 29th. 
2. Follg. moves ordered by A. C. Comdr:- 
1) Marine Bde to come under orders of G O.C 
Aust. Div.  It is to be moved out on landing 
to  the positions held by Col. OWENS troops to  
relieve as much of the line held by Col MONASHS 
right as GOC/Aust Div/ considers  advisable advisable 
3) Of units relieved by this movement all 
belonging to 4th Aust Bde will join Col MONASH'S 
BDE  to the left of their present position. Beach 
parties to go back to beach. O.C. I.M.A. Bde will 
detail 1 Bty to NZA Div/ 
Copies to Brigrs 
OSC Bns 
From      NZA Div HQ 
Time        9.30 PM 
The above may be forwarded as now corrected.  
WG Braithwaite Lt Col 
Signature of Addressor or person authorised to telegraph in his name.        
*This line should be erased if not required.


Prefix   Code   m. 
Office of Origin & Service Instructions. 
At   m. 
(Signature of "Franking Officer") 
By 48 
dated 28.4.15 
*Sender's Number.       Day of Month.     In reply to Number.     AAA 
   NZG 60                          Thirty                               
I rely on all officers and men to stand firm 
and steadfast to resist the attempts of the  
enemy to drive us back from our present 
position which has been so gallantly won. 
The enemy is evidently trying to obtain 
a local success before reinforcements 
can reach us;  but the first portion of 
these will arrive tomorrow and be followed 
shortly by a division from Egypt. 
It behoves us all, French & British, to stand 
fast, hold what we have gained, wear down 
the Enemy and perhaps prepare for a 
decisive victory.     Our comrades in FLANDERS 
have had the same experiences of fatigue after 
hard fought fights. We shall, I know 
emulate their steadfastness and will  
"A" Form.                         Army Form C. 2121. 
MESSAGES  AND  SIGNALS.  No. of Message  
Prefix   Code    m. 
Words  Charge 
This message on A/c of: 
(Signature of "Franking Officer") 
Recd. at  
TO          2                                      47 
Sender's  Number.     Day of Month     In reply to Number  
achieve a result which will 
confer added laurels and  to French 
and  British Armies. 
(Signed) Ian Hamilton. 
Copies to 
13th 15 Bn - [?} 
16th [?] 
7th asc - [Br ?] - Staff  
From Divisonal Hedquarters NZ & A 
Time 5.50 
The above may be forwarded as now corrected 
(Z) WG Braithwaite Lt 
Signature of Addressor or person authorized to telegraph in his name 


"A" Form.   30         Army Form C. 2121. 
MESSAGES  AND  SIGNALS.   No. of Message ... 
Prefix   Code  m. 
Words  Charge 
This message on A/c of: 
(Signature of "Franking Officer") 
Recd. at 7.20pm 
Date  30 4 15 
From  Div order 
By  JHMcG 
dated 28.4.15 
*Sender's Number.       Day of Month.     In reply to Number.     AAA 
  NZG 60                          Thirty                               
The above may be forwarded as now corrected. 
Signature of Addressor or person authorised to telegraph in his name.       
*This line should be erased if not required. 
"A" Form.                         Army Form C. 2121. 
MESSAGES  AND  SIGNALS.  No. of Message  
Prefix   Code  m. 
Words  Charge 
This message on A/c of: 
(Signature of "Franking Officer") 
Recd. at  
From   41 
Office of Origin & Service Instructions. 
At   m. 
TO          2                                       
Sender's  Number.     Day of Month     In reply to Number  
achieve a result which will 
confer added laurels and  to French 
and  British Armies. 
(Signed) Ian Hamilton. 
Copies to 
13th - 15th Bn - TPs 
16th  GDP 
7th ASC Bde   Sgs - Staff 
From  Divisional Headquarters NZ  & A   1/5/14 
Time   5.50 
The above may be forwarded as now corrected.  
W G Braithwaite. Lt Col             
Signature of Addressor or person authorized to telegraph in his name. 
*This line should be erased if not required. 


Prefix   Code    
Office of Origin & Service Instructions. 
At   m. 
This message is an a/c of: 
(Signature of "Franking Officer") 
Recd.    12.30 am 
Date      29 4 15 
From     Major Shaw 
By       J Burrage 
TO     Hqrs  4th  Aust  Inf. Bde.    2 
Sender's  Number.     Day of Month     In reply to Number  AAA 
 *NZA/147            28/4/15  
States our casualty returns which 
have been rendered by your units 
in your Bde. not being complete are 
returned. Will you please render a 
complete state tomorrow morning 
and a casualty return, showing all 
casualties up to midnight of the  
28th-29th inst. only the names of 
casualties officers are required  
the total numbers of men killed, wounded 
or missing, etc. being shown in 
figures only. Units will notify the A.A.G., 
at Echelon, Alexandria as per instructions 
contained in Field Service Regulations Part II 
telegrams containing the names of officers 
verified can be such by arrange- 
The above may be forwarded as now corrected.  
Signature of Addressor or person authorized to telegraph in his name. 
*This line should be erased if not required. 
"A" Form.                         Army Form C. 2121. 
MESSAGES  AND  SIGNALS.  No. of Message  
Prefix   Code  m. 
Words  Charge 
This message on A/c of: 
 29-4-15   Service. 
(Signature of "Franking Officer") 
Recd. at  
By    1 
*Sender's  Number.     Day of Month     In reply to Number 
ments made with Divisional 
Headquarters.  Units will notify 
the names of casualties of other 
ranks by post.  A mail bag will 
be made up at Divisional Hqrs. for all 
states & returns.  It should be noted 
that the only means by which  
casualties are notified to the A.A.G.3rd 
Echelon & through him to New Zealand are by  
returns rendered in accordance with F.S.R. 
Part II.  States & Casualty Forms rendered 
to Div. Hqrs. are for the information 
of the G.O.C and are not sent by him 
to the Base or New Zealand. 
From      DAAS NZ  &  A Div 
Place      Gallipoli 
The above may be forwarded as now corrected.  
NW Braithwaite 
Signature of Addressor or person authorized to telegraph in his name. 
*This line should be erased if not required. 


 Service Instructions.                   
TO        FOURTH  BDE   
*Sender's  Number.     Day of Month     In reply to Number       AAA 
Date of deaths Major Carter 
and Lieut Mountain twenty-eighth 
(28th) both killed in action. 
From                   SIXTEENTH  BN 
Place & Time     5-157 PM  
W.236 -833.   95,000 Pads -8/14   S.B/Ltd. _ Forms/C.2123   


"C"  Form  (Original)          Army Form C.  2123. 
MESSAGES  AND  SIGNALS.  No. of Message 
Prefix  Code   Words 
From  SVW 
By   NW 
                        ₤    s.  d 
Charges to collect 
Sent, or sent out 
At      m. 
Office Stamp. 
Service Instructions. 
Handed in at    Office    m. Received   1 am. 
TO      4th  AUST  INF  BDE     
*Sender's  Number.     Day of Month     In reply to Number       AAA 
  NZIG 35                              29th 
The General situation regarding  
enemy is as follows  AAA Turkish  
 9th Div is opposing Gen Hunter  
Weston and the 19th was  
attacking us on 27th  AAA  7th  
and 8th Divs  from GALLIPOLI  
have been presumably reinforcing  
the 9th and 19th  AAA 
All information indicates there  
are no other enemy troops  
on peninsula   AAA  General 
 Hunter Weston party advanced  
to line 168 A  to  169 X  without  
difficulty and with little 
 opposition on night of 27th/28th  
* This line should be erased if not required. 
"C"  Form  (Original)          Army Form C.  2123. 
MESSAGES  AND  SIGNALS.  No. of Message 
Prefix  Code   Words 
                        ₤    s.  d 
Charges to collect 
Sent, or sent out 
At      m. 
Office Stamp. 
Service Instructions. 
Handed in at    Office    m. Received   m. 
TO       2       3 
 *Sender's  Number.     Day of Month     In reply to Number       AAA 
AAA  It was hoped his 
continued advance would 
relieve pressure on us on  
27th  AAA.  Aeroplane reports  
no movement of ammunition  
wagons or troops on roads  
 between KARNABILE and landing  
From                  NZA  DIV  HQ 
Place & Time     12.30 AM 
* This line should be erased if not required.


C. Form. (Original).  MESSAGES  AND  SIGNALS.         of Message 
from  26th 
By LH 
Prefix    Code   Words  
Charges for Delivery 
Paid out 
Sent. or sent out 
At    .M. 
at    .M. 
Office Stamp 

Service instructions 
Handed in at    Office    M.     Received  here at   M. 
 *Sender's  Number.     Day of Month     In reply to Number       AAA 
Would  you  kindly  ask my 
New  Zealanders  to get in 
touch  with  our  left  flank 
AAA  I have made an  
effort to do so but 
so far have failed 
FROM       16th B N 
TIME           5.30am /6-45am 
All Porterage, Redirection, or other charges collected on delivery are to be bought to account by me ans of Stamps affixed to the face of the 
form, and the particulars of such charges and of amounts paid out are top be set forth in writing above, in the spaces headed "Delivery" and 
"Charges for Delivery" 
*This line should be erased if not required.


"A" Form.                         Army  
MESSAGES  AND  SIGNALS.  No. of Message  
Prefix   Code  m. 
Words  Charge 
This message on A/c of: 
(Signature of "Franking Officer") 
Recd. at  
Date  29/4 
Office of Origin & Service Instructions. 
At   m. 
TO    N Z & A DIV      1                                   
*Sender's  Number.     Day of Month     In reply to Number   AAA 
BM62                                        29th                  -                    
Col  Pope  16th BN  holding 
L  of  my  section  requests 
be  instructed  to  get  in 
touch  with  his  (POPES)  LEFT. 
AAA  kindly  pass  to  GEN 
From        Aus  Inf  Bde 
Time         6 54 am      29 /4/15 
The above may be forwarded as now corrected.  
Signature of Addressor or person authorized to telegraph in his name. 
*This line should be erased if not required.

Last edited by:
Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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