Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 3, 11 April - 26 April 1915, Part 10

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
Accession number:

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a ("noodogases2") 'ICA' og .21--is ,sonmel reirsjpbsel .nolelvid.As.. ie 4 lunnt Brtde vigmoo o laog bol o e a oe o e I o e es o e 27 v guute nidlratad, Sa 'saswenlM" mnpraschle Eewetrgsstigragnsshts edsch Vs al as svn eis' of .m.sJI-8 s bus o i. AIERFERR he bedd bor Joorf .3.0 -dasiof eal ed; of'assotl) sho 2..4... m che l Hrtkss ae wero eet bue e e enn Sue hbeslef tswausa enf, 9t spod eds 10 ani ty ebzawos swo wold e s1 77 7. zuiue al bebeeoota evad veds evelied I ;opei ds o Zengewenettto evad aulslzv 10 omis eis os qu idsedadll ee oid of, meds Prohefsitt dus 1e Tejemk onf .Sina sids mieter es beilan auy y as dery saye s,i bawora eds so saod Zedjons rewof os beallocs as Sttt to loicaglare so eervevoddohiw) weo beomellag. .e ens se oe s os elsas Inovel edi ceespei of dilw beisoknommoo ned; esw "noesp" .3.M.H enon tadt asw viqez ed' sud ,ssod cespolg msete od' lo saol ost lo .eidallavs esw eld so lonqoszeg fanalà seed edt erson ows lo abzswye zot edt lo jels od' esolnommoo of saloqmes's al begegne esw siogeser? salwo ud seswenal" zogener? bus "woaisl" szoqanl oi evoos esolommoo of bellal one o o i i o .ahie zedile dtlw beeeo od o dal v dom e e I eol slews lesoloo .ehsalzä vreselI (NaliszfesA) dfINoT salosemwo
1. 4. 5. 8. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. . 23e- CORRECTIOWS TO SKETCH PLANS (DATED 18TH APRIL 1915) OF GALLIPOLI PENINSULA SHOWING RESULTS OF AIR RECONMAISSANCES. ---0010-------- Woods in vicinity of SEDD EL BAER thoroughly reconnoitred but no guns seen. Concoalment, however, would be oasy. A4 The 3 gun emplacement shown as occupied at 188 C 6 is now Gre apparently empty. The small circles shown at 170 C. which reprosont circular Stt marks soen, not yet identified. Camp of 400 tents seen at 177 A 8. 640 Thore aro 9 guns in battery shown at 178 F 9. 97: Emplacemont shown at 178 K l is occupied by 4 guns." The dotted line at 178 F and G is approximatoly tho situation of about 20 tents. t Two emplacements at 177 Z 5 cert ainly occupied. 't Kew trench in 185 0 botweon 4, 1 and 2. t New trench in 186 A botween 4, 7 and 8. 'pK Four gun battories at 186 U 3 and 188 U 6 with trench between. Now camp of about 400 tents at 193 wo. '). Now camp of about 400 tents at 193 s 6. 'A. Summit of hill 600 (195 I 3) is entronchod. ) Summit of hill 652 (186 N 1) is ontrenched. Four gun battery at 196 G 2. 'j44 Infantry trenchos round lover spurs at 205 vWx. ')t Four gun emplacoment occupied at 203 A 7. 70t. Four gun emplacoment unoccupied at 203 G 2. )t- Four guns at 212 L 2. 'ja4 Twenty tents at 212 L 5. 'at Jat Camp of 700 tents at 203 not seen by balloon observer. The above corrections should be made to the copies of the maps supplied and the map ro-datod 20th April.
R.ilal- -2 - A new sketch plan ombodying thoso and any other subsoquent corroctions will bo published as soon as possible. Issued by Intelligonce Section, G.H.Q. 21st April, 1915.
7 2.-d. Buuu Tvuntt (anstahan) Enfanteg Saipade treratsn ovdler ? e try Clmel T. Tronaske V. B. H.1.T. derangehvrge 224]s Znenng vefostad om kelid Rakr Plateen, atrdt m Søne Freighlventtorad g Areafesla ant sardos Bulst dunaron lande near Cafa Halle- Anstsalem drinss land. batesen Kab-tafe ank Tiebesmonis shrt 2. Pe land bativeen Kake Tafe amd Fishernens ttert Srtntien menekratelg aflag ders daskank tifanteg bripade, and to consantsate ter borpale. Gol 3. The folksag avoaponate actrral ofarationd evmneslit Negtending. wittr sir landeng nill be aesdrel omt bgg O. C. Trosfs om shrå Reveval Tomefvots aurggang ttiå paaneanke mmite g tus Wripade. Chir rill ba dane under Naval avntvol amde Enbgeate ti tkå Mrorranon g Dreonomed opetatem ovdes ot åd, espre- g ohiche kave heen poomnlgated ta O5.C. Trospo Conasmet. Treharatiøg t. Shre aeno fprea g rast mit og tki. Wigada, o eashe Ter landeng TTvamefost, uall, undes tr omfernanong ka o.c. Frofr, be vesponaikle fos ver folkoning frafasation.: (a) Strat each man asmet mtt ifle easrei 200 vomets. (6. Mkat alt vank. eareg food tad 33 dagg-. (5: tkrat easke N.C.Ovman anne. a Emnall oufblg o trat (d) thrat waleskvukte. (fllak ) are ptraffat t baak o hard s a o (5) mashine Guns,avied ty kand ovom brese (7) 850 vonad uakke eaak smadlinegeu tick.eshovele tr be oo. ylel spralleg ti platøn, u r Mned handg brnndlero (3) Was rack undiidkeaal man to evnsrkse his Sord vrrgtes. 67t Chaste megnon, ehon ant so. vhnt esfakvatak -om
Tessage fom S tam ghias a d. 6 O. sunst be i chanpgench dat SShifr ty shose (Ferfest oarlener mot be foaasset in tr boaks Gilgas peravmnet o boat is conflate varstet, harki t la. haed Lvorad, totmedes atsafs mnbrttonat. Mftar fræse m tka tand-. (dShmedes otraf. t lee velrtkonat v paskk- made foat gurt mnsd to laang tomt foo askane beactung g baat (s det pervemnel mm boat-trvemnan peitt vntet ovdidt tr aase bat. (1) Saskjønen a borrat to putkes afr t bong asksse avg asitan dvoffat bom faaakk-ponskes a bardslidse detro am 6.ld dretitrete antenslring toole sa that each flatsom ka- lamndung it faid prstostkon 4 Rssmnlle tyy bmpaanes, faaung mlank rjed. () Ig undepfpora, lie dunr t vart (4 2t mnded astellang froo, foom mte smalt aslenne (try Lalf platsom) wall dieferast in dapttr o lattvaltg tlie dersn. Biegele- Ihere bierpala. po Paltalrin t be titten askova urtte ehelom o, vemandes rikt Eshelon 23. 7. Reposts t Wripedi Hral asta ov leranehunng Reposts Bripale tral dnaskss v Lipnale unll dearnebak in thrr eighle tiet kvalamte leasng thrs Tramafesst. otr poataan praarådle om oksme urlt fre merkat bog don pade ves femant aaried on lanee. Cty fled Ne! e Was dinrg 42 Byar tragpe a a Ne3. Dipel. a teah a "s ae c t A7 Tat de ateangben Neg gså is Elenngles We 9 t de aleragdee ne 1 dyde ket. ffrees av Rrest A" A12 r pe mar N Satest
Oop 2e....53. ar Rütaeb dab inern! FOURTH (AUSTRALIAN) M.M.T.Seangchoon", 22-4-15. OPERATION ORDER NO. 1 COLONFL J. MONASH, V.D., COMMANDING. Enemy reported on KILID BARR Plateau, and in neighbourhood of [NORMATION, ANAFARTA and MAIDOS. British Division lands near CAPE HELLES. Austrilian Division lands between KaBA TEPE and FISHERMAN'S HU? To land between KABA T2M and FISNTRMAN'S HUT immediatsly after TNTION New Zealand Infantry Brigade, and to concentrate the Brigade. The actual operations connected with the landing will be 3. - LANDING. carried out by O.C. Troops on the several Transports carrying the This will be done under Naval control and units of the Brigade. subject to the provisions of Divisional Operation Order No.1, copies of which have been promulgated to O's C. Troops concerned. 4. - The senior Officer of each unit of the Brigade, on each Trans- PaYraRruns will, under the supervision of the O.C. Troops, be responeible port FOR LANDING. for the following preparations :- that each man armed with rifle carries 200 rounds. (a) that all ranks carry food for 3 days. 1b that each N.C.O. and man carries a small supply of fuel. that waterbottles (filled) are strapped to back of pack. Caps to be worn. Machine Guns and parts carried hy hand or on biers. 3500 rounds with each machine gun. (h) Picks and shovels to be distributed equally to platoons, in handy bundles, points of picks well protected. (j) Warn each individual man to conserve his food and water. (k) Charge magazines, close cut-off, and put safety catch 'on". An Officer or N.C.O must be in charge of each boat. 5.(e) PASSAGR Perfect silence must be preserved in the boats. FROM SHIF (c) After personnel in boat is complete and seated, packs to TO SHORE. be loosened, and shoulder straps unbuttoned. Rifles held loose in the hands. (d) Shoulder straps to be rebuttcned and packs made fast just prior to beaching of boat. (e) All personnel in boat to remain seated until ordered to leave boat. (f) Last two men in boat to gather up and bring ashore any ammuni ion dropped from pouches or bandoliers. 6.(c) Distribute entrenching tools so that each platoon has its fai¬ ACTION ON koportion. LANDING. (b) Assemble by Companies, facing inland. If under rifle fire, lie down and wait. d) If under artillery fire, form into small columns (by half plat oons) well dispersed in depth and laterally, and lie down. Three bicyoles per Battalion to be taken ashore with Echelon 7." BICYCLES. remainder with Echelon B. Reports to Brigade Headquarters on "SEANGCHOON- 8.. Exvorrs. Brigade Headquarters and Signals will disembark in the first Its position on shore will, if lighter leaving this Transport. practicable, be marked by Brigade red pennant carried on lance. 4 Lieut.-Colonel, 13tv En. No.8 No.1 Copy filed Brigdde Major //4th (Aust.) Infantry Bde "2 . War Diary on "Seangbee" 15th Bn. on "Seangbee "; " Signals. No.9 16th " ön "Seangbee" 4 No. 10 13th Bn. Issued at 7p.m. No.11 Bde.Vet.Officer on 'Ascot" 14th Bn. on 22-4-15 to all No.12 Brigade Major. 15th Bn. concerned. .7' Staff Captain. No 13 16th En.
NEW ZEALAND AND AUSTPALIAN DIVISION Copy No........ FOURTH (AUSTRALIAN) INFANTRY ERIGADE H.M.T.Seangchoon", 22-4-15. OPERATION ORDIR NO. 1 COLONFL J. MONASH, V.D., COmMANDING. Enemy reported on KILID BARR Plateau, and in neighbourhood of 1. - INFORMATION. ANAFARTA and MAIDOS. British Division lands near CAPE HELLES. Australian Division lands between KaBa TEPE and FISHERMAN'S HU: To land between KABA TEZM and FISHERMAN'S HUT immediatsly afte 2. - HTENTION. New Zealand Infantry Brigade, and to concentrate the Erigade. 3. - The actual operations connected with the landing will be LANDING. carried out by O.C. Troops on the several Transporte carrying the This will be done under Naval control and units of the Brigade. subject to the provisions of Divisional Operation Order No.1, copies of which have been promulgated to O's C. Troops concerned. 4. - The senior Officer of each unit of the Brigade, on each Trans- PexPlRyriuks port, will, under the supervision of the O.C. Troops, be responeible FOR LANDING. for the following preparations :- that each man armed with rifle carries 200 rounds. a) that all ranks carry food for 3 days. that each N.C.O. and man carries a small supply of fuel. that waterbottles (filled) are strapped to back of pack. Caps to be worn. Machine Guns and parts carriei by hand or on biers. 3500 rounds with each machine gun. Picks and shovels to be distributei cqually to platoons, in handy bundles, pointe of picks well protected. Warn each individual man to conserve his food and water. (k) Charge magazines, close cut-off, and put safety oatch 'on". 5.(a) An Officer or N.C.O must be in charge of each boat. PASSAGE Perfect silence must be preserved in the boats. FROM SHIP (c) After personnel in boat is complete and seated, packs to T0 SHORE. be loosened, and shoulder straps unbuttoned. Rifles held loose in the hands. (d) Shoulder straps to be rebuttoned and packs made fast just prior to beaching of boat. (c) All personnel in boat to remein seated until ordered to leave boat. (f) Last two men in boat to gather up and bring ashore any armunit ion dropped from pouches or bandoliers. 6.(a) Distribute entrenching tools so that each platoon has its fair ACTION ON roportion. LANDING. (b) Assemble by Companies, facing inland. (c) If under rifle fire, lie down and wait. (d) If under artillery fire, form into small columns (by half plat cons) well dispersed in depth and laterally, and lie down. Three bicyoles per Battalion to be taken ashore with Echelon 7. - BICYCLES. remainder with Echelon B. 8. - Reports to Brigade Headquarters on 'SEANGCHOON. REPORTS. Brigade Headquarters and Signals will disembark in the first Its position on shore will, if lighter leaving this Transport. practicable, be marked by Brigade red pennant carried on lance. 8 M Lieut.-Colonel, No.8 13tb Bn. No.1 Copy filed Briadde Major//4th (Aust.) Infantry Bde . War Diary on "Seangbee" No.9 15th Bn. on "Seangbee" "Signals. No.10 16th " ön "Seangbee" 13th Bn. Issued at 7p.m. No.11 Bde.Vet.Officer on "Ascot" 14th Bn. on 22-4-15 to all No.12 Brigade Major. 15th Bn. concerned. No 13 Staff Captain. 16th Bn.
Drs IShLauD E AVSThllås Dlusloß H.M.7. LUrzov 2and April, 1915. La all sns lagelned Iha Spanalen Sraar Ma. 1 Please ensure that the strietest secreey is observed with regard to those portiene of paragraphs 1 and 3 of Divisional Operatien Order No. 1 which contain informatien as regards the disposition of the enemy or eur own troops, the intention ether than as detailed in para. 2, or the objective of the Army Corps. (Sgd) v. G. Braithwaite, Lieut.-Colonel, Genspef zuese, N.Z. £ A. Division. 30 Ol Kinast Cund, ti ust tettele Styt näeré Hait hre Aa a 44574
30 44 Ut 2374 22 tt 4540 24 Arst 4 Bütent ate Stis tornuch orher for largnig ke water Sotte usniitattl 3 allons tre brter o Hnitele ot uhen the l Hinald elta ubz Rorsn, Mo Earh he Kashec dosn, o o n Pire uters hrte ottte Mté eerätttin Nii war gin Hhinch destnatt Larto Wedrantunctift u 17
Foh f lilge 22 Apul 10/5 Bug deenv rorash Sta Gor doruite nd wihe t hon frirateln, om kar belhjeeh o Mhane o krRed: gellen Hags tomordle te fosteon d a Trovto tta Harch Condung Hrfs ore arbislart, Bthen voe m uch 4 Ranse rersalect 4 Covennig till. JRen au bo bl nsed uitt eaes As vis wonallg foreferable kut Täe Krunld be anisk o lasaaltets m e orst raubo Zin eordnng til, salte Han kat Miscvenng frie Senedt be Køptek- framalictz gostsleilhh Raulhiatzrh 11

4th  Aust Inf Bde. 
It is quite understood how  
impossible it was for you to reach 
The MINNEWASKA.                               } [[Acrtd]] BM II 
I hope you rec the secret                  }  21-4-15     
operation order No 1                              }  further 
                                                                    }  13 today 
                                                                    } [[?]] 4 
                                 W.G. Braithwaite Lt Col 


 1.         Woods in vicinity od SEDD EL BAER thoroughly reconnoitred but 
             no guns seen.  Concealment , however, would be easy. 
 2.         The 3 gun emplacement shown as accupied at 168  C  6 is now 
              apparently empty. 
 3.          The small circles shown at 170  C. which represent circular 
              marks seen, not yet identified. 
 4.         Camp of 400 tents seen at 177  A  8. 
 5.          There are 9 guns in battery shown at 178  F  9. 
 6.          Emplacement shown at 178  K  1 is occupied by 4 guns. 
 7.          The dotted line at 178   F and G is approximately the 
              situation of about 20 tents. 
 8.          Two emplacements at 177  Z  5 certainly occupied. 
 9.          New trench in 185  O  between 4,  1 and 2. 
10.          New trench in 186  A  between 4,  7 and 8. 
11.            Four gun batteries at 186  U  3 and 186  U  6 with trench between. 
12.           Now camp of about 400 tents at 193  W  9. 
13.           Now camp of about 400 tents at 193  S  6. 
14.           Summit of hill 600  (195  I  3) is entrenched. 
15.            Summit of hill 652  (196  N  1) is entrenched. 
16.            Four gun battery at  196 G 2. 
17.            Infantry trenches round lower spurs at 205 V  W  X. 
18.           Four gun emplacement occupied at 203 A 7. 
19.            Four gun emplacement unoccupied at 203  G.2 
20.           Four guns at 212 L 2. 
21.            Four guns at 212 L 5. 
22.           Camp of 700 tents at 203  T not seen by balloon observer. 
                             The above corrections should be made to the copies of 
                 the maps supplied and the map re-dated 20th April.      


     Recd 22/4/15 
         A new sketch plan embodying those and any other 
subsequent corrections will be published as soon as possible. 
Issued by Intellegence section,  G.H.Q. 
21st April,  1915.


N.Z. & A. Division 
Fourth (Australian) Infantry Brigade 
Operation Order No
Colonel J. Monash V.D. 
H.M.T.  Seeangch[[ung]] 

Information  1. Enemy reported on Kilid Bahr Plateau, and in 
                            neighbourhood of Auaforta and Maidos  
                                   British Division lands near Cape Helles 
                                    Australian Division lands between Kaba Tepe and 
                               Fisherman's hut 
Intention        2. To land between Kaba Tepe and Fisherman's Hut 
                           immediately after New Zealand Infantry Brigade, and 
                            to concentrate the Brigade. 
Preparations   3. The following arrangements actual operations connected 
for  Landing    with the landing will be carried out by O.C. Troops on the 
                            several Transports carrying the several units of the Brigade. 
                            This will be done under Naval control and subject to the 
                             provisions of  Divisional operation order No 1,  copies of which 
                             have been promulgated to O's. C. Troops concerned. 
Preparations     4. The senior officer of each unit of the Brigade, on each 
for landing.        Transport, will, under the supervision of the O.C. Troops, be 
                              responsible for the following preparations :- 
                                         (a) that each man armed with rifle carries 200 rounds. 
                                         (b) that all ranks carry food for 3 days. 
                                         (c) that each N.C.O. & man carries a small supply of fuel 
                                         (d) that waterbottles (filled) are strapped to back of pack. 
                                         (e) Caps to be worn. 
                                         (f) Machine Guns  & Parts carried by hand  or on biers. 
                                         (g) 3500 rounds with each machine gun 
                                         (h) Picks & shovels to be distributed equally to platoons, in 
                                                             handy bundles points of picks well protected 
                                         (j) Warn each individual man to conserve his food & water. 
                                         (k) Charge magazines, close cut off, & put safety catch "on"


Passage from        5.   (a) An officer or N.C.O. must be in charge of each boat 
ship to shore                (b) Perfect silence must be preserved in the boats 
                                         (c) After personnel in boats is complete 7 seated, packs to be 
                                              loosened, & shoulder straps unbuttoned. Rifles  held loose in the 
                                          (d) Shoulder straps to be rebuttoned & packs made fast just 
                                                      prior to leaving boat for shore beaching of boat 
                                          (e) All personnel in boat to remain seated until ordered 
                                                       to leave boat. 
                                          (f)  Last  two men in boat to gather up & bring ashore any 
                                                      ammunition dropped from packs pouches or bandoliers 
Action on                  6.   (a) Distribute entrenching tools so that each platoon has  
landing.                                       its fair proportion 
                                           (b) Assemble by Companies, facing inland 
                                           (c) If under rifle fire, lie down & wait 
                                           (d) If under artillery fire, form into small columns (by 
                                                         half platoons) well dispersed in depth & laterally 
                                                         & lie down. 
Brigades                    7.        Three  bicycles per battalion to be taken ashore with 
                                                   Echelon A, remainder with Echelon B. 
Reports                      7.        Reports to Brigade Head Quarters on " Seean chung" 
                                                Brigade Head Quarters & Signals will disembark in the 
                                                first two boats lighter leaving this transport. Its position 
                                                on shore will  if practicable be marked by Brigade red pennant carried 
                                                on lance. 
                 No 1             Copy filed                                                                               LtCol. 
                 No 2            War Diary                                                                       Bgde Major  &c  &c. 
                 No 3             xxx. Signals. 
                 No 4             xxx 13th Battalion 
                 No 5                    14th      do 
                 No 6                    15th      do 
                 No 7                    16th      do 
                 No 8                    13th      do on "Seeangbee" 
                 No 9                    15th       do on "Seeangbee" 
                 No 10                   16th       do on "Seeangbee" 
                 No 11             Bgde Vet. officer on "Ascot" 
                 No 12             Brigade Major 
                 No 13             Staff Captain


AW                                       NEW ZEALAND AND AUSTRALIAN DIVISION                Copy No .............. 
                                           FOURTH (AUSTRALIAN) INFANTRY BRIGADE. 
                                                                                                                                        H.M.T. Seangchoon", 
                                                              OPERATION ORDER NO. 1 
                                          COLONEL J. MONASH, V.D. , COMMANDING 
INFORMATION    1.    -      Enemy reported on KALID BAHR Plateau, and in neighbourhood of 
[*Very Secret*]      ANAFARTA and MAIDOS. 
                                              British division lands near CAPE HELLES. 
                                              Australian Division lands between KABA TEPE and FISHERMAN'S HUT 
INTENTION.           2.  -      To land between KABA TEPE and FISHERMAN'S HUT immediately after 
                                  New Zealand Infantry Brigade, and to concentrate the Brigade. 
LANDING.              3.  -         The actual operations connected with the landing will be 
                                  carried out by O.C. Troops on the several Transports carrying the 
                                  units of the Brigade.    This will be done under Naval control and 
                                  subject to the provisions of Divisional Operation Order No. 1, copies 
                                  of which have been promulgated to O's C. Troops concerned. 
PREPARATIONS    4.  -         The senior Officer of each unit of the Brigade, on each Trans- 
FOR LANDING.      port, will, under the supervision of the O.C. Troops, be responsible 
                                   for the following preparations :- 
                                         (a) that each man armed with rifle carries 200 rounds. 
                                         (b) that all ranks carry food for 3 days. 
                                         (c) that each N.C.O. and man carries a small supply of fuel. 
                                         (d) that waterbottles (filled) are strapped to back of pack. 
                                         (e) Caps to be worn. 
                                         (f) Machine Guns and parts carried by hand or on biers. 
                                         (g) 3500 rounds with each machine gun. 
                                         (h) Picks and shovels to be distributed equally to platoons, 
                                                    in handy bundles, points of oicks well protected. 
                                         (j) Warn each individual man to conserve his food and water. 
                                         (k) Charge magazines, close cut-off, and put safety catch "on". 
PASSAGE                  5.  (a) An Officer or N.C.O.must be in charge of each boat.               
FROM SHIP                   (b) Perfect silence must be preserved in the boats. 
TO SHORE.                     (c) After personnel in boat is complete and seated, packs to 
                                                     be loosened, and shoulder straps unbuttoned.  Rifles held 
                                                     loose in the hands. 
                                          (d) Shoulder straps to be rebuttoned and packs made fast just 
                                                     prior to beaching of boat. 
                                          (e) All personnel in boat to remain seated until ordered to leave 
                                          (f) Last two men in boat to gather up and bring ashore any ammunit 
                                                      ion dropped from pouches or bandoliers. 
ACTION ON                6. (a) Distribute entrenching tools so that each platoon has its fair 
LANDING.                                   proportion. 
                                           (b) Assemble by Companies, facing inland. 
                                           (c) If under rifle fire, lie down and wait. 
                                           (d) If under artillery fire, form into small columns (by half plat 
                                                       oons) well dispersed in depth and laterally, and lie down. 
BICYCLES.                    7. -     Three bicycles per battalion to be taken ashore woth Eschelon 
                                        remainder with Eschelon B. 
REPORTS.                     8. -    Reports to Brigade Headquarters on "SEANGCHOON" 
                                                  Brigade Headquarters and Signals will disembark in the first 
                                         lighter leaving this Transport.      Its position on shore will, if 
                                         practicable, be marked by Brigade red pennant caried on lance. 
No. 1 Copy filed                 No. 8    13th Bn.                                       J.P. McGlinn     Lieut.-Colonel,.2    
 "     2    "   War Diary                              on "Seangbee"                      Brigade Major, 4th (Aust.) Infantry Bde. 
  "    3    "  Signals.             No. 9    15th Bn. on "Seangbee"       } 
  "    4    " 13th Bn.             No.10    16th  "     on "Seangbee"       } 
  "    5    " 14th Bn.             No.11    Bde. Vet. Officer on "Ascot". }→   Issued at 7p.m. 
  "    6    "  15th Bn.             No.12  Brigade Major.                         }        on 22-4-15 to all 
  "    7     " 16th Bn.             No. 13 Staff Captain.                            }        concerned.


AW                                NEW ZEALAND AND AUSTRALIAN DIVISION.              Copy No.................. 
                                   FOURTH (AUSTRALIAN) INFANTRY BRIGADE. 
                                                                                                                       H.M.T. Seangchoon" 
                                                        OPERATION ORDER NO. 1 
                                        COLONEL  J .  MONASH,  V.D.,   COMMANDING. 
INFORMATION.  1.  -      Enemy reported on KILID BAHR Plateau, and in neighbourhood of 
                             ANAFARTA and MAIDOS. 
                                            British Division land near CAPE HELLES. 
                                            Australian Division lands between KABA TEPE and FISHERMAN'S HUT 
INTENTION.          2.  -      To land between KABA TEPE and FISHERMAN'S HUT immediately after 
                                New Zealand Infantry Brigade, and to concentrate the Brigade. 
LANDING.             3.  -      The actual operations connected with the landing will be 
                                carried out by O.C. Troops on the several Transports carrying the 
                                units of the Brigade.   This will be done under Naval control and 
                                subject to the provisions of Divisional Operation Order No. 1, copies 
                                of whch have been promulgated to O's C. Troops concerned. 
PREPARATIONS  4. -        The senior Officer of each unit of the Brigade, on each Trans- 
FOR LANDING.    port, will, under the supervision of the O.C. Troops, be responsible 
                                 for the following preparations :- 
                                      (a) that each man armed with rifle carries 200 rounds. 
                                      (b) that all ranks carry food for 3 days. 
                                      (c) that each N.C.O. and man carries a small supply of fuel. 
                                      (d) that waterbottles (filled) are strapped to back of opack. 
                                      (e) Caps to be worn. 
                                      (f) Machine Guns and parts carried by hand or on biers. 
                                      (g) 3500 rounds with each machine gun. 
                                      (h) Picks and shovels to be distributed equally to platoons, 
                                                 in handy bundles, points of picks well protected. 
                                      (j) Warn each individual man to conserve his food and water. 
                                      (k) Charge magazines, close cut-off, and put safety catch "on". 
PASSAGE                 5. (a) An Officer or N.C.O. must be in charge of each boat. 
FROM SHIP                 (b) Perfect silence must be preserved in the boats. 
TO SHORE.                  (c) After personnel in boat is complete and seated, packs to 
                                                 be loosened, and shoulder straps unbuttoned. Rifles held 
                                                 loose in the hands. 
                                        (d) Shoulder straps to be rebuttoned and packs made fast just 
                                                 prior to beaching of boat. 
                                        (e) All personnel in boat to remain seated until ordered to leave 
                                         (f ) Last two men in boat to gather up and bring ashore any ammunit 
                                                ion dropped from pouches or bandoliers. 
ACTION ON               6. (a) Distribute entrenching tools so that each platoon has its fair    
LANDING.                               proportion. 
                                         (b) Assemble by Companies, facing inland. 
                                         (c) If under rifle fire, lie down and wait. 
                                         (d) If under artillery fire, form into small columns (by half plat 
                                                     oons) well dispersed in depth and laterally, and lie down. 
BICYCLES.                   7. -    Three bicycles per Battalion to be taken ashore with Eschelon A 
                                          remainder with Eschelon B. 
REPORTS.                    8.   -    Reports to Brigade Headquarters on "SEANGCHOON". 
                                                   Brigade Headquarters and Signals will disembark in the first 
                                        lighter leaving this Transport.          Its position on shore will, if 
                                        practicable, be marked by Brigade red pennant carried on lance. 
No. 1 Copy  filed                  No. 8    13th Bn.                               J.P. McGlinn   Lieut _Colonel, 
 "     2 " War Diary                          on  "Seangbee"           Brigade Major, 4th (Aust.) Infantry Bde.                         
 "     3 " Signals.                    No.9      15th Bn. on "Seangbee"          } 
 "     4 " 13th Bn.                    No. 10   16th  "     on "Seangbee"         } 
 "     5 " 14th Bn.                    No. 11    Bde. Vet. Officer on "Ascot"   }→  Issued at 7p.m. 
 "     6 " 15th Bn.                    No. 12   Brigade Major.                           ]      on 22-4-15 to all 
 "     7 " 16th Bn..                   No. 13   Staff Captain.                              }      concerned.


                      NEW ZEALAND & AUSTRALIAN DIVISION. 
                                                                                H.M.T.   "LUTZOW" , 
                                                                                              22nd April, 1915. 
             To all who received the Operation Order No.  1. 
                            Please ensure that the strictest secrecy is observed 
            with regard to those portions of paragraphs 1  and  3 of Divisional 
            Operation Order No. 1 which contain information as regards the 
            disposition of the enemy or our own troops, the intention either than 
            as detailed in para.  2, or the objective of the Army Corps. 
                                                                        (Sgd)  W. G.  Braithwaite, 
                                                                                    Lieut. _Colonel, 
                                                                                             General Staff, 
                                                                                                     N.Z.   & A.. Division. 
           To Col Monash VD 
                 Cmmd 4th Aust Inf Bde. 
          Staff to note pls 
               [[?]]               4 
                     Bn       2275


4th Aust Inf Bde 
If it is found that the present 
order for carrying the water bottle 
is unsuitable & allows the water 
to trickle out when the man 
lies down,  the cork should either 
be lashed down, or you can 
give orders for the bottle to be 
carried in any way you think 
most desirable. 
                  W.G Braithwaite Lt Col 
                         IVZ OADW 


                                    HMT "Lutzow" 
                                     22 April 1915 
My dear Monash 
        The COS desired me to write to 
you privately on the subject of the use 
of the Red & Yellow  Flags to indicate 
the position of our Troops & the 
Naval Covering Ships more 
particularly to their use in order to 
cause cessation to covering fire. 
They are to be used with caution 
as it is usually preferable that there 
should be a risk of casualties in our 
own ranks from covering fire, rather 
than that this covering fire should be  
stopped prematurely. 
                                      Yrs sincerely 
                                      WG Braithwaite 

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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