Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 3, 11 April - 26 April 1915, Part 10
4th Aust Inf Bde.
It is quite understood how
impossible it was for you to reach
The MINNEWASKA. } [[Acrtd]] BM II
I hope you recd the secret } 21-4-15
operation order No 1 } further
} 13 today
} [[?]] 4
W.G. Braithwaite Lt Col
1. Woods in vicinity od SEDD EL BAER thoroughly reconnoitred but
no guns seen. Concealment , however, would be easy.
2. The 3 gun emplacement shown as accupied at 168 C 6 is now
apparently empty.
3. The small circles shown at 170 C. which represent circular
marks seen, not yet identified.
4. Camp of 400 tents seen at 177 A 8.
5. There are 9 guns in battery shown at 178 F 9.
6. Emplacement shown at 178 K 1 is occupied by 4 guns.
7. The dotted line at 178 F and G is approximately the
situation of about 20 tents.
8. Two emplacements at 177 Z 5 certainly occupied.
9. New trench in 185 O between 4, 1 and 2.
10. New trench in 186 A between 4, 7 and 8.
11. Four gun batteries at 186 U 3 and 186 U 6 with trench between.
12. Now camp of about 400 tents at 193 W 9.
13. Now camp of about 400 tents at 193 S 6.
14. Summit of hill 600 (195 I 3) is entrenched.
15. Summit of hill 652 (196 N 1) is entrenched.
16. Four gun battery at 196 G 2.
17. Infantry trenches round lower spurs at 205 V W X.
18. Four gun emplacement occupied at 203 A 7.
19. Four gun emplacement unoccupied at 203 G.2
20. Four guns at 212 L 2.
21. Four guns at 212 L 5.
22. Camp of 700 tents at 203 T not seen by balloon observer.
The above corrections should be made to the copies of
the maps supplied and the map re-dated 20th April.
Recd 22/4/15
A new sketch plan embodying those and any other
subsequent corrections will be published as soon as possible.
Issued by Intellegence section, G.H.Q.
21st April, 1915.
N.Z. & A. Division
Fourth (Australian) Infantry Brigade
Operation Order No 1
Colonel J. Monash V.D.
H.M.T. Seeangch[[ung]]
Information 1. Enemy reported on Kilid Bahr Plateau, and in
neighbourhood of Auaforta and Maidos
British Division lands near Cape Helles
Australian Division lands between Kaba Tepe and
Fisherman's hut
Intention 2. To land between Kaba Tepe and Fisherman's Hut
immediately after New Zealand Infantry Brigade, and
to concentrate the Brigade. Preparations 3. The following arrangements actual operations connected for Landing with the landing will be carried out by O.C. Troops on the
several Transports carrying the several units of the Brigade.
This will be done under Naval control and subject to the
provisions of Divisional operation order No 1, copies of which
have been promulgated to O's. C. Troops concerned.
Preparations 4. The senior officer of each unit of the Brigade, on each
for landing. Transport, will, under the supervision of the O.C. Troops, be
responsible for the following preparations :-
(a) that each man armed with rifle carries 200 rounds.
(b) that all ranks carry food for 3 days.
(c) that each N.C.O. & man carries a small supply of fuel
(d) that waterbottles (filled) are strapped to back of pack.
(e) Caps to be worn.
(f) Machine Guns & Parts carried by hand or on biers.
(g) 3500 rounds with each machine gun
(h) Picks & shovels to be distributed equally to platoons, in
handy bundles points of picks well protected
(j) Warn each individual man to conserve his food & water.
(k) Charge magazines, close cut off, & put safety catch "on"
Passage from 5. (a) An officer or N.C.O. must be in charge of each boat
ship to shore (b) Perfect silence must be preserved in the boats
(c) After personnel in boats is complete 7 seated, packs to be
loosened, & shoulder straps unbuttoned. Rifles held loose in the
(d) Shoulder straps to be rebuttoned & packs made fast just
prior to leaving boat for shore beaching of boat
(e) All personnel in boat to remain seated until ordered
to leave boat.
(f) Last two men in boat to gather up & bring ashore any
ammunition dropped from packs pouches or bandoliers
Action on 6. (a) Distribute entrenching tools so that each platoon has
landing. its fair proportion
(b) Assemble by Companies, facing inland
(c) If under rifle fire, lie down & wait
(d) If under artillery fire, form into small columns (by
half platoons) well dispersed in depth & laterally
& lie down.
Brigades 7. Three bicycles per battalion to be taken ashore with
Echelon A, remainder with Echelon B.
Reports 7. Reports to Brigade Head Quarters on " Seean chung"
Brigade Head Quarters & Signals will disembark in the
first two boats lighter leaving this transport. Its position
on shore will if practicable be marked by Brigade red pennant carried
on lance.
No 1 Copy filed LtCol.
No 2 War Diary Bgde Major &c &c.
No 3 xxx. Signals.
No 4 xxx 13th Battalion
No 5 14th do
No 6 15th do
No 7 16th do
No 8 13th do on "Seeangbee"
No 9 15th do on "Seeangbee"
No 10 16th do on "Seeangbee"
No 11 Bgde Vet. officer on "Ascot"
No 12 Brigade Major
No 13 Staff Captain
H.M.T. Seangchoon",
INFORMATION 1. - Enemy reported on KALID BAHR Plateau, and in neighbourhood of
[*Very Secret*] ANAFARTA and MAIDOS.
British division lands near CAPE HELLES.
Australian Division lands between KABA TEPE and FISHERMAN'S HUT
INTENTION. 2. - To land between KABA TEPE and FISHERMAN'S HUT immediately after
New Zealand Infantry Brigade, and to concentrate the Brigade.
LANDING. 3. - The actual operations connected with the landing will be
carried out by O.C. Troops on the several Transports carrying the
units of the Brigade. This will be done under Naval control and
subject to the provisions of Divisional Operation Order No. 1, copies
of which have been promulgated to O's C. Troops concerned.
PREPARATIONS 4. - The senior Officer of each unit of the Brigade, on each Trans-
FOR LANDING. port, will, under the supervision of the O.C. Troops, be responsible
for the following preparations :-
(a) that each man armed with rifle carries 200 rounds.
(b) that all ranks carry food for 3 days.
(c) that each N.C.O. and man carries a small supply of fuel.
(d) that waterbottles (filled) are strapped to back of pack.
(e) Caps to be worn.
(f) Machine Guns and parts carried by hand or on biers.
(g) 3500 rounds with each machine gun.
(h) Picks and shovels to be distributed equally to platoons,
in handy bundles, points of oicks well protected.
(j) Warn each individual man to conserve his food and water.
(k) Charge magazines, close cut-off, and put safety catch "on".
PASSAGE 5. (a) An Officer or N.C.O.must be in charge of each boat.
FROM SHIP (b) Perfect silence must be preserved in the boats.
TO SHORE. (c) After personnel in boat is complete and seated, packs to
be loosened, and shoulder straps unbuttoned. Rifles held
loose in the hands.
(d) Shoulder straps to be rebuttoned and packs made fast just
prior to beaching of boat.
(e) All personnel in boat to remain seated until ordered to leave
(f) Last two men in boat to gather up and bring ashore any ammunit
ion dropped from pouches or bandoliers.
ACTION ON 6. (a) Distribute entrenching tools so that each platoon has its fair
LANDING. proportion.
(b) Assemble by Companies, facing inland.
(c) If under rifle fire, lie down and wait.
(d) If under artillery fire, form into small columns (by half plat
oons) well dispersed in depth and laterally, and lie down.
BICYCLES. 7. - Three bicycles per battalion to be taken ashore woth Eschelon
remainder with Eschelon B.
REPORTS. 8. - Reports to Brigade Headquarters on "SEANGCHOON"
Brigade Headquarters and Signals will disembark in the first
lighter leaving this Transport. Its position on shore will, if
practicable, be marked by Brigade red pennant caried on lance.
No. 1 Copy filed No. 8 13th Bn. J.P. McGlinn Lieut.-Colonel,.2
" 2 " War Diary on "Seangbee" Brigade Major, 4th (Aust.) Infantry Bde.
" 3 " Signals. No. 9 15th Bn. on "Seangbee" }
" 4 " 13th Bn. No.10 16th " on "Seangbee" }
" 5 " 14th Bn. No.11 Bde. Vet. Officer on "Ascot". }→ Issued at 7p.m.
" 6 " 15th Bn. No.12 Brigade Major. } on 22-4-15 to all
" 7 " 16th Bn. No. 13 Staff Captain. } concerned.
H.M.T. Seangchoon"
INFORMATION. 1. - Enemy reported on KILID BAHR Plateau, and in neighbourhood of
British Division land near CAPE HELLES.
Australian Division lands between KABA TEPE and FISHERMAN'S HUT
INTENTION. 2. - To land between KABA TEPE and FISHERMAN'S HUT immediately after
New Zealand Infantry Brigade, and to concentrate the Brigade.
LANDING. 3. - The actual operations connected with the landing will be
carried out by O.C. Troops on the several Transports carrying the
units of the Brigade. This will be done under Naval control and
subject to the provisions of Divisional Operation Order No. 1, copies
of whch have been promulgated to O's C. Troops concerned.
PREPARATIONS 4. - The senior Officer of each unit of the Brigade, on each Trans-
FOR LANDING. port, will, under the supervision of the O.C. Troops, be responsible
for the following preparations :-
(a) that each man armed with rifle carries 200 rounds.
(b) that all ranks carry food for 3 days.
(c) that each N.C.O. and man carries a small supply of fuel.
(d) that waterbottles (filled) are strapped to back of opack.
(e) Caps to be worn.
(f) Machine Guns and parts carried by hand or on biers.
(g) 3500 rounds with each machine gun.
(h) Picks and shovels to be distributed equally to platoons,
in handy bundles, points of picks well protected.
(j) Warn each individual man to conserve his food and water.
(k) Charge magazines, close cut-off, and put safety catch "on".
PASSAGE 5. (a) An Officer or N.C.O. must be in charge of each boat.
FROM SHIP (b) Perfect silence must be preserved in the boats.
TO SHORE. (c) After personnel in boat is complete and seated, packs to
be loosened, and shoulder straps unbuttoned. Rifles held
loose in the hands.
(d) Shoulder straps to be rebuttoned and packs made fast just
prior to beaching of boat.
(e) All personnel in boat to remain seated until ordered to leave
(f ) Last two men in boat to gather up and bring ashore any ammunit
ion dropped from pouches or bandoliers.
ACTION ON 6. (a) Distribute entrenching tools so that each platoon has its fair
LANDING. proportion.
(b) Assemble by Companies, facing inland.
(c) If under rifle fire, lie down and wait.
(d) If under artillery fire, form into small columns (by half plat
oons) well dispersed in depth and laterally, and lie down.
BICYCLES. 7. - Three bicycles per Battalion to be taken ashore with Eschelon A
remainder with Eschelon B.
REPORTS. 8. - Reports to Brigade Headquarters on "SEANGCHOON".
Brigade Headquarters and Signals will disembark in the first
lighter leaving this Transport. Its position on shore will, if
practicable, be marked by Brigade red pennant carried on lance.
No. 1 Copy filed No. 8 13th Bn. J.P. McGlinn Lieut _Colonel,
" 2 " War Diary on "Seangbee" Brigade Major, 4th (Aust.) Infantry Bde.
" 3 " Signals. No.9 15th Bn. on "Seangbee" }
" 4 " 13th Bn. No. 10 16th " on "Seangbee" }
" 5 " 14th Bn. No. 11 Bde. Vet. Officer on "Ascot" }→ Issued at 7p.m.
" 6 " 15th Bn. No. 12 Brigade Major. ] on 22-4-15 to all
" 7 " 16th Bn.. No. 13 Staff Captain. } concerned.
22nd April, 1915.
To all who received the Operation Order No. 1.
Please ensure that the strictest secrecy is observed
with regard to those portions of paragraphs 1 and 3 of Divisional
Operation Order No. 1 which contain information as regards the
disposition of the enemy or our own troops, the intention either than
as detailed in para. 2, or the objective of the Army Corps.
(Sgd) W. G. Braithwaite,
Lieut. _Colonel,
General Staff,
N.Z. & A.. Division.
To Col Monash VD
Cmmd 4th Aust Inf Bde.
Staff to note pls
[[?]] 4
Bn 2275
4th Aust Inf Bde
If it is found that the present
order for carrying the water bottle
is unsuitable & allows the water
to trickle out when the man
lies down, the cork should either
be lashed down, or you can
give orders for the bottle to be
carried in any way you think
most desirable.
W.G Braithwaite Lt Col
HMT "Lutzow"
22 April 1915
My dear Monash
The COS desired me to write to
you privately on the subject of the use
of the Red & Yellow Flags to indicate
the position of our Troops & the
Naval Covering Ships more
particularly to their use in order to
cause cessation to covering fire.
They are to be used with caution
as it is usually preferable that there
should be a risk of casualties in our
own ranks from covering fire, rather
than that this covering fire should be
stopped prematurely.
Yrs sincerely
WG Braithwaite
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