Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 3, 11 April - 26 April 1915, Part 8

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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Fec 2 22//15 see AEROPLANE REPORT I6th APRIL. 1915. Seaplane reconneitred GALLIPOLI in fereneen and afternoon. Fired at TAIFIER mabazine. Seaplane marked. Expended 14 rounds 9.2r. Observer reported 2nd magazine apparently expleded. Seaplane haavily fired on by shrapnel from Held Cuns and also by rifles.) Seaplane hit but ariaters not teuched. Later enamy again commenced fire with field gun, chrapnel, while picking up seaplane. Shells apparently near TAITIER ever hill. All burst shert, appeared as 1f fuses are limited to about 6,000 yards. In all, enemy expended 200 shrapnel. Headquarters, New Zealand & Australian Divisien. Perwarded for infermation. (Sed) C.H. Villiers-Stuart, Wajer, for Bris.-Gen., R.M.T. Minnewarka, General Staff, 19th April, 1915. Australian & N.L. Army Cerps.
AEROPLANE REPORT - 18th April, 1915. Recennalsnance Plight. G Bophall (8a. 266) Pesitions of camps arcund town have already been shewn. The canp in 226 R appears to be for 6 baitaliens. &c The camp in 226 0 is hutments cevering an area of 4 mile square (1/3rd size of Cypress weed, to W. of camp). Ne entrenchments except Battery 32. TRE Square 214 No entrenciments. Mt 227 Trenches on north slope of Waltepe, hill 485 225. 226 (8a. 225 U1) and 225 7 5-7. M Chort trench facing S.V. 7AE. 213 B 7 Ne entrenchments. Mr N. of Line KOYADERE- BOCRALL. Four gun Battery facing west. Mc 8q. 213 F 2 Camp 40 tents (seen by pilot): 7 Sq. 214 H7 Observations made by pilet:- No shipping in Maidos nor in Kilia Liman Harbours. One small warship in straits between Maidos and Nagara Point. One transport, one small warship and five small craft in Nagara Bay. Six small craft in Chanat Bay. Submarine Elg in same postion, with small craft, probably a tug, alongside her. observed 40 tents at Square 214 A 7. 7M BonB dropping Might. To Krithia. Two bombs dropped on body of troops one mile south of the town. One bomb within 10 yards of target. Nothing now seen. Reconnaissance and bomb attack. Went over Seddeel-Bahr and Kaba Tepe to Chanak, and attacked enemy’s acrodrome with 100 1b. bombs. First missed over; second and third missed right. On return observed snall vessel alongside submarine El5, apparently pumping her out. Fired about 15 rounds at her with Levis gun. Bemb drepping flight. Made the same flight as before. Again attacked eneny’'s acrodrome with 100 1b. bombs. First missed 100 yards short; second miss 100 yards ever, and third bomb fell at about 12 yards from shed, under construction, probably causing some damage. Reconnaissance flight to look at submarine Els. Ne change. No veesels alengside an or close to vessel. Te NEY EEALAND ANL AUSTRALLAN DIVISION. 1914125.
Complimentary Concart tendered to Officers and Men of H.M.T.S. Seangeheon by the Canterbury and Wallington Infantry Iattalens, Commencing at 7-30 p.m. TROGRAMER. 1. OverturePrivate Carbines. 2. Long (Because]......Cpl. Mackenzie-Gibson. 3. Recitation (Humercusl........Private Ashman. 4. Song ((The Trumpeter).....Brivate Davidson. Com ngte Murfitt. Bargt. Seiver 7. Cornet Sole ((The Resary).. Private McKain. ong Tmy d . 9. Recitation (Experieaces at North Pole)......L/Cpl. Hogben. 10. Song (Three for Jack).....Private Smith. 11. Part Song (Seldier’'s Farewellt Canterbury 17th Co. prt citatiCpl. Tressider. Sens. (Drinkng. Jehnsen. 14. Eong (Ragtime Comiel........Private McIsaae. 15. Beng ((Mather Machree’)......Private Mclley. l eth. Accompanist Private Carbines. 20/4123.
20 Capt. Durrant. 14/15 Ships Adjutant Transport A.33 - (Ascot) I enclose herewith a letter to my grovm Private Ferry. I shall be abliged if you will please see that he get it promptly & also tacilitate his veply reaching me at First opportunity Thushomn Frampot 23 Sendon Colonel John Monash, List marked by Spiwake Perry herewith. ImaDiant Capt. Ships Adjutant Transport A 33. 20/4/15
S.S. Slanchoon 20/4/15 Mems. Lar Private Perry I am attaching herewith a complete list of my personal belongings which were packed into the wallets of my N. 1 Saddle. - I shall be glad of you will go through the asticter to see what in missing If any article is missing put opposite it a cron. If the astice is still thes, put a tick After doing this, veturn the paper, addressed to me, through Captain Durrant, Ship's adjutant Who will hand you this letter D hnhround ve
20/4/15 Asticles in Colonel Monash's Wallets:- saddle:- on N0 Towel& Werecutters 1 paid Socks I rubbes Airpillow (rolled up) Small hand mirrol Woollen Choleta belt. Mackintosh Coat, strapped on saddle Waterproof sponge bag tied up with a calico strap & containing: tooth brush Shavring bouch Bottle o Cascara pills) Tube of Coldcream File Handkerchief Housewife Tube of Hazeline coeam Pen Knife Khakee Laces I Fin o ointment Pipe Pencil y lepet Villette Tafety Rayor packet of Rajor blades dea carta X Seissors Mers Sin & Soap diah with coap Plate tin of Shaving Toap Suga Cartor tribe of Toothpaste & Palt & Peppe carto cup Compressed towel in packet] Alummumn Mess tin (contents reported missing Knift tork In the suddle bags of No 2 saddle there should opoor 1Negaphone, ICollapsibe Tanteon 20 1
t Sec Py 8c 87 Wa 31 20 Erng 4t Caurt ) Epentry date 29/15 45 Mem. Hr C.Os. Hrigade thnts a on 7t aso In connection with the particular disembarkation of the Higade yesterday, the following matters were noted, & should receive atten¬ tion by the Sencor office of each Regimental & Migade wint on each of the Transports carrying details of this Hrigade: 1. Considerable quantities of ammunation were drapped from the ponches, both at the landing beaches, at the Forming up places, and the concentration points. Unless this is checked & remedied the re- sults will be disastrons. 3rd Number of unnto landed with only 100 winds per man, 112. without the bandoliess carrying the extra 50 rounds. some 3. In f cases bost loods of pesonnel wer sent ashore withot an office or N.C.S. in charge. 4. In a few cases, there was too much noise & talking in the boats It is most essential that vilence be preserved & that at the point of landing only one responsible office should give orders. 5. Every man must carly ashore, in his pack 3 or 4 pieces of softwood for Freel. Fo this purpose empty boxes should be chopped up & the wood distributed to personnel. E. Waterbottles are not to be carried shing but are to be strappid at the back of the pack. 7. Wooden traines to carry Machine Erus & Ammunntion t same (in accordance with sketches already promulgated) are to be pre¬ -pared & taken ashore. 8. Regarding entrenchn took - orders will probably be issued from Dis. H.Q. directing that Regimental Reserves of Tools be distributed equally throughout the bre amnpanice. I the menues, and heatelen munt math
inmecenty Arrangements to have the tools securely bundled together in partages convenient for handling - using lashing, bagging & the like, so hat as to prevent the scattering of the tools & parts of same.- 9. Brindles of or individual pick heads must not be thrown violently into boats, as was frequently done to the danger of the boat. he loe esc
41B1 TouRT (AUETRALLAn) LSANTy BRID) maw Transport Ay Leames, 20-4-17. Bde. Signal Section. 13th Bn. 14th Bn. 15th Bn. 16th Bn. 4th P.A. 0.C. 7th A.S.C. In connection with the partial disembarkation of the Brisade yesterday, the fellowing matters were neted, and should receive attention by the Senter Officer of each Regimental and Brigade unit on each of the Transperts carrying details of this Brigade t- Considerable quantities of sminition were drepped frea the pouches, beth at the landing beaches, at the forming up places, and the concentration points. Unless this is checked and renedied the recults will be disas- treus. A number of units landss with enly 190 rounds per man, 1/e. vithont the bandeliers carrying the extra 50 rounds. In sem eases, beat loads of personnal were sent ashere without an officer or N.C.O. in charge. in a few eases, there was tee much noice and talking 1. 1t is most essential that silence be pro- in the beats. served and that at the point of landing only one respensible Offfeer should sive erders. Rvery ann must sarry ashore, in his pack, J or 4 pieces 3. For this purpose empty bexes should of seftweed for fuel. be chopped up and the weed distributed to personnel. Paterbettles are rot to be carried alung but are to be atrapped at the baes of the pack. Woeden frames to carry Machins Ouns and Amminition for sane (in accordance with aketches already promulgated) are to be prepared and taken ashore. Regarding entranching toels, orders will probably t issued from Divisional Headquarters directing that Regisen- tal Raserves of Tools be distributed equally throughout the in the meanwhile, each Battalion must four Companies. make immediate arrangements to have the toole securely bundled together in packages convenient for handling, using lashing, Bagsing, and the like, so as to prevent the beattering of the teels and parts of sana. Bundles of or indivisual pick hoads must not be threwn Mielently into boats, as was frequently done to the danger of the boat. JMMo Molonel. Brignds Majer, Fourth (Anstraliaal Intantry Brigads,
Transport Asl ((Seangchoon) Lemnos, 20-4-15. Enfantry Brieads. In connection with the disembarkation operations carried out Yesterday at Lenmnos Beach, I have to report for your information that the Brigade Staff arrived at the beach at 8-35a.m. in motor launch direct from Transport Asl! ((Seangehoor) Rendezvous points and outpost positions were immediately selected by the Brigadier and the beach was duly policed. Attached hereto please find :- (a) Schedule shewing time of arrival and discharge of boats and trawlers. (b) Schedule shewing time of the despatch of boats from the beach to trawlers with troops at the conclusion of the day's work. (o) Statement shewing the beach traffie not connected with the operations under your control. MGrnn Lieut.-Colonel, Brisade Major, Foyrth (Austradian) Infantry Brigade.

Recd 22/4/15
C O P Y 


Seaplane reconnoitred GALLIPOLI in forenoon and afternoon. Fired
at TAIFIER magazine. Seaplane marked. Expended 14 rounds 9.2". Observer
reported 2nd magazine apparently exploded. Seaplane heavily fired on
by shrapnel from Field Guns and also by rifles. Seaplane hit but
aviaters not touched. Later enemy again commenced fire with field gun,
shrapnel, while picking up seaplane. Shells apparently near TAIFIER
over hill. All burst short, appeared as if fuses are limited to
about 6,000 yards. In all, enemy expended 200 shrapnel. 

New Zealand & Australian Division. 

Forwarded for information. 

(Sgd) C.H. Villiers-Stuart, Major,
for Brig.-Gen.,
General Staff,
Australian & N.Z. Army Corps.
H.M.T. Minnewaska, 
19th April, 1915.


AEROPLANE REPORT - 18th April, 1915. 
Reconnaissance Flight.
Boghali (Sq. 2266) JRE Positions of camps around town have already been
shown. JRE
The camp in 226 R appears to be for 6 baitaliens. JRE
The camp in 226 0 is hutments covering an area
of ¼ mile square (1/3rd size of Cypress wood, JRE
to W. of camp). 

Square 214 No entrenchments except Battery 32. JRE

 " 227 No entrenchments. JRE

 " 225, 226 Trenches on north slope of Maltepe, hill 485
(Sq. 225 U 1) and 225 T 5-7. JRE 

 " 213 B 7 Short trench facing S.W. JRE.

N. of Line KOJADERE- No entrenchments. JRE.

Sq. 213 F 2 Four gun Battery facing west. JRE

Sq. 214 H7 Camp 40 tents (seen by pilot). JRE

Observations made by pilot:- 

No shipping in Maidos nor in Kilia Liman Harbours.
One small warship in straits between Maidos and Nagara Point.
One transport, one small warship and five small craft in Nagara Bay.
Six small craft in Chanak Bay.
Submarine E15 in same postion, with small craft, probably a tug,
alongside her.
observed 40 tents at Square 214 H 7. JRE 

Bomb dropping Flight. 

To Krithia. Two bombs dropped on body of troops one mile south of the
town. One bomb within 10 yards of target. Nothing now seen. 

Reconnaissance and bomb attack. 

Went over Sedd-el-Bahr and Kaba Tepe to Chanak, and attacked enemy’s
aerodrome with 100 1b. bombs. First missed over; second and third missed
right. On return observed small vessel alongside submarine El5,
apparently pumping her out.
Fired about 15 rounds at her with Lewis gun. 

Bomb dropping flight.
Made the same flight as before. Again attacked enemy's aerodrome with
100 1b. bombs. First missed 100 yards short; second miss 100 yards ever,
and third bomb fell at about 12 yards from shed, under construction,
probably causing some damage. 

Reconnaissance flight to look at submarine E15. No change. No vessels
alongside xx or close to vessel. 



Complimentary Concert tendered to
Officers and Men of H.M.T.S. "Seangchoon"' by the
Canterbury and Wellington Infantry Battalions,
Commencing at 7-30 p.m.
1. Overture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Private Carbines.
2. Song ("Because") . . . . . . Cpl. Mackenzie-Gibson.
3. Recitation (Humorous) . . . . . . . . Private Ashman.
4. Song ("The Trumpeter") . . . . . Private Davidson.
5. Comic Song . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Private Murfitt. 
6. Song . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sergt. Seivers.
7. Cornet Solo ("The Rosary") . . . Private McKain.
8. Song ("Tommy Lad") . . . . . . . . . . . Private Wilson.
9. Recitation ("Experiences at
North Pole"). . . . . . L/Cpl. Hogben.
10. Song ("Three for Jack") . . . . . . Private Smith.
11. Part Song ("Soldier's Farewell")
Canterbury 13th Co. party
12. Recitation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . L/Cpl. Tressider.
13. Song.("Drinkng") . . . . . . . . . . . . .  L/Cpl. Johnson.
14. Song ("Ragtime Comic") . . . . . . . . Private McIsaac.
15. Song ("Mother Machree") . . . . . . Private Mclloy.
16. Musical Sketch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Private Carbines. 

Accompanist - Private Carbines. 



Capt. Durrant.
Ship's Adjutant
Transport A.33 - (Ascot) 

I enclose herewith a letter to my groom
Private Perry. I shall be obliged if you will please
see that he gets it promptly & also facilitate his
reply reaching me at first opportunity.
John Monash 
Transport A.31 "Seeanchoon" 
Colonel John Monash, 

List marked by Private Perry herewith.
JMA Durrant Capt.
Ships Adjutant
Transport A 33.


S.S. Seanchoon

Memo. for Private Perry 

I am attaching herewith a complete
list of my personal belongings which were packed
into the wallets of my No 1 Saddle. - I shall be
glad of you will go through the articles to see what is
If any article is missing put opposite it
a cross. X
If the article is still there, put a tick  '/
After doing this, return the paper, addressed to
me, through Captain Durrant, Ship's adjutant
Who will hand you this letter.
John Monash 


Articles in Colonel Monash's Wallets : -

on No 1 saddle : -
1 Towel X
Wirecutters  '/
1 pair Socks  '/
I rubber airpillow (rolled up)  '/
Small hand mirror  '/
Woollen Cholera belt.  '/
Mackintosh Coat, strapped on saddle  '/
Waterproof sponge bag  '/
tied up with a calico strap  '/
& containing : -
Tooth brush  '/
Shaving brush  '/
Bottle of Cascara pills X
Tube of Cold Cream  '/
File  '/
Handkerchief  '/
Housewife  '/
Tube of Hazeline cream  '/
Pen Knife  '/
Khakee Laces  '/
Tin of ointment  '/
Pipe  '/
Pencil  '/
Gillette Safety Razor X
packet of Razor blades  '/
Scissors  '/
Soap dish with soap X
tin of Shaving Soap X
tube of Toothpaste  '/
Compressed towel in packet X
Aluminium Mess tin (contents reported missing)
In the saddle bags of No 2 saddle there should be
1 Megaphone  '/
1 Collapsible Lantern  '/
Egg Lifter X 
Tea castor X 
Mess Tin  '
Plate  '
Sugar Castor  '
Salts of Pepper castor X 
1 cup  '
knife ) 
fork ) X 
spoon ) 
No 2 Saddle 
complete *]


[* O.C. Bde. Sect Sgs
" 13th
4th F a.
7th asc *] 
[*4th  Aus Inf 
Tpt A 31 

Memo. for C.O.'s 4th (Aust) Infantry Brigade Units. 

In connection with the partial disembarkation of the Brigade 
yesterday, the following matters were noted, and should receive attention 
by the Senior Officer of each Regimental and Brigade unit on each of 
the Transports carrying details of this Brigade :-
1. Considerable quantities of ammunition were dropped from the 
pouches, both at the landing beaches, at the forming up places, and the 
concentration points. Unless this is checked and remedied the results 
will be disastrous. 
2. A number of units landed with only 150 rounds per man, i.e. 
without the bandoliers carrying the extra 50 rounds. 
3. In some a few cases, boat loads of personnel were sent ashore without 
an officer or N.C.O. in charge.
4. In a few cases, there was too much noise and talking in the boats. 
It is most essential that silence be preserved and that at the point 
of landing only one responsible officer should give orders. 
5. Every man must carry ashore, in his pack, 3 or 4 pieces of 
softwood for fuel. For this purpose empty boxes should be chopped 
up & the wood distributed to personnel. 
6. Waterbottles are not to be carried slung but are to be strapped 
at the back of the pack. 
7. Wooden frames to carry Machine Guns and Ammunition for same 
(in accordance with sketches already promulgated) are to be prepared 
and taken ashore. 
8. Regarding entrenching tools - orders will probably be issued from Div. H.Q. 
directing that Regimental Reserves of Tools be distributed equally throughout the
four Companies. In the meanwhile, each Battalion must make


arrangements to have the tools securely bundled together in packages
convenient for handling - using lashing, bagging & the like, so
that as to prevent the scattering of the tools & parts of same. -
9. Bundles of or individual pick heads must not be thrown violently
into boats, as was frequently done to the danger of the boat.
Lt Col


417B ⁄ 5/15
Transport 'A31'
Lemnos, 20-4-15.
Bde. Signal Section.
13th Bn.
14th Bn.
15th Bn.
16th Bn.
c.c. 4th F.A.
7th A.S.C. 

In connection with the partial disembarkation of the
Brigade yesterday, the following matters were noted, and should
receive attention by the Senior Officer of each Regimental and
Brigade unit on each of the Transports carrying details of this
Brigade :-
1. Considerable quantities of ammunition were dropped
from the pouches, both at the landing beaches, at the
forming up places, and the concentration points. Unless
this is checked and remedied the results will be disastrous. 

2. A number of units landed with only 150 rounds per man,
i/.e. without the bandoliers carrying the extra 50 rounds. 

3. In some eases, boat loads of personnel were sent ashore
without an officer or N.C.O. in charge. 

4. In a few cases, there was too much noise and talking
in the boats. It is most essential that silence be preserved 
and that at the point of landing only one responsible
Officer should give orders. 

5. Every man must carry ashore, in his pack, 3 or 4 pieces
of softwood for fuel. For this purpose empty boxes should
be chopped up and the wood distributed to personnel. 

6. Waterbottles are not to be carried slung but are to be
strapped at the back of the pack. 

7. Wooden frames to carry Machine Guns and Ammunition for
same (in accordance with sketches already promulgated) are
to be prepared and taken ashore. 

8. Regarding entrenching tools, orders will probably be
issued from Divisional Headquarters directing that Regimental 
Reserves of Tools be distributed equally throughout the
four Companies. In the meanwhile, each Battalion must
make immediate arrangements to have the tools securely
bundled together in packages convenient for handling, using
lashing, bagging, and the like, so as to prevent the
scattering of the tools and parts of same. 

9. Bundles of or individual pick heads must not be thrown
violently into boats, as was frequently done to the danger
of the boat. 

LPMcG Lieut.-Colonel,
Brigade Major, Fourth (Australian) Infantry Brigade.


Transport A31 ("Seangchoon"),
Lemnos, 20-4-15. 

C.O. 4th Infantry Brigade. 

In connection with the disembarkation operations carried
out yesterday at Lemnos Beach, I have to report for your
information that the Brigade Staff arrived at the beach at
8-35a.m. in motor launch direct from Transport 'A31' ("Seangechoon") 

Rendezvous points and outpost positions were immediately
selected by the Brigadier and the beach was duly policed.
Attached hereto please find :- 

(a) Schedule showing time of arrival and discharge
of boats and trawlers. 

(b) Schedule shewing time of the despatch of boats from
the beach to trawlers with troops at the conclusion of the
day's work. 

(c) Statement shewing the beach traffic not connected
with the operations under your control. 

J.P.McGlinn Lieut.-Colonel,
Brigade Major, Fourth (Australian) Infantry Brigade. 

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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