Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 3, 11 April - 26 April 1915, Part 6

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
Accession number:

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sor Form Dnpdende! Tins Memnsd 20 MESSAGES AND STONALS Ne st Mkesage - Ofce Stamp. Chargesto Pay. Teerndee lnshrnasdens 87 Ome m RedvotiSot Manded in at. AONAS SEAnGCHoap Cad In reply to Number Feansr Bnn0r Bershenift AAA 7 an A Sodarga Kogpuditeen Betrentae is GUE Eaoskälterk, FROM GEN STAFE PLACE & TIKE w288t bed. 50,000 814. S.B. Ltd-FormeCAuza
From:- Lord Kitohener. Dospatched 12/15 pm, To:- Sir Ian Hamilton. 5/20 pm, Received, 19th April. No 4109. Following extract may be of interest to you, describing the recent fighting at BASRA:- The Turkish troops were well disciplined, woll trained and brave, Their machine guns had been well concealed, and were used with great effeot, and their trenches were admirably (?situated) part at 1,100 yards, and part at 600 yards, at foot of slope leading from us down to them. Turks had no idea of being shot out of their trenches, and had to be turned out by a charge of the whole line with the bayonet. If pluck and determination of our troops, both British and Indian had not been of the sternest, and if they had not been handled with initiative and decision, battlo would not have been won. Trenches were finally captured about 4/30 pm, and being so well concealed, brunt of taking them fell on the Infantry. The Turks were so severely handled that thoy retired nineteen miles during the night, and later information indioates that the next day they oontinued their retirement". From:- Sir lan Hamilton. 19th April 1915. To:- Lord Kitohener. Grateful for telegram. Will try to follow good lead. Am printing and circulating.
str Gnct. Infenter Ble Peloungelilre, Cors Ho.). OnRAIIom OnuEm 70. I. By 4Korcemeral sir 4.) Sedles. I9./S. 63. 2 Commanding New Zealand i Australian Division. H.M.T."LUTZow", 19th April, 1915. INFORMATION. (2) ENNIY Enemy reported holding VLID BARR plateau, and to be concentrated about ANAFARTA villazes and MAIDOS. 1b) Ou R 29th (British) Division will land in the neighbourhood of CAPE HELLES, and will assault the ACHI BABI Ridge (Square 177) The intontion, generally, is to assist the fleet in I ErL10R. forcing the passage of the DANDANELLES by the capture of important land positions in the GALLIPOLI Peninsula. The Australian and New Zealand Army Corps will land SBySGzurs in force on the beach between ABi TEPE and FISHER"AN'S HUT. Its objective is the ridge over Which the GALLIPOLI-MAIDOS and BOCHALI-KOJADERE RoaÖs run, and especially MAL TEPE (Square 226 g). The captere of soch 4 position will threaten and perhaps cut the line of retroat of fhe enemy's troops on KILID BAHR plateau, and have fan reaching results. ALMNOR 01 The 1st Australien Division and Cerps Troops will DlomsAnkipio) disembark first, follewed by the Nev Zealand and Australian AIN BODY. Division as under: New Zealand Infantry Brigade. 4th Australian Infantry Brigade. New Zealand Field Ambulance Bearer Subdivisions. Divisional Enginecrs. Howitzer Battery and Ammunition Column. Field Artillery Erigade less Brigade Ammunition Coluæn. 4th Australian Field Ambulance Bearer Subdivisions. Troops and animals will be landed as in Echelon "A of amended "Order of Disembarkation" in hands of Military Trensport Officers. The only aninals landed will be:- 46 gun horses per Field Artillery Brigade. 16 per New Zealand Howitzer Battery. Donkeys
Gad LSmmsl ite Ljon. Adund 338d. Son hr Sammilun r 11. 12. Mumd. Vide Appendices I and iV attached. Troope will land with Packe, one day's rations and 2 Iron Rations. Caps will be vorn. a Machine Guns and belt boxebe carried by hand. The Reserve perconnol of Machine Gun Detachments, undergoing instruction, will alone be employed in assisting Gun Detachments. As tool carte will not accompany Echelon "A", General Service picks and shovels will be carried ashore as under:- Full complement of each Battalion will be takon. These will be issued to Platoons before disembarkation, tied in bundles before being placed in the boats, and distributed on the beach immediately unit has landed. Great oare must be taken to ensure that boats are not damaged by point. of piokheads or by sharp edges of shovels. Infantry will carry 200 rounds on person and 3,500 rounds per Machine Gun in belt boxes; other arms as in War Establiehments. A Reserve of Ammunition is being formed close to the beach, position of which will be notified when selected. A hot meal will be issued for all Troops as late as poesible before leeving their Transports. All Troops are to be warned to be very careful of their ratione, as those taken on shore may have to last more than three days (a) All Troope must excrcise the greatest restraint in the concumption of water. Before leaving Transports, cach man will drink as much as he can hold. The vater bottles d be tied to the back of the pack and not used except by an Officers order.
(b) Any springs or wells found will be carefully guarded. Officers Commanding Units will detail water guards when necessary, and all Commanders will take immediate steps for conserving any water supply formed or found. Well water must be tested by a Medical Officer before.issue, and all water will be boiled before consumption. Horses will be harnessed before disembarkatien. Pack saddles 355. will be loaded in the beats, conveying the animals they equip. LICLES. All vehicles will be so placed in the beats that they can be landed pole leading. 15. BEACH CONTROL Vide Appendix II. Souusl 16. HOLD PARTIES. Hold Parties have been allotted to Transports as required. Where they have not been detailed, the work is to be carried out by parties drawn from the Echelon last to land, which will disembark on completion of their duty. 17. INTER- (1) For arrangements for Intercommunication during landing, Vide 0. UNICATION. Appendix I, Page 4, and Appendix III. A supply of red and yellow flags will be issued te assist in indicating position of Troops to euna e enad or Rache ro oten a Navy. These flags will, ge gnd te roy 6 maicale 15 ne Stavg The Porikon of onv tøoope; oten traval covwing dire io regeunedd bocease, (e, wkevs unete frse io being disertedt ov to a ((2) Military Transport Officers will communicate en matters connected with disembarkation direct with the Naval Transport Officer (Captain LORING, R.N.) on H.M.S. "QUEEN" (3) The Officer Commanding each Transport will detail a signalling party eonsisting of one N.G.O. and tvo men with equinment, to remain behind in each Transport unitl the last Echelon has disembarled. The special attention of Military Transport Officers and Signallers is directed to para. 4, Appendix I. Polon itr is, desietett to aosanet; the flago vret be wared oor Snet ad Manne ao to be viuible 6o thre, Corinng Stipe o obvering Oflient. She nar of Hear flage io to be chendlag echlaind 6 T Afjen eavnjing Hen.
„Arrangements made for Fire Support and herial ERlI NArlON. Observation will be issued as a supplement to this order in due couree. 42.,stablished on the A Casuaity Glearing Station 22 hun beach in the vieinity of the Northernmost landing place. This Station will take the place of tent sub-divisions of Field Ambulanoes till such time as these are landed. All men unfit for disembarkation will be transferred to the Stationary Mo-pital before leaving MUDROS; any becoming unfit while at sea will be transferred to the Hospital Ship 'SEEANOCRUNe (A 31), as epportunity offers, under arrange. to be made by the Military Transport Officer of the Trasspe No animals unfit for duty will be landed. m Lls. 22 808. A small party from each unit will be left on oach 33.Transport to take charge of Regimental Baggage and Stores remaining on board. Men unfit to land will naturally be selected for this Anty. Hold partiee, Military Transport Officers, and their Signal Party remain on board until the last of Echolon "C" have landed. They will then be transferred under Naval errangemente to the "SEANCBEE", under command of Captein HoUKER, New Zealand and Australian Division, taking with them the sick remaining in their transports. uoms I Vide Appendieee Vand VI. Reporte toDiviaional Headguartera which will in ns dirsabard in She firzt boed and vhose Poaition ørehar- will ba notafied to unite as they disembark. Lieut.-Colonel, Wie Britteveichi: General Staff N.Z. & A. Division
ISSUED TO :- No. 1 Copy filed. 2 War Diary. Field Artillery Brigade. 4 Howitzer Battery. C.R.E. New Zealand Infantry Brigade. Austrlainn Infantry Bde. 8 0.c.Signale. 9 Divisional Train. 10 A.D.M.S. 11 A.A.G. A.Q.M.G. General Staff. 14 Camp'Commandant. 15 A.D.C. for G.O.C. "ACHAIA" (For O.C.Troops & M.T.0.) 16 & 17 Transport "ITONUS" 18 & 19 "K 20 & ? TUNA" 22 & 23 "LU Zow" "SOUTHLAND" 24 & "ANNABERO" 26 & 2 "HAIDAR PASHA' 28 & 2 "SEEANGBEE 30 & "AUSTRALIND" 32 &; "SEEANGCHU 34 & "CALIFORNIAN" 36 &; "ASCOT" 38 & 39 "SURADA' 40 & 41 42 Canterbury Battalion.
APPENDIX I The following Naval arrangements have been made for the dissmbarkation of the Amain body:- The transports will sail at intervals as ordered, and proceed to rendezvous deternined by the Navy. 2. About 5 a.n. on the ............... four transports will enter the anchorage for diaewbarkation and berth as follovs:- A. 7. A. 14 i x Sot SArEKA NOVIAT The tows, which will comprise all boats which landed tee first portion of the covering force fror the battleships and any lifeboats from the transports thenselves, will be in attendance, and will disembark the troope at once. The LAKE 'ICHIGAN will swing out her four horse-boats at once which will be taken under Naval arrangenente te the Müssøä. Detail of disembarkation as in List of Tows with Military Transport Officerf At the same hour, i.e. about 5 a.., four transports as 3. below will cone up and remain under way some distance out, opposite the anchoring berths. 1 3 4. 13 13 DERTFLINGTR. Lur Rüsud. ZAsOBRA. CLA cLIYRAY The seven torpedo boat destroyers, vhich were engaged in disembarking the second portion of the covering force, will come out and proceed - 1 to MASHOBRA, 2 to each of the others, and will each take 400 troops om board. Troops detailed for this trans- shipuent are to be ready at 6 a.n.
.2: The destroyers will then proceed inshore of the transports. in the anchorage, and disembark the troops in- tows. 4. The PERA, which accompanies these four transports, will renain where directed by the Naval Authorities, and stand in to take the place of the HESSEN about 8 a.m. When the first transhinnent to dsstroyers has been completed, the DERFFLINGER, NINNEWASKA, and CLAN NCGILLIVRAY will either - (a' If the inner anchorage is considered safe, stand in and take the place of the LAKE „ICHICAN, NovIAv, CALMKA, whose disembarkation should have been completed in tine to let them clear. The disembarkation will then continue as in List of Tows with anetor ilitary Officer. In this case, the remaining troops should be ready to disembark about 9 a.m. or (b) If the inner anchorage is considered unsafe, the DERFFLINGER, MINNEWASKA, and CLAN XOGILLIVRAY remain under way and continue disembarkatien through the medium of torpedo boat destroyers. The PERA will stand in the place of the EESSEN, and disembark in the inner ancherage. In this case, the next 400 (approximately) troops should be ready to disemhark 2 hours after the destroyers leave the transperte on the first trip, and so on. 6. The NIZAN (A.5) and the ARMADALE (A.21) will proceed to special berths or remain under way, as directed by the Navy, and prepare:- : Barrel Pier Jetties. NIZAN Trestle Pier material made up into AADAl rafts. They will report direct to N. T. O., QUEEN, when their preparsd roady, whareupon special towage first tow of this nature is arrangements will be made. The order of disembarkation of the renaining transports 7. cannot be determined, but the following principle of disenbarkation has been laid down. Trnasports will either berth in the anchorage, or remain under way some distance out as the military situation requires, and
3. continue, disembarkation, according to List of Towe withMilitary at Officer Bertn" Berth Berth Berth Other arne. Gun Transports. Disembarkation in lighters, horse- Dieembarking in horse-beats. boats, and cuttere, as the Navy directs. 4s A3. (. is. EAgR0O. ) CADDTCANSEIRE. Lu2O". Cof Prääazs (ie 33 (x3 ATLAWTIAN. ITOzUS. AchALA. LDlar. d (or. (230. LIBLA. COStAB. AnManrd. AESTRALIED: A3a) (3 ad 23) Asdor. S1RADA. srsarsont. LaruA. VAod A.29. 6534. 'HAIDAR PASHA Shlivonuihd SEEANG XE.

"C' Form (Duplicate). Army Form O.2123 
Charges to Pay. Office Stamp. 
£ s. d. 
Service Instructions. 
Handed in at ....... Office ........ m. Received 11:30 A m. 
 Sender's Number Day of Month In reply to Number AAA 
Todays Expedition on H M S 
QUEEN is cancelled, acknowledge 
W.2384—583 30,000 Pads—8/14 S.B. Ltd.—Forms/C.2123 


From:- Lord Kitchener.
To:- Sir Ian Hamilton. 
Dispatched 12/15 pm,
Received, 5/20 pm,
19th April. 

No 4109. 

Following extract may be of interest to you, describing the recent
fighting at BASRA:-
"The Turkish troops were well disciplined, well trained
and brave, Their machine guns had been well concealed, and were
used with great effect, and their trenches were admirably (?situated)
part at 1,100 yards, and part at 800 yards, at foot of slope
leading from us down to them. Turks had no idea of being shot out
of their trenches, and had to be turned out by a charge of the
whole line with the bayonet. If pluck and determination of our
troops, both British and Indian had not been of the sternest, and
if they had not been handled with initiative and decision, battle
would not have been won. Trenches were finally captured about
4/30 pm, and being so well concealed, brunt of taking them fell on
the Infantry.
The Turks were so severely handled that they retired
nineteen miles during the night, and later information indicates
that the next day they continued their retirement".
From:- Sir Ian Hamilton.
To:- Lord Kitchener. 19th April 1915.
Grateful for telegram. Will try to follow good lead.
Am printing and circulating.


4th Aust Infantry Bde
Seeangchoon Copy No 7
Major-General A. J. Godley K.C.M.G. C.B.,
Commanding New Zealand & Australian Division.
19th April, 1915. 
Enemy reported holding KiLID BAHR plateau, and to be
concentrated about ANAFARTA villages and MAIDOS.
29th (British) Division will land in the neighbourhood
of CAPE HELLES, and will assault the ACHI BABI Ridge (Square 177)
INTENTION. The intention, generally, is to assist the fleet in
forcing the passage of the DANDANELLES by the capture of
important land positions in the GALLIPOLI Peninsula. 
OBJECTIVE. The Australian and New Zealand Army Corps will land
in force on the beach between KABA TEPE and FISHERMAN'S HUT.
Its objective is the ridge over Which the GALLIPOLI-MAIDOS
and BOGHALI-KOJADERE Roads run, and especially MAL TEPE
(Square 226 Q).
The capture of such a position will threaten and perhaps
cut the line of retreat of the enemy's troops on KILID BAHR
plateau, and have fan reaching results. 
SEQUENCE OF The 1st Australian Division and Corps Troops will 
MAIN BODY. disembark first, followed by the Nev Zealand and Australian

Division as under: - 

New Zealand Infantry Brigade.
4th Australian Infantry Brigade.
New Zealand Field Ambulance Bearer Subdivisions.
Divisional Engineers.
Howitzer Battery and Ammunition Column.
Field Artillery Brigade less Brigade Ammunition Column.
4th Australian Field Ambulance Bearer Subdivisions.
Troops and animals will be landed as in Echelon "A of
amended "Order of Disembarkation" in hands of Military
Transport Officers.
The only animals landed will be:-
46 gun horses per Field Artillery Brigade.
16 " " per New Zealand Howitzer Battery.


METHOD OF Vide Appendices I and IV attached. 
ORDER OF Troops will land with Packs, one day's rations and 2 Iron 
DRESS. Rations. 
Caps will be worn.
MACHINE Machine Guns and belt boxes will are to be carried by hand.
GUNS. The Reserve personnel of Machine Gun Detachments, undergoing
instruction, will alone be employed in assisting Gun
1st LINE As tool carts will not accompany Echelon "A", General
TRANSPORT. Service picks and shovels will be carried ashore as under:-
Full complement of each Battalion will be taken. These will
be issued to Platoons before disembarkation, tied in bundles
before being placed in the boats, and distributed on the
beach immediately unit has landed.
Great care must be taken to ensure that boats are not
damaged by point. of pickheads or by sharp edges of shovels. 
AMMUNITION. Infantry will carry 200 rounds on person and 3,500
rounds per Machine Gun in belt boxes; other arms as in War
A Reserve of Ammunition is being formed close to the
beach, position of which will be notified when selected. 
HOT MEAL. A hot meal will be issued for all Troops as late as
possible before leaving their Transports. 
CARE OF All Troops are to be warned to be very careful of their
RATIONS. rations, as those taken on shore may have to last more than
three days. 
WATER. (a) All TroopS must exercise the greatest restraint in the
consumption of water. Before leaving Transports, each man will
drink as much as he can hold. The water bottles will should be
tied to the back of the pack and not used except by an Officer's


(b) Any springs or wells found will be carefully guarded.
Officers Commanding Units will detail water guards when necessary,
and all Commanders will take immediate steps for conserving any
water supply formed or found.
Well water must be tested by a Medical Officer before issue,
and all water will be boiled before consumption.
HORSES. Horses will be harnessed before disembarkation. Pack saddles
will be loaded in the boats, conveying the animals they equip.
VEHICLES. All vehicles will be so placed in the boats that they can
be landed pole leading.
HOLD PARTIES. Hold Parties have been allotted to Transports as required.
Where they have not been detailed, the work is to be carried out
by parties drawn from the Echelon last to land, which will
disembark on completion of their duty.
INTERCOMMUNICATION. (1) For arrangements for Intercommunication during landing, Vide
Appendix I, Page 4, and Appendix III. A supply of red and yellow
flags will be issued to assist in indicating position of Troops to
Navy. These flags will, originally be carried or planted in position to
indicate to the Naval covering fire required to cease 
to indicate to the Navy the positions of our Troops; when Navan covering
↓ fire is required to cease, IE, when such fire is being directed on to a
[* Amended D.O. 31 
Lemnos 21.4.15*]
(2) Military Transport Officers will communicate on matters
connected with disembarkation direct with the Naval Transport
Officer (Captain LORING, R.N.) on H.M.S. "QUEEN".
(3) The Officer Commanding each Transport will detail a signalling
party consisting of one N.C.O. and two men with equipment, to
remain behind in each Transport until the last Echelon has
disembarked. The special attention of Military Transport Officers
and Signallers is directed to para. 4, Appendix I.
↓ position it is desired to assault, the flags will be waved in such a  
manner as to be visible to the covering Ships or observing Officer. 
The use of these flags is to be clearly explained to the 
Officer carrying Them.


FIRE SUPPORT & Arrangements made for Fire Support and Aerial
OBSERVATION. Observation will be issued as a supplement to this order in
due course.
MEDICAL A Casualty Clearing Station will be established on the
ARRANGEMENTS. beach in the vicinity of the Northernmost landing place.
This Station will take the place of tent sub-divisions
of Field Ambulances till such time as these are landed. 
DISPOSAL OF All men unfit for disembarkation will be transferred to
THE UNFIT the Stationary Hospital before leaving MUDROS; any becoming
unfit while at sea will be transferred to the Hospital Ship
'SEEANGCHUN (A 31), as opportunity offers, under arrangement
to be made by the Military Transport Officer of the Transport 
DISPOSAL OF No animals unfit for duty will be landed. 
BAGGAGE GUARDS. A small party from each unit will be left on Each
HOLD PARTIES. Transport to take charge of Regimental Baggage and Stores
remaining on board.
Men unfit to land will naturally be selected for this
Hold parties, Military Transport Officers, and their
Signal Party remain on board until the last of Echelon "C"
have landed. They will then be transferred under Naval
arrangements to the "SEANGBEE", under command of Captain
HOULKER, New Zealand and Australian Division, taking with
them the sick remaining in their transports.
"B" & "C". Vide Appendices V and VI.
POSITION OF Reports to Divisional Headquarters which will
DIVISIONAL disembark in the first round and whose position on-shore
HEADQUARTERS will be notified to unite as they disembark. 

W.G. Braithwaite Lieut.-Colonel,
General Staff
N.Z. & A. Division


No. 1 Copy filed.
2 War Diary.
3 Field Artillery Brigade.
4 Howitzer Battery.
5 C.R.E.
6 New Zealand Infantry Brigade.
7 Australian Infantry Bde.
8 O.C.Signals.
9 Divisional Train.
10 A.D.M.S.
11 A.A.G.
12 A.Q.M.G.
13 General Staff.
14 Camp Commandant.
15 A.D.C. for G.O.C.
16 & 17 Transport "ACHAIA" (For O.C.Troops & M.T.0.)
18 & 19 " "ITONUS" " "
20 & 21 " "KATUNA" " "
22 & 23 " "LUTZOW" " "
24 & 25 " "SOUTHLAND" " "
26 & 27 " "ANNABERG" " "
28 & 29 " "HAIDAR PASHA" " "
30 & 31 " "SEEANGBEE" " "
32 & 33 " "AUSTRALIND" " " 
34 & 35 " "SEEANGCHUN" " "
36 & 37 " "CALIFORNIAN" " "
38 & 39 " "ASCOT" " "
40 & 41 " "SURADA" " "
42 Canterbury Battalion.



The following Naval arrangements have been made for the
disembarkation of the main body:-
The transports will sail at intervals as ordered, and
proceed to rendezvous determined by the Navy.
2. About 5 a.m. on the ............... four transports will
enter the anchorage for disembarkation and berth as follows :-

A. 14 A. 12 A. 7. A. 8.

The tows, which will comprise all boats which landed the
first portion of the covering force from the battleships and any
lifeboats from the transports themselves, will be in attendance,
and will disembark the troops at once. The LAKE MICHIGAN will swing
out her four horse-boats at once which will be taken under Naval
arrangements to the HESSEN. Detail of disembarkation as in List
of Tows with Military Transport Officers
3. At the same hour, i.e. about 5 a.m., four transports as
below will cone up and remain under way some distance out, opposite
the anchoring berths.

A. 15. A. 11. A. 13. A. 10

The seven torpedo boat destroyers, which were engaged in
disembarking the second portion of the covering force, will come
out and proceed - 1 to MASHOBRA, 2 to each of the others, and will
each take 400 troops om board. Troops detailed for this transshipment 
are to be ready at 6 a.m.


The destroyers will then proceed inshore of the transports.
in the anchorage, and disembark the troops in two tows.
4. The PERA, which accompanies these four transports, will
remain where directed by the Naval Authorities, and stand in to
take the place of the HESSEN about 8 a.m.
When the first transhipment to destroyers has been completed,
(a) If the inner anchorage is considered safe, stand in and
take the place of the LAKE MICHICAN, NOVIAN, GALEKA, whose
disembarkation should have been completed in tine to let them clear.
The disembarkation will then continue as in List of Tows with
Military Landing Transport Officers. In this case, the remaining troops should
be ready to disembark about 9 a.m.
or (b) If the inner anchorage is considered unsafe, the
continue disembarkation through the medium of torpedo boat
destroyers. The PERA will stand in ∧in the place of the HESSEN, and
disembark in the inner anchorage.
In this case, the next 400 (approximately) troops should be
ready to disembark 2 hours after the destroyers leave the transports
on the first trip, and so on.
6. The NIZAN (A.5) and the ARMADALE (A.21) will proceed to
special berths or remain under way, as directed by the Navy, and
prepare :-
NIZAN : Barrel Pier Jetties.
ARMADALE : Trestle Pier material made up into
They will report direct to N. T. O., QUEEN, when their
first tow of this nature is prepared ready, whereupon special towage
arrangements will be made.
7. The order of disembarkation of the remaining transports
cannot be determined, but the following principle of disembarkation
has been laid down.
Transports will either berth in the anchorage, or remain
under way some distance out as the military situation requires, and


continue, disembarkation, according to List of Tows with Military
Landing Transport Officers

Berth Berth Berth Berth
4 3 2 1
Other arms. Gun Transports.
Disembarkation in lighters horse- 
boats, and cutters, as the Navy 
Disembarking in horse-beats
A.25 A.9. A.19. A.18.
A.23. A.22. A.16. A.17.
'/ '/    
A.26. A.27. A.30. A.20.
'/ '/ '/  
A.33. A.31. A.24. A.34.
T T    
'/ '/ '/ '/
A.28. A.29.   A.32.
T T   T
'/ '/   '/


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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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