Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 3, 11 April - 26 April 1915, Part 4

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
Accession number:

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AUS Aorl s 4o.Bugade t Vafor 25 RGypade ouardling hirnitt Eofuis of Anerggger fog foun enfornatore Btaschstddan Lodan SStifs Gglant Steli Hasnsthonn
40: 6. 6 Heanngskovn NG Hnershirntk aao Sposfosom frranggehoonsvilt praches entardeng iin Tors Huues monng fult nerching ordor. din is mot dlinded eget daa rostn (hi le puady beg Oe aun Rao bhifr bratslull nit ve eged. Aalr boltnef toronasts nilt attund practees alse bolonet Sokuiston i ttr GLOUSTER Has avued higg tten Aao. ded Mundäge GEN STAGE LUTZOW. tonn- 10.MORTR. Do: - Mnanschoon. Heventutitt Aao Sohs or tr he punnders Hrangh Huit ans Bugger Steadtggnariteve er Ihr nomort undmnonon bolt evten, sidt. Boarlch stafs and urhitst astone dade B is nahged kkot ender the forsent Eonditone tterg drelt kat to bl penderach fo mite aneh Brrgadle (eadgnirte om tte nolt frorending tteckag hifore sshiet atate au calld. Kpon: 20a.a.G Hranchort O25. 93090
2. D/6 5 e i Local names for nlacha on the TALLIROLI PEUINSCLA. ESKI Or IERAHTEEEUI is called HODJA DACH." TOPALIN MEZAR DRaS is ealled ASTAK DERE. Mountain between INJI LLLXN and KUTCHUK ANATARTA is called KAVAK TEPE (not marked in map). KIZLAR DACH always called TAYYUZ DAGH. Hills en right of road as you go from StLVILI to BUYUK ANAFARFA are called FLANUR DACH (not on map). NIBRUNESI POINT is called KUTCKUK ME IIKLI BURUN. BOCHAZ ACHZI name of spit ef land between NIBRUNESI Point t and Salt Lake. DUREUZHUI TARLALERI name of land en opposite side of Salt Lake (North). BUYUK KMIKLI is nane used for SUVLA PENINSULA. Local names on coast from SUVLA towards XEROS. 1. KARAVUL TEPESSI: Genoese watch tower. Three quarters of an hour from SUVLA. 2. STERNA and MASURLIK TEPESSI. Ruined berracks. Three quarters of an hour from (1) (landing place). 3. DOMUZ BAZAR five minutes from (2). 4. KARTALI is western promontary of INJE LIMAN. 5. INJN LIMAN has small western bax dalled INJ: LIMF, the eastern part is called INJIR LnUN. 6. AK TEPE one hour from (5). 7. BALOUK SIRTI one and s half houre from (6): 8. SADI KAFUSSC one and half miles frow (7). (hills on right of road from KARNABILI to INJE LLAN are oalled TURSHTENKEUI DAGH). 9. KUTUNU LI AN also Kuumm half heur frem (8) (track to KAREABILI four houre). 10.0Am TEPZ and Arafch and Btrtl opuulik, ten minutes frem (9). 11. PURMARJIK DACK one and half houre from (10) (landing place, track to KARNABILI four houre). 12. SAZLIX TEPE one and half hours from (11) (landing place, track to KARNABILI five hours).
above places belong to KARNABILI following ones to TAIFUR. 13. KARNAPIZA. 14. KARAJ TEPESSI (landing place and fisheries track to TAIFUR four hours). 15. ILIA TEPE. 16. CHINALI landing place and track to YENIKEUI. Informant does not know places beyond this.
SIGNAL ORGANISATION FOR COMBINED OPERATIONS. ALTERATIONS AND ADDITIONS. (3) A more complete Hist of naval call signs than that contained in "Alterations and Additions" No. 1 is appended. LIST OF WTCALL STGNS. Mosquito "Queen Elizabeth“ 317 A0. "Agamemnon "Renard 327 B0. "Lord Nelson "Basilisk 337. BR. " Vengeance 4 Rattlesnake 347 CA. "Bulldog "Triumph CB. "Wolverne " Prince of Wales CC. 36T oo "Albion "Beagle CD. ol1. " Harpy "Goliath 387. OF. "Swiftsure Pincher OG. 397. Grampus Cornwallis CH. 40T. "Canopus Grasshopper 417 CN. Implacable Scourge CR. Foxhound London OV 437. "Savage" Queen CW. 447. " Prince George A Racoon 457. Ch " Majestid "Scorpion" 467. DD. "Usk "Infexible FW, 66T. Euryalus Welland 70T HR. 4 Bacchante "Jed 787. HZ. " Phaeton Wear 81T. JY. "Dartmouth . Ribble 827. KN Dublin"! "Colne 937. KP. " Talbot " Kennet 957. LG. "Doris Chelmer 96T. LW. "Ark Royal "Minerva N80. LY. "Sapphire NK. 127. Tenedos Aerodrome 4 Amethyst "Manica" N7. N.M. "Harrier“ PF. "Adamant PR. "Blenhenn Special Service Ships. PZ. Hussar HKN Special Service Ship No. 12. QW. HKO Special Service Ship No. 13. HKP Special Service Ship No. 14. Special Call Signs. Vice Admiral commanding Submarines. FK. E.M. Squadron. 81U AE2 (2nd in command E.M. B6 U32 OF. Squadron. U28 (R.A.C. lst Squadron U33 U29 R. 4.C. 2nd Squadrou DS. DT. R.A.C. 3rd Squadron B10 U34 TS. S.N.O. Mudros Bll U30 EJ. lst Squadron U85 Ell DK. 2nd Squadron U96 El4 3rd Squadron DL. 4th Sqtadron DM. DN. 6th Squadron Repair Ship Hospital Ship. Depot Ship. YGK "Rehance MNB "Soudan' YJG "Fauvette" ICall sign of "Dublin" was shown as KFin frst hist of alterations owing to a misprint.
Fleet Sweepers. French Ships. "Jaureguiberry YXV General call sign for feet IM "Charlemagne sweepers AJ Henri IV BXZ General call for H.M. ships "St Louis' GY from Heet sweepers "Hythe YOR Gazelle YOS "Folkestone YOT Russian Ship. "Newmarket" YOL "Askold BPR "Clachon YOV "Lynn" YOW "Reindeer NSD Shore Stations. "Whichr Abbey YHO Beach VWX ("Euryalus Base station W2 Right danking station W3 Supply & Ammunition Ships Left Beach Z ("Queen YAI Baron Ardrossan "Carrigan Head' Wa YAF Base station "Swanley Right danking station W5 YGX W6 Left The following additions are to be made in manuscript to the aircraft, table: Fire is falling north FN Fire is falling south FS Füre is falling enst FE FW Fire is falling west Correction to Alteration, etc, No. 1: proceeded by single 4t seg. For. Al signals in following tables Rend. Al signals in following tables preceded by single 4 seg. Printing Section Med.Exped. Foroe. G.HO.
Tal Horen Se Brte Lugh 2. 265. Maratg 7. 1105 le Nhe so to a DAROSKEuSi Seten fron 2 ri Hospt.) Sad.d. Beh) WE Threrst Acw Tnsa Ttak t 16 n 9 Wrrchtg enestraed 6 tme a" 2 z.!- FosRT e ISetr Deretnetter Bearng 48 (rade fomidrrondeer) Whe ega Setien AB ARibtangk A bearing, and (Threngt junchen i( Tela lre rBesp. beeen (6ggar Seetien CD . . seeond i Krthie and first 3in 334 Sechen St. . . . . A8 Base leneths asbe Tap issned. Si 2r. 2. ao Cio
Teor Fom Dnchrish Tesmnscher MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No. of Message Charges to Pay. Ofce Stamp. . d. Aet/I J/4 Teerndse lnerruedens -O - Jn Rendvralt . 32 o Mandedin at. COLONE TOTRSR SEae o Dayof Month Senders Number AAA hod n 16 22 76 Fordorberne L8T200 Kne) GteRch 15 Er. be Arrefarde Wricte Venge OVEN Za as 6 2.30 9 Ov te Wetrunt Nrül HAR Gor ARB Bung üg kov 2 vellet AAR Setgt Avaliøe Liegandlie Grbootdge seeii H. D. H. Z. und B. Drv FRon LUTZOV PLAOE & TKE wiaet das, 20 ooa Lude Sht. S.B. Lid-FormeCzl2a
Tahnrsft nnsh eg Prhr r This message is on dic of: Omce of Ongin & Service Instruchions. - Date Service. At From (Signature of "Franking Ofcer") By nootrsch Cioned B TO Gunb titt todo 4 e eandheri Hnschrf In reply to Number. Day of Month. AAA Aidtet N2G 73 11 tot duskgus Pleage 10 Rebort .. 22. Tru Sundleg 18u Sthran Stere Ot 90c 40 Loriltt. Enberta L Ale Brungg Valese 17A2S Aareens Aor Rresrisatis ae Aurd Cocdet Lwo Nighte Gerror de Lvüll. Teee men 6 Aetnordte Hom Gfridrect 77ü Pace deetzou Time lipIStras The above dnor be forwarded as nou corvected. 66 Traatestecht gnatus or Addressor or person authorized to telegraph in his name. Ceusor. This Hne should be erased if not required.
ak Femm A 300 Army Form C212a MESSAGES AND STGNALS OFerm Obehene! No. of Niessage TOßes Stamp Inquiries respecting this Message, or application for repetition ofthe same, may be made at the Delivering Ofüce; butany complaint as toits delay, dc, should be madein writing and addressed to the ofioer in charge. In either case this form maust accompany such inquiries orcomplaint. 116 1. a. 4 Brshe Mnrnschrn CRarges) I60 pus Handed in at the Oßtedt Recnedhor a 930 2 C0 HoWAS fo Stt CHOON Tenshr. Nan0her. Trgz Hr Trrr ettere AAA atv Vart 98 N2 8. Sr Honrton Frttte 6 Ledelkine Sted Aud Ans dralld ABR ie aud Oiisaik Telengt 9 to Rorsaks 2i un FROM 51V 14ARS PLACE 0 204 TIME Ir Jand ergs

April 17th 1915 

To:- Brigadier Major
4th Brigade 
Forwarding herewith copies of 
messages for your information 

Ship's Adjutant Helly Suangchoon


G. C Suangchoon
N Z G 19  Seventeenth   AAA

Troops on Suangchoon will practice embarking in TOWS tomorrow 
morning full marching order. Time is not decided yet. AAA. 
Troops to be ready by 8am. AAA Ships boats will not be  
used. AAA  Colonel Monash will attend practice also Colonel 
Johnston if the GLOUSTER has arrived by then AAA. 
10.40 AM.  
To:- Suangchoon.        Seventeenth               AAA 

States are to be rendered through Unit and Brigad 
Headquarters in the normal manner both when on  
board ships and whilst ashore AAA.  It is realised  
that under the present conditions they will hav 
to be rendered to units and Brigade Headquarte 
on the night proceeding the day before which states 
are called. 
From:- D. A. A. G.  
Transport A 25 


Recd 17/4/15
Local names for places on the GALLIPOLI PENINSULA. 

Mountain between INJE LIMAN and KUTCHUK ANAFARTA is
called KAVAK TEPE (not marked in map).  ?
KIZLAR DAGH always called TAYYUZ DAGH. 2
Hills on right of road as you go from SELVILI to BUYUK
ANAFARFA are called FLANUR DAGH (not on map).  2
BOGHAZ AGHZI name of spit of land between NIBRUNESI Point 2
and Salt Lake.
DURMUZHUN TARLALERI name of land on opposite side of Salt
Lake (North).                                                                                                 2

Local names on coast from SUVLA towards XEROS. 
1. KARAVUL TEPESSI: Genoese watch tower. Three quarters of an
hour from SUVLA.
2. STERNA and MASURLIK TEPESSI. Ruined barracks. Three quarters of
an hour from (1) (landing place).
3. DOMUZ BAZAR five minutes from (2).
4. KARTALI is western promontary of INJE LIMAN.
5. INJE LIMAN has small western bay called INJE LIMAN,
the eastern part is called INJIR LIMAN.
6. AK TEPE one hour from (5).
7. BALOUK SIRTI one and a half hours from (6).
8. SADI KAPUSSU one and half miles from (7).
(hills on right of road from KARNABILI to INJE LIMAN are
9. KUYUNU LIMAN also KUMERE half hour from (8) (track to KARNABILI
four hours).
10. 0JAN  TEPE and [[ATAGAN?]]and [[BUYUK?]] ODUNLIK, ten minutes from (9).
11. PURNARJIK DAGH one and half hours from (10) (landing place,
track to KARNABILI four hours).
12. SAZLIX TEPE one and half hours from (11) (landing place,
track to KARNABILI five hours). 


above places belong to KARNABILI following ones to TAIFUR.
14.KARAJ TEPESSI (landing place and fisheries track to TAIFUR
four hours).
16. CHINALI landing place and track to YENIKEUI.
Informant does not know places beyond this. 


A more complete list of naval call signs than that contained in "Alterations
and Additions" No. 1 is appended. 
AO.       "Queen Elizabeth"         31T.         "Mosquito"
BQ.       "Agamemnon"               32T.        "Renard"
BR.        "Lord Nelson"                 33T.         "Basilisk"
CA.         "Vengeance"                  34T.         "Rattlesnake" 
CB.          "Triumph"                      35T.         "Bulldog" 
CC.          " Prince of Wales".        36T.         "Wolverine" 
CD.          "Albion"                           37T.         "Beagle" 
CF.           "Goliath"                         38T.         "Harpy" 
CG.           "Swiftsure"                     39T.          "Pincher" 
CH.           "Cornwallis".                  40T.         "Grampus" 
CM.          "Canopus".                      41T.          "Grasshopper" 
CR.            "Implacable"                 42T.         "Scourge" 
CV.            "London".                       43T.          "Foxhound" 
CW.            "Queen".                        44T.          "Savage" 
CZ.             "Prince George".           45T.          "Racoon" 
DD.            "Majestic".                       46T.         "Scorpion" 
FW.            "Inflexible"                       66T.         "Usk" 
HR.             "Euryalus"                        70T.         "Welland" 
HZ.              "Bacchante"                   78T.          "Jed" 
JY.               "Phaeton"                        81T.           "Wear" 
KN.             "Dartmouth"                   82T.          "Ribble" 
KP.              "Dublin"‡                         93T.          "Colne" 
LG.               "Talbot"                           95T.           "Kennet" 
LW.               "Doris"                            96T.           "Chelmer" 
LY.                "Minerva"                        N80.          "Ark Royal" 
NK.              "Sapphire"                       N27.            Tenedos Aerodrome 
N.M.             "Amethyst"                     W7.            "Manica" 
PF.                "Harrier" 
PR.                "Adamant" 
PZ.               "Blenheim"                          Special Service Ships. 
QW.              "Hussar"                               HKN Special Service Ship No. 12 
                                                                     HKO Special Service Ship No. 13 
                                                                     HKP Special Service Ship No. 14 

Special Call Signs.
FK.               Vice Admiral commanding           Submarines.
                                       E.M. Squadron.                81U            AE2
                      (2nd in command  E.M.                  U32           B6
OF.                (                         Squadron                 U28           B7
                      (R.A.C. lst Squadron                         U33           B8
DS.                R.A.C. 2nd Squadron                       U29           B9
DT.                R.A.C. 3rd Squadron                         U34           B10
TS.                S.N.O. Mudros                                     U30           B11
EJ.                lst Squadron                                        U85            E11
DK.               2nd Squadron                                     U96            E14
DL.               3rd Squadron
DM.              4th Squadron
DN.               6th Squadron
    Repair Ship                Hospital Ship.              Depot Ship.
    YGK  "Reliance"          MNB "Soudan"          YJG "Fauvette"

     ‡Call sign of "Dublin" was shown as KF in first list of alterations owing to
a misprint. 


French Ships.                                                Fleet Sweepers.
JM          "Jauréguiberry"             YXV       General call sign for fleet
AJ            "Charlemange"                                  sweepers
QV           "Henri IV"                       BXZ      General call for H.M. ships 
GY            "St. Louis"                                          from fleet sweepers 
                                                          YCR.       "Hythe" 
                                                           YCS        "Gazelle"
Russian Ship.                                 YCT        "Folkestone" 
 BPR    "Askold"                              YCU       "Newmarket" 
                                                           YCV       "Clacton"
                                                           YCW      "Lynn"
Shore Stations.                              MSD      "Reindeer"
 Beach VWX ("Euryalus")              YHC       "Whitby Abbey"
 Base station                    W1 
 Right flanking station  W2
 Left      "                "            W3          Supply & Ammunition Ships 
          Beach Z ("Queen")                 YAI           "Baron Ardrossan" 
Base station                     W4           YAF          "Carrigan Head" 
Right flanking station    W5          YGX           "Swanley" 
Left      "                  "           W6

The following additions are to be made in manuscript to the aircraft table:-
FN           Fire is falling north 
FS            Fire is falling south 
FE            Fire is falling east 
FW           Fire is falling west

Correction to Alteration, etc, No. 1:-
For.      All signals in following tables  .   .   .  proceeded by single . .  . et seq.
Read. All signals in following tables       .   .  preceded by single  .   .  . et seq.

Printing Section
Med. Exped. Force.



Old Castle 

Water course 
Road to  

Road to Krithia runs along ridge to equal 
height, on western side of water course. 


Road to Krithia 
Tributary of Saghon Dere runs down this line 
Section from "a" in "Hospital" (Sedd-el-Bahr) NE through ACHI BABA PEAK to 186 m.q. 
Heights exaggerated 6 times 
Bearing 48" (Protractor from ruled perpendiculars) 
Heights exaggerated 6 times. 
Section AB  At Rightangle to bearing, and through junction of Telex line & perp. between 169 q & r. 
Section CD    "          "               "       "         , "         "    second "i" in Krithia and first "3" in 334 
Section EF.     "        "               "        "          "         "    "A" in Achi BABI TEPE  
Base lengths as per map issued.
CH Jess Staff Captain
4th Aust Bde


"C" Form (Duplicate).           Army Form C. 2121 
MESSAGES AND SIGNALS.   No. of Message ........ 
HJ.   Office Stamp. 
          Aft 17/15 
Office Received 4-45  Received 4.32pm. 
Sender's Number  Day of Month  AAA 
LG 22       April 17 
Please come to LUTZOW Tomorrow 
by 2 pm prepared to 
leave in QUEEN with G 
O C at 2.30 pm 
AAA you will be absent 
for 2 nights AAA Bring 
A valise and toilet requisites AAA 
Acknowledge receipt 

W.2384 -583   30,000 Pads -8-14.  S.B. Ltd. - Forms/C.2123


TO Colonel Monash VD 
Cmmd 4 AustInf Bde 
Recd 5.15p
Sender's Number.   Day of Month.   In reply to Number.    AAA 
NZG. 23                       17th April 
Please report to Lutzow not  
later than 2pm Sunday 18th inst 
to embark with GOC on 
HMS Queen AAA Bring valise 
and toilet requisites AAA you 
will be away two nights 
From General Shaft 
Place Lutzow  
Time 4.15pm 
(Z)  WPBraithwaite 
Signature of Addressor or person authorised to telegraph in his name. 
*This line should be erased if not required.


C.M. Form A 39 (b). 
Army Form C 2123. 
C Form. (Duplicate.) MESSAGES AND SIGNALS. No. of Message ........ 
Inquiries respecting this Message, or application for repetition of the same, may be made at
the Delivering Office; but any complaint as to its delay, %c, should be made in writing and addressed
to the officer in charge. In either case this form must accompany such inquiries or complaint.
Charges} to pay £  s.  d.
Service Instructions.
Office Stamp.  
Handed in at the      Office at      M.    Received here at 9.50 PM 

Sender's Number.  Day of Month.  In reply to Number.   AAA 
NZG 28                      Seventeenth 
you should be on queen 
by one fortyfive tomorrow AAA 
Take your own bedding and  
food AAA Make your own 
arrangements for getting to 
queen AAA Acknowledge receipt 
of this cancels previous 
TIME     2 5
D.362/7.14. - C.7220.

Last edited by:
Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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