Sir John Monash - Personal Files Book 2, 1 April - 11 April 1915, Part 7

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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... 4 ..- (f) No.6 Sub-Section.- "Base Details": Acts as a Depot or Rest Camp for all personnel of the A.I.F., temporarily unallotted to Units, and unable to join for any reason pend¬ ing disposal :- These consist of :- (a) Reinforcements. (b) Sick for Disposal. (c) Men for discharge, for disposal. (d) Miscellaneous Retails. The troops in camp vary sometimes from over 8,000 to about 2,000. 4. In the foregoing I have not touched on the New Zealand Section of the Army Corps temporary Base in Egypt, sanctioned by Army Corps "Orders for the Organisation of the A.£ N.Z. Corps and L. of C. Units for service out of Egypt", dated 2/13, and which I am detailed to command by Army Corps Order No. 42 of 6/4/1915. omtoarilg This Unit is designed to do,for the N.Z. Troops left behind in Egypt, what the A.I.F. Intermediate Base does permanently for all A.I.F. Units. Bargd 74e 2 6 Selt bras . id. Colenel. -1- Iapals Commanding A.I.F. Intermediate Base.
AATI CJATS AUST:ILIA ZALAND from Cairo to Cabberry, 773 April 1915 Train Tilngs: 4th Schelon. Time train Tile i1ge Loading jo o1 Men. To ses.ready for, leave Destination Unit. train. Type. station. loading. losding sth. arrival N.W.I.Bde Half Wgton. 8.00pn 10.20pn Achaia 4.154 Inf. Helnieh. .ABde lst Batter 13 9.OOrm 11.3pn Katuna 4.45em 12e Cav. Cairo. N.Z.F Div.T: rain No 2 Co.Bag.Sec. 24(a) Itonus 5.10am N.Z.I.8d. 9.00pm 11.20pn Inf. P.Rubba G Div. Train Bag.Seo.2Cos.Can Liv. Teadquarters 10, 7Ola Cav. Cairo 1 N.Z. £ A. 10.Oonm 12.30am Lutzow 5.40an 42 & No 1 Sec.L5CO 80 Div.Train Bag.Seo.Div H4 Miscellaneous Half Wgton. Bn. 705 Inf. Helmieh N.Z.IBde. 24(b) 11.O0pm 1.20a Itonus 7.15am Half lold Party Div.Train Bag.Seo.g Wn.Bn. 105a Cav. Cairo 7 Bde. Teadquarters 45 11.45pm 2.30aa Katuna, N.Z.F 7.45 Div.T . No 1 Co Bag. os.ton.Bn 51b) Hold Party Hold Party 44(b 707 Inf. P.Fubba N.Z.I.Ede.Jalf Auckland Bn 50 30(a) 12.15am 2.20em Lutzow 8.15am Half Hold Party 707a Cav. Cairo 1 N.Z.I.Bde Headquarters 12.45am 3. 30am Goslar 8.45am Div. Train.Hors.*Sup.deo No 2 Co. Div.Train Bag.Sec HOBdFAm N.Z.I.Bde.Sec.Div.Sig.Coy Inf. Heluieh N.Z.I.Bde.Half Cantby.Bn. 36 (a) 2.00an 4.20am Lutzow 10.15am Cav. Cairo 7 ia Div.Engrs.Headquarters 2.45am 5.30am Goslar 10.45am Div.Engrs.N.Z.Fieldy Coy. N.Z.I.Bde.N. Z.Field Amb. Div.Train Bag.Sec.D.Eng.Ho 713 Inf. P.Kubba N.Z.I. Bde.Half Auckland Bn.504 30(a) 3.15am 5.20am Lutzow 11.154m Half Hold Party 715 Inf. Helmieh Div.Engrs.N.Z.Field Coy. 5.00am 7.O0am Geslar 1.l0pm N.Z.I.Bde.N.Z.Field Amb. Hold Party (a) for Katuna. for Achaia.
AUSTRALIAN IMPERIAL FORCE FOURTN INFANTRY BRIGADE. Boud PfiS Beesle. Magfor doefrat thase taant ait gan Ihr laseg Ttr. Tovgan, oskick is - veng semons Case indeet. - 2t i ouplag mttenkablr that a man g auch obat chavasks slonlt he altvred 5 aecompang konkst avmsater o actiie Renrer, as 3 hofe the mittes can be der forck 1 at net Gar Otanetaomast
Ca. Zrink Horma Deonerd 15 4 Nuttaleon Sios Sehskavas - trom Büstvales - enltet todeg t aeme wttes men- uho koweved trs heen sert nit Balts
APTSR ORDBRS. No. 1291 By Major-Genenal Sir A.J.Godley, K.C.M.G., C.E. Commanding New Zealand and Australian Division. Headquarters, Zeitoun Camp 8th. April, 1915. GMNIRAL STAFP. 904. Censorship. It is to be understood Hy all ranks that all private lettexs and communications, whatever their destinstion, will be oensored most striotly fnom the date of arrival of the Foroe in Alexandris. (Sgd.) W.G. Braithwaite, Lieut.-Colonel General Staff. ADMZZISTEATION. S05 untrainment, The Traffio Superintendent has intimated that the vehieles for making up e xelief train will be stabled as follows:- At PALAIS KUBBA 15 flat trucks. Ab CAIRO MAIN 10 flat trucks. I third olass. Vehicles drowded öut from troop tnains et the foux entraining stations wil. the colleoted as follows:- Ab PALAIS KUBBA fnom [ PalAIS HUBBA (HLMI At CALDO MALI from (CALRO No. 1! (CALNO No. 7. Vehicles sent to å relief train will be sent in charge of a man who will be told his unit and the ship he is destined fon! 4. Horses must be entrained in their propex trains without fail. 5. O.C."s troop trains should be warned that men must not be allowed to leave the station platforms or preoinots when once they have arrived therest. All troops should be warned against sellers of drink and fruit who frequent the neighhourhood of entraining platforms. 6. O.C.'s troop trains will see that men do not lie on footboardd of passenger vehicles, and on flat trucks. 7. It is notified for information that a large number of men, detailed to prooeed by a special ship as reinforoemente were found on other ships with their units, and have been sent by the Embarkation Authorities to the Base details Camp at Alexandria - a similax prooedure will be adopted in regard to any men or horses surplus to the numbers shown in Allooat- ion Tables and subsequent official amendments.
gong ogukaes No. 129. -2 906. A ppeinnments. With referenoe te Divisional Ordex No. 872, Captain H.L. Widdewson is appointed Medical Officer to the Intermediste Base Depet, with effect from the xxx 6th. April, 1915. slienen. The follewing drmy Forms have been issued to the Brigades and Divisional Units cenocrned:- A.F. B. 158 List ef Offioexs; Cavalny, Artillexy and Infantry only. A.F. k. 34 Daily stste of Sick and Wounded. ... A.3 Ferm for Assembly and Proocedings of Field Gengral Court Martial. L.N. B.1034 Begistex af Prisoners of Wer, unweunded ox wounded. A.T. B.1035 Registex of enny's dead (whothex the death tak plaee in the field, in hospital, en in a plaoe of internment). Units wiil in future requisitien on the Ordnanse Depot for further supplies of all Forms. Bofrense Divisional Ordez No. 854 of 5th.. Anril fer n "Esoert fon Rivisicnel Hracquartere" rrad "Ssoort for Depepalberonleroer (Sgd.) S.W.C.Chaytor, Colonol Lsaistann Adtrtant-Coprral.
---- Train Timings frou Gaire to Calparry 8/9 April, 5ch Echelen. n Fina of ready for loading hestination Time of Men Hoses Tyne Loading Unit station errival l0gding Station -ain 10 20 pm. Annabar 7 15 am. 8-00 um. Inf Helmieh N.Z.Inf.Bde. f Otago Battln. 11-30 pm. Australind +45 am 9-00 pn. Divl. Arty.Howitzer Betty. 1418 Care. Gairo 7 Bag.Seo.How.Batty. Divl.Train Pergon'l.19.2 1 Sed Divl.Train 9-00 pm. 11-20 pm. Haider Pache 3 10 am. £ 16th Battln. 4th I.Bde. Inf. P.Kubba 12-39 am. Ascot 5-40 am. 4th I.Bde. Headquarters 10-00 pm. 7Ola Cav. Cairo 1 Sec.Div.Sig.Co. 4th I.Bds Hars.& Sup.Seo. 4/SC.109 Div.Train Bag.Sec.Bde. Hdrs. Div.Train Bag.Sec.13th Battln. Div.Train Horses 13th Battln. 4th T.Bde. Hold Party s Otago Battln. 11-00 pm. 2-20 am. Annlber a.E. N.Z.I.Ede. Inf. Helmieh 7-45 e.m. 11-45 pu. 2-30 am. Australind How.Batt. Ammn.Col. Div.Arty. oSa Cav. Cairo7 Chaplain & Intptr. Aust.F.Amb. Ath I.Bde. 4th Bag.Soc.A immn.Cob. Liv.Train .Seo.2 Cos.15th Bn. Div.Train Hd.& No.1 C0g3 Div.Train old 1 Co. [6th Bn. 4th I.Ede Hy. 707 Inf. P.Kubba 12-15 am. 2-20 am, Haider Pacha 8-15 a.m. NEN ZWALAIDD REINFCRCEMMUTS. S go. (a) for Seeangbe- 70/a Inf. Cairo 1 4th I.Bde. i 15th Battn. 12-45 am. 3-30 am. Seangbee 8-45 am (b) horses for Australini 4th I.Bdo. 13th Battn. 2-O0am. 420 am. Asoot 10-15 am. 4th I. Bde. 15th Battn. 5-30 am. Australind 2-45 am. 10-45 cm. Ceiro 3-15 cm, 5-20 am. Seangbee 4th I.Bde. 1 Coy.13th Battn. 713 Inf. P.Kubbe 11-15 am. Ath I.Bde. 1 Coy.l6ch Nattn. Div.Trein Bag.Seo.Otago Bn. 16(0 8(o (c)for Annaberg. ofd) 121d) BagSeoh Bn Div.Train d) for Haidar Facha. Hold Pay 2240) (c) for Annaberg. 4th Y.Bde. 715 Inf. Helmieh 13th Battn. 400 5-00 am. 7-00 am. Asoot 1-10 pm.
AUSTCALIAN AIDN ZES AIICCLT 6th Eohelon. Train tinings. Cairo to Haboarry. 9/10 Abril 1915. 70 of Type. Leadina Thit. Men. Horseme Train Tine leave Zine Prain. Station hady for, loading Destination. station o ding. Firal 3oopn 10.20,m 747 Inf Helnien AthIBd. £ 14th Battalich. 456 seangonoon Isam 4th I.Bde. Hradquarters WOTM. Half the total venicles for this 4th I. Bde. Seo.Div.Sig.Co vessel must be loadod on this train Ath I. 741a Cav Cairo 7 4th Field Amb. 9.o0pm 11.30pm Californian 4.45am 4th 1.) Horses 14th En 701 Cav P.Kubbe Div.Alty. 2nd Batty F.A. 136 9.OOpm 11.20 pm Surada 5 10an Div. Train do Bagg.Seo. 7Ola Cav Cairo 1 Reserve Park L.of C. 10.00pm 12.30am Sudmark 5.40am with 12 wagons & 3 oarts 705 Inf. Helmieh 4th I.Bde z 14th Battn. 11.O0pm 1 20am Seangchoon 715a Hold Party O See 747 above. 705a Cav Cairo No7 N.Z.F.A.Bde Anmun.Col. 11.45pm 2.30em Californian 7.45am 4th Inf.Bde. 4th Fd.Ambce 707 Cav. P.Kubba 2nd Bde.Ammunition Coluun. 12.15am" 2.20am Surada 8l15am Div. Train H/ors & No 1 Co Div. Train Bagg.Seo. Ammun.Cn. Party 707a Cav. Cairo 1 L. of C. erve Park 12.45am 3.30am Sudmark with 12 wagons 8.45am 711 Cav. Helmieh N.Z.F.A.Bd. 3rd Batte 2.00am 4.20am Californian Div. Train Bag. Seos. 15/16 Bns 10.15am N.Z.F. A. Bde Ammun.Column 71la Speoial Cairo 7 L. of C Reserves Park 2.45am 5.30am Sudmark with 50 wagons. 10.45am NOTS. Another train of about 39 flats will be required to move the remaining Wagons of the Reserve Park from Cairo Main Station besides the usual train to piok up Carts and Wagons ieft behind by other units.
AUSTMALIAN AL IN AMLA D AdYY CONTS. 9/10 April, 1915. 4th Schelon. Train Timings, Cairo to Gabbarry ille of inTrTiml Destination arriya. loading ready for len Horses Loading 30 01 Unit stetlon loading: Train Type, Station 4-15 am. Lutzow 10-20 pn. 3 pm. 30(a) N.Z.I.Bge. Talf Auckland Bn. 4-45 al. 747 Inf. Helmieh Katuna ialf Iold Party 9-00 pm. 11-30 pm. N.Z.F.A.Bd.1st Battery 5-10 ad. 74/a Cav. Cairo7 Itonus No.2 Co.Bagg.Sec. 9-00 p1. 11-20 pn. Liv.Train 35a) Talf Canterbury Bn. .Z.I.Bde 701 Inf. P.Kubba Ialf Told Party 5-40 t. Lutzow Bag.3e0.2 Cos.Con. Bn 12-30 am. 10-00 pm. Div.Trein 7O0la Cav. Cairo 1 H3.4 Aus.D.leadquarters 40. M 1 Se0.Div. Sig.Co.8. g.Sec.Div.Hors. Dir.Trein 7-15 m0. Sellaneous Lutzow 1-20 am 38(a) 11-00 pm. Ialf Auckland Bn. 705 Inf. Ielmieh N.Z.I.Bde 7-45 4. Katuna Talf Iold Party 2-30 am. 11-45 pn. 46 -7058-Cav. Cairo-J-II.Z.F.A.Bd.Jeadquarters Div-Train Bagg.Seo.o.1 C0. 5t0) Bagg. Sec. 2 Cos.MII.Bn. Div.Train Told Party 44(b 3-15 a. Itonus iold Party 24(b) 12-15 am. 2-20 am. 707 Inf. P.Kubba N.Z.I.Bde. Jalf Wellington Bn. ialf Told Party 101 Lutzom Bagg.Seo.Jalf WN. Bn. 4-20 am. Div. Train 36(a) 200 an. 11-15 a Achaia Talf Canterbury Bn. Inf. Helmieh N.Z.I.Bde 36 3-15 am.5-20 an. 888 Inf. P.Kubba N.Z.I.Bde. Talf Wellington Bn. 1 (b) for Achaia (a) for Katuna The above is to be substituted for the timings issued for move of the 4th Echelon on 7/8 April,193.
AUSTEALIA AII ZEALMSL EYY COIdSS. 5th Schelon. Train thnings. Cairo to Cebbarry, 10/11 April, 1915. - --------------------------------------- Tine Train fine leave Ii.e Wo of Loading Men Horses.roody for loading Lestination Train. Type.Station Unit Station. arrvl loading. 8.00pm Halr Otago Battalion 10.20pm Annaberg 4.15am 747 Inf. Telmieh. N.Z.I.B3e. Hold Party 4.45em N.Z.I.Bde 9.000n 11.30pm Goslar aqartes 747a Cav. Cairo ? Div.Train 7Supeo2 Bag jec IQ Bde & Fd.Amb Div.Train See. Div. Siqnal Coy. I.Z.I.Bde. 11.20pn Seangbee 9.00pm 5. 10am 13t4 Bettalion 224 Ath I.Bde [T01 Inf. P.Kubba Ich 10t1 Bautelion 227 5tu Battalion (a) for jaider Pacha. ee Div. 7Ola Inf. 12.30am Haidar Pacha 5.469m Battalio 10.00pm Cairo 4th .6.1.Bde r 705 Inf 105a Cav. Cairo 7 Telmien fattalion 11.00 1.20am Anuaberg tags 7.15am arter Div.Engrs ea 11.450m 2.30am Goslar 7.45am H.A.Field Conpany Div.Sners. I.Z.I.Bde I.Z.Tield Anbulance Div.Train Sec. Liv. Engrs. 10.53. 15th Battalion 707 Inf. P.Kubba. 4t4 I Bde 12.15a 2.20pm Seangbee 3. 15am Div. Train Bag.Sec.Otago Bn. 16(b) s. & l Codpany l6tibn3 (b) for Annaberg 707e Inf. Cairo 1 4t1 A.I.Bde 12.45a4 3. 30am Haider Pacia3.45am e. Wealand Reinforoenants 180) (c) for seanabee Div.Enars. I.Z.Field Company 711 Inf. Telmieh 2. 00on 4.20em Goslar 10.15am N.Z.I.Bde. N.Z.Field Ambulance i Iold Party.

--- 4 --- 
(f) No.6 Sub-Section.- "Base Details": Acts as a Depot or
Rest Camp for all personnel of the A.I.F., temporarily
unallotted to Units, and unable to join for any reason pending
disposal :- These consist of :-
(a) Reinforcements.
(b) Sick for Disposal.
(c) Men for discharge, for disposal.
(d) Miscellaneous Retails.
The troops in camp vary sometimes from over 8,000 to about
2,000 .
4. In the foregoing I have not touched on the New
Zealand Section of the Army Corps temporary Base in Egypt,
sanctioned by Army Corps "Orders for the Organisation of the
A.&N.Z. Corps of and L. of C. Units for service out of Egypt",
dated 2/3/15, and which I am detailed to command by Army Corps
Order No. 42 of 6/4/1915.
This Unit is designed to do temporarily for the N.Z. Troops left
behind in Egypt, what the A.I.F. Intermediate Base does
permanently for all A.I.F. Units. 
7th April 1915. 
V.C.M Sellheim Colonel.
Commanding A.I.F. Intermediate Base.


4th Echelon. Train timings. Cairo to Gabbarry, 7/8April, 1915.

No of 
Type. Loading 
Unit. Men. Horses. Time Train 
ready for 
Time leave 
Destination Time 
747 Inf. Helmieh N.Z.I.Bde. Half Wgton.Bn. 509 36 8.00pm 10.20pm Annaberg 4.15am
747a Cav. Cairo 7 N.Z.F.A. Bde. 1st Battery 148 130 9.00pm 11.30pm Katuna 4.45am
      Div.Train No 2 Co.Bag.Sec 12 24        
701 Inf. P.Kubba N.Z.I.Bde. Half Cantby.Bn. 500 24(a) 9.00pm 11.20pm Itonus 5.10am
        Half Hold Party 22          
      Div.Train Bag.Sec.2Cos.CanB 4 8        
701a Cav. Cairo 1 N.Z. & A. Div. Headquarters 101 60 10.00pm 12.30am Lutzow 5.40am
      do HQ & No 1 Sec.DSCo 80 62        
      Div.Train Bag.Sec.Div.HQ 4 8        
        Miscellaneous 7          
705 Inf. Helmieh N.Z.IBde. Half Wgton.Bn. 500 24(b) 11.00pm 1.20am Itonus 7.15am
        Half Hold Party 22          
      Div.Train Bag.Sec.2 Wn.Bn. 4 8        
705a Cav. Cairo 7 N.Z.F.A. Bde. Headquarters 52 46 11.45pm 2.30am Katuna 7.45
      Div.Train Bag.Sec. No 1 Co. 4        
      Bag. Sec.2 Cos.Wton.Bn 4 8(b)        
        Hold Party 44          
        Hold Party 44(b)          
707 Inf. P.Kubba N.Z.I.Bde. Half Auckland Bn 505 30(a) 12.15am 2.20am Lutzow 8.15am
        Half Hold Party 22          
707a Cav. Cairo 1 N.Z.I.Bde. Headquarters 27 23 12.45am 3.30am Goslar 8.45am
      Div.Train Hqrs.&Sup.Sec 
No 2 Co.
81 85        
      Div.Train Bag.Sec.HQBd&FAm 5 10        
      N.Z.I.Bde. Sec.Div.Sig.Coy. 23 6        
711 Inf. Helmieh N.Z.I.Bde. Half.Cantby.Bn. 509 36(a) 2.00am 4.20am Lutzow 10.15am
711a Cav. Cairo 7 Div.Engrs. Headquarters 13 9 2.45am 5.30am Goslar 10.45am
      Div.Engrs. N.Z.Fieldy Coy. 70 78        
      N.Z.I.Bde. N.Z.Field Amb. 60 66        
      Div.Train Bag.Sec.D.Eng.HQ 1 2        
713 Inf. P.Kubba N.Z.I.Bde. Half Auckland Bn 504 30(a) 3.15am 5.20am Lutzow 11.15am
        Half Hold Party 22          
715 Inf. Helmieh Div.Engrs. N.Z.Field Coy. 147   5.00am 7.00am Goslar 1.10pm
      N.Z.I.Bde. N.Z.Field Amb. 179          
        Hold Party 88          

(a) for Katuna. (b) for Achaia.


April 8/15 
Dear Col. Clayton 
I regret to have to send on to you the 
Case of Pte. Morgan, which is a very serious 
case indeed. - It is simply unthinkable that 
a man of such bad character should be allowed 
to accompany honest comrades on active 
service, so I hope the matter can be disposed 
of at once. 
John Monash


Private Norman Leonard 
15th Battalion 
Mrs Nicholson - from Australia - called today 
to see me re this man - who however 
has been sent on to Malta. 



Major-General Sir A.J.Godley, K.C.M.G., C.B.,
Commanding New Zealand and Australian Division.
Zeitoun Camp,
8th. April, 1915. 


Censorship. It is to be understood by all ranks that all private letters
and communications, whatever their destination, will be
censored most strictly from the date of arrival of the Force
in Alexandria.
(Sgd.) W.G. Braithwaite,
General Staff. 

Entrainment, The Traffic Superintendent has intimated that the vehicles
for making up a relief train will be stabled as follows:-
At PALAIS KUBBA 15 flat trucks.
At CAIRO MAIN 10 flat trucks.
1 third class. 

2. Vehicles crowded out from troop trains at the four
entraining stations will be collected as follows:-

At CAIRO MAIN from (CALRO No. 1.

(CAIRO No. 7. 

3. Vehicles sent to a relief train will be sent in
charge of a man who will be told his unit and the ship he is
destined for. 

4. Horses must be entrained in their proper trains
without fail. 

5. O.C."s troop trains should be warned that men must
not be allowed to leave the station platforms or precincts
when once they have arrived thereat. All troops should be
warned against sellers of drink and fruit who frequent the
neighhourhood of entraining platforms. 

6. O.C.'s troop trains will see that men do not lie on
footboardd of passenger vehicles, and on flat trucks. 

7. It is notified for information that a large number
of men, detailed to proceed by a special ship as reinforcements
were found on other ships with their units, and have been
sent by the Embarkation Authorities to the Base details Camp
at Alexandria - a similar prooedure will be adopted in regard
to any men or horses surplus to the numbers shown in Allocation 
Tables and subsequent official amendments.


AFTER ORDERS 2. No. 129.

A ppointments. With reference to Divisional Order No. 872, Captain H.L.
Widdawson is appointed Medical Officer to the Intermediate
Base Depot, with effect from the xxx 6th. April, 1915. 

Stationery. The following Army Forms have been issued to the Brigades
and Divisional Units concerned:-
A.F. B. 158 - List of Officers; Cavalry, Artillery and
Infantry only.
A.F. A. 34 - Daily State of Sick and Wounded.
A.F. A.3 - Form for Assembly and Proceedings of
Field General Court Martial.
A.F. B103a - Register of Prisoners of War, unwounded or
A.F. B.103b - Register of enemy's dead (whether the death
takes place in the field, in hospital,
or in a place of internment). 

Units will in future requisition on the Ordnance
Depot for further supplies of all Forms. 
Corrigendum. Reference Divisional Order No. 854 of 5th April for 
"Escort for Divisional Headquarters" read "Escort for 
General Headquarters". 
(Sgd.) E.W.C Chaytor, 
Assistant Adjutant-General. 


5th Echelon. Train timings from Cairo to Gabbarry, 8/9April, 1915.

No of 
Type. Loading 
Unit. Men Horses Time Train 
ready for 
Time leave 
Destination Time 
747 Inf. Helmieh N.Z.I.Bde. 1/2 Otago Battln 505 36 8-00 pm. 10-20 pm. Annaberg 4-15 am.
747a Cav. Cairo 7 Divl.Arty. Howitzer.Batty 148 130 9-00 pm. 11-30 pm. Australind 4-45 am.
      Divl.Train Bag.Sec.How.Batty 2 4        
      Divl.Train Person'l.HQ.& 1 Sec. 40          
701 Inf. P.Kubba 4th I.Bde. 1/2 16th Battln. 505 38 9-00 pm. 11-20 pm. Haider Pacha 5-10 am.
701a Cav. Cairo 1 4th I.Bde. Headquarters 12 23 10-00 pm. 12-30 am. Ascot 5-40 am.
      4th I.Bde. Sec.Dic.Sig.Co. 6 6        
      Div.Train Hqrs.& Sup.Sec.4ASC. 109 81        
      Div.Train Bag.Sec.Bde.Hqrs. 2 4        
      Div.Train Bag.Sec.13th Battln. 8 16        
      4th I.Bde. Horses 13th Battln. 8 5        
        Hold Party 44          
705 Inf. Helmieh N.Z.I.Bde. 1/2 Otago Battln. 504 24 11-00 pm. 1-20 am. Annaberg 7-15 a.m.
705a Cav. Cairo 7 Div.Arty How.Batt.Amm.Col. 43 48 11-45 pm. 2-30 am. Australind 7-45 a.m.
        Chaplain & Intptr. 3        
      4th I.Bde. 4th Aust.F.Amb. 25 40        
      Div.Train Bag.Sec.Ammn.Col. 2 4        
      Div.Train Bag.Sec.2 Cos.15th Bn. 4 8        
      Div.Train Person'l.HQ.& No.1 Co. 30          
      . Hold Partys 88          
707 Inf. P.Kubba 4th I.Bde HQ.& 1 Co. 16th Bn.s 303 37 12-15 am. 2-20 am. Haidar Pacha 8-15 a.m.
      NEW ZEALAND REINFORCEMENTS. 192(a)       (a) for Seangbee  
707a Inf. Cairo 1 4th I.Bde 1/2 15th Battn. 511 38(b) 12-45 am. 3-30 am. Seangbee 
(b) horses for
8-45 am. 
711 Inf. Helmieh 4th I.Bde. 1/2 13th Battn. 404 35 2-00am. 4-20 am. Ascot 10-15 am
711a Inf. Cairo 7 4th I.Bde 1/2 15th Battn. 511 37 2-45 am. 5-30 am. Australind 10-45 am.
713 Inf. P.Kubba 4th I.Bde 1 Coy.13th Battn. 224   3-15 am. 5-20 am. Seangbee 11-15 am.
      4th I.Bde 1 Coy.16th Battn. 224          
      Div.Train Bag.Sec.Otago Bn. 8(c) 16(c)     (c) for Annaberg  
      Div.Train Bag.Sec.16th Bn. 6(d) 12(d)     (d) for Haidar Pacha  
      N.Z.I.Bde. Hold Party 22(c)       (c) for Annaberg  
715 Inf. Helmieh 4th I.Bde 1/2 13th Battn. 400 35 5-00 am. 7-00 am. Ascot 1-10 pm.

6th Echelon. Train timings. Cairo to Gabbarry, 9/10April, 1915.

No of 
Type. Loading 
Unit. Men. Horses Time Train 
ready for 
Time leave 
Destination Time 
747 Inf Helmieh 4thI.Bde. 1/2 14th Battalion. 485   9.00pm 10.20pm Seangchoon 4.15am
      4th I.Bde. Headquarters 17   NOTE. Half the total vehicles for this
      4th I.Bde. Sec.Div.Sig.Co. 19   vessel must be loaded on this train
747a Cav Cairo 7 4th I.Bde. 4th Field Amb. 180 69 9.00pm 11.30pm Californian 4.45
      4th I.Bde. Horses 14th Bn. 35 70        
701 Cav P.Kubba Div.Arty. 2nd Batty F.A. 148 130 900pm 11.20pm Surada 5.10am
      Div.Train do Bagg.Sec. 2 4        
701a Cav Cairo 1 L. of C. Reserve Park 
with 12 wagons & 3 carts
100 150 10.00pm 12.30am Sudmark 5.40am
705 Inf. Helmieh 4th I.Bde. 1/2 14th Battn. 486   11.00pm 1.20am Seangchoon 7.15am
        Hold Party 44 NOTE See 747 above.    
705a Cav Cairo No 7 N.Z.F.A.Bde Ammun.Col. 136 162 11.45pm 2.30am Californian 7.45am
      4th.Inf.Bde. 4th Fd.Ambce. 50          
707 CAv. P.Kubba 2nd.Bde. Ammunition Column 49 60 12.15am 2.20am Surada 8.15am
      Div.Train H/qrs & No 1 Co. 37 72        
      Div.Train Bagg,Sec, Ammun.Cn. 2 4        
        Hold Party 44          
707a Cav. Cairo 1 L. of C. Reserve Park 
with 12 wagons
100 150 12.45am 3.30am Sudmark 8.45am
711 Cav. Helmieh N.Z.F.A.Bde 3rd Battery 148 130 2.00am 4.20am Californian 10.15am
      Div.Train Bag.Secs.15/16 Bns 6 12        
      N.Z.F.A.Bde Ammun.Column 5 5        
711a Special Cairo 7 L. of C. Reserve Park 
with 50 wagons
57 62 2.45am 5.30am Sudmark 10.45am

NOTE. Another train of about 39 flats will be required to move the remaining wagons of the
Reserve Park from Cairo Main Station besides the usual train to pick up Carts and Wagons
left behind by other units.


4th Echelon. Train timings. Cairo to Gabbarry , 9/10  April ,1915 

No of 
Type Loading 
Unit Men Horses Time Train 
ready for 
Time leave 
Destination Time 
747 Inf. Helmieh N.Z.I.Bge. Half Auckland Bn. 504 30(a) 8 pm. 10-20 pm. Lutzow 4-15 am.
        Half Hold Party 22          
747a Cav. Cairo 7 N.Z.F.A.Bd. 1st Battery 148 130 9-00 pm. 11-30 pm. Katuna 4-45 am.
      Div.Train No.2 Co.Bagg.Sec. 12 24        
701 Inf. P.Kubba N.Z.I.Bde. Half Canterbury Bn. 500 24(a) 9-00 pm. 11-20 pm. Itonus 5-10 am.
        Half Hold Party 22          
      Div.Train Bag.sec.2 Cos.Can.Bn. 4 8        
701a Cav. Cairo 1 NZ.& Aus.D. Headquarters 101 60 10-00 pm. 12-30 am. Lutzow 5-40 am.
      do HQ.& 1 Sec.Div.Sig.Co. 80 62        
      Div.Train Bag.Sec.Div.Hqrs. 4 8        
        Miscellaneous 7          
705 Inf. Helmieh N.Z.I.Bde. Half Auckland Bn. 505 30(a) 11-00 pm. 1-20 am. Lutzow 7-15 am.
        Half Hold Party 22          
705a Cav. Cairo 7 N.Z.F.A.Bd. Headquarters 52 46 11-45 pm. 2-30 am. Katuna 7-45 am.
      Div.Train Bagg.Sec.No.1 Co. 4 8        
      Div.Train Bagg.Sec.2 Cos.WN.Bn. 4 8(b)        
        Hold Party 44          
        Hold Party 44(b)          
707 Inf. P.Kubba N.Z.I.Bde. Half Wellington Bn. 500 24(b) 12-15 am. 2-20 am. Itonus 3-15 am.
        Half Hold Party 22          
      Div.Train Bagg.Sec.Half WN.Bn. 4 8        
      N.Z.I.Bde. Half Canterbury Bn. 509 36(a) 2-00 am. 4-20 am. Lutzow 10-15 am
      N.Z.I.Bde. Half Wellington Bn. 509 36 3-15 am 5-20 am. Achaia 11-15 am

(a) for Katuna. (b) for Achaia.
The above is to be substituted for the timings issued for move of the 4th Echelon on 7/8 April,1915. 


5th Echelon. Train timings. Cairo to Gabarry, 10/11 April, 1915.

No of 
Type. Loading 
Unit. Men Horses. Time Train 
ready for 
Time leave 
Destination Time 
747 Inf. Helmieh N.Z.I.Bde. Half Otago Battalion 505 36 8.00pm 10.20pm Annaberg 4.15am
        Hold Party 22          
747a Cav. Cairo 7 N.Z.I.Bde. Headquarters 27 23 9.00pm 11.30pm Goslar 4.45am
      Div.Train HQ & Sup. Sec. No 2 Co 81 85        
      Div.Train Bag.Sec. HQ Bde & Fd.Amb. 5 10        
      N.Z.I.Bde. Sec. Div. Signal Coy. 23 6        
[701 Inf. P.Kubba 4th I.Bde. 1 Company 13th Battalion 224   9.00pm 11.20pm Seangbee 5.10pm
      4th I.Bde. 1 Company 16th Battalion 224          
      Div.Train Bag.Sec. 16th Battalion 6 12 (a) (a) for Haidar Pacha  
701a Inf. Cairo 1 4th I.Bde. Half 16th Battalion 505 38 10.00pm 12.30am Haidar Pacha 5.40am
705 Inf. Helmien N.Z.I.Bde. Half Otago Battalion 504 24 11.00pm 1.20am Annaberg 7.15am
705a Cav. Cairo 7 Div.Engrs. Headquarters 13 9 11.45pm 2.30am Goslar 7.45am
      Div.Engrs. N.Z.Field Company 70 78        
      N.Z.I.Bde. N.Z.Field Ambulance 60 66        
      Div.Train Bag.Sec.Div.Engrs.HQRS. 1        
707 Inf. P.Kubba 4th I.Bde. Half 15th Battalion 448   12.15am 2.20pm Seangbee 3.15am
      Div.Train Bag.Sec.Otago.Bn. 8 16(b)   (b) for Annaberg  
707a     4th I.Bde Hqrs. & 1 Company 16taBn 303 37 12.45am 3.30am Haidar Pacha 3.45am
      New Zealand Reinforcements 192(c)     (c) for Seangbee  
711     Div.Engrs. N.Z.Field Company 147   2.00am 4.20am Goslar 10.15am
      N.Z.I.Bde. N.Z.Field Ambulance 179          
        Hold. Party 38          
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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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