Sir John Monash - Personal Files Book 2, 1 April - 11 April 1915, Part 7
--- 4 ---
(f) No.6 Sub-Section.- "Base Details": Acts as a Depot or
Rest Camp for all personnel of the A.I.F., temporarily
unallotted to Units, and unable to join for any reason pending
disposal :- These consist of :-
(a) Reinforcements.
(b) Sick for Disposal.
(c) Men for discharge, for disposal.
(d) Miscellaneous Retails.
The troops in camp vary sometimes from over 8,000 to about
2,000 .
4. In the foregoing I have not touched on the New
Zealand Section of the Army Corps temporary Base in Egypt,
sanctioned by Army Corps "Orders for the Organisation of the
A.&N.Z. Corps of and L. of C. Units for service out of Egypt",
dated 2/3/15, and which I am detailed to command by Army Corps
Order No. 42 of 6/4/1915.
This Unit is designed to do temporarily for the N.Z. Troops left
behind in Egypt, what the A.I.F. Intermediate Base does
permanently for all A.I.F. Units.
7th April 1915.
V.C.M Sellheim Colonel.
Commanding A.I.F. Intermediate Base.
4th Echelon. Train timings. Cairo to Gabbarry, 7/8April, 1915.
No of train. |
Type. | Loading Station. |
Unit. | Men. | Horses. | Time Train ready for loading. |
Time leave loading station. |
Destination | Time of arrival |
747 | Inf. | Helmieh | N.Z.I.Bde. | Half Wgton.Bn. | 509 | 36 | 8.00pm | 10.20pm | Annaberg | 4.15am |
747a | Cav. | Cairo 7 | N.Z.F.A. Bde. | 1st Battery | 148 | 130 | 9.00pm | 11.30pm | Katuna | 4.45am |
Div.Train | No 2 Co.Bag.Sec | 12 | 24 | |||||||
701 | Inf. | P.Kubba | N.Z.I.Bde. | Half Cantby.Bn. | 500 | 24(a) | 9.00pm | 11.20pm | Itonus | 5.10am |
Half Hold Party | 22 | |||||||||
Div.Train | Bag.Sec.2Cos.CanB | 4 | 8 | |||||||
701a | Cav. | Cairo 1 | N.Z. & A. | Div. Headquarters | 101 | 60 | 10.00pm | 12.30am | Lutzow | 5.40am |
do | HQ & No 1 Sec.DSCo | 80 | 62 | |||||||
Div.Train | Bag.Sec.Div.HQ | 4 | 8 | |||||||
Miscellaneous | 7 | |||||||||
705 | Inf. | Helmieh | N.Z.IBde. | Half Wgton.Bn. | 500 | 24(b) | 11.00pm | 1.20am | Itonus | 7.15am |
Half Hold Party | 22 | |||||||||
Div.Train | Bag.Sec.2 Wn.Bn. | 4 | 8 | |||||||
705a | Cav. | Cairo 7 | N.Z.F.A. Bde. | Headquarters | 52 | 46 | 11.45pm | 2.30am | Katuna | 7.45 |
Div.Train | Bag.Sec. No 1 Co. | 4 | 8 | |||||||
Bag. | Sec.2 Cos.Wton.Bn | 4 | 8(b) | |||||||
Hold Party | 44 | |||||||||
Hold Party | 44(b) | |||||||||
707 | Inf. | P.Kubba | N.Z.I.Bde. | Half Auckland Bn | 505 | 30(a) | 12.15am | 2.20am | Lutzow | 8.15am |
Half Hold Party | 22 | |||||||||
707a | Cav. | Cairo 1 | N.Z.I.Bde. | Headquarters | 27 | 23 | 12.45am | 3.30am | Goslar | 8.45am |
Div.Train | Hqrs.&Sup.Sec No 2 Co. |
81 | 85 | |||||||
Div.Train | Bag.Sec.HQBd&FAm | 5 | 10 | |||||||
N.Z.I.Bde. | Sec.Div.Sig.Coy. | 23 | 6 | |||||||
711 | Inf. | Helmieh | N.Z.I.Bde. | Half.Cantby.Bn. | 509 | 36(a) | 2.00am | 4.20am | Lutzow | 10.15am |
711a | Cav. | Cairo 7 | Div.Engrs. | Headquarters | 13 | 9 | 2.45am | 5.30am | Goslar | 10.45am |
Div.Engrs. | N.Z.Fieldy Coy. | 70 | 78 | |||||||
N.Z.I.Bde. | N.Z.Field Amb. | 60 | 66 | |||||||
Div.Train | Bag.Sec.D.Eng.HQ | 1 | 2 | |||||||
713 | Inf. | P.Kubba | N.Z.I.Bde. | Half Auckland Bn | 504 | 30(a) | 3.15am | 5.20am | Lutzow | 11.15am |
Half Hold Party | 22 | |||||||||
715 | Inf. | Helmieh | Div.Engrs. | N.Z.Field Coy. | 147 | 5.00am | 7.00am | Goslar | 1.10pm | |
N.Z.I.Bde. | N.Z.Field Amb. | 179 | ||||||||
Hold Party | 88 |
(a) for Katuna. (b) for Achaia.
April 8/15
Dear Col. Clayton
I regret to have to send on to you the
Case of Pte. Morgan, which is a very serious
case indeed. - It is simply unthinkable that
a man of such bad character should be allowed
to accompany honest comrades on active
service, so I hope the matter can be disposed
of at once.
John Monash
Private Norman Leonard
15th Battalion
Mrs Nicholson - from Australia - called today
to see me re this man - who however
has been sent on to Malta.
Major-General Sir A.J.Godley, K.C.M.G., C.B.,
Commanding New Zealand and Australian Division.
Zeitoun Camp,
8th. April, 1915.
Censorship. It is to be understood by all ranks that all private letters
and communications, whatever their destination, will be
censored most strictly from the date of arrival of the Force
in Alexandria.
(Sgd.) W.G. Braithwaite,
General Staff.
Entrainment, The Traffic Superintendent has intimated that the vehicles
for making up a relief train will be stabled as follows:-
At PALAIS KUBBA 15 flat trucks.
At CAIRO MAIN 10 flat trucks.
1 third class.
2. Vehicles crowded out from troop trains at the four
entraining stations will be collected as follows:-
At CAIRO MAIN from (CALRO No. 1.
(CAIRO No. 7.
3. Vehicles sent to a relief train will be sent in
charge of a man who will be told his unit and the ship he is
destined for.
4. Horses must be entrained in their proper trains
without fail.
5. O.C."s troop trains should be warned that men must
not be allowed to leave the station platforms or precincts
when once they have arrived thereat. All troops should be
warned against sellers of drink and fruit who frequent the
neighhourhood of entraining platforms.
6. O.C.'s troop trains will see that men do not lie on
footboardd of passenger vehicles, and on flat trucks.
7. It is notified for information that a large number
of men, detailed to proceed by a special ship as reinforcements
were found on other ships with their units, and have been
sent by the Embarkation Authorities to the Base details Camp
at Alexandria - a similar prooedure will be adopted in regard
to any men or horses surplus to the numbers shown in Allocation
Tables and subsequent official amendments.
AFTER ORDERS 2. No. 129.
A ppointments. With reference to Divisional Order No. 872, Captain H.L.
Widdawson is appointed Medical Officer to the Intermediate
Base Depot, with effect from the xxx 6th. April, 1915.
Stationery. The following Army Forms have been issued to the Brigades
and Divisional Units concerned:-
A.F. B. 158 - List of Officers; Cavalry, Artillery and
Infantry only.
A.F. A. 34 - Daily State of Sick and Wounded.
A.F. A.3 - Form for Assembly and Proceedings of
Field General Court Martial.
A.F. B103a - Register of Prisoners of War, unwounded or
A.F. B.103b - Register of enemy's dead (whether the death
takes place in the field, in hospital,
or in a place of internment).
Units will in future requisition on the Ordnance
Depot for further supplies of all Forms.
Corrigendum. Reference Divisional Order No. 854 of 5th April for
"Escort for Divisional Headquarters" read "Escort for
General Headquarters".
(Sgd.) E.W.C Chaytor,
Assistant Adjutant-General.
5th Echelon. Train timings from Cairo to Gabbarry, 8/9April, 1915.
No of Train |
Type. | Loading Station. |
Unit. | Men | Horses | Time Train ready for loading. |
Time leave loading station. |
Destination | Time of arrvl |
747 | Inf. | Helmieh | N.Z.I.Bde. | 1/2 Otago Battln | 505 | 36 | 8-00 pm. | 10-20 pm. | Annaberg | 4-15 am. |
747a | Cav. | Cairo 7 | Divl.Arty. | Howitzer.Batty | 148 | 130 | 9-00 pm. | 11-30 pm. | Australind | 4-45 am. |
Divl.Train | Bag.Sec.How.Batty | 2 | 4 | |||||||
Divl.Train | Person'l.HQ.& 1 Sec. | 40 | ||||||||
701 | Inf. | P.Kubba | 4th I.Bde. | 1/2 16th Battln. | 505 | 38 | 9-00 pm. | 11-20 pm. | Haider Pacha | 5-10 am. |
701a | Cav. | Cairo 1 | 4th I.Bde. | Headquarters | 12 | 23 | 10-00 pm. | 12-30 am. | Ascot | 5-40 am. |
4th I.Bde. | Sec.Dic.Sig.Co. | 6 | 6 | |||||||
Div.Train | Hqrs.& Sup.Sec.4ASC. | 109 | 81 | |||||||
Div.Train | Bag.Sec.Bde.Hqrs. | 2 | 4 | |||||||
Div.Train | Bag.Sec.13th Battln. | 8 | 16 | |||||||
4th I.Bde. | Horses 13th Battln. | 8 | 5 | |||||||
Hold Party | 44 | |||||||||
705 | Inf. | Helmieh | N.Z.I.Bde. | 1/2 Otago Battln. | 504 | 24 | 11-00 pm. | 1-20 am. | Annaberg | 7-15 a.m. |
705a | Cav. | Cairo 7 | Div.Arty | How.Batt.Amm.Col. | 43 | 48 | 11-45 pm. | 2-30 am. | Australind | 7-45 a.m. |
Chaplain & Intptr. | 3 | 1 | ||||||||
4th I.Bde. | 4th Aust.F.Amb. | 25 | 40 | |||||||
Div.Train | Bag.Sec.Ammn.Col. | 2 | 4 | |||||||
Div.Train | Bag.Sec.2 Cos.15th Bn. | 4 | 8 | |||||||
Div.Train | Person'l.HQ.& No.1 Co. | 30 | ||||||||
. | Hold Partys | 88 | ||||||||
707 | Inf. | P.Kubba | 4th I.Bde | HQ.& 1 Co. 16th Bn.s | 303 | 37 | 12-15 am. | 2-20 am. | Haidar Pacha | 8-15 a.m. |
NEW ZEALAND | REINFORCEMENTS. | 192(a) | (a) for Seangbee | |||||||
707a | Inf. | Cairo 1 | 4th I.Bde | 1/2 15th Battn. | 511 | 38(b) | 12-45 am. | 3-30 am. | Seangbee (b) horses for |
8-45 am. Australin |
711 | Inf. | Helmieh | 4th I.Bde. | 1/2 13th Battn. | 404 | 35 | 2-00am. | 4-20 am. | Ascot | 10-15 am |
711a | Inf. | Cairo 7 | 4th I.Bde | 1/2 15th Battn. | 511 | 37 | 2-45 am. | 5-30 am. | Australind | 10-45 am. |
713 | Inf. | P.Kubba | 4th I.Bde | 1 Coy.13th Battn. | 224 | 3-15 am. | 5-20 am. | Seangbee | 11-15 am. | |
4th I.Bde | 1 Coy.16th Battn. | 224 | ||||||||
Div.Train | Bag.Sec.Otago Bn. | 8(c) | 16(c) | (c) for Annaberg | ||||||
Div.Train | Bag.Sec.16th Bn. | 6(d) | 12(d) | (d) for Haidar Pacha | ||||||
N.Z.I.Bde. | Hold Party | 22(c) | (c) for Annaberg | |||||||
715 | Inf. | Helmieh | 4th I.Bde | 1/2 13th Battn. | 400 | 35 | 5-00 am. | 7-00 am. | Ascot | 1-10 pm. |
6th Echelon. Train timings. Cairo to Gabbarry, 9/10April, 1915.
No of Train. |
Type. | Loading Station. |
Unit. | Men. | Horses | Time Train ready for loading. |
Time leave loading station. |
Destination | Time of Arrival |
747 | Inf | Helmieh | 4thI.Bde. | 1/2 14th Battalion. | 485 | 9.00pm | 10.20pm | Seangchoon | 4.15am | |
4th I.Bde. | Headquarters | 17 | NOTE. Half | the total | vehicles for | this | ||||
4th I.Bde. | Sec.Div.Sig.Co. | 19 | vessel must | be loaded | on this | train | ||||
747a | Cav | Cairo 7 | 4th I.Bde. | 4th Field Amb. | 180 | 69 | 9.00pm | 11.30pm | Californian | 4.45 |
4th I.Bde. | Horses 14th Bn. | 35 | 70 | |||||||
701 | Cav | P.Kubba | Div.Arty. | 2nd Batty F.A. | 148 | 130 | 900pm | 11.20pm | Surada | 5.10am |
Div.Train | do Bagg.Sec. | 2 | 4 | |||||||
701a | Cav | Cairo 1 | L. of C. | Reserve Park with 12 wagons & 3 carts |
100 | 150 | 10.00pm | 12.30am | Sudmark | 5.40am |
705 | Inf. | Helmieh | 4th I.Bde. | 1/2 14th Battn. | 486 | 11.00pm | 1.20am | Seangchoon | 7.15am | |
Hold Party | 44 | NOTE | See 747 | above. | ||||||
705a | Cav | Cairo No 7 | N.Z.F.A.Bde | Ammun.Col. | 136 | 162 | 11.45pm | 2.30am | Californian | 7.45am |
4th.Inf.Bde. | 4th Fd.Ambce. | 50 | ||||||||
707 | CAv. | P.Kubba | 2nd.Bde. | Ammunition Column | 49 | 60 | 12.15am | 2.20am | Surada | 8.15am |
Div.Train | H/qrs & No 1 Co. | 37 | 72 | |||||||
Div.Train | Bagg,Sec, Ammun.Cn. | 2 | 4 | |||||||
Hold Party | 44 | |||||||||
707a | Cav. | Cairo 1 | L. of C. | Reserve Park with 12 wagons |
100 | 150 | 12.45am | 3.30am | Sudmark | 8.45am |
711 | Cav. | Helmieh | N.Z.F.A.Bde | 3rd Battery | 148 | 130 | 2.00am | 4.20am | Californian | 10.15am |
Div.Train | Bag.Secs.15/16 Bns | 6 | 12 | |||||||
N.Z.F.A.Bde | Ammun.Column | 5 | 5 | |||||||
711a | Special | Cairo 7 | L. of C. | Reserve Park with 50 wagons |
57 | 62 | 2.45am | 5.30am | Sudmark | 10.45am |
NOTE. Another train of about 39 flats will be required to move the remaining wagons of the
Reserve Park from Cairo Main Station besides the usual train to pick up Carts and Wagons
left behind by other units.
4th Echelon. Train timings. Cairo to Gabbarry , 9/10 April ,1915
No of Train |
Type | Loading Station |
Unit | Men | Horses | Time Train ready for loading: |
Time leave loading station |
Destination | Time of arrival |
747 | Inf. | Helmieh | N.Z.I.Bge. | Half Auckland Bn. | 504 | 30(a) | 8 pm. | 10-20 pm. | Lutzow | 4-15 am. |
Half Hold Party | 22 | |||||||||
747a | Cav. | Cairo 7 | N.Z.F.A.Bd. | 1st Battery | 148 | 130 | 9-00 pm. | 11-30 pm. | Katuna | 4-45 am. |
Div.Train | No.2 Co.Bagg.Sec. | 12 | 24 | |||||||
701 | Inf. | P.Kubba | N.Z.I.Bde. | Half Canterbury Bn. | 500 | 24(a) | 9-00 pm. | 11-20 pm. | Itonus | 5-10 am. |
Half Hold Party | 22 | |||||||||
Div.Train | Bag.sec.2 Cos.Can.Bn. | 4 | 8 | |||||||
701a | Cav. | Cairo 1 | NZ.& Aus.D. | Headquarters | 101 | 60 | 10-00 pm. | 12-30 am. | Lutzow | 5-40 am. |
do | HQ.& 1 Sec.Div.Sig.Co. | 80 | 62 | |||||||
Div.Train | Bag.Sec.Div.Hqrs. | 4 | 8 | |||||||
Miscellaneous | 7 | |||||||||
705 | Inf. | Helmieh | N.Z.I.Bde. | Half Auckland Bn. | 505 | 30(a) | 11-00 pm. | 1-20 am. | Lutzow | 7-15 am. |
Half Hold Party | 22 | |||||||||
705a | Cav. | Cairo 7 | N.Z.F.A.Bd. | Headquarters | 52 | 46 | 11-45 pm. | 2-30 am. | Katuna | 7-45 am. |
Div.Train | Bagg.Sec.No.1 Co. | 4 | 8 | |||||||
Div.Train | Bagg.Sec.2 Cos.WN.Bn. | 4 | 8(b) | |||||||
Hold Party | 44 | |||||||||
Hold Party | 44(b) | |||||||||
707 | Inf. | P.Kubba | N.Z.I.Bde. | Half Wellington Bn. | 500 | 24(b) | 12-15 am. | 2-20 am. | Itonus | 3-15 am. |
Half Hold Party | 22 | |||||||||
Div.Train | Bagg.Sec.Half WN.Bn. | 4 | 8 | |||||||
N.Z.I.Bde. | Half Canterbury Bn. | 509 | 36(a) | 2-00 am. | 4-20 am. | Lutzow | 10-15 am | |||
N.Z.I.Bde. | Half Wellington Bn. | 509 | 36 | 3-15 am | 5-20 am. | Achaia | 11-15 am |
(a) for Katuna. (b) for Achaia.
The above is to be substituted for the timings issued for move of the 4th Echelon on 7/8 April,1915.
5th Echelon. Train timings. Cairo to Gabarry, 10/11 April, 1915.
No of Train |
Type. | Loading Station. |
Unit. | Men | Horses. | Time Train ready for loading. |
Time leave loading station. |
Destination | Time of arrvl |
747 | Inf. | Helmieh | N.Z.I.Bde. | Half Otago Battalion | 505 | 36 | 8.00pm | 10.20pm | Annaberg | 4.15am |
Hold Party | 22 | |||||||||
747a | Cav. | Cairo 7 | N.Z.I.Bde. | Headquarters | 27 | 23 | 9.00pm | 11.30pm | Goslar | 4.45am |
Div.Train | HQ & Sup. Sec. No 2 Co | 81 | 85 | |||||||
Div.Train | Bag.Sec. HQ Bde & Fd.Amb. | 5 | 10 | |||||||
N.Z.I.Bde. | Sec. Div. Signal Coy. | 23 | 6 | |||||||
[701 | Inf. | P.Kubba | 4th I.Bde. | 1 Company 13th Battalion | 224 | 9.00pm | 11.20pm | Seangbee | 5.10pm | |
4th I.Bde. | 1 Company 16th Battalion | 224 | ||||||||
Div.Train | Bag.Sec. 16th Battalion | 6 | 12 (a) | (a) for | Haidar | Pacha | ||||
701a | Inf. | Cairo 1 | 4th I.Bde. | Half 16th Battalion | 505 | 38 | 10.00pm | 12.30am | Haidar Pacha | 5.40am |
705 | Inf. | Helmien | N.Z.I.Bde. | Half Otago Battalion | 504 | 24 | 11.00pm | 1.20am | Annaberg | 7.15am |
705a | Cav. | Cairo 7 | Div.Engrs. | Headquarters | 13 | 9 | 11.45pm | 2.30am | Goslar | 7.45am |
Div.Engrs. | N.Z.Field Company | 70 | 78 | |||||||
N.Z.I.Bde. | N.Z.Field Ambulance | 60 | 66 | |||||||
Div.Train | Bag.Sec.Div.Engrs.HQRS. | 1 | 2 | |||||||
707 | Inf. | P.Kubba | 4th I.Bde. | Half 15th Battalion | 448 | 12.15am | 2.20pm | Seangbee | 3.15am | |
Div.Train | Bag.Sec.Otago.Bn. | 8 | 16(b) | (b) for | Annaberg | |||||
707a | 4th I.Bde | Hqrs. & 1 Company 16taBn | 303 | 37 | 12.45am | 3.30am | Haidar Pacha | 3.45am | ||
New Zealand | Reinforcements | 192(c) | (c) for | Seangbee | ||||||
711 | Div.Engrs. | N.Z.Field Company | 147 | 2.00am | 4.20am | Goslar | 10.15am | |||
N.Z.I.Bde. | N.Z.Field Ambulance | 179 | ||||||||
Hold. Party | 38 |
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