Sir John Monash - Personal Files Book 2, 1 April - 11 April 1915, Part 6

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
Accession number:

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25 Diary No.4209 Telegram No. 38/ 0 a Dated 6-4-15. From: G.H.0. Alexandria. TO: A.N.Z.A.C. Cairo. Reoeived 3-15.p.m. Continuation my 38/ os this date movement of remainder Australian Division should reoommence evening seventh eighth and ell troops can go on board on eighth AAA Movement of New Zealand Division should be carried out as follows troops for Achaia Itonus Katuma and Lutzow leave Cairo night ninth tenth troops for Goslar Annaberg Haidar Pasha and seeangbee night of tenth eleventh troops for Australind seean- ohun Californian and Ascot night of eleventh twelfth and troops for Surada and sudmark night of twelfth thirteenth AAA If troops are not sent down in this order further delay will be caused as this is only order in which ships oan be completed with necess¬ ary reserve voyage rations AAA Please acknowledge. G.H.0. General Officer Cormanding, New Zealand & Australian Division. For information. 2. Revised plan of movement will be forwarded as soon as reoeived. sgd. A. SKEEN. Lt.-Col. for A.Q.M.G., Aust. & N. 2. Army Corps. Cairo. 6-4-15. Headquarters, For information. Please notify Units or Troops concerned. J.J.ESSON. Lt.-Col. A.O.m.G New Zealand & Australian Division. Zeitoun. 6-4-15. aedekto sfärt mtormats 741o (Set Ptr un W 4tb Stetos Srn oois
SHEPHEARDS HOTEL NOTE DU RESTAURANT 4 A Cairo, 7 A 1915 3 164 414dvluna PIASTRES Hot 10 ....... ....................... .. N 71 8 ......... ........ ..... . . . . . . . . . otll 77 ................ ......... ... ........... e 16 .................. . . . . ..... .......... . Ar ........../.................... 1.34 StIlL Roeuelz SHEFHEARD'S HOTEL A .. . . .. Al ......................... .............. .. She 10 ) 1./1 14 ............ Me ... ......... E. 67 ........... ..... ................. Th Elr der .............. I 30 6 ............ ..........
AFTER ORDERS No. 122 By Major-General Sir. A.J.Godley, K.C.m.G., C.B. Commanding New Zealand and Australian Division. Headquarters. Leitoun Camp. 7th. April, 1915. ADMINISTRATION. 890. Embarkation With reference to the Forms in sonnection with Embarkation Returns. A.F. B126 and A.F. B141; The following extraot from Regulations for the "Allowances of the Army", which shows the classification of N.C.O.'s, is published for guidance: Class 16, Chief warder, or prinoipal warder of military prison or detention barraok (for travelling abroad and passage). Master Gunner, 3rd. class. Quartermaster-Sergeant. Class 17. Colour-Sergéant. Squadron, battery, troop, or company Sergeant-major. Squadron,/battery, troop, or company quartermaster- sergeant. Class 18. Quartérmaster-sergeant of pensioners. Class 19. Sergeant. The baggage sections of the Divisional Train will em¬ bark/with the Units to which they are attached, and on embarkation the Officers Commanding such Units will furnish a séparste state on A.F. B126 for the Section of the Divis¬ ional Train serving his Unit, keeping a duplicate himself før reference. 891. Field General The following extract from General Routine Orders dated Courts-Martial-April 5th., 1915, is published:- 13. FIMLD GEMVIRAL COURTSMARTLA The following notes are for the guidance of offioers who may be called upon to convene Field General Courts¬ Martial. (1) PRULLIMINARY. The Commander-in-Chief of the Mediterranean Exgpedi¬ tionary Foroe is the "General Conmanding the Foroe", and h the "Offioer in Chief Command in the Field" referred to in the Army Act, section 54 (d) and R.P 120 (d). The prooeed- ings of Field General Courts-Martial will be dealt with aocordingly, that is to say, no sentence of death or penal servitude shall be oarried into effect unless or until it
Ayums Orpagds No. 127. Field General has heen confirmed by the G.O.C., subject only to the xx --- -Courtskærtial proviso that where the Confioming Officer (see infra para (Cont'd.) is of opinion that owing to the nature of the country, the great distance, or the operations of the enemy it is not practioable to delay the case, the above sentences may be oarried out if oonfiried by the General or Field Officer commanding the Force with which the person under sentence is present (R.P. 120 (d. 1i) 121 COIVENIN A Field General Court-Martial may be convened by ån-offioer in-oommand of any Corps- or portion of a Oorps; or by any officer in immediate command of a body of forces (A.A. 49) when it is not precticable to convene a General Court-MMartial. N.B. A Commanding Offioer-is an Officer who under normal oiroumstanoes has power to "tell off" a soldier (e.g. . C.O., or Offioer ocmmanding a setachment). 13) coooo Normally not less than three Officers (see para. 8) 18 A convening offioer must not appoint as president any officer below the rank of Field Offioer unless he (the convening-officer) is-himselr-below that rank. Each officer should have held a-oommission for at (o) least one year. (4) CHARGES. The statement of an offence may be made briefly in language sufficient to define the offence and to disolose an offence under the Army Act. (5) OATH. The president, members and witnesses must be duly sworn, and this faot must be reoorded on the Zrooeoding. (6) EVIDENCE. The Provost Marshal, if present, or the presi¬ dent, must take down all material evidence in writing and attach it to the proceedings. 12) FINDING The finding of the Court on each charge will usually be reoorded simply as a finding of "Guilty" or "Not Guilty", unless a special finding is absolutely necessary. If the evidence is not suffioient to prove the commission of an offence the oourt will acquit the accused. 18) SeNNTENVCS. (s) Of death or penal servitude, (see para. 1). A sentenoe of death requires the xxxxxxx conourrence of all members of the Court, seo. 49 (2) A.A. If there are only two officers on the Court, the sentence cannot exceed 2 years imprisonment or 3 months field punish¬ ment. (b) The limits of sentence that may be passed upon a soldier are Pehal servitude (not less than 3 years). (i Imprisonment (with or without hard labour) (Noy more than 2 years). (iii) Detention (Not more than 2 years]. (iv) Field Punishment (not more than 3 months).
seuns ondhes No. 127. -2 Field General Stoppages of pay (not more than 3 months) The Court will take all surrounding oiroumstances Courts-Martial into aooount when passing sentence. (Cont'd.) Somigkggos. 191 The proceedings will usually be sent for con¬ (a) firmation through the Headquarters of the unit to the proper confirming authority, as laid down in Divisional or Brigade Orders. With reference to the proviso in para. 1. If the (b) Court was convened by an officer in command of a portion of a oorps, the prooeedings may be confirmed by the Senior-Officer present (being e field officer) or if there is not a field-offiod present, by any field officer to whom it may be possible to-take the proccedings. The Provost Marshal, Assistant Provost xærsnal er (o) Prosecutor oannot confirm the prooeedings. (i0) BomN OF PROCLEDINGS. The prooeedings of all Courts-Martial and of Military Courts held under military law will be sent as soon as possible through the Headquarters of formations to the Deputy Judge Advocste General, at the Deputy Adjutant General's Offioe, Ceneral Headquarters. 892. Tents and All marquees and tents as they are vaoated will be struck, Marquees. and taken over on the ground by the D.A.D.O.S. or his representatives after the contents of each tent have been oárefully oheoked and all defioienoces noted. The Officer Commanding the Mounted Rifles Brigade will detail a staff of Offioers to assist the D.A.D.O.S. in this work, and reoeipts will be given by them. Duplioate copies of these receipts must be propared, one copy to be handed to the Ex.D.A.D.O.S., and another to the Unit oonoerned. Ciroular double tents, Tor pattern tents, Indian pattern marquees, and ciroular tents will each be stacked separately and the whole placed under guard supplied by the Mounted Rifle Brigade which will be mounted until transport arrangements are completed. The Offioers selected to assist will report to the D.A.D.O.S. at 3 p.m. on Thursday, the 8th. inst. 893. all Signal Lamps Two months supply of illuminant will be embarked on/træns¬ ports by all Units provided with signalling lamps, and is to be loaded so that a portion will be available for use on each transport during the voyags. A suffioient supply of message forms (C 2121 and C 2123) and spare chimneys is also to be taken on each ship. Offioers Commanding Troops on each transport arc responsible that the above instructions are carried out. 894. Correspondence. With reference to Divisional Order No n of the 5th. April, Headquarters, N.Z- & A.Division will now be open until 12 noon Saturday. 895. Intermediate Correspondenoe and communications for the O.C. New Zealand Base Depot. Intermediste Base Depot can be left in the building reoently oocupied as the Dry Canteen, opposite New Zealand Infantry Brigade Headquarters.
AUS urngg Oruug 4. No. 127. 896. Medical Officers Commanding Brigades and Divisional Units will Inspeotion. arrange that an inspection for the detection of Venereal Disease is made, on the day prior to leaving Camp. 897. Corrigendum. Reference Divisional Order No. 871. Instead of "Sergeant" read "Battery sergeant-Major" in both instanoes. 898. Obituary. The General Officer Commanding regrets to announce the death of No. 293 Trooper xR.Alexander, 2nd. Aus- tralian Light Horse Regiment, and No. 159 Trooper N.B.Foote, 2nd. Australian Light Horse Regiment, at the No. 1 Australian General Hospital on the 7th. instant. (Sgd.) E.W.C.Chaytor, Colonel. Assistant Adjutant-General. NOTICE. L0ST, from the Lines of the lst. Pield Oompany, Engineers, Short Lee Enfiald Rifle, Mark A1l, No. 11643. Return to officeof C.R.E., N.2. & A-Dtvision.
-----COMMONTEALTH OF AUSTRALLA.----- ---------------------------- DEPARTMENT OF DEFENCE. HEAD-QUARTERS, MELBOURNE, 7th April 1915. Dear Sir, By direction of the Chief of the General Staff, I am to request you to be good enough to contribute, and to request the officers of your command also to contribute, an article or articles for publication in the "Australian Military Journal" Articles submitted should be headed as follows: "This article is written for the "Australian hilitary Journal", and is not to be published unti l submitted to the Chief of the General Staff". Thanking you in anticipation, Yours faithfully, (Ao Captain, Editor A. M. Journal.
Asl. 7. Lin 3onneleg MEMORALDUI ON THE YORIATION ORGANIZATION,AND FUNCTIONS OF THE AUSTENLIAN INPERIAL FORCE INTERIDIATE BASE IN EGYPT. 1. Introductory. The necessity of the above Base has been fully recognised by both the War Office and the Commonwealth Government, and it's formation sanctioned. It must be recognised that none of the ordinary administrative machinery employed when British Troops are sent abroad exists at all, as regards the Australian Military Forces, which are designed for home defence only; nor can the War Office machinery be utilised in every case. The latter point will be obvious when the following facte are taken into consideration. (a) The Australian Goverment has despatched an organised and equipped force to be disposed as the Home Government require As far as they are able they intend to maintain the force at war establishment, and provide it with such equipment as can be furnished from Australia. The distance of australia from the seat of war, and other considerations preclude the possibility of everything necessary being supplied from Australia. Some stores can be most easily purchased locally and through the High Commissioner; other stores the War Office have undertaken to provide. The responsibility of keeping the force equipped and fit to take the field rests with the Home Covernment, but the Commonwealth Government heve underteken to bear the cost of the maintenance of this Force, and provide it with war outfit where nossible. (b) The A.I.F. is self conteined as regards pay, and it is one of the functions of the A.I.F.Base to provide for this, independently of Britich organisation. Large financial questions relating to (a) constantly arise, and have to be dealt with. (c) None of the numeroue unite of the A.I.F. have Regimental Records Offices ,and the Australian Imperial Base takes the place of these. (d)
- 2 . (a) All routine correspondence with the Commonwealth Governeent and the High Comaissioneva Office, London, is conducted throuch The Australian Lase. This is of a voluminous nature, refers mestly to matters of interior cconomy and has no interest for the Imperial Army in general, but it is essential that there should be some central authority to deal with it. (e) The sick on discharge from hospital, and officers and men for disposal and discharge for other reasons, must be collected from hospitals and units, and maintained until they can be disposed of. The documents relating to them have to be examined,adjusted, recorded, and finally disposed of as desired by the Commonwealth Government. British Regulations cannot, of course apply to these, and there muet be separate machinery to deal with them. (f) Hitherto -inforcemants on arrival have been quartered,fed,and administered in every way until distributed to the units to which they belong. They now proceed direot on arrival to a Training Depot, commanded by Major General J.Spens, C.B. (g) Postal services of the A.I.F. are a distinct organization, and all po-tal matters relating to the A.I.F.Units are dealt with primarily at the A.I.F. Base. (2) In order to deal with these and other questions the formation of the Australien Intermediate Base was sanctioned, and it's formation under my Command was notified in orders of the A & N.Z. Army Corps, No.10, dated 19/1/ 1915. (3) The establishment was a tentative one until time Ranlerle and experience v what personnel was requisite for efficiency, and was drawn up and approved by Army Corps Order No.31, of 19/3/ 1915. This was slightly amended as regards No.l Bub-Section "Reoords and Correspondence-" by Army Order No.41 Further modifications have been found necessery of g/a/1ois. and it is intended to submit at an early date revised establish- -meot for the opptorl of hl Officer Commanding in Egypt
.3. From these orders it will be seen that the A.I.F. Interwediat Pase Depot is divided into Headquarters and the following six (6) Sub-Sections:- (a) No.1 Sub-Section - "Records and Corresnondence" Deals with the correspondence of the rase generally, keeps all regimental records, attends to the administrative work of the A.I.F. generally, adainisters the postal service.- Personnel - 2 Officers and 27 others. 8b) No. 2. Sub-Section - "Finance": Deals with pay and all "inancial ouestions and payments involved by the fact that Australia is bearing the full cost of the A.I.F. Personnel - 5 Officers and 39 others. 6c) No.3. Sub-Section - "Ordnance": Deals with the adminise -tration of all Ordnance questions relating to the A.I.F. The collection, storage, distribution of all clothing,arms, and equipment as Australia supplies direct. The arrangement for procuring locally by purchase of certain clothing,equipment, etores,and vehicles necessary for issue in Egypt additional to the articles which may be brought or sent from Australia, and which the Imperial Ordnance cannot supply. The arrangement also for the procuring of certain other stores and equipment from Ehgland. The charge of the Australian and New Zealand Ammunition Depot, and the storage and issue of all Ammunition arriving from Australia and New Zwaland. Personnel - 1 Officer and 14 others, including 2 others attached temporarily to No. 1 Sub-Section. (d) No.4 Sub) Section - "Medical": Not yet organised or Establishment fixed, as No.1 Sub-Section deals direct with the D.M.S. in Egypt on Medical questions. Proposals will shortly be submitted for the formation of this Sub-Section which is likely to prove of much importance. (e) No.5. Sub.Section.-" Remounts & Veterinary": At present a dead letter, as the Remount Depot in Egypt receives all remounts direct,and distributes them to Units, British or other -wise. Will be required if the Australian Base leaves Egypt.

Diary No.4209
Telegram No. 38/ 0 a Dated 6-4-15.
From: G.H.Q. Alexandria.
TO: A.N.Z.A.C. Cairo.
Received 3-15.p.m. 
Continuation my 38// oa this date movement of remainder
Australian Division should recommence evening seventh eighth
and all troops can go on board on eighth AAA
Movement of New Zealand Division should be carried out as
follows troops for Achaia Itonus Katuma and Lutzow leave Cairo
night ninth tenth troops for Goslar Annaberg Haidar Pasha and
Seeangbee night of tenth eleventh troops for Australind Seeanohun  
Californian and Ascot night of eleventh twelfth and troops
for Surada and Sudmark night of twelfth thirteenth AAA If troops
are not sent down in this order further delay will be caused as
this is only order in which ships can be completed with necessary  
reserve voyage rations AAA Please acknowledge.
General Officer Commanding,
New Zealand & Australian Division.
For information.
2. Revised plan of movement will be forwarded as soon as
sgd. A. SKEEN. Lt.-Col.
for A.Q.M.G., Aust. & N. Z. Army Corps.
Cairo. 6-4-15.
For information.
Please notify Units or Troops concerned.
J.J.ESSON. Lt.-Col. A.Q.M.G
New Zealand & Australian Division.
13       7th DSO                   forwarded your information 
14        4th F Amb                (Sgn) JTMc[[im]] Lt Col 
                                               Bn Sigs BM 4th (A)1B 


Grill Room
Cairo, 7/4/ 1915
No 164

 Lt Col [[McThimm]] & I        PIASTRES 
2 [[Ha' l??]]          10
2 [[falafes?]]           8
2 [[Srees?]]          12
2 steaks               16 
2 legumes          6 
cheese                6 
cafė                      8 
[[Yiacon.]]           20 
[[Five chg]]         16 
[[cyan]]                 21 


AFTER ORDERS                      No. 127

Major-General Sir. A.J.Godley, K.C.M.G., C.B.
Commanding New Zealand and Australian Division.
Leitoun Camp.
7th. April, 1915.
With reference to the Forms in connection with Embarkation
A.F. B126 and A.F. B141;
    The following extract from Regulations for the
"Allowances of the Army", which shows the classification of
N.C.O.'s, is published for guidance:
Class 16.
Chief warder, or principal warder of military prison
or detention barrack (for travelling abroad and passage).
Master Gunner, 3rd. class.
Class 17.
Squadron, battery, troop, or company Sergeant-major.
Squadron,/battery, troop, or company quartermaster-
Class 18.
Quartermaster-sergeant of pensioners.
Class 19.
The baggage sections of the Divisional Train will embark 
 with the Units to which they are attached, and on
embarkation the Officers Commanding such Units will furnish
a separate state on A.F. B126 for the Section of the Divisional 
 Train serving his Unit, keeping a duplicate himself
for reference.
*Field General  
The following extract from General Routine Orders dated
-April 5th., 1915, is published:-
The following notes are for the guidance of officers
who may be called upon to convene Field General Courts-Martial.
The Commander-in-Chief of the Mediterranean Expeditionary  
Force is the "General Commanding the Force", and h
the "Officer in Chief Command in the Field" referred to in
the Army Act, section 54 (d) and R.P 120 (d). The proceedings  
of Field General Courts-Martial will be dealt with
accordingly, that is to say, no sentence of death or penal
servitude shall be carried into effect unless or until it


AFTER ORDERS 2.     No. 127.

*Field General  
Courts Martial  
has been confirmed by the G.O.C., subject only to the xx
proviso that where the Confirming Officer (see infra para
 9) is of opinion that owing to the nature of the country,
the great distance, or the operations of the enemy it is
not practicable to delay the case, the above sentences
may be carried out if confirmed by the General or Field
Officer commanding the Force with which the person under
sentence is present (R.P. 120 (d. ii).
A Field General Court-Martial may be convened
by an-officer in-command of any Corps- or portion of a
Corps; or by any officer in immediate command of a body of
forces (A.A. 49) when it is not practicable to convene a
General Court-Martial.
N.B. A Commanding Officer is an Officer who under
normal circumstances has power to "tell off" a soldier
(e.g. . C.O., or Officer commanding a detachment).
(a) Normally not less than three Officers (see para. 8)
(b) A convening officer must not appoint as president
any officer below the rank of Field Officer unless
he (the convening-officer) is himself below that
(c) Each officer should have held a commission for at
least one year.
The statement of an offence may be made briefly
in language sufficient to define the offence and to disclose
an offence under the Army Act.
(5) OATH.
The president, members and witnesses must be duly
sworn, and this fact must be recorded on the proceeding.
The Provost Marshal, if present, or the president,  
must take down all material evidence in writing and
attach it to the proceedings.
The finding of the Court on each charge will
usually be recorded simply as a finding of "Guilty" or "Not
Guilty", unless a special finding is absolutely necessary.
If the evidence is not sufficient to prove the commission
of an offence the court will acquit the accused.
(a) Of death or penal servitude, (see para. 1).
A sentence of death requires the xxxxxxx
concurrence of all members of the Court, Sec. 49 (2) A.A.
If there are only two officers on the Court, the sentence
cannot exceed 2 years imprisonment or 3 months field punishment.
(b) The limits of sentence that may be passed
upon a soldier are
(i) Penal servitude (not less than 3 years).
(ii) Imprisonment (with or without hard labour)
(Not more than 2 years).
(iii) Detention (Not more than 2 years].
(iv) Field Punishment (not more than 3 months).


AFTER ORDERS 3.       No. 127.

Field General  
(v) Stoppages of pay (not more than 3 months).
  (c) The Court will take all surrounding circumstances
 into account when passing sentence.
(a) The proceedings will usually be sent for confirmation  
through the Headquarters of the unit
to the proper confirming authority, as laid
down in Divisional or Brigade Orders.
(b) With reference to the proviso in para. 1. If the
Court was convened by an officer in command
of a portion of a Corps, the proceedings may be
confirmed by the Senior Officer present (being
a field officer) or if there is not a field officer
present, by any field officer to whom it may be
possible to take the proceedings.
(c) The Provost Marshal, Assistant Provost Marshal or
Prosecutor cannot confirm the proceedings.
The proceedings of all Courts Martial and
of Military Courts held under military law will be sent
as soon as possible through the Headquarters of formations
to the Deputy Judge Advocate General, at the Deputy
Adjutant General's Office, General Headquarters.
*Tents and  
All marquees and tents as they are vacated will be struck,
   and taken over on the ground by the D.A.D.O.S. or his
representatives after the contents of each tent have been
carefully checked and all deficiencies noted. The Officer
Commanding the Mounted Rifles Brigade will detail a staff
of Officers to assist the D.A.D.O.S. in this work, and
receipts will be given by them.
Duplicate copies of these receipts must be
prepared, one copy to be handed to the Ex.D.A.D.O.S., and
another to the Unit concerned.
Circular double tents, Tor pattern tents, Indian
pattern marquees, and circular tents will each be stacked
separately, and the whole placed under guard supplied by
the Mounted Rifle Brigade which will be mounted until
transport arrangements are completed.
The Officers selected to assist will report to
the D.A.D.O.S. at 3 p.m. on Thursday, the 8th. inst.
*Signal Lamps.   
Two months supply of illuminant will be embarked on∧all/ 
transports by all Units provided with signalling lamps, and is
to be loaded so that a portion will be available for use
on each transport during the voyage.
A sufficient supply of message forms (C 2121 and
C 2123) and spare chimneys is also to be taken on each
Officers Commanding Troops on each transport are
responsible that the above instructions are carried out.
With reference to Divisional Order No 355 of the 5th.
April, Headquarters, N.Z & A.Division will now be open
until 12 noon Saturday.
Base Depot..   
Correspondence and communications for the O.C. New Zealand
Intermediate Base Depot can be left in the building
recently occupied as the Dry Canteen, opposite New Zealand
Infantry Brigade Headquarters.


AFTER ORDERS   4.                                            No. 127.

Medical Inspection 
 Officers Commanding Brigades and Divisional Units will
arrange that an inspection for the detection of Venereal
Disease is made, on the day prior to leaving Camp.
Reference Divisional Order No. 871. Instead of "Sergeant"
read "Battery Sergeant-Major" in both instances.
The General Officer Commanding regrets to announce the
death of No. 293 Trooper xxxxxxxxx R.Alexander, 2nd. Australian  
Light Horse Regiment, and No. 159 Trooper N.B.Foote,
2nd. Australian Light Horse Regiment, at the No. 1 Australian
General Hospital on the 7th. instant.
(Sgd.) E.W.C.Chaytor,
Assistant Adjutant-General.
L0ST, from the Lines of the 1st. Field Company, Engineers,
Short Lee Enfield Rifle, Mark III No. 11643. Return to
office of C.R.E., N.Z. & A.Division.



MELBOURNE, 7th April 1915.
Dear Sir,
By direction of the Chief of the General Staff, I am
to request you to be good enough to contribute, and to request
the officers of your command also to contribute, an article or
articles for publication in the "Australian Military Journal"
Articles submitted should be headed as follows:
"This article is written for the "Australian Military Journal",
and is not to be published unti l submitted to the Chief of the
General Staff".
Thanking you in anticipation,
Yours faithfully,
[[signature illegible]]
Editor A. M. Journal.


Lieut Donnelly .                 *Apl 7/15
1. Introductory. The necessity of the above Base has been
fully recognised by both the War Office and the Commonwealth
Government, and it's formation sanctioned.
It must be recognised that none of the ordinary
administrative machinery employed when British Troops are sent
abroad exists at all, as regards the Australian Military Forces,
which are designed for home defence only; nor can the War Office
machinery be utilised in every case. The latter point will be
obvious when the following facts are taken into consideration.
(a) The Australian Government has despatched an organised
and equipped force to be disposed as the Home Government require.
As far as they are able they intend to maintain the force at
war establishment, and provide it with such equipment as can be
furnished from Australia. The distance of Australia from the
seat of war,and other considerations preclude the possibility of
everything necessary being supplied from Australia. Some stores
can be most easily purchased locally and through the High
Commissioner; other stores the War Office have undertaken to
provide. The xxxxxx responsibility of keeping the force equipped
and fit to take the field rests with the Home Government, but
the Commonwealth Government have undertaken to bear the cost of
the maintenance of this Force, and provide it with war outfit
where possible.
(b) The A.I.F. is self contained as regards pay, and it
is one of the functions of the A.I.F.Base to provide for this,
independently of and ∧ any British organisation. Large financial
questions relating to (a) constantly arise, and have to be dealt
(c) None of the numerous units of the A.I.F. have
Regimental Records Offices ,and the Australian Imperial Base
takes the place of these.


- 2 -
(a) All routine correspondence with the Commonwealth Government
and the High Commissioner's Office, London, is conducted through
The Australian Base. This is of a voluminous nature, refers
mostly to matters of interior economy and has no interest for the
Imperial Army in general, but it is essential that there should
be some central authority to deal with it.
(e) The sick on discharge from hospital, and officers
and men for disposal and discharge for other reasons, must be
collected from hospitals and units, and maintained until they
can be disposed of. The documents relating to them have to be
examined, adjusted, recorded, and finally disposed of as desired
by the Commonwealth Government. British Regulations cannot, of
course apply to these, and there must be separate machinery to
deal with them.
(f) Hitherto reinforcements on arrival have been
quartered, fed, and administered in every way until distributed
to the units to which they belong.
They now proceed direct on arrival to a Training
Depot, commanded by Major General J . Spens, C.B.
(g) Postal services of the A.I.F. are a distinct
organization, and all postal matters relating to the A.I.F.Units
are dealt with primarily at the A.I.F. Base.
(2) In order to deal with these and other questions
the formation of the Australian Intermediate Base was sanctioned,
and it's formation under my Command was notified in orders of
the A & N.Z. Army Corps, No.10, dated 19/1/ 1915.
(3) The establishment was a tentative one until time
and experience xxxxxx ∧revealed what personnel was requisite for
efficiency, and was drawn up and approved by Army Corps Order
No.31, of 19/3/ 1915. This was slightly amended as regards No. 4l
Sub-Section "Records and Correspondence-" by Army Order No.41
of 6/4/1915. Further modifications have been found necessary
and it is intended to submit at an early date revised establishment  
for the approval of the General Officer Commanding in Egypt


From these orders it will be seen that the A.I.F.
Intermediat Base Depot is divided into Headquarters and the
following six (6) Sub-Sections:-
(a) No.1 Sub-Section - "Records and Correspondence" :
Deals with the correspondence of the Base generally, keeps all
regimental records, attends to the administrative work of the
A.I.F. generally, administers the postal service.-
Personnel - 2 Officers and 27 others.
(b) No. 2. Sub-Section - "Finance": Deals with pay and all
financial questions and payments involved by the fact that
Australia is bearing the full cost of the A.I.F.
Personnel - 5 Officers and 39 others.
(c) No.3. Sub-Section - "Ordnance": Deals with the administration  
of all Ordnance questions relating to the A.I.F. The
collection, storage, distribution of all clothing, arms, and
equipment as Australia supplies direct. The arrangement for
procuring locally by purchase of certain clothing, equipment,
stores, and vehicles necessary for issue in Egypt additional to
the articles which may be brought or sent from Australia, and
which the Imperial Ordnance cannot supply. The arrangement also
for the procuring of certain other stores and equipment from
England. The charge of the Australian and New Zealand
Ammunition Depot, and the storage and issue of all Ammunition
arriving from Australia and New Zwaland.
Personnel - 1 Officer and 14 others, including 2 others
attached temporarily to No. 1 Sub-Section.
(d) No.4 Sub) Section - "Medical": Not yet organised or
Establishment fixed, as No.1 Sub-Section deals direct with the
D.M.S. in Egypt on Medical questions. Proposals will shortly be
submitted for the formation of this Sub-Section which is likely
to prove of much importance.
(e) No.5. Sub.Section.-" Remounts & Veterinary": At present
a dead letter, as the Remount Depot in Egypt receives all
remounts direct, and distributes them to Units, British or otherwise.  
Will be required if the Australian Base leaves Egypt.

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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