Sir John Monash - Personal Files Book 2, 1 April - 11 April 1915, Part 5

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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The training that can be performed on the various Training. Transports varies: Officers Commanding Troops are however held responsible that Officers Commanding Units on board do all that is possible. The following should be practised: Rifle Exercises. Physical Training Musketry (especially rapid loading and firing and sight setting). Bayonet fighting. Lectures should be delivered on the following subjecte:- Sanitation: Core of feet, etc. Cooking in the Field. Map Reading (Officers & N.C.Os) Study of Maps of the theatre of operations (if available) The uniform and characteristics of the enemy's forces. 10. One parade daily will be in marching order (with General. boots,provided/ sanction can be obtained.). 11. On disembarkation, all quarters, me5 rooms leanliness of Transporte. etc. occupied by troops will be left in a thoroughly clean and sanitary condition. (Sd) W. G. Braithwaite Lt-Col. General Staff, N.Z. & A. Division.
A N.2.8. 3i Tunst 7omt) hg. Dyd Nregunng A adl chdt Rripate Tastient foener bffoit 5/.5 9 Slentet Sden A akie ng, haset m lein, i oferalig i fr ungpaanetone Taer . 5.-d delackel khaki foar fo unttig okat eling t bønase kanlnag t diegg u tkha -epasp ti amt str iin rowmiatin g thr Sotrih Toae. t opaet Lae trit Stadd in detantl& Thr 155 Raakm (Camae Mer Ftcnt) egtada Ik Ref7 Pfard (nduntgg linantig e ke ttei bønest Tant 2u Tone 3.-A valmakke avnag of 30 fond kned hagjpon ii saard. Rung k.Ryeg Ca ranskelfrar H2. t a asks es e ate pom reaanne a rgkast krat kndfng ipantg 2e 2. Sik. atut 33) Hatkatin, biomaset laatt nyfkt ryn Ga Aa) Speeikd Se.Kaak 6 S oag Dl Kheki detastet fooa amitigg tiømadet last Han (Aanne otbr K.E. Enttey k?. p tpt se it hiEa (ganes +.t)) t fnarfed at Sat e Shatat. - Ae gon paefe igfetati skit h a cnvg g abant toogads lng aas faand m ttr Torafnng tidge (Spnes 57) masdng änt. - Ja denter t venet vagtn Shtie Cnvag.
Haaeing a tet Jut Selininang Sh. Trrse eict te arespovart av fekons: løne oe t blaki tan Liøned kkae ensct. Lsg Fatz: 13 Mattalt Frurtr:- atekn 14 atralien 16 tt Cae Chit Trr 15 Mak tnt Inr 4. 5. Kyge fospadaift Cvog 3 sa Mers bne wee btih shak hanl-. beade Bok Toses askt audg 5 smk ko frge ht vane a anenlall 17o bargomete t be føpad tronfe not t effavaad chae kaen St gadd ttr enfek okke anng, heig ket i de Søkade, diet, til yykadankt lagid Ny kkn G. S. waggans, enftg, edet kavging se a l Plag, ditane hileen weggens 3oo gurk tt Trpfat mart-- Ih. Lung nik te dotendedt uptet igent g 15 5 tuuahnn, t akm agfienki areed tha. Ling ant flaas g lnlgpon- po cmpinfiaetk om pdletelg t tm nyfechi lønanger.
Langidaki Cl.Cae i aine a snadgo kofaen- De vkike foore nelt mavck foom Canf- bale a SUEZHAP (ua I? a tamsato okåe 5.- tr wvappn sopaaanting fr fnng, uig tuet ad Ihns2 å da klasat unde ser omler g Transgot skyt-
Goneral Routine Orders ---------------------------------- --- General Sir I.S.M.Hanilton,G.C.3.,D.3.0.,A.D.C. Commanding the Moditerranean Ekpeditionery Force. ------------------------- General Headquarters ALEAANDRIA 5th April, 1915. Adjutant-General's Dranch - -- 16.States. - 1. Sach unit of a mounted or infantry brigado will rondor daily to the Brigado Commandor a state as in Form A. attached. 2. On receipt of Form I.from the umits under his con¬ mand,each Hounted and Infantry-Brigade Commander will compile Form 3. (copy attached). This state will be rondered to the D.A.G.,G.H.. daily, and should reach G.M..not later than 6 pm. 3. On Sunday in each week a state (on Z.T. B.231) is to be made out in duplicate for each unit in the Force.å summary of these states will be compiled br Brigade,Divisional,etc: Commanders which will ba forwardel to the D.A.G.,G.H.., accompanied by one of the copies of oach of the states compiled bv units. 4. The summaries and states mentioned in paragraph 3 must be despatched so as to reach G.H.. not later than 4 pm. on Honday in oach woek. P.T.O. (1)
G.R.O's. (continued). 6th April,1915. 17. CASUILTIES IN ACTTON. With reference to Field Service Regulations, art2, Section 131 paragraph 2, the states shewing losses, reforrod to therein, will be rendered in duplicate on Form C. (copy attached) which is to be mado out in manuscript. One copy will be passed by Drigade,Divisional, etc. Commanders to the D.A.G.,G.H.O., the remaining copy will be transmitted to the A.A.G.,3rd ECHELON. 18. Appointmonts- Corrigendum. With reference to General Routino Order No.I0, dated 5th April, 1915, for "Headquarters Lines of Communication and Base“ read Headquartors of Baso". 19. CASUALTY REXRTS 1. (a). Formations (o.g.,Divisions, or a Brigade acting independ- ently), will report daily to the A.A.G., 3rd ECHMLON, by thequickest mothod the designation of Unit, casualty, name, rank and initials of Officers killed in action, dying, wounded and missing. A copy will also be sent to the D.A.G., G.H.Q. (b). The same proceodure will bo carried out in tho caso of any Unit which does not form part of a Formation. $ 2. Field Service Rogulations, Part 2, Scction 133. Units will forward by lotter direct to the A.A.G.,3rd ECHELON, completo nominal rolls of dead and missing. 3. Commanders of Medical Units will carry out the following:- (2) F.T.O.
AU G.R.Os. (continued ).6th April, 1915 19 (3).continued. ---------- (a). Names of Officors killed or dying from wounds or diseage should bo wired to the A.K.G.,3rd LCHSLCK. Designation of unit,casualty,name,rank and initials should invariably be given,but the telegram should be made as brief as possible in other respocts. (b).Casualties among other ranks will be forwarded by post to the A.I.G.,3rd ECHLLOH. (c). All cases of admission to hospital for dangerous sickness and all cases both sick and wounded which pass on or off the dangerous list will be wired to the K.A.G., 3rd LCHELOK. Weckly reports on cases on the dangerous list should also be wired. TheA.I.G.,3rf SCH LON, will wira this infornation to the Mar Öffice and to Australia or hew Zealand as the caso may be. 4. With reference to Field Service Regulations,Part 2, Section 133 (2),Commanders of Modical Units when forwarding Army Form A.36 to the A.A.G., 3rd ECHSLON,will spocify the naturo of the wound or injury, and the degree of severity. 5. The .A.G.,3rd ECHSLON, will wire to the War Office after verification full details of all Officers and other ranks who havo been reported to him as dead,wounded.or missing. In the case of wounded tho nature of wound or injury and degrec of severity will be included (for procedure as to Colonial Contingents separagraph 6 ). 6. Whon notifwing casualties by wiro or lettor the notiffic ation will be made strictly in the following order :- (3) P.T.0.
G.R.Os. (continued). 6th April,1915. 19 (6). continued. Designation of Unit! Casualty. Regimental Number. Namo. Rank. Initials. 7. Fixed Hospitals will forward by post tho admission and discharge form Army Form W.3034 direct to the War Office at the same time forwarding a copy to the A.A.G., 3rd ECHELON. IOTN 8. COLONIAL CONTINGNNTS. Casualties will be cabled to, and in the case of lettors directed to, the War Office and to Australia or New Zealand by the A.A.G., 3rd ECHELON, at tho samo time. 9. Every effort should be mado to reduce the number of words in telegrams. Expressions such as "I regret to report" should be avoided. Full stops should be inserted plentifully but with discretion. og. at the ond of tho list of killod, at tho ond of the list of wounded, otc. 10: It must be borne in mind that all roports of casualties for¬ warded by wire must be confirmed by letter: E.M. WOODUARD, Brigadier-General, Deputy Adjutant General, H.E.T. UIRTRESTTR GENTRAL'S BRANCH. N I L. S.H.NINTER, Brigadier-General, Deputy Quartermastor General, H.E.F. (4).
COPY. MLIAN AID NEW ZZALAND ART CORPS. Army Neadquarters, Cairo. 6th April.1215. From Cbneral Officer Commanding Australian and New Zealand Army Corps. io Neadquarters, Force in Eaypt. It ie understood thet No.1 Co. Australian Divisional Train was shut out of ATLANTIAl owing to the number of vehicle for that ship exceeding its capaoity, 2. Traneporte may present diffioulty in this respeet Armadale Goslar Australind Ascot Armadale - 39 four whceled vehieles. 10 ambulanoes could go in any later ship (see list belov) but preferably in ITHIA. 41 four wheeled vehicles. 10 wagons of the Cola New Zealand Divisional Train, H.O. and Supply Section of the No.2 Company and if necessary 10 ambulances could go in any ship of the list given except ITHIA. Australind - 1' four whecled vehieles. 10 ambulance vagons can go in any other vessel of the list. 23 vagons C.S. 11 wagons of the e/(Aust) Ascot. 1 Co. of Divisional Train ean go on any other vessel of the list. 21 wagons G.S., . wagons of H.O. and No.l Zurada. Co. Train ean go on any other vessel of the list. Sudmark. - Any of the wagons can be transferred. The list referred te in para. 3, it is suggested, might include ITRIA (for Australian Division overflows) ANNABERG HAIDAR PASHA SEEANGBEE sxname onum As none of the vehicles mentioned in para 3 are likely to be required urgently they can be stowed with or without wheels on. Lieut.-Ceneral. Comnanding, Australian and New Zealand Army Corps. (Copies to Embarking Alexandria. H.O. Force in Egypt. N.3.£ A. Div. for information). Headquartere. Fourth Anstralian Infantry Brigede. For your inforsation. Please notify the units bested. Nil. Hukford Resfor kov sieut. Dolonel. 5 Zelsoum./ O.M.C.. 6-4-16. N. Z. 4 Australiam Division.
Copy. General Officer Commanding. Australianand New Zealand Army Corps. e172 8 For purposes of entrainment the transports of the New Zealand and Australian Division have been grouped as follows :- Ashtuuud ACHAIA. End Echelon lst Echelon. ITONUS HAIDAR PACHA ASCOT entrain entrain KAITUNA night s/s SEANGBED LUTZ night 7/s AUSTRALIND GOSLAR awönoon 3rd Echelon CALIFORNIAN entrain SURADA guteivv nicht 2/10 The same instructione as were issued on the Znd instant, regarding entrainment apply to the entrainment of the New Zealand and Australian Division. No variation in the allotment of units or detachments to trains should be allowed as any such changen causes great inconvenience and delay, Surplus wagons and carts which cannot be loaded on troop trains must be collected at Cairo Main Station No 7 und Pale Kubba. They will then be loaded on to a special train of flat trucks and sent up as soon as possible after the departure of cach echelon. Wagons and carts to be embarked in the same ship should be loaded in groupe together. Train timings for the First Echelon herewith. The remainder will follow as soon as completed. fSgd) E.N. BROADRERT. Major. D.A.A. & Q.W.C. The Force in Egypt. Cairo.3/N/15. New Zealand a Australian Division. Forwarded please note above. Train timinge were handed to Major Pinwell yesterday. Cairo. G/A/15. (Sad) C. w. WAGSTAFF. Mjjor. He uarter., PRlnfaner, Briesde. & For your information. Stb. Rutsjovd heafor for Lieut-Colonel AQMG N.Z. 4 Australian Division. 8/L/I91S.

Training.   The training that can be performed on the various 
Transports varies: Officers Commanding Troops are however 
held responsible that Officers Commanding Units on board 
do all that is possible.  The following should be practised:-  
Physical Training   Rifle Exercises. 
Musketry (especially rapid loading and firing and 
sight setting). 
Bayonet fighting. 
Lectures should be delivered on the following 
Sanitation: Care of feet, etc. 
Cooking in the Field. 
Map Reading (Officers & N. C. Os) Study of Maps of 
the theatre of operations (if available) . 
The uniform and characteristics of the enemy's 
General.  One parade daily will be in marching order (with 
boots, provided , sanction can be obtained.). 
Cleanliness of 
Transports.  On disembarkation, all quarters, mes s rooms 
etc. occupied by troops will be left in a thoroughly clean 
and sanitary condition. 
(Sd) W. G. Braithwaite Lt-Col. 
General Staff, 
N.Z. & A. Division.


           N.Z. & A. Div.                                                 ) 
          Fourth (Aust) Inf. Bgde.                         ) Heading  
CJM   Brigade Tactical Exercise April 5/15        ) on all sheets.          

General Idea. 
A White Army, based in Cairo, is operating in the neighbourhood of 
Tower No 5. - A detached Khaki force is working west along the 
Disused Railway to Suez in the to endeavour to cut the line of 
Communication of the White Force. — 
Special Idea White (to be opened at .... 
The 15th Battalion (Commander Lt. Col. J. H. Cannan) is detailed to 
guard the Section of the Lines of Communications in the Section  extending between Tower 2 &  
Tower 3. — A valuable convoy of 30 four horsed Waggons is marching
along the Suez Road from Cairo towards Tower No 5,  &  
at      reached Tower No 2.  —
At     you receive a report that enemy infantry, strength 
about 3 Battalions, bivouaced last night near El Birka (square 
G. 4)  
Special Idea Khaki. 
The Khaki detached force consisting of Brigade Staff, 13th, 14th & 16th 
Battalions (Commander Lt Col R. E. Courtney V.D.) bivouaced last 
night near EL BIRKA (square G.4), & marched at     to the vicinity 
of Beit el Shabat. —  At    you receive information that a 
convoy of about 400 yards long was seen at crossing the Tramway Bridge
(square F.9) marching East. — You decide to attack & capture 
this Convoy.


Preliminary Instructions. 
The Forces will be composed as follows:- 
Khaki Force Commander : -    Lt Col. R. E Courtney V.D. 
Staff : -                                            Brigade Head Quarters Staff 
 Troops  : -                                      13th Battalion 
                                                         14th Battalion 
                                                         16th Battalion 
White Force  Commander:-  Lt Col. J .H. Cannan 
 Troops:-                                        15th Battalion 
 Convoy: -                                      Three G.S. Baggage Waggons of 15th is with 
requisite personnel.
The White Force will wear White Hat bands. 
Both Forces will carry 5 rounds per Rifle S.A.A. blank, if 
same is available.  
No bayonets to be fixed 
Troops not to approach closer than 50 yards to each other. 
The convoy, taking part in the Exercise, will be represented 
by three G.S. Waggons, empty, each carrying a large red 
flag, — distance between waggons 200 yards, while on line 
of march.— The Convoy will be commanded by the Transport 
Sergeant of 15th Battalion, to whom confidential instructions 
are issued. — 
The times and places of Rendezvous are communicated confidentially
 to the respective Commanders. —


Lt. Col. Cannan. 
The white force will march from Camp in time to xxxxxxxx concentrate
at R in SUEZ ROAD (Square I.9) at 9 a.m. on Monday 
April 5. — The waggons representing the Convoy will halt at Tower 2 
& be placed under the orders of Transport Sergt 


General Routine Orders 
General Sir I.S.M. Hamilton, G.C.B., D.S.O.,A.D.C. 
Commanding the Mediterranean Expeditionary Force. 
General Headquarters 
5th April, 1915. 
Adjutant-General's Branch 
16. States. 
1. Each unit of a mounted or infantry brigade will 
render daily to the Brigade Commander a state as in Form A.
2. On receipt of Form A. from the units under his command, 
each Mounted and Infantry Brigade Commander will compile 
Form B. (copy attached). This state will be rendered to the 
D.A.G.,G.H.Q. daily, and should reach G.H.Q. not later than 
6 pm.
3. On Sunday in each week a state (on A.F. B.231) is to 
be made out in duplicate for each unit in the Force.A summary 
of these states will be compiled by Brigade,Divisional, etc:
Commanders which will be forwarded to the D.A.G.,G.H.Q., 
accompanied by one of the copies of each of the states 
compiled by units. 
4. The summaries and states mentioned in paragraph 3
must be despatched so as to reach G.H.Q. not later than 4 pm. 
on Monday in each week. 
(1)  P.T.O.


G.R.O's. (continued). 6th April 1915. 
With reference to Field Service Regulations, Part 2, Section 131, 
paragraph 2, the states showing losses, referred to therein, will be 
rendered in duplicate on Form C. (copy attached) which is to be made out 
in manuscript. One copy will be passed by Brigade, Divisional, etc. 
Commanders to the D.A.G.,G.H.Q., the remaining copy will be transmitted to 
the A.A.G., 3rd ECHELON. 
18. Appointments- Corrigendum. 
With reference to General Routine Order No. 10, dated 5th April, 
1915, for "Headquarters Lines of Communication and Base" read "Headquarters 
of Base". 
1. (a). Formations (e.g., Divisions, or a Brigade acting independently) ,
will report daily to the A.A.G., 3rd ECHELON, by thequickest method 
the designation of Unit, casualty, name, rank and initials of Officers 
killed in action, dying, wounded and missing. A copy will also be sent to 
the D.A.G., G.H.Q. 
(b). The same procedure will be carried out in the case of any 
Unit which does not form part of a Formation. 
8   2. Field Service Regulations, Part 2, Section 133. Units will 
forward by letter direct to the A.A.G., 3rd ECHELON, complete nominal rolls 
of dead and missing. 
3. Commanders of Medical Units will carry out the following:- 
(2) P.T.O. 


G.R.Os. (continued ). 6th April, 1915. 
19(3). continued. 
(a).Names of officers killed or dying from wounds or disease 
should be wired to the A.A.G., 3rd ECHELON. 
Designation of unit, casualty, name, rank and initials 
should invariably be given,but the telegram should be made as 
brief as possible in other respects. 
(b).Casualties among other ranks will be forwarded by post to 
the A.A.G., 3rd ECHELON. 
(c).All cases of admission to hospital for dangerous sickness 
and all cases both sick and wounded which pass on or off the 
dangerous list will be wired to the A.A.G.,3rd ECHELON. Weekly 
reports on cases on the dangerous list should also be wired. 
The A.A.G., 3rf ECHELON, will wire this information to the War 
Office and to Australia or New Zealand as the case may be. 
4. With reference to Field Service Regulations, Part 2, 
Section 133 (2), Commanders of Medical Units when forwarding 
Army Form A.36 to the A.A.G, 3rd ECHELON, will specify the nature 
of the wound or injury  and the degree of severity. 
5. The A.A.G., 3rd ECHELON, will wire to the War Office 
after verification full details of all Officers and other ranks 
who have been reported to him as dead, wounded, or missing. In 
the case of wounded the nature of wound or injury and degree of 
severity will be included (for procedure as to Colonial Contingents 
see paragraph 8 ). 
6. When notifying casualties by wire or letter the notification 
will be made strictly in the following order:- 



G.R.Os (continued), 6th April, 1915. 
19 (6). continued. 
Designation of Unit. 
Regimental Number. 
7. Fixed Hospitals will forward by post the admission and discharge 
form Army Form W.3034 direct to the War Office at the same time 
forwarding a copy to the A,A.G., 3rd ECHELON. 
Casualties will be cabled to, and in the case of letters 
directed to,  the War Office and to Australia or New Zealand by the 
A.A.G., 3rd ECHELON, at the same time. 
9. Every effort should be made to reduce the number of words in 
telegrams. Expressions such as "I regret to report" should be avoided. 
Full stops should be inserted plentifully but with discretion 
eg. at the end of the list of killed, at the end of the list  
of wounded, etc. 
10. It must be borne in mind that all reports of casualties forwarded 
by wire must be confirmed by letter.
E.M. WOODWARD, Brigadier-General, 
Deputy Adjutant General, M.E.F. 
N I L.   
S.H. WINTER, Brigadier-General, 
Deputy Quartermaster General, M.E.F. 


Q4131.  Army Headquarters. 
Cairo, 6th April, 1915. 

From General Officer Commanding,            
Australian and New Zealand Army Corps.
To Headquarters, 
Force in Egypt. 
It is understood that No. 1 Co. Australian Divisional 
Train was shut out of ATLANTIAN owing to the number of vehicles 
for that ship exceeding its capacity. 
2. Transports may present difficulty in this respect 
3. Armadale - 39 four wheeled vehicles, 10 ambulances could 
go in any later ship (see list below) but preferably in ITRIA. 
4. Goslar - 41 four wheeled vehicles, 10 wagons of the 
New Zealand Divisional Train, H.Q and Supply Section of the No. 2 
Company and if necessary 10 ambulances could go in any ship of the 
list given except ITRIA. 
Australind - 17 four wheeled vehicles, 10 ambulance wagons 
[*X*] can go in any other vessel of the list. √ 
Ascot. -  - 23 wagons G.S. 11 wagons of the 4/ (Aust) 
[*X*] Co, of Divisional Train can go on any other vessel of the list.√
Surada. - 21 wagons G.S. , 9 wagons of H.Q. and No. 1 
Co, Train can go on any other vessel of the list.  
Sudmark. - Any of the wagons can be transferred.
4. The list referred to in para. 3, it is suggested, might 
include - 
ITRIA (for Australian Division overflows) 
5. As none of the vehicles mentioned in para 3 are likely to  
be required urgently they can be stowed with or without wheels on.
Australian and New Zealand Army Corps.
(Copies to Embarking Alexandria, 
H.Q. Force in Egypt. 
N.Z & A. Div. for information). 
Fourth Australian Infantry Brigade. 

For your information. Please notify the units 
Signed  H.C Nukford Major 
For Lieut.-Colonel. 
N. Z. & Australian Division 


General Officer Commanding, 
5172 Q        Australian and New Zealand Army Corps. 
For purposes of entrainment the transports of the 
New Zealand and Australian Division have been grouped as follows :- 
1st Echelon.   ACHAIA.       2nd Echelon ANNABERG 
                         ITONUS                                 HAIDAR PACHA 
entrain           KAITUNA          entrain       ASCOT 
night 7/8        LUTZOW          night 8/9   SEANGBEE 
                         GOSLAR                               AUSTRALIND 
              3rd Echelon     SEANGCHOON 
                    entrain        SURADA 
                    night 9/10   SUDMARK 
The same instruction as were issued on the 2nd 
instant, regarding entrainment apply to the entrainment of the 
New Zealand and Australian Division. No variation in the 
allotment of units or detachments to trains should be allowed 
as any such changes causes great inconvenience and delay.
Surplus wagons and carts which cannot be loaded 
on troop trains must be collected at Cairo Main Station No 7 
and Palais Kubba. They will then be loaded on to a special 
train of flat trucks and sent up as soon as possible after 
the departure of each echelon. Wagons and carts to be embarked 
in the same ship should be loaded in groups together. 
Train timings for the First Echelon herewith. The 
remainder will follow as soon as completed. 
(Sgd) E.N. BROADBENT, Major D.A.A. & Q.M.G. 
Cairo.5/4/15. The Force in Egypt. 
New Zealand & Australian Division, 
Forwarded please note above. Train timings 
were handed to Major Pinwell yesterday. 
Cairo. 6/4/15. (Sgd) C. M. WAGSTAFF.  Major. 
4th Infantry Brigade. 
For your information. 
H.C. Nukford Major
for Lieut-Colonel AQMG 
N.Z. & Australian Division. 

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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