Sir John Monash - Personal Files Book 2, 1 April - 11 April 1915, Part 4

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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ALLOCATION OF TROOPS TO TRABSPORT 'CALIFORNIAN". vollõlB8 amuizks DETAIL Te I Capacity 580 389 148 130 3rd Field Battery 141 167 N.Z.F.A. Bde Amm.C.l. 25 men, 40 13 230 4th Aust. Field Amb. horses, 10 ambulances on AUSTRALIND. No. 4 A.S.C. Co. Baggage Section, serving 8 2 Cos, 15th Batt. 1 Co. 16th Batt. Veterinary Personnel Horses of 14th Batt. 35 22 Officers. 3 - 5617448 22 O. C. Transport - Major I. T. Standish, R.N.Z.A. MilitaryTransport-Offioer - Captain C. V. Leeming, N.Z.F.A.
AU ALLOCATION OF TROOPS TO TRANSPORT "ASCOR". yalidin nkxxnks DETAIL Sa sa Capacity. 958 245 Hdyrs & 3 Coys 13th 1 Coy less drivers 808 75 Battalion and 1 cooker on. Interpreter 1 Horses of :- Bde Hdors, 4/Aust Inf. Bde Bde Sec. Divl Signal Coy Hdors and Supply Sec. 4th Aust. A.S.C. Co. 81 109 of Divl Train 4th A.S.C. Baggage Sec. Serving: Brigade Hdors 1 wagon G.S. for 13th Batt. Baggage of 1 Coy on. 3th Batt. 44 Hold Parties 33 Officers. 114 11 205 O. C. Transport Liet.-Colonel G. J. Burnage, V.D., 13th Batt. Military Transport Officer - Captain Russell.
"SURADA". ALLOTMENT OF TROOPS TO TRANSPORT yolldln DETAIL s o 2nd F. A. Battery 148 130 No. 2 Bde Amm. Col. 49 60 Medical Personnel Veterinary Personnel Wagons and horses - Horses and vehicles of H.9. & No. 1 Co. of Train, less Baggage Sections serving units embark- ing and also Baggage and Supply section allotment for:- 72 No. 3 Bde Amm. Col. Divisional Amm.Col. Mtd Rifle Regt No. 1 Co. of Train Eaggage Section serving:- 2nd F. A. Battery No. 2 Noc Am.Col. 4 Hold Party - 44 286 270 16 21 O. C. Transport - Major F. B. Sykes, R.A. Military Transport Officer - Captain Dahiel, N.Z.R.A. RENARKS N.Z.F.A.
ALLOCATION OF TROOPS TO TRANSPORT "SUDMARK". vallolso DETAIL o3 10- 365 368 152 257 362 Reserve Park REMARKS Capacity. 17 Officers.
6 The felleving detail of Reinforcemente to procced with Fourth (Australian) Infantry Brigade to the front is premulgated fer infermation and early necessary sction. yransper! Aseot 13th. Br. ae other ranke effiee sesangshun 1eth. Australind löth. IStA. Pa. esmanieh 1eth. 15th. leth. 28 Deatile for ommanich are to parade st 4.15 s.m. temorrew and reprt to Lieut.N.C.Korne. c.c'e leth. and lôth. Bns. will each arrange for one wagen to carry beggage ete. te Abu el Ela station. Wagene will require to be loaded not later thes .4.n. and perty te sove off at 4.30 ..m. goriflin Lieut.Colonel herodrome Camp t Brigade Major, Fonrch (Australian) Infantry Brigade. Erigade Major iin Iefentry Srisede: I have to report that by sóme oversight, the Noted. Øfficer-in-Charge of Reinforoements for this Battalion marohed /out with a strength of 2 Officers and 48 O.R's ('Osmanich" Rein- forcements) instead of 2 Officers 50 O.R's. Capt. 23t Annsadsa IMFERAL Adjutant, 13th Battalion, A.I.F 30 dem ih, Mnant, Digade
Thos Cook & son UEgppt Timiteo. ERES E1 DARE 51 SFoS OFFICE: No 10363 Resved somllf Hasast We sum ot B2venteen ehellunngsad-/6 beingein eeens Herstb For Cbos, Cook & Son UEoppo 150, Mr yoool1Bono1-15.
E" n o bsence. guor a Crettee ing Natal Transport Offiser. Wor syygjjl onuks. By Major-General Sir A. J. Godley, K.C.M.G., C.B. Commanding New Zealand and Australian Division. APR :51915 With reference to the Special Divisional Order dated 3rd April:- (a) The embarkation of all vehicles, stores, horses, and personnel is to be carried out with the utmost celerity and despatch. Troops after embarking will remain in their quarter till the embarkation is-oomplete, and the Transport has been inspected. (b) Officers Commanding Detachments will report to the Ship's Adjutant immediately on arrival and will furnish him with full details as to the number of men, animals and vehicles embarked. Officers Commanding Transports are forbidden to give. leave on shore to any Officer or man who has embarked. The following-erticles are not to be taken on board any Transport:- Liquor exoept such as is taken on board as medicaloomforte- and is in charge of a Medical Officer. Smoking is allowed on the-upper deck only. To guard lighting pipes are against fire, lanterns for provided, and matches, other than safety ones, will not be used on board. When the wind is too high to allow of cigarettes being amoked with safety (and of this the master will be judge), the C.O. will insure that pipes only are smokei. The Naval Transport Officer is the Intermediary between the Officer Commanding Troops and the Master of the Transport. He has charge of the naval arrangements for disembarkation, and works in conjunction with the Military Transport Offieer.
Troops are to be detailed to Fire and Boat Fire and Boat Statione Stations before they are dismissed. Fire and boat stations will be practised at the first opportunity, and also on every Saturday. The following daily duties will be found on each Duties on Board Ship Transport:- i Field Officer or Captain of the day and 1 Subaltern of the day. 3 Officers of the Guard (1 always on duty). Quarter Guard. Stable Piquets (as required). Fatigue parties, scrubbers, sweepers, etc. as required. OfficersCommanding Shipswill appoint the following for the duration of the voyage:- (no extra pay is admissible). Sergt Major. Quarter-Master-Sergeant. Provost Sergeant. Troop deck Sergeants (as required). Military Police. Sanitary Police. The Daily Routine will be as follows :- Daily Routine. 5.30 a.m. Reveille 5.45 a.m. ist Parade 7.30 a.m. Breakfast 9 a.m. Orderly Room 10. a.m. 2nd Parade 12. noon. Dinner 2 P.m. 3rd Parade p.m. Tea 6.30 p.m. Retreat 9.15 p.m. Last Post 9.30 p.m. Lights Out 11. p.m. Lights out in Sallon Time for sick parade will be decided upon in consultation with the Medical Officer. Officers Commanding Troops are authorised to vary the above routine, if necessary, to fit in with meal hours, etc. it should, however, be adhered to as far as possible.

Allocation of Troops to Transport  "CALIFORNIAN".

2 Wheeled 
4 Wheeled 
Guns With 
Wagons with 
Bicycles and 
Motor Cars
  389 580               Capacity
3rd Field Battery 148 130 2 - - 4 8 1 -  
N.Z.F.A.Bde Amm.Col. 141 167 8 9 - - 12 1 -  
4th Aust.Field Amb. 230 69 3 13 - - - 1 - 25 men, 40 
horses, 10 
ambulances on 
No. 4 A.S.C. Co. 
Baggage Section, 
serving :-
2 Cos. 15th Batt. 4 8 - - - - - - -  
1 Co. 16th Batt. 2 4 - - - - - - -  
Veterinary Personnel. 1 - - - - - - - -  
Horses of 14th Batt. 35 70 - - - - - - -  
  ——— ——— ——— ——— ——— ——— ——— ——— ———  
  561x 448 13 22 - 4 20 3 - x22 Officers.
  ——— ——— ——— ———----- ——— ——— ——— ——— ———  

O.C.Transport - Major I. T. Standish, R.N.Z.A. 
Military Transport Officer - Captain C.V. Leeming, N.Z.F.A. 



DETAIL Personnel Horses 2 Wheel Carts 4 Wheel Wagons G.S. Limbered Guns with Limbers Wagons with Limbers Bicycles and Motor Bicycles Motor Cars REMARKS
  958 245               Capacity.
Hdqrs & 3 Coys 13th Battalion 808 75 3 3 9 - - 7 - 1 Coy less drivers and 1 cooker on.
Interpreter 1 - - - - - - - -  
Horses of :-                    
Bde Hdqrs, 4/Aust Inf . Bde 12 23 - - - - - - -  
Bde Sec. Divl Signal Coy 6 6 - - - - - - -  
Hdqrs and Supply Sec. 
4th Aust A.S.C. Co. 
of Divl Train
109 81 3 17 2 - - 7 1  
Brigade Hdqrs 2 4 - - - - - - -  
13th Batt. 8 16 - 3 - - - - - 1 wagon G.S for Baggage of 1 Coy on.
Hold Parties 44 - - - - - - - - 13th Batt
  990x 205 6 23 11 - - 14 1 x33 Officers.

O.C Transport Liet. - Colonel G.J. Burnage, V.D. , 13th Batt. 
Military Transport Officer - Captain Russell



2 Wheeled 
4 Wheeled 
Guns With 
Wagons with 
Bicycles and 
Motor Cars
2nd F.A. Battery 148 130 2 - - 4 8 1 -  
No. 2 Bde Amm. Col. 49 60 8 6 - - - - -  
Medical Personnel 3 - - - - - - - -  
Veterinary Personnel 1 - - - - - - - -  
Wagons and Horses-                    
Horses and vehicles 
of H.Q & No. 1 
Co. of Train, less 
Baggage Sections 
serving units embarking and also Baggage 
and Supply section 
allotment for :- 
No. 3 Bde Amm. Col.
37 72 6 13 x - -- 7 1  
Divisional Amm. Col.                    
Mtd Rifle Regt                    
No. 1 Co. of Train 
Baggage Section 
serving :-
2nd F. A. Battery 2 4 - 1 - - - - -  
No. 2 Bde Amm.Col 2 4 - 1 - - - - -  
Hold Party 44 - - - - - - - - N.Z.F.A
  286 270 16 21 - 4 8 9 1  

O.C Transport - Major F.B. Sykes, R.A. 
Military Transport Officer - Captain Dabiel, N.Z.R.A 



2 Wheeled 
4 Wheeled 
Guns With 
Wagons with 
Bicycles and 
Motor Cars
  368 365               Capacity.
Reserve Park x257 362 3 152           x7 Officers

13th 34th. Battalion.               
The following detail of Reinforcements to proceed 
with Fourth (Australian) Infantry Brigade to the front is 
promulgated for information and early necessary action.

Ascot  13th. Bn. 1 Officer 44 Other  ranks  
Seeangchun 14th. " 1





Australind 15th " 2





    4   176      
Osmanish 13th. Bn 2





  14th. " 1





  15th. " 1





  16th. "  2











Deatils for Osmanish are to parade at 4.15 am. 
tomorrow and reprt to Lieut.H.C.Horne. 
C.O's 14th. and 15th. Bns. will each arrange for  
one wagon to carry baggage etc. to Abu el Ela Station. 
Wagons will require to be loaded not later than  
4 a.m. and party to move off at 4.30 a.m. whole 
Aerodrome Camp JPMcGlinn Lieut. Colonel. 
4-4-15 Brigade Major, Fourth (Australian) Infantry Brigade. 
Brigade Major 
4th Infantry Brigade. 
Noted.  I have to report that by some oversight, the 
Officer-in-Charge of Reinforcement for this Battalion marched 
out with a strength of 2 Officers and 48 O.R. ("Osmanish" Reinforcements) 
instead of 2 Officers 50 O.R's 
JMA Durrant Capt. 
Adjutant, 13 Battalion, A.I.F. 
APRIL 4 1915 
4th Infantry Battalion 
11.30 Am


Thos. Cook & Son ( Egypt) Limited. 
No. 10361 OFFICE: Shipping & Forwarding Dept. CAIRO DATE 5/4/1915 
Received   from  Col J. Monash. 
the sum of    seventeen shilling and  -/ 6.  
being in settlement 
For Thos Cook & Son ( Egypt) Ltd., 
G. Mann 


Major-General Sir A.J. Godley, K.C.M.G., C.B. 
Commanding New Zealand and Australian Division . 
APR -5 1915 
With reference to Special Divisional order dated 
3rd April:- 
(a) The embarkation of all vehicles, stores, horses, and 
personnel is to be carried out with the utmost celerity 
and despatch. 
Troops after embarking will remain with their quarters till 
the embarkation is complete, and the Transport has 
been inspected. 
(b) Officers Commanding Detachments will report to the 
Ship's Adjutant immediately on arrival and will furnish him 
with full details as to the number of men, animals and 
vehicles embarked. 
Leave of 
Officers Commanding Transports are forbidden to give 
leave on shore to any Officer or man who has embarked. 
Liquor & 
The following articles are not to be taken on board 
any Transport:- 
Liquor-except such as is taken on board as medical comforts 
and is in charge of a Medical Officer. 
Smoking is allowed on the upper deck only. To guard 
against fire, lanterns for lighting pipes are 
provided, and matches, other than safety ones, will not be 
used on board.  When the wind is too high to allow of 
cigarettes being smoked with safety (and of this the master 
will be judge), the C.O. will insure that pipes only are 
The Naval Transport Officer is the Intermediary 
between the Officer Commanding Troops and the Master of the 
Transport.  He has charge of the naval arrangements for 
disembarkation, and works in conjunction with Military 
Transport Officer. 


Fire and 
Boat Stations.*] 
Troops are to be detailed to Fire and Boat 
Stations before they are dismissed. 
Fire and boat stations will be practised at first 
opportunity , and also on every Saturday. 
Duties on 
Board Ship.*] 
The following daily duties will be found on each 
1 Field Officer or Captain of the day and 1 Subaltern of the 
3 Officers of the Guard (1 always on duty). 
Quarter Guard. 
Stable Piquets (as required) 
Fatigue parties, scrubbers, sweepers,  etc, as required. 
OfficersCommanding Ships will appoint the following for the 
duration of the voyage:- (no extra pay is admissible). 
Sergt Major. 
Provost Sergeant. 
Troop deck Sergeants (as required). 
Military Police. 
Sanitary Police. 
The Daily Routine will be as follows : - 
Reveille 5.30 a.m. 
1st Parade 6.45 a.m. 
Breakfast 7.30 a.m. 
Orderly Room 9 a.m. 
2nd Parade 10. a.m. 
Dinner 12. noon 
3rd Parade 2 p.m. 
Tea 5 p.m. 
Retreat 6.30 p.m. 
Last Post 9.15 p.m. 
Lights Out 9.30 p.m. 
Lights Out in Saloon 11. p.m. 
Time for sick parade will be decided upon in 
consultation with the Medical Officer. 
Officers Commanding Troops are authorised to vary the 
above routine, if necessary, to fit in with meal hours, etc. 
it should, however, to be adhered to as far as possible.

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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