Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 2, 23 February - 31 March 1915, Part 4

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
Accession number:

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10 ENGLISH. FRENCH. Remarks. Observations. Distances are usually given (Les distances sont genera- by the natives in hours. lement indiguces par les indigenes en heures. One hour (on foot) should (Une heare (a pied) pourrait be reckoned as about representer a peu pres three miles distance. trois milles de distance. One hour (on horseback) at Une heure (a cheval) pour- about six miles. rait representer a per pres six milles. Time will be given by the Lheure sera indigute par natives according to Tur- les indigenes conforme kish custom, time being ment a Pusage ture, le reckoned from, sunset temps etant compte du to sunset. Sunset is 12 coucher au coucher du O’'clock Turkish time. soleil. Le coucher du Thus, if the sun sets at soleil est la douzieme 7 p.m., 8 a.m. Monday. heure du cadran ture. English, time, would Done si le soleil se con- correspond to 1 o clock che a 7 heures du soir. morning, Turkish time. lundi8 heures du matin, de Pheure anglaise, cor- respondrait a 1 heure du matin de Pheure turque. EAO M M n ro cnt sivers iten a orde in aaer sastill af Cattie a 529 167 L. N. 682-1915-600 ex. EE
New Leslent & Anstrlion Drisnis Jarch 1915 Infantry Brigade Fourth (Hristralian Operation standing Orders Kings Regulations Published under paragraph 1884 A. The following orders are promulgated. frequent (a) to savetnt repetitions in operation orders all within (6) to secure uniformity of action by Commanders of Brigade Unito the Brigade apply to tto i connecting with B. These orders as to bego all Operations of War, except when expressly variel in operation orders, or special instructions wsaned from time to time. apply effet to dny all then order t also be give training, in as ta as came are practicable, having fn pace conditione regard to noml traning permanent variations ts to them orders will moniably be CA Any an & will be at entered upon promulgated in writing the all copies of the arder in possession of units. where anything contained in these order appear to conflict with Divisional D. Standing Ordes the Catter are to be taken as paramsste 120 rounds per man, will Ammunition 1. Small Arms Ammunition every soldier armed with a aall time be carried by every good tifle. Deficiencies will be made up at Sirst opportunity from Regimental Reserves 2 for each Machime Coun there will at all time be carried per gun 3500 rounds with the gun, and 8000 rounds in the G.S. Limbered Wagzon accompanying the M.G. Section with the Hattalion each of five 3. In the Dr G.S. Limberel Waggons, there will be carried 8000 rounds, & on each pack annual 2000 rounds. Brigade Ammunitin Reserve or hour the several 4f these reserves will be replinshed from the Costictery as the case may be Brigade Ammunition Column, at every appot timty F. The Regimental Sergeant Major is responsible for the Regimental Ammunition Reserve Waggons. He will have permanently detailed to him two cyslist orderlies for communication, in addition to the Lower &escort.
Here take in Axt Here take in 58 First hime transport & Frain 11. 6. The Company Quarter Master Seageant is responsible foe the two Company Ammunntion pack annuals. He will have permanently detuled to him two orderly for communication, on addition to the drivers. P. The Brigade Ammunition Reserve WM consists of two Timbered G.S. Ammunition Wagjons from each Battalion (The same vihucles, horses & personial will always be detailed for this purpose.- -this Reserve will sevently be i.c. E waggous in all) under the Command of the Brngat Martan Goou offcct inbexcept when the sactir tuns are ordered to be thaRaepeaced biguded, in which latter case they will be firt the comment of the transport officer of the 13th Hattalion. repost to & who Both officers n this pars will (march with Brigade Head Quarter, whenever there is any probability of battle the office inr commend of the H.A. Receive wall daar fom the neveet Hustation two cyilto ontile taehis communication) G. The first position of the Briside Ammunition Reseave will be notified in operation orders Subsepent positions will be notified by field messages from Brigade Head Quaster; but this will not relieve the offc in command of the all Imunition commication BA P. reserve, from maintaining touch with all tout Battalions & with the Attillery Brigade Ammunition Colu Each Battalion will detail a permanent escost for all its vehicles, as under:- whole One N.C.O. in charge of the escort. for each Water cast - tw men for each other vehicle (except the waggon carlying the Machine Conns) - one man these men are fully equipped & armed. They are available for loading + unloading duties, as well as for defence. this instruction applies to both Frt Line & Train Vehicles. Each man be permanently detailed to a parti. always -culas vehicle, & accompany same- When the separated the N.C.O.wl be with the vehicles are scittened
Ammunition Regimental Reserve telicles semanentl Hattalion will detail lance Similarly, the 13th 12 & the 16th Battalion will detail corporal & 6 privates, the I privates, as escort to Dvehides of Brigade Head 2 Quasters. - These men will be permanently detailed to particulal vehicles by the Mrgade Quaste Maste Serpant. provided as above, is toobelden the escost personnel XX or to place armis & accoute 13 to side on the Vehicler -ments upon them. is detached from the Duviswn Brigade Train. H Wheneves the Brigade 14 & is marching or operating as a detached M t the tram Vhicler of the Mrigide remain under Brigade will be under the command of the O.C. Fram, but the escort to these vehides, as above detailed, wr be together with any additional escost which may be detailed in operation odes, will be under the command of the officer detailed in operation orders as O.C. Escort to train His officer is charged with the security of the train from attack. Whent not otherwise formed of employed for defensive purposes, the escost, (other than the or two men one man marching with each waygon), will march on fours in reat of the Brigade train Veluctes. Whenever troops move fom Bironaa of Billets each soldies Krons will 15 available shac carry, whenever possble, sufficient food for 24 houss. will The emergensy ration if issuel, into be invariably cal- -rel in addition, but is never to be used without the the sems tath i by permession of any office present. ts will Waterbottles invariably be filled before leaving Water. must 5 Hivonac or Billets. Mey be trained to use Water most sparingly, & to accustom themselves to by themselve depend only on the supply sarried on the man. Water will Casts not used to replenish waterbottles except on the express permission of the Hattalion Commander. the greatest case must be execcised by all officers as to the quality of the water used for drinking and
cooking, & for replenishing Waterbottles & watercasts Wheneves possible, the source of supply must be medically (hect. examined, & all water boiled before use. Ex BS. Unless the tactical sitzation renders it underivable, Marches every unit will halt at 10 minutes before every clock hous & will resume the marc at the clock hour. 70H Me units will march well closed up. Advantage will be taken of all halts and temporary checks to close up distances. (tempoonry check and at any intermediate hall other than a X7. At each hourly halt each Battalion will send a moun- & ted officer - prefebly the adputant to the Csat report centre Brigade to ascertain if whthey order are about to be issued. If K. Troops will invariably march at case unless otherwise ordered. WM. As soon as it has been intimated that the march for the day has come to an end, DOA Commanding officers sourceso will recomnortie s picket all water supply continious (Here take in cy to their positions When a portion of the Hrigade is tbe detached on Protestion protective duty such as advanced Guard, Flank Guard, outposts &c Officers Commanding the units left with the main body or in bivonas) will do everything possible to cnit of the supply to the officers Commanding the protective detach. demand -menty, on their uest,th spare ammunition, t of Food & water, & essential transport (of deficient) to fully spripped enable them to proceed on detached duty with the mini¬ replinished. mum of delay - such deficiences can be mate pood at greater leisure by the units remaining behind 2 2 Billets & Bivonac Gmmanders of Myte are respensible for their own tocal prove thers take n Aly. -tion, and for the condition of reapiness to te out fy theis unnito and for notifying to (Hripale Heaf quapters and to all commanders of other Irppde unnits the exact postin which they will occupy during the hourd of darkness
Machine Cruns An officer will be nominated in Routine orders as Brygade Machine Sun Officer He will commend the tigox 32 Ahen two a more Mashme Ammnti Keeee expt ordered to be take when he will take chargeg Gundections are brigaded the latter command of same to operate as directed dothering ioperation and when not so eployed, he will during battle be he command of the Hijade & in quarters s the Cmmnition Resite_ On the bing March he will be with Mrigude Head Quafter. will fti 23 Machnee Couns must at tims be maintained in a se state of readiness for immediate action. Although 33 Each Section normally the will marche & at the rear of its battalion it is be prepared ta moments notine to go forward to the head of the column or esse to join the or van so ge advanced, guard to come into action to cover a (S Majar deployment. The regimental reserve of entrincting tools with be in the charge of the Reg. 34 The supply of entrenchn tools in requental reserve Entrenching tool 2 when necessary the will be supplimented from Brigade Reserve. - The Brigade o tools Reserve will, while the Brigade is at rest, be with Brigude the biga, and durring Head Quarters in charge untess come other position, is expressly detailed in order, action battle with the Brigade Amunition Reserve in both O.C. Brigade Ammniti Resirve cases in charge of the t Mshin Gan offen & his in exeess of these carried by tettalim Thenever tooks are required by working parties, demands for extra tooks will be made on this officer, who will supply same to tatigue parties sent for the purpose - All tooks so tool the drawn must be returned to Rigade Reserve at the bint opportunity after completion of the sorthwook for which they were required. 32 It is the first duty of the Commander of every Hrigale Enformation & 25 throughout every specationwas action Irte communication Unitto theep Hrgade Heat Quatters informed of the posi- tion of his must Head Suarters, & of every change in its position. He is also responsible for doing every -thing that is possible at his and to keep the means O communication with Boigale Head Tuacters intact. Duing cvngation He will send a representative of his Hattation to Briside Head Qnaiters during every action.
AUS 36 It is also his duty to keep in close touch with the action of neighbousing units, whether forming part of the Brigade & to keep them acqeainted with what hes wnt is doing or not, Benable him to catty out these functions if. ficiently he is justified in specially detailing officers selected N.C.ospurpos to assist in effecting & mantaining these communications. Supply train 26 As soon as the place for the bivonas or billets fe the night has been determined each Unit will detaib a mounted officer to proceed to the Train & conluct the of his Unit. Baggage & Supply Waggons to the bivonac, All vchicles will casly the distingishing colors of the unit so Wectate in by as to be recognizable at a distance. amaltie Ryot Centre he Brigade Section of the Divisional Signal Company peration place designated in tgde noomally march at the head othe leade orfe on the report centro Buttalion of the tajude & will be the ceatre for the dif receipt normally burnac with Brigade Head Quasters The Section e the report centre for the receipt & fiied merage of reports, & the officer or MC.Q. in charge will be re- -sponsible for the receipt & recording of all reports, messages & orders & for their transmission to the Bis gade Staff if tempoarily absent fom the report centre. Here take in dx The Official time will be kept by the Hrigade Mafor, and time will 42 a watches sho be checked at every opportunity
Probeble action Wheneve is probable, every soldiet casinga fe will 9 bxc. be issued with an additional 80 rounds of ammunition from the Repmental Reserves, the same to be immediately replenished from the Astillery Brigade Ammunition Column. Ammunition Bandoliers when not actually issued to the man, ar 10 wid be to be kept tilled with 50 runds, ready for issue full. 3D. When supply waggous arrive at Vivonac or billets, they must by. be discharged with the utmost despatch, to enable them to vetuon without delay to the refilling point ?I Every advantage will be taken of exripty returning supply waygors to concuate a cick wounded, and to send to tpear epare an and aquipment. 19. The officer sent forward by the Hattation for billeting duty will pre- Ex wnt, not overlooking the interests pare an allatment of water for his of units downstream. He will take steps to sufeguard by senthes tmination. He will separately the doinking water from local co water Ar, & cooking & for washing & bathing. allot, drinking (to watering harls the Brigade has halted for the 24- As soon as it is known that Cy a representative to Brgade Head Lrasters to night, each Battalion will sen Ascretain at what hour the attendance of adjutants will be required to receive orders Are Daily State A/. The daily state will be rendered to Brigade Head Quacters 15 minutes before the time named for the march of the first unit to move from Bivonze - In the case of a unit moving out independently the state will be rendered 15 minutes before the unit moves. If no movement takes place before that houd, the Daily State will be renderrd it 7n
He will be assisted by the Transpost Sergeant of the 14th Battalion, Ax norually who will be, employed to proceed to & maintain communication with the Astiller Brigade Ammunition Column (small arms section) allatted to this Brigade. - The O.C Brigade Ammunition Reserve will draw from the nearest Hattalion two cyclist orderlies to communications He will be responsible for Keeping in touch with Brigade Head Qrarters to ascertain the plan and development of the action. ay Billets & Bivonaco. 28 In Civonac or billits, commander of units are responsible for their own local protection, tos the condition of readmen to turn out of their units, and for notifying Hrigade Head Quarters of the exact position which they will occupy during the honor of darkness 27. Two orderlies from each Battalion, who are acquainted with the pocation of Rattalion Heat Quasters will be sent to Brigade Head Quasters & remain there during the hours of darkness. must troops l not be peomitted to move during the night 28 beyond the limite assigned for the Billeting of Bivonacing Asea of their unit. 29. Each Hattalion will defail, when in Billets, for its own lines, a five piguet consisting of 1 officer N.C.O. & 20 men Each Mattalian will also detail, when in Billits, a picquet 307 police of N.C.O. and 10 men to report for dity to the Leogeant of the Military Head Quaiters Mounted, Police. cas When in Bivonass, dos must not be piled, but i 378 man must have his rifle within reach


Remarks. Observations.
Distances are usually given  
by the natives in hours. 

Les distances sont généralement indiquées par les  
indigènes en heures. 
One hour (on foot) should  
be reckoned as about  
three miles distance. 
Une heure (à pied) pourrait 
représenter à peu près  
trois milles de distance.
One hour (on horseback) at  
about six miles. 
Une heure (à cheval) pourrait 
représenter à peu  
près six milles.
Time will be given by the  
natives according to Turkish 
custom, time being reckoned from sunset 
to sunset. Sunset is 12 
o’clock Turkish time. 
Thus, if the sun sets at  
7 p.m., 8 a.m. Monday,  
English time, would  
correspond to 1 o ‘clock  
morning, Turkish time. 
L’heure sera indiquée par 
les indigènes conformément à l’usage turc, le 
temps étant compté du 
coucher au coucher du  
soleil. Le coucher du  
soleil est la douzieme 
heure du cadran turc. 
Donc si le soleil se couche  
à 7 heures du soir,  
lundi 8 heures du matin,  
de l’heure anglaise, 
correspondrait à  l’ heure du  
matin de l’heure turque.

I. N.  682-1915-600 ex,                     


New Zealand & Australian Division
March 1915
Fourth (Australian) Infantry Brigade
Operation Standing Orders
"Published under paragraph No 1884, King's Regulations"
A. The following orders are promulgated: —
(a) to save constant frequent repetitions in Operation Orders
(b) to secure uniformity of action by all Commanders of  within
Brigade Units the Brigade.
B. These orders are to be given apply to effect to in connection with 
all Operations of War, except when expressly varied in
Operation Orders, orin special instructions issued from time
to time. 
C. These orders will also be applygiven effect to during all
Training, in so far as same are practicable, having
regard to normal training (i.e. peace) conditions
C D. Any permanent variations amendments to these orders will invariably be
promulgated in writing, & will be at once entered upon
all copies of these orders  in thepossession of units.
D . Where anything contained in these orders appears to conflict with Divisional
Standing orders the latter are to be taken as paramount. 
Ammunition 1. Small Arms Ammunition, 120 rounds per man, will
 at all times be carried by every soldier armed with a 
rifle . Deficiencies will be made up good at first every opportunity
from Regimental Reserves. —
2. For each Machine Gun there will at all times be carried
3500 rounds with the gun, and 8000 rounds per gun in the
G .S . Limbered Waggon accompanying the M.G. Section.
3. In each of the Bn five G.S. Limbered Waggons with the Battalion there will be carried
8000 rounds, & on each pack animal 2000 rounds.
4. These severalreserves will be xxxreplenished from the Brigade Ammunition Reserve or from theArtillery
Brigade Ammunition Column as the case may be at every available opportunity.
5. The Regimental Sergeant Major is responsible for the
Regimental Ammunition Reserve Waggons. He will
have permanently detailed to him two cyclist orderlies,
for communication, in addition to the drivers & escort. 


6. The Company Quarter Master Sergeant is responsible for
the two Company Ammunition pack animals. He will
have permanently detailed to him two orderly's for
communications, in addition to the drivers. –
7. The Brigade Ammunition Reserve will consists of two
Limbered G .S . Ammunition Waggons from each  Battalion
i.e. 8 waggons in all  – The same vehicles, horses & personnel will always be detailed for this purpose. –This Reserve will normally  be
{*X*} under the Command of the Brigade Machine Gun officer
xxxxx (except when the Machine Guns are ordered to be
{*[14th Transport Bgde?]*} brigaded, in which latter case the B.A. Reservethey will be temporarily placedunder the
Command of the Transport Officer of the 15th Battalion.
Both officers named in this para who will report to &march with
Brigade Head Quarters, whenever there is any probability
{*Here take in AX [tc?]*} of battle. – The officer in Command of the B.A Reserve
will draw from the nearest Battalion two cyclists orderlies
for his Communications .
8. The first position of the Brigade Ammunition Reserve
will be notified in Operation orders. Subsequent positions
will be notified by field messages from Brigade Head Quarters;
but this will not relieve the Officer in Command O.C. of the
Brigade Ammunition Reserve from maintaining touch  communication with all four
Battalions & with the Artillery Brigade Ammunition Columns.
[*Here take in bx*} 
{*First Line Transport. & Train*} 
Each Battalion will detail a permanent escort for
9 all its vehicles, as under: –
11 . One N.C.O. in charge of the wholeescort.
For each Water Cart – two men
For each other vehicle (except the waggon
carrying the Machine Guns) – one man
These men are fully equipped & armed. They are available
for loading &unloading duties, as well as for defence. –
This instruction applies to both First Line & Train Vehicles. 
Each man should beis permanently detailed to a particular
vehicle, & always accompanies same. – When the
vehicles are scattered separated , the N.C.O. will be is with the 


Regimental Ammunition Reserve Vehicles.
 10. 12 Similarly, the 13th Battalion willpermanently detail 1 lance-
corporal & 2 privates, & the 16th Battalion will detail
3 privates, as escort tothe6 vehicles of Brigade Head
Quarters. – These men will be permanently detailed to particular
vehicles by the Brigade Quarter Master Sergeant. –
11. 13 The escort personnel, provided as above, is forbidden
 to ride on the Vehicles, or to place arms & accoutrements
upon them.
Brigade Train. 12 14 Whenever the Brigade is detached from the Division
& is marching or operating as a detached force xxxx
when on Advanced Guard Duty the Train Vehicles of the
Brigade will be under remain under the command of the O . C . Brigade Train,
but the escort to these vehicles, as above detailed, will
be together with any additional escort which may be
detailed in operation orders, will be under the command
of the officer detailed in Operation Orders as "O. C. Escort
to Train". This officer is charged with the security of
the train from attack. Whent not otherwise formed or
employed for defensive purposes, the escort, (other than the
one man or two men marching with each waggon), will march in
fours in rear of the Brigade Train Vehicles.
Rations. 13. 15. Whenever troops move from Bivouac or Billets each soldier
should will carry, whenever possible available, sufficient food for 24 hours.
The emergency ration if issued , is to be will invariably be carried
in addition, but is never to be used without the
{*Here take in by*} permission of an ^the senior officer present.
Water. 14 15 16  Waterbottles should willinvariably be filled before leaving
Bivouac or Billets. Men should must be trained to use
Water most sparingly, & to accustom themselves to
depend only on the supply carried on the man by themselves . Water
Carts should willnot be used to replenish waterbottles except
on with the express permission of the Battalion Commander.
16. 14. 17 The greatest care must be exercised by all officers 
as to the quality of the water used for drinking and 


cooking, & for replenishing Waterbottles & watercarts.
Whenever possible, the source of supply must be medically
examined, & all water boiled before use.
{*[Here take in Cx]*}  
Marches 15. 19 Unless the tactical situation renders it undesirable,
every unit will halt at 10 minutes before every clock hour
& will resume the march at the clock hour. 
20 16. All units will march well closed up. Advantage
will be taken of all halts and temporary checks to
close up xxx distances.
21 19 17. At each hourly halt and any intermediate halt other than a temporary check each battalion will send a 
mounted officer - preferably the adjutant to the back of the
Brigadereport centre to ascertain if whether if any orders are about
to be issued.
22 18. Troops will invariably march at ease unless otherwise
23 19. As soon as it has been intimated that the march for the
day has come to an end, C.O.'s Commanding Officers
will reconnoitre & picket all sources of water supply contiguous
to their positions 
{*[Here take in Cy]*} 
Protection 22 20 25. Wherever a portion of the Brigade is to be detached on
protective duty such as Advanced Guard, Flank Guard,
outposts &c Officers Commanding the Units left with the
main body or in bivouac will do everything possible to
supply to the Officers Commanding the units of the protective detachments ,
on their request demand, all spare ammunition, supplies
of food & water, & essential transport (if deficient) to
enable them to proceed on the detached duty fully equipped with the 
minimum of delay. – Such deficiencies can be made good replenished
at greater leisure by the units remaining behind.
 {*[Here take in Ay]*}
Billets & Bivouacs 21 23 26. Commanders of Units are responsible for  their own local protection ,
and for the condition of readiness to turn out of their
units,  and for notifying to Brigade Headquarters and
to all Commanders of other Brigade Units the exact position
which they will occupy during the dark hours of darkness 


Machine Guns 22 29 32. An officer will be is nominated in Routine orders as
Brigade Machine Gun Officer. He will command the Brigade
Ammunition Reserve except Whenever two or more Machine
Gun Sections are ordered to be brigaded: – when he will take charge of 
the latter take command of same to operate as directed
in operation orders or otherwise - When not so employed , he
will during battle be in command of the Brigade
*  Ammunition Reserve. – On the the line of March & in quarters he will
be with Brigade Head Quarters.
Information 23 30 33. Machine guns must at all times will be maintained in a
state of readiness for immediate action. Although
normallyeach section they will marches on at the rear of its battalion
it must will be prepared at a moment's notice to go
forward to the head of the column or even to join the
advanced or vanguard so as to come into action to cover a
Entrenching Tools 24 34 The regimental reserve of entrenching tools will be is in the charge of the Reg. Sgt. Major
The supply of entrenching tools in regimental reserve
will when necessary be supplemented from theBrigade Reserve. – The Brigade
Reserve of Tools will, while the Brigade is at rest, be with Brigade
Head Quarters in charge of the Brigade, and during
battle action with the Brigade Ammunition Reserve unless some other position is expressly detailed in orders, in both
cases in charge of the Brigade Machine Gun Officer O. C. Brigade Ammunition Reserve. or his
Whenever tools are required by working parties in excess of those carried by Battalions demands for
extra tools will be made on their officer, who will supply same
to fatigue parties sent for the purpose. –  All tools so
drawn must be returned to the Brigade Tool Reserve at the first
opportunity after completion of the earth work for which
they were required. – 
Information & Intercommunication. 25 35 It is the first duty of the Commander of every Brigade
Unitthroughout every operation of war action.  . to keep Brigade Head Quarters informed of the 
position of his Unit Head Quarters, & of every change in
its position. He is also responsible for doing everything
that is possible at his end to keep the means
of communication with Brigade Head Quarters intact.
During every action He will send a representative of his Battalion
to Brigade Head Quarters during every action. 


36. It is also his duty to Keep in close touch with the action
of neighbouring units, whether forming part of the Brigade
or not; & to Keep them acquainted with what his unit is doing. To enable him to carry out these functions 
efficiently he is justified in specially detailing officers or &
selected N.C.O's for such purposes to assist in effecting
& maintaining these communications.
Supply Train 26. 37 As soon as the place for the xxxx or bivouac or billets
for the night has been determined each Unit will detail a
mounted officer to proceed to the Train & conduct the
Baggage & Supply Waggons to the bivouac of his Unit. – All vehicles
shouldwill carry the distinguishing colors of the Unit so
as to be recognizable at a distance. – 
{*[Here take in by a second time] →*]}
Report Centre {*Also here take in dy*}↑ 
27 29 40 41  The Brigade Section of Divisional Signal Company
will normally marching at the head of the leading  place designated in an order operational Battalion of the Brigade orders as the report centre &  
will be the centre for the  
receipt normally bivouacs with Brigade Head Quarters. 
The Signal Section will be is the report centre for the receipt 
of reports & field messages & the officer or N.C.O. in charge will be is 
responsible for the receipt & recording of all reports, messages 
& orders & for their transmission to the Brigade staff if 
temporarily absent from the report centre. –  
{*[Here take in dx]*} 
Time 28. 43 Official time well be is kept by the Brigade Major, and 
watches should willbe checked at every opportunity. 


bx . 9. Whenever battle action is probable imminent probable, every soldier carrying a rifle will 
be issued with an additional 80 rounds of ammunition from the 
Regimental Reserves, the same to be immediately replenished from 
the Artillery Brigade Ammunition Column. –  
10. Ammunition Bandoliers when not actually issued to the man, are 
to be will be kept filled with 50 rounds, ready for issue full. – 
 by . 38. When supply waggons arrive at bivouac or billets, they must 
be discharged with the utmost despatch, to enable them to 
return without delay to the refilling point. 
39 Every advantage will be taken of empty returning supply waggons to evacuate 
the sick & wounded, and to send to the rear spare arms and equipment.
Cx  18. The officer sent forward by the Battalion for billeting duty will prepare 
an allotment of water for his unit, not overlooking the interests 
of units downstream. He will take steps to safe guard by sentries 
the drinking water from local contamination. He will separately 
allotwater for drinking & cooking for watering horses, & for washing & bathing.
cy  24. As soon as it is Known that the Brigade has halted for the
night, each Battalion will send a representative to Brigade Head Quarters to
ascertain at what hour the attendance of adjutants will be
required to receive orders.
 dx . 
Daily States 42. The daily State will be rendered to Brigade Head Quarters 
15 minutes before the time named for the march of the first 
unit to move from Bivouac. –  In the case of a unit moving 
out independently the State will be rendered 15 minutes 
before the unit moves. 
If no movement takes place before that hour, the Daily State 
will be rendered at 7 a.m. 


Ax He will be assisted by the Transport Sergeant of the 14th Battalion, 
who will be normally employed to proceed to & maintain communication with the 
Artillery Brigade Ammunition Column (small arms section) allotted to 
this Brigade. –  The O.C. Brigade Ammunition Reserve will draw 
from the nearest Battalion two cyclist orderlies for communications
He will be responsible for keeping in touch with Brigade Head Quarters to 
ascertain the plan and development of the action. – 
Billets & Bivouacs. 26 In bivouac or billets, commanders of units are responsible 
for their own local protection, for the condition of readiness to turn 
out of their units, and for notifying Brigade Head Quarters of the 
exact position which they will occupy during hours of darkness 
27. Two orderlies from each Battalion, who are acquainted with the 
location of Battalion Head Quarters will be sent to Brigade Head 
Quarters & rem remain there during the hours of darkness. 
28. Troops will must not be permitted to move during the night 
beyond the limits assigned for the Billeting or Bivouacing 
area of their unit. 
29. Each Battalion will detail, when in Billets, for its own lines, 
a fire piquet consisting of 1 officer 1 N.C.O. & 20 men 
27 30 Each Battalion will also detail, when in Billets, a picquet 
of N.C.O. and 10 men to report for police duty to the Sergeant of the 
Head Quarters Mounted Military Police. 
28 . 31 When in Bivouacs, arms must not be piled, but must each 
man must have his rifle within reach  

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