Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 2, 23 February - 31 March 1915, Part 3

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
Accession number:

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NCO and I Rankand File per Companyetc, from each unit) will march in formed bodies under the senior Ofcer in rear of the Main Guard of the Advanced Guard. This Oficer will report himself to the D.A.OMG. at the earliest opportunity. 2 SYSTEM OF ALLOTTING BILLETS OR BIVOUACKS IN BRIGADE AREAS When the Division is on the march from day to day, and as soon as it is known where the Division will halt for the night, the D.AO.MG, accompanied by the Divisional Billeting Party, will proceed in advance and select Brigade Areas. Having ixed the Brigade Areas, the D.AOMG. wil drop the Brigade representative at the area assigned to him. The latter will then meet Regimental billeting parties as they come along, explaining to each unit its Regimental Area Then, as the Brigade approaches, the Brigade repre- sentatives will likewise explain the extent of the area to the Brigade Major. The troops in each Brigade Area will generally consist of either: a) The Advanced Guard, or b) Brigades, with a certain proportion of Divisional troops, or c) any organisation approximately equal to a Brigade. 3. DISTRTBUTION OF BRIGADE AREAS TO UNITS. a) The D.AOMG, ON ARRIVAL IN THE AREAS to be occupied, will proceed at once to the Municipal Authorities notifying the hour when the troops may be expected, obtaining information re disease, infected houses, water supply, sanitation etc, and commun¬ icating the same to Brigade representatives. b) Commanders of Brigade, areas will distribute the acconnnodation allotted to them to units under their Command, at the same time handing over billeting demands, together with any instructions to be observed by inhabitants, to representatives of units.
If time permits, the Municipal Authorities will prepare billeting orders, which will be handed to Brigade representatives for distribution to Regimental Billeting Parties. These will be presented to inhabitants on whom men and horses are to be quartered. C) REGMENTAL BILLETIG PARTIES. Representatives of units will proceed with their billeting parties to localities apportioned to them, take over their Regimental areas, and arrange for units to be met and guided to their billets. Representatives of units etc., will be in possession of a statement showing the numbers of Offcers, men, and horses for whom accommodation or food is required. They will notify the hour when the troops may be expected, and obtain information re disease, infected houses, water supplies, sanitation etc. communicating the same to units. The Regimental Parties will mark the doors with the names of Offcers, Nos, of men and horses to be accommodated, removing the marks, before departure. The Offcer in charge of the Regimental Billeting Party will select and muark the position of:- I. Regimental Headquarters. 2. Guard Room. 3 Sick Inspection Room. 4 Gun and Transport Parks. He whll ascertain the most suitable lines for communi¬ cating with neighbouring units, and the best roads. Heshould prepare a sketch, notify all arrangements to the men of his party, and send them to meet and guide Companies to their billets. d) IF TMME I NOT AVAH ABLE, the following systenn will be adopted: A Party from each Brigade Area will proceed to the Municipal Authorities, present billeting demands and request their co-operation. The Municipal Authorities will notify the inhabitants and promiulgate any nuilitary orders necessary. Meanwhile, billeting parties will roughly allot accomo¬ dation, areas being assigned to larger units, who will, in turn, allot streets or groups of houses to units.
4 POINTS TO BE OBSERVED. I Staff Offces to be on Main Roads and easily found. Staff Offcers near their Offces. 2. Mounted men near their Guns, horses and wagons. 3 Both sides of a street to be occupied by the same unit. 4. Roads and communications must be kept clear, Guns and Vehicles parked outside towns, if necessary. If parked on roads, the Hrst and last gun and vehicle to have a lght. GENERAL RULES IV BILLETSOR BIVOUACKS I Offcers to visit men and horses at irregular intervals, by day and night. If necessary inhabitants to be disarmed and conäned to houses after a certain hour, streets to be patrolled. When advanced billeting parties reach a village or farm, precautions must be at once taken to prevent informa¬ ton being conveyed to the enemy. The use of lghts by inhabitants will be controlled. The Telephone system must be at once controlled. No one wol converse, on military matters with inhabitants. Liquor houses to be placed under control. 5. Fire piquets whll be established, if necessary. If the enemy is within striking distance, villages in front line will be at once prepared for defence, and a portion of the troops holding them will be in constant readiness. An Alarm Signal will be arranged and notifded by Divisional Headquarters. 8 Staff Offcers will at once notify their addresses to Headquarters. SANITATION. Most important. Additional latrines, watering and washing places will be constructed, as necessary. Billeting Parties will make all necessary enquiries re water supply, sanitation, and communicate precautions necessary to the troops. W. G. BRATHEWAITE, Lt COl, General Staft, N. Z. and Aust. Div.
1/24 Aerodrome Camp, Heliopolis (Egypt). 1.5 O.C.Australien Intermediate Base, Apropos of my conversation with you some few days ago relative to the transfer of Staff Sergeant Cunningham (Brigade Clerk of this Brigade) for duty at your office, I regret that the transfer has been delayed owing to Sergeant Cunningham having contracted a slight illness. He is at present in Heliopolis Hospital, but from enquiries made this morning it has been ascer¬ tained that he will shortly be fit for duty again immed- iately on which he will be directed to report to you. olonel Commanding Fourth (Australian) Infantry Brigade.
To ZRTTT NETHERETSHTIAO ez zxhonz ex ergenze heinsnl E ipRIF"E R Stlichtiti iis. ....4 dent PREFACE. akod! Ahrol. ouobeins Theproceduretobeobserved on entering Turkish vilages is such as is designated in the following pages. The obyect of gving the sentence in Turkish characters is to enable the inter- rogator to point out the queston to the native in his own language. HuUsenzs Wuerl, Sc. i hllee Todso Tregzori veslio zo peillinzz ze H rch ul linnis otetieno)krrnagohos 2 TOUUMTT e e e e e enontgzbls: sei enostggsie! t wo Aitlireg rszuilaht ISEU) Showg Teszw datts Sie xleshz erestt Enode neene xifspe oirb
ENGLISH. FRENCH. 1. Call the Niukhtan. 1/4 1. Appelez le Miukhtar. 2. Provided the inhabit-12- Pourvu queles habitants ants do notcommitany ne commmettent aucun hostile actagainst the acte hostile contre les troops, ther lves troupes, leur vie, leur honour and property honneur et leurs pro- will be secure. priétes seront respec¬ tes. 3. All armsand revolvers 3. Toutes les armes ettous in your district must les revolvers qui se beunmediately handed trouvent, dans votre over toyou and placed district doivent vous être immédiatement in your house. remis et déposes dans votre maison. 4. Any, communication 4. Toute communication with the Ottoman avec les troupes otto¬ troopsorother villages manes ou les autres by segnalling or other- villages par signaux ou wise will be dealt with de toute autre ma- in the severest possible nière sera punie avec la plus extrème sévé¬ manner. rité. 5. Show me where your (5. Montrez-moiou estvotre telephone is. téléphone. 6. Show me where the 6. Montrez-moi ou est Peau drinking water is. potable. Estce, que the water good? Peau estbonne? Est- ce quily en aen abon- there plenty ofit? dance? PRONUNCLATTON. 1. Mukhtäri chaghiriniz. 2. Ahäli assäkiri mautté- fké karshisine hitch bir tejavvuzdé bou- lounmazlersé gerek firz ve jan ve malleri eneen olajak dir. 3. Mantikeniz dakhilinde boulounau esslihé ve tabanchélar derakab sizé tessleem oulouna- rak evinize konilajak dir. 4. Her kess ki kouväi osmaniyé ve yakhod bashka bir keuy ieh isharetlé yakhod bash- ka vessäitlé mu- khaberédé toutilirsé hakkenda soureti shédeedédé mu amele kilinajak dir. Telephoniniz nerede dir? 6. Ichéjek souyou néréde dir? Sou eyimi dir: Kessret uzoré bou- lounour nui ? TURKISH. S. Shr gjié Eue Städit S a)iz SSSs! Jos Uhe S jlä aed Shl, odlieds jåäe riiejsjerles . guär døo5s juls sebs ste,8355y sgät Lile dle u ngügessagle detgdå dohes odobleuggestå- UM . jl uid . Se sjJoe 883
6 ENGLISH. 7. Is there a lquor shon in your district? 8. Arethereanyinfectious diseases among the inhabitants or animals in your district? 9. Show metheschool, the mosqueandthe Mloslenn quarter. What accommodation is there in your district for billeting men and horses? 11. Fron sunset to sunrise all inhabitants must remain in their houses and between these hours lights and fres are prohibited. 12. Call the Khjja. Call the Imam. FRENCH. 7. Est-ce qu'lvaun mar¬ chand de liqueurs, un cabaret dans votre dis trict? 8. Est-ce quil y a des ma¬ ladies infectieuses par- nui les habitants ou les aniaux, dans votre district? 9. Montrez-moi Pécole, la mosquée et le quartier musulmnan. 10. Quelles installations, quelles fachlités existe- til dans votre district pour cantonner les honmnesetleschevaux? 11. Ducoucher aulever du soleil tous les habitants doivent rester dans leurs maisons et, pen¬ dant cet intervalle de temps, il est interdit Tallumer lunnidres ni feux. 12. AppelezleKhodja. Ap- pelez PImam. PRONUNCIATION. 7. Mantikenizdé maihané var mi ? 8. Mantikenizdé insan ve haivanje imrazi sariy- yési var nui? 9. Bana mekteb, jami shereef ve isslam ma- hallessini gyussteriniz. 10. Mantikeniz dakhilindé assker ve haivanin konilmassi ichoun né kadar yer var dir? 11. Gyuneshin batmasin- dan doghmasiné kada- ahalinin jumlesi evdé kalajak dir, vemuddeti mezkyurenin essna- sendé ev ichindé atesh yakmak yassak dir. 12. Khojayi chaghiriniz. Imamn chaghiriniz. TURKISH. S ile dles osjudeisv sihgasutisssie ejegett iet a buich St JS e eitga, Keotlesjääee.? SjjsgjüSügelouj gebrr düs Ji oss) edgelidla ji So) Sg 3it Siil olige l s otlit chd h! setr Gerge tt 5 jäte
FRENCH. ENGLISH. 13. For the better admini- 13. Dans Pinteret de l stration of the district bonne administration du district,le Khodjaou the Khoja or Imam, the Mukhtar and the Imam, le Mukhtar et elders of the district les notables du district will be retained as seront retenus comme hostages. otages. 14. Have you seen the 14. Avez-vous vu les sol¬ Ottoman soldiers? dats ottomans? Where are they? sont-ils? 15. How many of them are 13. Combien y en a-til? there? Combien sont-is? 16. How many guns are 16. Combien atil there? canons? 17. Who is their Com- 17. Qui est leur chef? Y a-t-il des officiers alle- mander? Are there German offcers ? mands? 18. Which regiments are Quels régiments sont there? Which regi- la? Quels régiment- avez-ous yus: ments have you scen 19. Where arethey going: 19. Ousontils? 20. North, South, East, 20. Au Nord, au Sud, à WVest. [Est, a TOuest. PRONUNCLATION. 13. Mantikenin hussn' idarési "maksadeelé khoja ve imäm ve mukhtär vé dairénin heyyeti ikhtivariyyé bir zaman olmak uzeré tahti nazaretdé bou- lounderelajak dir. gebus! 14. Assakiri osmaniyeyi gyurdunuz mi? Né- rédé dirler ? 13. Ne mnikdarde dirler? 16. Katch dané top var ? 17. Kommandanleri kim dir? Alman zabitleri var mi? 13. Hanghiallaiy var Hanghi allauy gyur- dunuz 19. Néréyé gidiyorlar ? 20. Shimal, Junoub, Shark Gharb. TURKISH. dsee galstja-dbsdes !t S Ai Stittätet dügoi (s e n: Suc: ))osey O)e 23)in:. uied 194(I7 S eset Eiz n etstelsssttu .NHTTO"! eT Ste SJT Site §5.535 e a.ä.. De t.

N.C.O. and 1 Rank and File per Company etc., from each  
unit)  will march in formed bodies under the senior  
Officer in rear of the Main Guard of the Advanced  
This Officer will report himself to the D.A.Q.M.G at  
the earliest opportunity. 
When the Division is on the march from day to day, 
and as soon as it is known where the Division will  
halt for the night, the D.A.Q.M.G., accompanied by  
the Divisional Billeting Party, will proceed in advance  
and select Brigade Areas. 
Having fixed the Brigade Areas, the D.A Q.M.G. will  
drop the Brigade representative at the area assigned  
to him. 
The latter will then meet Regimental billeting parties  
as they come along, explaining to each unit its  
Regimental Area. 
Then, as the Brigade approaches, the Brigade repre- 
sentatives will likewise explain the extent of the area  
to the Brigade Major. 
The troops in each Brigade Area will generally consist  
of either:- 
a) The Advanced Guard, or 
b) Brigades, with a certain proportion of Divisional  
troops, or 
c) any organisation approximately equal to a Brigade. 
to be occupied, will proceed at once to the Municipal  
Authorities, notifying the hour when the troops may  
be expected, obtaining information re disease, infected  
houses, water supply, sanitation etc., and commun- 
icating the same to Brigade representatives. 
b) Commanders of Brigade areas will distribute the  
accommodation allotted to them to units under their  
Command, at the same time handling over billeting  
demands, together with any instructions to be observed  
by inhabitants, to representatives of units. 


If time permits, the Municipal Authorities will  
prepare billeting orders, which will be handed to  
Brigade representatives for distribution to Regimental  
Billeting Parties. 
These will be presented to inhabitants on whom  
men and horses are to be quartered. 
Representatives of units will proceed with their  
billeting parties to localities apportioned to them,  
take over their Regimental areas, and arrange for  
units to be met and guided to their billets. 
Representatives of units etc., will be in possession  
of a statement showing the numbers of Officers,  
men, and horses for whom accommodation or food  
is required. 
They will notify the hour when the troops may be  
expected, and obtain information re disease, infected  
houses, water supplies, sanitation etc., communicating  
the same to units. 
The Regimental Parties will mark the doors with  
the names of Officers, Nos. of men and horses to  
be accommodated, removing the marks before  
The Officer in charge of the Regimental Billeting Party  
will select and mark the position of:- 
1. Regimental Headquarters. 
2. Guard Room. 
3. Sick Inspection Room. 
4. Gun and Transport Parks. 
He will ascertain the most suitable lines for communicating  
with neighbouring units, and the best roads.  
He should prepare a sketch, notify all arrangements to 
the men of his party, and send them to meet and guide  
Companies to their billets. 
a) IF TIME IN NOT AVAILABLE, the following system will  
be adopted:- 
A Party from each Brigade Area will proceed to the  
Municipal Authorities, present billeting demands and  
request their co-operation.  
The Municipal Authorities will notify the inhabitants  
and promulgate any military orders necessary. 
Meanwhile, billeting parties will roughly allot accomodation,  
areas being assigned to larger units, who will, in  
turn, allot streets or groups of houses to units.


 - 9 - 

  1. Staff Offices to be on Main Roads and easily found.  
    Staff Officers near their Offices.
  2. Mounted men near their Guns, horses and wagons.
  3. Both sides of a street to be occupied by the same unit.
  4. Roads and communications must be kept clear, Guns  
    and Vehicles parked outside towns, if necessary. If  
    parked on roads, the first and last gun and vehicle  
    to have a light.
    1. Officers to visit men and horses at irregular intervals,  
    by day and night. 
    2. If necessary inhabitants to be disarmed and confined to  
    houses after a certain hour, streets to be patrolled. 
    3. When advanced billeting parties reach a village or farm,  
    precautions must be at once taken to prevent information  
    being conveyed to the enemy. The use of lights  
    by inhabitants will be controlled. 
    The Telephone system must be at once controlled. 
    No one will converse on military matters with 
    4. Liquor houses to be placed under control. 
    5. Fire piquets will be established, if necessary. 
    6. If the enemy is within striking distance, villages in  
    front line will be at once prepared for defence, and  
    a portion of the troops holding them, will be in  
    constant readiness. 
    7. An Alarm Signal will be arranged and notified by  
    Divisional Headquarters. 
    8. Staff Officers will at once notify their addresses to  
    Most important. 
    Additional latrines, watering and washing places will  
    be constructed, as necessary. 
    Billeting Parties will make all necessary enquiries re  
    water supply, sanitation, and communicate precautions  
    necessary to the troops. 

    W.G.BRAITHEWAITE, Lt. Col., 
    General Staff,  
    N.Z. and Aust. Div. 


 Aerodrome Camp,                         
 Heliopolis (Egypt), 
O.C. Australian Intermediate Base,                                
Apropos of my conversation with you some few  
days ago relative to the transfer of Staff Sergeant  
Cunningham (Brigade Clerk of this Brigade)  
for duty at your office I regret that the transfer has been 
delayed owing to Sergeant Cunningham having contracted 
a slight illness. He is at present in Heliopolis Hospital,  
but from enquiries made this morning it has been ascertained  
that he will shortly b fit for duty again immediately 
on which he will be directed to report to you.   
for Colonel, 
Commanding Fourth (Australian) Infantry Brigade 


Brigadier      March/15   





The procedure to be observed on entering  
Turkish villages is such as is designated  
in the following pages. 
The object of giving the sentence in  
Turkish characters is to enable the interrogator  
to point out the question to the  
native in his own language.


  1. Call the Muktar.  
  1. Appelez le Mukhtar.
2. Provided the inhabitants  
do not commit any 
hostile act against the 
troops, their lives,  
honour and property 
will be secure 
2. Pourvu que les habitants 
ne commettent aucun 
acte hostile contre  
les' troupes, leur vie, leur 
honneur et leurs propprietes 
serent respectės
 3. All arms and revolvers 
in your district must 
be immediately handed 
over to you and placed 
in your house. 
  3.  Toutes les armes et tous 
 les revolvers qui se 
 trouvent dans votre 
district doivent vous 
 être immédiatement 
 remis et déposés dans 
 votre maison.
4.  Any communication  
with the Ottoman  
troops or other villages   
by signalling or other- 
wise will be dealt with  
in the severest possible 
 4. Toute communication 
avec les troupes otto-manes  
ou les autres 
villages par signaux ou 
 de toute autre manière  
sera punie avec 
la plus extrême sévé- 
5. Show me where your  
telephone is
5. Montrez-moi où est votre 
  6. Show me where the  
drinking water is. Is  
the water good? Is    
there plenty of it?  
 6. Montez-moi où est l'eau 
 potable. Est-ce que 
l'eau est bonne? Estce 
 qu'il y en a en abondance?
  1. Mukhtari chaghiriniz.
2. Ahāli assākir'i muttéfiké 
karshisiné hitch 
bir tejavvuzdé 
boulounmazlersé gerek'irz 
ve jan ve malleri 
emeen olajak dir 
3. Mantikéniz dakhilindé 
boulounan esslihé ve 
tabanchélar der'akab 
sizé tessleem oulounarak 
evinize konilajak
4. Her kess ki kouvā'i 
osmaniyé ve yakhod 
bashka bir keuy ileh 
isharetlé yakhod bashka 
vessā'itlé mukhaberédé 
hakkenda souret'i 
shédeedédé mu'amelé 
kilinajak dir
5. Telephoniniz nérédé 
6. Ichéjek souyou nérédé 
dir? Sou eyi mi dir? 
Kessret uzeré 
boulounour mi?
7. is there a liquor shop 
in your district?
7. Est-ce qy'ily y a un marchand 
de liqueurs un  
cabaret dans votre  
8. Are there any infectious 
diseases among the  
inhabitants or animals 
in your district?
Est-ce qu'ily y a des maladies 
infectieuses parmi 
les inhabitants ou les 
animaux dans votre 
9. Show me the school, the  
mosque and the Moslem 
9. Montrez-moi l'école, la 
mosquée le quartier 
10. What accommodation 
is there in you 
district for billeting 
men and horses?
10. Quelles installations, 
quelles facilités existet-il 
dans votre district 
pour cantonner les 
hommes et les chevaux
11. From sunset to sunrise 
all inhabitants must 
remain in their houses,  
and between these 
hours lights and fires are prohibited
11. Du coucher au lever du 
soliel tous les habitants 
doivent rester dans 
leurs maison et, pendaut 
cet intervalle de  
temps il est interdit 
d'allumer lumiéres ni  
12. Call the Khoja. Call  
the Imam.
12. Appelez le Khodja.  
Appelez l'Imam.
7. Mantikénizdé maihané 
var mi?
8. Mantikénizdé insan ve 
haivanje imraz'i  
sariyyési var mi?
9. Bana mékteb, jami 
shereef ve isslam  
mahalléssini gyussteriniz
10. Mantikeniz dakhilindé 
assker ve haivanin 
konilmassi ichoun né 
kadar yer var dir?
11. Gyuneshin batmasindan 
doghmasiné kadar 
ahalinin jumlesi evdé  
kalajak dir, ve muddeti 
mezkyurenin essnnasendé 
ev ichindé atesh 
yalamk yassaj dir.
12. Khojayi  chaghiriniz 
Imami chaghiriniz


13. For the better administration 
of the district 
the Khoja or Imam,  
the Mukhtar and the  
elders of the district 
will be retained as  
13. Dans l'intérét de la  
bonne administration 
du district, le Khoja ou 
l'lmam, le Mukhtar et  
les notables du district 
seront retenus  
14. Have you seen the 
Ottoman soldiers? 
Where are they?
14. Avez-vous vu les  
soldats ottomans? Oū 
15. How many of them are 
15. Combien y en a-t-il? 
Combien sont-ils?
16. How many guns are 
16. Combien y a-t-il de 
17. Who is their Commander? 
Are there German officers?
17. Qui est leur chef? Y 
a-t-il des officiers  
18. Which regiments are 
there? Which regiments 
have you seen?
18. Quels régiments sont  
lā? Quels régiments 
avez-vou vus?
19. Where are they going? 19. Oū sont-ils?
20. North, South, East,  
20. Au Nord, au Sud,  
ā l'Est, ā l'Quest.
13. Mantikénin hussn'i 
idarési maksadeelé 
khoja ve imam ve  
mukhtār vé dairénin 
héy yet'i ikhtiyariyyé 
bir  zamam olmak uzeré 
taht'i nazaretdé  
boulounderelajak dir 
14. Assakir'i osmaniyéyi 
gyurdunuz mi?  
Nérédé dirler?
15. Né mikdardé dirler? 15.
16. Katch dané top var? 16.
17. Kommandanléri kim 
dir? Alman zabitléri 
var mi?
18. Hanghi allaiy var? 
Hanghi allaiy gyurdunuz?
19. Néréyé gidiyorlar? 19.
Shimal, Junoub, Shark, Gharb 20.
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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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