Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 2, 1 February - 23 February 1915, Part 10

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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NTBT 7 LE GRAND RABBINAT DU CAIRE - EGYPTE leEh re Caire le 21 Jevrier 1915 No S.E. Colonel DHConash Brigader 4t. Infantry Brigads Helispolis Excellence Re Grans Rabbin on Caire al Gonneur sinviler V.E., ainsi que lous les officiers et soloats Inaclites ser socies de D. TIE. Britannigue se lrsuvant actuellement an Caire it ses suvirous, a assister le Samedi 27 Teorier C a 6 Beures pom. an Service Bivin qui vera Citebri a locca= sisy de la Fele de Pourim a la Grande Dynagoghe du Caire sise Rue Maghiabi: Penilly agreet, Excellence, lexpression de mes sentiments 30 Bants Consideration oe f fnon m 81 M
COMMUNAUTE ISRAEIITE Carre le 21 Jenner 1913 CONSISTOIRE DU CAIRE D Yousieur Le Commandant H me revient quun certain nombre de coldats sous officiers of officiers Austrabeno de religion Braclite se trouvent sons vas ordrer campes a l Abassich hous avons essayes de prendre contact avee ces Uessieurs et aveino pries F.L. Le Grand Rabbin de notre Communante de a undre aupies dax pour voir sils nort pas besoin de es offices entemps que questions culturales. P.R.Le Grand Rabin accompagnde son second se undit aCAbassich mais if na per malpemensement a mithe o rapport avee aix personne nayant perle inu trent messius, Ansourd him eneare ge fire F.. Le Grand Rabbin de fair une decorde visite an campenient at je ne formets de laccompagner de citte lettr que je vous adresse en ma qualite de President de laCommunante Braiht de Caire of Jespere que Vous vondry been onsiour Le Commandant lui faciliter de prendre contact avee les troupes de religion Brailite qu se trouves it an canipement In vous reperciant de laccuel benveillant gie vous vondig reserver a T.L.L. Grand Rabbin, Je Vous frie I exeuser cette intervention due unequinesit a Ginteret gue je parte a nos coreligionaires detous payo. L Commandant Venilly agreet Honsieu reconnaisoae lexpession de gives sentiments of proferite Le President de b Cmmuynute Monsiem Le Commandant Sorsilite de Caire Dis troupes Antraliames an Camprscent Maa dile abassich
LE CRA PRSM O CR Co o t S.C. Le. Colonel Honask Brigader 4th Infantry Brigade Heliopolis
CMMnOrt S. A. DU CAIRE e D Canseur le Colonel Monash Head Quarters Abbastich 14t Baltation lCaire Heliopolis
Australiars Irif Brigade Lionewr Class Areodnore Camp 23-2-1 Frogramme of Work Howvs Subject Place Day Date To Frvr 1915 Monday 930 a mpansam Sicturs Materials. Tools Di Our Lines Taske, Working Parties noory Klstribution of Workin RLSaM Ours Lims Parties, Tools re Owr Lines pmSecture Siri Sunches 1po 2pm p 3opm Visit to inisting Carthwork o Earkwork Ridge by Native Huto SKY 237d Sel. Thusday 9.20 a m/10 40em Lecture on Obstacles, Eniction Owndines Destructiono Parsage 1045e m/ moor Making Hoad Cover, Over¬ Earthworks Ridge Head Cover & MG. Emplacoments Ours Lines Licture Defence of Localitue 2Deb Wednesday 920 a m/10.30 Burdines if Toolo available 10.30 112.30 Knoto Lachings or ield Treop hins if not. Use of Spars 1pr 1p 80 Bridging Expedun to 9.30ar non 28 Feb Thursday Ours Lines Lecture on Dimolitions pomppm Destruction of Railways 14pm 2pm Telegraphs Rly Matarick to Helmic 2 Di Dlir. Exercise Sriday Subbjects. Alternativy Camping Arrangements Water supply
10 Ingomplete Spare Copy MTFTIHFT MIATT DIISA TacrCALEecEemr 22124. CIAL LNELPHET. (in sealed envelepe to be epened at 4p.m. on TABEYAEY -2174.-19231. Your Battalien, which as a Ferce detaghed from the White Army and is marching West a long the sum ROAD, me reached TOUER NO.2 at 4-70p.m. on Tuesday, February 2374. You there receive the following message from the C.O.C. White Arny 1- Divoune in vicinity of TOUFR No.2 AAA. Throw out outposts and select and pre- pare a defensive position in anticip- ation of an attack during the night from the direction of AKRoDROME.
AF FOURTH (AUPTPALLAN) INPANTTY BPIGADE. MCTICRE EERCI Tpey 23/24. SECME Lr Bno (in sealed envelope to be epened at 4p.m. on February 27d. 19151. oasDDDDDDDDD At 4-30p.m. on Tuesday, February 2½rd, at ATRODROME CAMP you receive the following message from the Brigadier :- A White Force, estimated at about one battalion, marching West from surz has halted in the vioinity of -rownR No.2, and is making preparat- ions to bivoune there AAA You Cwill forthwith carry out a daylight Creconnalasance with an officers patrol of 20 men, in the diraction of TOUER NO.2 with a view to an attack torght AAt The 15th Battalion will carry out a night march, advance and attack on enemy’s bivouac; attack to be delivered at Sa.m. on Wednesday, February 24th. The reconnalasance on February 237d must (NoTT. not appreach cleser than 500 yards to TOTER No.2 and must halt and retire when fired uponl.
munrn LAURMALLANLMEINIIXEELRARE. TACTICRE PNECI E 23/2. 1915 RETeTONS MN TTTTT RRC ILSTH PATTAETON The Vhite Ferce will wear Pelt Hats. The Brown Ferce will wear Peaked Caps. Umpires will wear Helnets and broad white arm bands. 15 rounds of blank ammunition per rifle vill be carried on the man. The White Perce will consist of the 15th Battalien and will leave the AFRODROMF CAMP at 2 p.m. on Tuesday, February 2374, marching through NYLIOPOLIS and cast along the SUEL ROAD. The rear of the column must be clear of TOUrR No.2 by 4 c'clock, at which hour the envelopecentaining theanacial Liaa may be epened. The following minimun transpert will march with the White columm, viz:- Four Travelling Kitchans (if availablel. Two Water Carts (filledl. One limbered G.F. Vasson carrying 2 machine guns. Twe C.S.Vassons carrying 1 Blanket and 1 Waterproof Sheet per man. Three limbered C.S. Vagsons carrying 400 shovels and 200 picks (deficiencies in Battalion tools to be drawn from 15th Rattalion and returned on completion of Exercisel. One C.S. Wasson carrying supplies for breakfast meal on Wednesday, February 24th, (to be arranged br by A.S.C.Co.1. 411 ranks will earry Vaterbottles filled and the evening meal for Tuesday, February 2½7d. Rot tea, coffee or scup (if available) may be served out, during the early evening of Februaryt 237d, provided this is earried out under service conditions and without expesure. Transport Vehieles are not to be taken off the road for a greater distance than absolutely necessary se as to save haulage ever the desert sand. UMFINrS:- Empire-in-Chief - Colonel J. Monash, V.D. Empires for White Force -Lieut.-Col.J.P.MaGlinn, V.D. Lieut. J. McGlinn. Emplras for Brown Force Captain C.H.Jeas. Lieut. V.J.M.Locke.
DURE TAUGTRAEIAnI MTANTEY PRIA TACTICAE TTEECISY Epry 23/24, 1919. Merrucrione po pro Dro OT Brte The White Force will wear Pelt Rats. The Brown Force will wear Peaked Caps. The Umpires vill wear Helnets and broad White Arm Bands. 15 rounds of blank amnunition per rifle vill be carried on the man. The Brown Porce will consist of the 15th Battalion. A reconnoltring patrel of 20 men under an officer faccom- panied 1f desired by C.O. and Adjutant) vill be ready to nove from Camp at 4p.m. on Tuesday, February 23rd. The Battalion must be ready to move from Camp after aidnight February 27726 at an hour to be decided by the C.0. Ne traneport will be taken with the Rattalion, but the four Travelling Kitchens, one J.S.Vagson carrying supplies for the breakfast meal on Wadnesday, February 24th, (to be arranged for by A.S.C.Ss.1, and too Water Carts (filledl, will leave Camp at Ja.m. and preceed vis the SUFZ RoAD in the direction of Tourk No.2. These whiches are not to betaken off the read. All rande will earry Vaterbottles filled. The envelope sentaining the Kneatal Ldsa may be epened at 6p.m. on Tuasday, Fearuary 2374. 16th Lattalion vill supply 15tn Battalion with picks and ahovels as smy be asked forj same to be returned on concluston of exereise. WINTE -Colonel J. Monash, V.D. Onpiresin-Chief Unpires far Vhite Fores - Ment.-Col.J.P.McGlinn, V.D. Lieut. J. McGlinn. Enpires for Brown Force - Captain C.H.Jeas. Lieut. V.J.M.Locke.
to N.2.8. 217 171 Headquarters, 23:1:12 EO Zesteun Camp, 23rd Feb. 1915. Headquarters, 4th Australlan Infantry Brigade. SUBTECT: Divisienal Operations, February 19th. I am directed by the General Officer Commanding to forward you a cepy of Empire's Notes on the werk of your Brigade se Fety 9/18 last Friday. The General Officer Commanding agrees with them and particularly wishes to draw your attention to the paragraph marked in blue chalk en page 3. Please circulate to your Battaliens whatever instructions out of this report you censider necessary. encl WG. Baithwaite: one 0 General Staff, AUSTEALLN N.2. & A. Divisien. IMPERIAL FORCE FEB 23 1915 44 Mlantry. BrioNRN 4s of
23/2 HEADOUARTERS, NEW ZEALAND AND AUSTRALIAN DIVISION. Dear Monash You may find among enclosed notes some points which may be useful to you Y Smcen Godln en te

Le Caire, le 21 février 1915 
No. ………… 
S. E. Colonel Monash 
4t Infantry Brigade 
le Grand Rabbin du Caire a l'honneur 
d'inviter V. E., ainsi que tous les officiers et soldats Israélites 
des forces de S. M. Britannique se trouvant actuellement 
au Caire et ses environs, à assister le Samedi 27 Fevrier Ct 
 à 6 heures pm. au Service Divin qui sera Célébré à l'occasion 
de la Fête de Pourim à la Grande Synagogue du Caire 
sise Rue Maghrabi : –  
Veuillez agréer ,  Excellence, l’expression de mes sentiments 
de haute Considėration 
Raphael a Pensimon 


No … 
Caire , le 21 Février 1915  

Monsieur Le Commandant 
Il me revient qu'un certain nombre de 
soldats , sous officiers et officiers Australiens de réligion  Israélite  
se trouvent sous vos ordres campés à l’Abassieh – 
Nous avons essayés de prendre contact avec 
ces Messieurs, et avions priés S. L.  Le Grand Rabbin de notre 
Communauté de se rendre auprès d'eux pour voir s'ils n'ont pas 
besoin de ses offices , en temps que questions culturales . S.L.  Le 
Grand Rabbin accompagné  de son second se rendit à l’Abassieh, 
mais il n'a pu malheureusement se mettre en rapport avec eux, 
personne n'ayant pu lui indiquer oú se trouveraient ces messieurs. 
Aujourd'hui encore je prie S. L.  Le Grand Rabbin 
de faire une seconde visite au campement , et je me permets  de 
l’accompagner de cette lettre  que je vous adresse en ma qualité de 
Prèsident de la Communauté Israélite de Caire , et j’espère que Vous 
voudrez bien Monsieur Le Commandant lui faciliter de prendre 
contact avec les troupes de réligion Israèlite qui se trouvent au 
campement . — 
En vous remerciant de l’accueil biènveillant 
que vous  voudrez réserver à S. L.  Le Grand Rabbin ,  je vous prie 
d.excuser cette intervention due uniquement à l’intêret que je 
poste à nos corèligionnaires de tous pays . 
Veuillez agrèer Monsieur Le Commandant 
l'expression de mes sentiments du profonde reconnaissance . 
Le Président de la Communauté 
Israélite de Caire 
Monsieur Le Commandant 
Des troupes Australiennes au Campement 
de l’Abassieh . 


S.E.  Le Colonel Monash 
4t Infantry Brigade 


Telephone 17,02 
Monsieur le Colonel Monash 
Head Quarters 
Le Caire 
14t Battalion 


Pioneer Class 4Th Australian Inf. Brigade 
Aerodrome Camp 
Programme of Work   22 - 2 - 15

Date  Day Hours 

 Subject Place
22 Feb.
Monday 9.30 a.m 10.45 a.m. Lecture Materials Tools 
Tasks & Working Parties
Own Lines
    10.45a.m. noon Distribution of Working 
Parties , Tools tc
Own Lines
    1 pm 2 pm Lecture Fire Trenches Own Lines
    2 pm 4.30pm Visit To existing Earthworks Earthwork Ridge by Native Huts 
Sg. E.7.
23rd Feb Tuesday 9.30 a.m 10.40 a.m Lecture on Obstacles, Erection 
Destruction & Passage
Own Lines
    10.45 a.m noon Making Head Cover, Over- 
Head Cover, & M.G Emplacements
Earthworks Ridge
24 Feb Wednesday 9.30 a.m 10. 30 Lecture Defence of Localities Own Lines
    10. 30 12. 30 Knots & Lashings Own Lines if Tools available
    1 p.m. 4. 30 Use of Spars or Field Troop Lines if not.
25 Feb Thursday 9. 30 a.m noon Bridging Expedients  
    1pm. 2 pm. Lecture on Demolitions Own Lines
    2 p m. 4.00 pm. Destruction of Railways 
& Telegraphs
Rly Matarich to Helmia
26 Feb Friday


____ Divs. Exercises  
  Alternative Subjects :-      
        Camping Arrangements  
        Water Supply .  



AW      Incomplete Spare Copy 
( in sealed envelope to be opened at 4p.m. on 
February 23rd. 1915). 
Your Battalion, which is a Force detached 
from the White Army and is marching West a long the 
SUEZ ROAD, has reached TOWER NO.2 at 4-30p.m.  on 
Tuesday ,  February 23rd. 
You there receive the following message from 
the G.O.C. White Army :- 
"Bivouac in vicinity of TOWER No.2 AAA. 
"Throw out outposts and select and prepare 
a defensive position in anticipation 
of an attack during the night 
"from the direction of AERODROME" .


(in sealed envelope to be opened at 4p.m.  on 
February 23rd. 1915). 
At 4-30p.m. on Tuesday, February 23rd, at 
AERODROME CAMP you receive the following message 
from the Brigadier: - 
"A White Force, estimated at about 
"one battalion, marching West from 
"SUEZ has halted in the vicinity of 
"TOWER NO.2, and is making preparations 
to bivouac there AAA  You 
"will forthwith carry out a daylight 
"reconnaissance with an officer's 
 "patrol of 20 men, in the direction 
"of TOWER NO.2 with a view to an 
"attack tonight AAA     The 16th Battalion 
"will carry out a night march, advance 
"and attack on enemy's bivouac; attack 
"to be delivered at 5a.m. on Wednesday, 
"February 24th " 
(NOTE:– The reconnaissance on February 23rd must 
not approach closer than 500 yards to TOWER 
NO .2 and must halt and retire when fired upon).


The White Force will wear Felt Hats. 
The Brown Force will wear Peaked Caps. 
Umpires will wear Helmets and broad white arm bands. 
15 rounds of blank ammunition per rifle will be carried 
on the man. 
The White Force will consist of the 15th Battalion and  
will leave AERODROME CAMP at 2 p.m. on Tuesday, February 
23rd, marching through HELIOPOLIS and east along the SUEZ ROAD. 
The rear of the column must be clear of TOWER NO.2 by 4 o'clock, 
at which hour the envelope containing the special  idea may be 
opened . 
The following minimum transport will march with the White 
column, viz :– 
Four Travelling Kitchens (if available). 
Two Water Carts (filled). 
One limbered G.S. Waggon carrying 2 machine guns. 
Two G.S. Waggons carrying 1 Blanket and 1 Waterproof 
Sheet per man. 
Three limbered G.S.Waggons carrying 400 shovels 
and 200 picks (deficiencies in Battalion tools 
to be drawn from 16th Battalion and returned 
on completion of Exercise). 
One G.S. Waggon carrying supplies for breakfast 
meal on Wednesday, February 24th, (to be 
arranged for by A.S.C.Co.). 
All ranks will carry Waterbottles filled and the evening 
meal for Tuesday, February 23rd . 
Hot tea, coffee or soup (if available) may be served out, 
during the early evening of February 23rd , provided this is 
carried out under service conditions and without exposure. 
Transport Vehicles are not to be taken off the road for 
a greater distance than absolutely necessary so as to save 
haulage over the desert sand. 
Umpire-in-Chief                   – Colonel J .Monash, V.D. 
Umpires for White Force   – Lieut.-Col.J.P.McGlinn, V.D. 
Lieut. J . McGlinn . 
Umpires for Brown Force  – Captain C.H.Jess. 
Lieut. W.J.M.Locke.


The White Force will wear Felt Hats. 
The Brown Force will wear Peaked Caps. 
The Umpires will wear Helmets and broad White Arm Bands. 
15 rounds of blank ammunition per rifle will be carried 
on the man. 
The Brown Force will consist of the 16th Battalion. 
A reconnoitring patrol of 20 men under an officer 
(accompanied if desired by C.O. and Adjutant) will be ready to 
move from Camp at 4p.m. on Tuesday, February 23rd. 
The Battalion must be ready to move from Camp after 
midnight February 23/24 at an hour to be decided by the C.O. 
No transport will be taken with the Battalion, but the 
four Travelling Kitchens, one J.S.Waggon carrying supplies 
for the breakfast meal on Wednesday, February 24th, (to be 
arranged for by A.S.C.Co.), and two Water Carts (filled), 
will leave Camp at 5a.m. and proceed via the SUEZ ROAD in 
the direction of TOWER No.2. 
These vehicles are not to be taken off the road. 
All ranks will carry Waterbottles filled. 
The envelope containing the Special Idea may be opened 
at 4p.m. on Tuesday, February 23rd. 
16th Battalion will supply 15th Battalion with picks and 
shovels as may be asked for ;  same to be returned on conclusion 
of exercise. 
Umpire-in-Chief                   – Colonel J. Monash, V.D. 
Umpires for White Force   – Lieut .-Col.J.P.McGlinn , V.D. 
Lieut . J .  McGlinn . 
Umpires for Brown Force  – Captain C.H.Jess . 
Lieut . W.J.M.Locke .


N.Z.G. / 217 
23. 1. 15 
Zeitoun Camp, 
23rd Feb. 1915. 
4th Australian Infantry Brigade. 
SUBJECT:  Divisional Operations, February 19th. 
I am directed by the General Officer Commanding to 
forward you a copy of Umpire's Notes see Feby 19/15 on the work of your Brigade last Friday. 
The General Officer Commanding agrees with them and 
particularly wishes to draw your attention to the paragraph marked 
in blue chalk on page 3. 
Please circulate to your Battalions whatever instructions 
out of this report you consider necessary. 
1 encl . / 
W.G. Braithwaite :    Lieut. –Colonel , 
General Staff, 
N.Z. & A. Division. 
FEB 23 1915 
4th Infantry Brigade. 
4.40 pm


Dear Monash, 
You may find 
among enclosed notes some 
points which may be useful 
to you 
Yrs Sincerely 
A Godley 
Action Taken.

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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