Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 2, 1 February - 23 February 1915, Part 7

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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Reg. Aux No. Rank, (And religien)A ge 421 Pee. CARLTON, PNILIP 24 7/12 kaky cofE. eTo Fte. AOUTTER vEED- ET! ERICK c.of x. Ferrn Diet! baiet Remarks Transport Enlie- Death it fime' Date death ted Iime Date ---- nao Pneumenis. Next of kin- (father) Neon 24-1-16 18 Bm. 1e.1.48 2411 w.c. Carlten, c.P.0.. sth. Inf. (Ceramie) A.M. Bowen, Queeneland. Bde. Cabled Headquarters, Nel- bourne, through P.T.0. covey Incerted Convey Order No. 12. Convoy Order No. 12 pocted Commdt.lst. Military Dis¬ triet 29-1-15. Included in despetch of 15-21-15 to Secty. Defence Melbourne, posted at Caire en 16-2-15. 1s mm. ath. Inf. ened- lst. 5-38 27-1.15 s p.M.27.1.15 Sunstreke Next of kin - krs.M.J. Bde. Agutter, Wyambah, Celypse P.M. (Ceramie) Avenue,Mosmen, Nth. Sydney Cabled Headquarters, wel- boerne, through P.T.0. coevey. Ineerted Cosvey Order ne. Convey Order No. 13 pocted Commdt.let. Military Dis- triet 31-1-15 Ineluded is despatch of 15-2-15 to Seety. Defence Melbeurne, posted at Caire on 16.2-15.
........--------..--------.----.------------...---------------------.--.-.-------------- Dist. Bphlk Reg. Rank Blkk DMirl Cause of Enlis- a Transport ted. (and Religion) Age it Iinte death Remarks. ...------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ao 156 Pte JENKIN.ROY 20.4/12 15 Bn. Meningitis. Next of kin - VERNON 4th. Inf 16-50 sollls 3/I (Ceramie) lst. Norman Chas. Jenkin, B a.m. Townsville,Old. Body landed at Port Methedist Said for burial by Military authorities Cabled Headquarters Melbourne, through P.T.0. Convoy. Inserted convoy Orde No.13. Convoy Order No.13 posted Commdt.lst. Military District 31-1-15 Included in despatch of 15-2415 to Secty. Defence, Melbourne, posted et Cairo 16-2-15 ----------------------------------------------- - -----
. trrmi - Transport' at Soa, 24-1-13. Frineipal Transport Officer Second Australien Convoy. In view of the whele ciroumstances of the attached report submitted by the Zenier Medioal Officer of the Convoy, the present errangenent, whereby the Ship's Surgeon on Trans- port '432" is aseisting the Military Medieal Officer, should continue, as far as can be seen, till port of disembarkation is reached, and I would ask you to kindly arrange accordingly. (Sad.) John Monach, Colonel Senier Military Officer Second Australian Convey. YIux en32"
1 N.....v.Dlysses" (co). At sea, 24th Jany., 1915. Naval Seoretery Navy office Melbeurne. v ith reierenee te Artiele 92 of the Transport Regulations, I have the honour to report that it has been found necessary to utilise the servicce of the Ship's Surgeon in "Themistocles" for medical charge ef troope, under the following eircumstances !- Captain Pigdon was the only Military Medionl Officer appointed to "Themistocles" where he had medical charge of some 1200 troope. On cccount of a serious epidemie of Pneumonis on boari, the services of a cccond medioal officer were urgently required and, on leth January, Transport Officer, "Themistocles" was directed to errange for the services of the Ship's Surgeon to be made available. Subeequently, it was desided to transfer Lieutenant-Colonel Bean, R.A.A.M.C., from "Borda" to "Themistocles" and this was effeeted on 22nd Januery, the first favourable opportunity that offered. In view, however, of the following signal from srhemistooles" 'Autherity is requested to retain the services of ship's eurgeon after Colonel Eean joins observing that the former has taken over control of all hospital oases as well as generally ascistiag M.O. consequent on your No.96 of 15th inetant and thet the knowledge he has of these oases would be of grost value. and of the report of Lieutenent-Colonel Beeston, Senier Medioal offieer of the Convoy, after inspecting the ship et Aden en 23rd January, the following signal wes mede to Transport Officer, eThemietocles", on the morning of 24th January! *In view of the severity of the epidemie of Pneumonis the Senier Military Officer considers it desirable that the eervices of the ehip's surgeon of 'Themistocles' should be epecially retained to essist Militery Medical Officer. Inform Colonel Bean. I conour and direot you to make necessary errungenents with Master". (sgd.) C.R.Br-wis Prineipal Transport Offieer. Convoy Staff Officer, Referred for your information. (Sgd.) W. Scotland, Secretary to P.T.0. 25-1-15.
(cor). From- Senior Medical Officer, 2nd Austrelian Convey: To - Senier Military Officer, 2nd Australian Convoy. In compliance with your erder, I bes t report having visited "432" ("Themistocles"). I found thet during the voyage six deethe heve occurred on thisship, all ef pneumonia concoquent on meseles. The eptdemie of pneumonia appoars to heve been a particularly severe one and has entailed e great deal of work on the Medioal Officer of the chip. Some daye ago he applied for the assistance of another medical officer. You detailed the ship's eurgeon to give him any assistance required as the weather conditions would not permit of any communication by epen boat. On The 22nd Lt.-Colonel Bean wes trans- ferred from the "Borda" to cupervise the medieal errangesente. There is still a number of eases of pneumonis on the ship seriously ill, and I recommend that the servioes of the chip's surgeon be retained as a special case until the end of the voyage. Approximately, there are 1,200 troope on this chip and the epidemie shewe no siga of abeting. I therefere concider it is absolutely essential thet the medical errangements at prescat obtaining chould continue until the end ef the voyege. (Sgd.) Josenh L. Beeston, Lt.-Col., Tenior Medical Officer, 2nd Australian Convoy. Transport "Ay t sea. 24-i-15.
J.M.D. DEATHS.. [AT SEA.) convor DETKORNFET. 3. göimiununk (DEATH "A32") ... STRALIAN LMPERIAL FORCE. AUR -) SECOND AUSTRALIAN CON! TOY. .----.-.....-...........- CONVOY ORDTR NO.12 TRANSPORT "A.384. be AT SEA, 26:1:1915. COLOFIL J. MONASH, V.D. FIT UNIOR MILIIAFY O..1/R OF TEE CONVOY. - The Senior Military Officer regrets to-announce the following deaths which occurred at sea, on the dates ... shewn !- Transport "A.349. (a) No. 418, Pte. A.J. Yates, 5th Light Horse Regiment, enlisted 1et Military District (Measles and Pneumonia). Date of death 16:1:15. Transport "A.40" 1b) No. 1211, Pte. H.G. Robinson, 16th Pattalion, Fourth Infantry Erigade, enlisted 4th Military District (meaeles and pneumonia). Date of Death 20:1:1915. No. 421, Pte. P.E.Carlton, 15th Battalion, (o) Fourth Infantry Erigade, enlisted lst Military Distriot (Pneumonia). Date of death 24-1-15. 2. (a) Colonel G. de L. Fyrie, (Commanding 2nd Light Transport "429" ("Suevic' Harse Brigade, A.I.F) on T assumed command, as Senior Military Officer of the COnvoy Detachment consisting of Transports "A29", "A3A--("Persio' and "AAO" ("Ceramic") which left the Main Convoy at 8a.m. on 12th instant and proceeded direct to Aden, arriving there op the afternoon of the 20th iden (b) The Senior Military Officer, Detached Convoy, appointed Major T.J.Lynch, Brigade Major, 2nd Light Horse Brigade, to act as Staff Officer. (c) The Detaohment rejoined the Main Convoy on arrival of the latter at Aden, on 23rd instant. Vide Convoy Order No. 10, para.1, for "MoHarry 3. read Meharry'
CORRIGENDA. (C D.) Discharges and Transfers. TEANSFERS ? ITI HMILII TARY DISTRIO ALBANY. TRANSFER PERSONNEL. TCIAL TRANSFER. DISCEARGES. TRANSFER OF PERSONXEL, DEN. ALBANY. yPtvrs Ljuuun AT - Convoy Order No. 12 (Sheet 2). ----------- 3. (b) With reference to the lists of "Discharges and Transfers" issued with Convoy Order No. 6 in connection with personnel landed from the Convoy at Albany, lists are amended as follows :- (c) Discharge List Sheet 1, Eth item :- (Dvr. P.A. MacIntosh, No. 7 Coy. A.A.S.C.) in last column, for "A.35" read "A.39". (d) Transfer List Sheet 1, items 2 to $ inclusive. (L.cpl. Hoy, Dvrs. Walker, Pike and Stringer, No. " read "A.33" Coy.A.A.S.C.) in last column, for "A.35' 4. (a) Vide Convoy Order No. 6, para 2 and accompanying Transfer List, No. 1222 L.Cpl. E.G. Hoy, No. 7 Coy. A.A.S.C. (enlisted 2nd Military District) was landed at Albany, transferred to 5th Military District on 3Oth ultimo, but on same date rsjoined the Convoy aboard Transport "A.38". (b) L.Cpl. Hoy was transferred from "A.38"to Transport "A.39" on 13th instant. 5. - Vide Convoy Order No. 8, para 2 (b), Privates G.A. Howes and O.F. McCarthy returned to "A.32" (Themistocles, at Aden on 23rd inst. 6. - The undermentioned discharges were approved by the Senior Military Officer, Detached Convoy (Colonel G. de L. Ryrie) at Aden on the 21st instant :- No. 51 Pte. C. Whittock, 6th L.H. Regt) Enlisted .. 2nd M.D. 326 J.W. Weekley, Medically 455 M.C. Ridley, Unfit. . 540 E.J. Jones, 3" (SJ) G.R. Weekley, 559 - The following transfers to the Military Hospital, Aden, for special hospital treatment, were confirmed by the Senior Military Officer, Detached Convoy (Colonel G. de L. Byrie) on the 21st instant :- No. 283 Pte- C.E. Cox, 5th L.U. Regt. (enlisted 1st- M.D.) Pneumonia. " 125 . A.A. Mitchell, (enlisted ist M.D./ Emphyema fol- lowing on measles. - (a) With regard to the landing of troops at Albany, 8. the following personnel was put ashore there without the preaoribed approval of the Senior Hilitary Officer :- (bl FROM TPANSPOPT "A32". No. 1165, Sgt. C.H. Pugh, ist Reinforcements, lith Battalion. (enlisted 5th Military District.) Appendicitis., Landed 30:12:14.
ALBANY. TROOPS LANDED AT. (CTD.) COURT MARTIAL. 9. Convoy Order No. 12.(Sheet 3.) 8. (Ctd.) (c) FROM TRANSPOPT !"A. 36. ist Reinforcements. 3rd L.H. Regt. Landed at Albany 28:12:14. No. 604 Pte. W.N. Laurence, refusing to be inoculated. W.H. Wade, 600 -do 612 -do- David Johnston, 613 H.C. Goldsworthy, -do 652 F. Hortimer, -do 616 James Datson, refusing to be vaccinated. 61" James Westbury, -do- 628 Frederic Patterson, -do 631 R. O'Neill, -do- W.F. White, 634 -do (d) FROM TPANSPORT "A. 37". 1st Reinforcemants. Field Artilla Brigade, landed at Albany, 29:12:14 Refusing to be inoculated. No.3156 Dtr. J.W. Hoad, ist Bde. 3107 L.C. Bird, A.G. Ford, 3115 636 W.C. Collier, George Black, H.G. Oliver, 313 D.F. Regan, 226 J. Grace 2nd Bde. 3350 3rd Bde. Percy Hunt, 3337 D.W. Egan, (e) FFOM TPANSPORT "A.39 Landed Albany 30:12:14. No. 1112 Dvr. D.C. Woodward, No. 6 Coy.A.A.S.C. Not likely to become an efficient soldier. " 1077 " W.C. Morris, No. 6 Coy. A.A.S.C. Not likely to become an efficient soldier; also required medical treatment for venereal. 1124 J.C. Evans, Medically unfit. 6k.d.Sc. " 1269 - M.J. Ryan, No. 7 Coy. A.S.C. Medically unfit. (Primary Syphilis). (f) FROM TRANSPORT "A.44" Landed at Albany-31.12.34 No.3 Pte. W. Christie, ist Mobile Section, Army Veterinary Corps, Medically Unfit. - Vide Convoy Order No.9, the District Court Martial Gonvened therein is hereby dissolved. (SGD.) J.P. MC.GLIN, Lt.-Col. Staff Officer, 2nd Australian Convoy.
DEATES. ("AAO") TRANSFTR OF 2. PERSONNFL PORT SAID. ALBANY. TROOPS LAN- DED AT AUSTEALIAN IMPFRIAL FORCE SECOND AUSTRALIAN CO OY. Transport "A38 Port Said, 31-1-15. CONVOY OFT 270.13 by COLLV.D. ITTTI OTPTC I OF TH HNIOR MILI £ COr1O/ .P. he Senior Military Officer regrets to announce the follow- ing deaths which occurred at sea on the dates shewn :- TRANSPOR" "A4O". a) No.870, Private Frederick Agutter, 15th Battalion, 4th Infantry Brigade; enlisted lst Military District (sunstroke). Date of death 27-1-15 (off Suez), (b) No.156, Private Roy Vernon Jenkin, 15th Battalion, 4th Infantry Brigade; enlisted ist Military District (Meningitis). Date of death 30-1-15 (off Ismailia, Suez Canal). The following transfer to Port Said for special hospital treatment was approved by the Senior Military Officer, Second Australian Convoy, at Port Said on January 3Oth:- No. 507, James Alexander Stewart, 5th Light Horse, Transport "A34” (enlisted lst Military District) Pneumonia. With regard to the landing of troops at Albany, the follow- ing personnel was put ashere there without the prescribed approval of the Senior Military Officer :- po FROM TRANSPO "A2 R. oth Light Norse Regiment. i I Enlisted 2nd Allitary District. Landed at Albany 30-12-14. Capt. Russell, M.D. Temporarily Medically unfit. Michael, R.S. Medically unfit. 71 Tpr. 234 " Bennett, J.A. 321 Pierce, J. Under age. 466 Smith, A.S. Medically unfit. (Signed) J.P.McGLLLN, Lieut.-Colonel, Staff Officer, Second Australian Convoy).


Rank Name 
(And religion)
Age Unit Transport Dist. 
Cause of death Remarks
Time  Date Time  Date
C of E 
24 7/12 
15 Bn. 4th. Inf. Bde. 
1-45 A.M. 
Next of kin- (father) W.G. Carlton, G.P.O., 
Bowen, Queensland. 
Cabled Headquarters, Melbourne, through P.T.O. 
Inserted Convoy Order No. 
Convoy No. 12 posted 
Commdt. 1st. Military District 
Included in despatch of 
15-2x-15 to Secty. Defence Melbourne, posted at 
Cairo 16-2-15.
C. of E. 
27 ½ 
15 Bn. 
4th Inf. Bde. 
5-35 P.M. 
8 p.m. 
Next of Kin - Mrs M.J. 
Agutter, Wyanbah, Calypso 
Avenue, Mosman, Nth. Sydney 
Cabled Headquarters, Melbourne, 
through P.T.O. 
Inserted Convey Order No. 
Convoy Order No. 13 posted 
Commdt. 1st. Military District 
Included in despatch of 
15-2-15 to Secty. Defence 
Melbourne, posted at 
Cairo on 16-2-15.


Rank NAME 
(and Religion)
Age Unit Transport Dist. 
DEATH BURIAL Cause of death Remarks.
Time Date Time Date
20. 4/12 
15 Bn. 4th Inf. Bdg. 
6-50 a.m. 

Next of kin - 
Norman Chas. Jenkin, 
Townsville, Qld. 
Body landed at Port 
Said for burial by 
Military authorities 
Cabled Headquarters 
Melbourne, through 
P.T.O. Convoy. 
Inserted convoy Order 
No. 13. 
Convoy Order No. 13 
posted Commdt. 1st. 
Military District 
Included in despatch of 
15-2115 to Secty. 
Defence, Melbourne, 
posted at Cairo 

Transport "A38", 
At Sea, 24-1-15. 
Principal Transport Officer, 
Second Australian Convoy. 
In view of the whole circumstances of the attached  
report submitted to the Senior Medical Officer of the Convoy,  
the present arrangement, whereby the Ship's Surgeon on Transport  
"A32" is assisting the Military Medical Officer, should  
continue, as far as can be seen, till port of disembarkation  
is reached, and I would ask you to kindly arrange accordingly. 
(Sgd.) John Monash, Colonel, 
Senior Military Officer, 
Second Australian Convoy. 
FILE "A32".


H.M.A.T. "Ulysses", 
At Sea, 
24th Jany., 1915

Naval Secretary, 
Navy Office, 
With reference to Article 92 of the Transport Regulations, 
I have the honour to report that it has been found necessary to 
utilise the services of the Ship's Surgeon in "Themistocles" for 
medical charge of troops, under the following circumstances :- 
Captain Pigdon was the only Military Medical Officer  
appointed to "Themistocles" where he had medical charge of some  
1200 troops.  On account of a serious epidemic of Pneumonia on 
board, the services of a second medical officer were urgently 
required and, on 14th January, Transport Officer, "Themistocles", 
was directed to arrange for the services of the Ship's Surgeon to 
be made available. 
Subsequently, it was decided to transfer Lieutenant-Colonel 
Bean, R.A.A.M.C., from "Borda" to "Themistocles" and this was 
effected on 22nd January, the first favourable opportunity that 
offered.  In view, however, of the following signal from  
"Themistocoles" : - 
"Authority is requested to retain the services of ship's 
surgeon after Colonel Bean joins observing that the former  
has taken over control of all hospital cases as well as  
generally assisting M.O. consequent on your No. 96. of 15th  
instant and that the knowledge he has of these cases would  
be of great value." 
and of the report of Lieutenant-Colonel Beeston, Senior Medical 
Officer of the Convoy, after inspecting the ship at Aden on 23rd 
January, the following signal was made to Transport Officer, 
"Themistocles", on the morning of 24th January:- 
"In view of the severity of the epidemic of Pneumonia 
the Senior Military Officer considers it desirable that the  
services of the ship's surgeon of "Themistocles" should be 
specially retained to assist Military Medical Officer. 
Inform Colonel Bean.  I concur and direct you to make 
necessary arrangements with Master". 
(Sgd.)  C.R. Brewis, 
Principle Transport Officer. 
Convoy Staff Officer, 
Referred for your information. 
(Sgd.) W. Scotland, 
Secretary to P.T.O. 



From -Senior Medical Officer, 
2nd Australian Convoy. 
To - Senior Military Officer, 
2nd Australian Convoy. 
In compliance with your order, I beg to 
report having visited "A32" ("Themistocles"). I 
found that during the voyage six deaths have occurred 
on thisship, all of pneumonia consequent on measles. 
The epidemic of pneumonia appears to have been a  
particularly severe one and has entailed a great deal 
of work on the Medical Officer of the ship.  Some  
days ago he applied for the assistance of another 
medical officer.  You detailed the ship's surgeon 
to give him any assistance required as the weather 
conditions would not permit of any communication by 
open boat.  On the 22nd Lt.-Colonel Bean was transferred 
from the "Borda" to supervise the medical 
arrangements.  There is still a number of cases  
of pneumonia on the ship seriously ill, and I 
recommend that the services of the ship's surgeon  
be retained as a special case until the end of the 
voyage.  Approximately, there are 1,200 troops  
on this ship and the epidemic shows no sign of abating. 
I therefore consider it is absolutely essential  
that the medical arrangements at present obtaining  
should continue until the end of the voyage. 
(Sgd.) Joseph L. Beeston, Lt.-Col., 
Senior Medical Officer, 
2nd Australian Convoy. 
Transport "A38", 
At Sea, 24-1-15.




AT SEA, 26 : 1 : 1915. 
(AT SEA.) 
1. - The Senior Military Officer regrets to announce the  
following deaths which occurred at sea, on the dates shewn :- 
Transport "A.34". 
(a) No. 418, Pte. A.J. Yates, 5th Light Horse Regiment,  
enlisted 1st Military District (Measles and
Pneumonia).  Date of death 16: 1: 15. 
Transport "A.40". 
(b) No. 1211, Pte. H.G. Robinson, 16th Battalion, 
Fourth Infantry Brigade, enlisted 4th Military  
District (measles and pneumonia). Date of 
Death 20: 1: 1915. 
(c) No. 421, Pte. P.E. Carlton, 15th Battalion,  
Fourth Infantry Brigade, enlisted 1st Military  
District (Pneumonia).  Date of death 24-1-15. 
2. (a) Colonel G. de L. Pyrie, (Commanding 2nd Light 
Horse Brigade, A.I.F) on Transport "A29" ("Suevic") 
assumed command, as Senior Military Officer of the Convoy
Detachment consisting of Transports "A29", "A34" ("Persic")
and "A40" ("Ceramic") which left the Main Convoy at 8a.m.
on 12th instant and proceeded direct to Aden, arriving 
there on the afternoon of the 20th idem 
(b) The Senior Military Officer, Detached Convoy,
appointed Major T.J. Lynch, Brigade Major, 2nd Light Horse
Brigade, to act as Staff Officer. 
(c) The Detachment rejoined the Main Convoy on arrival
of the latter at Aden, on 23rd instant. 
3.  - (a) Vide Convoy Order No. 10, para. 1, for "MoHarry" 
(DEATH "A32") read "Meharry".


Convoy Order No. 12 ( Sheet 2)
Discharges and   
3. (b) With reference to the lists of "Discharges and 
Transfers" issued with Convoy Order No. 6 in connection 
with personnel landed from the Convoy at Albany, lists 
are amended as follows :-
(c) Discharge List Sheet 1, 5 4th item :-
(Dvr. P.A MacIntosh, No.7 Coy. A.A.S.C.)
in last column, For "A.35" read "A.39". 
(d) Transfer List Sheet 1, items 2 3 to 5 6 inclusive.  
(L.cpl. Hoy, Dvrs. Walker, Pike and Stringer, No. 7
Coy. A.A.S.C.) in last column, for "A.35 read "A.39". 
4. (a) Vide Convoy Order No. 6, para 2 and accompanying 
Transfer List, No. 1222 L.Cpl. E.G Hoy, No. 7 Coy. 
A.A.S.C (enlisted 2nd Military District) was landed at 
Albany, transferred to 5th Military District on 30th 
ultimo, but on same date rejoined the Convoy aboard
Transport "A.38".
(b) L.Cpl Hoy was transferred from "A.38" to
Transport "A.39" on 13th instant.   
5. - Vide Convoy Order No. 8, para 2 (b), Privates
G.A. Howes and O.F. McCarthy returned to "A.32"
(Themistocles) at Aden on 23rd inst. 
6. - The undermentioned discharges were approved by the 
Senior Military Officer, Detached Convoy (Colonel G.
de L. Ryrie) at Aden on 21st instant :-
* No. 51   Pte.  C. Whitlock, 6th L.H .Regt ) Enlisted
*  "     326   "      J.W. Weekley,      "               )  2nd M.D.
    "     455   "      M.C. Ridley,          "               ) Medically 
*  "      540  "      E.J.  Jones,            "              )  Unfit
*  "      559   "      G.R. Weekley,       "              )  *(Syphilis). 
(Hole punched out)EN. 
7. - The following transfers to the Military Hospital,
Aden, for special hospital treatment , were confirmed
by the Senior Military Officer, Detached Convoy (Colonel
G. de. L. Ryrie) on the 21st instant :-
No. 283  Pte. C.E. Cox,           5th L.H. Regt.   (enlisted 1st  
"      125     "      A.A Mitchell,          "                    (enlisted 1st  
                                                                                 Emphyema following                                                                                                                                                                                        on       
AT -  
8. - (a) With regard to the Landing of troops at Albany,
the following personnel was put ashore there without the
prescribed approval of the Senior Military Officer :- 
No. 1165, Sgt. C.H. Pugh, 1st Reinforcements, 11th
Battalion. (enlisted 5th Military District.)
Appendicitis.  Landed 30 : 12 : 14. 


Convoy Order No. 12. (Sheet 3.) 
AT. (CTD.) 
8. (Ctd.) -   
1st Reinforcements, 3rd L.H. Regt.
Landed at Albany 28 : 12 : 14. 
No. 604       Pte. W.N. Laurence, refusing to be 
"     609           "     W.H. Wade,                 -do- 
"     612            "     David Johnston,        -do- 
"     613            "      H.C. Goldsworthy,     -do- 
"     652           "      F. Mortimer,                -do- 
"     616            "     James Datson, refusing to be  
"     619             "     James Westbury,       -do- 
"     628            "     Frederic Patterson,   -do- 
"     631             "     R. O'Neill,                      -do- 
"     634            "     W.F. White,                  -do- 
1st Reinforcements, Field Artillary 
Brigade, landed at Albany, 29 : 12 : 14
Refusing to be inoculated. 
No. 3156    Pte.  J.W. Hoad,        1st Bde. 
 "     3107       "      L.C. Bird,              " 
 "      3115        "     A.G. Ford,             " 
 "       659       "      W.C. Collier,        " 
 "      3139       "      George Black,    " 
 "      3125       "      H.G. Oliver,          " 
 "      3131        "      D.F. Regan,         " 
 "      3226      "      J. Grace,            2nd Bde. 
 "      3350      "     Percy Hunt,      3rd Bde. 
 "      3337       "     D.W. Egan,          "  
(e)  FROM TRANSPORT "A .39".
Landed Albany 30 : 12 : 14 
No. 1112     Dvr.  D.C. Woodward, No. 6 Coy A.A.S.C. 
                                            Not likely to become an 
                                            efficient soldier. 
"  1077       "         W.C. Morris, No. 6 Coy. A.A. S.C. 
                                             Not Likely to become an 
                                             efficient soldier ; also  
                                             required medical treatment for 
 "   1124        "      J.C. Evans, Medically unfit. 6th A.S.C. 
 "   1269        "      M.J. Ryan, No. 7 Coy. A.S.C. 
                                              Medically unfit. (Primary  
(f) FROM TRANSPORT "A. 44".. Landed at Albany 31 : 12 : 14.
No. 3               Pte. W. Christie, 1st Mobile Section,
                                               Army Veterinary Corps,
                                               Medically Unfit. 
9. -  Vide Convoy Order No. 9, the District Court Martial 
Convened therein is hereby dissolved. 

(SGD.) J.P. McGLINN, Lt-Col. 
Staff Officer, 2nd Australian Convoy. 


Transport "A38", 
Port Said, 31-1-15. 
1. - The Senior Military Officer regrets to announce the following 
deaths which occurred at sea on the dates shewn :- 
(a) No. 870. Private Frederick Agutter, 15th
Battalion, 4th Infantry Brigade; enlisted
1st Military District (sunstroke). Date of
death 27-1-15 (off Suez).
(b) No. 156. Private Roy Vernon Jenkin, 15th
Battalion, 4th Infantry Brigade, enlisted 
1st Military District (Meningitis). Date
of death 30-1-15 (off Ismailia, Suez Canal). 
2. - The following transfer to Port Said for special hospital 
treatment was approved by the Senior Military Officer, Second 
Australian Convoy, at Port Said on January 30th:-
No. 507, James Alexander Stewart, 5th Light
Horse, Transport "A34" (enlisted 1st Military
District) Pneumonia. 
AT - 
3. - With regard to the landing of troops at Albany, the following 
personnel was put ashore there without the prescribed  
approval of the Senior Military Officer :- 
6th Light Horse Regiment.
Enlisted 2nd Military District. 
Landed at Albany 30-12-14. 
Capt. Russell, M.D. Temporarily Medically Unfit 
71 Tpr.  Michael, R.S. Medically unfit. 
234 "  Bennett, J.A  "   " 
321  "   Pierce, J.  Under age. 
466 "  Smith, A.S.  Medically unfit.. 
(Signed) J.P. McGLINN , Lieut.-Colonel, 
Staff Officer, Second Australian Convoy).   

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