Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 2, 1 February - 23 February 1915, Part 5

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
Accession number:

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Nurs (oemte.! 6th Light Norse Regiment. Enlieted Seoond Militery Dietriet. Ne. 51, Fte. C.Whitlock) Medioally Ne. 326. J.W. Weekley) unfit suffer- Ne.540. E. J.Jones ) ing from Ne.559. c.R.Weckley) Syphilis. Ne.455, . M.C.Nidley - Medieally unfit. (e) TBANSYIR OR PRRRONNrL. The following transfers to the Militery Nospital Aden, for special trestment, were confirmed by the Senier Militery Officer of the Detached Convoy on the 2lst instant ith Light Horse Regiment Enlisted First Military District. Ne. 283, Pte. C.E.Cox (Pneumonis) Ne. 125. " A.A.Mitchell (Enryems supervening measles). URRRYoN 3 The convoy sailed from Aden et 4-45p.m. om 23ri ultime uux. end meved is three divisions, the formetion being :- sCeramie" eulyssss" "themistesles" esuevie" "Vestalie "Borda' ePersie' 'Ajana" "Villechra") N.- 25. 4e2 "Verdals") Zomnd eFt. Macqusrie". eKtof Garter") Transports The "Berrime" was detained at Aden for about 23 hours ewing to her ancher contscting with a submarise telegraph cable, and the tow-line of S ubmarine 'Ak2" fouling her ("Berrima") starboard propeller. Ihe "Ayrshire" was also detsined for a similer peried through her condensers leaking. 4. . I regret to report the fellewing deethe chich eccurred nuinnd. einee the date of my last despatch !- (4) Ne.418, Fte. Albert Jehn Yates. Aged 21, 5th Light Horse Regt., Enlisted let Military Dietriet, Transport "A34" ("Persie"), Died 3-30e.m. 16-1-15, Buried at ses 8s.m. 16-1-15 (Meaeles and Fneumonis) Vide Appendix "B". (6) No.1211, Pte. Harold Glen Rebinson, Age 194. 16th Battn., eth Inf. Brigede, Enlisted eth Militery Dietrict, Transport 'Atoe ('Ceramie"), Died 11-55p.m. 20-1-15, Buried 4p.m. 21-1-15 in Romen Cathelie cection of Aden cemetry, Grave Mo.243 (Measlos and Pneumonis) - Vide Appeadix 'C".
AUS urarns (Conti.) Nratrn ox unars. (c) Ne.421, Fte.Fhilip Edward Carlten, Age 2iyrs.7 mths. 15th Battalion, eth Inf. Bie., Enlisted lat Military Diet. Transport "Ato" ("Cernmie") Died 1-454.m. 24-1-15, Buried et coe noon 24-1-15 (Pneumonia) - vide Appendix 'De. Ne.870, rte. Frederiek Agutter, Aged 277. a) 15th Bettelion, eth Inf. Ede., Enlieted lat Military Dietriet, Died 5-35p.m.,27-1-15. Buried at sea öp.m. 27-1-15 (Sunstroke) Transport 'A4O" ("Ceramic"). Viee Appendix" No.156. Pte. Roy Vernon Jenkin, Aged 20 e) years 4 mths., 15th Bettalion, eth Inf. Bde., Transpert Fnlisted let Military District, 30-1-15 in "44oe ("Cerasie") Died 6-504.m. Sues Canal, body landed at Fort Seid 30-1-15 and taken over by Militery Authorities for burial on shore (Meningitis) - Vide Appendix "F'. The above deceased were duly buried with Military Nonore; in the ease of these buried et ses the fleet stopping for a few minutes. I attsch a complete schodule shewing all deathe during the voyage Melbourne te Alexandris (vide Appendix .). 5. (a) Cenerally spoaking, and taking into consideration the numerical strength, the health of the troops has been excellent. (x) Vith regard to the two appendieitis cases trans¬ ferred from Transport "437" to the Flagehip on the 22nd ultimo (vide paragraph 9(b) of my despatch of 23-1-15), these cases were operated on by the Senier Medical Officer of the Convoy (Lieut.-Colonel J.L.Beeston, V.D.), and I am ploased to say they are making satisfaetery progrees. The names of the men referred to are as followe :- (1) No.3154, Gunner T. MoQualter, let Refte. Field Artillery, let Brigede. (11) No.3122, Driver N. MoNaughten, let Refte. Field Artillery, lst Brigede.
- pruinn or (c) Vith resari to Liet. Diee of 7th Light Horse, IRO 8. cho was reported to be cuffering frem eppendieitis, and cho wes consequently trassferred at Colombo to the Flegehip (vide paragraph 111) of sy despatch of 23-1-15). The case was diagnosei as Disphragmatio Fleurisy by the Seeier Medical Officer of the Convey, and I am pleased to report that an operation was not found scoessery; the pationt hes sace cetisfactery progress and it is intended he shall rejein his Regiment et finel port of disembarkstion. (d) Privates Nowes and MoCarthy, "De Company, lst Reinforcements, eth Battalion, lst Infantry Brigade (viie peragraph 1(1) of my despatch of 23-1-15), were net operated en, and rejeined Transport "A32” at Aden on 23rd ultime. srnisii jrsunur- 6. (a) In view of the number of deeths thet occurred muss synndyngur: on Transport "432" ("Themistecles"), errangenents were mede to transfer Lieut.-Celonel Bean (A.M.C.) from the "Dorda" to the "Themistocles" for the purpose of aseisting the Medical Officer en the latter transport, and the transfer wes effected at sca on the 22nd ultime. As mentioned in paragraph 9(c) of my despetch of 23-1-15, I arranged for the Ship's Surgeon to assist the Militery Medical Offieer as there was a large nuaber of caces in the hospital. 16) On errival at Aden, Lieut.-Colonel Beeston, Senier Medicel Officer of the Cosvoy spécially visited the "Themistocles" and reperted that the epidemie of pacumonis appeared to be a particularl severe one and had enteiled a greet deal of work en the Militery Medical Offieer of the ship, and as there was still a number of serieus eases ef racumonis to be deelt with he
aul. recommended, as a special ease, that the services of the Chip's Surgeon be retained until the end of the voyage. In view of the report of the Senier Medical offieer, copy ettached (vide Appendix "H'), I erranged with the Principal fransport Officer of the Convey fer retention of the serviees of the Ship's Surgeon on the "Themistocles" until arrivel at pert of dis- embarkation. (c) Lieut.-Colenel Bean returned to the "Borda" at Sues on the 2öth ultime, previously reporting that the conditions on the "Themistocles" were quite setisfactery. 7. (a) The Convoy arrived at Zues at ea.m. on the 28th ultime, anchering a short distamce from the mouth of the canal. (x) Captain Wood of the Embarkation Staff, Sues, came aboard the Flagship at lle.m. (28th) with instructions from Hoadquartere, Ceiro, for a staff Offieer from cach of the Brigades to be despatched that night to Geire. Arrangemente were made for Celonel Ryrie, Commanding Second Light Horse Brigade, to comply with the instruction, and Cartain Jess was despatched as Staff Officer representing the Brigade under my cosmand. (c) TRARSPORT cAAl". Transport 'hel", which remained at Albeny, when the convoy left on 3lst Decomber last, owing to a fire in her bunkers (vide reragraph l(e) of my despatch of 13-1-15), rejeined the convey at Sues carly on the morning of the 29th ultime. (4) Ne chore leeve vas granted chile at Sues.
AUS t pzixr uxyhor LSMAILLA xxr giln. 10. -6 8. . The convoy left Sues at 8-45a.m. en the 29th ultise, arriviag at Issmilis at 4-jöp.m. os same date, anchoring for the night. The passage along the canal was one of much interest and was quite an education for all ranks, as carthworks of considerable magnituie were thrown up at sumerous peints along the banks of the canal, these poste being held mainly by Indian troope. During the passage along the canal the following were passed :- Britich Bettleship "Ocean" Auniliafy Armed Cruiser "Kimalaya". Orient Mail Steacer "Orsova? P.M O.Steamer "Pereis" Japanese Mail Steamer "Suwe Maru Second Class Cruiser "Requin" (French). The convoy left Ismailie at 8-15a.m. on the 3Oth ultimo and arrived at Port Said et 3-13p.m., the came date passing en route the Britich Oum Bost eClie" and Battleship "Swifteur.", the latter flying the flag ef Viee-Admiral Sir L.R.Pierce, K.C.B., n.v.0. () The reception accorded te the convoy at Fort Said vas most enthusiastie. Shertly after arrival Major Barrett, Registrar, lst Australian Ceneral Hospital, visited the whole of the transperte ef the convoy and gave instruetione with e viee to preventing the spread of venereal diecase. A Staff Offieer also breught abeard the instrue- tiene regarding disemberhation at Alexandrie. () aOn arrival at Port Seid o.C.Troope "A34" reported that he hed a very serieue case of pncumonis on board chich would require trans-
AUS ARRIVAL AT ALxXANDRIA. DFPARTURE OY STAFE AED DFTAILS FROM aixxinpply. ARRIVAL AT CAIRO. ferriag to hospital on shore. The Senior Medioal Officer of the Convoy vieited the "Fersic" and concurred in the recommendation. Aecordingl No.507. James Alexander Stewart, 5th Light Horee Regiment, was traneforred to the Infec- tious Diseases Hospital at Port Said et 6p.m. en the 30th ultimo. 4 cony of the Convoy Order referring te the transfer has been posted to the Commandant, lst Militery Distriet. 11. - Za. Tlagehip of the Convey (438) left For. Said at 12-45a.m. on the 3lst ultime, the other transporte follewing independently efter completing coaling and watering. 12. - Le Thaguhip arrived et Alemandria st 3-30p.M. on 3ist ultime and on being berthed was poaxted by Disembarkation and ether Offieers. 13. In aecordance with instruetions from Headquar- ters Gaire, in company with Brigade Headquarters personnel I left Alexandris et 10-10a.m. on ist instant. The same train cerried half of the 13th Battelien. 14. - The train referred to in preeeding paragraph arrived at Caire at 3-15p.m. on let instant, the details were detrained at Helmia Siding, and, heeded by e band of the Nes Zealand Infantry, were marched inte camp pitched at Aerodrome on the outskirts of Heliepolis.
A -8- HORSES LOST. 15. - In continuation of paragraph 22 of my despatch of 13th ultimo (from Colombo) I append figures shewing the total number of horses lost !- embarkation and (a) between port of first Colombo (b) between Colombe and Alexandris (c) total for the whole voyage. --- t L Lost between lost between port of first Transport Colombo e on disembarkation voyage. Alexandris. and Colombo. 429e ('Suevie") "A30" ('Borda' Ajana) 431 . ("Themistocles") 433' ('Ayrshir." "434" ("Persie 435" ('Berrima" eA3 432 438. (Ulyeses") 4394 ('Pt. Macquarie") d . ("Coramie l e442 Ae 1 1 e444" ("Vestalia") - ------------- 24 6 Total -1 No horses shipped. Farticulars as to between what ports these horses died ere not obtainable, consequently figures shewn in total column only. Since date of my last despatch fine weather and smooth WMATHER 16. CONDITIONS ceas continued. - I would strongly recommend in connection with the despetch SFNIOR MED- 17. ICAL OFFICER. of any further Convoys that the Senior Medicel Officer of the Convoy should travel on the same transport as the Senior Militar, Officer, as numerous cuestions arise requiring conference between the two Officers referred to.
-5 cowvoY TRooPs 18. - Nach troopship on arrival at Alexandris was boarded CEIERALLY. by a Disembarkation Officer with definite orders for respec- a tive o's C. Troope. The work of disembarking carried out independently and troope similarly transported to their respective destinations. My duty as Senier Mili- tary Officer therefore ceased on errival at Alezandria. 19. - I desire to place on record my sincere and grateful CONVOY FLAG- SHIPC.M.A.T. appreciation of the splendid manner in which the Officers Ulyssrs SHIP'S FERSOY- and erew of the Flagship have cared for the comfort and XL well-being of the troope during the voyage. My thanks are especially due to Captain Barber, the Master of the ship, whose unfailing courtesy and thoughtful consideration have contributed so greatly to the success and safety of the veyage, both as regarde the personal comfort of the troops ani their efficient training while at sea. 20. - I cannot close this series of reports winout a refer- CONCLUSION. ence to the exemplary services of Lieut.-Colonel J.F.Mcclinn, V.D., as staff Offioer to the Convoy. Throughout the voyage he has carried out the heavy staff werk with untiring industry and precision, with a completeness and efficiency which has left nothing to be desired. 3blrtrsnant Colonel Senier Military Officer, Second Australian Convoy.
APPEXDICE: eere A. Cony of report ef Colonel Ryrie, Senier Military Officer of Detached Convoy. 3. Copy ef report reccived re death of Private A.J.Yates. .. . . . . H.G.Robinson. D. . . P.N.Carlton. . . . Y.Agutter. .. . . . . . R.V.Jenkin. c. Schedule shewing deathe on voyage. 3. Copy of report of Senior Medical Officer re Ship's Surgeon on Transpoxt "432" assisting Military Medical Officer. I. Copies of Convoy Orders Nos. 12 and 13. J. Log Record.
Av vrapul i N.M.A.Transport '429" ('Suevio") Aden, 23rd Januery, 1915. fir. I have to report as folloes regarding the peried I w Senier Militery offieer of the Detached convoy consisting of Transports "429", '43." and 'Aco". The Convoy as abeve deteched from the mein convoy at ön.m. on the 12th January 1915 at sea and proceeded to Aden, arriving there at 1 p.m. on the 20th Januery, 1915. Nothing ef importance occurred till the 16th Jany. shen Ne.418 Privete Albert John Yates of the 5th Light Horse Regiment died on boerd Transport "A3." (at cca) at 3-20a.m. as a result of pneumonia supervening an attack of moasles and was buried at eea. On the 20th January No. 1211 Private N.C.Robinson of the 16th Infantry Battalion died on boerd Transport "A40" while at anchor in Aden harbour as a result of meacles and pncumonis. Mie remmine were interred on shore with Militery honours. Ihe Military Offieers commending troope on the various Transports reported to meon arrival at Aden and I communicsted with the Brigadier Ceneral commanding troope on chore in eccordance with King's regulations. Every assistance and courtesy was at once extended to the officere and men of the Australims Convoy by the G.O.C. and staff at Aden andvas much appreciated by all concerned Ihe deathe were cabled to the A.G. Melbeurne, and the relatives of the d eceased communicated eith by letter. The following is a cummary of casualties in men and horses to date : a14 440 422 Deutha wen il ie Herses Lick Men 3 il Horees Nil Medically Unfit Discharged Nil Insane Vil wil Under age. Dischared 1 il Mil The fellewing are the particulars of the perconnel landed at Aden:- aysovinarn Vonereal Dieas Ne. 51 Pte. C.Whitlock 6th L.H.Regt. J.v.Veekley 326 435 N.C.Fidley 540 X.J.Jones Venereal Dieese. G.R.Veckley 559 The following men were sent on shore to the Military hospital for treatsent from Transport "A34" (Persie). Ne.125 fte. Allen Archibald Mitchell, 5th L.H.Regt., cuffering from Emphyseme. Ne. 283 " Charles Edward Cox, 5th L.M.Regt., suffering from) Pneumonis.


ADEN (Contd.)

6th Light Horse Regiment.
Enlisted Second Military District.
No. 51, Pte. C.Whitlock ) Medically
No.326,  "  J.W. Weekley) unfit suffering
No.540,  "  E. J.Jones )  from
No.559,  "  G.R.Weekley) Syphilis.

No.455,  "  M.C.Ridley - Medically unfit.

(e) TRANSFER OF PERSONNEL. The following transfers to
the Military Hospital Aden, for special treatment, were
confirmed by the Senior Military Officer of the Detached
Convoy on the 2lst instant :-
5th Light Horse Regiment.
Enlisted First Military District.
No.283, Pte. C.E.Cox (Pneumonia)
No.125,   "  A.A.Mitchell (Empyema supervening measles).



3. - The convoy sailed from Aden et 4-45p.m. on 23rd ultimo
and moved is three divisions, the formation being :-


"Ceramic" "Ulysses" "Themistocles"
"Suevic" "Vestalia" "Borda"
"Persic" "A37" "Ajana"
"Willechra") New "A36" "A42"
"Verdala") Zealand   "Pt. Macquarie".
"Kt.of Garter") Transports    

The "Berrima" was detained at Aden for about 23 hours
owing to her anchor contacting with a submarine telegraph
cable, and the tow-line of S ubmarine "AE2" fouling her
("Berrima") starboard propeller.
The "Ayrshire" was also detained for a similar period
through her condensers leaking.

4. - I regret to report the following deaths which occurred
since the date of my last despatch :-
(a) No.418, Pte. Albert John Yates, Aged 21, 5th
Light Horse Regt., Enlisted 1st Military District,
Transport "A34" ("Persic"), Died 3-30a.m. 16-1-15,
Buried at sea 8a.m. 16-1-15 (Measles and Pneumonia) -
Vide Appendix "B".
(b) No.1211, Pte. Harold Glen Robinson, Age 19½, 16th
Battn., 4th Inf. Brigade, Enlisted 4th Military
District, Transport 'A40" ("Ceramic"), Died 11-55p.m.
20-1-15, Buried 4p.m. 21-1-15 in Roman Catholic
section of Aden cemetry, Grave No.243 (Measles and
Pneumonia) - Vide Appendix "C". 



DEATHS (Contd.)
(c) No.421, Pte. Philip Edward Carlton, Age 24yrs.7 mths.
15th Battalion, 4th Inf. Bde., Enlisted 1st
Military Dist. Transport "A40" ("Ceramic")
Died 1-45a.m. 24-1-15, Buried at sea noon
24-1-15 (Pneumonia) - vide Appendix "D".

(d) No.870, Pte. Frederick Agutter, Aged 27½
15th Battalion, 4th Inf. Bde., Enlisted 1st
Military District, Died 5-35p.m., 27-1-15.
Buried at sea 8p.m. 27-1-15 (Sunstroke) -
Vide Appendix "E". Transport "A4O" ("Ceramic").

(e) No.156, Pte. Roy Vernon Jenkin, Aged 20
years 4 mths., 15th Battalion, 4th Inf. Bde.,
Enlisted 1st Military District, Transport
"A40" ("Ceramic") Died 6-50a.m. 30-1-15 in
Suez Canal, body landed at Fort Said 30-1-15
and taken over by Military Authorities for
burial on shore (Meningitis) - Vide Appendix "F".

The above deceased were duly buried with Military
Honors; in the case of these buried at sea the fleet
stopping for a few minutes.

I attach a complete schedule showing all deaths
during the voyage Melbourne to Alexandria (vide Appendix

5. (a) Generally speaking, and taking into consideration
the numerical strength, the health of the troops has been
(b) With regard to the two appendicitis cases transferred

from Transport "A37" to the Flagship on the 22nd
ultimo (vide paragraph 9(b) of my despatch of 23-1-15),
these cases were operated on by the Senior Medical Officer
of the Convoy (Lieut.-Colonel J.L.Beeston, V.D.), and I
am pleased to say they are making satisfactory progress.
The names of the men referred to are as follows :-
(i) No.3154, Gunner T. McQualter, 1st Refts.,
Field Artillery, 1st Brigade.
(ii) No.3122, Driver R. McNaughton, 1st Refts.,
Field Artillery, 1st Brigade. 



(c) with regard to Lieut. Bice of 7th Light Horse,
who was reported to be suffering from appendicitis, and
who was consequently transferred at Colombo to the
Flagship (vide paragraph 1(i) of my despatch of 23-1-15).
The case was diagnosed as Diaphragmatic Pleurisy by the
Senior Medical Officer of the Convoy, and I am pleased
to report that an operation was not found necessary;
the patient has made satisfactory progress and it is
intended he shall rejoin his Regiment at final port of

(d) Privates Howes and McCarthy, "D" Company, 1st
Reinforcements, 4th Battalion, 1st Infantry Brigade
(vide paragraph 1(i) of my despatch of 23-1-15), were
not operated on, and rejoined Transport "A32” at Aden
on 23rd ultimo.


6. (a) In view of the number of deaths that occurred
on Transport "A32" ("Themistocles"), arrangements were
made to transfer Lieut.-Colonel Bean (A.M.C.) from the
"Borda" to the "Themistocles" for the purpose of assisting
the Medical Officer on the latter transport, and the
transfer was effected at sea on the 22nd ultimo. As
mentioned in paragraph 9(c) of my despatch of 23-1-15,
I arranged for the Ship's Surgeon to assist the Military
Medical Officer as there was a large number of cases in
the hospital.

(b) On arrival at Aden, Lieut.-Colonel Beeston,
Senior Medical Officer of the Convoy specially visited
the "Themistocles" and reported that the epidemic of
pneumonia appeared to be a particularly severe one and
had entailed a great deal of work on the Military Medical
Officer of the ship, and as there was still a number of
serious cases of pneumonia to be dealt with he 



recommended, as a special case, that the services of
the Ship's Surgeon be retained until the end of the
voyage. In view of the report of the Senior Medical
Officer, copy attached (vide Appendix "H"), I arranged
with the Principal Transport Officer of the Convoy
for retention of the services of the Ship's Surgeon
on the "Themistocles" until arrival at port of disembarkation.

(c) Lieut.-Colonel Bean returned to the "Borda"
at Suez on the 28th ultimo, previously reporting that
the conditions on the "Themistocles" were quite

7. (a) The Convoy arrived at Suez at 4a.m. on the
28th ultimo, anchoring a short distance from the
mouth of the canal.
(b) Captain Wood of the Embarkation Staff, Suez,
came aboard the Flagship at 11a.m. (28th) with
instructions from Headquarters, Cairo, for a Staff
Officer from each of the Brigades to be despatched
that night to Cairo. Arrangements were made for
Colonel Ryrie, Commanding Second Light Horse Brigade,
to comply with the instruction, and Captain Jess was
despatched as Staff Officer representing the Brigade
under my command.

(c) TRANSPORT "A41". Transport "A41", which
remained at Albany, when the convoy left on 3lst
December last, owing to a fire in her bunkers (vide
Paragraph 1(c) of my despatch of 13-1-15), rejoined
the convoy at Suez early on the morning of the 29th

(d) No shore leave was granted while at Suez. 



8. - The convoy left Suez at 8-45a.m. On the 29th
ultimo, arriving at Ismailia at 4-38p.m. on same
date, anchoring for the night.
The passage along the canal was one of much
interest and was quite an education for all ranks,
as earthworks of considerable magnitude were thrown
up at numerous points along the banks of the canal,
these posts being held mainly by Indian troops.
During the passage along the canal the following
were passed :-
British Battleship "Ocean".
Auxiliary Armed Cruiser "Himalaya".
Orient Mail Steamer "Orsova".
P. & O.Steamer "Persia".
Japanese Mail Steamer "Suwa Maru".
Second Class Cruiser "Requin" (French).

9. - The convoy left Ismailia at 8-15a.m. on the
30th ultimo and arrived at Port Said at 3-15p.m.,
the same date passing en route the British Gun Boat
"Clio" and Battleship "Swiftsure", the latter flying
the flag of Vice-Admiral Sir L.R.Pierce, K.C.B.,

10. (a) The reception accorded to the convoy at Port
Said was most enthusiastic.
Shortly after arrival Major Barrett, Registrar,
1st Australian General Hospital, visited the whole of
the transports of the convoy and gave instructions
with a view to preventing the spread of venereal
A Staff Officer also brought aboard the instructions
regarding disembarkation at Alexandria.

(b) TRANSFER TO HOSPITAL. On arrival at Port Said
O.C.Troops "A34" reported that he had a very serious
case of pneumonia on board which would require transferring 



to hospital on shore.
The Senior Medical Officer of the Convoy visited
the "Persic" and concurred in the recommendation.
Accordingly No.507, James Alexander Stewart, 5th
Light Horse Regiment, was transferred to the Infectious
Diseases Hospital at Port Said at 6p.m. on the
30th ultimo.
A copy of the Convoy Order referring to the
transfer has been posted to the Commandant, 1st
Military District.

11. - The Flagship of the Convoy ("A38") left Port
Said at 12-45a.m. on the 3lst ultimo, the other
transports following independently after completing
coaling and watering.

12. - The Flagship arrived at Alexandria at 3-30p.m.
on 31st ultimo and on being berthed was boarded by
Disembarkation and other Officers.

13. - In accordance with instructions from Headquarters
Cairo, in company with Brigade Headquarters
personnel I left Alexandria at 10-10a.m. on 1st
The same train carried half of the 13th

14. - The train referred to in preceding paragraph
arrived at Cairo at 3-15p.m. on 1st instant, the
details were detrained at Helmia Siding, and, headed
by a band of the New Zealand Infantry, were marched
into camp pitched at Aerodrome on the outskirts of




15. - In continuation of paragraph 22 of my despatch of 13th
ultimo (from Colombo) I append figures showing the total number
of horses lost :-
(a) between port of first embarkation and
(b) between Colombo and Alexandria
(c) total for the whole voyage. 


Lost between

port of first


and Colombo.



Colombo &






"A29" ("Suevic") 8 1 9
"A30" ("Borda") 8 1 9
"A31" ("Ajana") 2 9 11
"A32" ("Themistocles") - - ₶
"A33" ("Ayrshire") 2 1 3
"A34" ("Persic") 5 4 9
"A35" ('Berrima") - - - ₶
"A36" 7 4 11
"A37" 7 - 7
"A38"  ("Ulysses") 0 0 0
"A39" ("Pt. Macquarie") 5 9
"A40" ("Ceramic") - - - ₶
"A41" - - 3 ÷
"A42" 5 - 5
"A43" - - 8 ÷
"A44" ("Vestalia") 14 - 14
Total 63 24 98

₶ No horses shipped
÷ Particulars as to between what ports these horses died are
not obtainable, consequently figures shewn in total column


16. - Since date of my last despatch fine weather and smooth
seas continued.

17. - I would strongly recommend in connection with the despatch
of any further Convoys that the Senior Medical Officer of the
Convoy should travel on the same transport as the Senior Military
Officer, as numerous questions arise requiring conference
between the two Officers referred to. 


18. - Each troopship on arrival at Alexandria was boarded
by a Disembarkation Officer with definite orders for respective
O's C. Troops. The work of disembarking is to be ∧was
carried out independently and troops similarly transported
to their respective destinations. My duty as Senior Military
Officer therefore ceased on arrival at Alexandria.


19. - I desire to place on record my sincere and grateful
appreciation of the splendid manner in which the Officers
and Crew of the Flagship have cared for the comfort and
well-being of the troops during the voyage. My thanks
are especially due to Captain Barber, the Master of the
ship, whose unfailing courtesy and thoughtful consideration
have contributed so greatly to the success and safety of the
voyage, both as regards the personal comfort of the troops
and their efficient training while at sea.

20. - I cannot close this series of reports without a reference
to the exemplary services of Lieut.-Colonel J.P.McGlinn,
V.D., as Staff Officer to the Convoy. Throughout the
voyage he has carried out the heavy staff work with untiring
industry and precision, with a completeness and efficiency
which has left nothing to be desired.

John Monash
Senior Military Officer, Second Australian Convoy. 


 - - APPENDICES: - -
A. Copy of report of Colonel Ryrie, Senior Military Officer of
Detached Convoy.
B. Copy of report received re death of Private A.J.Yates.
C.  " " " " " " " " H.G.Robinson.
D.  " " " " " " " " P.E.Carlton.
E.   " " " " " " " " F.Agutter.
F.  " " " " " " " "  R.V.Jenkin.
G. Schedule showing deaths on voyage.
H. Copy of report of Senior Medical Officer re Ship's Surgeon
on Transport "A32" assisting Military Medical Officer.
I. Copies of Convoy Orders Nos. 12 and 13.
J. Log Record.


AW 3
H.M.A.Transport "A29" ('Suevic")
Aden, 23rd January, 1915.
I have to report as follows regarding the period I was
Senior Military Officer of the Detached Convoy consisting of
Transports "A29", "A34." and "A40".

The Convoy as above detached from the main convoy at
8a.m. on the 12th January 1915 at sea and proceeded to Aden,
arriving there at 1 p.m. on the 20th January, 1915.

Nothing of importance occurred till the 16th Jany.
when No.418 Private Albert John Yates of the 5th Light Horse
Regiment died on board Transport "A34" (at sea) at 3-20a.m. as
a result of pneumonia supervening an attack of measles and was
buried at sea.

On the 20th January No. 1211 Private H.G.Robinson of the
16th Infantry Battalion died on board Transport "A40" while at
anchor in Aden harbour as a result of measles and pneumonia.
his remains were interred on shore with Military honours.

The Military Officers commanding troops on the various
Transports reported to me on arrival at Aden and I communicated
with the Brigadier General commanding troops on shore in accordance
with King's regulations. Every assistance and courtesy was at
once extended to the officers and men of the Australian Convoy by
the G.O.C. and staff at Aden andwas much appreciated by all concerned

The deaths were cabled to the A.G.Melbourne, and the
relatives of the d eceased communicated with by letter.

The following is a summary of casualties in men and
horses to date : -

    A29 A34 A40
  Men Nil 1 1
  Horses 9 5 Nil
  Men 3 52 45
  Horses Nil 20 Nil
Medically Unfit      
  Discharged 8 Nil 19
Insane   1 Nil Nil
Under age Discharged 1 Nil Nil

The following are the particulars of the personnel landed at


No. 51 Pte. C.Whitlock 6th L.H.Regt. Venereal Disease.
  326 " J.W.Weekley " " "
  455 " H.C.Ridley "    
  540 " E.J.Jones " Venereal Disease.
  559 " G.R.Weekley " " "

The following men were sent on shore to the Military hospital
for treatment from Transport "A34" (Persic).
No.125 Pte. Allen Archibald Mitchell, 5th L.H.Regt.,
suffering from Emphysema.
No. 283 " Charles Edward Cox, 5th L.H.Regt., suffering from

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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