Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 2, 1 February - 23 February 1915, Part 4

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
Accession number:

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AUSTRALLAN DETTRLAL FOPCF. ---- FOURTR INFANTRY ERIGADE. -------- AXRODROMR CANP. MELIOPOLIS. 7-2-15. A.A.C. New Zealand a Australian Division. As I understand thet the Section of the Divisional Signal, Company which I brought from Australia, (atteched to this Brigade), will form part of the Divisional Signal Company of this Division, I would respeetfully submit thet the "abbreviated title" of this Unit, chich, as per Corpe Order 9 of 2-2-15 is shown as 'N.Z.Divl. Sig. Co." should be either "N.Z.M A. Divl.Sig. Co." or more eimply "Divl.Sig.Co." - so that the identity of the Australian section may not be lost; and similarly thet the Divisional Train, two of the four companies of which are supplied by Australis may for the same reason have as an abbreviated title either "N.Z.4 A.Div. Train or merely "Div.Train". Colonel. Commending Aus lien Infantry Brigade Mo. o
. ite Bus Aerodrome Carp. Heliopolis, [-2-15. Headquarters, N.Z. 1 Australian Division. In view of a direction given by the G.O.C. Division today to the general effect that the equipment of officers should conform to that of the men, I shall be glad to have detailed instructions a. to .hether the "Sam Browne" belte, at present on issue are to be withdrawn altogether; whether the complete web eluipment, is to be requisitioned for whether, in the latter case, issue to officers; the "Sam Browne" helt is to be retained for wear with swords as when on Quard duty, Church Parade, etc. I understand that these instructions do not apply to Mounted officers. lonel Commanding Fourth Infantry Brigade, A.I.F.
Git, Nofo Operakon Order ho Ay Tragor Genndd S R.L.Godky KEAG.CB Comindg N.2r Bust Horvoron WewHwa A 1t Feb. 1945 a Rebrende Mas o S Yooo Hetwar skedt) Kelretle Indhintie main free Informahon ensaged wich ennng RE OICAIRO and a hosile adsaner from dwrietienShtl i Badvance ovr CAIRo Mnon Srläntton wikk a ver 15 coobadhing wet SieTH Orvosien on 16 5 mit The Dimneen will march fünnss Movement tr order ot tnarch ao m atteched MARCH TASLF REFIIIINA POINT GIZA STATION Se4 Trine for hpiding bi he noktred later Rehzt 5 Keas, ot. MAUV BODY (vide attach 1 Vo Brauterrttite af .............. ae 7. 307 seueo o M.RBde 6 FABel WOLatsMR 2 rBee RE oo Hent Raltten iolunstln/ Bad Bohl o Zwlinn (o 6 Tran to to 3A
UNIT ADV. GURRD. Vor Rl Thvetb: M.R. Tadl FABdo (aas ? Baltorelorttnnn Colem- ja Trrt 2 GrsvT RB MRT4Aube MAUN BODI Pror1 at Ha srehort eente Glago Regt 2.7. Det Bdlllldo 2.vre) 92 6. RE 2Baltorile RFA Sorr Balten Gust rtBdd Sat gäuauo an atamaili Duüsor MARCH TABLE. S. P. ROUTE HOUR EL MNSARA Roat Tobe deor MAADI SOLD 6 5P punehro CAIRO - S4ARIA 25 0 mehre of 630. Ath Wert o RBBRS - STATTON WAL DI SOUARS PALACE 7. At 9 Ir Ator 9. 12 Am 9 35. aun. 7. 50. dun, 8. Ah. 8. 3. aun REMARKS 34 Trovf forslianced Bart 8 60 au
UNIT N7 72 Auber. Aust Tlunle PPsdilbors Seualt 1. 4. 77 Aulre Arißde lun bil Bu Aumn bol Th Saw älkap aw atsrauis Drüsor MARCH TABLE. S P. Houg HOUR 8.50 aen G O Len G.10. Ain 9 45 aun. 10 6 din. 105 aih 10.35 au REMARKS
10 Gg de Oforctinn Adef N9 r Bolmel pomste VP Heastorbire Commanding if Pavnganseg Bingpie Naw HEtwan u Tehy iges Haference- Mop EGYPT S GELURN SNEET eliahle. Sdürstas hain Thse enaaged nrch Srtomnstr Cneng NRT EAST G CHiRO aud a tialle avVance frun derectn + SE7 Jprderhin 10 advance on CAIRO tmonns Oikr 5. (desd. Ihe Bugade taas Tuld amnhrlanes and Tram till paas ita Srodriue Pier at No3 See DuSgly 8- 3ugm follming su heav +Jfowitte 134 Bn ATTEAY 1t Tte Anstoolheiis Trald dnsherdanke wilt folin aub 6 Hra N. t. Sral) Aubrlavie, pradu STTNR Hinr at gum Bngade train wsile follos Duunsl Ainnnnitn Girlunn aud pass tho STansc Posr at to 35 an Starting Paruf Road juncha 230 melass WEST Of WALOA PALACH Supplie Refülleng Hiet GIZASTOTON. Regiläing Tine 6o te nstifred lalar,
II Certur Ba ( w Ni Culiimi) Rpunts 70 haa) + Brigade ätbun bil Spis nsi nstvolrie int oh i Tihe i VGnin e Jni. S tgosdeiins o deg ispon Thrs Batat t o i y seh e t 8-15 /ri 154 i14 tet t oc Tal) Avatvlegse
13 q7 Iskvetins t Sarpinde Billting Partin Vede Opøratiine Arder 9: It 1--1 Harzwentsl Irllehng festes Wide 75R Särt £ S1 Ertpoad ad Dvrsconel Lorinnig Inetonetivos pare 2re (rageb, arle wil at nnI Ssartung, Pornt at 6- 15 am T.S Aäthwinr forie erregid tag Cipg No t Tile Cipg Sr 2) to Bømnimddtspe 3 S hat Grrshen hde etuted + Ot Ryoonatshire gtrati 3- Sfhn s Sonigkefol Bvernegan 14
uurs. Ee kekend Skerd Cotn fir ethetn Aerodrome Camp Heliopolis (Egypt). 15th February, 1915. Seoretary for Defenee, Neadquartere, FEPORT OF SENIOR MILITARY OYYICER, SECOMD AUSTRALLAN COEvOY. ------ Anx TO CAIRO. --. 00. 1. - In continustion of my despatch dated Aden, 23rd January, 1915, I have to report as felless :- 2. (a) The convey errived at Aden on the 23rd dann, the ceveral transports entering the harbeur and anchoring some three er feur miles off the toen at 9-30a.m., with the exception of 433' ('Ayrchire") chich did net arrive until noon, and "Adl" and '44j" en route from Albany. (x) nrracke coxx. The three transporte, namely 'Ceramie", "Suevic" and "Persie", thet vere detached from the main convey en 12-1-15 (vide paragraphe 1 (b) and 24 of my despatch of 13-12-14), arrived et Aden en the afternoon of the 20th ultimo and rejeined the mein convoy st Aden on the 23rd idem. A copy of the report of Colonel Ryrie, Senier Military Officer ef the Detached Convoy will be found ettached marked 'Appendix 'A'". (.) LraYz. No shore leave was granted at Aden. (Mails were sent ashore with Kealth Offieer, but not any were reeeived). (a) nischandrs. The fellowing discharges were approved by the Senier Militery Offieer of the Detached Convoy at Aden on 21-1-13 :-

HELIOPOLIS, 7-12-15. 
New Zealand & Australian Division. 

As I understand that the Section of the Divisional Signal
Company which I brought from Australia, (attached to this Brigade),
will form part of the Divisional Signal Company of this Division,
I would respectfully submit that the "abbreviated title" of this
Unit, which, as per Corps Order 9 of 2-2-15 is shown as "N.Z. Div1.
Sig. Co." should be either "N.Z.& A. Div1. Sig. Co." or more simply
"Div1. Sig. Co." - so that the identity of the Australian section
may not be lost; and similarly that the Divisional Train, two of
the four companies of which are supplied by Australia may for the
same reason have as an abbreviated title either "N.Z.& A. Div. Train
or merely "Div. Train". 

Commanding Australian Infantry Brigade



Aerodrome Camp.
Heliopolis, 8-2-15. 

N.Z. & Australian Division. 

In view of a direction given by the G.O.C.
Division today to the general effect that the
equipment of officers should conform to that of
the men, I shall be glad to have detailed instructions
as to (a) whether the "Sam Browne" belts, at present on
issue are to be withdrawn altogether; (b) whether the
complete web equipment is to be requisitioned for 
issue to officers; (c) whether, in the latter case,
the "Sam Browne" belt is to be retained for wear, 
with swords as when on Guard duty, Church Parade, etc.
I understand that these instructions do not apply to
Mounted Officers. 

Commanding Fourth Infantry Brigade, A.I.F. 


Copy No. 10 
Operation Order No. 7
Major General Sir A.J. Godley K.C.M.G.C.B 
Commdq N.Z & Aust Division 
7.38 pm 
14.2.15 CAD 

14 Feb. 1915 

Reference Map of Egy Egypt 1/50000 
(HELWAN sheet) 
Information    Reliable Indicates main force 
engaged with enemy N.E. of CAIRO 
and a hostile advance from direction SUEZ 
Intention     is to advance on CAIRO tomorrow 
with a view to cooperating with 
SIXTH Division on 16th inst 

Movements    The Division will march tomorrow 
in order of march as in attached 

Time for refilling to be notified later 
Reports    to head of MAIN BODY 
(vide attached) 
W Braithwaite
Recd 7.38pm 
to OC Adrfd 
to M R Bde 
to FA Bde 
to Otago MR 
to NZ Inf Bde 
to CRE 
to How Battery 
to Aust Inf Bde 
to L H Bde 
to Div Amm Col 
to Train 



O.C. Col A H Russell 
Troops M.R. Bde 
FA Bde (less 2 
Batteries & Amm Columns 
Fd Troop 
2 Bns NZ Inf Bde 
MR Fd Ambe
To be clear 
of S.P. 
at 6.30 
250 metres 
west of 
Fd Troop 
joins Advanced 
guard at 
6. am
MAIN BODY order of march)        
H.Q. & report centre 7. a.m.      
Otago M Regt 7.4 am.      
NZ Inf Bde (less 
7.12. a.m.      
Fd Co. RE 7.35. a.m.      
2 Batteries RFA 7.50. a.m.      
How Battery 8. a.m.      
Aust Inf Bde 8.3. a.m      

UNIT                         PASS S.P.            S.P.         ROUTE        REMARKS 
N.Z. 7d Ambce.           8.50 am 
Aust 7d Ambce           9.0 am 
LH Bde (less                 9.10 am    
1 Squad)       
L.H. 7th Ambce           9.45 am 
Art Bde Amm Cols    10.0 am       
Div Amm Col               10.5 am 
Train                               10.35 am


Operation Order Copy No
By Colonel J Monash VD 
Commanding 4th Australian Infantry Brigade 
14th Feby 1915 
Reference - map EGYPT 1/50000 (HELWAN SHEET) 
1.  Reliable. Indicates Main Force engaged with 
Enemy NORTH EAST of CAIRO and a hostile 
advance from direction of SUEZ. 
Intention 2 To advance on CAIRO tomorrow. 
Order of March  
No3 Sec Div Sig Coy 
13th Bn 
14th  " 
15th  " 
16th "  
3 The Brigade less Field Ambulance and 
Train will pass the STARTING POINT at 
8- 3 am following in rear of HOWITZER 
The Australian Field Ambulance will follow 
the NZ Field Ambulance, and passing the STARTING 
POINT at 9am 
Brigade Train will follow Divisional 
Ammunition Column and pass the 
STARTING POINT at 10.35 a.m. 
Starting Point 4 Road Junction 250 metres WEST of WALDA PALACE 
Supplies 5 Refilling point GIZA STATION. Refilling 
Time to be notified later.


(Sheet 2) 
Copy No 3
Operation Order 
No 1 Continued 
Reports 6   To head of Brigade 
JP McGlinn L Col 
Bde Major 
Australian Inf Bde 
Copy No 1 File 
"  "  2} Divisional Headqrs 
"   " 3} by [[Bicyclist?]] Orderly 8.10pm 14.2.15 
Dictated to 
OC No 3 Section Div Sig Coy } 
Adjt 13th Bn } 
" 14th " } 
" 15th "  }        8.15pm 
" 16th "  }        14.2.15 
OC No 7 Coy ASC  } 
"   Field Ambulance  }


Copy No
Instructions to Regimental Billeting Parties 
Vide Operation Order No 1 of 14-2-15 
Regimental Billeting parties (Vide FSR 
Part I  51 Sub para 3 and Divisional 
Training Instructions para 24 (page 6) 
will assemble report to DAQ only at  
Starting Point at 6-15am 15-2-15 
JP McGlinn LT Col 
Bde Major 
4th Infy Bde 
Copy No 1 File 
Copy No 2   }    to Divisional Hqrs 
  "        "    3   }    with Operation Order No
Dictated to 
OC Representatives of Units 8-15pm 14-2-15 
J P McGlinn L Col 
Bde Major 


Copy for retention, for personal record. 

Aerodrome Camp, 
Heliopolis (Egypt), 
15th February, 1915. 
Secretary for Defence, 

1. - In continuation of my despatch dated Aden, 23rd

January, 1915, I have to report as follows:-
ADEN  2. (a) The convoy arrived at Aden on the 23rd ult instant, the several transports entering the harbour and anchoring some 
three or four miles off the town at 9-30a.m., with the exception 
of "A33" ("Ayrshire") which did not arrive until noon, and 
"A41" and "A43" en route from Albany.
(b) DETACHED CONVOY. The three transports, namely  
"Ceramic", "Suevic" and "Persic", that were detached from 
the main convoy on 12-1-15 (vide paragraphs 1(b) and 24 
of my despatch of 13-12-14), arrived at Aden on the afternoon 
of the 20th ultimo and rejoined the main convoy at Aden on 
the 23rd idem. A copy of the report of Colonel Ryrie, 
Senior Military Officer of the Detached Convoy will be found 
attached marked "Appendix 'A'".
(c) LEAVE. No shore leave was granted at Aden. (Mails 
were sent ashore with Health Officer, but not any were 
(d) DISCHARGES. The following discharges were approved 
by the Senior Military Officer of the Detached Convoy at Aden 
on 21-1-15 : - 

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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