Sir John Monash, Personal Files Book 2, 1 February - 23 February 1915, Part 1
Colonial Contingents in Egypt.
1. Correspondence.
All correspondence for War Office is to be sent through Army Headquarters.
2. Natives.
The ill-treatment of natives is a very serious offence, and all cases are to be fully investigated
and reported to Divisional Headquarters before disposal. (Egypt Standing Order No. 5.)
Men should be warned against striking natives, altercations with them should be carefully
avoided. They should be particularly warned against donkey-boys and dragomen, as most of these
know the English language and are apt to become familiar. Any complaints against them should
be made to the Military Police or the Cairo City Police. They should have as little dealing with
natives as possible, whose one idea is to make money out of them. All ranks can assist in helping
the police to prevent any unauthorised hawkers or natives entering the barracks or camp areas.
3. Bounds.
Copies of the "Out of Bounds" list are attached. The various places may be difficult to locate
but the Military Mounted Police are instructed to help and to be lenient with new comers.
4. Postal.
Military Post Office (G.P.O.) Cairo:
Hours—Week days ... ... ... 7.0 to 11.0 a.m., 4.0 to 6.0 p.m.
" Sundays and Holidays ... ... 7.0 to 10.0 a.m.
The Military Post Office is specially opened for the sorting of foreign mails arriving outside
the above hours. (E.S.O. No. 51.)
5. Postage Rates.
Official correspondence from one station to another in this country (including the Sudan) is
carried free, so long as it bears the office stamp of the office from which it originates and is franked
by an officer or non-commissioned officer. (E.SO. No. 53.)
6. Customs Regulations.
These are fully dealt with in Egypt Standing Orders 6l to 72.
7. Bathing.
Bathing in the River Nile is prohibited. (E.S.O. No. 92.)
8. Detention Barrack.
The Detention Barrack is at the Citadel, Cairo. The hour of admission and release is 2.0 p.m.
(E.S.O. 121.)
9. Telegrams and Cablegrams.
All Telegraph messages, except those emanating from Army Headquarters, Abbassia, will be
paid for in cash, recovery being made on Army Form P.1940.
No Cablegrams chargeable against the public will be dispatched except through Army Headquarters,
Abbassia, or G.O.C. Troops Office, Alexandria. (E.S.O. 165.)
10. Telegraphic Addresses.
The Telegraphic address of:-
G.OC. in Egypt, is "SUPERFLUX"
A.A. and Q.M.G ,, "ADULTNESS"
G.S.O. ,, "ALERT"
D.A.A and Q.M.G.,, "DAGLOCK"
A.D. of S. and T. ,, "CHIEFTAIN"
Chief Engineer "CHATTERING"
Other addresses are contained in E.S.O. No. 166.
11. Telephones.
Correspondence in connection with telephone systems should be addressed to the "Chief
Engineer." (E.S.O. No. 173).
12. Hawkers.
Number allowed to enter Camps to be restricted. (E.S.O. 224.)
13. Vegetables.
Vegetables which are eaten uncooked, and unpeeled fruit, should be well washed. Lettuce
and strawberries in this country are very liable to carry the germs of disease. (E.S.O. 226.)
14. Deaths and Funerals.
Instructions relating to deaths and funeral are contained in Egypt Standing Orders 231—242.
15. Movement of troops by land and sea, and Travelling Expenses.
Instructions on the matter are contained in Pages 41 -52. (Egypt Standing Orders.)
16. Medical Arrangements.
See Egypt Standing Orders 331—352.
17. Ordnance Depot.
Working Hours—Cairo. Summer:—6.0 to 8.0 a.m. 9.0 to 1.0 p.m.
" " Winter:—8.0 to 1.0 p.m. 2.0 to 4.30p.m. (except Saturdays.)
" " Alexandria. Summer :—6.0 to 8.0 a.m. 9.0 to 1.0 p.m.
,, " Winter:— 7.30 to 2.0 p.m.
The dates of change of season are notified in General Orders.
18. Pay Office.
The Command Pay Office is open for the payment and receipt of money from 9.0 a.m. to 12.
noon, daily, Sundays and holidays excepted. (E.S.O. 371.)
19. Forage.
See Egypt Standing Order 423.
20. Ration Scale.
The Field Service Ration is fixed for Egypt, as follows :—
1 lb. Meat.
1 lb. Bread.
5/8 oz. Tea.
½ lb. Vegetables.
¼ lb. Potatoes.
3 ozs. Sugar.
½ oz. Salt.
1/36 oz. Pepper.
1/20 oz. Mustard.
4 ozs. Bacon.
3 ozs. Cheese.
¼ lb. Jam.
As certain of these commodities are not obtainable in sufficient quantities for a daily issue, 6d.
a day will be granted as messing allowance. This is to be expended entirely on messing for variety.
The value of the ration in barracks will be 1s. 4d. : out of barracks, 1s. 5d.
The existing 3d. per diem messing allowance now credited in the individual accounts of
W.O.'s, N.C.O.'s and men will cease from above date, and they will not be charged any messing
In all cases where rations are drawn in kind, the 6d. a day will be drawn in bulk by O.C.
Units, calculated on the number of rations shewn against each Unit on A.F. F.743.
21. Tramways.
Soldiers in uniform travel in trams at half-fare. The following orders have been recently issued
with regard to travelling on trams :—
(i). N.C.O.'s and men who for any reason change from one tram to another must
invariably take two separate tickets.
(ii). They should provide themselves as far as possible with milliemes on account of the
difficulty in obtaining small change.
(iii). Men are specially cautioned against creating disturbances in trams, and wrangling or
interfering with any of the Company's servants. Any complaints should be forwared in writing
through the Commanding Officer giving full particulars as to the number of tram and servants
concerned. (All tram servants are numbered).
(iv). The Military Police have orders to prevent a man under the influence of drink from
riding on the trams.
(v). Men should never board trams in motion.
22. Native Servants.
Attention is drawn to the instructions contained in Egypt Standing Order 15, regarding the
employment of natives in barracks. Also to Appendix 9, regarding the medical treatment of
23. Wages of Natives.
The maximum wages paid to native servants, are as follows :
Body Servant...............................300 per month
Head Syce......................................250 ,,
Under Syce....................................200 ,,
Stable Boy .....................................150 ,,
24. Refreshments in Town.
N.C.O.'s and men should be warned about the drink they are given in the town; spirits
should be avoided — they are of inferior quality and have injurious effects. N.C.O.'s and men
should be told that good suppers and drinks can be obtained at the Soldiers' Club, and non-alcoholic
drinks and food at the Soldiers Home; both of these houses are in the Esbekieh District of Cairo.
Good refreshments can also be obtained at the British Soldiers' Café, Esbekieh Gardens.
25. Rule of the Road.
Men should be warned that the rule of the road is opposite to the English rule. All traffic
keeps to the right or off side of the road— when one vehicle overtakes another, it passes on the left
or near side of it.
26. Transport.
Attention should be drawn to Egypt Standing Order No. 231. Every public vehicle must
carry two lights which must be lit at sunset.
27. Pyramids.
N.C.O.'s and men stationed at Mena visiting the Pyramids there, may do so in clean fatigue
dress. All excavations in the vicinity of the Pyramids are out of bounds. (The area placed out of
bounds as "excavations" extends from the Water Tank Hut plateau inclusive—corner of 2nd Pyramid
28. Employment of natives.
No unauthorised persons are to be allowed in Camp. All natives and others employed should
be provided with passes, but these should be restricted as much as possible.
5th December, 1914.
C.B. LITTLE, Colonel,
A.A. & Q.M.G.
1.—ESBEKIEH (a). |
The Germania Café and Bar. The "Half Piastre Bar in Rowei Street, near Khazindar Square. |
(b.) Wassah ... |
} On account of assaults on soldiers returning to Abbassia. |
(c.) Bab-el-Charieh |
Sharia Tanbally. ... ... ... ... | Brothels. |
(d.) Clot Bey ... |
All the lanes and brothels on the right and left of Clot Bey Street except the first turning on the right coming from Khazindar Square ... ... ... |
} Brothels. |
(e.) Wagh-el-Berka | Bazaar, known as the Italian Bazaar ... ... ... ... | Brothels. |
2.—CITADEL. (a.) |
Villages of "El Kharta" and "El Hattabah," North of Citadel, between Tombs of Caliphs and Citadel; "Arab-el-Yassar," "Sidi-Galal," and "Manshieh Prison," South of the Citadel, between the Tombs of the Mamelukes and the Citadel. |
(b.) Citadel Road ... | All drinking shops : "Sharia Mohamed Ali" ... ... | On account of low grog shops. |
(c.) Mansheya ... |
Houses in Mansheya Square ... ... ... ... ... | On account of disease contracted by soldiers. |
3.—KASR-EL-NIL.. | Buffet de la Promenade, East end of Bridge. | |
4.—MOUSKY. Khalig |
Daher to Mawardi and vice versa, closed to vehicles and horses. | Property of Cairo Tramway Company. |
On account of complaints made of soldiers breaking trees. | |
5—ABBASSIA & DISTRICT. | 2. The Sewage Farm and premises. 3. All liquor shops and cafés in the neighbourhood of Matarieh except Spiro's Paradise Café, Café Jardin Royal, and Koubbeh les Bains ... ... |
Disturbances created by soldiers. |
4. The villages of Abbassis, Wali & Adli North . | Disturbances created by men from Musketry Camps. |
5. The villages in the neighbourhood of the Tombs of the Khalifs | On account of assaults on soldiers. | |
6. All barracks and stables occupied by Egyptian Troops. | ||
7. The Egyptian State Railway line between Abbassia and Citadel | ||
8. The villages of Esbet-el-Soudani and Manchiet-el-Sadr, near Abbassia. |
9. Abbassia will be considered to be bounded on the West by the Abbassia Siding Railway from the Goods Station to the West corner of the Lunatic Asylum; thence by Sharia-el- Adli, past the C. of E. Institute, along Shari Madraset-el-Police to the Heliopolis Road. The Northern boundary will be the Heliopolis Road. Troops proceeding outside this boundary will be properly dressed. The roadway in each case will be ė of that part of it running from the West corner of the Lunatic Asylum to the C. of E. Institute. |
All public swimming baths. |
N.B.- British soldiers are forbidden to take part or mix with any native procession, or to render any aide to the Civil Police, or
to assist at fires, unless called upon by a British Officer of the Cairo Police to do so.
C. B. LITTLE, Colonel,
A.A. & Q.M.G.
Form No G14. G
Imp. J.C. Lagoudakis - Alex. - 90.000 -1913
No. 1-2 | Station Gabbary | Transmitted to— |
Original No. 1 | Date— | |
Words 65 | Date 1-2-1915 | h.— m. — |
Remarks O.H M.S [[?]] | Time received | Clerk— |
Clerk | Remarks— | |
Route Sidahed | 12 35a |
RECEIVED THE FOLLOWING TELEGRAM :— Recu le Télégramme suivant : -
Station from Cairo Date 12 h. 15 am.
To} O.C. Australian Convoy Steamship
Ulysses Alex
The Telegraph Department declines any responxxxxxty for delay, errors, non-transmission,
non-deliveries, etc. The receiver is requested to report to the Administration any
delays or errors that may occur.
Unit forming portion second division
with new zealanders stop camp heliopolis erected
stop advise yourself me Flynn detrain cairo
go head quarters shepheard's hotel for day stop no
arrangements made messes contractors unsatisfactory
stop Organization necessary detraining station
prevent losses mixing stoRxes by native carters
stop bring surplus horse feed ammunition unless ordered
x stores
L'Administration n'accepte aucune responsabilité pour le retard ou les erreurs dans le Service des Depeches Telepgrahiques.
Dans le cas ou des retards indus auraient lieu entre l'heure de reception et l'heure d'expedition, le pablic est prie de
porter plainte a l'Administration.
*File Post "Disembarkation to Camp"* [[?]] 375 2
Form No G14. 321 / 15 G xxxxxxxx
Imp. J.C. Lagoudakis - Alex. - 90.000 -1913
No. 1-2 | Station Gabbary | Transmitted to |
Original No. 1 | Date | |
Words 65 | Date 1 - 2 -1915 | h. m. |
Remarks O.H.M.S Joul | Time received 12 35a | Clerk |
Clerk | Remarks | |
Route Sidahed |
RECEIVED THE FOLLOWING TELEGRAM :— Recu le Télégramme suivant :— xxxxxxxxxx
Station from } Cairo Date 12h. 15 am.
To} O. C. Australian Convoy Steamship
Ulysses Alex
The Telegraph Department declines any responsibility for delay, errors, non-transmission,
non-deliveries, etc. The receiver is requested to report to the Administration any
delays or errors that may occur.
Unit forming portion second division
with New Zealanders stop camp heliopolis erected
stop advise yourself me Glynn detrain Cairo
go head quarters shepheards’ hotel for day stop no
arrangements made messes contractors unsatisfactory
stop organisation necessary detraining station
prevent losses mixing stores by native carters
stop bring surplus horse feeds ammunition unless ordered
x stores
L'Administration n'accepte aucune responsabilité pour le retard ou les erreurs dans le Service des Dépèches Télépgrahiques.
Dans le cas ou des retards indus auraient lieu entre l'heure de reception et l'heure d'expédition, le pablic est prié de
porter plainte à l'Administration. xxxxxxxxxxx
File Post "Disembarkation to Camp" [[??]] 375’
Form No G14. G xxxxx
Imp. J.C. Lagoudakis - Alex. - 90.000 -1913
No. |
Station |
Transmitted to |
Original No. |
Date |
Words |
Date |
h. m. |
Remarks |
Time received |
Clerk |
Clerk |
Remarks |
Route Sidahed |
RECEIVED THE FOLLOWING TELEGRAM :— Recu le Télégramme suivant :— xxxxxxxx
Station from } Date h. m.
To } 11
The Telegraph Department declines any responsibility for delay, errors, non-transmission,
non-deliveries, etc. The receiver is requested to report to the Administration any
delays or errors that may occur.
otherwise stop
Captain Jess
L'Administration n'accepte aucune responsabilité pour le retard ou les erreurs dans le Service des Dèpéches Télépgrahiques.
Dans le cas où des retards indus auraient lieu entre l'heure de réception et l'heure d'expedition, le public est prié de
porter plainte à l'Administration. xxxxxxxxxxxx
Australian and New Zealand Army Corps.
Lieut-General W. R. BIRDWOOD, K.C.S.I., C.B., C.I.E, D.S.O.,
Commanding Australian and New Zealand Army Corps.
Army Corps Headquarters,
Cairo, 2nd February, 1915.
Organization. 19. The following organization for the Australian and New Zealand Army
Corps has been approved and is published for information:—
Australian and New Zealand Army Corps A. & N.Z. Army Corps
Commanding: - Lt-General W.R. Birdwood, K.C.S.I., C.B., C.I.E., D.S.O.
Australian Division.
New Zealand and Australian Division.
Corps Troops.
Australian Division. Aust. Div.
Commanding: — Major-General W. T. Bridges, C.M.G.
1st (New South Wales) Infantry Brigade 1st Inf. Bde.
2nd (Victoria) Infantry Brigade 2nd Inf. Bde.
3rd (Australia) Infantry Brigade 3rd Inf. Bde.
4th (Victoria) Regiment, Light Horse 4th L.H.
Divisional Artillery.
H.Q. Divisional Artillery
1st Field Artillery Brigade (New South Wales) 1st F. A. Bde.
2nd Field Artillery Brigade (Victoria) 2nd F. A. Bde.
3rd Field Artillery Brigade (Queensland) 3rd F. A. Bde.
Divisional Ammunition Column 1st Divl. Amm. Coln.
Divisional Engineers
H.Q. Divisional Engineers
No. 1 Field Company No. 1 F. Co.
No. 2 Field Company No. 2 F. Co.
No. 3 Field Company No. 3 F. Co.
Divisional Signal Company Aust. Divl. Sig. Co.
Divisional Train (Headquarters Company and three
Companies) Aust. Divl. Train
Field Ambulances.
1st Field Ambulance No. 1 F. Amb.
2nd Field Ambulance No. 2 F. Amb.
3rd Field Ambulance No. 3 F. Amb.
New Zealand and Australian Division. N. Z. & A. Div.
Commanding :— Major General Sir A. J. Godley, K.C.M.G., C.B.
New Zealand Infantry Brigade N. Z. Inf. Bde.
4th (Australian) Infantry Brigade Aust. Inf. Bde.
New Zealand Mounted Rifle Brigade (H.Q. and
3 regiments). Mtd. Rifle Bde.
1st (Australian) Light Horse Brigade (H.Q.
and 3 regiments). 1st L. H. Bde.
Otago Mounted Rifle Regiment Otago Regt
Divisional Artillery
New Zealand Field Artillery Brigade F. A. Bde.
New Zealand Howitzer Battery and
Ammunition Column Howr. Batt.
No. 2 (New Zealand) Brigade Ammunition
Column No.2 Bde. Amm. Coln.
No. 3 (New Zealand) Brigade Ammunition
Column No.3 Bde. Amm. Coln.
Divisional Ammunition Column 2nd Divl. Amm. Coln.
Divisional Engineers
H.Q. Divisional Engineers
Field Company F. Co.
Field Troop F. Tp.
Divisional Signal Company N. Z. Divl. Sig. Co.
Divisional Train
Headquarters company and 4 companies:—
{ N. Z. Infantry Brigade Company }
{ 4th (Australian) Infantry Brigade Co. }
{ New Zealand Mounted Rifle Company } N. Z. Divl. Train
{ 1st (Australian) Light Horse Brigade }
{ Company }
Field Ambulances
New Zealand Field Ambulance N. Z. F. Amb.
4th (Australian) Field Ambulance Aust. F. Amb.
New Zealand Mounted Rifle Brigade Field
Ambulance M. R. F. Amb.
1st (Australian) Light Horse Brigade Field
Ambulance L. H. F. Amb.
Corps Troops.
2nd (Australian) Light Horse Brigade (H. Q.
and 3 regiments) 2nd. L. H. Bde.
Signal Troop
Light Horse Brigade Train
Light Horse Brigade Field Ambulance
Other Corps Troops to be notified later.
Brig. - General,
General Staff.
privé.Je compte sur
votre visite samedi ou
plutot si possible....?
Je finis en vous embrassant
lieu fort et reste votre
petite poupée
P.S. Rue El Nenir No 3
appartement No 15 entre sol
pris de l'hotel National
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